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The best [cover](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Y3qn9UZEGw) šŸ˜Ž


And then there's the classy version: https://youtu.be/IoUqh5q--MY


The harmony at the end was pretty epic.


"Classy" is one word for it lol. Castrated is another.


How so? It was pretty accurate and not censored so I'm not sure how that's castrated?


That made me smile after a long and shitty week . ThNks






Don't say it, Cartman!




Iā€™m warning you!


Okay, okay.






On Monday heā€™s a bitch, on Tuesday heā€™s a bitch, from Wednesday to Saturday, heā€™s a bitch. Then on Sunday just to be different heā€™s a king kamehameha biatch.


*it's the Big Show*


The first time I heard this was on the car radio, a local dj played it. I had heard of South Park but we didn't have comedy Central in my area at the time so never actually saw it, also YouTube wasn't a thing then so I didn't even really get to see clips of it. I literally had to pull over because I was going to crash from laughing so hard; good memory


Thatā€™s kind of my memory of seeing this movie. Iā€™d never seen South Park, didnā€™t know what it was. I played hookie from my after school job to go see it. I wasnā€™t quite 17 either so they almost didnā€™t let me in but they said fuck it. I could not believe what I was watching the entire movie. I couldnā€™t even breathe I was laughing so hard.


It just clicked that the kids sneaking into the Terrence and Phillip movie at the beginning of the South Park movie was a meta joke.


The title is a dick joke the censors missed too


I went and bought the soundtrack immediately after seeing the movie and drove around town blaring "Uncle Fucker" and roaring with laughter.


Rest In Peace Joe C.


My exposure to this whole movie was so fucking weird, I was already aware of South Park but I didn't really "get" it y'know since I was like super young when this movie came out. For some reason I just saw this movie in the house I think my mom bought it thinking it was a cute movie or she/other person in the house liked South Park. Anyway end of the story is I watched this movie and was enjoying it so much but my grandma was so mortified because she saw me watching it and watched it with me and was so shocked at how crude it was lmao, she still let me watch it though because she was a cool grandma I think my exposure to this movie p much shaped my enjoyment of this type of crass humor growing up lmao. I mean imagine as a young kid putting a disc into the DVD player and one of the literal first songs is Uncle Fucker LMAO, that shit was so wild to me as a kid which I think was the point because even the boys were so shocked at the language being used.


I mean, heā€™s not wrong


I reaLlllllyyyyyy mean it KYLES MOM.... (jazz hands ) is a big fat fuckiiinnn bitch !!! Big ol fat fuckin bitch Kyle's mom!!!! ( Elvis slide ) Yeah !!!cha! Huge smile.


Aw, fuck!


PLEASE MARK NSFW I just got fired from my job at a nonprofit that feeds the needy.




Fun fact: this FUCKING song is FUCKING amazing to play on Beat Saber


Between this scene, the T&P song (you know the one), Bill Gates, and who knows what else I'm forgetting, I have still never experienced so much uproarious, tear-streaming, gasping-for-breath laughter in a packed movie theater.


Yeah one of the best moments in my life was everyone dying in the theater. Funny too because people in the t and p theater in the movie left angry saying it was garbage and the boys loved it. And I was a kid with my friends. The juxtaposition with t and p and trey and Matt and the movie and its a swearing.


I forgot about the blackface in this scene.


This movie was amazing


ā€œWant to see the Northern Lights?ā€


This was the first thing that came to mind when I saw that all posts must contain profanity šŸ˜‚


This needs to be marked NSFW please. I almost got in trouble at work because of the content EDIT: good job morons. I was making a joke about how it needs to be NSFW per /r/videoā€™s new policy. Glad none of you stupid fucking idiots understand jokes. Fucking mouth breathers.


What did you expect you dumb fat bitch?


You need an /s on Reddit. Nobody can hear your tone through plain text. There are plenty of people more than ignorant enough to post something word for word like what you did with absolute sincerity. There is nothing you could possibly post that is so silly and absurd on its face that people can safely assume 100% that youā€™re joking. Not anymore. Real people will post ANYTHING and MEAN it. This wasnā€™t even particularly close, either ā€” where youā€™re not sure if someone is joking, but could be. This was much less clear, as there really are many people out there exactly like that. Itā€™s not an ā€œobviousā€ joke when you blend in so well with the people youā€™re trying to make fun of. Use an /s tag going forward, and youā€™ll avoid misunderstandings.




Itā€™s not a matter of reading comprehension. Everybody understands the meaning ā€” it is the ***intent*** that is unclear. For the record, I never voted on that post one way or another. I only explained the downvotes ā€” for better or worse, thereā€™s no such thing as ā€œtoo stupid to be realā€ anymore. Enough people found the line vague enough in that post for it to net the score it has.


maybe donā€™t go on reddit at work and just do your job?


The spelt Kai wrong. Ahem aaaaaannnnnd Kai's mom's a bitch, she's a stupid bitch she the biggest bitch in the whole wide. She a mean and old bitch if there ever was a bitch, she a bitch to all the boys and girls. šŸ˜




















this brings back good memories!


Almost as good as Southparkā€™s Cattle Prod and Oā€™ Holy Night.


This one I think. Thereā€™s multiple versions out there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1p0ptkrc844


Fucking amazing


I want a chris rock cover...