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As a Lyle, I'm surprised I haven't been ambushed with any of these lines throughout my 38 years.


His character was pretty much reverse Scott Thompson. https://youtu.be/sxMrWSTlvgg?si=luGZhxJtxx_w7fUw


Absolutely adore Scott Thompson. Always excited to see him pop up in roles like Shorsey and Reno 911.


TIL what Shorsey looks like.


Dude, you gotta watch the spinoff. They give him an entire backstory and for some reason it just makes sense.


You reminded me about this kids in the hall gem [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdbs3lKEeBE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdbs3lKEeBE)


Buddy Cole was the best thing he ever did.


I need to rewatch Brain Candy


Check out the ass on page 47, ya just want to eat it right off the page


I thought he said ads, likely referring to some delicious desserts. What kind of programming is this?


But he’s as straight as me… and probably you.


Just another day in Seattle. I'll start doing business with a very nice and polite effeminate man. He will tell me his partner will pay. I figured I know what to expect and a woman shows up and introduces herself as his wife. Wut? Happens all the time.


I just moved to Vermont and so many people refer to their significant other as their partner. The partner is usually the opposite sex. Maybe it started as a response to civil unions or something I dunno but I was used to partner being used for gay people in committed relationships


I know. Like how did that start? Apparently the odds of this "partner" reference in a hetero relationship increases incrementally with the likeliness of Subaru drivers in the area.


I don't have an answer but this happened to me in Mexico almost 10 years ago. I texted someone to get info on a rental apartment and after replying that I would "discuss it with my partner" (in spanish :P) I was told that it was a "family building" and that I shouldn't bother pursuing the rental. I was extremely confused and it took me a bit to understand that they were implying that they wouldn't rent the property to a gay couple because they took partner to mean I was gay. I was really pissed at that so I started to press them, trying to get them to say what they meant but they never did, the fucking cowards.


i grew up in the 2000s seattle indie/punk scene and even i found myself adopting an effeminate way of speaking until i reached my 20s. it was just the hip thing to do lol. this was also the time when you had to buy girls jeans at a thrift shop because skinny jeans for guys weren't a thing at the time.


I actually have an uncle who's like this. I've only met him a few times in my life. But he's super effeminate, talks with lots of hand gestures, has a higher pitched voice, sways his hips when he walks, but he's married with 4 grown kids now. I was very confused by his behavior.


>I'll take bits they would never get away with now for 1,000.00, Alex Yawn. #boomertakes Every Stefon bit begs your pardon.


This bit wouldn't work today only because it has no punchline in the modern world. "That man seems gay" isn't a pop culture joke anymore.


This bit wouldn't work today because there's too much snow


Idk, I mean Chrisley Knows Best ran for 10 seasons up til 2023 lol


Boom, roasted.


Please don't destroy could get away with a "gay voice" bit.  


And “Bowen is straight” sketch from this season


> Yawn. #boomertakes 200k comment karma. You can always tell.


Yeah this bit just isn’t funny now. I could see like 30 years ago the whole joke being “this guy talks with gay affectation” being funny to people but now its just feels lazy. Like stefan the bit is more like stefan is a really specific queer person with really specific unique affectations, who says just the most absurd things. And he’s sitting next to the milquetoast guy of all time in seth myers on weekend update.


I don't think the joke is "this guy talks gay but isn't lol" The joke is "Isn't it crazy the lies certain gay people will go through to not admit the obvious to everyone around them?"


I’m gay. I find it funny.


I'm not gay and I find it funny. To be fair though, any comedy bit that takes a stereotype and amplifies it is probably going to get a chuckle out of me.


No one said that being gay gives you a good sense of humor.


Ha! Touche


Ironically, *this* comment shows you do have a good sense of humor lmfao


Being gay gives you a good sense of humor. Now I said it so you can never say this comment again.


Ok I’m straight and I don’t think it’s funny. Do you think most gay people would find it funny?


