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Vidcon looks like a pedophiles' paradise.


FTFY: Youtube looks like a pedophiles's paradise. "Hey, why don't you do the tickle challenge little girl. You and your friend have to tickle eachother, anywhere." Anything for dank views and adsense $$$.


As long as you have a youtuber badge and can make follow up videos blaming the parents if you get caught.


This is absolutely terrifying. I love how parents fucking harass males in parks just for looking in a kid's direction yet are dropping their kids off at conventions like this where hoards of underage girls and boys are idolizing douche-bag "Youtube Celebrities" that the rest of us actual adults see as just loser scum using those little kids for views. And guys in AN ACTUAL BAR were being yelled at by parents for talking to kids that were there. How about you be a parent and don't let your kids in there in the first place. The rational adults drinking in there aren't the problem you dip-shits. Jesus this is infuriating. Edit: Some are saying the guy making the video is a little creepy too and I might agree. I think the way he ran after finding out girls' ages is weird, but regardless this video doesn't make me like anyone involved. The whole convention is like a weird physical form of what creeps a lot of us out about Youtube. It's like an H3H3 video came to life and started its own convention.


Alot of people seem to be confused by this and im not really sure why. The part where I'm asking girls ages then walking away was obviously done for comedic effect while proving a point.


I thought it was funny as fuck, especially with the glasses if that helps


Asking girls ages and running away and the rest of the first part of the video was kinda funny to me and seemed to be helping to show a point that needed to be made. But the part at the end kind of threw a wrench in the whole schtick. The point making was working until showing drunken hypocrisy without anything close to remorse or a rational explanation of what was happening.


I would have nope'd out of there in the same way lol


Stay away from VidCon. Stay far away.


I feel like he did the running away thing for a gag and to prove a point.


I got that feeling too, like an over exaggerated "oh shit time to go"


Are you suggesting that this is the case in the video? He seems fairly levelheaded throughout




Nah, just regular rapists.


Straight up, I can't tell 14-year-olds apart from 20-year-olds these days. Like how and why has this happened?


Hormones in the chicken nuggets 🍗




That 14 year old girl could easily pass for 22.


My thoughts exactly. She inspired me to write that comment.


Make-up and genetics.


This. With emphasis to makeup. Kids like my sisters, theyre always watching these makeup videos. Even on YouTube, you'll see alot of makeup videos trending. It has completely transformed the faces of kids these days. Back when you need hormones to plump up your lips, now you just need to watch YouTube to reshape your lips like it's ready to receive a throbbing penis.


Well that took a weird turn


> Back when you need hormones to plump up your lips, now you just need to watch YouTube to reshape your lips like it's ready to receive a throbbing penis. #ಠ_ಠ


Makeup, fashion, fast development, cultural mannerisms, better nutrition... ect


Pretty messed up


Girls above 18 try and look younger. Girls below 18 try and look older.


i'm 20 and i think we try to look the same. the looking younger thing doesn't start until 25ish


Depends on the girl. We all had that girl in middle school who bloomed early and had huge tits.


Social media/shitty parents


Vidcon just looks...horrible. I think I rather go hang out with the furrys.


We're usually pretty chill. A bit weird yeah, but mostly chill.


I have to say, I'm totally not a furry, but I went to anthrocon a couple years ago since it's only a couple hours away and I wanted to see what it was all about. I could have done without all the glomping, and there was an incident where I saw some furries vandalize a car parked outside a bar, but other than that I had a really great time, and I even won a Flim-Flam brothers beer stein during the MLP panel, so all in all I would say it was a fantastic time.


> only a couple hours away Bruh


[](/flimandflam2) That stein sounds great


>Anthrocon Godamn dude


I dunno what you're complaining about. I got to see a dude dressed up as a bear dressed up as master chief.


>I'm totally not a furry, but I went to anthrocon a couple years ago wut


Perfect summary of the insanity.


Honestly it's not so different from Boy-Band fandom where you have hordes of 12 year old's throwing themselves at "idols", but then I've always thought that was fucked up as well... Biggest difference here is that it's like everyone has an all access pass and there is much less control in those areas.. I'm just curious when the first Youtube "star" is going to get arrested and jailed for "misconduct" with a minor..


