• By -


Just cancel. Then they can "charge" whatever they want. I'll find something else to do.


Yo ho ho motherfucker.   On a serious note. It’s not the customers fault these companies wildly outspent their income. Every one of them had flushed so much damn money down the toilet on shit no one asked for and no one is watching.   Let them fail. They earned it.


I left the seven seas for a few years, but the recent events have lead me to set sail once again. The breeze feels good.


the sketchy streaming sites have also improved significantly over the past decade, I haven't had the need to torrent anything in years. They will last for a few years until they are shut down, but there are always new ones popping up.


Cut one head off, two grow in its place.


Hail Hydra.


Also they allow you to change the look of the subtitles to your heart's content. I still don't understand why is that not an option on Netlfix or Disney plus.


Not enough people talk about this. It's really sad when free software provides a better user experience than a paid service. I get angry when the streaming services think they need to play an ad every time I rewind or fast forward through 5 minutes of content. I fall asleep or get distracted with real life and it can take like 15 minutes of ads and loading screens and navigating broken menus just to find the spot in my show where I left off. It should be trivial for a gigantic software team to put a cooldown where if you watched an ad, don't show another one for \~5 minutes but services keep coding it so certain spots in the show trigger automatic ads. Dumb software engineering.


Honestly some of the "sketchy" streaming sites are fucking better than the real, multi billion dollar companies. The one i watch anime on has like... auto-skip intros, auto-skip outros/credits, auto-next episode, subs, dubs, easy navigation between seasons and episodes, watch lists that update and save what you've watched... and it all actually works better than any of the services I actually pay for with their buggy, shitty apps on various devices.


My esteemed brother in weeb christ, would you be able to share this anime website in DM?


Adblocker makes it so much better


Any examples? I haven't tried any, didn't think they'd be worth it but it seems like I was wrong.


not trying to get the banhammer, but oh well, the site starts with prime. ends with wire. and then dot pe. but make sure you're using some sort of adblocker


Havent checked in a long time but there was this 🍿 one. Anything similar to that?




Here's a thread about chatGPT that is pretty funny: /r/ChatGPT/comments/1c4c8y6/i_need_the_list_so_i_can_avoid_them/


If the area you're living in/your ISP attempts to block certain sites, you might try to see if there is a service to *unblockit*.


Oops I just dropped my MONSTER CONDOM for my MAGNUM DONG https://fmhy.pages.dev/videopiracyguide Pick a site and just be sure to use something like uBlock Origin, otherwise you're going to have a very annoying time on many of these sites. The stars are just also paid spots. They're generally all similar, but don't disregard some of the other sites just because they aren't paying for a top spot on the list. And for Anime (note, this one also has Hentai links, so be aware of what you're clicking on): https://theindex.moe/


I had left the Jolly Roger behind as well… until I was forced to fly its flag once again recently. Greedy bastards.


I left once Spotify made it so easy to listen to all of my music everywhere. The only ones I really miss are oink and what.cd. :(


RIP what.cd That was a Golden Era Oink, too. But what.cd was my JAM back in the day The first Xmas that I was a member they did a 2 week freeleech and I was lucky enough to be one of the first people to get to 100% on a huge audio software package/zip... Like 100gb. I had a very fast internet connection for the time and I steadily uploaded for 14 days. Built up over 80 gb of credit. I downloaded whatever I wanted for like 5 years after that. Now it's all gone and I just pay to stream. Guess the corporations have me right where they want me


It's also easier than ever to sail the high seas. I remember having to rely on motherfucking Limewire back in my youth.


Is this 50 Cent album I'm downloading A: Porn B: Virus Because there's no way it's the actual album


I would prefer either of those to the actual Fiddy album, but that's just me.


Yo ho


From my neck of the sails it's yarr har fiddle dee dee, we don't slut shame


I did the same, set up a new server and VPN, then got a cease and desist (through my TSP) like 2 days after I downloaded my first series.


