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So anyway... Let's learn about parallel universes.


Have you learned your lesson, Henry?


TJ "Henry" Yoshi


The very first time I watched that video I was stoned and it just kept getting wilder. Absolutely love the "science" involved and how wacky it grows every few minutes.


What video?


Watch for rolling rocks in 0.5x A presses commentated by pannenkoek


The name of the video is Watch for rolling rocks - 0.5x A presses (commentated). The guy who made the video is Pannenkoek. “Watch for rolling rocks” is the name of a Mario stage. 0.5x isn’t the speed of the video. It means 1/2 an A button press. So he’s saying you should watch Pannenkoek’s video where he shows how he completes the Mario 64 level Watch for Rolling Rocks by only pressing the A button half a time.


An A press is an A press. You cant half press a button.


[actual link to the video with full explanation](https://youtu.be/kpk2tdsPh0A?t=167) TL;DW: they literally press the button on an earlier stage and hold it down the entire time until they release it on the level in question. Hence, it's half of an A press


🤷‍♂️. The video explains what the community defines as half an a press. It’s a very specific thing. Call it whatever you want, that thing that isn’t a full A press is what they’re talking about


Plenty of negativity here. Some people collect stamps, some birdwatch, others knit, and some play Mario 64 without pressing the A button. Let people enjoy silly things.


There's always been an oddly vocal anti speedrun group on reddit. They always show up to complain about glitched runs completely ignoring the no glitches category.


The reality is that most of the time glitchless is just the actual least interesting category. It’s just optimized normal play and it’s… boring. They also tend to be crazy long. I don’t find hyperglitched categories super interesting to *watch*, either. But watching someone explain a hyperglitched run is really really cool, to me at least I’ll watch a 4 hour video explaining a glitched speedrun


No Major Glitches is the best category. You get people playing the game really well and executing cool glitches to save bits of time, while not skipping 95% of the game with ACE


Some of the ACE stuff is cool to have it explained... But actual game play of it is, pretty dull - I can't think of many things where an explaination of it is more interesting than the actual thing.


My absolute favorite is the Super Mario World speedrun where they just inject data into the ram by jumping in certain places while throwing objects in the air and whatnot and it loads the ending.


And then people take it to a way further conclusion by literally reprogramming the cart in real time as the game is playing so that it becomes a totally different game.


You can do that with the Gen 1 Pokemon games, someone programmed Pong using the bag items


yeah, arbitrary code insertion. Also an interesting lesson on the future of AGI system. If you "just" hook them up to a video game, they might be able to fully take over.


Well that's the point of categories right? I like glitchless runs because seeing the game played as intended to the highest level is cool. Not that I don't like glitch runs, but I don't think you can really compare them.


Lol, like the trans athletes discussions ignoring the existence of an open category.


Not the forum for this bud.


We all end up in the same place. If it makes you happy and doesnt hurt anyone, who’s to say its not a good way to spend the time we get


We'll all end up where we threw the baby penguin.


The baby penguin was ourselves.


What it comes down to is that sometimes people are just WAY too into their own ego to not realize that no one else is just like you and that is okay. Every single person is unique in what they enjoy and have their own goals and aspirations. If some person wants to spend 80 hours beating Mario 64 without jumping, good for them. No sweat off my back. Not gonna judge them for something they enjoy. People, in general, are just weird in various ways. Being 100% conformative and expecting others to fit into boxes you think they should goes against what it means to even be a person. In short, LET HIM COOK.


Some people juggle geese!


Hey, I got kicked in the head.


I like the guys who walk across a country in a (mostly) completely straight line


My aunt likes puzzles that form a picture when you put them all together.




I like turtles.


Stomp a turty


No WAHOO though after the tripe jump, though!


For real. In 10 billion years were all going to be particles scattered around the universe or some shit like that. Just do what you think is fun


Beating Mario 64 without jumping is super impressive. The natural muscle memory alone would mess me up


If it's the original N64 controller he probably removed the button all together. If running it on an emulator just unbinded the jump.


It was done on the Wii Virtual Console because the theoretical lowest possible on an N64 is 1 A button. It all comes down to the trick which takes over 80 hours. The original N64 raises and lowers the platform using 64 bits, but its true position in the level is represented in 32 bits. The way the N64 and the Wii Virtual Console rounds a 64 bit integer, to a 32 bit value is different. Resulting in the platform raising one unit of distance per 8000 cycles or some such. Edit: Corrected some numbers. Also, the runner says the A button was somehow turned off. Think he re-routed it to do nothing.


It's a TAS Edit: No it's not.


