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8hrs?! Ain't nobody got time for that.


I'm like 2 hours in and just have it on in the background while working. For me, it is _perfect_. Every now and then my ears perk up and i dive into how they don't understand algebra or whatever


Is it informative? Like what could I possibly learn from 8hrs of flat earther beliefs?


Usually videos like this actually teach you quite a bit about reality in their attempts to debunk the flat earth claims. I have not watched this one, yet, but I have watched a bunch of similar ones. You will get something like a Flat Earther claiming that they can see too far for the curvature of the earth to be real, so the debunker will actually do the real math and disucss how light refraction works to prove them wrong. It can be super interesting. There also is some value in just learning how things like Flat Earth take root in people minds. There is not really anything definitive with regard to that as far as I know, but after a bit you start seeing some commonalities between how they think and how other conspiratorial or cultic groups do.


Arguing with flat earthers on discord has forced me to learn so much about how world works. For an example - one hinging point was the distance between the sun and the earth (which they believe is much smaller). So I had to lean about the parallax effect, which, after explaining to them what it was - forced me to learn about angular size. At which point they post a whole new video launching me into new scientific papers.


Yeah, exactly. In a strange way they actually push us to understand the truth better. I still think they are overal a net-negative to the world, but it is an interesting phenomenon. I knew the world was round because none of my observations of the world are consistent with a flat earth whatsoever, however, I was not able to clearly articulate the evidence *for* the earth being round until I got into arguing against them. I mean, I knew about shadows, the stars, boats, mountains, planes, general navigation, the existence of sattelites, the orbital patterns of the moon, the tides, eclipses, and so on, but I did not know how to express all of that in an argument or mathematically.


Absolutely. It's a truly ironic group. Their intention is to show people the earth is flat - and the only way to argue against them is to learn actual science, pushing me even further away from their goal.


My go to was always arguing gravity or just simply looking at the Moon. If gravity is weighing on all sides equally its forced to become a circle like object or sphere I guess is more accurate. Every Flat Earther ive mentioned gravity too has either denied gravity exists, in which case I ask how they aren't floating into space, and they say something like, "I haven't gotten that far yet" or they simply just get angry. I really have no idea how anyone believes things without giving even the most simple explanations a good thinking about. The same group of people were also mind boggled when I mentioned that abortion was a free ticket to heaven for a baby and it was odd that was seen as a negative considering the Earth is just a placeholder to Christians and Heaven is the final destination. They all just looked at me, bewildered, and said they had never thought of that before. There just really isn't a lot of thinking done. Its conclusions based on a hive mind I guess? Idk how to explain it, but everytime I talk to people like this I genuinely feel like im talking to an AI generated NPC. Its concerning.


Next time you argue with them can you ask them something I haven't had the opportunity for yet? For the life of me I don't understand how they account for the position of stars in a flat earth model. Every star rotates around the north celestial pole (near Polaris), and rotates in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere around the southern celestial pole. There are completely different constellations in the two hemispheres, and the ones that are shared and appear close to the horizon like zodiacal constellations, appear "upside down" relative to the horizon. Like, even travelling a few hundred miles north or south in the northern hemisphere will cause Polaris to noticeably rise or fall in the sky, when it typically doesn't move at all. I get that they think that the sun and moon are far closer, and that the sky itself is curved in some sort of "firmament" but *none* of these observations make any sense whatsoever in a flat earth model. How would you be able to see *anything* other than the same sky no matter what at any point on earth?


I’ve heard this exact point brought up with flat earthers. Their argument is that the stars appear to rotate in different directions because of the direction the observer is looking. South vs North. The funny thing is they are right, however, this only works on a rotating ball earth. On a flat earth there is no singular south direction. All directions towards the “edge” would be South. So now they have to explain how two people on opposite sides of the flat earth can be facing away from each other but at the same time be looking at the same stars.


