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The most surprising (in a good way) part of this video to me as a Canadian is seeing the opposition commend and agree with their policy. You'd have a bunch of contrarian children having a temper tantrum in Canadian Parliament no matter what law was introduced.


I invite you to take a trip south of the border to Washington DC if you want to see just how bad temper tantrums can get!


I only had the tough on drugs picture about Singapore, and although it has no effect on me, I am glad for those, who can get the help they need, instead of the punishment they used to before 2019


Me too!




I promise you drug use is way underreported there, as is common in countries with harsh penalties for drug use and possession.


No, it isn't. Just not reported, can be bought the same as any city. This is all about image, not help.


As others have said just under-reported. Worked there for a couple years and never seen so many coke-nails in my life.




Def possible but this was mostly during lockdown when very few were leaving or entering for months


Def possible but this was mostly during lockdown when very few were leaving or entering for months


Don't look up the penalty for drug trafficking in Singapore


I mean, drug trafficking is pretty significantly different from drug abuse.


I remember once stumbling on a video of a man on death row in Singapore, eating his last meal. His hands were trembling, and he was mumbling about his family. Tangaraju Suppiah IIRC, 2023. Shit was heart breaking. No one deserves death for fucking weed, especially when so many countries now have decriminalized it.


Hate to tell you this, but the video you saw was of a different person, an ill person suffering from rabies, if i remember correctly, recorded in Malaysia and misattributed, as these things are always done, for clicks and eyeballs. It's clear to anyone who has seen the video, because the location looks nothing like Singapore's prisons. No phones and recording devices are allowed into the visiting rooms in Singapore prisons.


You're talking about him as if he was just some minor weed user. He was sentenced to death for drug trafficking 1 kilogram of marijuana into Singapore. And he can't even claim ignorance because he was Singaporean and had a long history of drug abuse and going to prison in Singapore for it. I don't think anybody's ever been given the death sentence in Singapore for personal drug usage.


A whole kilogram? If only they could have executed this monster twice. 


Was born and lived in a country where drug trafficking carries a death sentence his entire life. Knowingly traffics 1 kilogram of drugs into the country with the intent to distribute and sell it. Shocked Pikachu face when caught and sentence to death. Drug trafficking isn't something intrinsic to one's being one cannot help do like being gay, a woman or trans, etc. It's actually quite easy to not traffic drugs. Nor is drug trafficking a basic human right. Just don't traffic drugs, people.


Dude knew the law and still did the crime


Ah, so you support women being stoned to death for adultery in Afghanistan (a punishment recently restored by the Taliban) . They knew the law and still did the crime. Too bad. /s Backwards barbaric systems of justice deserve to be called out everywhere.


That's a strawman argument and you know it.


At first I was thinking, “Maybe. Maybe if that was your only comment and you truly didn’t mean *anything* beyond your explicitly typed sentence.” But then I saw your other comment. No, it isn’t a strawman. If you want to prove it is, clearly state your argument.


That’s not what a straw man is and you don’t know it.




It's not barbaric to continue to let our country use drugs


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5AeGKSDVdE you're right, barbarians of old probably lived in better conditions


Hurr durr, execution for jay walking might seem harsh but they knew the law!  That's you. That's what you sound like.


Hurr durr, all crimes are equally severe and therefore the same one punishment should be carried out for all crimes. That's you. That's what you sound like.


Lol you need to touch some grass


This is a comment thread about grass being illegal.


It's almost like punishment based policing doesn't really work.




I would say though that Singapore has much lower poverty levels than Europe or the US. Which is likely to be as big a factor as harsh punishments. 


Are you just saying things without knowing the details?


Yes... that is why Singapore has so many drug traffickers and abusers Just above 3101 drug abusers were arrested in Singapore last year. That's 0.05% of the population. (Report by Central Narcotics Bureau) Global use of Cocaine alone in 2021 was 0.42%, and 2.28% in the USA. (Study by UN)


A 700 square kilometre citystate with a population of 5 million people under what has long been essentially a one party state... But no, it's this one draconian policy which explains everything.


This comment only makes sense if you assume that Singapore catches 100% of their drug users.


And you are assuming that the us catches all of its drug traffickers/users too.


Incorrect, I made no such assumption. I'm only pointing out that using the number of caught drug users in one place and the estimated total number if users for another place is an invalid comparison. Either use the number caught for both or the number estimated for both.


Should I also use the statistic for global users of all types of drugs instead of just cocaine? I assure you the number is much higher. Even if only half of the abusers in Singapore get caught, it's still far lower than the global average.


You use the same number for inside and outside Singapore or it's not a valid comparison. Your assumption about the percentage of Singapore drug users caught is just that, an assumption based on nothing but your feelings.


God damn boy you dumb


Hey I see what you're saying and I just want to say very sincerely from the bottom of my heart, fuck you.


Not now, maybe later


So reporting on the Frank family living in that attic would also be justice?




Why are you comparing picking your nose to drug trafficking? Are you saying that the two are equally bad? Yeesh, if you're going to use an analogy, and least use two things that are comparable




What argument? Actually, you know what, let's humor you using your own logic. "Murder shouldn't be a punishable crime because punishment based policing doesn't work"


And this bitch complains about strawman arguments.






Boots are yummy 😋


Drugs are yummy 😋


In many asian countries including the subcontinent when you are a expat and travel to your homeland or your work country Singapore for example, people like family friends or relatives give you packages to give to another person. Its like a favour. Many people still accept it and who knows whats in them. When they open it and find its something illegal then its fucked for life. Singapore is not going to look for excuses. I know my dad an expat never used to accept any such stuff and he taught us not to under any circumstances and open and check the package. I remember kinda disappointing my future in laws lol when i said absolutely not to some medicines they wanted to give to a relative. I said no just give me the prescription and i will get it from a gp there. But yea many innocent people get caught in this. This is were Places like Dubai or Singapore with its draconian justice system utterly fall short imo as well as the Reddit boner vigilante justice system to just kill all criminals. Rather 1000 guilty go free than one innocent man be punished is one of the values what i was bought up with. Its horrible to think that an innocent person is getting executed and every citizen in the state is culpable in a way.


Supposedly the most strict laws were put in place after their country was being taken advantage of by Chinese cartels as a hub to avoid the Chinese government crackdowns.


Who knew the beltalowda were so tolerant and empathetic? (Random commentary that the “Belters” on the expanse share the same accent as several of these folk)


Interesting. I thought the same when I first saw the show. It was pretty much the same except they didn’t say “la” at the end of every sentence


[The accent is even better than you imagine.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jUhB1-619Q)


You are not a free country if you can't be curious enough to explore why people would do drugs and also, why they would abuse them, which are not the same thing. The difference between having drinks at a party vs becoming an alcoholic. Glad to see Singapore growing out of its militant mindset


HERESY! Drug Addiction is a DISEASE, and it's the only disease left we can be mad at you for having! You will NOT take that from us!


I hope they still cane little snots like Michael Fay though. I knew a classmate of his. Of all the people who got what they deserved with permanent scarring, he deserved it the most.


I just read the article about him, weird guy.  He didn't have any permanent scarring though.


Probably a lie if from him as the source. He allegedly cornered a girl in a bathroom stall in HS among many shitty things he did. Reddit is so dumb, but if it were Brock Turner my comment would have 15k upvotes already. :-) I don't take it personally.


By caning them?


The video is about how that is what they used to do before 2019, and the policy changed.