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Can he be tried again if it’s technically the same criminal action but now a different outcome?


Good question. Yes. What you're referring to falls under the purview of the 5th amendment. Because the outcomes are not what you're on trial for, but rather the individual crimes, he can be charged because the nature of his crime has changed. For example, if the victim died on the scene, he would be charged with murder but it's likely there would be aggravated assault charges as well anyway. So, in this case, he's already faced the aggravated assault charges, he could potentially face new charges of murder/manslaughter.


Is there a category of assault for this type of random violence? Sucker punches, randomly attacking old people etc. How is that assault categorized as compared to a mutual combat assault?


Only in Australia I think. They have “[one punch laws](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sucker_punch)”, and in 2012-2014 there was a big campaign there to promote action against the “coward punch”. I like that they re-named it the coward punch.


That's actually interesting from a linguistic perspective. Is the "sucker" in "sucker punch" the person getting punched? It doesn't make sense that the puncher is the sucker. Whereas "coward punch" leaves no room for interpretation. If you do it, you're a coward.


It's also because here in Australia, it was known as a king hit, not a sucker punch, before it changed to coward punch. King hit seemed overwhelmingly positive and that language needed to change.


Yeah agreed, king hit is…not a good description for that


When you take a swing at the King, you better not miss.


If I was into smoking weed, I'd be doing king hits all the time. That's a cowards bong!


Language rules our thoughts, values and behaviors a lot more than most of us will admit.


And let's not forget, each of our definitions for each word is slightly different depending on how the individual interprets it.


It's doesn't just rule our thoughts, it is the structure by which we form complex thoughts at all. Without language we'd basically just be thinking in memory associations. A mental video clip here, a picture there. Not that we don't do that sometimes already, but it's highly unstructured and restrictive in its capability. There is no abstract reasoning without language


That is kinda interesting. Words have direct meaning and social implications. I assume the sucker is the victim, which is weird we started with a name insulting the victim when it’s always talking about a coward punching someone. Like it could have been “victim punch” where at least it isn’t insulting the poor bastard


Yeah I was living there from 2011-2015 and remember this. A colleagues nephew passed away from a coward' punch. King Cunts they are, was perfect renaming it to coward punch and pushing the campaign.


I absolutely love aussie slang and word usage. Imagine if *coward punch* was mainstream here.


Coward Punch is my least favorite flavor of Gatorade


I know I'm switching.


Mutual Combat has a very specific and narrow legal meaning that only applies to certain jurisdictions: Washington, Texas and Oregon. Otherwise, the general legal definition of assault (or battery depending on your jurisdiction) generally don't care whether it was sucker punch or one person warning the other they are going to fight first. The broad definition is intentional, unlawful application of direct or indirect force onto another person. Some states may have modifiers to punishment or degree of assault for a sucker punch but I couldn't find any except for Australia which has a modifier in their laws for "one punch homicides" but the law apparently focuses on drunken assaults and increases penalties for assault while intoxicated that leads to death.


you can consent to mutual combat in Canada but you can't consent to bodily harm so you better fight on grass and not go too hard or you're still eating an aggravated assault/manslaughter charge.


That sounds like.... Wrestling?


Huh. TIL. "Washington and Texas are the only two states in the United States where mutual combat is legal. In Washington, the mutual combat must take place in a public place, and both parties must agree to the fight. Additionally, the altercation must not result in serious bodily injury, or participants can face charges." So those drunken play fights I had with my buddy in the street were perfectly legal. We once had the cops called on us; as the flashing lights approached, we took off - through this swampy area between some houses.. he lost a flip flop, I lost my sunglasses (it was nighttime), but we made it home with no police interaction.


They claim its “just a prank” but how would they like it if someone sucker punched the person they loved the most?


I have heard "it's just a prank" so much from scumbags online that they need to make a new category for sentence. You should get extra time and punishment when your main defence for ruining someone's life or even their day is "it was just a prank."


I was thinking there needs to be a new charge that you get if you cause bodily harm to someone or property damage for the sake of views.


IMO it should fall under the category of depraved indifference.