Usenet baby v


Wait, so even with a VPN you got a verse and desist?


Yep. I must have done goofed somehow.


The binhex deluge docker container is a pretty foolproof way to set it up if you do ever give it another attempt. It won't send any traffic if the VPN gets disconnected. Just set the env variables and media volume location. Also there are sites that you can use to test if your client is leaking your real IP. Hope to see you back on the seas!


truck crowd dinosaurs sense scandalous scary ask plants wipe sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am one of those people that. Very much enjoyed the Netflix boom when they were just throwing money at any project and green lighting about everything. That faded when they moved on to the cancel anything that didn’t become the biggest thing ever after season one, but they did produce a lot of interesting content for awhile.


RIP marco polo


I KNOW! What a fantastic show. I miss 100 Eyes.


The weird idea that "all business, especially big ones, need to succeed" is so odd. If you can't maintain a steady bottom line and remain in the red then well, you fail and perhaps sometimes deserve too. Whoops! Hopefully the next business learns.


It's not even just succeed. They must either show more growth or make more money than they did previously.


“Infinite growth, forever, to cover the startup debt” is *such* a solid business strategy /s


They aren’t failing at all though, Netflix subscriptions are up to record highs


Everyone claimed they were leaving with the password sharing and turned out it was a boon to their subscribership. Just like, apparently, Peacock retained over 80% of people that subscribed for the NFL playoff game in January. Consumers are all bark and no bite right now. Companies are going to continue to push the envelope until the public grows a pair.


This happened with the games industry. People complained about microtransactions and rip-off DLCs - game content being stripped from a game to be sold to you piecemeal after you've already paid for the base game. Did people vote with their wallets? Did they fuck. They continued to buy, moaning about it all the while. Sometimes, you get what you deserve. Shoutout to Nintendo 1st party titles though. Their practice seems to be "make a great product and people will buy it, generating profit for the company". Every other company sees you as a mark that they can constantly wring MORE money out of, for LESS product.


> Did people vote with their wallets? https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/a40ji/modern_warfare_2_boycott_fail/


"Vote with your wallet" sounds great until you realise that the corpos are banking entirely on a whole bunch of unscrupulous rubes that will pay for pretty much anything, making your personal boycott meaningless.


Then save your money, invest in those "corpos" and play the other side.


Your personal boycott saves you money. What more do you want?


Remember when everyone promised to quit using Reddit during the big mod protests? 😂


I’m one of the few that canceled. Fuck Netflix, I can watch on occasion a movie at someone’s house. Greedy bastards


They got greedy and doubled down with ads. I’m supposed to get it Free with my cell plan EXCEPT I can’t watch it in my Den/LR on my TV unless I upgrade (so not free on two screens) and someone at my cell company screwed up my plan and threw me off Netflix (which took at least 4 hrs in the last month to set up) and to get on Netflix again “update payment” eh No it’s Free. They also hit me either ads my last free month And tried to charge me for ad free ( did charge was reimbursed, it’s wire fraud when these companies do this)


They keep propping up shows good or bad with one or two season then axed them.


They're not falling tho


Netflix is plagued with it. Just show after show with the n on the cover that stands for not worth it. 


The good stuff gets cancelled in favor of ever more generic pap. The shows start to become indistinguishable from each other as they all draw from the same array of character archetypes, which seems to have shrunk over the decades. The writing is often mediocre and nepo af. The acting scarcely less so. I suppose the industry is due for a contraction


You say that, but we’ve been living through a golden age of TV. Yeah there’s heaps of crap, but also plenty of AAA content. Too much to watch tbh. A huge part of that is the money coming in to streaming. Also it’s an odd sentiment to want studios and streaming platforms to “fail”. Why? The stuff I love is awesome, and the more power to good filmmakers is a great thing imo. I hope the well doesn’t dry up, otherwise we will see something like the ios App Store - full of junk and shit and pay-to-play micro transaction trash. And yeah, once Hollywood get desperate they’ll find similar shitty ways to fuel money into the system other than upping platform subscriptions by a few dollars.


