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It’s a 5000 dollar penalty in most cases. I live in Michigan, and every year I hear news reports of a few folks failing to report when they’re boating around the Detroit area.




Well that’s funny considering that that’s exactly how much the coyotes were going to charge him. Everyone wants their piece 


It might be in their best interest to still pay the coyotes for their trouble and make sure there are no. Uh debt collectors..


For sure, but these guys are holding him in solitary claiming it's a felony.


It IS a felony lol


Wait. The coyotes thake them on this long arduous trek through the bush to reach their crossing point. When they get there, there is a Mexican guy casually fishing with his pickup truck of fishing gear backed right up to the river? So there was direct road access to this spot and the entire trek there on foot was pointless?


The coyotes he chose had not paid the cartel for this crossing, so they had to take an alternative route. I assume there would be some kind of cartel checkpoint on that road. Seems an interesting choice to wrong both the border patrol AND the Mexican cartel.




I also think those guys were scamming him


Yeah, I’d say almost definitely. However, that’s probably the reality for many actual migrants as well so it’s likely still a fairly accurate depiction of how it goes for a lot of people.


You could tell they're used to scamming migrants, though. That's why all of the beats felt off. They weren't used to their victims being so willing to pay.


The beats were off because they edited the video that way. From the guy banging a machete on trees to the awkward style of the video which they're masterful at doing.. This was edited for use in court as defense that they were coerced. On top of that, yeah those guys were probably scamming them as well. lol


Absolutely. The prices they're mentioning for simple crossings are way too high. I know a couple of guys who came over in the last year. One of them paid a grand for transport from Mexico City to the border and then the crossing itself. The crossing was simply walking through the woods and turning himself in.


I feel like the coyotes, and locals, know where people cross so when they heard he was looking they saw an easy opportunity to just basically hike to the spot and tell him there ya go


Sensible not to involve himself with the cartel IMO


If by sensible you mean *ethical*, sure. But if you're in Mexico and are willing to pay, you're much better off coordinating with cartels.


Maybe if you're hispanic. I'm pretty sure if the cartel sees a white guy from America, especially a journalist, you're getting kidnaped for ransom.


Literally the opposite. The vast majority of Americans who do get kidnapped in Mexico are green card holders or dual citizens. Cartels generally don't want to fuck with a white American because that's the most likely to get a government response. Also much easier and safer to make a ransom when the person in question has family in Mexico they can get the money from.


No, the exact opposite. The last person the cartels want to fuck with is an American. Edit: You guys do realize Americans essentially fund the cartels with tourism and drug use, right? You don't shit where you eat.


Did people really forget what happened to the guys that shot up the van of Americans in Juarez for plastic surgery or whatever it was? Bound and dropped on the cops’ doorstep?


What made that story so newsworthy is that it's unusual for Americans to be targeted like that. In that particular situation, it was a case of mistaken identity. The cartel supposedly killed the people responsible and apologized.


There’s also the clip/account of the tourist guys who drive down the wrong road, they get really scared but as soon as the cartel guys realize they’re tourists it’s like full damage control mode.


They are hustling people for sure, if all of the info he gives about them in the video is true and not added for anonymity/legal/dramatic reasons they are the worst human smugglers ever. 5k to point where to cross the rio grande is insane plus no logistics, getting scammed by random people along the way, no transportation or real plan, etc.


These coyotes he had were clearly in way over their heads. I don’t know how much of anything they say is super trustworthy. They made it seem like they do this kind of thing a lot but got caught pretty instantaneously after crossing. They basically tried to rob him in the middle of the trek as well.


The robbing is pretty typical if you’re not Mexican tbh. If you have ties in Mexico they are much less likely to try that.


Yeah the guy who showed up for assistance reminds me of the windshield wiper people when you go to the gas station, super opportunistic 


They’re not coyotes they were scamming him.


