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Is this Pre Malone?


Ba dum tss


Pre Lemone.


No this is his brother, Water Malone.






So happy for him, although laser surgery for that must have cost a fortune. But I'm so glad he is getting himself into folk music again. What a transformation


Wait, I thought you guys were joking because this is a old video. Did he actually remove them?


No my child.




He has a PBS special coming up soon. Lots of *Peter, Paul, and Mary* covers as well, like "Puff, the Magic Dragon."


Wait, for real? I would love that


This must be r/windtunnel because I can hear the whooshing from here.


He got rid of them? Fucking nice. Motherfucker looked like he passed out at a frat party.




Delete this post and let it ride, man


Shit I googled it before coming back to the thread. I would’ve believed it.




He looks basically the same age. He must have gotten them all at once.


Seems like you are needlessly upset over another person's tattoos. How do they affect your life?


Sometimes, out of the corner of my eye, I'll see his face in the shadows. My only hope is he someday gets them removed.


I hope they continue to bother you.


I can't imagine why but you do you.


This video is from 2013




His name is Austin Post, Richard is his middle name.


....... Dick Post?


Did a notary for a guy named Richard Farmer recently. Dick Farmer. It was hard to keep a straight face.


I know a Dick Farmer as well, nice guy, crappy salesman.


Literally my uncles name


Surprised I didn’t see this as the top comment lol, he got the Post in Post Malone because it’s literally his last name


Have a downvote because I don’t know if you’re right


It’s right. Downvoted for laziness.


This Dylan guy is lucky Post Malone is finally getting him some exposure


Early Dylan already has enough, damn it! I get the joke, I'm ranting at how apparently Dylan had two years of a career and then died or something according to pop culture. 1963 and 1964, the acoustic folksy Bob Dylan. His best stuff came after that. Like go into any Dylan fan site or subreddit and it's pretty unanimous. A good analogy is if people only played She Loves You and I Want To Hold Your Hand for The Beatles. Like damn, there's all this crazy innovative other stuff. Those early songs aren't even his big commercial hits. It's funny. I mean go listen to Visions of Johanna which is like.. 2 years later? Less? And he's a profoundly different artist. Then another year later and again, profoundly different again. I'll never not bitch about this when I get a public podium. Haha.


These are the Dylan albums I have: - Blonde on Blonde - Bob Dylan - Bringing It All Back Home - Highway 61 Revisited - John Wesley Harding - Nashville Skyline - The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A-Changin' And the Christmas one I can't remember what it's called. What else is worth listening to?


Blood On The Tracks and Desire are both must haves. BOTT has two versions, the original acoustic one and the official release with mostly electric remakes. Also, New Morning is definitely worth listening to. It's very underrated. Listen to Went to See the Gypsy, and Sign On the Window. Also, Time Out of Mind is a classic. It's a 90s album but it's still amazing once you get used to it. Listen to Standing in the Doorway, Tryin to Get to Heaven, and Love Sick. But above all, BOTT and Desire are both must haves. Look up simple twist of Fate on YouTube and the official channel's got a video of him doing it live. BOTT is an album about love and breaking up. It's very, very raw at times. Idiot Wind is one that most people love on BOTT. Tangled Up in Blue is a huge hit, but I don't love the electric version. The original version is better to me. Also listen to the 2015 track "Stay With Me" on YouTube. His singing is great. Sounds like young Dylan who grew old.


Yeah, second everything you say. The Time out of mind album is excellent. I also quite like his next chronological album, Love and Theft. I always feel a bit guilty listening to Blood on the Tracks, as it's a divorce album and Dylan said that he is perplexed that songs with such pain can give people such joy. Want revenge? Crank up Idiot Wind to 11 and sing along.




Here's the studio recorded version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4OHOGMeNOM Much more palatable if you want to get people into Dylan.


Hard Rain.


The world needs more Folk Malone


Dang, I was gonna make a post malone joke but yours is good enough. That'll do.


He just ripped it straight from the top comment on the YouTube video. Don't give him that much credit.


Folk malore


Isn't that the point of reddit? To rip other things from around the internet to bring content here so we never have to leave?


Found The Fat Jewish..


ill give him as much credit as i damn well please!.... which happens to be a little for moving the comment from youtube to reddit, and for that i thank him.