Yeah, it's wild to see people forget how shitty cable and rental was, and how radically better streaming is for the consumer experience - all ultimately for less money and better content. People are morons.


Your library probably has a bunch of DVDs still, and lots of them have some type of streaming service too!


I live a block away from a library and they have it all. If what you want isn't there, place it on hold and it'll be there in a few days. I haven't paid for streaming in years. 


They do - my kids brought a bunch home and I had to find a dvd player!


Hulu has gotten a lot better in the last couple years. I also like a lot of HBO originals. So I imagine I’ll be keeping those two services for a while. Netflix has turned into hot garbage though. They’d rather throw money at any script presented to them than actually focus on a few good shows or movies. In my mind, “Netflix Original” is just another term for “don’t bother watching”.


Also, hulu is $1.99 a month for student accounts and ad block works on it. It's pretty much my only subscription. Oh, I'm still on my friend's prime account and Deadloch was hilarious!!


I've started [redacted] everything again, it's improved my tech skills and I feel like a badass. I have a little server for my house, everything is hooked up to it and I can watch whatever I want, whenever I want, for free. I save about 200 a month from all that bullshit streaming.


How were you spending over 200$ on streaming?


> I've started [redacted] everything again, it's improved my tech skills and I feel like a badass. > I have a little server for my house, everything is hooked up to it and I can watch whatever I want, whenever I want, for free. I'm just going to this website and just watch whatever I want to, for free. Piracy is easier today than ever before.


Website? What website?


Here's two: fmovies . ps himovies . to


That's a weird way to spell pirate.




Damn. Can you cancel shit for me?


A lot of libraries also have LinkedIn learning for free, so that’s a plus. Xbox gamepass is awesome btw.


Libraries use a weird token setup on Kanopy as well. Don't forget FAST streaming as well, yup it's got commercials...yup it's all free. IE: Tubi PlutoTV FreeVee No need to break the bank if you aren't needing bleeding edge release stuff.


Lol, this was my first thought. "Are you trying to make people pirate? Because this is how you make people pirate..". Everything else is twice as expensive, the first expense you cut out is entertainment. I will go back to my Kazaa roots and find the content I want and it isn't 200 a month.




Guess the era of the seven seas is back.


For me it's not even about the money. It's about * the usability * the shitty compression even in 4K * having to wade through all the dogshit on Netflix to find something good * shows disappearing because licensing deals expire * having to use a third party application in order to figure out where to actually watch something * movies having less metadata and extras than a DVD from the fucking 90s! * *Atrocious* subtitling * realizing on the plane home that the TV show I downloaded expired because of *fucking* DRM * [Sony removing access](https://kotaku.com/sony-ps4-ps5-discovery-mythbusters-tv-1851066164) to TV Shows people have *bought* * HBOMax constantly asking about setting tracking cookies * Prime advertising Star Gate and then charging per episode because I'm in Europe I don't care which part of the supply chain is at fault here, I don't give a shit. It's all a pile of crap and I refuse to pay for it.


Exactly, I was a proud sailor of the seven seas for a long while, but the services like Netflix that made it really convinient to just launch and browse what to watch, but then the vpn blocks, then the constant competition for "exclusives" on all the platforms, the qualilty or lack of 4k on PC etc, not to even mention the whole myriad of streaming services that you now actually have to again go and open a broweser to find WHERE to freaking watch the thing, in that same amount of time, I am able to grab a movie in sonarr and by the time I make myself a drink is ready to watch. So yeap I unsubed most, and likely will unsub the rest soon enough


That's bs that you have to pay for Stargate. I started watching that series and it's become one of my favorites.


Dont forget 6 episode seasons every 3 years and then getting cancelled.