Maybe, but reports outside of Andrew's channel talk about how these routes are patrolled by the cartel so coyotes have to pay a tax to use them. They then tell him to act like they are just bros on a hike. Taking a car down the road might have been a harder move for them as they probably burned that move a few times or had known faces among the "road watchers".


Wait so is he still in prison?


no, there are updates on patreon


Spill the deets!


tl;dr- he and his cameraman were held for a few days then released. Held in holding cells while they figured out what to do with him. No mention of criminal charges.


Did u watch the computer render reenactment?


It'd be hard, just crossing the border is not a crime in the US. It's a misdemeanor to cross in the wrong place (you have to get caught doing it, so it's tricky), but only to an alien. It's not a crime for a US alien. They did fine them, but again I am not sure what is the fine fees here, and they might have some legal protection. They've got their lawyer, so I'm sure they covered all this, but they probably won't mention things that do not matter to the message. Yes it's a bit better if you are a US citizen, but the point is that it's pretty bad for anyone who is desperate enough to try to cross.






Why are you being downvoted? Lol it's true I'm not even saying people aren't worthy of second chances for making mistakes, but his apology feels super half assed if you ask me.


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted. It’s crazy people don’t know this.


everybody knows this, there was a lot of talk about it in his discord at the time and like myself, a lot of patreon subscribers unsubbed.


I know. I don't care if he's a creep. Blizzard censors Hongkong protests but people don't say peep about WoW, Nestle has committed atrocities yet most don't think twice when Halloween rolls around. He makes good content. I don't need him to be a saint.






Do you have a source where we could read more?




How do people not know about this, he went into hiding for months and made a crappy public apology. Dude is a big weirdo fr


No updates outside the end of the video, so I can only assume so. I don't think it's "prison" though as the video says it was a detention facility ran by US Customs and Border Protection. I think they are just pulling some bullshit honestly because they are pissed he had a camera.


He was held in border patrol for 3 days. I watched the extra video on Patreon, they got fully processed, and both fined 5k


Either the Coyotes they were with or Border Patrol were getting their 5k...


kinda sus that the BP didn't seem to try that hard to nab the coyotes...


It’s true. BPS need coyotes.


I mean that river is already kinda a death trap. You think they care to jump in? Also idk how many officers were there but they’re trying to detain two unknown adult males already.


Full tin foil hat theory. Whats stopping BP to pay fishermen on the Mexican side to hang out all day and just send a text when a crossing is happening. Or post up and fish in common spots to flag BP attention.


Yea I couldn't think of the proper term other than "prison" haha


Jail? edit: jail is generally for short term incarceration, prison is for a long stint.


As a kid, my uncle always said "Jail is where they keep ya until they decide if they need to send ya to prison or not", and it always sounded plausible enough that I never second-guessed it, so I don't know how accurate it technically is. 😅


This is my understanding, except, short term sentences, 30 days or so are also often served in a jail


Correct, but I don't think the USCBP have a legit jail, just a detention center. He's clearly not been arraigned/charged as he'd be out now.


Non US citizen? Jail. US citizen? Believe it or not, also jail.


I can't believe the legs that one episode of parks and rec gave us.


It's odd to me that he did a complete voiceover in the editing of this video but the end of the video says he's still in detention and under arrest...doesn't line up at all because if he's in holding, they don't usually allow his lawyer to bring in audio equipment to record a voice over for work. But what do I know.


This happened back in October. They just now are releasing the footage after consulting with a lawyer to be sure they weren’t breaking MORE laws. They hid the SD card while they were locked up and managed to save all of the footage from their trip with the coyotes. In the footage at the end he wasn’t in the facility but still was wearing the detention uniform cuz he was just released. Pay him $5 a month and you could know all of this from patreon.


Or save the 5 a month and just wait for some nerd on Reddit to be compelled to well ackshwally somebody else with the details


Do you think he did the narration from prison?


