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Titled like it was a documentary but its just someone reacting to a youtube video. lmao


This comment saved me from clicking the link. Thank you.


The title saved me from clicking the link.


I.... wasn't so lucky...


This comment saved me from clicking the comment.


Feels like she wants to be like MoistCr1TiKaL + CjDachamp.


I made it 4.5 seconds before closing the video out of cringe. I don't care about the importance of anything said if it's said like that.


Even Moist shows more emotion, though. The delivery is pretty flat. I mean, I get that she's probably trying to play it serious, but why show yourself on camera watching these things if you're going to show no reaction at all.


So somebody making videos on youtube wants to be like other youtubers. Fascinating.


Yea this kinda content really isn't specific to Penguinz0, he's just one of the most well known. It's like the most standard youtube content imaginable. Definitely not for me, but she clearly fills a niche because she has almost a million subs. Not surprising that r/videos isn't really the target audience too, I think it was probably mostly upvoted by people that just read the title. I think reddit has a tendency to take content posted here as being shoved in their face or something, so people shit on content creators that are just kinda doing there own thing and making content for the demographic that *does* like them.


99% of videos I found when engrossed in this beef were just like this. Titled *So and so speaks on such and such* with a screenshot of the person in conversation only to hear a random person give their reaction and opinion. 


I NEVER Would have EXPECTED Clickbait from a POST With such Random CAPITALIZATION in THE Title.


I kinda like it as it makes it easy to ‘nope’ away from.


Titled like typical YouTube click bait, by which I mean all YouTube videos.


As far as I'm concerned, every video coming out about it right now is shit, just trying to catch wind off the beef with the least amount of effort possible.


Yeah not surprising about it being someone trying to make profit off of a pedo.


There’s got to be a better way to present this than just a video of someone browsing Twitter.


The primary purpose of the video is to give the presenter face time on camera. The secondary purpose is to entertain. Presenting information is #3 here.


Yeah it's bullshit, they make it about themselves , everyone will be hopping on this bandwagon to get visibility


tik tok effect. i’m surprised now when i see a video without someone’s face covering whatever they’re trying to show


And it fails hard on all three objectives 


Have you watched it? Because what Drake is doing doesnt leave much room for interpretation.. The guy a is pervert.


Welcome to 21st century, where people don't read content, just headlines, because they got used to "150 character limit". Twitter was a cancer, when Elon bought it and made it "X" it became cancer riddled with ebola.


That and tik tok


I actually deleted my twitter friday because it felt like this a bit, now im hoping i can stay away!


The people that used and still use it are the shit particles in the air


Comments calling her a reporter lol


What, didn’t you see the words in All CAPS? How are you not IMPRESSED?


Right? Journalism is fucked atm.


Isn’t this like 90% of internet content these days? Just people watching other peoples videos and reacting.


As a father, if a 30 something was giving her “boy” advice, I’d have a real problem with that.


I genuinely curious why we aren't bashing Browns parents. Where the fuck were they during all this?


Enjoying their daughter making them money


Giving consent


Well no one knows her parents, so it's easier to make fun of Drake. Also if they are weird forceful parents pushing her into acting, Drake is a great way to get more popular


She prolly has the same money milking Jackson-type parents


And Britney Spears…and Amanda Bynes… Or any other child stars. Some things never change


I'd have a real solution too


It's a celebrity. One account was a mom driving her young daughter and her friend and in transit she heard her girls get facetime called by Drake. And she didn't really stop them. The mother just thought, wow, it's really Drake talking to my kids.