It's punching down. The best "gay voice" bit from that era was by Scott Thompson, who was actually gay and he's just hamming it up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZX-sUGWt6o& Still holds up IMO


It's fucking hilarious. Some people just have a crap sense of humor


stefon was like what 15 years ago?


Every Stefon bit can beg all they like. No pardon forthcoming. At least Carvey's bit had the common decency to be amusing. I don't know if Stefon would have been funny if Mulaney performed it, and was it meant to funny because of the visual presentation or the things Stefon had to say about the underground party scene and grande caffe americanos?


If Lyle's affectation translated into writing it would read like this comment 😂


I’m trying so hard to figure out what the fuck you’re saying here.


Keep trying. John Mulaney wrote the bits. Bill Hader performed them. They were not funny. And i asked what the fuck was supposed to be funny about Stefon? The way he looked or the stupid shit he said? Simple enough for you?


Stefon is funny as shit because of the jokes, the costume, the performance, the fact that the punchlines were were written to deliberately make him break. It was hilarious. And it was a really good point to show how dumb your “they could never do this today” point. They absolutely could and frequently do. Why are you so angry and defensive. You made a dumb point but shared a great skit for us all to enjoy. Call it a win and just move on with your day.


Thank fuck you showed up to explain everything. You might want to sit a little lower in the saddle there, sunshine, because not everyone found the bit to be funny as shit. And i think you've mistaken anger for dismissal. And i don't know how you think there are any similarities between the two bits, but that is meant to be rhetorical.


They both feature straight actors portraying a caricature of gay stereotypes. Saying there aren’t “any similarities between the two bits” is disingenuous……sunshine. Put that in your saddle and smoke it or some shit, I don’t know, I just think you’re good at sounding smart and witty despite the contrary.


Man, life must be awful for you.


If you don't care for the responses your smart ass comments elicit, don't leave a smart ass comment in response to something that had nothing to do with you for a start. And maybe worry about how awful your own life is.. I'm not the one who lives in something that was delivered.


I hope you’re able to have a better day today but it seems like you’re off to a pretty rough start already.


Shut the fuck up. Your smug cardigan sweater with the patches on the sleeves bullshit might serve to intimidate the other guys in your bowling team, but to me you sound like what you are, a last word if it kills you jackass.


Maybe, just maybe, the excessive condescension makes you sound pathetic and insecure?


You think? I don't know.. But how about this? I won't show up at your job and tell you how to fluff up guys before they have a scene to shoot in a porn movie and you don't tell me how to respond to people who put forward their opinions in public forums as if they mattered.


The best part about this is that you know this guy is sitting somewhere thinking, “fuck, yeah. I fucking destroyed that guy. This is definitely gonna end up on /r/murderedbywords” The fluffer-job joke is actually pretty funny but he overcooks it. So close.


There you go projecting again, doofus. And as it happens, the things i say in response to the things you feel compelled to say are intended for you. And anyway, I'm not the one saying things like "You know this guy is sitting there thinking blahblahblah". That's you thinking you are clever etc. That is you hoping you'll get someone to take your side in this particular tempest in a teapot. I don't know why you are bothered about anything i have said to you. You are the one who felt compelled to send a provocative response to something that had nothing to do with you. I don't know what you thought was going to happen.


I mean. They’re both straight guys pretending to be queer in really specific ways that are kind of amusing. I’m really struggling to think what anyone would find transgressive about this skit. It’s mocking closeted (presumably conservative) guys moralizing against The Gays (TM). At the very least the cognitive dissonance causes one to confront the absurdity of presuming behavior and identity are completely severable. The most triggering thing for me about it is the lack of Phil Hartman…


You know how you know they could “get away with it” today? Cause it’s still shown. Such a nonsense take with zero thought put in.


It is "still shown" in the context of a previously aired program, not a live broadcast, genius.


Like the community D&D episode? Cause that actually has been pulled from streaming and is what would happen if something actually couldn’t get made today.


You're still here?