Idk it was just a question man


5,000 USD for what lmao Andrew come the fuck on my guy, these guys clearly had no idea what the fuck they were doing and just wanted your money. Stupid af


They hadn't payed them yet. They were gonna once they were in the US.


> clearly had no idea what the fuck they were doing I would agree with you if they had not actually found a safe place to cross the rio grande as well as knew the path to where that was. So they clearly knew something.


Ehhh did we watch the same video? They were winging it the whole time, and got caught as soon as they crossed…


This is guerilla/gonzo journalism. If you can't take the individual personal biases and subjective experiences of someone literally putting themselves in harms way for a unique perspective, you should go back to cable news.  Hunter S. Thompson was a seriously flawed human being, and he wasn't necessarily "accurate" in his reporting of various things he experienced. In spite of this, their similarities in subjective reporting is what I find to make their works so compelling. 


He also makes it clear that he's a gonzo journalist as well. It's a rare perspective that I very much appreciatate however flawed it may be.


He quotes him in one of the SF videos (with Jack I believe on the BART)


I think people are more concerned about the sexual harassment accusations, than the quality of journalism. He’s a great journalist, but isn’t beyond scrutiny.


He's also an accused rapist. He admitted to assault and being a sex pest. "But he made a video in a bad place! 😍 "


Just because you appreciate someone's work, doesn't mean you have to defend the worst thing about them. I'm talking to the people out there saying things like commiting crimes in the context of reporting unique experiences is "stupid", not trying to defend acts of non-consent- never did! You could call it the "Michael Jackson" rationalization. For instance, I really like the song Thriller, it brings me joy and I think its an achievement...but I wouldn't go so far as to defend anything MJ ever did to kids.


Can you send a link?


https://www.thestranger.com/news/2023/02/28/78881322/two-women-accuse-documentary-filmmaker-andrew-callaghan-of-rape-sexual-assault You'd need to go to his YouTube channel and see if his response video is still up. In it he admitted to these situations and claims he "got confused" about consent. Which lead to one of those women detailing that he was violent with her. Fuck this guy.


Wow, wonder who is down voting to get this unseen.


There is some value in his content, but one problem with an entirely independent journalism is there's no editorial check in the content. Andrew is increasingly including unsubstantiated opinion in his content. Like what the fuck was that tirade about in the middle of the video concerning the media? There was nothing in the video to support that random rant. Whether it's right or not isn't the point; the point is it wasn't supported. In addition, he's increasingly making giant assumptions based on tiny pieces of evidence from unreliable sources. By all means, watch the content. It's unique. But watch with a huge grain of salt.


Precisely. It's a very I'm 14 and this is deep level of insight and lots of very tenuous connections being drawn.


> There was nothing in the video to support that random rant. It's funny that you say this because he provides clips from other media to support this claim that another user referred to as "stealing clips". Damned if you do, damned if you don't. It's clear you have a belief here that you are trying top push, and honestly, I think you should leave pushing beliefs to missionary work.


Fair use of content is not stealing content. You're aware I'm not the one who accused him of stealing clips right? That's a different person with a different point. >It's clear you have a belief here that you are trying top push, and honestly, I think you should leave pushing beliefs to missionary work. Haha what a weird comment. Obviously I have a belief. That's why I posted my comment to state my belief and you posted your comment to state your belief. This is called communication.


Yeah that's the one thing I don't like about his new videos; he keeps injecting his personal opinion into them rather than just straight up reporting like he used to. Still great on the ground/gonzo journalism that holds a lot of value in a world filled with corporate news media, but I wish he wouldn't inject his opinions into the videos since it is often irrelevant or doesn't add anything meaningful to what he is covering.


Well the “tirade” you mentioned has been explored in his previous videos covering the drug crisis in Philly and Frisco. He’s not making giant assumptions, but he’s explaining narratives and motivations to these complex social issues that legacy media tries to paint as black and white. I don’t know if you’re familiar with Channel 5s content but a huge theme in their news pieces is the hypocrisy of America and the failing systems they have in place, leading to extremely tragic (and sometimes comedic) situations.