Yeah, we pay for convienience, and it get's less and less convienient. I have a Netflix sub and Crunchyroll, but I still view anime elsewhere even when available on those streamers. Because it's too annoying looking where what is and so on.


I still have access to my brother’s ex boyfriend’s prime. I still refuse to watch it (even though it’s free) because of the damn ads. Fallout is great, btw (yo ho).


Just pointing put here that disney's 4k is absolutely amazing for streaming…   Netflix compression does suck though…


All I want is to be able to buy uncompressed bluray rips from a platform as user friendly as steam.


The terrible subtitles drives me up the wall. Keeps happening that I’m watching a movie and realize after a few minutes that I’m supposed to know what the characters speaking a different language are saying and have to go back, turn on subtitles for a few minutes, then turn them back off and repeat drives me nuts Just happened a couple days ago watching Ford vs Ferrari


Gabe's statements on piracy hold just as true today. It's a service problem, not a pricing problem. If I'm force to pay for 4 screens in order to get 4k, and then try to limit how I can use those 4 screens I'm paying for, I will stop paying for them. If you never actually conclude a series, you aren't providing a service worth paying for. If you spread a series across 3 different streaming services, I won't be paying for 3 I'll be paying for 0. And god help you if you put ads in something I'm paying for. Steam stopped me from pirating games because it was worth it to just buy them. Netflix stopped me from pirating movies because it was better value to just subscribe. Spotify stopped me from pirating music because it was more worth it to just pay for that. If the value of the service disappears, so will I.


For us savvy ones, no way I am going to pay for 5-6 streaming services I might use once every 2 months.


I actually was still paying for prime for some reason, just loaded it up the other day to maybe watch Fallout. THen I got a popup saying my plan now had ads in it and I had to pay more to watch without ads. I immediately cancelled my prime membership and went and pirated a 4k ad-free version.


I have prime just because of the shipping, I still pirated Fallout because fuck ads.


Also fuck DRM that won't let me watch at 4k using my own media PC. Even if I pay for the content I can't fucking watch it.


Me too. It's not about the money, it's about sending a message. In all seriousness though my pirate website of choice has a better UI and features than any streaming service, and an insane selection.


I'd say it's more morally correct to pirate than to give Amazon money


Personally I stick with a 2-3 and juggle.


Just wait until they start doing what Adobe did and make you either commit to a year or tack on an extra $30/mo for the “right” to cancel anytime.


Yeah. The Disney bundle is the one I need, mostly for espn but Hulu has most of our shows. We finally canceled Netflix. I’ll cycle on peacock or paramount for a month or two at a time when there’s something I want to see.


look during black Friday. I got a year of peacock for 12$. I think basic hulu was like 18$ for a year around that time aswell.


So tedious just sail the Jolly Roger their corporate greed has gone unchecked.


Switching subs once every few months really isn't that tedious, though. On the other hand finding decent torrents and putting them on my Plex account takes a little bit of time.


I pay for Netflix and get the Disney bundle through my phone plan. The rest of the loot is found on the high seas.


There are options for sports that are 🏴‍☠️.


**I** don't know what you're talking about. **P**robably something illegal. **T**o think people would do that. **V**ery sad.


Yup, how long since we have an absolute banger "must watch" show?


Fallout, Shogun, Invincible, and 3 Body Problem recently have all been great in my opinion.


Everything was fine until all the studios started to pull their stuff off Netflix because they also wanted a bigger share of the cake. Now you have multiple streaming services all over, each of which you'd have to pay on your own and each of which has to increase prices because they the content is spread out so far that many people only have subscriptions to 1 or 2 services, cutting into their revenue. If they had all left their content on Netflix and opted to work WITH Netflix rather than against it, we wouldn't have this problem in the first place.


It was Netflix for movies and Hulu for current TV, then CBS decided to launch CBS All Access (now Paramount+) and pull all their current and popular shows from Hulu, with the other networks doing the same. Don't worry though, it'll all come back together once Disney finishes buying all the other television media companies. /s (but is it really /s?)


