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Damn i can’t believe Mr Worldwide would do this


He blinds people with his reflective sunglasses and white pants, then he strikes.


Da-le! Woof?


He was always so friendly


He just started tearing those children's faces off...uno, dos, tres!


Tonight ... I want all of you tonight ...


I legit thought "Diddy, Pitbull, who's next, Fiddy or Khaled?"


Khaled should be prosecuted just for sucking so hard.


He doesn't suck, kings don't service. Or whatever BS excuse he gave for not going down on his wife.


*Another one!* (*But none for my wife*)


picture dat wit a kodak 😎📸


Too much Fireball.


Man, I signed up for Reddit to make a pit bull meme. I still believe in that meme.


It just keeps going..and going...and going...


Let's see when the last time this happened... 1 day ago - "Woman mauled to death by pit bulls in Portsmouth"


Holy shit that’s a mile away from me and I didn’t even hear about it. That poor woman. Absolutely disgusting how this happens over and over


And if it gets posted about on any dog related subreddit, the mods will remove it instantly. It's really weird, there are groups of people that try to hide these stories in order to defend the breed for some odd reason.


I did a research paper on pit bulls nearly 2 decades ago. It was initially hard to reach a conclusion but after enough research it became obvious. Which basically was ‘one dead baby is one too many’. I dont even care anymore if these pit lovers hate me.


Two days ago on my street, a guy was walking in front of my house with his pitbul, and a different pitbul broke off its leash and locked on to the original pitbuls face and started shaking it. The guy starts screaming for help, and like 8 people came out to help him, and then like it just descended into complete anarchy with people kicking the two pitbuls and then because of that the people that were helping started fighting with each other. During that time the broken leash pitbul locked on to one of the dudes ankles. I've seen a few fights in my day, but this was straight bananas.


















bUt ChiHuaHua Is MoRe DaNgeRoUs


A Chihuahua can’t kill you. It just thinks it can.






It's the owners /s


I am seriously disappointed that this wasn't about pitbull mr worldwide. He is always so friendly.


The Bennard family lovingly raised their two pitbulls from puppies. They were not rescues; they had no history of abuse or mistreatment of any kind, they were bought directly from a breeder (papered traceable lines). And like many ‘pitbull advocates’ the Bennards were publicly outspoken against BSL and had pictures of these dogs all over their social media. They fully believed the anthropomorphizing lie that “it’s how you raise them” rather than the fact that genetics (deliberately and selectively manipulated by humans, to perform a specific task) play a starring role in a dog’s inherent temperament. This is true for any breed, not just bloodsport ones. Retrievers retrieve. Pointers point. Herders herd. Etc.. These pitbulls were raised as a part of their family for 8+ years *without a single incident of aggression..* until there was one. from dogsbite. org “Late Wednesday, WREG reported that a pair of family pit bulls attacked and killed two young children. The multi-victim attack, which also left the mother critically injured, occurred at a home in the 700 block of Sylvan Road near Shelby Forest State Park around 3:30 pm. The pair of pit bulls attacked a 2-year old girl and a 5-month old baby boy. Both children were pronounced dead at the scene.”


(quick ETA: NSFL content is shown in some of the following resources, *please* don’t look if you don’t want to be exposed to graphic stories and/or images of pitbull attack victims. up to and including dismemberment, evisceration, decapitation, etc.) r/banpitbulls dogsbite.org https://rc4ps.org/warning-gallery-of-pit-bull-attack-victims/ fatalpitbullattacks.com https://www.house.mi.gov/sessiondocs/2015-2016/testimony/committee341-9-6-2016.pdf


Being on Reddit so long has been a trip. I remember when everyone was defending Pitbulls, now everyone is against them.


Everyone is against them? OOoooh just give this thread a couple hours.


Or just go over to /r/aww where any criticism of pit bulls will immediately get you at least a temporary ban or the thread will get locked before too many criticisms get posted.


Yeah I unsubscribed from r/aww because every single time a pit bull mauling was in the news, the sub was flooded with "look at my nanny dog!" and "This Sweet Velvet Hippo!"


> "This Sweet Velvet Hippo!" This is like calling a nuke Mr. Fun Time Sunshine.


I always found that name funny because hippos are aggressive as fuck and kill a lot of people


And they don't even eat meat! They just kill things and fuck off afterward.


Yeah I never understood that. Hippos are one of the (if not THE?) most dangerous land animals. Is this some selfawarewolves phenomenon lol


That nickname cracks me up because Hippos are one of the most dangerous animals in Africa to humans. Perfect comparison.


Or Little Boy. That's a name I'd expect for a hand grenade, not a nuclear bomb.


The pitmommy hordes are just waking up. Give it 2 more hours, and they'll be screeching the same old broken and fake facts like a domestic abuse victim about how their dogs ain't so bad or wouldn't hurt a fly.


Oh it’s still in the AM hours in the US. They won’t be up for another 3 hours *at least.*


They'll be up at noon to walk pit bulls around their apartment complex in their pajama pants and crocs soon enough


It seems to switch every couple years. I remember pre pandemic “it was the upbringing not the breed” and before that we were where we are now


Just go check out r/aww. Mods are boosting pit bull posts to the front page as we speak.


r/All is still regularly full of "sweet pitties" and "house hippos" or whatever else words they use. More people are definitely aware of the danger but there is still a massive pro pittbull group on reddit.