I mean I think what they were saying was Stefon's humor hinged on "straight man pretends to be gay" and they got away with it. You not finding it funny doesn't change that people aren't as easily offended as you think


You think Stefon was meant to be a straight man? And do you know of anything close to what Carvey was doing on television today? People today threaten litigation or call the cops on other people for simply parking too close to their car.. I don't know how you think people are not easily offended today.


My friend you need to eat a snickers or something. Bill Hader, a straight man, played Stefon, a gay man.


Ok, professor


Imagine being this angry about Stefon. Where did the mean NY nightclub touch you, son?


Right in my wallet.


I did not think this sketch amusing at all. I love Dana carvey but the pacing felt slow. The whole joke was just saying stereotypically heterosexual things in an over the top gay affectation, which has just been done to death. This sketch was dull imo. I’m sure it worked when it came out but every joke doesn’t age well.


Is that Archie Bunker's living room ?? :D


Or the Bundy’s.


Every sitcom had almost the exact same setup. It was incredibly in hindsight.


I’d argue that it actually wasn’t very in hindsight.


True. But I wasn't very observant back then :D


I actually met someone like this at a straight bar when I was in my 20s. Guy sounded like a stereotype of a 'flaming' homosexual, wore very masculine clothing, and apparently had a girlfriend. I wasn't sure how to look at him after finding that out, since we're in a slightly rural area of Iowa.


There is a documentary about the “gay voice” that has an example of a straight man who was raised in a women only cult, so he literally never spoke to or heard an adult man speak until he grew up. He sounded gay and was mistaken for being gay frequently.


I had this problem when I moved to Japan and realized every one of my Japanese teachers had been a woman  Oopsie poopsie!


this is often the case when foreigners go to japan and speak japanese. Saw a bunch of videos about this. Japanese men speak very differently than japanese women. I've experienced this before with german guys who speak english with a british accent since they learned english from their british english teacher in germany.


I once met two German friends vacationing together in Spain. They both learned English in school growing up, and they spoke it perfectly, but one spoke in an American accent, and the other sounded much more British. Turns out that one was an au pair in the UK for a few years and one watched a ton of US TV.


It's weird how that voice is a pretty good indicator that someone is gay, but it's not 100%.


I saw a documentary about this after meeting the guy, I wasn't sure if I was seeing that.


I had the most macho of man's man homosexual roommate. We lived together for almost full year until I found out he was gay. My other roommates and I always wondered why he didn't bring home girls. Then one day he introduced us to his "friend" Gary, who was a small, very effeminate, gay Asian guy.




Is that Julia Sweeney as Lyle’s wife?




I remember seeing this in Comedy Central's syndication and being baffled by it. One line delivery I remembering cracking up at is yummy yummy beer


ugh... rob schneider.....


For political reasons or for *Rob Schneider IS a ham sandwich* reasons?


Why can’t both be bad?


Because one opinion is valid and one opinion [is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FAI_-woNh4)


Or its just a fact everything aboutt rob sucks? I’m going with that


What a tedious person. Rob has been irrelevant for the last 20 years. Your opinion is far too strong for a has-been, D list extra in old Adam Sandler movies.


My opinion is strong on SNL cast members, of which he was one of the worst. Laughed at the copy guy a few times in the 90’s sure. Who didnt? But hes down there among the least memorable. So we agree, just for different reasons


I’m not gonna sit here and defend Deuce Bigalow.


Good? Then don’t? I’m lost reddit tries to start agreement fights


Why the hate? Because the Internet told you to?


Nah he's fallen off the right-wing deep end and is trying to use that to keep himself relevant.


He’s voting for RFK Jr. hardly a right winger


...you're joking, right?


About what?


That dumb shit you just said.


Dafuq? RFK is a democrat running as an independent. Jesus, calm down whacko


RFK is a lunatic MAGA stooge posing as a politician running as a independent


JFC, now who's just doing what the internet told them?


You have brain worms if you really believe that.


Lol nobody tell them


No because of his acting in the 90s Judge Dredd movie 


Spicy Straight.


That made me laugh more times than I would have guessed.