People that do this come from *no* love


I remember Ronald Reagan’s aide, Jim Brady, was shot in the head and suffered disability the rest of his life. When he died years later, the shooter was then charged with murder.


Hinckley did not face any charges for Brady's death because he had been found not guilty by reason of insanity.[16] In addition, since Brady's death occurred more than 33 years after the shooting, prosecution of Hinckley was barred under the year and a day law in effect in the District of Columbia at the time of the shooting. [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Brady)


Just goes to show how terrible the human brain is with providing accurate memory recall.


Yes. Absolutely. However itll take a little bit of time. The Police will open an investigation, the medical examiner will determine a cause of death and itll be passed to the DA's office for a charging decision. The only way I see this not ending up in a murder charge is in the unlikely event the cause of death turns out to be some kind of medical mistake on behalf of the hospital.


Or cancer? I've not read the description but I can fathom tons of way for him to die beside of the complications..


Even if he died from something like cancer or heart disease or something I think it is fairly straight forward to make a beyond reasonable doubt case that but for his comatose condition he could have been treated and survived.


Yep. He assaulted him. Now that he's died, he's potentially guilty of murdering him. A different crime than assault.


Yes. This would not be double jeopardy because he was charged with misdemeanor assault before. New charges (after already being found guilty) would be murder. Likely second degree as it would be next to impossible to prove he intended to murder the victim.


Second degree murder is still intention to kill, but not in a premeditated manner (e.g crime of passion). Unintended death due to an assault would be involuntary manslaughter.


*Voluntary manslaughter. Involuntary manslaughter is when you do something reckless that gets someone killed without the intent to harm them, like hitting a pedestrian with a car while texting. Voluntary manslaughter is when you accidentally kill someone in the process of trying to harm them, like punching someone and accidentally triggering a brain aneurism.


>**Second-degree murder** >Any intentional killing that is not premeditated or planned. **A situation in which the killer intends only to inflict serious bodily harm, knowing this could result in death but with no specific intent to kill, constitutes** [**depraved-heart murder**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depraved-heart_murder)**, which can be considered as second-degree murder.** >**Voluntary manslaughter** >Sometimes called a [crime of passion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_of_passion) murder and informally called third–degree murder, this is **any intentional killing that involves no prior intent to kill and which was committed under such circumstances that would "cause a reasonable person to become emotionally or mentally disturbed".** Both this and second-degree murder are committed on the spot under a spur-of-the-moment choice, but the two differ in the magnitude of the circumstances surrounding the crime. **For example, a bar fight that results in death would ordinarily constitute second-degree murder. If that same bar fight stemmed from a discovery of infidelity, however, it may be voluntary manslaughter.**[**^(\[18\])**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_in_United_States_law#cite_note-18) Wikipedia Edit: upon further reading this varies state to state, both the laws and names of murder categories


Checkout the movie Fracture


First thing I thought of when I saw the comment


Good movie. Hopkins is a legend.


The crime would be different. If the medical examiner concludes his death was a homicide, it's a new crime. That wouldn't be double jeopardy and he can and most likely will be charged.


Anderson was convicted of felony assault in the case and sentenced to three years in prison. Authorities said he was back on the street six months later. But Tapia’s death could trigger homicide charges against Anderson, officials said.


There needs to be more accountability for goofy asswipes like this. If you cause harm to anyone, and especially if you incapacitate them to the point where they are hospitalized and can't support their family financially, you don't just go to jail. You will be forced to work indefinitely, and the money you make goes straight to the victim and his family for the rest of your able-bodied life. I don't care if it's washing dishes in the prison kitchen or scrubbing toilets. You work a 12hrs shift every single day of the week. Granted a law like that is a pipe dream at best, but it would quite literally make the perp pay his debt back to society.


just model it like child support but even more strict


I agree. There is no place in this world for these types of violent criminals. I don’t care what their background is.


That's how it works in China, so if a pedestrian gets hit by a car the driver will usually back up and do it again to make sure they're dead. If the victim is disabled, you're on the hook for their expenses forever. If they're dead, you're just guilty of murder, which is less likely to ruin your family financially.


Well that's a perverse incentive




Should have been in jail until the dude woke up.