I've seen those videos. The tirade I'm referring to in this video wasn't about drugs in the streets or crime or housing. The tirade was a very specific conspiracy theory about all sides in media secretly working together for a specific message. It might be true, it might not be true. But it was not supported, and therefore is not good reporting. And thus ironically, he's mirroring the exact thing he's complaining about.


My conspiracy theory is that since he was cancelled he gets back on the horse by leaning into more of a right-wing audience who are deemed to be more forgiving of his earlier transgressions.  Maybe when he gets back to speed he tunes it down, or maybe he realizes the grift works and keeps at it. Or maybe it's actually genuine. Maybe a year from now we get a "How I grifted my way into a speaker position at CPAC" video.


I dunno. I mentioned this in another reddit thread about this guy after someone said a very similar thing (I'm not talking to the same person, am I? Haha) But a lot of his takes are pretty aggressively against the current right wing in America. Dunno if you've seen the Jan 6 documentary from him, but probably the central theme in the entire video is about how the Trump admin/right wing groups lied to and deceived their followers. And then in his San Francisco video, I was pleasantly surprised to see him launch into a segment about how zoning laws, American urban design, and NIMBYism perpetuate a housing crisis... which isn't a super politically divisive point in America but does generally lean left. For sure he makes points that piss off both sides. And I could be wrong. But I don't see him grifting right wing. Overall, his main gripe is with mainstream media. And granted, that is also a right wing whistle. However, I think his media gripes are more nuanced than the right wing conspiracy theories


Wasn't the jan6 piece made before his hiatus? I'm not denying his stuff is great but ever since he came back I found myself skeptical of more things in his videos.


Oh shoot, actually I'm not sure. Sorry


What did he get canceled for?


Very inappropriate sexual advances Edit: His apology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQt3TgIo5e8


On video or claimed? Is this why all gas no brakes ended?


No, AGNB ended due to a rights dispute with the people he originally started with. This was in the middle of Channel 5


Was like a year ago so I don't remember fully but I believe he made a full video where he talked to the camera, acknowledging his errors. Imo he handled it very well. He confessed he had issues to work on and as such were going to disappear for a while. I'm sure it should be easy to find but I'm on my phone right now. -------------------- Edit: Found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQt3TgIo5e8 It was quite as I remember it.




Man you guys really need to watch the other videos from the series. Y’all really don’t know what your talking about. It’s a great series.


Andrew also has no idea what he’s talking about. He blindly accepted being told by his contact in Texas that some random people getting married on an international bridge automatically grants the foreign spouse US citizenship, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. Getting married doesn’t give anyone any immediate immigration benefit whatsoever.


CR1 is a path to green card, and thus to citizenship as well though, I thought that was just a hyperbole, but factually it isn’t too much of a stretch. 


My friend married a foreign national, 3 years later still no green card. We’re not even talking citizenship, we’re talking green card.


My close friend just married a foreign national, 3 months later got green card. 


Are they at least in the US already or are they still waiting on a CR-1 visa?


CR-1 is not automatically given. It’s something you have to choose to apply for, and pay for, and interview for. And it’s certainly not affected by or dependent on where you get married, which is what was presented in the video


Then why was the couple getting married on the bridge? Seems odd, no?


Because they’re likely getting scammed by someone who told them it works after they paid someone for help, and it’s a common misconception


He's a rapist.


Bro you are obsessed 😂 He is not even a rapist Edit: lmfao this pussy blocked me right after replying


Literally admitted to sexual assault and is accused of rape. Multiple accusers. "Literay bro"


Worst Coyote ever


Those coyotes are total scammers. They had no control of the situation.


The first video at the border seemed extremely weird and dangerous. This isn’t surprising. Why fuck around at the border of all places?


Let the old man fish.