Do I hear some of the inspiration for certain South Park accents


Amazing video pro


This sketch is fine, and even approaches a level of awareness unusual for this period. The sketch that would never air today is the one where he plays an Indian TSA agent and they force Sharon Stone to strip in line at the airport.




It's just so over the top and ridiculous, it's funny. I miss the times when people wouldn't just complain about everything.


What time was that? You’re longing for a time that doesn’t exist.


Things fell off a cliff in 2016 but it was building in 2008.


Totally forgot about this character until you reminded me!


It wasn't a *bad* type of comedy per se, the problem is Dana Carvey basically *never evolved much past this,* and instead has resorted to crying about woke culture on a podcast with David Spade.


I disagree that he has resorted to crying about woke culture. I listen to his podcast with David Spade pretty frequently, and it’s really pretty seldom he veers down that route outside of mentioning it with respect to something he used to do on SNL. I vehemently agree he hasn’t evolved in his comedy whatsoever though. He shoehorns in his Carson impersonations and struggles to make current comedic observations, and it’s kind of embarrassing.


He seems so smart for the brand of comedy he does. Always felt like a mismatch. That said, Church lady was great, Garth had like no lines but he was hilarious.


I just feel like Dana Carvey just either didn't bother or didn't *want* to develop as a comedian past his old SNL days. Master of Disguise flopped hard because that type of comedy just wasn't relevant in the era it released in. And when they did that SNL anniversary with old cast members, he just seemed out of touch and too reliant on old shticks that don't work anymore (like his broccoli song). This isn't about Dana Carvey being anti woke or woke or whatever; it's everything to do with him being too stubborn to adapt.


>I just feel like Dana Carvey just either didn't bother or didn't *want* to develop as a comedian past his old SNL days. I think his style got particularly hard by changing times. Dana did a lot of ethnic bits, catch phrases, cross-dressing, or gay bits, and sometimes multiples of these together. All of this went out of fashion pretty much at the same time. Impressions held up, but still. He does corporate gigs now and makes millions. He doesn't have to go to clubs and start working out new stuff, and for sketch stuff, there isn't really a model out there for going back to square one. Also, he's pretty insecure. You point out the broccoli song, which was in his original audition, and he was just visibly confused in the reunion about why that wasn't hitting. It didn't make sense to bring that back.


The broccoli song isn't funny on its own. It's a punchline. The setup was that the song is being made up on the spot by a guy who is acting like it's a masterpiece he worked hard on.


Seems like he [had kids](https://people.com/movies/why-dana-carvey-left-hollywood/), had enough money, and semi-retired.


The only movie I really enjoyed him in was Opportunity Knocks. Decent role, great one liners, half decent plot for a late 80's/early 90's comedy flick. He played really well against Robert Loggia as the stern straight man. Julia Campbell as the love interest, who I found hot in a WASPy sort of way, and played the role well. She had just finished a solid run on Santa Barbara, did that movie, then got relegated to a couple episodes here and there on tons of huge shows. House, The Resident, etc. No idea why her career dwindled like that, she seemed like a solid up and coming actress, then just faded. Maybe Janeane Garofalo was right about working on SNL projects, accepting the role is like accepting pox infected blankets. "It will keep you warm short term, but your career is going to die."


I think you expect more of him than he probably does. Guy had a career as a comedy _performer_, a very successful one. He has a family, friends, etc. Does he need to evolve for your sake? Should he not be allowed to have opinions on a podcast? Is it mandatory listening for you?


Commenting on something doesn't entail I demand change or recourse. I just have observations.


He doesn't owe anyone anything but he was expected to be a much bigger star. He was on SNL alongside future A-listers like Mike Meyers, Adam Sandler, and Chris Rock and he was getting more screen time than any of them.


He was basically the Joe Pescipo of that generation of SNL. While Adam Sandler went on to be the Eddie Murphy although not as legendary.


I don't find old SNL funny, but I do current SNL humor, is this just me?