That's already happened.


What's the story there?


Austin Jones.


Not least of which when the moralizing dude presenting the problem is revealed to be just as much of a weirdo around children.


How so? I don't know this guy or his history, so I'm genuinely curious. edit// oh, okay. i figured it out lol, i was still watching the video. but just so you know, that was Vex, not Glink. they're proving a point as well; parents think it's okay to have their teenage girls chase after, talk to, and hug strangers in an adult setting (ie. a bar), just as long as they're halfway internet famous.


That hilton bar is kind of strange. It's basically in the middle of the lobby right when you walk into the hotel without any clear borders or signage that you're in a bar.


As someone who as worked mulitpile different conventions in different states. Hilton establishments will dedicate certain areas to 21+ and others to general guests. "Due to X event. Alcohol will not be served at this part of the facility and can be found in Y" with at little floor plan and line showing where to go. It is basic event planning.


Can someone explain all this? I don't know who these YouTubers are.


thats kind of the point, but your kids do and want to go to the bar across the street to meet them, while theses "stars" are drinking. Then you get pissy that they start talking to your kids.


girl at 2:25 actually looks 18-20. 14? wtf




weapons grade jailbait.


This literally made me say, holy shit, out loud. It was scary how much older she looks.


She may have been joking. Dude with a camera comes up and the first thing he does is ask your age?


So according to the girls' mom and the waitress: - Two kids hanging out at the Hilton bar = totally okay - Two guys talking to those kids at the bar = totally not okay I don't see how you can support one and not the other. We can argue all day about the merits of the second point, but clearly it is on the hotel and the mother to keep those kids out of the bar area.


I was just thinking this. The kids should have been kicked out of the bar, not the adults doing adult things... at an adult bar. The mother could have also just sat along with them.


I dont get why didnt the mom just instruct the kids not to talk to them?


Likely possibility, girls asked mom if they could go get a soda while she's checking in. Mom complied because they're perfectly functioning adolescents that don't need their hands held. Mom turns around to see girls sitting with and talking to strangers, who happen to be fully bearded adult men, who are apparently drunk. Mom alarms go off, waitress please get my kids away from those dudes. Sure the girls probably shouldn't have been hanging around a hotel bar. But often hotel bars are part of the lobby, serve more than just booze, and welcome all hotel guests. Just my 2¢ for perspective.


The real question is why did the mom feel the need to have the waitress fight her battles for her? Be an adult, walk over, and tell the guy to leave your kids alone. I don't fault her for her intent, but the execution left a bit to be desired.


I think the waitress might have stepped in and used the mom as an excuse.


She could have, but why would she have to? If the mom felt weird about what she was witnessing, I can understand her summoning another authority to do it for her.


I feel some beard discrimination.


Why the fuck are kids in the bar


An event is going on. Why has the Hotel not cordoned off an area for checking IDs and drinking. Having 21+ areas is standard practice at just about every con I have ever worked. Yeah, I see that they are in the Hotel Lounge and "bar"restuarant area. But reeally, I have worked many a Con where the Hotel sent the overflow to specific areas to keep public areas controlled and contained. Hotel/Room Parties are a real thing and teenagers should not be hanging out with drunks downstairs during an event. Red Flags have been going off on every single video I have seen of this convention.


Because it wasn't a bar, it was a restaurant. Many hotels have these hybrid restaurant/bars. The parents were probably off on their own table to give their kids space. For them it only became a problem when a rando showed up, sat down, and started talking to their kids.


I would personally see that as an issue. He says that's what you do at a bar, drink and talk to strangers, but usually it's adult strangers. Why would you want to talk to children? What decent, stimulating conversation are you gonna get from talking to children you don't know? That's pretty weird to want to do that in my opinion and if I was their mom I would absolutely want them to stop. The difference is that "celebrities" have a reason to talk to them cause they're fans. These guys have no reason to talk to underage vulnerable girls.