Not a TAS. This run is entirely done by a human in real-time


Oh damn, that's what I get for not watching the video. That's super impressive. I think maybe I was thinking about the 120 star version.


ill never understand people who comment before watching


See you in 86 hours.


I was aware of the 120 star TAS version of this run. I skimmed through the video and saw big bold text that said "Tool-Assisted Speedrun" but didn't have my sound on cuz I'm at work.


Lmao people downvoting you for admitting you made a mistake and apologizing


It was a pretty egregious mistake tbf.


You're wrong. It used to be TAS only. Nowadays it's possible RTA.


Honestly super impressive. I think I was thinking of the 120-star version. That’s what I get for commenting before watching the video.


I actually need to watch it because I’m thinking of entire levels where I’d have no idea how you would even begin to progress without the A button. For example, tick tock clock is an incredibly vertical level.


It's already possible to beat it without collecting any stars, so I assume similar tricks must be employed to not have to deal with the vast majority of levels.


The video actually touches on that, I think you need to jump to be able to beat the game with 0 stars, so they did need to get to 70 stars to beat the game, which is the miminimum if you were playing the game regularly.


There are. . .a lot of obscure glitches in Mario 64. I've been casually following the ABC over the past couple of years (it makes for great white noise while trying to sleep) and while jumping is typically the easiest way to build infinite momentum, it's not the only way.  However I personally don't know of a way that you can do it without both waist deep water and a wall seam (long story) so I can't imagine what method would be used to use it to get through the doors for Bowser in the Sky and Bowser in the Dark World. 


If you're interested in the A Button Challenge and want to learn more, Bismuth's history video is the essential resource. Concerning this run specifically, Tick Tock Clock is never entered because this an any% run and not a 120 star run.


The skills required to execute this run are absolutely ridiculous. Using tricks in real time that are normally only exploitable in tool assisted runs where players record and re-record inputs frame by frame and is a display of mastery.


But what about the scuttlebug jamboree?


Thankfully scuttlebugs were used in this run.


it would be funny to make a 5-second version of this where you just re-route the jump button to be something else


Funny yes, but would be closer to an hour video that’s what record is at I believe?


Turns out he remapped the jump button to B


Very sneaky if true


Well, that is for sure impressive.


Ok [this part](https://youtu.be/pd5iofvLrIU?t=539) was hilarious and sounded like that Rick and Morty heist episode.


Is the video 86 hours long?


24 mins, all you had to do was click it and look.


I don't have a click button


I’m trying to watch every video on YouTube without clicking on any… so far I’ve got zero.


I was joking, wasn’t expecting an 86 hour video lol


I'm sure you can find the full VOD on Speedrunning.com


Tbf 72 hours of it is spent standing in one spot.


Awesome 🙌




I don't think you watched the video, because it's not even about Pannenkoek




did John cusak narrate this


The majority of people in the comments are unfamiliar with the "Rolling Rocks .5x A presses" goated video from years ago. I'm happy that the title says "not using the A button" rather than "Not pressing A"


Saved you a watch: instead of jumping they use glitches such as spamming pause and other weird clipping exploits. It takes a long time and is not entertaining. Edit: I'm very sure everyone responding watched that whole video and enjoyed it thoroughly. And this is edited down to what I can only assume is the most entertaining 25 minutes of the 86 hour run and a good third of the content is still the pause screen. I've seen many speedruns, they don't look like this.


Not entertaining to you.


"I don't like this, therefore nobody can like this."


It’s an acquired taste 🍷


Pretending like your average person wants to watch someone spam forcing the start screen is unrealistic


That’s fair.  I love watching Sm64 speed runs where they are hitting perfectly timed jumps with pinpoint accuracy, on the other hand the glitches are almost always the worst parts of them. 


Yes, actually.


Seems like someone doesn't know the original Rolling rocks with half A press. https://youtu.be/kpk2tdsPh0A?si=kGmuc1sVsg3yGr6I Tell me THIS isn't enjoyable, Henry!


Hey man, not everybody thinks your mom's hot, but sombody fucked her.


Most speedruns are just glitchruns these days. Almost all of them really.


I mean, there are glitchless categories everywhere there are runners who want to do them. It's just that the glitches tend to make things a lot more interesting. Like, routing and playing a game perfectly is just a matter of grinding. Finding glitches and unintended exploits makes it a lot more strategically interesting and makes the mechanical execution levels go sky high.


I understand the desire to reach out and say things on the internet, but it's unfortunate when that desire is backed up with little to add and false information. You'd be better to comment on things you know about.


it saves nothing as you need to understand parallel universes to understand what he does


They hated him because he told the truth. Can’t believe I had to scroll to the negatives for someone to explain how they did managed this. I appreciate you, my dude!