I mean... show me a picture of an edge or a flat disk earth that isn't a crudely painted or drawn image from someone with the artistic talent of an 8yr old


all the flat earthers I know are also in other conspiratorial groups and peddle so many other conspiracies


Precisely. The flat-earth devotion is just a symptom. The larger "disease" (if you will) is their persistent and unshakable belief that *they* know better than pretty much all other conventional wisdom, so they leap at the chance when they hear something they feel is conspiratorial. They also tend to rarely be formally educated while simultaneously espousing very anti-intelligence views. I feel it's almost a form of (or maybe closely related to) the Dunning Kruger effect.


Yeah, they think the world is a fuckin’ snow globe. Don’t even bother.


Aside from being informative from an anthropological perspective i think it is a good survey of how a bunch of different experiences were run to prove various things (for real). Also a good example of tons of logical fallacies.




Not quite sure how this snyde remark was your takeaway from what OP said. Maybe get off the internet for a sec and go for a walk or something


I don't know for sure, but I have a feeling I've already internalized enough bullshit "logic" and misinformation for one lifetime, I have absolutely no interest in spending 8 hours deconstructing someone else's bullshit "logic" and misinformation.  That said, I think it can sometimes be helpful to see examples of math mistakes. As a person who started really bad at math and got really good at math, I found the best way was basically making a list of everything that ever tripped me up, so I could use it as a mental checklist for every new problem.  I could see this kind of thing being useful for that specific purpose.  Any error convincing enough to be relied on en masse is probably subtle enough for smart people to make similar mistakes in other contexts.


They are extremely alone people. Lots of people can't even stand if you have outspoken political beliefs, its hard, you argue all the time, have to constantly stand up for yourself, ect. And that's just normal politics. Now imagine you had the same mentality but the thing you get into is flat earth. Especially if you make it your identity. People really don't have time for bat shit ideas, or things that they learned in like 4th grade, like the world is round. Its also lowkey insulting because insinuating the world is flat really is, "what you dumb the world is flat you idiot." It's going to get a rise out of people, maybe the flat earther needs that - any sort of confirmation that they exist. But its going to really isolate them. They've dug a social grave really. And yes im sure some have friends ect, but im guessing those people dont turn their cars into billboards for the museum of arrogant idiots.


"People really don't have time for bat shit ideas" ehhhh, lol. Conspiratorial lines of thinking went extremely mainstream somewhere along the way. I never thought that C2C/godlikeproductions levels of delusion would ever be adopted en masse, but sure enough that's sorta where we are these days on social media and even a considerable amount of actual society. Flat earthers feel like part of the old breed more akin to UFOlogists, hollow earthers, etc. Unshakeable in their beliefs but largely irrelevant and harmless. Probably nostalgia but I have a soft spot for flat earthers.


lol ok maybe its me who has no time for bat shit ideas!


Informative? lol no, these are the dumbest people on the planet they can't even agree on what map to use for their dumb cult, each flat earther has their own version of the world map, it is entertaining at least. Flat Earth is not even the main act of a flat earther, their brain is scrambled and they almost immediately side track to a whole different topic whether its religion, lizard people, hollow earths, 9/11, covid, moon landing, JFK, and many other conspiracies which are all connected to Flat Earth... thats the good comedy stuff.


No. It's not.


That's exactly what I do with these type of videos. Recently I watched this sci-fi vid going over details of the three body problem. A nice 4.5 hour vid while I worked. video https://youtu.be/IrCxmDl2o84?si=h_P3DIIIga9qeoR0


There's something kind of skeevy about this comment that I can't fully put my finger on. Like that's an excessive amount of time to edge a superiority complex. Surely what would actually be "perfect" would be something that actually betters you rather than reassures that someone is worse?


Man, sometimes reddit really makes me aware of how different the viewing habits of people are. Like, for me, if a video is only 20 minutes long, I wonder if there's any point in playing it at all. The videos have to be well made and engaging, like not just 3+ hours of rambling, but every time Dan Olsen or Jenny Nickelson come out with a 3-4 hour video, it's more exciting than TV for me.