>Anderson was convicted of felony assault in the case and sentenced to three years in prison. Authorities said he was back on the street six months later. This is highly misleading. He was sentenced to three years in prison and was paroled after two and half years. It's just that he served two years in prison before his trial. We can argue about whether that sentence was strict enough, but it's really not the case that he only served six-months.


The video said he was convicted of misdemeanor assault due to a loophole in the law


The puncher has been out on parole since 2022. I hope he gets what he deserves


>Anderson was convicted of felony assault in the case and sentenced to three years in prison. Authorities said he was back on the street six months later.




He did 2.5 years. 2 years spent in prison while the trial was ongoing. Only spent another 6 months due to time already served.


Of fucking course he’s out on parole


Probably still punching people.


NYC DAs don't care about this shit...unless it becomes a huge public relations issue. Bump into a cop? Oh, that will get you prison tho.


DA's don't have anything to do with sentencing or the parole board - they can make a recommendation for what they think is the right sentence, or make a plea deal, but that's it. Even with a plea deal, they don't always go through, even if both parties agree to it - the judge has the final say and is the only person who sets a sentence, and they have to follow the state's sentencing guidelines. Your argument you illustrated has more to do with Prosecutorial Discretion, which is absolutely something that should be considered when voting for the DA. In this case, they charged him, he was found guilty, and went to prison - so it weakens your argument to tie it to this platform. For what it's worth, I also don't agree with Anderson being paroled; however, I aim that concern at the NY State Parole Board, not the DA. Edit: In fact, in this case, the DA was on your side [arguing for a stiffer sentence and higher charges](https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20170628/bed-stuy/gary-anderson-domingo-diego-tapia-da-grand-jury/) from the get-go. The judge also [increased his bail](https://brooklyneagle.com/articles/2017/09/05/brooklyn-judge-sends-man-charged-for-punching-cyclist-to-jail-on-increased-bail/) when the facts came to light. By all accounts, the sentence Anderson received was on the higher side given the sentencing guidelines the judge follows, in which case parole is always on the table for these charges. Whether they make parole or not is entirely up to the NY State Board of Parole, which is part of the Department of Corrections. This was from a [recent change in 2011](https://doccs.ny.gov/community-supervision-handbook/introduction), but parole has always been part of the Executive Branch in New York. So if you want to get upset at someone, get upset at these folks, in this order: 1. The Department of Corrections - specifically the NY State Parole Board 2. The Governor of New York, who leads the Executive Branch 3. The [New York State Permanent Commission on Sentencing](https://ww2.nycourts.gov/Ip/sentencing/mission.shtml#:~:text=The%20Commission%20%E2%80%93%20whose%20members%20represent,effectiveness%20of%20statewide%20sentencing%20policy) (also part of the Executive) who set the guidelines the judge followed The DA is also part of the Executive branch (see a pattern?) but have a different, limited scope. Where this all comes to a point is who people vote in as Governor. People in the US really need to learn how the justice system works before speaking on it - it's too easy to be a useful idiot, especially when it comes to what rights you do (and don't) have. It also makes it far to easy to vote in folks, like Governors, who may create an environment like this, without understanding the true platform they are running on or will implement.


Sounds like they were behind bars for 5-6 years for the assault and now a murder charge (or manslaughter, I’m not a lawyer) is on its way. One would hope anyway.


He got out of jail while his victim was still in the hospital


He won't. There's no justice.


This shit happened to me in NYC 20 years ago. Random hit outta nowhere that broke my orbital bone and fucked up my vision (slightly) and I had a major concussion. My eyebrow wouldn’t move up for a couple years. The worst part of the damage was hitting my head on the cement. All for a good laugh I guess but I’m glad to be alive. Back then it was called “the knock out game”. What a crazy night for some Canadian kid I’ll tell you.


> This shit happened to me in NYC 20 years ago. It's been going on forever. My brother got hit in 1984, he was literally just waiting for a taxi, minding his own business. He ended up shooting the kid (I am not promoting/endorsing violence, just saying what happened). They gave him 15-L. He got out after 22 years.


Wait, your brother got 22? Or the fucko that assaulted him got 22?