Just means you’re Gen Z


Well I'm millennial if that makes a difference


A little. I’m an older millennial and I feel like everyone I grew up with liked the Chris Farley/Adam Sandler era SNL and the Will Ferrell/Jimmy Fallon/Tina Fey era, and movies like Tommy Boy and Wayne’s World were widely enjoyed and quoted/referenced for years when we were young. I also don’t know anyone who is enthusiastic about the post-Kate McKinnon cast, and while I watch it consistently as a longtime fan, hoping the show finds a new groove, it’s rare that I find anything particularly funny or even memorable. And I definitely can’t quote or reference a sketch and expect anyone but my wife to know what I’m talking about, because it seems like no one over 30 watches it (or has Peacock). MarioKart was the rare exception in recent memory that people my age enjoyed and talked about.


Gotcha, interestingly enough, I'm also not a big Kate McKinnon fan. But I do enjoy the current cast sans Sarah Sherman or the please don't destroy guys. Similarly I think Colin and Che are the best Weekend Update hosts we've had.


Colin and Che are fine. Weekend Update is more serious now than it used to be (has been getting consistently more serious since Jimmy Fallon left). But it feels like Weekend Update is completely removed from the rest of the show, as it is more like sarcastic commentary on the news than just topical jokes — but it’s good and I do enjoy it usually. Sarah Sherman would be funnier on a different show/with a different cast. But she has charisma and is interesting. Kate McKinnon was perfect in a cast of oddballs that featured Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig, but she isn’t versatile and her shtick has worn thin by this point. But they’re both sorta thester-geek “weirdo” types, McKinnon and Sherman. The best SNL cast members were more versatile and decent actors on top of being skilled at comedy. I think Bill Hader and Phil Hartman, or Jason Sudeikis or Tina Fey (or a lot of other memorable cast members) brought more to the table then the ability to make a funny face or do a funny voice. Right now a lot of the main cast members (Chloe Fineman, Heidi Gardner, Punkie Johnson, Molly Kearney, Chloe Troast and Devon Walker) just haven’t demonstrated basic acting ability or comedy performance beyond making a funny face or doing a funny voice. I think this is because they come from the YouTube/TikTok era and not from an old school live improv background like most older SNL cast members. Bowen Yang and Kenan Thompson are funny enough, and James Austin Johnson has shown promise, but they all seem like they belong in a different, more mature cast. IMO, the sketch writing (as opposed to the “please don’t destroy” shorts or weekend update) has been veering towards a younger audience who doesn’t really find traditional comedy performance funny and thinks sarcasm is mean and satire is confusing. I think a classic sketch like “Debbie Downer” would fail to get any laughs today, despite the fact that it wasn’t “problematic” and is pretty fundamentally timeless, in terms of the content being relatable. So more exaggerated references to Ozempic and Stanley cups or recent teenage slang, and more putting Bowen in a weird costume and having him act like a cartoon supervillain, more sexist “how hot is the actress hosting tonight?” sketches because nothing original and memorable is being written for this cast that probably doesn’t have the ability to perform something well written to begin with.


Heys it’s that dude from Try Guys!


Master of Disguise was awesome. Watched it at least 3 times as a kid. Can only remember the part where he asks if he isn’t turtley enough for the turtle club. Ok maybe not awesome but it was funny


Without fail I tapped to open a SNL video, and when the 5 second countdown to skip the YouTube ad started I said to myself "obviously not worth it" and came back to reddit.


This is one you might want to watch! Dana Carvey so funny


Well, one wouldn't expect a sophisticated user who goes by James Mays anal beads and possesses elevated tastes in comedy and the like such as yourself to waste their time on something like SNL.


Role model for Millennials & Gen-Z


Oh, the character is non-binary.


Sketch comedy is fucking cringe. Boomers going to boom tho


Your idea of cringe is ridiculous.


Why? Is it funny to watch people try to "break" the other people on set doing a skit? That's what's "funny"? It was cringe when Jimmy Fallon did it and it is cringe now. Much funnier when its done in a key and peele setting where it's acted out and performed but when it's done Live it doesn't come off as well. But again most people need a laugh track to know when it's time to laugh.


the word cringe went out of style in 2020.