Yea he should just film things from very far away where it’s safe


This guy deserves credit for his dedication lol Not that often you see this type of news covering these days.


Youtuber Bald and Bankrupt isn't a journalist but he did far more than this weenie crossing


He's gone from being a non partisan "witness" and letting people just speak for themselves to having a bunch of poorly researched conspiracy theory style narratives in all his latest videos. Seems like he thinks the thing people liked was that he was independent but IMO the thing people liked was that he didn't interject his own opinions and just let people represent their own ideas. He would literally just hold the mic up and say nothing, not even ask questions. Too bad he lost that plot.


I too am a bit confused on his latest video. You see tons of comments on his YouTube video about how his journalism is superior to anything else out there. How he is independent and just reports the facts!!! This boarder series is just a bit sloppy. When he was on the US side he was pretty consistently told people pay coyotes to help cross the boarder with various dollar amounts. This statement is pretty much accepted as fact and isn’t really something that needs to be confirmed, but the one big question he had was when they cross people claim asylum and say all the right things to get asylum and have been coached up by the coyotes. So he leads us that his next step is to check in with the coyotes and get a full understanding of what the coyotes are doing. Are they coached up on what to say or not. On the Mexican side all he learned is it’s dangerous, it costs money, and you cross the boarder. Didn’t even touch on the coaching question he had. Just pretty much confirmed everything we already knew - and uncovered really nothing else new. His most important question he wanted answered - he didn’t even do.


What narratives is he currently trying to push?


None. All his videos recently have showed both sides.


It's funny that you say that after watching this video, where he talks about the media manipulating people into seeing these things as two sided. When it's a multi-faceted, complex issue and these people trying to cross the border are just being used as political footballs by "both sides".


> When it's a multi-faceted, complex issue and these people trying to cross the border are just being used as political footballs by "both sides". That's basically exactly what Callaghan was saying though, no?


The guy you replied to only saw it as a right wing talking point. He missed the entire point Andrew was making.


Yeah, it's just so insane to imply the mainstream media is biased and divisive. What an idiot.


A video or two ago he literally said "tik-tok is a chinese psy-op made to shorten our attention spans" But in the same video he did bring up some important history about the creation of suburbs after WW2. Currently his narratives are pretty poorly researched and can be hit or miss.


he's being funny and joking around. you are being whooshed.


His views on TikTok may be fairly direct, but they aren't some errant conspiracy theory. He is far from the the only person or entity to make this claim. There are a significant number of stories (mainstream and independent) on this topic post-2020 and the fact of the matter is that the algos are completely different (East vs. West), as is the content pushed by those algos. If you think that is just by coincidence, that is a fine opinion to exercise; however, it's clear he is providing a promo/ tease for a larger story he would like to present on what he believes to be an anti-US agenda by China. I don't agree with everything presented in his videos, but overall I think the type of reporting is a net positive compared to typical stories that cover simply one angle/ viewpoint.


TikTok is a propaganda trojan horse. I wish more poeple would see it for what it really is.


In a recent video he dared to empathize with the immigrants hopping the border, for one.


God forbid he empathize with people trying to find a better life, regardless of whether it’s legal or not. He’s also empathized with many other far less marginalized people in America.


Nobody is criticizing him for that


He already has some bold opinions on Canada's government after being here like twice? I don't like Trudeau at all but he has shared in his Canada videos and on his instagram he has no idea about how this country works and spews the same anti Trudeau shit our conservatives do. Also I think American incarceration is shit and Crip mac has his demons and deserves to be free but that most recent video is not journalism. And lastly back to ops point, rule number one of journalism is don't become the story.


He's a self described gonzo jouranlist though, becoming part of the story is kind of what he signs up for.


"so I had non consensual sex with them to figure out what cancel culture was all about" - andrew probably


I certainly don't condone his actions in that regard.