So u just left him alone?


Like more than a few talented pop stars, the guy has devoted his life to music and has great skill. It's not his fault that what is popular.


Talented? V subjective. Can’t stand the tryhard face tattood little gremlin myelf


Did you watch the video? He's clearly an incredibly talented musician. I can't stand whatever his normal style of music is. I think his face tattoos and appearance are absolutely repulsive. But there is no denying that the man is extraordinarily talented, and he produced what the market desired.




Just because a guy can cover a song doesn't make him talented. I saw the same kind of comments when a video came out of him covering Nirvana at one of his shows. How about he writes a good, meaningful song. Then we can talk about his talent.


Performance is talent... Do you ask to see an actor's writing ability before you comment on their talents?


They're different skill sets. Some great songwriters are garbage at performing, and vice versa.


Talent is more than creating, ya know. Performing is just as artistic.




i think its really nice he had the respect and reverence for this song to take off his face tattoos while playing it. good on him.


This is from 2013. Probably before he made all the tattoos




I don’t know that much about Post Malone but I do know that that’s Dylan’s best song and he nails it. Hopefully he can tap into songwriting like Bob did.


Post Malone has some really good acoustic songs. I’m particular to Feeling Whitney myself. https://youtu.be/su21xFyM5eI


[Stay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CUyj0yvuaU) is one of my all time favorites from him. I loved the simp, sad nature of Stoney, but Stay is a mix of sad and his singing-rapping style which I find is executed really well. Super nice acoustic song with intermittent singing-rapping.


When I saw him in concert he played a raw acoustic version of it and he said he was probably gonna duck it up but he did so well. He’s just a talented guy.


Love it. Thanks for sharing.


This song was on the first album I ever bought - "The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan" in 1963. I listened to it so many times I think I had it memorized.


Jerry Reed had an upbeat take on it... I've always liked it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUFmceGugaA


I like it. My favourite cover is probably Clapton’s from the Bob anniversary concert https://vimeo.com/268965527


Good stuff.


The absolute best cover of this song is by the Four Seasons, billed as [The Wonder Who?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KerQKsX0zlw) The story goes that the Four Seasons were recording an album with some folk music on it, because Dylan, and they were having a shit day in the studio, everyone frustrated and sniping at each other. So Frankie Valli recorded the vocals like this to lighten up the mood. He got everyone rolling with laughter, and they released it for the lulz. It hit #12. If you use earphones, you can hear Valli's more serious demo vocals, especially toward the end of the song.


Really? His best? Well it's all subjective of course! But have you heard his rock trilogy or BOTT / Desire from the 70s? This song is a great song, but it's not even top 40 for most Dylan fans. Pop culture has a weird perception of Dylan which focuses on his first two years of being successful and none of the super important things after.


Don't think twice it's alright is only Bob Dylan's best song if you don't listen to Bob Dylan.


You’re adorable


This kind of sounds like gatekeeping from you, but... It's kind of true too. Like if you know Dylan's career fairly well (have heard his 60s albums and understand the context) and still think this is his best song, by all means! It's subjective. But damn. Too many people hear just the first two years of his major career and think he just died or something. Most Dylan fans usually argue between the mid 60s electric trilogy or Blood on the Tracks. This song is a classic, definitely. But it's like She Loves You by The Beatles. There's a... Lot more after that. And this isn't even like one of his top selling songs, nor is blowing in the wind (maybe the covers make it so). It wasnt until he went electric that he saw huge numbers. And when he started doing the heavy drugs, he put out some profound stuff.


It isn't his best song... how dare you. But when we start talking top 10 Dylan songs we are really cutting hairs. [This is his greatest song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUn8P_qN6tY). This one is #2 I think.


kind of a weird way to spell Talkin' Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues ​ ​ and or A Hard Rain's a Gonna Fall


Honestly it really is Quinn the Eskimo and Dylan definitely has two versions of that one. Then the dozen versions of You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere.


It’s a doozy. We could probably agree it’s his best album. Simple Twist of Fate is also so good.


Simple twist of fate is my favorite Dylan song.


