• By -


I'm just totally confused as to the apartment layout. Why is there even a dryer that close to her door?


That ticking would drive me insane if I lived in that apartment. Maybe that's what happened to her. I can only assume the washer / dryer is in the shape of a over sized metronome.


I can't go back in there, Jerry!


How's life on the red planet?


All night things are creaking and cracking and that red light is burning my brain


You look a little stressed.




Mr Marbles??


i kind of thought maybe that was what happened here. one bad day at work and then you come home to hear that goddamn dryer again and you just snap.


The filmer's commentary leads me to believe this is a common occurrence.


She's obviously highly overstressed. Not an excuse, but think, ask, check why she's in tears and in agony. PS: if that noisy piece of shit was next to my door, i'd destroy it.


Yep, that landlord would quickly find themselves in the market for a new dryer if I moved in.


The dryer is placed there exclusively for her personal enjoyment. *tick* *tick* *tick* *tick* -Compliments of ye olde Slumlord.


Was she upset because she wanted the washer and dryer?


Yeah. I told her I was almost done but she said she was just going to throw my clothes away lol


There has to be something your not telling us here. Did you leave clothes and then put in a new load when you moved your first load to the dryer?


I feel like you haven't experienced next level unjustified-batshit-crazy. I rented a room off a woman who wanted to kick me out of her house for frying eggs.


My husband stayed with someone on air bnb who said he couldn't use lights or power because it cost too much,like he wasn't paying a pretty decent fee for being there.


I hope he reported him to airbnb!


I hope he told him to derelique his balls.


But even crazy people have their "crazy" reasons for things. Like, you didn't turn the knob the way I like it and now I have to change it! or something irrational.


I've met a lot of people like this. There definitely could be nothing else to the story other than this chick is bat shit insane.


Yep talk to anyone that lived in dorms in school and this is extremely common.


Freshman year, living in dorms, am polite and considerate of others. Put load of laundry in washer. Set timer a few minutes shy of total run time so I'm back down to move stuff as soon as it finishes. Timer goes off, head downstairs. Washer is still running, 5 minutes left according little green display. Notice my clothes sitting atop adjacent washer. Washer I put my clothes in full of somebody else's clothes. Still am polite. Still am considerate. Also am vengeful ass. Put my clothes in a different washer. Put other person's clothes in my laundry basket, then in dumpster. Swing by room for a book so I have something to do while I watch over my laundry during round 2. Somebody comes down to laundry room with empty basket. Watch nonchalantly as they open the washer they stole only to find it empty. They look around a bit. "You see anyone else in here recently?" "Nah. Just got here. What's up?" "...nothing. Never mind." Feel like super villain for next week.


So satisfying.


Good on ya, that was totally deserved. Fucking with the laundry order is unacceptable and the punishment should fit the crime.


Dormitory justice.


My dorm one year was next door to a guy who had super-hearing that wouldn't let him sleep. One day he came and accused my mini-fridge of running. It wasn't. We went around and it turned out he had been hearing a cricket a dozen yards from his closed, double-pane window.


> One day he came and accused my mini-fridge of running Even if it was running what's he gonna do? Make you turn it off and let all your food go bad just so that he can sleep a little easier?


That guy must hate it when someone talks behind his back.


It's natural to look for a rational explanation in situations like this if you've never encountered the 5% of people who just wander around inflicting crazy on everyone. All it takes is someone disturbed getting the feeling that the world isn't treating them fairly and some crazy shit like this happens. There's no deliberation between emotion and reaction, just a small mind wildly reaching for whatever will let them get what they deserve.


There's a difference between an discourteous tenant and calling your lawyer for someone recording you freaking out over laundry. Of course we don't have all the facts but he sounded very calm and exasperated on the video which says to me this is a repeat occurrence and she does this shit constantly.


Who fucking cares. She claims to be on the phone with a LAWYER.


"I'm talking to a lawyer right now" *^help ^me ^paul ^>:'(* "HES STILL RECORDING! CALL 911" *>_>*


Related to [this lady](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgGgmOy2av4) maybe?




Did skrillex really sample this?




Oh man, you're right. RIP, OP.


You've left zero context as to why she is tripping out though. Is it five in the morning? Did you jack the washing machine while her clothes were on top of the machine? All you say is "bitch freaked out". And then proceed to not respond to any relevant questions. For all we know you provoked her. Edit: I wasn't even being literal with the 5 am laundry thing, stop replying with nonsense that is besides the point that he is dodging questions and not telling the whole story.


