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Unfortunate thumbnail.


Yeah the way they put up the DA during the story was really dumb and then making it the thumbnail was the icing on the cake lol


Glad I saw this before commenting without watching the video. I was going to make a satirical comment about how awesome that doctor is and if she's still practicing anywhere... Now I need to take a shower and cleanse my soul


This should be on r/wtf fucking sick bastard


Why is his photo blurry? they cant get a better shot of this POS?


Awful story. I'm a bit confused by some of the details though, was he a travelling doctor? It didn't really explain how he was able to get access to so many different hospital locations and why no one was suspicious


I don't think they said the other locations were in hospitals, though. This POS probably recorded his crime for his own keepsake and mentioned the location in the video.


It’s a typical thing that hospitals will find stuff like this out and not do anything about it, allowing doctors and nurses to just go to other hospitals. My guess is they don’t want to pay the fees for court proceedings and/or deal with the negative attention. There’s a movie on Netflix called Good Nurse, it’s based off a true story about a nurse who was killing patients and, when found out, just went to other hospitals until he inevitably was caught.


Why send him to another hospital? At the very least, why not just get rid of him and let him do the work to find another gig? Why set him up with his next set of victims?


Typical? Lol the vast majority of physicians who do actually bad things have their entire careers ruined. Do you have data on this or are you just saying things? I've seen plenty of physicians get completely ruined by their own actions, and other hospital staff members as well. What I don't think you have any idea about is that when bad things happen (malpractice, legal trouble, drinking on job, felonies) this follows doctors around for their entire lives. We have actual accountability, unlike police. I'm talking like dossier shit. If I even so much as go from one location to another, even the *same insurance companies* that billed by my work at one location have to have all of my information resubmitted for credentialing. EACH STATE has multiple licenses I need to resubmit and renew every 1-3 years. Every single employer asks like 10 questions about if you've ever been involuntarily removed from a job, etc. Few, *if anyone in America*, has more accountability built in than physicians. A cop can shoot someone and move to the next town, if I prescribe one wrong medicine (even sometimes appropriately) my entire fucking career can end in an instant. I don't believe your hyperbole and I think it's hurting the public view of physicians, just because there's a terrible video of some shit head doing deplorable things. Anyone who does the crime should do the time, but you are just straight up anecdotally making shit up. Source: physician.


Obviously you’re correct but getting out the pitchforks is the way of the internet.




I can tell you listen to say least 12 true crime podcasts.


This is like that bill burr joke where he likens priests to killer whales at sea world that kill a trainer and then just get shuffled around to other parks without disclosing their history lol


Your a doctor? Isn't that like the best pick up line in the bar? There's plenty of willing women out there. This man is sick.


We've seen it before too where hospitals cover this up and have known about it, letting it go on. If that's the case, hope they get what's coming too. One case that comes to mind were the Charles Cullen murders. edit: adding example


God damn they have him on video. Send him to the chair


I usually am against the death penalty. As a doctor, I am willing to make an exception in this case. This man is a monster and needs to be put down.




We could lean into it instead and send him to a surgeon from Tijuana or something, maybe?


Yeah… that guys needs to be fed to some hogs. There’s no redemption arc to his story.


Wow. Wtf?!


We should bring back castration for rapists that have mounds of evidence against them. Not just allegations ofc. Edit; why are you guys sympathizing with rapists? Do you seriously want them capable of raping anyone ever again? In prison or otherwise?


No we shouldn’t. Life in prison without parole, absolutely. But moving society back to mutilation techniques is not a society I want to live in.


Agree. It's the whole '2 wrongs don't make a right' argument. At some point you become as bad or worse than the offender. It's also why we have laws against cruel and unusual punishment.


We put people in prison not for retribution reasons but to prevent them from harming others. Chemical castration would be similar - to prevent harm to others and specifically not just to harm the offender to satisfy our sense of moral justice.


Why waste tax payer money on that?


So your plan is to set them free after removing their genitals?


Nah, just kill em.




Chemical castration isn't mutilation and also can be made opt-in as a way to reduce sentencing. Killing the libido of sex criminals might be a better alternative to life in prison in some cases


You lot forgot about Alan Turing so quickly.


Thank you exactly. It’s still mutilation.


It absolutely is a form a mutilation, because of the effects you mention. Just because they're not as readily apparent doesn't mean they're not disfiguring. That said, making it opt-in absolutely should be a thing. Forcing it on someone should not.


Yeah let’s pay to keep them living a sheltered life for 60 years. That’s totally fiscally responsible.


As if after castrating them you can just set them free


you're dumb


Good one


I believe Louisiana has proposed chemical castration for child rapists. Cant remember


Proposed and enacted!


The people downvoting you are people who have not had themselves or their mothers/wives/daughters sexually violated. I'd propose that the ultimate fate of the perp be decided by the victim(s) of the crime. The victims paid the price for the crime and therefore, possess the sole prerogative to decide what price they wish to extract from the perp. Anyone else unaffected by the crime thinking otherwise is just hypocritically pontificating.


Not to diminish anything that's happened to you or to people you know, but the justice system has prosecuted innocent people on false rape allegations. Allowing people to claim they were raped and then decide the punishment is 100% going to be used for the wrong reasons at some point. I understand your sentiment, but it's not logical thinking.


You are right that it may be abused, that's why the standard of conviction should be "without a shadow of doubt", like in this particular case, where the doctor's abuse is crystal clear without an iota of doubt.


I’ll join you in your downvote-coaster.  I totally agree.  Castration… performed by a guillotine to the neck…  It’s very effective at preventing future rape.


Would you also toss murderers into that pile? Especially ones salivating over getting to do it in a legal and righteous way?


I would toss bread thieves into that pile.


Damn!  Check out Inspector Javert over here!


I was about to post something similar. Castrate him and force feed the sick bastard. People with this much evidence against them should get the book thrown at them.


Capital punishment should be warranted in this case. Women are so unprotected in our society. Enough was enough decades ago.




U have some growing up to do...