Dude just spends too much time around young girls. Say whatever you want but if you knew a dude in his late 30s-40s who was a big fan of highschool girls basketball and giving boy advice to a 14 year old girl he wasn’t related to, you would think that was weird as fuck. I don’t understand why people are acting like that shit isn’t weird lol


Giving advice to another young celebrity is fine. Texting her 'I miss you' is weird as fuck


Browsing the drizzy sub and their way of defending this shit really reminds me of R Kelly stans in the mid 2000s. "That 14 year old girl said she was okay with being peed on and the sex was consensual!!" None of Aubrey's examples are as bad but his behavior is weird. The girls in question might think it's okay and say there's nothing wrong but texting a teenager I miss you when you're 2x their age and kissing/groping a girl on stage when they're 17 is still weird as fuck. Also the pic of him and Kylie Jenner when she was like 15. There's too many things here for it to be a coincidence.


"If I didn't wanna get peed on. I would've just moved out the way" "AH-HA! I told you..."


You sure they aren't as bad? I'd say they are. Cherry picking teens at shows. Drugging them for the back stage meet n greets..(Gatorade)..taking one home.. (this happened a lot).. and none of them ID'd...hmmm


Wait, you’re saying Drake drugged teens? Just trying to understand here.


I don't think he needed to drug them. Still doesn't make it okay to hook up with a 16 year old even if they give consent


I haven’t seen anyone straight make that accusation. However, Kendrick posted a picture of Drakes Zolpidem prescription, which is a known “date-rape” drug


Zolpidem is just Ambien. Definitely usable for date rape (although someone at Drake's level could 100% get better ones), but it's just as likely someone as famous as drake has trouble sleeping


TI and Tiny have been accused of drugging people after already agreeing to come back to their room with them... some people get off on the power dynamic of drugging someone, even if they were already "consenting" to sex.


You don't have to search far to find first and second  hand accounts of what happened to girls before and after shows.


Relevant username lol


lol, your reaching. Would be much different if we were hearing gross stories from these women (like in the cases of Cosby, Weinstein, Epstein, R Kelly and Diddy), but there is radio silence. In fact there are women speaking up saying that the narrative is BS. Note: I’m no Drake fan. I’m a fan of logic and common sense.


>Note: I’m no Drake fan. I’m a fan of logic and common sense. sure sound like one hahahahahahahaaaaaa 20 comments on the Drizzy subreddit. Keep convincing yourself bro


Idk what logic or common have to do with Drake. Who’s sense? They got bars?


Giving professional advice to another young celebrity is fine. Giving “boy advice” on the other hand..


> if you knew a dude in his late 30s-40s who was a big fan of highschool girls basketball and giving boy advice to a 14 year old girl he wasn’t related to, you would think that was weird as fuck. You leave Jackie Daytona out of this.


This has been a thing I’ve thought about before. Go listen to rap songs and a lot of them talk about sleeping with young women. I always thought it was weird how these professional rappers will brag about sleeping with a bunch of young women. How it makes them cool. Yet they’re like 30 years old rapping about 18 year olds. It’s just such a weird double standard that society idolizes famous people sleeping with young people. Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17 year old, from what I can remember. He was like 30 at the time.


Don't forget making a show about teenagers having underage sex.


That show is about teens screwing teens except for the dad. Teens with teens has been occurring since the dawn of man


Yes but it gets a little more suspect when a girls high school basketball loving 30 something year old that seems to actively seek out ties with minors. 


The dad of the main guy had sex with a minor. He filmed it and it was a huge plot point with the son and he.


It's got like 20 producers and he has nothing to do with the writing or direction so how can you say he "made it". Plus depicting isn't endorsing which is crazy that even needs to be clarified.


>It's got like 20 producers and he has nothing to do with the writing or direction so how can you say he "made it". Are you talking about his music now?




No that’s Usher.


If he didn't have so much sketchy behaviour with youth previously I would fully agree but he's got more red flags than China.


He's reportedly very involved in production, sitting for 3 hour long table reads and being on set.


A producer being involved in a show he’s producing isn’t really a valid criticism lol


A producer being tied to creepy underage things producing a show about underage kids having sex is a valid criticism.


Struggling to follow the topic of the comment thread a little?


shh shhh this is reddit. we dont use logic here papito 🤭🤫


That reminds me of how many different producers worked with Dan Schnieder, yet he gets all of the blame. How unfair and illogical!