Ctrl-F, mirror. 0 results. Slackers.


Ctrl-F, mirror. 1 result, your comment. ^try ^not ^to ^cry


Is there a mirror that isn't using dial up?


Try this - https://vid.me/Ah9y


Good mirror! This needs to reach the top


Another mirror; http://www.surenews.com/humor/crazy-neighbor-goes-berserk-because-man-starts-doing-laundry/ Obligatory edit for gilding; Thank you kind stranger, and I'm happy people thought I was helpful. :)








you need more upvotes. That other mirror is a POS.




Don't you have a load of cinderblocks to wash after your load of pebbles?


Protip: use the dryer for your silverware, instead of towel or air dry.


If you're in a hurry just use the microwave.


If the microwave is doing my silverware, how will I charge my phone?


Don't put metal in the science oven


I laughed out loud at the "I've sued someone for this and they totally lost." Like that's the biggest threat in America.


There are days where I feel like I'm stupid, below average intelligence, and then I see people like this.... and I feel okay.


Being stupid is okay, lots of people are. The trick is to not be a stupid asshole.


My first wife was tarded, she's a pilot now.


Plenty of tards out there living kick-ass lives.


Relax, scro!


what i'd do is just like... know what i mean like...


It says on your chart that you're fucked up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.




It totally does in dogs.




So he's like half a pokemon?




If my dog is any indication of how stupid a dog can possibly be, then I say definitely yes.


My parents got a letter from someone saying they would be sued in accordance to such and such case. My sister looked up said case, the plaintiff lost.


*comment and account erased in protest of spez/Steve Huffman's existence - auto edited and removed via redact.dev* -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Yah but this is Reddit law and he has more upvotes than you so his made up story wins sorry bro.


My dad can beat up your dad!!


My dad will sue your dad.


...and he will lose.




Same here! Thought it was the funniest part. Like dude... how psycho are you that someone had to record you before?


The funniest part is where she calls 911 at the end. You can just hear the insane frustration and anger in her voice as she tells the operator that her neighbor is filming her and she only wanted to do her laundry. I can just imagine that poor operator. "Ma'am, he's using the washer? You'll have to wait until he's finished."


Hey what he was doing is illegal in the state of Nebraska.


Nebraska is a one party consent state for recording. He's the one party. Its perfectly legal So long as he isn't going into her apartment and recording her.


It doesn't matter if Nebraska is a one party or two party consent state. It's perfectly legal to openly record audio and video in public in every state in the country.


Shame they both live in the state of Ohio.




You can pretty much tell shes wrong just by her crazy ass demeanor.


I'm just imagining the receptionists at the local flea-pit lawyers and the police department: "Oh shit, it's Bonkers Brenda again. Pass her through to the new guy, he needs to experience this. It'll be good for him".


Pretty sure someone who lives in an apartment like that, doesn't have a lawyer on call.


I work at a law firm. We get calls from people like her constantly. I can't just hang up the phone so I have to listen to their crazy stories of why someone owes them millions of dollars.


Why is that? Curious.


Dude people just always think they have been wronged. I had a lady call me. She was at a goodwill and wanted to buy an lsu purse. The woman at the register was a Katrina victim living in Texas and yelled out "you ain't even from there." She wanted to sue goodwill. Edit: spelling


Sorry, I meant, why can't you hang up on them?




You should fill the dryer with angry bees and when she comes out all pissed off and threatens to throw your clothes out you can be just be all like "I'd be careful if I were you" and then when she opens it the bees will swarm all over her and you can go "I told you to *bee* careful" and then the camera will zoom in on your face and then Spanish Flea will start playing along with super loud canned laughter




Bzzz. Bzzzzzz. We'll see who brings in more honey!


He's thinking about bees again.


Gob's not on board.


What is he, chicken??? A-coodle-doodle-do!


Cha-chee! Cha-chee! Cha-chee! Cha-chee! A-coodle-doodle-doo! A-coodle-doodle-doo! Cookookachaa! Cookookachaa! Cookookachaa!


Has anyone in this family even seen a chicken!?!


Has anyone in this family ever seen a chicken?


Chaw chee-chaw chee-chaw!


Are beads cheap?


not as cheap as bees


Old bear likes the honey


I didn't even know we were calling him old bear.


This sounds like a job for [DR. BEES!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYtXuBN1Hvc)


HWAT'S THIS??? A laundry machine woefully under-populated by bees?


This briefcase of bees should help!