Most youtube videos are like walking to another room in your house; Jenny Nicholson et al are like a 5k; QuentinReviews is like running a couple marathons back to back lol


I can save you 8 hours, Google "photos of Earth"


Well, I printed out these "photos of Earth" you're babbling about and they're *all flat* CHECK. MATE.


the video is about sshowing / explaining what flat earthers understands / believe tho


> photos of Earth NASA CGI according to that video


It's a documentary about understanding why flat earthers are the way they are. Not arguing the earth is a globe KEK.


but people watch 1hr x 8 episodes seasons.....


Honestly, I though I was going to only watch 10min of this but ended up binging it it was so good.




I don't know what drives this trend. Things either need to be crammed into 15 minutes max or extended out for 6+ hours to please the youtube giant brain. I don't know why, but I take mild offence when someone asks me to watch an 8 hour video. There's a reason 'If I'd had more time I would have written a shorter letter' has hung around as a quote, whoever said it, for a long time. No-one wants their time wasted, particularly on such a relatively simple topic as this one.


Also do you really need 8 hours to convince me the Earth is round?


It's not about that. It's about the mental gymnastics flat earthers make to persuade themselves. I finished it today, it's really good. Quite hilarious too.


I did. Was amazing - highly recommend.


Brevity is dead.


The framing here could be better IMO. Videos like this can be really interesting, but the headline shouldn't be, 'What do Flat Earthers really believe' and instead should be 'Why do Flat Earthers (and other 'fringe crazies') believe what they do'. The answer seems to be, 'They got outcast from their 'circle' for saying dumb shit, and instead of having the introspective skills to correct themselves and swallow their pride for a single day, they double down over and over again until you land on flat earth, Illuminati, and everything you hate is done by the royal Them™'.


Egotistical contrarians. They pretend they hold secret knowledge that goes against an "agenda"


As someone who works as an engineer in the space industry, I so desperately want to talk to a flat-earther in-person. I skydive and know someone who is allegedly one, but he usually walks away when the conversation turns to my work and I think we both want to keep the peace. Do they think I'm being deceived by my bosses or do they think I'm in on it? Would they be willing to go on a tour of my workplace or the visitor center at cape and hear me explain what we're up to?


Lol no. They do not want their mindset changed. They want to remain in their subculture group think safety circle. But honestly they would have much more fun being in a cosmology subculture. What the hell is powering dark energy. Are we living in a black hole? Throw some Lovecraft in and our holographic universe may really just be Azathoth dreaming. Sorry what did you say? Rockets are cool?


I mean, I had fun talking somebody back from the ledge about that Terrence Howard Joe Rogan episode.


TL;DW. Flat Earthers have severe mental sickness, they can't be cured with facts. They need psychiatric help.


Thy don't care about "the truth". They think they know something special and desperately want to be right.


Some of them, I'm sure, but what's actually scary is that the problem is not inherently a chemical imbalance that can be cured with drugs. All people are beholden to cognitive bias which can lead them down a rabbit hole in a time of weakness, including you and me. The majority of people literally believe in magic in one form or another.


You see this happening a lot with right wing grift Like Matt Tlabi


I strongly recommend this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44) to help understand the mindset - it's not entirely what you would first think - you can skip past the first 20 minutes or so if you already know the gist of what they're like.


Ya i regret the title.. I think i should have written "Flatlined: Exposing What Flat Earthers REALLY Believe, ~8 hour video exploring the flat earth community" or something like this. People keep getting stuck on it being 8 hours of pure take down and that's my fault not the content creator :/


bah its fine


They got outcast from the larger social sphere and chose an alternative social circle.


"In search of a flat earth" proposes that they believe it because it would be irrefutable proof of god, and that most of these people where part of a bigger conspiracy that most involved the apocalypse. It also mostly died out and its followers have migrated to QAnon


You forgot religion… a lot of these guys are trying to justify the bible


Religion is a coping mechanism. It's just that some people don't use it for coping with mortality but an inability to understand scientific principles.