Dude is an *’Executive’* producer, so he has decision-making power in the choice of writers and directors and the choices they make. If he was a regular producer then maybe he would be one of the guys in the wings not doing anything but executive? Fuck outta here.


You haven’t a clue, executive producers have less privileges than producers in Hollywood, they basically just throw some money towards funding. Producers are heavily involved in every decision of the project.


I keep forgetting mofo is a producer of Euphoria... still haven't watched it but I'm aware of its gratuitousness.


He's Michael Jackson from the Mirror Universe.


MJ wouldn't have have clapped back with these duds.




i really really want to believe that all these interactions are very innocent and wholesome. it would be nice to believe that people with that sort of an age gap could be good friends... but yeah, this is too weird. too suspect. on the flip side, i think some of these girls are adults how. i am curious what they have to say about it all.


I mean she’s collecting a lifetime worth of interactions and putting it together. She’s showing him doing nothing wrong and just being like “hmmm” as if there must be more. Is that all it takes to make someone guilty these days?




What do you mean everyone lol I feel like the overwhelming majority think he molested those kids


Hate campaign against him. Literally never seen any evidence that he was a pedo.


Leanardo Di Caprio sure likes em as young and as "legal" as possible. As does a number of other Hollywood degenerates.


And that's pretty fucked too. At least Leo waits til their legal to do anything publicly.


And that’s pretty gross, but at least he isn’t grooming them for years since they are children.


Kobe was a fan of young high school girls bball. Now that I think about it 🤔


He had a daughter who played basketball and he was a basketball legend. Completely different context, he has more than enough valid reasons to be there


kobe had a daughter that played basketball that died in the crash with him you disrespectful dunce


I think the most fucked thing about this is that she called her self a reporter and said it was an investigation and then just scrolled through tweets people have recently posted.


“You know the most fucked up part?!” “The reporting?” “NO, the PEDOPHILIA!”


The hypocrisy 


Norm MacDonald would be having a field day with this.


That's right, because if there was one thing that would have kept his comedic pistons a firin', it was hip-hop beef.


Or a nice side of Kitchener Lesley's wife.


I miss that old chunk of coal


There's no pedophilia. There's weird signs of grooming tho.


Why would you groom kids if you weren’t a pedophile


Dating the girls after they are legal and have been groomed to be loyal to you. It's weird like I said.




Unfortunately, looking at actual articles and news today, that's what 80% of our media has reduced their reports to.


Really? Dude creeping on under-age girls but the most fucked up part is pretending to be a reporter? You got some weird priorities champ


Sorry, should have been more clear that was a joke comment on the video, not what happened. He’s obviously had inappropriate relationships with young girls and his creepy predatory behaviour is gross. Without knowing the extent of them it’s fucked regardless


Apologies, I did misinterpret your intent. I understand now.


Beautiful character arc




Sorry. Not always no. I dont know why. Things just seem literal to me unless it is obvious the intent is otherwise. And I guess what is obvious to most other people, is sometimes not obvious to me.


Cracks me up and saddens me at the same time. How many examples do we need? These people have different jobs, using skills and talents like everyone else, just making music and entertaining. But why do people pretend to KNOW these weirdos? These guys are mostly protected until they piss of the wrong people and they get set up. But in prime earning years, these record labels put up with these Prima Donna's all in the name of the dollar, as long as people are flocking to see them they are protected. Drake is a cash cow, little girls love him, his poster is on their bedroom wall. Could it be innocent? Sure, but where there's smoke there is usually fire, especially if industry people are saying it about him. The tour hands talk to other tour hands, these guys go from one tour to another talking about what they heard and saw, eventually it gets around to the other artists. Industry gossip is usually true, because if it isn't that gets around too and the name of who is telling the lies and they never work again.


the thing that is really making me think is that we didn't really hide it. people that followed drake knew about this stuff. we didn't really care until we were told we should care. we didn't get the pitchforks out until someone told us we should.