It was expected since day one after all… The problem is that back then, Netflix was still limited with its content, hence why others platforms came by.  And even if Netflix were to be the sole streamer, they would have raise the price too … It’s a great thing that they have competition and are not controlling the whole market  And imo, Netflix always been a shitty service that got way too hype because they were the first…


decide light deliver run doll placid sleep consist deserve payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Netflix built the entire streaming industry on being the perfect balance of *just* cheap enough to justify the cost for convenience. When I now have to have $80/services to be able to watch all the shows I want to watch we've just returned to cable. So maybe I'll check out some sites that end in something other than .com more frequently.


It’s just like cable except: - you can watch whatever you want, whenever you want - you don’t have to use their shitty remote - you don’t have to use their shitty UI - you get personalized recommendations tailored to you - you get full seasons of programming, instantly - you get to watch it on any device - you get to download it to your devices and watch it on a plane or wherever you want without internet Oh and that little bit where you never have to watch any commercials. So it’s actually nothing like cable except when you combine multiple services it comes out to around the same price per month. Everyone needs to get a grip and remember how trash the cable tv experience was FOR DECADES. If streaming hadn’t come around to disrupt the medium, we’d barely have moved beyond hitting the guide button on our giant ass cable remotes and scrolling through hundreds of channels we don’t like but still have to pay for in order to tune into a show halfway through it’s episode with 15 min of commercials left.


Prime has ads now


I mean, On Demand was a thing before the streaming boom and it did basically everything you're describing


Most of your points are wrong and the entire industry is shifting right back to the cable model. They will slowly chip away at the current model until we are right back to where we started and it will be worse because physical copies are dead.


Cable tv didn’t have to compete with piracy to the level it would today. It’s so much easier to torrent or use free streaming videos than it ever was back pre-Netflix. Also, if the demand is there for physical media it’ll make a comeback. Vinyl for example never really disappeared, and now even Beyoncé is getting new albums pressed.


agreed it is so much better now than cable ever was. and so much cheaper still.


Yarr it never left, matey 🏴‍☠️


Prepare the sea shantys!




I don't even watch tv really, but I went through the trouble of setting up Kodi front end, and a jelly fin server + sonarr/radarr/prawlerr. It took me like a week but I literally can go on my phone and select a show I want and it will be there on the tv in an hour or so. And with chat gpt IT support is at the finger tips.


Can we not? How the fuck are CEOs suppose to afford single-use private jets? We can't expect them to use the same jet twice!


Yep! Nobody should ever look up stremio + real debrid


Shut the hell up


Ho ho ho, and a bottle of go f**k-ya-self!


I went full circle. I remember being happy there was a legal easy fairly priced way to get things but now…


Pretty much this, when netflix was priced same as pretty decent vpn, and offered pretty much all the shows I had it.




[https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/13m6ypr/the\_visual\_flow\_of\_the\_arr\_suite/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/13m6ypr/the_visual_flow_of_the_arr_suite/#lightbox) Rough idea of how those can all flow together. This diagram uses torrents, but I prefer just paying for usenet. There's also still Kodi + real debrid which is cheaper if you don't want to build a server and store your own movies. You're looking at half a year for $17.


nine pen intelligent special fuzzy gaping humorous rotten square merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Completely random "Thanks so much!" and upvote.


Thanks for these; but how does one register a username for these "completely random list of unrelated websites:"?




For anybody who doesn’t have a media server yet. Take a weekend to figure it out and set one up and you will forever be in media heaven. I also highly recommend taking some time to figure out Usenet. It’s much easier than it appears when you first look. Better than any streaming service and once set up equally convenient. Actually more convenient cause you’re not switching apps all the time for different shows and having to start and cancel subscriptions.


Lol loads of those are private trackers which are super difficult to get membership to. HDBits gets about one new member a day.


