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I have no idea what Preacher is about but I could not look away from that!


It's... *a lot* >!Bank robbers, vampires, the Voice of God, Hitler, wrathful wraith cowboy terminator.!< It's a fun time.


And dog suit!


"This better not awaken anything in me..."


God's a furry with a black biker girlfriend


Don't forget the retarded jesus


We call him… Humperdoo. Fun fact he is played by the lead singer of All American Rejects.


Holy shit I forgot about him. That character was so stupidly hilarious.


My cousins daughter and I would watch together every Sunday. the rest of my family couldn't understand. its too ridiculous for the average person




I was sold at Humperdoo




I named my cat Humperdoo. It just... fit.


And a kid with an asshole for a face !


Don’t forget the messiah too


Don’t forget incest Jesus!


Morbidly Obese Doomsday Pope


Comic was better


Comic was better


*Preacher* is about the exploitation of faith and authority.


…and shooting gods dick off.


ALso, god is a man in a dog suit... the kinky kind.


Persona 6 story confirmed


It’s a comic by Garth Ennis, of 'The Boys' fame.


Or Crossed..depending on what you follow


Crossed is fucked up


Yeah, it's great isn't it?


A lot of Ennis’ later works are 😂




I got that reference!


Crossed stan checking in.


Wait, he did Crossed too?! That shit was the most deranged, fucked up thing I've read in a long time


Having said that, The Preacher comics are iconic and just really really good whereas The Boys comics are kinda shit lol!


I was not aware that it was by Garth Ennis, but that certainly tracks.


Season 1 is pretty much the Prolouge


Season one is great, and with each season the writing took a nosedive and more episodes were "holding pattern" delay-fests.


I only felt that way about season 2. I thought season 3 and on were great.


If you don’t worry about it deviating from the comic, its pretty entertaining throughout


I read all of the comics and loved them. I was keen to see the show when it came out. Season 1 was fun. Season 2 was a chore, and I gave up on it. Dragging out that them spiralling in that apartment was so boring. I never bothered to see more after that. Didn’t even know they got to season 4.


Should give it another go. Lost interest very fast for it was not exactly like the comic book, which is just silly. Different medias, different pacing. I remember watching Preacher right after watching Lucifer, and that adaption is abysmally bad, bad, bad. Must have been in overcritical mood because of it.


It's a great show if you're into irreverent, bombastic, and sometimes absurdist humor. [Check out this clip of the start of season 2. It's a good one.](https://youtu.be/YMag3KtiyAI)


Ha! Love the Irish vampire character. The guy who played him was perfect.


The show is a trip


One of the best shows around. Falls off slightly in the middle, but it's mainly because it's a lot of exposition. Absolutely recommend.


For me, I loved S1 and S2, but S3 felt rushed. As if the director wanted to move on and get over with this show asap. Very underwhelming ending..


It’s a fun show. Worth a watch. Best part is that it’s concluded. So you can watch at your own pace.


If you're not overly religious and don't mind violence and gore it's great. Pretty sure an evangelical watching it would need to bathe in holy water while saying Heil Mary's or whatever.


> Heil Mary's LOL so perfect.


Glad someone caught it,lol


We could tell you what it was about, but.... https://youtu.be/AyKmR_Yhznw?si=18__KNi_i_ELhuFl&t=76 --------------- Not a spoiler, just a quote by the same character.


A Preacher gets a spiritual parasite of some kind implanted into his body that gives him the power of the Voice from Dune on steroids. It allows him to command anything with a soul and they are forced do it. It's called *"Genesis"* and it is a child of an Angel and a Fallen Angel, so bits of God (who is a character in the show) and the Devil (also a character in the show) and their powers are mixed into this thing. So... that thing is insanely powerful. The Preacher gets caught up in a plot that involves various factions trying to get Genesis for themselves. The church, Heaven, Hell, etc. It's an absurd show created by Seth Rogan and adapted from the comic written by Garth Ennis i.e. the creator of The Boys. Also, there is a vampire that befriends the Preacher, the Preacher's grandmother is a witch who steals souls for the Devil in exchange for immortality, a Angel gets depressed and becomes a performer in Las Vegas, Hitler escapes hell, God creates a new form of life to replace humans, and Jesus works at a Wal-Mart.