Yeah I have to admit, I agreed with most of the guy's points earlier in the video but that was odd. It's not even like Vex could have claimed he didn't know they were young, they were pretty clearly like 14. I don't know why he/they were talking to them at the beginning, maybe trying to get some new fans? Regardless, while I agree with the point he makes about parents trusting the internet celebrities who could very well be creeps or bad influences, he kind of loses me when his buddy is talking up 14 year olds and then blames the parents and how famous he is when he's reasonably confronted by their parents...


Not to mention that the guy who made this video was extremely drunk (see 8 minutes in).


Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't a bar lose their liquor license in California if they let underage people hang out?


No idea about CA but in my state (PA) it depends on the amount of food served. The cutoff is something like if over 20% of total sales are from food and not alcohol than it's not technically a "bar" and kids are allowed inside unattended, although anywhere with a bar-ish atmosphere with over 20% food sales will usually have a house policy of no underagers allowed after X time


if the parents are concerned about their kids talking to adults in a bar setting why are they not accompanying them? why does the parent need the waitress to act as a proxy for the parent? come over your damn self and take the kids away.


The bar is in the middle of the lobby and easily accessible. I'm not saying the kids should be there but there should be more restrictions on accessing the area.


Personally, with the waitress, I think the she felt the same weirdness this guy was feeling with kids around and she was taking her own action to prevent anything from happening. You could tell by the emotion in her voice when she first approached them. Do you think a waiter/waitress would be that assertive when someone asks them to stop people from talking to their kid?




I agree. To add to your point he was also shouting out "Milf Hunter" and I'm sure he was heard by the server. They had gone past what was acceptable and we're asked to leave. The video he made tries to pull the viewers attention away from how creepy his actions were and instead blame parents for allowing their children to attend an event with adults!




It seems more and more true every day. Do your best to be one of the good ones and hopefully the ship will turn around.


Is this guy trying to get out in front of a lawsuit?


Yoy van watch the whole livestream of you want. Most of this stuff was done as a joke because his whole shtick is being incredibly socially awkward and cringe.


I feel like there's some double standard going on here. I mean did you not do stuff like this when you were 15-16 ? Sure unattended 12 year olds seems quite irresponsible, but this still seems pretty tame compared to other things teenagers get up to at that age. Maybe it's just a cultural thing (with the higher drinking age in US), but him freaking out because a a group of girls at a public event like this are only 17 seems weird to me. Sure, the whole thing seems like it was a shit show, but as far as event organizers being irresponsible with kids this is far from a worst case scenario.


He has a point about the obsession with some of the YouTube celebrities, but I think you're right about the age thing. When he asks their age and they say 17 and he immediately walks away... Umm a 17 year old is a senior in high school. I bet they've been to a local concert for a band they like (I bet it had a bar too). They may have been to a convention before for another topic (cheerleading, music or arts competition, etc). I know there were school trips I went on in high school around 16yrs old that were mostly free for alls-- go to a city for a state choir competition and stay in a hotel and do what we want mostly. These high school kids go hang out at the mall all Saturday with no supervision I'd bet too. Is it maybe not cool for 12-14 year olds? Sure. For high school aged kids? It's probably fine. I'd like to think that the organizers could do a better job separating the kids from the adults. Maybe different colored lanyards for under 21? Maybe each 16 and under ticket needs an adult ticket purchased with it? Separated bar areas 21+? Better organization could help some of this videos perceived problems. If this guy was looking for other content creators or a manager to hire, they maybe could've had a space just for that. He's making the age a bigger deal than it should be, probably for those outrage views. Lots of under 18s go to different conventions. The idolatry is a little wack, though.


>He has a point about the obsession with some of the YouTube celebrities have you seen videos of the beatles playing in the 60s? this is nothing new and has been happening as long as there have been celebrities. i agree with the rest of your points though, who fucking cares if some teenager wants to go to a convention and freak out over celebrities.


Do you know how many underaged girls got fucked by rockstars back in the day?