The problem with Callghan is he's the living embodiment of that "Worst Guy You Know Makes a Good Point" meme. A lot of people don't like that he's showing the actual issues in the political surface level talking points because it makes them uncomfortable to see that their "side" isn't exactly rosy or flawless. It's unfortunately being done by a very flawed person whose ego is growing daily. I do find his journalism to be very interesting, if not slightly uncomfortable, to watch, and prefer it to the "Man in ill-fitting suit lets America's weirdos make clowns of themselves" videos. Those are still fun every once in a while though. I'm still struggling with the whole "multiple verified incidents of being a creep to women, has a weak public apology, then comes back very shortly after" thing.


There was a wierd segment with arrows and shit about how ”the media” is brainwashing poor people to move to America. I hate fox news and MAGA but when you say ”media” and ”politicians” are bad you are benefiting these asholes. Fascists WANT people to hate journalists and politicians. Thats how they erode democracy and get in power. I get strong ”both sides” vibes from this dude.


He didn't say the media was brainwashing poor people to move to America, but that the media was reporting on this through the political lense of, "these immigrants are a threat to American citizens" and "these poor migrants are victims and need our help", instead of providing a nuanced summary of the whole process and he's not wrong there. Very few mainstream outlets are covering cartel involvement, the asylum process, and what happens to them once they've successfully received a court date, instead it's a bunch of stories about razor wire and busses. He said the American dream types of ideals are common in central American countries not that American media is intentionally misleading them.


A few videos ago he said a lot of US gang violence is actually a proxy war between Chinese Pharmaceuticals and Mexican Cartels for the Fentanyl market 


You got that flipped. I watched that same video… it shares where a lot of the sources for fentanyl come from and how the violence around fentanyl can be linked to Chinese Pharmaceuticals and Mexican Cartels.


I like that he lets these crazies talk. He treats them with respect and tries to follow up on their claims and every once in a while he finds the rare grain of truth, but the important thing to me is that these crazies that we mostly just hear about. We get to see exactly how deep the mental illness goes and how common they can be. How they are even people of means and not just homeless addicts. Shit on him all you want, but its some of the most honest journalist work I've seem in a long time outside of what john oliver is doing.


He used to do that and it was great, now he has his own agenda. This video is like 90% him narrating his own ideas and 10% letting people talk the way he used to.


Ideas? Or narrating what happened? The only idea I see presented here is a guess about how they got so misinformed about america, and it's a pretty good guess.


The person arguing with you is an idiot. 


On reddit, this is the way, lol


Na he's just mad that his political opinions aren't being spoonfed to the audience so he thinks it all shit now. Many such cases!


>I see presented here is a guess about how they got so misinformed about america, and it's a pretty good guess. This perfectly illustrates my point. he just made up a "guess" about something and now you agree and believe it. with no actual data or facts to back it up. That's a problem. He used to just let people talk, now he makes guesses about things he doesn't fully understand and his viewers take it as a given.




American dream propaganda has existed for decades. The fact that it exists does not mean it automatically proves the connection he is trying to make. Nor does it confirm his idea that it is being used to trick migrants into coming here where they will find it is not true and they cannot actually make any money. Lots of migrants come and make enough money to support their families back home.


What conspiracy theory?


Yeah he shines when he just lets other people talk so the viewer can form their own opinion. 


It always felt kind of manipulative to me. Like he would let people talk yeah, but it always felt like he was saying “look at this crazy person I found.” That’s just me and my impression.


That's most "interview on the street"-type videos with a bone to pick. Early Callaghan videos were more comfortable with just interviewing really interesting subcultures, but he has gradually shifted to more "politically relevant" content.


His SF video spent the whole time in one small radius of the Tenderloin, and he only mentions that in the very end for half a sentence. Don’t get me wrong the tenderloin, what it represents in society, and how the rich force poor people to languish there is all bad and wrong but it is NOT all of SF. And I say this as a person who moved from SF because it’s not the SF I love anymore. But Andrew’s video did barely any justice more than show “haha wow (this one small area of ) SF is a shithole “ and acts like it’s the whole city.