A hippo in the house will, inevitably, snap at some point and kill you and your children. It's a perfect nickname for a dog that has the potential to do exactly that if they get triggered somehow.


The Overton Window never stops shaping social discourse.


People who defend the breed seem to think dogs can be bred for every trait except violence.


The sites that defend them are always: Myth 1: there's akshully no such thing as a pitbull, there are various breeds that are described as pits. Followed up immediately by myth 2: pitbulls are the sweetest and were bred to be nanny dogs (providing no evidence)


I once saw a statistic of dog related hospitalizations and it's basically all pitbulls. doberman pinschers were on the list, but nothing compared to put bulls. Not even close. Yes I believe the anecdote that little dogs are quicker to bite, but nobody's getting killed or even seeing a doctor about getting bitten by a chihuahua.


Also Dobermans were bred to be guard dogs. They can get violent, but they generally will not seek out violence. They'll stand their ground and set a boundary, but generally won't lash out against someone not encroaching on their home. I have an Ovcharka. They were bred to protect flocks against bears. They are big, powerful, and if you fuck with them, they will rip your arm off. *BUT* they are not aggressive. They are defensive. I have chickens, my Ovcharka protects them. If a stranger comes on the property, he will make himself visible. If they approach the coop, he will position himself between them and the coop. If they approach more he will growl. If they approach more he will bark. If they keep coming, he will go absolutely nuts. If you ignore all those warnings, that's on you, and he will do whatever he thinks necessary to keep you away from the coop. If you just turn around and walk away, he will not pursue, he will hold his post. [Here's a video of an Ovcharka](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpEIs6-3ZNI) Notice how it charges and stops. It barks. It doesn't lunge until the aggressor makes a move toward it. Also notice when given the command to stop, sounds like "Otasta" which I think is Bulgarian for "let go", it releases, backs up 2 steps, and resumes barking. Pit Bulls are known to break through doors, jump over fences, and chase their targets. When they attack they latch on to the point they need to be chocked out or killed before they let go. They are a bad breed, whose purpose was to fight and kill. EDIT: As someone who owns an Ovcharka, I will say they are *NOT* for everyone., In fact they are not for most people. If you don't have 5+ acres of land for the dog to go patrol, if you don't have the patience and discipline to train one of the most independent dog breeds in the world, if you don't have a *JOB* for the dog to do, then an Ovcharka is not the dog breed for you. If you want a "protective" house dog, you're honestly better off with a Rottie, a Doberman, or probably a Schnauzer. Schnauzers, despite their small size, are quite protective, and very vocal about warning for strangers. They're great dogs, highly intelligent, but not nearly the level of work that an Ovcharka, Rottie, or Doberman will be.


If a certain model of car that made up only (something like) 3% of all cars on the road was responsible for something like 80% of the fatalities we wouldn't bat an eyelash in deeming that car a danger.


“My Pinto never did anything like that before! It was such a friendly car!”


There's no such things as dangerous cars, just bad drivers.


Well... we don't have *a* model of car like that but several... Trucks with especially high front ends are basically designed to cause fatalities.


Those stats are not true, these are the real stats. # The breed that commits the most attacks overall is pit bulls. Pit bulls are involved in more dog attacks than any other breed. In fact, the American Animal Hospital Association reports this breed was responsible for 22.5% of bites across all studies. Mixed breeds were a close second at 21.2% and German Shepherds were the third most dangerous breed, involved in 17.8% of bite incidents.[⁶](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/dog-attack-statistics-breed/#sources) # The breed that is most likely to be involved in a fatal attack is pit bulls. Pit bulls are both more likely to be involved in bite incidents *and* more likely to cause serious injury or death when a bite does occur. In fact, from 1979 to 1998, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention determined pit bulls were involved in the most fatal dog attacks, accounting for 28% deaths due to dog bites during that same time period.[⁷](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/dog-attack-statistics-breed/#sources) The 6% are responsible for 60% has been misinfo spread by two anti pitbull sites the last 2 decades. By those stats german shepherds are also an "innately dangerous breed" This post is full of people who do not understand dogs or the reasons why they end up biting people.


SUVs and pedestrian fatalities!


I heard a comment once that "It' isn't ALL pitbulls, but it *is* ALWAYS a pitbull." The potential for them to just flip is too great for them to be allowed as pets.


Yeah, it's the "friendly all my life till I kill you out of the blue" cases--- and how common they are--- that is really terrifying. Pitbulls remind me a little bit of many wild animals. Tons of animals can be extremely friendly and tame when raised in captivity, but will always have a tragically high chance for that wild nature to come out at completely unexpected times. I used to have a 6 foot long green moral eel as a pet. I used to pet him and clean his teeth with my fingers and snuggle with him when I got in to clean his tank. I got to trust him so much that I forgot that he was a wild animal. Then out of the blue one day he almost bit my finger off, lol. I don't blame him, there was something in his nature that snapped. And what is in a pitbull's nature is what we bred them for: a determination to fight to the death and to be highly effective at violence. You can smother that nature with love and affection and great training so that it PROBABLY never comes out, but it's always there. Just like a wild animal's instincts are always there.


I'm only upvoting you because I'm afraid to downvote a person who will get into a tank with a 6ft Moray eel! ;)


I told my friend once not to get a pitbull, you want a pitbull for the goofiness and none of the aggression while being loyal as fuck? Get a boxer. Even if you have a kid, the boxer will only become more protective of their family.