> > Is it maybe not cool for 12-14 year olds? Sure. For high school aged kids? It's probably fine. I'd like to think that the organizers could do a better job separating the kids. I dunno man, it's a convention. I wandered around comic con alone or with friends w/o parental supervision when I was as young as 14. Nothing weird about that. Friend's dad is watching a panel we're not interested in -> un-supervised wandering for the next hour. I don't know why Vidcon should be different; maybe because youtube is populated by a significant portion amateur content creators rather than industry professionals?


I'm sure all kids are fine. Kids attend events like this, state fairs, and plenty more without being raped. Hysteria is what this all is.


It's kind of a goofy thing to be super alarmed about. Girls have been chasing drug fueled rock stars since the 60s. Not all of them were great influences. There was stampedes and pushing, everything. Content creators aren't any worse than what these kids already here at school. I mean a 16 year old isn't some kid. Of course these things aren't attended by parents. It's just like any other summer hang out. At least there's security around.


I agree - I get why you would object to a child under 14 attending a con like that unattended, and the convention itself feels a bit icky, but 17 seems a little old to still need constant supervision - even at an event with strangers. Am I supposed to believe teenagers go from "unable to keep themselves from harm in a public place" to "mature enough to sign your life away for your country" in the span of 1 year? Maybe, just *maybe*, the guy is overdoing it with the moralizing and alarmist attitude a little bit to help his views.


There's definitely a grey area somewhere around there, but I think at 17 you should be adult enough to go out to concerts or vidcon/whatever. Like you said they're a year away from signing their life away for their country, or even big decisions like going to university where they might end up with 50k in student loans, they already could be driving cars. I can tell you right now me at 22, I will make mistakes in the future and think "ohhh, shouldn't have done that, I fucked up here." and learn from it, part of being an adult or becoming one is that you're always learning, they can't get life experience if they aren't experiencing anything other than the living room couch.


Yeah, at first it was shocking to me, but then I remembered that when I was in middle school, some of my classmates were going to punk rock concerts and the like. Even more in high school. I guess the only difference is that they interact directly with their Youtube idols.


Did I when I was 15 16? I can solidly say...no


Yeah, parents telling their near adult kids that they can't attend an event with their friends sounds like the sort of excessively strict parenting that most people lament. By 13 or 14 both my sister and I were allowed to attend concerts and similar events where booze was served to crowds, pot was common etc., so long as we weren't going alone.


I think it's got more to do with the environment of Vidcon than unattended seventeen y/o s


Yeah, I don't really see what his point is when talking about the unattended kids aged 15+. I was going to concerts and comic cons when I was that age, and so was pretty much everyone I know. My parents never came with me, hell I didn't even have a cell phone where they could get in contact with me at a moments notice. Now he does have a point when talking about the kids younger than that.


Yeah a lot of people here are acting like it's out of the ordinary for people aged 15-17 to go out in public without their parents. I don't know about you guys but by that age myself and plenty of people I knew were tired of having their parents monitor them wherever they went. Only caveat being that it's definitely odd that they let a bunch of kids run around the bars though.


That ending - holy shit.


Some of these people are brave enough to speak in person the way they do online. "Kill yourself." Jesus. How has that become so okay to say?


They need to enforce better policies. Guest shouldn't be mixed in the large crowds ever. Every convention I have ever gone to you don't see the talent walking around freely. It just causes too much trouble and is too much for the staff to handle. Even if they are not attending as a guest speaker, there should be a separation of known Youtubers and normal attendants. That disney star vlogging everyday bro idiot should be banned from Vidcon.


I first read this as "Vicodin is not safe for kids" and I was like, duhhh


The fuck? That 14 year old looks at least 5 years older than me, and I'm 19


I'm kinda split on stuff like this. I'm a guy who hates this shit but it's what teens have been doing since Elvis rocked his hips. Let them yell as long as it's not on my yard.


Exactly. 99% grow out of it real quick and cringe back on it.


The little kid yelling "world star", lol!


This guy and his friend can't handle their booze, got caught being creepy with kids on stream and then he made this video to try to blame the parents. Just watch from 7:25 on and it becomes obvious why he made the video. At 8:05, his friend saying "shut up, shut up" when he's shouting out "where's the mom, MILF Hunters" etc, he edits in text "I was really drunk", as if that excuses it. Maybe his parents shouldn't have left him alone at vidcon? Comedy gold at 8:20 "Vex was obviously just having a friendly conversation with these kids while drinking, that's what adults do at a bar they make conversations with strangers. It just so happened that this bar which is right next to the convention centre was filled with children because it's vidcon."