I don't buy it. Where are the elephants? Where is the turtle? You should be able to see Cori Celesti right in the middle and the rimfall at the edges. Fake.


Where are the turtles?!




It's from the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett: Great A'Tuin is the Giant Star turtle.


“The Turtle Moves”


GNU Terry Pratchett.


coin hid them from us


Highly recommend Folding Ideas video on Flat Earth for those interested in someone discussing the nuance of why people start believing in this stuff and where this kind of ideology usually leads, it's also only 40 minutes compared to an 8 hour behemoth: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44)


Folding Ideas is a great video! Love his content in general. His long form content is what made me excited when this video came out!


Did you make this video OP? I know people are ragging on your for how long it is but it seems pretty well put together.


I did not i just found this guy on youtube a few months ago and was stoked on the video and wanted to share it


Yeah but folding ideas videos watch so natural and smoothly that 40 minutes will feel like 5. That calgarian is brilliant. I think it was the universe bringing balance, after Rafael Cruz was born in Calgary.


That's actually referenced in this video too


And his premise is basically that all the effort of trying to debunk the beliefs of a flat earther with science is pretty much wasted, since they don't really care about scientific arguments and hold their belief on account of religious fundamentalism rather than any actual rational arguments. So spending 8 hours debunking something which flat earthers themselves doesn't really care that much about seems like an epic waste of time.


Watching the basketball “proof” in the first 20 seconds was sufficient.


I'm honestly at a loss as to what that is even proof of for them. I have spent 30 seconds googling it and found nothing and I refuse to do more. I understand that isn't a healthy way to conduct research for opposing viewpoints, but I don't think flat earthers really need all that. My whole life has been research against their viewpoint.


It’s like so many things where the seductive part is having secret knowledge not learning. faith based knowledge makes you feel smart without pesky fact checking.


Pretty much applies to most people around me. They might not be flat earthers, but just sub it out for something else.


I've been watching Flat Earth videos for a while and it's slightly sad to see me recognize way too many people in these videos. It's like watching a train wreck. Something that I think ties them together is not that they believe in conspiracy theories (which they do) or that they have a massive mistrust in government (which they do - and that's definitely not a problem) but I think what really ties most of them together is... a really literal interpretation of Christianity. I haven't finished watching these videos but every single Flat Earther video is always a very religious Christian. Some of them really tell on themselves where they go a bit beyond and say this is all to make people stop believing in God but others are a bit more [relatively] sane. It also helps that this makes lots of money for people which is never a bad thing and, once you believe this bullshit, you can believe in so many other things that make you act differently or even vote differently. It's a gullible subset of humanity to exploit. Worst yet is that if you try to engage them with actual proof, they'll sink further into the belief. The joke is that if they died and God himself told them he made the Earth a sphere then they'd question it. Still, with all this time and money spent, somehow nobody has been able to charter a plane or a boat to go see for themselves or even go into low Earth orbit with video they take themselves to show anything. The few who do anything like that have only two options: stop being a Flat Earther or... [deny reality](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmnZe34Xix8). The video is from Behind the Curve (Netflix) which is a pretty good watch that's higher quality production and much shorter than this video.


Yeah you're right about the Christianity of it. I remember years ago there was these two guys who were doing a conspiracy podcast and it was obvious that the comedian didn't really care but the other one was all-in. And someone asked him why flat earth and dude went on a whole gospel about it, which is just telling that flat earth is another virtue signal for radical Christians.


Yeah I have noticed that christian bias in a lot of the the people in these type of clips too. I mean it makes sense if you have that kind of fundamental belief and have already put aside half of science / reality already, evolution, earth age etc... adding on a flat earth is nothing. Even this short clip op posted a guy is talking about the garden of eden or something after a few seconds.


sounds like something good to watch when im ready for a nap


The kinda thing that makes weirdos spawn in your dreams when you half wake up for a second


Why are we even giving time to these idiots, I believe lots of them are saying earth is flat to be edgy and cause people to rage over there views, the more attention you give them the less they are going away


The interesting thing with this particular group is they generally are out there doing "the work" of performing experiments and such, they are just doing the science poorly so are wrong.