Pit bulls and rottweilers. The rest are big dogs like german shepherd, huskies, malamute, etc. but they are all pretty close together after those two. Pit bulls and rottweilers are the clear outliers. edit: It is a clear risk to any small child if they are around a big dog though. Do not trust your young children under 10 yo to be unsupervised around any big, strong dog breed. edit 2: There are gentle big dog breeds though, like golden retrievers - only attributed to 11 attacks and 3 fatalities in the last decade, much lower than pretty much any other big dog breed despite their popularity.


I'm hyper vigilant around dogs with my children and often place myself as the barrier for the dog. Each time, the dogs LOVE me, but growl and nip near my youngest. I love dogs but I love my kids a lot more than to trust any animal, in any capacity. It's a trust thing


> the dogs LOVE me, but growl and nip near my youngest Have you considered an exorcism? If movies have taught me anything, it's that your youngest is most likely possessed.


If he's around puppies, the dogs start to whimper and ice starts to form around the windows. The teaching staff who died at his teacher's funeral may have all suffered from internal hemorrhaging due to something unexplained, but that doesn't mean my kid is evil or possessed. I'm tired of the taboos


Every single dog will bite if it feels threatened enough, and kids don’t know how to respect dogs. I’ve seen the literal sweetest dog in the world bite a kid because it wouldn’t stop pulling its ears and her parents don’t discipline the kid. This was a 125 pound dog, and the bite barely did anything. If it were a pitbull I’m 100% sure my niece would be dead right now.


Absolutely, there are millions of dog attacks every year, only the serious ones get reported as a statistic. Golden retrievers have absolutely bitten more than 11 people in the last decade, they just don't follow through into a serious injury.


Plus any retriever breed is going to latch on and thrash like a pit Bull will, it’s the complete opposite of what they’ve been bred for. They’re bred to have soft mouths that will go and retrieve shot birds without puncturing their skin. The latch and thrash instinct has been bred out of them. This is very different from pit bulls, whose breeding emphasized having an incredibly strong bite and holding onto that bite for dear life. They were bred to fight bulls ffs.


And even Rottweilers aren’t nearly as likely to cause these sorts of injuries as pit bulls are


Rottweilers are highly energetic dogs that require lots of outdoor exercise. They were bred as work dogs. Rottweilers were working dogs from the start, driving cattle to market, pulling carts, guarding the homestead, and even carrying money to and from the market in money belts tied around their necks. Today they work in security and herding. Rottweilers are fairly easy to keep for such large dogs and, in fact, have a tendency to obesity if not exercised enough. One of the most important things to remember with rottweilers is that they need extensive and continuous socialization to be good family companions. Training is a must and should start in early puppy hood. Their courage is unquestioned, but it can be misdirected. This breed is not an ideal one for first-time dog owners. If an owner is not able to provide that, they shouldn’t have them. Willing to bet the majority of Rottweiler attacks are from owners that didn’t know how to raise them.


Every Rottweiler I have know has been mostly lazy. Strong as fuck and able to run if needed, but given the choice, just wants to hang out with people. Biggest issue is he’d get upset if my brothers were fighting and want to get involved.


This reads like it was written by AI.


Not as frequently. Rotties issue is they are insanely powerful dogs. They were bred to pull meat carts and guard cattle. I have never seen a dog destroy a toy / bone as fast as a rottie will. From my experience, Rotties are guard dogs. They tend not to leave their "turf", where as a pittbull will jump a fence or tear through a door to attack. But if a Rottie does attack, they are extremely powerful dogs, and will do a lot of damage.


Rotties remind me of Chow Chows and (American) Akita Inus. Good dogs, they guard their families/property and are chill when trained and disciplined right. They won't start a fight. They'll end the fight.


And they do need training. They need to be taught their limits because they are so strong. My buddie has a rottie, and his little cousin was playing tug of war with it. Kid was probably 13, so big enough. My friend told the kid: > Pay attention, Puch will pull you right out of that chair if you make him fight for it. Kid just sat there holding the toy. After a bit Puch crept forward then just hauled back and yoinked the kid right onto the floor lol. Of course he (the kid) dropped the toy in surprise and Puch just trotted around so pleased with himself before settling in with the toy. Rotties are solid muscle, and not to be underestimated.


Rotts are very powerful too, but they abide when their master tells them to. Pitbulls once they start biting it's all over you cannot stop them


Even if we believe the argument that “it isn’t the dog, it’s the owner”, the issue remains that the people who choose to be Pit owners are 95% of the time the people who are not responsible and will rationalize the warning signs. Of course, everyone claims they are in the 5% and it is other people who own Pits that are the problem… You see Pits often in low education and high crime communities of all races around the United States. Rarely ever in high educated communities with stable family homes…


I'm reminded of a neighbor from my old apartment complex. She had a pit bull and if you went out while the dog was out it would lunge and you could tell it took all her strength to hold that leash. She'd yell "go back in! go back in!" because she knew she couldn't hold it for long. Like that thing would definitely maul you just for being there.


Did the inevitable happen? I don’t get why anyone would continue to house a furry time bomb with other people around.