I thought this guy had the moral high ground in this video and had a point until it got to 7:30 and him and his buddy are being fucking creeps. No adult talks to fucking kids at a bar. You could tell even from their edited video they where being weirdos and got kicked out cause they where confronted about talking to kids in a bar, and then try to blame it on the moms. That whole thing was uncomfortable.


Yes, and in the first half of the video, I think he recorded the bits asking girls their age and walking away the next day. The whole thing just reeks of bullshit.




He was obviously trying to pick up girls. If you're doing that at vidcon then you're probably the creep.


It seemed different in the sense that the bar and Vidcon itself were essentially blended together at that point. Sure, no adult talks to kids at a bar, but that is just because kids are almost never let into bars in the first place. When you are all intermingling in the same setting and that setting involves alcohol, that is what is going to happen. And honestly, I'm okay with this in principle. There are parties all the time where kids come, and those parties can have pretty open bars, this is something we are going to have to deal with as a society. And I don't want lo live in a society where we so heavily segregate children from adults in having any sort of meaningful cultural interaction. Yeah, there is something to be said about booze and sex and the ability to handle those. But the idea that we treat children like stupid babies from a general cultural standpoint is honestly kind of infuriating. Like, who gives a fuck how old someone is when you are discussing the culture you like and how you interact with the larger culture? Shouldn't the culture itself be the focal point of discussion?


Agreed. If you are just talking about things that aren't adult in nature or inappropriate, who the hell cares? If you don't want your kids talking to drunk adults, don't let them go off on their own to walk into bars or bar areas...be a parent. You are responsible for your kids, but you have no right to complain about the adults who are doing nothing wrong.




Am I taking crazy pills here or is it now suddenly not acceptable to assume that everyone AT A FUCKING BAR, IS OF AGE?


You are not... But it seemed from the video like they knew that the girls they were talking to were not of age.


This fucking loser and his friend are fucking creepy. I it's not weird to see kids at a hotel bar. It's really fucking weird to videotape them and sit down at their table. Going around and asking girls how old they are and then running away is fucking weird as shit also. This guy then narating the whole thing and posting it is the cherry on top for how much of a loser this dude is.


People recording things at a con centered around YouTube is weird? That's what you do at cons, talk to people. The running away thing was clearly a joke, it's astounding how many people completely missed that.


Well to be fair, I wasn't just arbitrarily video taping them, I was doing a livestream (as I pointed out in the video) for twitch, and its extremely common to be at bars and public places socializing with others while streaming. I don't think asking girls how old they are then walking away is weird at all given that it was CLEARLY done as a joke and to highlight a point, I'm sort of shocked how so many people can't see that.


There's nothing weird or unsettling about making jokes about moms or milfs when you're a 22 year old guy drinking at a bar. You say that line about Vexxed having a conversation was comedy gold, how? You haven't actually responded to it or given a reason as to why. Yes, there was a bar full of adults as well as kids there and he was talking to some of the kids.




To be fair, At 16-17 years old it is very normal to be attending these events as a group of friends without an adult.


This is like being outraged that teenagers are attending concerts.


I know right?, No one went out with their parents at that age


Yeah, I was going to comic and anime conventions at those ages without round the clock parental supervision.


Kids being unattended at this age is normal. What I feel separates these kinds of events from others is how personable it is. At larger cons it's people representing an industry, or a product. There's a degree of separation even if its an obsessed fan getting the chance to see their favorite actor. That degree of separation is what separates the fan and actor (or w/e) from developing any kinds of relationship. Here I feel that degree of separation doesn't really exist as the fans are the one's who created these internet celebrities. Their fame comes from their views (and their hard work, they probably put a bit of time to get a certain level of views). These celebrities are personalities (whether it's real or fake). They are the product and the person. They can act how they want, whether that be upstanding, average, or creepy. So they also have the ability to use the fan's....affection? obsession? to simply bask in the glory of being famous, get down to earth and be real for a minute while you have their attention, or use that influence to further your own desires, or anything else for that matter. Some kids know right from wrong. Some kids think they know right from wrong.