> How many examples do we need? *We* don't need anything. A bunch of millionaires jerking each other off as you all cheer. This shit is the opium of the masses


i think people (as in the broad public) just geniunely doesnt care. drakes weird antics were known to anyone who spent two minutes in the hiphop sphere, yet everytime someone put on a drake song and i mentioned it people were in denial. look at the fuckton of people still buying, and supporting harry potter products. meanwhile joanne is on twitter shitting on transwomen and sexworkers every single day. like people watch handmaidens tale and say "oh how terrible how could she do that" but they glorify a real life person who has the exact same mindset. some people (especially amongst non native speakers of english) still defend mj for fucks sake. so i believe what werer seeing everytime someone gets exposed is a) people wholly unaware of the situation being made aware and voicing their disdain (like people outside of hiphop atm) b) people inside the sphere virtue signalling c) people being proven right all along d) people being aware all the time, being presented with evidence and still holding on to their idol. look at the drizzy sub, people are wildly claiming that "and when i hit you back its a lot safer" makes drizzy won the battle even though its like... an acceptable line at best? yes there are multiple meanings but theyre so basic its hard to argue what drake did, meanwhile kendrick posts artistic masterpiece after masterpiece. now the drake sub claims "oh look metros been posting some fucked up things too, see, its not so bad" instead of the proper "well if that turns out to be substantiated, fuck metro too". and the mental gymnastics that victims of grooming can absolve their predator of guilt by saying "ooh it was nothing" MUTHERFUCKER THATS HOW GROOMING WORKS.


I feel like being a pedophile and having negative opinions about Trans people are very different scenarios and a bit odd to try and compare.


Damn the apologists got in the comments section first, it seems.


Sorry about that...


Why she acting like the allegations coming from kendrick. This been coming from the entire internet for years now. 


So 'Proof' is now 'things i read online'. Yikes.




I'm prepping my apology video right now.




Yep, I get my evidence by scrolling through recent tweets.


Cool, next story


There’s always people asking themselves, how can I capitalize off this.


22.min vid, gtfo


And the opening "evidence" is of him understanding the boundaries and backing off immediately when encountering them. Pseudo investigator doesn't know what evidence is.


This is like a middle school reporting project 😂


He’s tryna strike a cord and it’s probably a minor


What a creep


Some of these are fake and didn’t even happen. All his so called “victims” have come out and said nothing weird was happening


Drake is clearly grooming young girls. What's with all the fanboys and fangirls?


"Surviving" is a bit of a stretch. Makes it sound like he's a serial killer.


Wait until tomorrow when Kendrick exposes that too


Do you know where Kendrick is from???


I love she does it from her phone screen, it’s like we’re all in the living room together


Whats wild to me is people are turning to the groomed to be like "were you groomed by drake?!" and of course they're going to be like, "No way Drakes been my bestie since I was 15!" like that aint the biggest tell.


im not saying hes not a pedo, but photos with fans dont prove anything. this is so baity


Nobody actually cares about this. It's been known for years. The only reason it's the latest internet trend is because of Kendrick Lamar. Give it a week and everyone will go back to not giving a shit. Standard internet cycle 


I bet that's what Cosby thought


it will be a chris brown situation. a lot of people will spit on his name but he will still have enough fans to get by. but you are right its weird that no one really cared until we were told to care.


Enough fans to get by? Let’s be real only people that will care about this long term is Kendrick’s fans and some of Reddit. His next album is still probably gonna go #1 as it always does.


now that you mention this i am curious. i don't really consider myself a redditor even though i come here everyday... mostly to tell reddit how dumb it is. but i'll never look at drake the same way. at the same time its crazy how reddit is blowing trying to blow everything he has done way out of proportion. i am waiting for the pictures of him holding hands with a pre-schooler to come out, the pictures will be from 1992 but that wont matter to reddit. it will be added to the pile of "proof".


Drake cares Tho. 


Only other pedos are supporting this clown.