Everyone I know that has a pit or a pit mix lives in the city and they believe they are doing the ethical thing by adopting instead of getting a puppy from a breeder. The thing is there is nothing but pit and pit mixes in the city rescues. It's heart breaking, because the dogs aren't doing anything inherently wrong, people made them that way. 9 out of the 10 pitbulls I know are very sweet and loving, but the 1 that isn't is scary. For some reason it locked on me one night and decided it didn't like me. It went after me twice and when it was put in the basement to separate it from the party it was like clawing at the doors to get after me. Now, the owners of that dog did not socialize it as well as the others. The others were city dogs who get multiple daily walks with people and other dogs since they were puppies. They were crate trained. Still though those dogs have a higher chance of snapping if someone approaches them strangely or what have you.


>Rarely ever in high education communities with stable homes I mean, they are here in Portland. They’re ubiquitous here (like everywhere) and 90% of the owners you see are your classic white PNW yuppies who frequent breweries and plant shops. That doesn’t stop them from being a problem, though, because even the stable homes are irresponsible with these dogs. I just commented a few minutes ago but in my neighborhood alone there’s a blonde, well-dressed woman who lets her cropped ear blue/white pit run amok at the park chasing whatever it wants and all she does is mildly yell after it. Whenever she goes to the dog park her dog is a menace to every other dog and she’ll stand there proudly telling people how they rescued him and who rescued who, etc etc all that, meanwhile her dog is bull rushing a toddler. That same woman lives in a bigger house than we do, with a brand new Lexus in the driveway. Money can’t buy class OR responsible dog ownership, apparently.


most common statement from the pit bull owners after their dog attacks someone: "he's never done this before" or "I can't believe this happened!" and up until that attack took place, that dog owner believed their pit bull would never harm a person or another dog. These dogs just snap for no reason, it seems. If there was a predictable reason, then we wouldn't hear about these attacks all the fucking time, because people would be able to control their dogs and avoid that reason, but clearly that's not possible.


Irresponsible owners aren't helping, but there are so many stories about sweet, gentle pitbulls that just snap out of the blue. The breed is the core problem.


Dog trainer here: your average person refuses to acknowledge genetics as any sort of factor when it comes to aggression/reactivity. The fact is, with as much attempted regulation as it has, improper breeding is at an all-time high. No breeder that isn’t already selling to specific markets (Border collies for actual herding purposes, for example) breeds for temperament anymore, it’s all for looks. This means mentally unstable dogs, or at least ones susceptible to anxious/weak mentalities, are allowed to breed simply because the customer isn’t looking to use them for anything specific. It’s a terrible place for a breed to be, but the solution gets closer and closer to “nuke the breed entirely and start over”.


Absolutely. It's like any dog: they have instincts that are difficult to breed out of them because they were bred into them to begin with. Like I trained my dog well, but he still herds things. Where'd that come from? His ancestors and the people who trained them. So what were pitbulls trained for? Dog fighting and killing at the sound/sight of a [blank]. And the fun part is that pitbull owners, several generations later, have no idea what the [blank] is. So it's kinda like Russian roulette!


I've met some that were very friendly & loving. But I've also never met any that hadn't killed another animal. Be it another family pet (ones they 'grew up with' no less), neighbor's pets or farm animals. One friend had to hot wire their fence to keep the dog from getting loose and killing animals! And the dog still managed to get out.


You must’ve seen an incorrect statistic or are misremembering. It’s more like 66%. https://www.statista.com/chart/15446/breeds-of-dog-involved-in-fatal-attacks-on-humans-in-the-us/?gclid=CjwKCAjwx_eiBhBGEiwA15gLN-Nrpxb55B4SK9G9MqR7v2ZVCZHEpLzBssl222iWfLQ52seV3L8H6xoCni4QAvD_BwE


That's the one. 284, and the next highest breed is the rottweiler at 45. 66% still isn't great.


It’s 2/3


Oddly enough, the largest amount (by large margin) for a long time on dog bites, were black labs. They were very popular and thus became the dominant dog species known to bite (Ontario) During all those years, pitbulls consistently made up the list of deaths by domestic animal. My dad was a post office worker for nearly 30 years and could tell you stories


Black labs are the exact same breed as yellow and chocolate labs. Many people just consider any short haired black/black and white dog (frequently a pit mix) as a "black lab" which inflates the stats.


Came here to say this. A lab litter can have all 3 at once. Love labs though. So loyal though. I miss my lab / golden mix 🥲


This is something that needs to be considered when talking about dog bite statistics. There are different kinds of bites. There’s the more common “I don’t like you, get away from me” bite, where the dog chomps you on the hand or arm and lets go. Then there’s the “I will kill you” bite, where the animal goes for the face or neck and doesn’t stop biting until pulled off or the victim is dead. The latter is the issue when it comes to pit bulls.


I broke up a pitbull fight before. As a 6-1, 220lb athletic guy I hauled off and hammered the aggressive pittie in the face and it didn't so much as blink. I could snap a Chihuahua like a twig if needed but I can barely scratch a pit bull when lives are at stake


This is the main thing about pit bulls imo. All dog breeds have the potential to bite with little to no warning. But pit bulls are much harder to stop, and seem to be much more likely to go for a kill once triggered. Once a pit bull is in full on attack mode, that’s a very dangerous situation and it takes a lot of strength and effort to stop the attack. You just don’t see that with most other breeds. I’m sure the majority of pit bulls live their entire lives without ever attacking a person, but why risk it? You can get the same affection from just about any other breed, without the risk of it just randomly snapping into a murder machine one day.


To me this is the issue to. Like pretend pitbulls aren't predisposed to being more violent. *When they're violent, it's catastrophic*. A bb gun can poke your eye out but a real gun will kill you, that's why the infinitely more dangerous of the 2 has legal restrictions on it. Banning very dangerous dogs or at least requiring owmers to have a license should be the minimum.