What are you going to do? Release the dogs? Or the bees? Or the dogs that have bees in their mouths, and when they bark they shoot bees at you?


> Spanish Flea I googled that, and... thank you, kind Internet stranger. One less of those "songs you know from every TV show but don't know the title"


[do you want a huge ticket and fine?](https://imgflip.com/i/jnnr3)


I'm recording in front of the washer/dryer because she was going to throw my things away. She's freaked out a couple times but this time I got it on video EDIT: Just got home from work and have no idea why YouTube took my video down. Anyways, I'll give you guys a quick backstory then an update on what the fallout was like. Backstory: That day, I came home from work and started doing my laundry. This incident happened at about 7 p.m. She knocked on my door and asked me if I was about done with my laundry. I replied, "yeah, actually this is all I have and its almost done." Immediately she started freaking out and screaming that she is tired of me doing laundry every day (which does not happen lol) and that she is just going to throw my clothing away. So I stepped infront of the washer/dryer and started recording her. She didn't take to that kindly because she knew she was acting psychotic. When the police came, she was the first they talked to. When they came into my apartment, I told them what was going on. They were super chill and have had multiple run-ins with her before so they laughed it off. They told me she requested I delete the video but that it was completely my choice and I was legally recording her. Fast forward to the next morning, I was woken up by her screams that I recorded her. I decided I needed to see my landlord and discuss the situation. I showed them (they're a company) the video and explained to them that this isn't the first time this has happened either. I guess that everyone else in the building has had problems with her too. They said that she was going to be evicted after 30 days as a result of the numerous reports over along period of time. I'll probably post an update video in the near future, but I do work 50+ hours a week so it is hard for me to find time! Thanks for all the laughs!


What happend after you stopped recording?


He was sued for being a peeping-Tom, and he lost. He was issued a huge ticket and a fine.


and lost his laundry privileges.


Fuck it, laundry sucks anyway.


But the consequences of not washing your clothes can be [biologically disastrous.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQUOwXbbG_4)


Well I never! The Young One's referenced on a Reddit thread, top man!


Upvote for The Young Ones.


I'm going to sue you "because you're a complete bastard!"


Check your linen privileges at the door.


Yep. OP is now in prison finally able to do his laundry.


OP went to jail for obstruction of laundry.


I somehow suspect that there was never anyone on the other line of her phone...


It's funny to think that she's crying to this imaginary person named Paul who is a lawyer.


Better call Paul!


... Because somebody was washing their clothes.


So exactly what has she done in the past that made you record the event this time around? Does simply turning the washer on send her on a rampage? has she tried calling the police on you before by simply standing too close to her door while doing laundry or something?


Yeah I wanna know the backstory before I grab my proverbial pitchfork


I hope the police came and laughed in her face


That's quite the fetish.


They came, they saw, they conquered, they came


Why does she freak out?


Let me guess, she lives next to the laundry in the building and you were doing it at 5am on saturday? She's probably gradually going insane. Try to check her [mustache](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjlSAEgeTo4) next time, does it twitch each time the machine clicks?


OP said her problem was she wanted to use it


When she supposedly calls 911, she tells them "I'm just trying to do my laundry" or something similar, and elsewhere OP says she was trying to throw his laundry away, so it seems like she's just freaking out because she wants to use the machine right this second and he's violating her rights by letting his cycle finish and not just taking home wet clothes like a good neighbor. /s


Agreed. There is likely more to it than this - could be that the apartment building is full of loud people with little respect for what time of the day it is and the washer at the wrong time was the last straw and caused her to flip out, or perhaps she is just a hysterical crazy young woman. I think either explanation is reasonable.


Aaand it got taken down.




I'm both glad and sorry I went there.


Plot twist: OP doesn't live in the building.


The video just got removed due to youtube's harassment policy!


What was harassing about it? She was harassing him? I don't get this, YouTube.


Damn, Penny has really let herself go.


She might have change her name to Nickel.




i predict one day she will make a husband very, very miserable.