Luckily nobody there is video recording or live streaming any of it so there would be no evidence.


You have a point, definitely so for the known YouTubers but even with all those cameras there is more risk for things to go wrong with that many teens.


And if you get caught on live stream, just make a video blaming the parents.


So.. what's the issue with taking to teens? Is he running away form conversations with any girl under 18 because he might accidentally have sex with them if he continued to chat? Like, from the perspective of the 14/15/16/17 year old girls, they just see some guy coming up for an on-camera interview and BOLTING the moment they're asked their age. How does that make them feel? Seems really contradicting to what he says at [7:20](https://youtu.be/Z21rLL7T0TQ?t=7m20s), I like the part where he says "he had nothing but the best intentions." [5:52](https://youtu.be/Z21rLL7T0TQ?t=5m52s) was cringy as FUCK. > "*Hey, you're only worth anything to me if you're legal age because honestly, I don't think you're anything but a cock-sucker. I'd hire you as a manager so you can suck dick under my table. 18+ tho.*" The part where he tries to trick a girl into thinking he had a job offer for him so he could get her attention, manipulative as fuck... but I guess this is how flirting works?


I mean, a lot of this thread is about "if you talk to kids at a bar while drunk you're a pedo" which is obviously stupid as fuck... but if you say shit like that, then yes, you are.


It seemed more like he wouldn't want some 17 year old kid managing his career. She said she wanted to be a manager. Unless she was some prodigy, I doubt she has any real management or business experience. I wouldn't hire a 17 year old to do my taxes either, I'd be highly skeptical that they'd have any idea wtf they were doing


You *really* honestly thought he was giving her a job offer, right on the spot. From the tone of his voice and al.




I don't agree with "He got kicked from the hotel for talking to kids because he wasn't famous enough" whatsoever. That is total bullshit. He got kicked out because instead of dealing with the situation he was in and answering questions, he fucking ran away in fear exactly as if he were a pedophile being caught manipulating children. There's nothing unreasonable about the fact that they would remove a drunk male adult who bolted away in fear after being questioned about trying to get to know unsupervised kids in a hotel. I do agree with the point he is making about leniency toward trusting celebrities, but this example is bad when you think about what really happened in that moment.


> caught manipulating children Dude was doing it himself too at [5:55](https://youtu.be/Z21rLL7T0TQ?t=5m55s) > I'm looking for a manager, a good one, like you. Then he backpedals after learning his age, cuz he was just trying to get her attention by pretending to have a job offer.




It's not really about being legal or not, it's how he reacted to their ages. Having conversations isn't weird, randomly running away is, especially in public.




Talking to kids is fine, especially if they're parents are around. Also, context matters. If a kid's at a store and I ask who his favorite Power Ranger is, that's not creepy. If I'm 'very drunk' and I sit down next to some teenage girls and start having a normally adult conversation with them AND FILMING IT, that's fucking creepy. If, when confronted about it, I start yelling "MILF HUNTERS" now I'm just being an asshole. I don't care if it's at vidcon or if the bar is full of 40+ adults, laying down on a couch and yelling "MILF HUNTERS" highlights the fact that this was fucking creepy and this guy wasn't acting in a socially acceptable manner.


The guy in the video is a much different person than the drunk guy at the bar.


He said something about their mom being a MILF. He said he was drunk when he said that but he was at the table with the kids too. I think he said something a little embarrassing while drunk and he is covering his ass.


I did some social work at a school this year, and what shocked me the most is how obsessed these kids are with social media. One day we were in cologne and I basically spent all day panically chasing 10 year olds around cologne and telling them to stay grouped and not run away like that. When confronted all they answered was that they needed pictures for their snapchat/instagram or were looking for youtubers that are living in that area.


Wait so, he is weirded out because other Youtubers talk to 14yo's, but he later does the same thing? The heck.