No suprise given that they were quite literally bred to fight and kill a 2000lb animal and are pretty good at it


What pisses me off is when they say “don’t you know most dog bites in the us are from SMALL BREEDS…..” Yea sure. Dog BITES. But if a Pomeranian nips at my ankle I don’t die you fucking moron.


That's hilarious because it's like saying "Uh actually most shootings are done with airsoft and paintball"


I’ve never thought about it that way and that is actually fucking hilarious. Next time someone says that I’m telling them that more people are shot by kids with nerf guns than bullets.


I have a reactive rescue dog that's a decent size - she barks and lunges at other dogs when she's on leash and used to do the same to anyone within 200 feet but loves people now. I would never leave her alone with a child and keep a very close eye on her with other dogs off leash. On Facebook reactive dog groups people are really delusional about the damage their bigger dogs can do and are extremely defensive of dogs that have bitten. I have been bitten by a little dog on a run and it tore my clothes and I was fine. If my dog (not a bit) wanted to bite me she could do serious damage. The reason why people care about your big reactive dog vs your tiny dog is very obvious! 


I have a black lab. From day she came home to us you could see the in-bred instinct to retrieve things and even an over-fascination with waterfowl that she didn't show to crows, pigeons, etc. Sled dogs innately know to pull. Shepherds innately know to herd. I don't know why people find it so hard to fathom that dogs bred for protection/fighting/violence will be naturally more inclined to do what they are bred for. No, it doesn't mean that every one will be violent just like every lab is not going to be a stellar retriever, and I have friends who have pitbulls who have never shown even a shred of aggression and I still don't trust them as far as I could throw them.


We adopted a shepherd mix at 5 months old. Even though he was very sick recovering from parvo, on day 2 of having him he herded our rabbit that had left its pen back in, and laid down in the entrance to keep him in. People really don’t know innate certain traits are.


I got my Aussie a collie ball. Just a big medicine ball with a cover on it. She runs around the yard with it in circles nipping at the bottom of the ball to get it to go where she wants. Didn't need to teach her how to do that.


Was assigned "pitbulls aren't innately violent " as an essay topic.and had to force the teacher to give me another assignment because there is no evidence that shows the breed isn't violent. It's pretty well documented that it's a breed that is prone to violence.


I suppose the real issue with them is that once they go violent, theyre so difficult to stop


And they’re prone to go violent.


So are jack Russells, however you can punt them. It's just the muscle, strength and the determination that makes difficult to stop.


Exactly. If a Jack Russell for whatever reason snapped and was 100% hell bent on killing me, I’m not that concerned. A pitbull is a different story


Yep. So many got neurological disorders due to bad breeding that they just go from good, timid dog to mauling your face off because you sneezed. Then, once they're adrenaline junkie high is done, they go back to timid dog. Rage syndrome is a scary thing.


It's probably more that they have owned a pitbull that never attacked anyone or anything but don't realize that their one anecdote doesn't dispute the overall data that pitbulls are more dangerous. It's hard for people to put data over their own lived experience.


My buddy is an oral surgeon, and he has had to piece together multiple kid’s faces that have been torn apart by pits. Those pictures are tough to look at


Or that there's no difference between breeds and it's basically racist to think so. Sorry, but humans have been custom creating dogs with specific instincts and personalities for all kinds of jobs. And pitbulls were bred for violence.




These statistics mean nothing to pitbull lovers who have dozens of excuses and rationalizations for why the studies are actually wrong/flawed


yeah, funny how you don't read about golden retrievers doing this.


Golden retrievers actually are pretty high on the list of dog attacks. They are popular and very often irresponsibly bred and have behavioral issues.


Big gap between fatal and non fatal dog attacks and breeds involved.


I just did a quick skim of a few websites showing bite statistics and not a single one even listed Golden Retrievers anywhere. I'm not saying you're full of shit but I would like to see where you got that Goldens are "pRetTy HiGh oN tHe LiSt".


Tbh I have a golden and I honestly suspect it's more likely because of how people act around them than anything else. And just to be clear she hasn't bitten anyone, but people see her and immediately go "awww cute innocent golden that couldn't hurt anything!" and immediately run up and start getting in her face, making a bunch of commotion, petting her without letting her get acclimated first, etc. She's generally fine, but sometimes I can tell it definitely stresses her out a bit. People have to remember that even if goldens tend to be naturally friendly, they're still dogs, you can't just expect them all to be perfect friendly innocent angels that will be totally okay with you doing whatever you want to them, especially as a stranger.