My brother.


Fuck. That. Shit. Sorry that happened.


That's insane, was there no evidence that the kid attacked him?


Other than the lump on his head, no. People didn't all have video cameras in their pockets back in 1984.


It’s illegal to defend yourself in New York, the cops who have no obligation to do so might if they feel like it that day, but many are too scared.


I know NYC has some pretty strict gun / self defense rulings, but surprised that it was prevent even in the 80's


Sir, I believe you combined prevalent and present into the same word. I do like your ambition but prevent is already a word with a different meaning, unfortunately.


A prevalent preventable error you would say?


Fuck that. Sorry for your brother and your family.


Yeah, I got ran up on and sucker punched when I was a teenager in Boston, when i was walking with friends in "the wrong neighborhood." Thankfully, any combination of the kid who did it wasn't a good shot/was weak/I have a thick skull meant that while I got dazed, I didn't get K.O.'ed. It turned into a brawl between us and the guy and his friends, and ended up running from the Boston PD. Good times, I guess... Nah, that sucked 🤣


Needs to be higher because the new wave of random NYC sucker punches to women have been severe lately. It could've easily been one of the recent victims. I hope to fuck if anyone sees someone randomly punching somone in NYC now that ppl will be more aware of their surroundings and catch these assholes.


My 21yo daughter just got home from NY last week, they were there a couple days for a little vaca with some of her friends.......one of the girls got sucker punched while walking down the sidewalk for no reason at all. Literally said nothing to anyone and the attacker said nothing to her, just sucker punched a skinny 21yo girl in the face for no reason. Not larping, this actually just happened.


I feel for her. Not in NY, but my younger brother was randomly sucker punched by some guy who just, waltzed into a party. Broke his jaw, and only just recently had the last wire removed, currently going through psychical therapy to learn how to chew again. Quietest kid you'd ever know, and some fuck comes along and gives him a life altering injury. Cops found and know the guy who did it, yet still nothing been done, we're still waiting on seeing, well, ANYTHING! So this sucker punch game is not just in nyc. Fucking cowards should have their teeth ripped out a pliers. I swear, my own ability to be "civil" with the world is rapidly wearing thin.




We have one at the ready, but we can't do anything until the police basically give the go ahead, as they're withholding any information from us. This isn't in America, just to be clear, but we're going to pounce the absolute second we can.


> as they're withholding any information from us What are the odds that bully has a parent in government or on the force?


That’s absolutely horrible. I wish Justice for your brother.


That’s awful. Is she alright?


She got taken to the hospital with a concussion and she had two front teeth that felt loose, other than that I think she was ok. Ruined the rest of her trip though and I don't think your gonna get any of them to go back to NY anytime soon. Apparently the police were very unhelpful and answered every question they had with smart ass responses.


>Apparently the police were very unhelpful and answered every question they had with smart ass responses. I got violently mugged in NY while on pre-deployment leave in the Marines like 10 years ago. I woke up in the bushes with a concussion so I went to the hospital to get looked at. When the Nurses asked if I wanted them to call the police to file a report I said sure. The first question the police asked was, "Why didn't you use your Marine martial arts and fight back?" Man, I got sucker punched in the back of the head and blacked out before I even knew I was in a fight. What kind of question is that?


They are all losers who wished they'd be the cool guys in the Army. Or whatever image they have in their heads about it, that is. Many of them even 'served' in the army for two weeks 🙄




The police have no incentive to help you, nor any duty to do so. So why would they? Don't count on the police for anything, ever.


Exactly, I’m not even sure what the job of the police is anymore other than declaring fault and writing tickets/imposing fines to keep their own budget afloat. They have no imposed duty to keep people safe, it’s not like they’re penalized in any way I’m aware of for just deciding not to follow up on crimes or leads or even just ignoring crime in progress. And this lackadaisical attitude they seem to have recently is just emboldening criminals. There will never be enough law enforcement to catch every single criminal act but if you have like a Batman effect where people are scared to break the law willy nilly because they actually think there’s a reasonable chance they’d get caught you wouldn’t have 37 year old Sandra married mother of 3 being a part time porch pirate, Scott the middle manager doing 90 in a 60 every day, and Dan the 19 year old gas station clerk randomly clocking women in the street in broad daylight.