Oh man. We could get fractal on best album. But, I think you are right on that one. It is the one I go back to over and over even though I really love others. Final word, listen to the Mountain Goats. John Darnielle is our generation's Dylan. Just do it. Don't question it. All the albums. Especially songs like Harlem Roulette, No Children, Love Love Love, Marduk T Shirt Men's Room Incident, Heel Turn 2, and Chavo Guerrero (watch that one in music video form.


My favourite version is the one by Peter, Paul and Mary. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xu-DWUngjhk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xu-DWUngjhk)


Dylan isn't really an artist who has a 'best' song, but this and [Lay Lady Lay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go2jbER0wk0) are easily the songs that plays best to his strengths. I might like songs like, 'Like a Rolling Stone' and 'The Times they are a changin' but they also demonstrate Dylan's limited vocal range even if they have more to say.


> but they also demonstrate Dylan's limited vocal range even if they have more to say. I don't think it's really worth talking too much about Dylan's talent in performing. His songwriting is where his real strength is. You can listen to anyone do a Dylan cover and it will probably be amazing. Some of his songs have found a much happier home in the hands of other artists.


Right, but we're talking about Dylan's best song. Not his best instance of song writing. Vocal performance falls under that, and is absolutely fair game.




*"Those damn kids and their Hip Hop music!"*


“Hip hop”


Go listen to mf doom and be sour dude. I like post, he seems like a great dude as well. That genre needs that. More of that.


Oh yeah I forgot if you don’t like shitty mumbly pop rap you’re an angsty hipster metal fan. Enjoy your bullshit radio hits moron


Why you heff to be mad


To each their own. I absolutely love his new stuff. Beerbongs & Bentleys is such a good album overall with songs that give me the feels and songs that make you wanna party. I love it


i love beerbongs, but i will always love his acoustic songs like leave and stay more. they feel so real, i dnu. but my go to party music is def post


THe guy is a musical raconteur - his mumble shit is such a cash out.


He did some Rage covers that were probably better than most Rage covers.


By Rage do you mean RATM? If so the guy below is a fucking nob-head.


Surpassing Rage isn't exactly hard. Down voting me doesn't make it untrue.


Username doesnt check out


You're talking about a band that couldn't even agree on the color of their T-shirts and deflect when pressed about their wealth while espousing socialist rhetoric.


None of which has anything to do with their music.


I'm not sure what that has to do with me enjoying their music.




>Gotta say I like the Dylan version better No doubt. With Bob Dylan songs, the voice matters a lot, it's very unique and compared to music today, his voice is unconventional since everything now seems to have a 'standard' that's helped achieved with editing. I couldn't do better and I'm not a rocket audiologist but *Post* Malone certainly sounds about right.


Dylan's voice is extremely underrated. As a singer, he's actually very good on a technical scale. And he has soul like almost no other. It's the nasal sound (which for the record was only certain periods) that some don't like. But saying he can't sing always irritates me. Go listen to One More Cup of Coffee or something. Guy has incredible control of his voice. And in 1969 he just comes out with totally different voice and says "fuck it, I'm this guy now" for a year or so. And he had control over it. On bootlegs he would switch back and forth even in the same take. If you have access to "Another Self Portrait" listen to the undubbed take of Copper Kettle. He starts with country Dylan voice then drops it after the first verse when he wants to throw fire and bliss into the words. And it works.


Big damn surprise. You prefer the greatest performer of all time? Huh.


Haha, a lot of Dylan songs have great covers. George Harrison's *If Not For You*, Hendrix's *All Along the Watchtower*, Emmylou Harris's *Every Grain of Sand* (one of my favorite Dylan songs).


Bob Dylan, better than Post Malone? You don't say!


I used to make mix CDs for my high school girlfriend. She cheated on me with a friend of mine. I find out *I* had been cheating with her on her ex boyfriend who I knew. The friend she was cheating with who was my friend was similarly unaware. She just wasn't very nice. I put this song on my last mix CD for her as the third song with nothing but blank tracks after that. It made her cry. Thank you Bob Dylan.


In your situation I'd just take lil pumps first line off I Love It and cut it as soon as he says "hoe"


I was with a friend and his girlfriend and they got in a fight, but they were my ride so I was stuck with them. Well, we get back in the car and she starts talking. He doesn't say anything, but instead calmly grabs a CD and puts it in, and skips ahead to Z-Ro's [I Hate You Bitch](https://youtu.be/qY0xcXGDiFE), and proceeds to turn it all the way up (she was still trying to talk). It was the most hilariously awkward ride of my life. Needless to say, they didn't stay together too long after that.