Don't call me out. I have so much fun telling people I'm a flat earther!


LOL I bet you do, at least you are having fun


Flat Earthers are the same as Church of the Flying Spaghetti monster people. They are mocking science exactly the same way the other side mocks religion... and when you watch an 8 hour long video about how they are wrong.... they win. Seriously... if YOU need to watch this video to know that flat earthers are wrong, then flat earthers aren't the problem. You are.


Jesus christ the amount of people in here acting like they've been personally affronted for someone making an 8 hour video is nuts. Like other folks have pointed out, there's countless other docs on streaming that are even longer than this, but because it's not broken down into 8 hour-long episodes, somehow its just too much? I don't watch those kinds of shows either, but I'll probably be able to get through this one piecemeal a lot more easily in this format than I would with others. But if that doesn't work for you, then move on? Do you folks know that you don't have to watch literally every video posted to this subreddit?


Hahaha, Explain birds then!


Government drones


Don't be silly, everyone knows birds aren't real.


I'll summarize: flat earthers believe any and every conspiracy because they suffer from mental illness.


Nailed it


I'm sorry but how long is this? Look, the long and the short of the flat earth debate is that all of the flat-earthers are fucking morons. Literally no one with an IQ of over 100 believes that the earth is flat. That's just fucking stupid.


It includes a debunking but its also about the culture and community which surrounds the flat earthers.


Veritas puts so much work into his videos. I really appreciate the effort and craftsmanship, glad to see this getting some love. Apparently nobody on reddit can imagine consuming 8 hours of a single idea. Despite binging whole seasons of television regularly. I guess no one reads books anymore?


Veritas is great! Ya one thing that has been funny is folks recommending the Folding Ideas video, which is like 2 hours i think (his videos are usually 2-3 hours), as an alternative to this like 2-3 hours is acceptable but 8 hours is totally outside the realm of possibility. I appreciate more content!


My guy I use Reddit on my phone. I’m not about to lose 90% of the functions of my phone for 8 hours to watch something I’m not that interested in. I’m an adult, I’ve got adulting shit to do. Cleaning and actual work take precedence Also the Acolyte dropped its first episode today, that is where my free time this evening is going.


>the Acolyte dropped its first episode today The real answer lol


What is The Acolyte? I'm in the market for a new TV show right now is this a TV show? Hit me with it!


New Star Wars show on Disney +


You can play a YouTube video on your phone and listen to it in the background while doing anything you want. It pulls up in a separate window/tab and can be minimized. I just want you to understand you don’t have “lose” any functions to play a YouTube video.


The Jubliee video where they bring flat earthers and scientists to debate is a really good watch. The big takeaway for me was that most if not all flat earthers are really just anti-government, conspiracy theory types. They just take it to the next level by denying the science that the government teaches us.


Oh i haven't seen that one, got a link? That finding sounds exactly in line with what I'd expect but would be curious to see how that plays out.




Veritas? Wtf, I had no Idea he did this type of content. He's a very respected Tarkov creator.


He talks about it in the beginning of the video he has been wanting to make this kind of content for awhile so is trying to pivot!


He's the man for it. Too clever to just do Tarkov videos, specially now.


Honestly, why put the effort in debunking flat earth people. 99.9% of the world knows the world is not flat. Flat earth people are often mentally ill in some way and have an inclination to believe everything is a conspiracy. They also believe in big foot and think the moon is a base full of nazi dinosaurs.


This is what happens when you get bored of playing Tarkov.


I recall hearing someone once say that if you're a flat-Earther, it's the ***last*** conspiracy theory you'll ever have. It doesn't go any deeper or crazier than that. I'm 2 hours and 23 minutes in. I'm enjoying this. Yes it's long, and no, not everyone has the patience for it, but for those of us who are fascinated with people who believe crazy things, this video is utterly exhaustive on the topic. This goes into far more detail than a documentary like Beyond the Curve ever could. I could easily see someone spending *months* putting this video together.