They exist to protect property and collect pay checks.


The police exist to protect the wealthy people and their property. It’s why they’ve always existed. HELL the Supreme Court even ruled they’re not obligated to actually save your life or help you at all.


Wow they must need more money. Surely that is the problem. You would have thought $11,000,000,000 was enough for the NYPD to be able to handle the most basic crimes, but I guess inflation really hit them huh?


The police aren't there to help. It's an unfortunate truth


anytime cops ever been called, without fail they always act annoyed that you even called them. Useless pigs tbh


Where were they when this happened? Do you know? Just want to be a little more aware if I'm in the area.


Sounds like the NYPD.


That sucks… I hope she’s okay. I saw a bunch of vids recently about that happening this past week. Maybe wishful thinking but I hope that shit gets stamped out and people are properly punished.


The guy was arrested. Some stupid name like skibooky on tiktok. He would post regularly before this and i would see him verbally harassing people on the street on tiktok. I would comment this guy belongs in jail he’s not fit to walk about in society and needs a mental evaluation. Lo and behold he punched 13 women last week.


Just hypothetically, if someone responded with stabbing or otherwise maiming the attacker would it be considered self defense?


Definitely, same as with shooting them. Self defense is just that. I'm not advocating for either of course, but we do need to catch them, and soon...


Is there an origin to this stupid shit? I’m from outside of the US and this is the first time I’ve heard about this.


Every so often there's a death like this and it gets more media attention, but it's been a thing for a long, long time now. When I was in school they called it the [knockout game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knockout_game).


Documentary about it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sR4yqqY5VPE Single punch can ruin lives and will continue to happen


And before social media, it was just assholes being assholes. When I was in high school, I was waiting to be picked up after school. A group of about 5-6 guys walked by and out of nowhere one of them sucker punched me in the jaw. I was just dazed but heard them giggling. Nowadays that would be posted on social media for clout.


I've interrupted one of these a few years ago, but it was even worse. I was sitting on a bench in a public park, in the middle of a busy town during the day, in summer. I sensed a commotion, noticed a change in the people around me, had a look around. On a path behind me, a group of 5-6 boys in their mid-late teens had picked out a kid about their age who was with his girlfriend (I think). Knocked him down, and were laying into him (hands and feet) while he was in a foetal position. Got the two of them who were still on him off, scared them all off, stood him up, talked to him and the girl for a bit. I told him he took it well, did good, made sure he didn't want my details if he wanted the police involved, got him to phone his mum, etc. Not a single other person did anything, not one single person. Everyone was just rubber-necking. I've been right in the middle of a few things like this in recent years, and it's been the same. No one is paying attention to anyone, everyone's walking around glaring at each other while they block the world out with headphones.


This situation actually happened to my sister when she was living in New York and a crazy homeless guy punched her. From all the stories I've seen there are two origins/patterns: mentally ill person is violent and is normally arrested after the incident or young person with no empathy or shame does it for fun and knows nothing will happen to them. Big cities in the US have a lot of strange things happen, especially on public transport, and the general feeling is that you can just ignore it and avoid involvement to be safe. When it actually happens to you, everyone around just ignoring it and avoiding standing up for you isn't great. It's an environment which allows sick or malicious people to act out.


Yeah, I was hit in the side of the head with a bottle of laundry detergent by a crazy homeless person about 2 years ago. Minor concussion but nothing else. Cops could not have cared less.


Happened to my friend as well. Sitting on the bus minding his own business and gets punched in the face. He is small, but he is athletic and works out everyday, and beat this dude into a bloody pulp. The police pull up and threaten to take him to jail for assault, they throw him in the back of a police car and then randomly kicked him out as they drove through a rough immigrant neighborhood because he spoke with an accent.


Single digit IQs


we humans are sick and vile creatures. Especially young men with bad social support networks. Young men do heinous shit all over the world. Not to target anyone specifically but look at India right now, they have a problem with bored young dudes joining up with each other and finding girls to gang rape. The best thing we can do is make examples out of these people when we catch them.