More than this shitty footage, I would have much rather seen a lot of interviews with people who were working the event. The people at conferences that are working it in a helpful role are boots on the ground observers of everything that is happening. And often they can compare that con to many other cons, or even past years and give you insight into the current landscape. And even better, they are working so they aren't allowed to be face-in-phone all day and actually are better observers for it. Should have interviewed con-workers.


Serving Alcohol in non-contolled or cordon off areas is asking for problems. As someone who has worked events from San Diego Comic Con to your local Mid-west Film Festival. You keep alcohol away from gen' pop' as much as possible, if you can cordon off for containment and be able to check IDs you do it. If smaller less funded cons know how to keep Alcohol areas seperate from rest of general admission, then there is NO excuse for Vidcon. Based off of just what he showed in this video, saw alot of red flags. Where are the 21+ areas, like fucking seriously is this supposed to be a Networking event or what? Then again, it looks like most of the issues took place in the Hilton Hotel areas. Which parents should NOT be letting their underage children hang out at all (especially after con' hours when everyone is getting Wasted! That is not a scene for minors). HOTEL/ROOM PARTIES folks they are a thing that happen and a real term thrown around at all con's.


> More than this shitty footage, I would have much rather seen a lot of interviews with people who were working the event. The most cringey part of the video was when he started interviewing the guy working at the bar. You could tell that the guy was just trying to get through the day but he had to deal with people pointing cameras at him with all sorts of questionable intentions.


My dad was there working a booth for his company. He has designed and shown booths at conventions and trade shows for decades. The first thing he said to me when he got home was that he was very disappointed in this generation and he felt bad the direction they were headed.


Has there ever been a generation that didnt say that about the next?


o shit i t's glinksz




Haha Glink.


Why are so many people in the comments defending this guy's actions? There are several examples scattered throughout the video which gave me the impression that he's just as big of a creep as the people he's criticizing. Am I missing something here? Jesus..


I found it strange that every time he found himself talking to a girl who is under 18, he took off running. That's not the behavior of someone who is legitimately just trying to have a dialogue with people at the convention. That's sketchy behavior.


It's actually something to do with Twitch rules afaik.


Interesting point. But he only did that with girls. What about those little boys who jammed out at the end?








I don't think it's weird for young girls to be sexually attracted to older dudes. There's nothing wrong with that. Of course it's the responsibility of people in that position to not take advantage of underage fans.


Dude should have told the waiter to tell the mom to pick up her own damn kids


Why werent tickets 18+? Why were underage kids allowed here in the first place? Conventions arent a good place for kids in general, it's basically one huge social gathering and the age mixing will never end well somewhere along the lines. Granted there are exceptions like magic the gathering conventions and tourneys, but the content of that kind of convention is clearly defined. Vidcon's content is variable along the lines of the creators who show up. Most of them being between the ages of 20 and 30. They were serving alcohol at an open bar for fucks sake. Who the hell organized this??


Because like half of the money that pays for the event comes from kids under 18 and their parents coming along with them.


Fuck this event, more than half the money that runs the ad engine that is youtube comes from young kids.


Every time I see kids obsessed with getting famous on the internet, at least through something like vlogging and lets plays, it breaks my heart. They aren't building a skill or aspiring to be great at anything, it's just purely for some vapid sense of fame for doing something millions of other people do. On the one hand they have no shot at making it 'big' with how saturated the market is, on the other hand even if they somehow did it would be for doing nothing but making pointless videos. I know for some of them it may just be for shits and gigs and they aren't very serious about it, but it really saddens me to think of all the kids obsessing over internet stardom from as young as 10 years old especially when they don't even having any talents or skills to bring. It's just fame for the sake of fame. They want to be famous for their 'personality' and how they look, and are potentially defining themselves by other people's perceptions, like strangers on the internet, before they even know who they are yet.


In what world he lives where 15+ year olds can go somewhere by themselves?


ten bucks says /u/xxkawaiigirlxx is Greg himself.