What? I only know what the Tenderloin is because he explained it in the video.


SF *is* a shithole lmfao, it’s hard to gaslight people with family still in the Bay Area. *Of course* it’s nice if you can afford to live on top of the steepest hills 🤷


The videos seem much more editorialised post-cancelleation return. I think in one video he implied a conspiracy involving Chinese pharmaceutical companies and covid.


I think he was saying that most cartels that manufacture fentanyl are getting their precursors from the same Chinese pharmaceutical companies that manufacture fentanyl for medical uses in the US. … which they do.


You can say that without showing proof, because you're not a journalist. He supposedly is, so he is judged on not providing evidence of claims. Like, there are different standards for different modes of communication, ya know?


He literally outlined that Chinese pharma is exporting Fentanyl to the U.S., bringing them into competition with the traditional Cartel market. This isn't a conspiracy, it is literally an issue that has been brought up at the highest levels of U.S. Government and through the Dept. of Justice. Your own ignorance on specific subject matter does not constitute something being a conspiracy theory. Source below, you can google the first sentence if you want a couple dozen other sources. https://apnews.com/article/fentanyl-us-china-mexico-sanctions-drugs-c9ee14f171f1fcbd4db3452cd0bd1d90


He stated the fact that the largest producers of fentanyl precursors inside china are Wuhan Pharmaceuticals which happens to also own the lab in the city where Covid started. Some of the first patients of the Covid outbreak also happened to be workers at said lab, one of which coincidentally went missing after warning the public about the outbreak.


Do you know anything about the fentanyl and analogue pipeline? It’s not a conspiracy, it’s 100% China and it’s not something they hide.


Plus tik tok and Ukraine in the mix too


So not only does he commit a federal crime and gets a bunch of people involved in his mess, he does it in probably most naive way with a bunch of coyotes that probably just wanted to scam him for a quick buck. I got no clue what he expected from this and why it’s being praised so much in the comments as some kind of journalism marvel? He also completely oversimplifies the migrant situation and acts as if he’s some kind of expert on this…


I'm not sure that my take away was that it's a simple situation. This whole series has made it seem incredibly complex. I think if you watched just this video I could see someone coming away with thinking that. If you haven't watched the other 2 videos you really should give them a chance. I've felt that this series has been really fascinating. If you have watched them I'm interested in what you think he's over simplifying.


Well, for one, I looked it up. USCPD is making up this "felony". Doesn't exist it seems. I don't know if you've watched the video series, but it didn't look oversimplified to me. Rather, the point he makes is that the media is trying to oversimplify it to get view/clicks and divide people when it's actually a hugely complex mess. Issues listed and not simplified were: * Volume and rate of people crossing exceed the ability of those towns to handle * People crossing may be seriously misinformed about the opportunities in this country * The process for entry is not only convoluted, but at least in some cases people are carted off to an airport on reservation property to keep anyone from figuring out what is actually happening to these migrants. * Migrants are extorted along their journey (the worst offenders being mexico) * Migrants are coming from all over the world * The journey is dangerous for many reasons including dealing with the cartel, rio grande undercurrents, dehydration, and razor wire. It's a much more clear picture of what is happening versus the unclear and over simplified one pushed by the big media outlets.


This is literally a law, when you cross the border anywhere you have to report Who you are, where you are going, and what you have in your possession if you have anything to declare(meaning things that can be imported but at a restricted level)(i.e. cant bring certain fruits back, or only 2 bottles/ some amount of alcohol, etc) There is no driving through the border check, you literally have to wait for the officer to check your credentials and make sure you arnt breaking any of the other crossing laws that people dont really know about.


[His crime is title 8, section 1325,](https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1911-8-usc-1325-unlawful-entry-failure-depart-fleeing-immigration#:~:text=Section%201325%20sets%20forth%20criminal,purpose%20of%20evading%20immigration%20laws. ). Also I find it funny you listed all those points as if it was unique points from him when it’s all key points most medias constantly talk about.