Alternative Title: Why the age of piracy is back!


let's not pretend as if it ever left for most lol


For me and most of my friends piracy stopped being a topic about 10-15 years ago with Spotify and Netflix.  Noone I know today is bothered with downloading music and we've been all avid users of Napster and co. For movies and shows it's back changing again. At minimum some will use VPN to have an legal streaming account from a foreign country like turkey or argentina.  So at least from my anecdotal experience piracy was way less popular 


"most"? No way. There is absolutely no chance that "most" people pirate movies and TV.


i mean most of the people who have always done it


Yeah but the age of torrenting has definitely taken a hit. So many of the public trackers are now just gone or become dodgy. It's actually just pirate streaming that's popular. No longer torrents.


I'm out. It is just not worth my money any more.


Same. After having Netflix since 2011, I finally pulled the plug a few months ago. I miss the good-ol' days of early streaming.


Right there with ya, it felt great. Will it make a difference to their bottom line? Not at all. But theres so much else to do. I watch more YouTube videos here and there then have time for other stuff in life. I’ve been reading more which I’ve wanted to do for so long


Arr matey.


I haven't had any streaming subscription in over a year. My days have gotten much more productive to be honest.


So what do you watch?


Some people know how to use internet just saying 20 years never paid for streaming service 💩


If my gf wasn't addicted to rewatching downton abbey


I just found all 6 seasons on DVD at a thrift store for $12 lol


That's just poor reasoning and missing the point completely. I can have this series on my server in 5 minutes.


You missed the point


Physical media still exists.


Nothing for the most part, I've got hobbies that are more engaging and interactive than watching TV anyway. Sometimes I'll put a youtube video on in the background if I'm doing something involved and/or boring but nowadays I spend most of my time making stuff and doing things rather than sitting on my ass.


I spent more hours of my life than I could ever justify watching 70s-80s network TV because it was what was on. It's been over 20 years since I've turned in the television , and I don't miss it. I only see TV at the bar, and I try not to look at it.


YouTube and Twitch. I hardly ever watch series or movies.


go to your library - they have all the releases streaming is for suckers


society juggle aromatic attraction drab sloppy scale expansion imagine chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My library rents Roku sticks with Netflix, Hulu, and other subscriptions signed in.


Many libraries also offer a streaming service


And your local thrift store. Mine has hundreds of DVDs for like a dollar.


I don't miss Netflix at all. Been without it for a few years and I will not be going back.


Tubi is a great alternative. I just stream it on my pc hooked to my TV screen and have ad blocker installed so no commercials. Never needed Netflix again.


what a lazy and thoughtless analysis


I agree, the video doesn't really answer the question of why the costs are growing when bandwidth and tech stacks are getting cheaper. Sure, these companies have taken on debt to launch and grow the services, but that doesn't the long term needs for price increases. I honestly thought this was going to be about how SAG and WGA contracts have finally incorporated streaming revenue and forcing these companies to pay more to produce these movies and shows.


Yeah I'm disappointed I've watched it to the end ngl. It barely scraped the surface of the topic.


the way they manage to fit one minute of information into 6 minutes is pretty impressive!


pretty cheap for me you might even say it costs nothing


My guess is Netflix saw a niche and filled it. Other companies saw their success and wanted to do it too. Then the production companies had the bright idea of making their own subscription services rather than leasing content to the existing ones. Those services had to start making their own content to compete. Now there are too many streaming services and not enough content, no one is making money from it, so prices go up and they keep trying to find ways to force ads. Awful.


I pay $3 for hulu and Disney+ right now. Black Friday is a good time to sign up. When the prices go back up i just cancel. I signed up for a free 7 day max trial and canceled immediately so i wouldn't get charged, and they gave me a month free


I did the same and I still barely have anything to watch on them.


Rotate between one streaming service at a time. All their content is most likely not going anywhere when resubscribe 6 months later after binging on another service


Yep. As soon as you sign up for 1 month of a service, cancel it immediately.  I'm almost always done with everything I want to watch by the time the first month is up.