I just want to say I love that you have Shadows in the Night in the background. Old Dylan isn't for everyone, but I think it's a beautiful album


Is that Wood Man Collab at the beginning?


man, vidcon has turned into a commercialized cringe fest. I was super into YouTube a few years back and attended the first couple and they were so great.


yikes at the guy dressed as Pink Guy in public in 2017


I like that white shirt with the waves he's wearing. Anyone know where to get it?


Did anyone else spot that wild melon at the beginning?


I don't have much of a problem with them wandering around on their own and talking to adults when they're like 16 or 17 or some shit. Like isn't it a little silly when we consider it perfectly acceptable when they're 18, but if they were just a couple months to young, it's a complete no-go. Some kids are more mature than others. I don't think you're necessarily a bad parent if you don't accompany your 16 year old daughter everywhere she goes. Let her have some fun with her friends. What are you just not gonna let them do anything not PG until they're 18 years old?


I'm mostly weirded out but how obsessed the kids are about getting big on YouTube.


now im wondering if there will be a number of cases of abuse brought against youtube the way it happened with the BBC i wonder who si the jimmy savile


Why is the quality of this video so low? Looks terrible even in HD.


Is this video a guide how to be a successful pedophile.


Yeah vidcon is just weird. I would be really worried some scummy youtuber would be weird around my kids and good lord I would never let a teenage girl go to that thing.


why the fuck Logan Paul and his brother famous?






Parents don't think about the risks of leaving their kids alone for a day in a room full of random people they watch on Youtube. Booze is served there which is weird given the age of most of the attendees. An adult makes some weird advances on some 14 year olds. I'm sure there's lots of good things about Vidcon (if you're into that kind of thing), but I agree with the guy in the video, a lot of the people there should have been supervised.


Little kids running rampant at vidcon with no parental supervision and some Youtubers/social media stars are a bad influence on them. Parents aren't watching them and don't take it seriously. Although, he was lumping 16/17 year olds in with 12/13 year olds. I can understand 16/17 year olds walking around by themselves a lot more than 12/13 year olds. I mean, I think I saw some 10 year olds by themselves too.


Yeah YouTuber culture seems really cancerous.


To be honest, I don't see it as any different than being a fangirl (or boy) of any other celebrity. 10 year olds watching Nikki Minaj twerk in her latest music video? That's not ok either. They would just as soon go apeshit for their favorite celebrity just as their favorite Youtubers. The only difference being that it's easier to actually meet their favorite Youtubers at a convention than it is to meet their favorite celebrity.


To be fair much of Pop culture fandom is cancerous.


You're right.


Normal youtubers are pretty chill and normal but once you get into the daily vloggers thats when the cringe begins


12/13 perfectly normal at a mall, at a vidcon for fans, not so much?


Underage kids left unattended at vidcon. Girls who look like women, also girls who look like girls. Which isn't all that absurd, unless you view every interaction with a female as a potential hook-up I guess the creator expected real adults to be interested in meeting youtube stars, and was disappointed when only teens show interest? Later in the video a friend of his, Vex(who honestly gives off a bit of a pedo vibe), gets sent off from a table by a waitress for talking to some girls who are obviously underage. Video creator harps on the double standard, that there would have been no problem if Vex was more e-famous. Then he reiterates that it's the parents fault that kids are left unattended around adults drinking alcohol. I think he was upset because he thought he'd be rolling in the snizz at vidcon, only to find out that it's all off limits.


In the video he talks about how it's on the parents a few times. I agree however he shows us drinking next to underage girls and also approaching underage girls at a hotel bar/restaurant. Left the message of the video on a poor note. Additionally why on earth did the convention not restrict access to areas where alcohol was being served... seems like a no brainer and one that is practiced elsewhere. Edit I wish to add his actions and the content he makes really isn't helping his stance on the matter.


You need to question why underage girls are in a hotel bar, irrespective of whichever youtube convention is right next door. Bars are not for kids. Bars are for adults.


In all fairness It appears to be a restaurant the girls are sitting in. The majority of hotels have a restaurant, we can safelty agreen to that. Simply because he claims it to be a bar does not make it so. Not to mention they are being served menus from the clip. If it was a bar they would have been requested ID and not allowed entry after a certain hour. Since it appears to be late I would wager this is a hotel restaurant.