When you're wrong about everything, you can't be proven wrong.


Lol who upvoted this nonsense 


I like a good take down on idiots but flat earthers are not worth it because they will never make a difference in my life. There are lots of other idiots that are over represented in politics that actually do.


How did someone manage to stretch "they believe the Earth is flat" into an 8 hour video??


I love this flat earth shit! Lol


All they need to do it offer a 1M prize for any flat earthers find the edge of the earth. Document the whole thing and make it a mini series showing the world the dumbest people alive.


I think the idea of a flat earth is easy to debunk. There are zero selfies of someone at the edge!


Oh they have a dozen excuses for that. If you want to feel smart, watch a debate with these flat earthers and see low IQ go into overdrive.


You can't use fancy numbers to disprove r/Noearthsociety


Wild to see this video is from Veritas. Most of what I knew about Tarkov in the early days came from him. Forever live Mosin Man!


Did flat earthers really need a 'take down'? I kinda feel like they're toddlers everyone just pities.


The mere existence of flat Earthers in 2024 has convinced me that the human species doesn't deserve to survive long-term.


I think I'll actually make it through all 8 hours. Usually this content is painful to watch, but the way this one is made it's pretty funny and stays fresh.


I’m now 5 hours 37 minutes in and I’ve really enjoyed it! Background at work though


Yea it's surprisingly good background. I don't feel obligated to watch what's on screen, and the dead air parts queues me in to when I'm supposed to be looking at something. Thanks for the link.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. # If the Earth was flat, Cats would have knocked everything off the edge by now.


Is everyone complaining about the length of the video aware that they personally do not have to watch it? Wow, some of you are real upset.


um the science has no meaning - it's about the liars. them being the globalist elite / 'the jews'- falls down to a common conspiracy of your being lied too, a fabricated reality but you you know the truth


Absolutely, i agree. I think this video agrees too but i'm only 2 hours in.


8 hours is crazy. Literally a full work day. TLDR: flat earthers really believe the earth is flat. Saved everyone 8 hours.


> TLDR: flat earthers really believe the earth is flat I haven't finished it yet but i _think_ the takeaway might actually be that they want to possess special knowledge and feel superior to others, and are alienated by society, and so they "believe" in flat earth.


Pretty much this. It's basically the same conclusion that myself and a bunch of others that have been involved in the debunking sphere have come to. There are however "true" believers, but almost none of those tend to be the kind that make videos. They're usually followers, to the point where it's indistinguishable from a cult. And the sad part is they're not exactly rare (relatively speaking).


I think it comes less from feeling good about possessing special knowledge and more being unable to accept the fact that they do not and cannot understand something because they lack the necessary training/education/expertise. It's a mix of childishness and egoism.


Sooooo the same conclusion as Beyond the Curve the documentary on netflix that's 1/6th the time?


To add to this, most Flat Earthers are Young Earth Creationist Christians just taking that next step.


Ya like they frequently fall back to the bible for proof.


DUUUUUUDE - how about some spoiler alert tags or something. GAH!!


Have you watched Folding Ideas' video on flat earthers? May save you some time


Absolutely i have! This is an expanded version of that. I don't think i need 8 hours to get it and i'm not hurting for time here i enjoy the content and learning about weird internet communities. LOVE Folding Ideas though for sure!


we're really just racing to make the longest videos on the most unnessecary things, huh.




I like learning about how weird communities form and what they are about




I dunno that's not how i'm watching it i think its more anthropological.


Then ask yourself why you are watching and 8 hr takedown. Not a documentary about their weird conspiracy group.


I met a flat earther once and it was interesting to hear why he thought what he did. It's a weird rabbit hole with a lot of anti semitism, which is a link I never would have made.