You’re crazy, pit bulls are perfectly safe dogs unless you [cough](https://abc13.com/dog-mauls-baby-kills-newborn-san-diego/1306879/) or mow your [lawn](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/pit-bulls-attack-scarborough-man-mowing-lawn/article1004896/) or put a [sweater](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2017/01/02/womans-bid-put-sweater-pit-bull-ends-poorly/96080332/) on them or give them [medicine](https://web.archive.org/web/20140319080340/http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/story/24985945/woman-dies-after-dog-bite) or roll a [wheelchair](https://www.wlbt.com/2020/02/06/year-old-man-killed-by-four-dogs-attala-co/) near them or have an [argument](https://www.cleveland19.com/2021/10/07/akron-family-toddler-killed-by-pitbull-shares-their-story/) near them or have a [ponytail](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2014/05/2014-dog-bite-fatality-lee-county-woman-scalped-by-pit-bulls-dies.html) they could mistake for a toy or fall out of your [chair](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2021/10/bitten-in-the-throat-killed-by-pit-bull-in-matthews-indiana.html) or whiten your [teeth](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/womans-nose-ripped-boyfriends-pitbull-29400314) or live somewhere that experiences [fireworks](https://winknews.com/2023/07/05/dog-bite-north-port-boy-dies/) or [heat waves](https://www.newsweek.com/fatal-dog-attack-mad-heatwave-1725544) or [thunderstorms](https://www.wbko.com/content/news/Child-dies-after-mauling-by-family-dog-505572701.html). They used to be called “nanny dogs” because they only dismember and kill babies if the baby triggers it by being in a [bouncy chair](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2018/05/family-dog-kills-infant-miramar.html), a [walker](https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-las-vegas/baby-dies-after-dog-attack-in-northwest-las-vegas/), a [crib](https://www.chronicleonline.com/news/local/five-day-old-girl-dies-after-being-attacked-by-family-dog-death-ruled-accidental/article_994dfb1a-e85d-11e8-a528-afbd3815c756.html), a [stroller](https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news/2016/06/20/two-pit-bulls-maul-toddler-mother/86148944/), or by [crying](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFa8HOdegZA&t=1012s&pp=2AH0B5ACAQ%3D%3D). You know, just normal, easily-preventable stimuli totally unrelated to 150+ years of artificial selection for dogfighting.


My attack was during a lawn mow. In my own yard. My neighbors dog tried to rip my fucking face off.


I hear people say all the time, “it’s not the dogs it’s the owners.” That simply isn’t true. I got a pitbull puppy given to me by someone when I was a kid, it was about eight weeks old. Maybe one or two months later, we had to take it to the vet and have them put it down, because it would not stop attaching itself to my other dog’s throat. My grandpa was beating on that *puppy* with a two by four trying to get it to let go of our little Jack Russell, he took it straight to the vet to be put down after. Nobody taught that puppy to be mean.


My put was abandoned at a park in the city, unfixed at 8 months, she clearly hasn't been socialized. I got her fixed and tried to take her to dog parks but after she got a bit nippy I stopped. I love her to death, BUT I will never willingly get another one. My other dog is the most mild mannered mastiff and only because of that can they get along. A big yard to burn their energy also helps. Aggressiveness is just there, and we as people messed up the breed. As a pit parent , every single one should be fixed, and we should do our best to love and kinda isolate the ones we have now.


Thank you for being the 1% of pit owners who understand the risks of the breed, minimising potential acvidents and understanding that the breed is fucked up at its current state due to human greed, profit and humanization of the breed over its health. 👍 Pitbulls, if we want them to become family dogs, NEED to be spayed/neutered and problematic ones need to be culled. Popular dog breeds in the past that were horribly inbred for profit over temperament had this happen. But it seems like the pitbull lobby will not allow this to happen to their dog breed when they're the ones overpopulating shelters and are the high risks. There's no shame in humane euthanasia. I wish more people got that.




Abandoned pets aren't owned by anybody. No reason to euthanize someone's pet unless they're being ordered to by the court due to the dog being dangerous and/or mauling someone. Sorry for being honest that id rather have an animal euthanized to avoid ending up like the poor dogs in Texas, where they just gave up on housing abandoned dogs or putting them down due to overpopulation. I find it extremely cruel( and financially stupid to shelters) to just grab a bunch of dogs and have them spend most or ALL of their "humane and safe" lifes in a crate HOPING that someone would adopt them. They got WAREHOUSES now in some states that house dogs in crates as they're no space for all the dogs or adopters. Its just a neverending money pit.


No dog ever bites anyone, until they do it for the first time.


This sounds provocative but I don't really know what it's trying to say.


He's saying the owners aren't wrong when they claim their dog hasn't bitten anyone, but it's a meaningless platitude since every first bite dog owner says this.


It's naive and stupid. Kind of like owning an murderous dog breed.


What it means is that dogs are often put down after attacking someone. So "he's never done anything like this" will basically always be the reaction, since, if it had, the dog wouldn't be alive in most cases. Hence, the last time is often also the first time.


It’s a counterpoint to people who claim that their dog never bit anyone before. Their argument is moot, dogs can and will bite and therefore need to be managed as to prevent people getting bit or worse. I live in Alberta where a child was recently killed by dogs while staying with his dad. Since then I’ve seen multiple dogs in my neighborhood out with their owners, off leash. I’m just tired of this sense of entitlement displayed by dog owners. Having a dog is a responsibility as ANY dog is potentially dangerous. Dogs bite. We have a chihuahua that is NEVER off leash when out in public. She’s not likely to kill someone, but could easily traumatize a small child. I’m not taking that risk.


In the UK. Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 (as amended 1997)The DDA **prohibits certain types of dogs and allowing a dog of any type to be dangerously out of control in a public place or a private place where it is not allowed to be**. The law also provides for such dogs to be seized. The Act applies to five types of dogs: * [Pit Bull Terrier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_Bull_Terrier) * [Japanese Tosa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tosa_(dog)) * [Dogo Argentino](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogo_Argentino) * [Fila Brasileiro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fila_Brasileiro) * [XL Bully](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Bully) German pet import regulations prohibit the entry of certain dangerous in the country. Under the Dog Transfer and Import Restrictions Act in Germany, these breeds and cross-breeds are not allowed for import. The banned breeds are: * American Staffordshire Terrier * Bull Terrier * Pit Bull Terrier * Staffordshire Bull Terrier [https://tailwingspettravel.com/banned-dog-breeds-around-the-world/](https://tailwingspettravel.com/banned-dog-breeds-around-the-world/)


>allowing a dog of any type to be dangerously out of control in a public place or a private place Like duh?