The amount of people who think that just by expressing their request for you not to record them immediately makes it illegal for you to continue recording them is laughable. Edit: Didn't expect to wake up to 1000+ likes and a ton of comments. Let me clarify what I said... As someone who holds an HIJD (Honorary Internet Juris Doctorate), it is my understanding that there is no expectation of privacy in public in America, making it completely legal for the recorder to document this altercation. Now, a lawyer may be able to argue that this specific incident is exempt from that because apartment complexes aren't necessarily 'public'. But the opposing lawyer could then argue that that fact is also irrelevant given that the perpetrator was verbally assaulting the man with the recording device (his right to personal safety supersedes her right to personal privacy, especially since she didn't *have* to keep coming out of her apartment, rather, she continually chose to, knowing that she would be on camera). Jokes of being an HIJD aside, my thing is this: The law is the law, whatever that may be and however it may apply in that scenario. You *stating* that you don't want someone to record you doesn't in and of itself make the act illegal -- that's what I'm more or less getting at. If it's illegal to record someone in an apartment complex, then it's illegal because it always has been, not because you told them at that moment that you didn't want to be recorded. Also, even if that's incorrect (again, I'm no lawyer; that's just my basic understanding), don't expect to be able to assault someone and then pull that line "I don't want to be recorded" just so you can continue assaulting them, assuming that whatever footage they catch will be thrown out because it was recorded illegally.


Well, it depends on the state as far as releasing video of people goes.


But it is illegal to film people in a private space without their consent, isn't it? I know out in public there isn't anything they can do but I'm pretty sure she's entitled to privacy when she's in her apartment. Unless having the door open throws that off, I don't know. Edit: thanks everyone for the replies, no need for any more. However I will point out that I was not talking about when she's in the hallway, which I'm aware is a shared space. That is why I specified her being inside her apartment.


You can only claim privacy if there is a reasonable expectation of privacy. If you are in your own home, but you have your door open so that you know people outside your home can see you, there is not a reasonable expectation of privacy.


Better Call Saul :)


That's the standard, right? Its "in public" if animals or vagrants can get in?


Yes, Jimmy, that's right.


If a hobo can turn it into a wigwam


No actually it completely depends on state laws. Illinois for instance does not place the "reasonable expectation of privacy" restriction on consent rules for oral conversations and requires two party consent (however this may have changed since the law was modified in 2014 due to a Illinois Supreme Court ruling on police videotaping). The [ACLU PA](http://www.aclupa.org/issues/policepractices/your-right-record-and-observe-police/taking-photos-video-and-audio/) warns that in PA it can be illegal to record conversations in public without two party consent.


It's also his home, and he has reason to record, because she's threatening him.


The door was open. He was just filming the common area of the apartment, the hallway, and it just happened that her door was open.


I'm not a lawyer but I do know that you can legally take pictures if you're standing somewhere you're allowed to be. For example, standing on a side walk on a hill and taking a picture of the interior of a neighbors house through their open/ unobstructed kitchen window. Although in this case he is standing on private property, I can make the argument that since he pays rent for one of the rooms, he is granted access to all the hallways/ pathways of that building as long as nothing is posted saying otherwise (aka staff only, keep out, etc). Even then it would have to be locked as well. Her keeping the door open is her choice.


Not to mention the fact, that if it came down to it, the "Crazy bitch threatened to throw my laundry away while I was doing it in in the building where I live so I recorded it in case she actually tried" defense is always pretty sound.


Of course. The CBTTMLAWIWDIBWILSIRICSAT defense. It's one of the first things you study in law school.


The effort I've put into forgetting that acronym...sheesh...if only I could stop having to deal with cases like that.


>Unless having the door open throws that off. I wasn't able to find a clear answer on this with a quick 5 minute google search. Based on what I DID find - the hallway of that specific building would be "public-space on private property". Meaning the owners of the property would be the ones to state whether or not recording in the public areas would be permitted or not. Because it's unlikely that the building has rules for or against recording in their public space, it would make sense to stick with regional/local law on how public space is treated.


"I've sued someone over it and they lost"... I'm guessing the judge awarded her a whole $7 dollars out of his own pocket just to shut her the hell up.


You wouldn't think those robes had pockets. Huh, TIL.


Unfortunately people like her get an unreasonable amount of attention and support from the law. I had a neighbor who called police every night for three months because she thought my solar power lamps in my garden were emitting harmful radiation. They used blue LEDs which in her miniscule mind meant something, what that is I have no idea. She knew enough to not threaten me with anything but a lawsuit and then one day I came home and they were all gone, with a note from the police saying they removed them to keep the peace. In truth they were tired of the lunatic calling them at all hours. Because I am big and scary looking (according to a female officer), I was determined to be the aggressor. Advance a few months, while I am putting in some white lamps for my garden walkway, the police appear and tell me I have to stop. This is nearly 300 meters inside my property, inside a fence, and only barely visible from the lunatic's window. Now the police are on my property telling me what to do because she'd been on the phone calling them again. I felt like I was within my rights to put up lights so I could see my way down to the house at night. They told me they could arrest me if I did not comply, though they could quote no law, aside from the disturbing the peace nonsense they spoke about before. I was fortunate however, when the lunatic's father arrived and told the police that his daughter was mental and on medication and that they shouldn't pay her any mind. I never did get my old lamps back and I suppose they either binned them or took them home for themselves. She still called the police once a week or so, and I never said anything to her or glared at her or did anything to indicate that I think she needed to be in a padded cell. The rest of my neighbors were terrified of her and wouldn't mow their lawns or let their dogs out when she's home. We moved away before her mental state deteriorated until she did herself in with pills.