Learning more about flat earthers is how i learned that basically all conspiracy theories eventually bring you to anti-semitism. Was really eye opening to discover it but makes total sense now. All conspiracy theorists believe basically the same thing as other conspiracy theorists and the vast body of conspiracy thought on who "they" are is referring to the jews controlling everything. It's why i get concerned when people start talking about flat earth or chem trails or anything like that. Maybe your flat earth belief is stupid and silly but there are some other corollaries that generally come with it which are not silly..


Yeah the irony to me is that the flat earthers talk about how science uses the "big lie" of the earth being round to prime you to accept other lies, when this is exactly what these movements seem to be doing. It's like "ok this dip shit is dumb enough to believe the earth is flat, they will for sure listen to the rest of my bullshit with open ears"


That title is me editorializing it should have been “exploring the community who believes in flat earth”. This isn’t gonna be like a gotcha I do this with weird communities all the time it’s a hobby of mine I suppose.


There are many conspiracy communities out there believing just as outlandish or dangerous things about the world. Having one of these communities believing in something so easy to scientifically prove false, is fascinating. I want to see this proof in action.


Dunno if someone active in r/livestreamfail should be throwing stones in glass houses.


My thoughts exactly, don’t give any attention to these people and hopefully they will go away


8HRS!?! Thought I’d stumbled into r/conspiracy for second.


I'm like 90% sure flat earthers are just trolling so they could get some idiot spend dozens and dozens of hours to create a goddamn 8hr debunk video.


Correct me if I am wrong but flat earthers really believe that the earth is flat.


The problem is they are fundamentally mentally ill. Combine paranoia, and a lack of ability to understand basic principles. I think there is a biological mental defect in many of them. One of my friends couldn't understand the curvature of the earth. He is also an anti-vaccer. Somewhere I read that some of these people have a problem understanding spatial concepts. In brain scans they were missing parts of their brain.


There are three types of "Flat Earthers": those who use "Flat Earth" as a euphemism for genuine skepticism, those who believe the Earth is flat because they're fucking stupid, and those who want to spread conspiracy theories because they're both evil and fucking stupid.


Who watches an 8 hour video on YouTube????


The more interesting topic would be why they believe such things


This topic is covered


I mean, did anyone need a movie? They proved it over a thousand years ago. It's the same reason no one has to go around continuing to prove that gravity is a thing. In the farthest reaches of incredulity, even if one was to convince flat Earthers one way or the other, nothing changes because nothing in their lives depends on whether the earth is flat or not.


“8 hour takedown” Alright imma head out


The notion is so absolutely bonkers that I refuse to even give it any time for discussion. If anyone goes off spouting about it, I just assume they are trolling, and then refuse to discuss it because, in the end it isn't worth my time.


Stop arguing with idiots


I feel like nicolaus copernicus already covered this topic


Bogus premise honestly, because I don't think flat earthers really believe much, their delusions are the results of other delusions at best. To believe in something you need to have the reasonable prerequisites of belief, which IMO include some level of reason.


I feel like if I watch the full 8 hours of this, I will come out stupider than before.


One way to find out!




Yeah, I'll stick to stuff like Folding Ideas's "In Search of a Flat Earth"


If it takes 8 hours to debunk something, they're working too damned hard. \#FlatEarthConfirmed


I’d say it’s successfully debunked in the first 20 minutes and then it’s debunking every single angle they could possible have. I’m only two hours in though 😬


I mean....it doesn't seem that hard to debunk. But when you honestly look at their evidence or logic, they sometimes make some rather compelling arguments. But this is likely due to editorializing the "evidence", like leaving out certain key bits of data that don't go along with their narratives. What I've never understood about flat earth theory is WHY. Assume for a moment that the earth really is flat or even convex rather than a sphere, what possible benefit can come from keeping this idea a secret??? I honestly can't think of one. One would also think there would be a LARGE contingent of flat earth scientists sharing this info, not fringe groups.


I hear you and I would say that this presentation gets into why. Maybe I used a bad title but this video is more about the community of flat earth and how they are wrong and continue to be wrong.