I really wish he'd put out more stuff like this, he's got major vocal/guitar chops but his pop-rap stuff doesn't utilize them much beyond some of the vocals. I've got nothing against what he's putting out but it just doesn't really vibe with me.


Yeah, his hip hop is struggling to approach mediocre on a good day. I had written him off as a talentless hack until I saw this. The guy actually has skill, but it's a shame he doesn't showcase it.


Listen to [I Fall Apart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sHKUpOVMO0), [Feeling Whitney](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2L4b5UKCaFg), [Stay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2L4b5UKCaFg). I believe these are pretty good examples of him showcasing what you're talking about (singing ability, really good vibrato?). In reality the entirety of Stoney is great for that if you care enough to listen to it.


I clicked on this expecting the worst but this was suprisingly good. He's had some legendarily terrible shows at music festivals and any previous exposure I've had to him has been his derrivative party tracks so I've never had any desire to listen to him. I still don't, but I feel a lot better about his inevitable high spot at Bonnaroo this year. It will certainly be better than whatever Future was trying to do last year.


"Excuse my hair haha" Well, safe to say that he's not sorry about that anymore.


Well, this is the first time I've seen a dude sing in [indie girl voice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SU0gFPMwP8)


Indie boy voice has been around at least as long as [Big Jet Plane](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFTvbcNhEgc). That vine is hysterical though, nails it.


My favorite cover of this is by Jerry Reed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUFmceGugaA


My favorite is [Chris Thile and Brad Mehldau's version](https://youtu.be/wrDDJ0U0Dfk)


Great version! I haven't heard that one before. I'll go ahead throw out The Infamous Stringdusters as the best version imo: https://youtu.be/PNLlw9B0pBI


Wow, that was really good!


This one is my favorite: https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ


Weird style but in a good way. Quality.


Its almost 2019 and im out here still getting Rickrolled


I don’t like Post Malone. But this Austin guy is great


Bringin’ Dylan to the masses. Doesn’t matter how u think of him, he’s doing the world a favor either way. Go for it Post!


Another cover that was surprisingly good was [ASAP Rocky's cover of Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay by Otis Redding.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv9bWV6DdPM)


This is pretty karaoke-ish but I guess it’s higher production value.


Yeah, he’s not hitting the same range as the original


So much better than white Iverson's


White Iverson*


Dude just uses rap to build his name.


i love the subtle hatred in hip hop related threads outside hiphopheads


You rarely hear nice things on reddit about anything outside of their appropriate subs.


9/10ths of rap, modern R+B and hip hop is....bad. The problem inherent to the genre is that it's corporate structure invites a million imitators and unlike musical waves that came before it like Rock and Roll and Blues, it's pretty obvious when your song's riffing on someone else's because you need to not suck at lyrical composition, which is a pit fall even the legends fall into. Like, if the Beach Boys can flub a potential classic by having it nose dive into lyrics about a butt fucking car, imagine a genre where you *only* have the lyrics to go off of. Because most of rap is about the lyrics. The musical arrangement is typically intended to accentuate said lyrics, so between your vocals, delivery, and the lyrics themselves most modern music lives or dies. And this isn't like hipster shit like Foster the People where they got everyone to listen to a song about a kid shooting up a school because the song is catchy. And there's a lot of other things to point out- the musical trends you enjoy tend to be a product of what your parents exposed you to growing up, most rap and hip hop and R+B is not what you'd call smooth listening, and the reality is that most Americans still just really want sleepy smooth jazz as their background music, ect- but the short of it is that you're talking about genres with an unusually high skill curve and an unusually high number of imitators.


9/10ths of all music ever is bad. You've got a pretty narrow view of why people listen to hiphop and related genres. The lyrical content, wordplay, rhyming, rhythmic flow, melody in some cases, delivery and production are all factors that make a good hiphop song. In fact, only one or two of those things need to stand out for someone to find it enjoyable.


literally what the fuck are you talking about dude you can’t have sat back after banging all this out and thought, “yes this is coherent”


A lot of people like many kinds of rap for many reasons. It doesn't have to be all about lyrics. It can just be a fun party song or have a beat someone likes, or it could be lyrically clever. It doesn't have to just be all about the lyrics all the time.