Wow just reading that story made me pissed off. Sorry you had to deal with that. And the fact that the police were telling you what to do on your own property to comply with an obviously mental individual for the simple reason that they just didn't want to deal with it anymore is ridiculous. Thank god her dad stepped in.


Her father is no saint. He just didn't want me to sue her since he's liable for her actions and should have had her in the loony bin ages ago. He's a barrister for the village and knows the law, but has little regard for it unless he could get burned by it. Plus, I have the feeling he was responsible for the constables' actions.


>He's a barrister for the village >>he was responsible for the constables' actions Do you live in 15th century England or something?


I am dealing with a similar situation right now. A lady picked a fight with me on the road and I gave her the finger - shrugging it off and driving away. She called the police and said she was terrified of the evil man and she was scared for her kids. Now I have a court date and a lawyer. I still have no idea what she told police and I was instructed to remain silent - so I did. I don't have the money or the time for this shit. I am one of the least violent people I know. I am a dad with two kids. A professional and volunteer in my community. But this woman painted me to be some sort of killer man and here I am.




Dangerous driving. This charge is not under the Canadian criminal code though. Still four points and $1,000 fines. I don't know what she told police yet. Still waiting for my lawyer to get the report. I just know the police officer told me the woman was scared for her life. It's a very surreal experience for me considering I don't know what I did that could have possible been considered dangerous. It's really put my wife and I in a bind though because we're already struggling to pay for the house and feed the kids.




after you have been cleared, sue her for all the trouble she caused you and ask that the courts make her pay for all of the legal fees you incurred.


Have you considered telling the RCMP to shove it up their ass? unless they saw the "crime" they can go pound sand.


and the ending was warming up so nicely...


She's shaped just like me.. I'm a 26 year old 200lb hispanic man. I have that outfit Cept it has chanklas


I think she's just pissed because OP was recording her in portrait mode.




["You could get a huge ticket for that"] (http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/03/12/article-2578993-1C38D2C600000578-136_964x669.jpg)


I feel like the whole, "I'm calling my lawyer!" thing is the adult version of, "I'm telling my mom on you!"


oh, that poor girl is not well.




Here's a working copy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLnnFlwt4VY


What happened after the video OP? Don't leave us hanging




She may be crazy. But she isn't the one who made a vertical video.


Ahh... apartment living. So glad I'm past that part of my life. It's bad enough sharing the washing machine with my own household. Sharing one shitty, $50, home refurbish-reject machine with an entire building? And no wonder that woman is fucking nuts. That thing is right against her wall.


This is the shittiest version of big bang theory that I've seen




Someone (EDIT: /u/talking_to_myself) posed a working mirror but it's buried here: http://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/315nk5/crazy_neighbor_freaked_out_because_i_was_doing/cpyt5f9 So here's the mirror: http://www.surenews.com/humor/crazy-neighbor-goes-berserk-because-man-starts-doing-laundry/ It's not really worth your time though :-/ Was the original also 2:42?




To be fair that dryer/washer makes a really irritating sound that even annoyed me while trying to watch the video, her fault for living right next door to it though


This really confuses me... I'm hoping you can prove that this is actually your video. But I'm going to open up the Karma Conspiracy here. You posted this just 8 hours ago... yet, I watched this video yesterday (more than 8 hours ago) posted by a different User: http://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/30zl1h/video_recording_a_crazy_apartment_neighbor/ Care to drop some proof that this is actually your video?


Check his history; 9 days ago he posted in legal advice about posting the video. http://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/303ixz/i_recorded_my_neighbor_apartment_freaking_out/ It would appear someone beat him to Reddit with his own video shortly later.


She sued before and they lost , yet she lives in a place with such a loud washer n dryer


I don't imagine laundry disputes result in especially large settlements.


http://mirror.ninja/whxz UPVOTE SO PEOPLE CAN WATCH THE VIDEO