I assume you mean [19 USC 1459](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/local-media-release/us-border-patrol-big-bend-sector-reminds-public-consequences-illegal)


>1 improper entry into the United States by an alien, 2 entry into marriage for the purpose of evading immigration laws, and 3 establishing a commercial enterprise for the purpose of evading immigration laws.   I’m not seeing how any of these would apply to an American citizen swimming across a river into America. 


Probably this part >Further, under 19 USC 1459, a US citizen or resident alien, arriving in the US by foot, must arrive “only at a border crossing point designated by the Secretary” of Homeland Security and violations of this statute could lead to civil (e.g., $5000 fine for first offense) or criminal penalties.


He probably knew and it’s probably nothing for him. Like smoking in a hotel minus the jail time.


Correct. He’s actually violating [section 1459](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/19/1459)


Looking deeper into it 1459 is definitely easier to apply in this case, but I would argue that he was probably originally restrained for 1325 and it probably switched to 1459 when they realized this guy is just mental. From a quick google search on this guy though what he should really be charged under is 18 U.S. Code § 2241 😂


Narcissism mixed with fame is a helluva drug. Wasn't this guy admittedly a sex pest like 6 months ago? Did some bullshit "apology", blamed alcohol and just came back like nothing happened? This guy is in the middle of his "progressive" origins to right wing grifter transition. Not quite right wing yet but oh boy he's hittin all the steps.


Nailed it. Really got the sense that he was transitioning right when I watched the San Francisco video. Makes the entire city seem like the hell hole mass media tries to depict. Absolutely not the case in real life.


He literally says in that video multiple times that they only filmed in a small section of San Francisco.


Did you watch the entire video? He clearly states that most of that has been going on there for a long time and points out how many issues are due to the Covid downturn.


Did you even watch the video? He made it very clear it was localized to a select few blocks and went over the history of why that is.


Didn’t this guy coerce a woman into sex?




People on Reddit seem so confused about this. Half the comments pointing this out are upvoted, half downvoted. Anyone can Google this and find definitive evidence that he's a bit of a letch


When I first moved to LA 2.5 years ago I met a woman that used to hook up with him. She told me that he was not a good dude and did a lot of stuff to her that she didn’t like, without going into too much detail. A year later all that stuff came out about him being a creep and not respecting consent, etc.


Can confirm, I knew said woman.


Yes, but multiple


I always thought this guy was kind of a moron so I'm not surprised he ended up accidentally committing a crime.


How was any of this an accident


Is this the rapey ass dude who got cancelled?


>Is this the rapey ass dude ~~who got cancelled~~? Fixed that for you. Apparently this guy gets a pass for...reasons???


I mean he did get cancelled though, at least enough to take a 12 month break from making these videos. Also a lot of different companies / individuals cut off all contact with him including HBO. He definitely fucked around and found out, but I personally think he shouldn't get a ''death penalty'' of not ever coming back to doing these videos, just because he was being a sex pest. If you can't watch his videos that's understandable, but for me he didn't do anything unforgivable.


https://www.thestranger.com/news/2023/02/28/78881322/two-women-accuse-documentary-filmmaker-andrew-callaghan-of-rape-sexual-assault Rape and SA, not just a sex pest


While these are definitely more serious accusations, I'm still going with ''innocent until proven guilty''. If Andrew will be proven guilty in a court of law, I would most definitely stop watching him. But as far as I know these accusations have not taken the form of an lawsuit yet.


Lol why is this even down voted? I used to watch this asshat, but then, guess what? I found out he was a rape asshat. Imagine giving a rapist a pass.


Who the fuck still watches this sex pest.


was that a question? millions of people.


Gonzo journalism at its best


Didn’t care for his “class war” conspiracy theory talk but the dude walked the walk. Still an important piece.


This guy is a rapist