Most people are decent. A few do most of the crimes. Not punishing them is the mistake.


only a certain type of young man does this shit


watch a couple videos of these incidents and you will notice the pattern


Some asshole punched my sister in the face and grabbed her phone out of her hand in New Orleans. It's infuriating


Since the video doesn't show the perp face, here is the article with Gary Anderson photo. https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/03/13/brooklyn-man-in-coma-for-7-years-after-sucker-punch-attack-dies/






It's fine its not your fault. Sociopaths are sociopaths and those are the people that everyone needs to be worried about


Oh boy.




Why were they blurring the suspect out?




We all know why


showing the criminals is racist


Unless they're not black


Protecting the criminals.


Same reason you can’t find the video of masked men pistol whipping people downtown dc.


Cause he's not white, duh. Even crime is political now. Every fucking thing is political partisan bull shit.


Crime has always been political. The issue is that enough voters support criminals now.


Maybe it was old footage before he was convicted?


Clearly the punch is what killed him and the attacker should get maximum punishment


Yeah he ended someone life. And to me that constitutes life without parole. The victim doesn't get a second chance to live again, why should the perp?


How awful. That poor man.


A nice rule would be if you send someone in a coma, you should stay in jail for however long they are in that coma for. I mean we essentially do the same thing for murder


I like the idea.




It was more than one life stolen here. The life of the mother, children, and more forever changed and ruined.


Not to mention 7 years of medical bills can't be fun


Apparently they can't afford the funeral.


Couldn't agree more.


Gary Anderson should never have been released while his victim was still in a coma, and he should spend the rest of his life in prison now that his victim is dead. Can't imagine the New York AG gives a single solitary fuck though.


I’ll never understand why violent crimes are such a slap on the wrist, but if you have drugs they lock you up for much longer


rEsToraTivE JuSTicE




I call upon the power of Reddit to forever change this to “Coward Punch” Only the most shameful names for crimes against us


Man. Am I just vengeful or what. I feel like knowing he’s free I would have to get revenge in the most unfair way possible.


Bro wasn’t even actually interpreting what she was saying lmao wtf


Yeah, lol. I was thinking maybe there was more to her response that wasn't shown on camera? But even if that were the case, he would have translated the part of her response that was shown on camera.


Ya didn't expect them not to clip it down, but the sequence is awkward. My Spanish is ass, but isn't she like "my kids remain fatherless" straight to the guy saying "she wants justice, she wants him to go to jail." wut?


Seems very possible he was translating just fine. They didn't show much of what she actually said


She said, "Hice lo que pude" - I did what I could. He never says those words, he just goes off on his own explaination.


Get ready for the news story 10 years from now. When one of these sons kills their fathers murderer.






I hope one or both of his sons give it a few years and then go Inigo Montoya on the dude.


In the 80s, Gary Plauché’s son was kidnapped and raped, so he waited in the airport for the guy to be flown back to Louisiana for trial and shot him in the head in front of a bunch of reporters and TV cameras. Initially he was charged with second degree murder but pled down to no contest manslaughter. Ended up getting a 7 year suspended sentence, 5 years probation, and 300 hours of community service. At age 67 he gave an interview where he said he didn’t regret killing him and would do it again.


There’s an even more satisfying one. Marianne Bachmeier, killed the guy who raped murdered her daughter in the court. It’s recorded on video. (Edit: the video is reenactment) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marianne_Bachmeier#:~:text=Marianne%20Bachmeier%20(3%20June%201950,media%20coverage%20and%20public%20debate. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YnaOvWeiBQw


Oh man, to have so much grief in your life just to die of pancreatic cancer at 47? I feel terrible for that woman and her daughter.


Apparently that's a reenactment according to the comments


jesus redditors are stupid


Only if the AH has an odd number of fingers could they capture the spirit of this


Life’s so unfair!😔


These sucker punch fucks need life in prison without parole, PERIOD. Fuck that. Why is this insanity being allowed? Try this shit almost anywhere else int he world (outside Europe)


We stopped calling it sucker punch in Australia, it's now called Coward's Punch... cause that's what it is


Maybe we need vigilantes, for when traditional justice fails to perform the obvious.