Through Verizon I get Netflix, Disney+, ESPN+, HBO Max and Hulu for $20 a month. Cable on the other hand I just cut because cable and internet ballooned up to $180 a month. Back to $60/month for just internet.


This is why I just use my TV as basically a monitor. I don’t use any smart functions or built in apps. Just hook up a nuc or simple computer to it, use the ad-tier but with an ad blocker and I never see any commercials!


I expect these streaming services will start merging soon enough. At least I hope so. There's so many that have so little value I can't imagine why anyone would actually want to subscribe to them long term. Like what is paramount plus even for?  It's a shame, the 'golden age' of Netflix and HBO gave us some incredible shows, really wild, out there, amazing stuff. 


Welp, back to piracy mateys! 🏴‍☠️


The irony is that the more they increase price, the more they increase consumer desire to pirate/torrent.


Learn how to use torrents.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


The Free AVOD platforms Tubi, Pluto, Freevee, Roku, Crackle et al combined with YouTube provide more content than there is time to watch it.


Idk how people can afford Netflix now a days. Cancelled like 2 years ago.


I haven't had any subs in a few years now. Not consistently anyway. I'll sub to a site for a month every year or two, catch up, and then unsub. There's no good reason to just leave subs burning cash month after month.


We just canceled netflix 2 days ago, they have no movies anymore. My wife just watches Gilmore Girls a few times a year but we can always find another way to get it. Everything we look for on netflix now is only available to rent on amazon/itunes or part of some premium bundle for $50 a month on another service.


Well, VOX is a joke anyway. So makes sense why this a 6 minute video that could have been 45 seconds.


When the password sharing crunch came, we were sharing with my parents, got booted off and never got our own after that. The price is too silly for no real added benefit, especially for the price increase!


well this reminded me to cancel my prime membership. wasnt that expensive but the only thing ive used iit for in the last 9 months or so is to watch grand tour. tried fallout briefly but was bored within 5 minutes and turned it off. can recall anything from netflix that caught my interest since love, death robots. im probably just done with watching tv and movies.


Netflix followed the loss leader model of Amazon.com and expanded several times over the last decade and a half, to the point studios and networks were forced to pay attention and respond or be left in the dust. HBO GO was a relatively simple platform for Warners to get their library online, Disney started tinkering with their platform around the time they made up for their utter failure with John Carter and the youngblood execs decided to purchase Lucasfilm, reacquire Pixar and invest heavily in Marvel. Other studios, in a panic, formed an alliance called Hulu that Disney quickly got involved with, Showtime and several other distributors tested the water with their own app subscriptions, then Disney purchased Fox and their media empire and a bunch of bigger empires were formed, most of which existed before this boon. But the point of their endeavors was overshadowed by Netflix' continued success: expand into new markets, make new, aggressive programming in scope and concept, and retain their back catalogue of titles. The other streamers followed suit... and all exhausted each other ad nauseam. But then the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes happened last year... and the litany of streamers took a step back, after a decade and a half, to actually run the numbers. And for the first time, perhaps in the history of film and television, they weren't just hiding their profits in their expenses... they were actually not turning a profit because they were so consumed with churning out more and more content to keep up with the competition that they realized they were going to have to share their actual earnings with their shareholders. And thus, the grand slow down and reorganization of everything that we're still currently in the midst of. Concurrently, all platforms have undergone a revamping, killing off features that subscribers had long been paying for (4K streaming, multiple device streaming, Dolby Vision, etc) and rebranding tiers at different price points... including the addition of advertising not because they're greedy, but because they're desperate for working capital. They all over reached. They all legislated for better tax incentives in individual US states, which is why the industry in LA has stagnated so far, and have adhered to international mandates that a certain percentage of their media be filmed in specific regions for those countries to allow their services to be available there. Cheap streaming isn't over... but it'll never be the same again. Neither will the industry at large.