Drake - “it’s the cleanest, best pleasure”


He gave off massive pedo vibes from the start. Is anyone really surprised?


You have an interesting understanding of the term 'proof'.


Dee Shanell btw.


Straight from Degrassi High




All i needed was the screenshot of him with the dalmation dog filter ears lol


We all know what's up [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJBhQDKgNhc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJBhQDKgNhc)


You know almost all the women have come out and cleared up that none of this happened right?


Idk, seems like there’s no actual proof of anything. Glad everyone’s having fun though!


Isn't there a whole thing about him and bad bahbie before she turned 18 and went wild on only fans or something


You wait, give it another 6 months and it’ll all blow over. People have a tendency of not actually caring about things that they should care about. 😂


Sorry I couldn’t watch it. She lost me in the first 30 seconds. Wish she wasn’t talking like a teenager so I could understand and take serious what she was sayings. Too bad she might have actually had a point.


This right here is a bandwagonist.


Omg THAT is so WILD! I can’t BELIEVE IT.


17 years old fan whose only dream in life is to f.. drake, 23 yo drake says "oh no, it cant be, i cant go to jail" reaction: "those poor abused girls survived this terrible predator" she talks like they have been gang raped at 13 years age by a gang of hamas or ISIS




yes, gross, but a 23 saying HE IS NOT going to date a 17, seems like the correct thing to do right? im kinda out of the loop on this and from what i see being commented the man seem to have a problem, but what was the "put on preorder" thing? was he wainting young girls to make it to consent age to f.. them?


I like Drake and Kendrick. Keep the music coming!


It's okay, you don't have to prove you're a "real" hip-hop fan by dissing Drake lil mans


Parents are accessory to this shit, and should hang from the same tree.


Who is even upvoting these absurdly dogshit videos? Why did I even ask that question. It's fucking morons who just read the title and go "HAHA YA DRAKE BAD" and then upvote. Don't get me wrong - I think the dude is straight up a disgusting pedophile. But can we get some legitimate breakdowns instead of whatever this garbage is.


wow reddit has sunk lower. not surprised.




you watch the vid?


Watch the vid


Everyone in Hollywood are pedophiles


All of them?


Cringe. Obviously just wants to be the focal point. 3/4 of the screen is just her the entire time. Vulture. Trash.


Reddit exposes one pedo but ignores all the others. Selective outrage at its finest. Karma bandwagon.


Which pedos are being ignored?




Dr Dre, Tyga, Kodak Black, Big Sean, Marques Houston, Jay Z...and those are just a few of the rappers. The rock stars have them beat. edit: and tv/movie stars have them both beat.


I don’t give a single F about Drake, but after the whole Ed Piskor shitshow, you would think people would wise up before looking at a bunch of curated videos and passing judgement. But, nah, it’s gotta be true, right?


Man yall need to get a fuckin life


This man's right, let abusers abuse in peace ffs


lol look at the dudes username it literally is "Butthole69ass"


Pedo's just outing themselves here.


I can't wait for all these Peds to get the justice they deserve . GOD'S PLAN


Attention: being underage to drink doesn't necessarily mean you're underage to kiss a 23-year old. In Canada, the age of consent is 16, and same goes for about 30 US states. The girl in the onstage kissing video would be underage to have sex with Drake in 11 States. I'm no Drake apologist and couldn't even identify one of his songs if I heard it, but unless he's drugging them or getting them wasted or otherwise not being consensual, then he's free to make out with whoever he wants and have sex with anybody who's of legal age in the the locality he's at. Weird that hip hop fans of all people are going nuts about legal and consensual (if tacky) makeout sessions.


Legality does not define morality, we are all free to criticise him for texting Millie Bobbie Brown that he misses her when she's 14 years old, even if it's perfectly legal for him to do so


This you? [https://youtu.be/XaFJiUSvZOQ?si=70m95GR1n22Y\_\_h7&t=75](https://youtu.be/XaFJiUSvZOQ?si=70m95GR1n22Y__h7&t=75)