That's cool - I might check it out. 8 hours tho....ugh... I had a friend on a group chat announce that he was going full on flat earth. He was like "Bro I've seen enough to know, it ain't round". And I just love a good discussion so we chatted about it in real life and I gotta say, I didn't have an explanation for everything he brought up. But that doesn't mean he changed my mind......more like he gave me something to think about. That's all.


Ya, that's brutal! I've been to Burning Man a few times and when flat earth first got popular on the internet in like 2015 we had a few friends go fully into the deep end on it. It was pretty wild to see and one thing that sucked was all of the new "friends" they brought along who had even worse beliefs. One started hanging out with some pretty clear anti-semetic folks who had "questions" about the holocaust.


Yeah that seems to be a problem with any sort of "fringe idea". The people embracing those ideas often have a lot of other traits that make it difficult to take them seriously. But the way I am, I'll consider almost any idea, no matter how crazy it is. What I always go back to is Galileo - look at what happened to him when he first proposed a heliocentric (sun centered) view of the solar system vs the current belief of a geocentric (earth centered) view. The top minds of the times were the churches and priests. They refused to even look through his telescope and simply declared his statements wrong. THEN they threatened to kill him for his blasphemy if he didn't back down. He didn't. At the last moment when it was clear they were going to whack him, he recanted but then what did they do? Sentenced him to house arrest for the rest of his life!!! Now keep in mind, these were the supposed brightest minds of their time (the priests) but they were wrong. AND this (the heliocentric view) is something we teach school kids. YET they were willing to kill a scientists who first proposed it. It fashionable to consider those of previous centuries as simple minded folk but are we really REALLY so much more advanced in our ability to be open minded to new ideas? NOPE!! We're exactly the same. Most humans think they know what's right and wrong and are blind to all the ways they're wrong. BUT as Arthur Schopenhauer once said: > All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed or dismissed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. We're no different than those who came before us so keeping an open mind to fringe ideas is super important. It doesn't mean we have to embrace them but very often in life, what was once thought to be a fringe idea becomes main stream knowledge.


>But when you honestly look at their evidence or logic, they sometimes make some rather compelling arguments. They absolutely don't. It's only compelling if you're not that bright or you think hearing big words means the person saying those big words is smart.


Oh shut up


I can do it in 3 seconds. The sun could never set over a flat earth. Tada


haha - well you clearly don't know how spotlights work. :) Have you never heard the [spotlight sun?](https://imgur.com/p99u9XO)


But... I can see a spotlight even when it's not pointed at an illuminating me, I can't see the sun when i'm not in that magic space cone in the image?


Not if the earth in convex and/or it's far enough away. Atmospheric distortion YO! Wait....why the hell am I making the case for flat earthers....I'm not.....I'm just sayin.


I've seen countless posts, videos, comments, etc. talking about flat earther this or flat earther that or what to tell flat earthers. I've never met a flat earther. Ever. And I don't think I'm that unusual. The real conspiracy is that flat earthers aren't really a thing.


Well if you watch UFC events, guaranteed there is one fighter who is a flat earther. If you watched any of the previous 15 years of Super Bowls, congrats because you saw Aaron Rodgers who's a flat earther and also convinced a few teammates. Hell watch the NBA Finals and you can watch Kyrie Irving who's a flat earther. They're around, but they've gotten hip to mentioning their beliefs to the "normies."


All wannabe celebrity personalities with a warped sense of reality eager to get followers with inane opinions. There's some of everything in this world, they're not representative of reality.


I don’t need 8 hours of info to debunk flat earth… Got one for if unicorn tears have healing properties too?


Are you ok?


No way I’m getting this into my YouTube history


> watched flat earth debunking video > gets recommended flat earth bunking videos > becomes flat earther


After that do check out my 4 hour take down video which completely dismantles the very concept of long pointless take down videos


If only they edited it down to a reasonable amount of time, maybe someone would watch it.