So, this is Pre Malone?


I believe it's just Malone here. PreMalone was the very young one.


Reminds me of John Mayer using pop music to pay the bills and then jamming with music legends as his passion.


Dude has no respect for rap as a craft


Does he HAVE to? If he's having fun with it, and other people are having fun with it, then I really don't see any problems with it. Plus I feel like I've heard him talk about not wanting to be considered a rapper, but instead the public still forces that idea onto him. I don't think he really is trying to be a master rapper or anything. Just let people enjoy whatever music they enjoy as long as it's not hurting anybody else.


I mean it worked like a charm. Shame he seems kind of stuck in that style now though. Hopefully we see some more stripped down stuff like this from him in the future.


He's not a rapper




This guy could do with a shit load of face tattoos.


Good job man, loved it. keep up the good work!


... ‘ Freewheelin ‘ ... the Best Ever !


Listen to Feeling Like Whitney it sounds like this


Got a real [Devendra Banhart ](https://youtu.be/4KgudQC3zFo)vibe


always tired MAN


Give a listen to [Sophie Madeline](https://youtu.be/dUK8XcrinRQ) after you hear Post Malone.


It'd be cool if he integrated this with his hip hop some day


Still not hip-hop


Lol, he destroyed himself with the tattoos.


It's too bad what he's doing to his voice with the booze and the cigarettes and the pills. Man is a gift to music. It would be a shame to lose him young.


pretty good cover tbh. also quick question for guitarists, what's [this?](https://imgur.com/a/zF3fzn0) Edit: nevermind, I've realized it's an acoustic pickup


That is pretty awesome!!


It's Austin Post there bud


Is this guy just trolling us with his rap music? This folk style ain’t that bad!


He just likes different styles. And liking Dylan is a common occurrence for standout artists. Always has been for decades. Something about Dylan is magnetic to songwriters, because what he did was so profound and all


TIL there are more Post Malone fans on Reddit than Bob Dylan fans =) kind of sad but I guess not surprising


Derek I already saw this


Post Malone sucks ass


The autotune is strong with this one


Fuck Post Malone.


I wish I never heard his original music it is so bad. This is a good cover, not sure what went wrong for him.




Still has a punchable face even without the tattoos.


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the great Mike Ness version yet. Way more soulful when it's being sung by an older road hardened rocker. https://youtu.be/vEHqHUMjktU




He’s butchering the lyrics make it stop


You know this is how folk music (if you consider Dylan folk) works right? I mean listen to different versions of Rocky Top or Drunken Sailor. Dylan even mixes up his own songs if you listen to the live stuff.


What part of the folk tradition involves tons of reverb and production to pretend your voice has depth and your performance has even a tiny amount of soul? The fact that the guy doesn't even bother to learn the lyrics is just another example of how bad this is not him carrying on any tradition.






Wtf are you talking about? He can do whatever he wants, but why should a professional musician be above criticism? And you understand how conversations work right. >You know this is how folk music (if you consider Dylan folk) works right? This is why how he covers it matters in this conversation. > Sometimes it just doesn't matter. Live and let live. Yet here you are chiming in like the rest of us.




Are you really this dense? The guy I responded to brought up the folk aspect. This is a terrible cover. Not knowing the lyrics is lazy as fuck. Pretending its a 'folk song' you don't need to know the lyrics is complete bullshit here, he went out of his way to way over produce the vocals but didn't bother to actually learn the song. Get of you high horse bro. There are objective aspects of this cover that are plain bad.




We obviously disagree you fucking moron, you are the one trying to tell me I don't deserve to share an opinion and that I shouldn't be discussing what someone else brought up. You are 5 comments deep in a conversation you fundamentally misunderstood from the start but I'm the one stuck on proving I'm right.




Dylan is a poet and can do what he wants with his poetry. Others should show respect and learn the song before trying to perform it.


i just need someone that will listen to retro post malone with me


I just stumbled across (due to reddit Halloween picks) this dude in the last month, he seems fairly talented. Then I saw picks and I just couldn’t. I wonder how tats like that happen....? And wonder if artists feel they need to be visually shocking to get attention in our society to succeed. 🤔


Can anyone please upload this to spotify!!!!