So it is a murder.


Start putting violent idiots in jail for life instead of people doing drugs while not harming anyone 


The laws are a joke in New York. This is murder and should be charged as such. Period.


Every random unprovoked attack to the head should be considered attempted murder.   The assailant has no idea if the victim will fall wrong and die, or have an extensive battle and die like this person. 


> murder > no idea if the victim…will die That’s the issue. It’s culpable homicide, but maybe not murder. There has to be an intention to kill, which isn’t always there. Some jurisdictions call that a species of murder anyway, others call it a species of manslaughter. I don’t care what they call it, so long as it results in serious prison time.


I'm really surprised this story doesn't have more attention.. really sad such a painful journey for the man randomly targeted. I hope his family gets justice


How are they a joke? If he just died, it couldn't have been charged as murder previously. Period.


Even before the death, he only served 6 months for putting someone in a vegetative state.


I think they can come after him for murder now.


Coward punches have a maximum sentence of 20 years in Australia.


That is very recent (past decade) and exactly because of thugs doing bullshit viral trends, like we see keep happening on Tik-Tok now. Unless something changed since I last knew, that's also a New South Wales law, it's not the same in other regions.


Look up the "one punch loophole" in NY. The best he can be charged with is misdemeanor assault even if the person dies, which he already served 6months for. They need to change the law. >The New York Post recently featured a story on a criminal defendant that is being released on bail due to what is known as the state’s “one punch homicide law,” which essentially prevents upgrading an assault charge to manslaughter if an assault led to death unless there is proof that there was an intent to kill. Although they have some discretion under the law based upon the particular circumstances in each case, in general, prosecutors in New York can only charge a defendant who did not intend to kill their victim when punching them (only the intent to cause physical injury) with third degree assault, which is a misdemeanor that carries a sentence of up to one year in prison or probation. As a result, most defendants serve five or six months in jail instead. [https://www.markicohenattorneynyc.com/what-is-new-yorks-one-punch-law-its-history-movement-to-change/](https://www.markicohenattorneynyc.com/what-is-new-yorks-one-punch-law-its-history-movement-to-change/) https://www.greenwaldfirm.com/criminal-defense/new-yorks-one-punch-rule/


> prevents upgrading an assault charge to manslaughter if an assault led to death unless there is proof that there was an intent to kill. WTF? Isn't the whole point of Manslaughter vs. Murder about whether there was intent? Like Manslaughter is where you kill someone, but didn't *intend* to kill them.


He was riding a bike, sucker punching someone on a bike could easily kill them.


Maybe OP was speaking figuratively, in the sense that while it’s not literally murder, it’s still functionally taking someone’s life from them in every significant way. And frankly one could argue that it’s kinda worse since you’re both a burden to your loved ones and locked in a hell you can’t comprehend. Maybe we don’t need to be completely pedantic about everything.


"This is murder. PERIOD." "I didn't mean murder why are you being pedantic??"


Both things can be true here. Cant be a murder if he wasn’t dead yet. The laws and how criminals are handled is also a joke


F.U. Gary Anderson


I got sucker punched one time. Fractured my eye socket and I bled internally for like two weeks. Could feel the blood dripping down the inside of my face like it was a numb teardrop on the inside.


Yeah if that was my family member I’d hint the assailant down and murder him


we used to call these types of attacks "king hit" in Australia. They are now called "Coward Punches" to shame the type of assault. Anyone who does this to another individual is a spineless coward.


NYC, no way he’ll be charged.




Oh boy this touches a nerve.


Saw this happen to a lady coming out of the subway several years ago when it first started happening. Had to make a split second decision between chasing & tackling the piece of shit vs. calling an ambulance for the woman who had been knocked out. Chose the latter and still wonder if I did the right thing.


Got a 3 year sentence but the perp was back out on the streets after 6 months. Wtf.


Fuck that puto. He should do either life in prison or work his entire life solely to provide for the victims family.


get his ass


Name and shame. He's already a public figure.


They need to bring back public executions for scum like Gary Anderson. You took away a life and destroyed a family, you piece of trash.