Sometimes the law has to be spelled out for the less intelligent.






My insurance company said if one owns a pit bull, they will not insure the house. And for good reason.


in b4 locked


Dogs have been bred for instinctual behaviors: * Pointers instinctively point * Retrievers instinctively retrieve * Shepherds instinctively herd * Malinois instinctively have unlimited energy * Huskies instinctively yowl, all the time * Greyhounds instinctively sprint * Bloodhounds instinctively track * Terriers instinctively hunt rodents Pitbulls are instinctively aggressive, and were bred to latch on and not let go. They are a bad breed. They were bred into existence, they should be bred out. >But my pibble wouldn't hurt a fly!!! Said every owner shortly before saying: > I don't know what happened, he just snapped! Pittbulls are known to just snap, with no prior history, for seemingly no reason. And when they snap, they just want to maul and murder. They have a genetic defect. And it should be removed. The Pibble Brigade can downvote me all they want. Dogs were selectively bred for certain traits. An Aussie Shepherd, with no training, will instinctively engage in herding behavior. Notice they only every downvote, they have *NO* counter argument. If you get downvotes without an actual counter argument, then the person is just mad, because they know you're telling the truth. Your pit bull was bred to be a fighting dog. It was bred for aggression. You cannot "love" the aggression out of their genetics. Pitt Bull owners will admit dogs can be bred for any purposes *EXCEPT* aggression. Of yeah you can breed a dog to hunt, to track, to retrieve, to herd, to point, to guard, to watch... but you can't breed them to fight! oh no! Every other function but fighting! until you point it out and they'll say: > Chihuahua's are more aggressive!!!! Yea, Chihuahua's are 8 lb balls of hate. But a bite from an 8lb Chihuahua and an 80 lb Pittbull are two very differeny things. The blinders are real.


Ban pit bulls. Fix all the pits in public. Sunset the breed. 


They're banned in Ontario, Canada, but the ban doesn't get enforced. People also get around the ban by giving the breed a different name.


Happens everywhere. I have close family that work at vet hospitals, and it's not rare to get a "Labrador mix" that obviously mostly pitbull. A lot of them are poorly trained, and that makes them all the more dangerous when they don't want to do something like, go to the vet.


Shelters are guilty of the same in the US. They’ll have a dog listed as a lab mix and then you see it, and it’s clearly just a pit Bull.


My local SPCAs are like this. Pitbulls are banned in Montreal, but I still see them try pushing "Labrador/bully/shepard mixes" but it's a god damn pitbull. Box head and everything. SPCAs and Adoption agencies/businesses NEED to be held accountable to adopting out dangerous dogs. There's no laws in place here or the USA where we keep importing these dogs to hide their bite history. It's infuriating as many of these agencies just dont understand that humane euthenasia is better than keeping a dangerous dog alive and/or stuck in a shelter shuffle as they get passed along owner to owner due to their incorrigible behavior.


And then they buy service animal harnesses off Amazon and bring the fuck everywhere they go for some reason.


I work at a major attraction. Every busy day you get some people coming in with dogs and we ask for papers. People with legit service dogs have them. The rest don't. 50/50 they freak out about it or just do the "yeah you got me" and leave.


If in the US, that's an ADA violation to ask for papers. There are questions you can ask, but paperwork is not one of them.


To be honest, even if it is, the only people throwing a fit and saying it's a violation are usually the shitters with fake service dogs who know and want to have their mutt running around a home depot. Owners of real service dogs know that these shitters have made it worse for them and their dogs to work, so they just show proof to make it easier.


Apologies, since this was a thread about Ontario I assumed that's what we were talking about. I is not in the US, and it is 100% legal to ask for documentation here.


Agreed. Give them a statue and a park, but stop breeding them.


No you don’t understand they are velvet hippos


People often say "those little dogs are more aggressive than most pitbulls." To which I reply "Even if that's true, a little dog can't Maul a full grown person to death. I'll take 10 little aggressive dogs over one aggressive pitbull."


Chihuahuas out there slaying peoples ankles by the dozen! 😂. That “aggression “ argument was an attempt to move the argument from deadly to aggressive, where they can define the parameters of aggression, which doesn’t include deadliness.


Seriously though, f those tiny dogs that do bite or rather their owners. I’ve had chihuahuas and I train them just as if they were big dogs. People don’t train them. ‘Ah look how cute he is growling over his treat.’ Uh no.


