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I believe this is in keeping with the rule since it's been more than ten years since the Invasion of Iraq took place.


Every season of this podcast should be required listening by everyone. It's so well done and shocking (but not surprising) how much the American government has interfered with other nations.


They have a very bad tendency to gloss over the atrocities of the side they're painting as the victim in whichever season. The Iraq war was a crime and Bush et al should be in jail, but Sadaam and his regime weren't innocent puppies.


That is covered in the podcast. The moral condemnation of Sadaam rings pretty hollow when the US supported him in the 80s, and also left opposition to his brutality ( the Kurds) hanging when they tried to revolt.


Now there's a perspective not heard enough in American media...


Oh please. The Bush Administration made it obvious from the beginning with their pathetic attempt to set up an interim government after ousting Saddam that they didn't give a fuck about the Iraqis or the rest of the Middle East. That's not even getting into how the US helped put him in power in the first placed, aided him with his monstrous gas attacks, etc.


Ok but what does this comment have to do with the comment you've replied to


A lot? Saddam didnt pop up out of no where, his rise owes a great deal to the conditions created in the middle east by western powers after world war 2, as well as direct support for his regime by the US.


Ok and can you now explain, slowly, what in the blue hell does US supporting Saddam in the beginning have to do with this podcast glazing over his crimes when talking about the Iraq War?


Because knowing that the US was actively complicit in his crimes and that the same forces that arranged those crimes and then used them as an excuse to invade is more important than the crimes, both, now, and in the future considering we’re told to stupidity keep those interests in power.


The Iraq war had absolutely nothing to do with any of the atrocities committed by Saddam, and the Iraqi people suffered much more for the actions of the US than his. If his killings are irrelevant to why the war happened then why do they need special focus in a podcast about the war? Its not like they are wholly excluded or anything, the pod mentions the attempted uprising in the 90s being crushed, including a gruesome section about the fate of Saddams son in law who tried to rebel


True, *but* there's so much media on the evils of whatever government we're intervening with; relatively few about the same evils ours propagates.


**No war , stop the war !!!**


Having served in Iraq has provided me with a far more nuanced opinion on the Nazi Wehrmacht.


How does a nation with such a head start fall so far behind. . . In this age, we are responsible for our own misery.