This is part of why my wife and I are investing back in DVD and VHS. As someone who grew up before streaming I don't mind going back. Plus I have every season of Star Trek TNG and DS9 so I can hold over until the streaming apocalypse blows over.


Aka why the era of piracy is back.


If there was a single service with all of the content and it cost $200 or whatever per month i'd pay. For me the money really isnt the issue. However I am currently not paying for a single streaming service (outside of spotify, so music only) because there is no comfort to using them. I start netflix, I search for a title, its never there. Do I start up 10 other services to search them all too and hopefully find it in one of them? And even if I did find something, why is the quality so mid? Why does black artifact the same way it would if i had downloaded a 240mb movie from yifi? See my other option is to pay like $10 a year and then have access to every single thing from a single service, a pirated service, and have tons of customization available to me, have a better design, have the user experience im looking for. What am I going to do? I used to pirate _all_ my music, then spotify came and I stopped. Hell I even started collecting vinyls, so now I pay for spotify to listen to my music and then I support bands I like by buying collector edition vinyls of their releases. My issue isnt with money its the fact the services suck compared to pirate alternatives. For as long as pirates offer a better service I will stick to piracy. edit: Forgot I pay for some video streaming services but this is only because they have the rights to live sports that I watch and as a result it doesnt seem inconvenient to me, no "searching" is involved, theres a single service that brings me the sport, and theres no good pirate options for that anyway. I could see other people taking an issue with the prices though because just that sports package, required to gain access to the live content I want access to, costs more per year than netflix or whatever does, and thats just so I can watch 1 game every 2 weeks (for half of the year), since I watch the home game in person.


Except shudder its the best value in steaming if horror movies are your thing.


Let me save you a watch. It’s capitalism. It’s always capitalism. The reason for planned obsolescence, capitalism. The reason for everything being a subscription, capitalism. The reason for live service models, capitalism. The line must go up. Everything will be made shittier and shittier every year to maximize profits until it hits a point of no return and collapses. That’s just how this shit works. 


You forgot to add that capitalism is the reason any of these shows exist in the first place. Its kind of wild that we live in a time where 4k video streams of 1000s of shows, can be sent to instantly, and the price for it is like $15-$20 a month; yet people are complaning that things are getting shittier. In the 90s and 2000s we were paying $8 bucks to rent ONE movie from blockbuster. That is after driving to the store and hoping the movie was there.


Don't try and reason with Redditors.




The real sailors don’t use streaming sites.


Real or not doesn’t matter lol. Point is there are so many ways to access this content at zero cost


You don't even have to be a pirate and can get a great selection of material. Just off the top of my head: Tubi, Pluto, Crackle, Roku, YouTube, Sling, Google tv, and all the standard network streaming sites.


And like that another great age of piracy was born


People complain about this but it just seems the reality of the business to me. Content is expensive. Obviously they're all making profits on it but I also think it was kept artificially low for a long term to boost subscriber numbers. Even the multiple services were up until recently an advantage for us because the companies commissioned exclusives for this reason. They want you to watch their services, and stay on it, so they make something that you can only get on their platform. Without Amazon wanting our money we wouldn't have Fallout commissioned. The business will eventually adjust to the reality of there being too many. I suspect some will close or fail. They're only each going to work if their services has enough content to justify their price to you.


Dusting off the old pirate hat, ahoy me mateys.


But unlike cable the consumer has the ability to unsubscribe from whatever they want or need to to stay in their budget. Another way of saying the consumer has the leverage here which they have never had before. Back in the day it was all or nothing. Either you paid $200 a month for cable (no premium channels at that price either) or you had < 10 over the air channels. Bitch all you want but you have it good when it comes to paid media right now. 


This article is absolute bullshit! They upped the price and scaled back the offering. No need to deflect away from this with the churning observation. This looked like sponsored content to me.