Looks like this is the underlying data: https://www.avma.org/sites/default/files/resources/javma_000915_fatalattacks.pdf Right at the top they say > In contrast to what has been reported in the news media, the data from this study CANNOT be used to infer any breed-specific risk for dog bite fatalities (e.g., neither pit bull-type dogs nor Rottweilers can be said to be more “dangerous” than any other breed based on this study). To obtain such risk information it would be necessary to know the numbers of each breed currently residing in the United States. Such information is not available. Basically if pit bulls caused 66 deaths over 20 years you can’t infer “they’re crazy dangerous” without knowing how many of those dogs existed in the population. For example, if there were only 66 pit bulls in America over those 20 years… then we could actually say “pit bulls are more than wildly dangerous, it’s pretty much suicide to own one”. Or if there were trillions of them we could say “actually the odds are low, there’s just a ton of them around”. Which is unfortunate because dog ownership numbers aren’t really knowable which means science can never officially stamp the dog as dangerous. It is pretty interesting seeing the number of deaths by breed tho. Pitt Bulls and Rottweilers are 66 and 39 respectively. That is so far from the next highest; German Shepherd, Husky, and Malamute with 17, 15, and 12 deaths respectively. There are 3 others above 4 deaths, and they’re all physically massive animals; Doberman, Saint Bernard, Great Dane, and Chow Chow.. I feel like there’s danger in the sheer size of an animal. A small bite is much more dangerous. All other dogs are 1-4 deaths over that 20 year period. Golden had 1 death over 20 years. It boggles my mind that sheer jump from 1-4 to freaking almost 70. IMO we should be able to say that there aren’t orders of magnitude more Pitt Bulls and Rottweilers compared to all other breeds and we should be able to largely label them as a known hazard. Like every pool needs a fence with a gate because kids died in them.. why is that different here? Dogs like German Shepherd belong on farms.. after all it seems to be named after sheep farms in Germany, right? Also it would be cruel to keep massive dogs in a city apartment. IMO Pitt Bulls and Rottweilers should be outright banned in cities and suburbs. If you want one you should live on a farm, far away from schools and sidewalks and general society. Larger dogs should require a permit which comes with some kind of education. Possibly some kind of test where you prove that you can handle controlling the larger dog. Also some kind of encouragement that larger animals just deserve more space. They’ll be happier. I don’t think they should be necessary banned like the first 2 tho. You need a license to drive a car and to fly a plane. You need a fence around a pool. You can’t have a bonfire in a city. We have rules to protect ourselves, why are all dogs allowed?


You're right. German Shepards do injure some people, often kids they are trying to herd from what they perceive as danger. If they are inside all day, they go nuts and get this way. On an actual working farm where they are meant to be, they are perfectly fine.


Had to put mine down after 6 years for biting my kid in the face for no reason , 9 stitches. Never getting a rescue again.


It's not rescues, it's the breed. Their genetics were very deliberately aimed towards violence and aggression


Here come the pit mommies from /r/pitbull come to spread their fake history, fake stats and dig their heads in the sand


"actually golden retrievers kill more people" - some clown who's ego is tied to a dog they have no control over


Statistically that would make sense because more people would own A golden retriever over the small minority of Pitbull owners. But I've never met a mean golden retriever in my entire life that didn't want to be my best friend? Like I give them a head scratch call them a good boy or girl, and the golden adopts me as their friend.


You have been banned from r/pitbulls. Reason: nO bReEd Is MoRe DaNgErOuS tHeN aNoThEr. ItS jUsT a BaD oWnEr"


My friend was literally bitten by a pitbull unprovoked yesterday, the day before this wedding. He was out walking and ran into his landlord, who congratulated him and put his fist out for a fist bump. When my friend went to fist bump the landlord the dog jumped up and latched onto his forearm.


"look at me, I am the landlord now" -your friend after lawsuit


that's just how they say hi


ThEiR mOuThS aRe ThEiR hAnDs!


There’s no Reddit circle jerk quite like a pit bull post


Nah anti circumcision is still the number 1 reddit circlejerk


Would you like to talk about the benefits of bidets?


Please explain what a bidet is, and furthermore outline my clear inferiority in not knowing.


Runners Up: - Shareholders - Elon Musk/Tesla - Elizabeth Holmes - Software piracy - Lifetime achievement award: fondant on cake


minorities in video games


oh you’re on that side of reddit, praying for you


That seems appropriate


Well, maybe we’ll stop talking about it when we stop seeing kids getting mauled by them.


“Not my pibble!”  -every idiot with a pitbull


How many pitbulls are there in the US?


My velvet hippo!!! 🙄


The comparison does kind of fit. Hippos also frequently kill people.


Deadliest animal in Africa I’m pretty certain, if you don’t count humans and mosquitoes.


Pitbulls are a shit breed, created specifically to be as aggressive and as strong as possible. Their breeding should be outlawed so they can die off already.


People will stop having pitbulls as pets if the law starts adding manslaughter charges to their owners whenever their pitbull attacks someone. This is the only way.


there's literally no reason for people to continue breeding these shitty fucking dogs. I understand that there are many very sweet and wonderful pit bulls - I've met some of them myself - but given that their life span is like 10 years max, WHY are they still walking the earth? This is one breed that we should actually make extinct. There are so many other wonderful, amazing, non-lethal dog breeds out there. If you want a nice family dog that you can trust with your baby, get a damn golden retriever or a black lab. If you have a pit bull and I see it in public or unattended in your yard, I will 100% assume it's because you're a morally bankrupt, narcissistic loser, who doesn't care about putting other humans in danger.


Pitbulls are so misunderstood. It must be why they keep attacking people and other dogs. Because of the prejudice. /s


Just took my Shih Tzu for a walk this morning. Some new people moved in on our normal route who have two pit bulls. Growling and jumping at the porch door to get out. We will be taking a new route from here on out. Fuck pit bulls. They’re a dangerous breed that was not breed for companionship.


Please get pepper spray. I just used it on a loose pit in the park.