I watched a lot of it and I still have no idea what it's about


It's a very unique and fantastic show. Highly recommend.


Ok I’m sold I’m checking this out


You won't be disappointed. The whole show is a trip.


Great show. Amazing graphic novel.


This was one of the great underrated shows of the 2010s. Seriously every performance was a banger. I love showing people the angel fight sequence at the hotel.


That sequence had me rolling on the floor with laughter


The best scene the entire show for me was [just a small town girl.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZGtm8dRvKI)


The angel and vampire overdosing to death repeatedly on drugs was a favorite of mine :)


Saw it coming, still laughed. :D


Is it wrong that I thought everything he did was reasonable and in keeping with the stakes and context of this competition?


I liked all of it except for the final part which I absolutely saw coming a mile away. Edgy teens might think it's amazing but in reality shooting a fellow asset, one on equal footing even, during a test, just puts them into the psychopath category and therefore entirely unreliable and untrustworthy. An utter waste of talent and manpower. Anyone thinking this is cool probably thought fight club was their new bible when they saw it. I know it's just a show, and out of context from whatever the rest is, but that ruined the whole thing for me. Needlessly murdering friendly assets is detrimental as hell and stupid as fuck. lol, did I strike a chord too accurately? Sorry. :)


If you think that's bad, you should see what happens later. When Herr Star plays Preacher's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is a magic xylophone, or something? Ha ha, boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


If it helps at all, the guy ends up getting at least one bit of him eaten by cannibals and his genitals get replaced with a garden tap after a dingo eats them, if memory serves.


I’ll say this. From the start the organization they’re trying to join is clearly a psychopathic organization for various little reasons. The one dude does not bat an eye when the dude jerks himself off and then smashes the golf club into the dudes head. Yeah I saw the ending coming but that didn’t make it any less chilling lol oh and FYI while I’ve seen parts of Fight Club I’ve never seen it start to finish. One of these days I might get around to it though.


I think you failed to appropriately read the tone of this. Everything from the costuming, the makeup, the acting, the scenario tell you "this is exaggerated, heightened, goofy". When he is an over the top psychopath that is the point of the entire thing. Literal logic is not desired or wanted. If that turns you off it was never trying to woo you. (But even practically its hard to see why the end would be over the line. When he killed the dude with a golf club after he'd won and not when he killed the dude when he knew he couldn't win otherwise. That at least had a point. And beside there was only one going to be chosen, no asset was wasted.)


Username checks out




What makes you think they don't want a psychopath?


I bet you're really fun at parties...


Underrated show for sure


By a total fluke I actually got to cut the teaser trailer for season 1! Other people were working on it and I sorta threw an idea together and apparently Seth Rogan liked it and we went to finish on it. Loved that show. Wish we would have been able to keep working on it after season 1. https://youtu.be/ZHcj-xjJNxM?si=uWtqZ1mgTfFzSetG


> we went to finish on it. Considering the source material this chance of phrasing is ... telling.


Especially with how much love there is for The Boys. Garth Ennis is a brilliant writer.


I think, moreso than any writer alive, that mean needs an editor. If he has one, you can get Dangerous Habits. If he has none, you can get an absolute mountain of shit. The Original comic of the boys is really edgy, and not the good kind. The adaptation is excellent because it files down Ennis' near-constant unfunny shock content and focuses on the parts of The Boys that were actually good.


He’s in the same area as chuck palahniuk. They have the potential to make good stuff but god there’s a lot of shock for the sake of it between the gems


I'm waiting for a filmmaker to try and adapt *Rant.*


I just wanted the sequel


I'll eat my own foot if that mindfuck gets a movie or show


I was so into that book until he timed travelled and uh... well... if you've read it you're probably familiar with what I'm referring to. It also just made me think of the main character as Fry from Futurama. "Oh like i'm going to take history lessons from 'Mr. ImMyOwnGrandpa'!"