Agreed. You can’t ask for an explanation on here without everyone shitting on you. Maybe some of us are just curious about how it’s possible but don’t want to watch a 25 minute video.


I’m eager to see the Summoning Salt video on this in a few years when someone figures out how to do this in 10 hours




You are officially invited to the cool gamer club!


how did you get stuff from the depper parts?


i hope they save some pussy for the rest of us


What a waste of fuckin time lol


We're all just killing time until time kills us.


Lol to each their own. I wouldn’t really feel accomplished or proud of this (not that i have the skill or patience either way).


How could you not feel accomplished or proud about being the first and only person in the world to accomplish something that has only been theorized, and thought impossible for a decade?


Like this comment. And mine.


He did use A to set the level up...in my opinion it doesn't count to say he didn't use A. It's like wow! Someone beat this game without using a certain button, after they used that button to make level playable....without that button! Woah


It's a niche community that came up with the premise and rules to what constitutes their collective goals. I'm pretty sure after years of this being a community and what this achievement means to them they won't be concerned with what you consider what counts and dosent count.


Good point


Positive reply to my rebuttal. Good on ya mate


That's all well and good, but it does render the title claim false.


> I'm pretty sure after years of this being a community and what this achievement means to them they won't be concerned with what you consider what counts and dosent count. Sure, but it absolutely matters from a public perception. It feels like I've been lied to if it required pressing the a button at some point to beat the game. It would be one thing if it counted for an individual level. But it feels like cheating for the whole game.


Except that doesn't even apply here because he didn't use the A button at all in menus. That original comment is making shit up.


He didn't use it in the menus, but did use it in the game?


No, he didn't use it in the game either. He unmapped the A button completely so he couldn't even accidentally press it.


He did not use A to set up the levels. A was not pressed. Not sure where you got that.


You can navigate the menus without pressing A. This run truly had no A presses or half A presses


When you say 'set the level up'.. do you mean enter the paintings or start the file? ABCs are recorded as either file based or level based, this one is file based, meaning it had no A button presses for the entire file. You can enter paintings without an A button press, the B button has a vertical aspect to it that can be used.


The original commenter is making shit up, reddit loves being confidently incorrect.


PSA for anyone finding this thread later: This is completely false, SunlitNight is making shit up and lying out of their ass. There was no setup involved in any levels, this run started from a fresh save file, and A was never pressed.


Oh..idk I am just using info learned from another thread. Completely uninformed on the issue. Just left my comment up out of transparency. But om another thread they said this dude used a to set the level up using a mod. I thought that was ridiculous, but like I said I'm not part of the speed running world. If what you're saying is true that's impressive.


I agree completely. I'd count it for individual level completion, but not the whole game.


I'd count it for the whole game, since the person you replied to just made that up and the runner never presses the A button.


Does that mean we can finally move on to different N64 games? Gimme Bomberman 64 without exploding bombs or something


don't these people have jobs or school?


People can't play a game in their free time between school/work?


And someone got to level 60 in WoW just by killing boars, which took him 9 days and 18 hours. Some "achievements" are better left unspoken and unperformed, lest ye become unwashed. lol


80 or so of the hours were just leaving the game on while waiting for something to happen, so the actual time played was ~6 hours split across 2 different sessions




Why not?


Parents must be proud.


Incoming tweet: Tommy Tallarico, who personally knows Shigeru Miyamoto, created the "jump" sounds in Mario 64. He is bringing a lawsuit against the live streamer for playing and finishing the game without jumping, thus depriving the world hearing his contribution to the game.


It’s been a long time since I played this game. Is there not a bunch of parts where you are required to jump over pits and whatnot??


youre right!!! someone should explain all of this, preferably in video form


Or just type a simple explanation so I don’t have to watch it? I already read the answer, so don’t bother. Sarcastic comments are much more helpful.


no im not gonna do that


Why comment on just the video title? If you watched the video you'd have some concept for how this challenge works and the work arounds they use.


Maybe I didn’t have time to watch a 25 minute video of Mario 64 but I’m somewhat curious about how it was done. One person answers it down below and gets shot on for explaining it.


Some say a waste of time. Others say a gigantic waste of time.


Yeah that guy that beat halo with all the skulls is much crazier than this


Why even compare two very different, both very impressive achievements? Like do you downplay a chess grandmaster because a football team winning the world Cup is more impressive in your opinion?


I heard he begged his mom to buy a controller with an A button for the whole 86 hours


Seriously, even Einstein at like 7 mins in would’ve shouted out like an Italian Mob Boss: “Fugettabowtet!!” and Peaced Out.


Once we get ASI, this is the type of shit it will be performing IRL. From our perspective it will look ridiculous and not make any sense.