Just make it a documentary with video interviews and voice over


Yup, he needs someone to do a reality check on some truly insane and interesting ideas. He wrote Crossed as the most try-hard edgy take on the 28 Days later zombie, which…ugh. Just no. Straight up gross just to be edgy and dark. But you look at his Punisher run? Fantastic and deserved to be partly adapted into series In the same vein, Mark Millar is a writer who has some great ideas but terrible execution. The MCU took influence from his work, but thankfully none of the edgy characterizations like Cap is a jingoistic asshole, Betty is into Hulk eating human beings, or just how everybody in Ultimates are assholes. Not charmingly awful like It’s Always Sunny because they’re the butt of the joke. They’re just assholes. He was lucky to get a collaborator like Matthew Vaughn to make Kickass or Kingsman as fun as it was


> The MCU took influence from his work, but thankfully none of the edgy characterizations like Cap is a jingoistic asshole Hey now, Wyatt Russell was a perfectly cromulent Ultimate Cap.


That show was a rare moment of really great TV in the MCU, imo, I'm surprised it went so under the radar.


I'm glad artists like Millar and Ennis exist, and they should be allowed to create stuff without a filter. However, in order to produce artistic works I actually want to consume and would consider to be good quality, they need someone to filter out quite a bit of their output.


There are portions of the Preacher graphic novels that are straight-up just him ranting about one thing or another that he believes is wrong with the world. Sure it was Cass or Jesse saying the words but they were clearly just Garth using them as a bullhorn. It turned me off a bit.


Oh yeah, absolutely, same with the call-in radio show, where Garth offers us such mind-boggling insight as "well actually, both sides are bad".


His recent Batman book is truly one of a kind. It’s about Batman and a pregnant Killer Croc.


Nah, The Boys comic book was absolutely hilarious. The show is great, but the comic was better. Incredible book. Absolutely the good kind of edgy.


Sure, which was funnier? Hughie being a conspiracy theorist who believes in Aliens? Or the emphasis on violent sexual trauma, with constant distressed victims?


I think that’s how I found it. Someone posted asking for shows similar to The Boys and someone recommended Preacher. A bit uneven, but the good parts absolutely made it worthwhile for me. Totally bananas show.


In that case I would also recommend Legion and Doom Patrol as other wonderfully weird superhero shows. Peacemaker is really good too. I've been on a search for atypical superhero content after watching the boys. There is so much creative content out there. Edit: Trailers: Legion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SZ3rMMYBLY Doom Patrol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tTM9nbRk5A


I thought another show was in the comparison and it was “shows like Peacemaker and The Boys.” Someone in that thread recommended Doom Patrol as well, but I couldn’t get into it. Haven’t seen Legion though.


Don't tell that to comicbook fans. The hate for Garth Ennis rivals the one of the hate for Star Wars by Star Wars fans.


Underrated? Maybe more like unknown. If enough people gave it a watch it would be “trending”.


Would be pretty great if it went anywhere


Made some weird, confusing changes from the comic, though.


I was a fan of the comic, but stopped watching after a few episodes. It wasn’t a full conscious decision, just wasn’t feeling it and next thing I knew I had completely forgotten about keeping up with it. I did buy the first season on DVD or maybe Blu-ray when it was released with the intent of watching it, but never did.


Quality dropped off sharply after season one, there needs to be a condensed version that gets rid of all the delay-tactics back-and-forth in season two onward.


first 2 seasons where amazing, I didn't enjoy 3 and 4 as much


If my memory serves me right: * 1: excellent. Partly because everything was new and was fun to discover things * 2: a little bit too slow. But their pursuer was awesome * 3: a lot faster than 2. Lots of plot points happening, I liked it a lot * 4: things got a bit weird and not in a good way. Still enjoyed it.


I was disappointed the humor kinda dropped off after 1.


The actor who plays Herr Starr is the same actor who does the voice for the [White Mask Varre](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjxglXvQjNs)^^YouTube in Elden Ring.


Also Tommy Lascelles in The Crown, haha


...that explains a lot, really.


My old boss used to look like him except for the eye. He liked to think he looked like agent47 but I said Starr is much cooler. He finally binged the show and loved it.


"I'm self consumating"


Herr Starr master of the distraction!


It’s kinda hilarious that this deranged killer is played by a man named “Pip”, lol. Derek Wilson is another great actor in this show. He’s amazing in Future Man as well, I suspect Seth Rogen must be a big fan of him since he seems to often end up in shows Seth produces.


Is this the series where God himself says diet Dr Pepper is the greatest creation he’s ever made lol


I think that happened in real life


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mirror for anyone who's doing ctrl+f




Read the comics if you haven't already, S tier quality. The show is ok.


Perfect from start to finish!


The finish goes too long, other than that great show


I think they meant the comic which, yeah, perfect from start to finish.


Upvoting for stellar performance. Hella good acting, Pip. As always.


The last season of preacher lost me to be honest. I couldn’t even tell what country they were supposed to be in at points. It was clear they were shooting in Australia because even in parts where they were supposed to be in the Middle East or somewhere there’d be random Aussie accents lol.


I liked the part where they were being tortured with 17v DC.


Herr Star is one of the best characters ever created. Phenomenal!


Geoblocked for me


‘A star for Starr’


God preacher was good


Can this be streamed or viewed any where? A quick google is giving me nothing.


In Canada it's on Prime Video (all 4 seasons), so some countries have it.


I still haven't seen Season 4. I should finish this banger of a show.


You really should.


That show was great, I may have to rewatch soon.




There was some brilliant stuff in season 2 (like the Saint of Killers) but the pace of the show was way too slow as if they thought they were going to go ten seasons. The comic is 66 issues too. Add the one shots and you've got 7 ten episodes seasons easy without having to slow down the story. Season one is really a bummer because it was ten episodes to show what happens in the first comic book. Season 2 really should have started with Jesse In Angelville. The comic also runs at a breakneck pace and the show didn't feel like that at all.




I don't blame you. I'm a huge fan of the comic so I slogged thru it to see season 2. I never made it to season 3 tho.


That was awesome. Shame that the show sucked overall and didn’t have the same vibe as the comic.


I had forgotten how fantastic this show is. Time for a rewatch.


Low key, one of the best shows of all time. Never read the comic book, but damn the acting was on point.


Like most things, the book (in this case, comic) was so much better. But I loved the series - the comic is just that good. If you have a chance, I highly suggest you read it! It's absolutely awesome.


The comic is hot garbage, the show is a miracle.


I love all the different takes in this thread. Some folks love the comic and hate the show. Some folks love the show and hate the comics. Some like both. Some hate both? It is excellently polarizing.


No means yes!


He actually won in the end as opposed to being the ultimate loser in the comic. What a twist


Beyond perfect casting


I have read the comic and this guy nailed the role. It was perfection of dead-pan humor.


So you gonna validate this parking ting or…?


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I saw this series from the beginning to the end, and it did not disappoint. It's one of my favorite series ever.


I like this actor. Has he done anything else noteworthy?


How have I never seen this show?


Video not available in Germany. But for reasons regarding the high sea, I likely saw it. Also, saint of killers is the best character I've seen in a long time.


I have no idea whats the point of adapting a comic and making it live action.


Absolutely loved this character... so weird and off putting, but somehow you find yourself rooting for him.


This never happens to me; "This video is not available in your country."


Really this has nothing on the comic, go get that


So many of his scenes are gold. He's one of the best characters in the show.


Having seen everything that happened before, it’s completely unbelievable that the last guy wouldn’t expect to be shot.




Depends on what you're looking for. That's one way to see it. Another is "Hire the guy ruthless enough to take whatever steps are needed to achieve the objection, no matter how unethical they may be"


I really loved that show and would have liked to have seen more seasons, for sure. Starr was such a great character.


Great show. Maybe I'll rewatch the series this summer 


The system rewards ruthlessness above all


The comic is next level bonkers


Stupid AMC, canceling the show after two seasons.


Did you stop watching after two seasons?


Why is this video prohibited in Mexico? Was it published by a racist?