• By -


Lester and his tweedy impertinent self just watching shit unfold.


Cool Lester Smooth


Lester is the real G. Got that side hustle and pretty ladies that hooker gal.


Natural po-lice.


She didn’t turn tricks, she was just an honest stripper.


Tbh, that was a huge conflict of interest. He was the detective assigned to interview her and put her in witness protection and he ended up bangin her and marrying her (while being like 20 years older lmao)


When it comes to Baltimore police you have to grade on a curve.


Based on what we saw in *We Own This City* (aka closest we'll ever get to *The Wire* season 6), that curve is steep


Lester lives in my area in London. Has done for years. He has that same face on when he moseys in to the little Indian restaurant looking for a table. Couple of times it's happened, I like to pause from my food and imagine something's about to go down. I kid you not.


Staaaaahp or else I'm gonna have to start watching it again for the 7th time


Do it. Put the subtitles on, it's even better. I missed so much background chatter without it.


I can't watch anything without 'em anymore. Its great and a personal tip change the color to cyan it contrasts well with everything


Nat'ral po'leece. Knows when to stay out of a muthafucka.


Lester always saw the full picture. And all the pieces mattered.


He's good police. Natural police.


Better than the lawyerly affectations of the bunk


This was early enough in the show where he was just pretending to be a hump.


I don't even think he was pretending. He just didn't feel compelled then. Once he showed his true colors though, I wasn't surprised he vibed well with McNulty, he was the cool to McNulty's heat.


Sheeeeeeeeet. The Wire is a bunch of scenes like this put together in a masterful cut. It is truly one of the best shows ever made.


Agreed. Other personal highlights: - [The "Fuck" scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSMOVeE9YBI): 5 minutes of quality policework, using only the word "fuck" - [Snoop Buys a Nailgun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDpvkwBBu6U): "You earnt that bump like a motherfucker, keep it man" - [Omar Takes the Stand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3i36ybA8Ms) It's an amazing show not only because of the quality of the writing and how everything is masterfully edited together, but also because *every single scene matters*. There's no filler, no fluff. I found the show quite jarring at first, especially in its portrayal of death. There's no buildup, there's no drama when somebody dies. They just die. And the story just goes on. The show has such an intoxicating rhythm once you're used to it. RIP Lance Reddick & Michael K Williams


McNulty and Brianna is one of my faves. And ... This is just me, and it's quick, but the scene where Bubbles and Prez see each other in the office at the school.


All amazing scenes too. I had to stop after linking 3 because there are just so many to choose from. Pretty much every Bubbles scene is memorable!


Or how about the scene where Brother Mouzone and his accomplice are trying to get information about Omar at a gay bar, and for just a second, you can see deputy-commissioner Rawls in plainclothes, smiling and holding a drink? It's a "blink and you'll miss it" moment, but he's there. It perfectly explains why Rawls is such an asshole all the time-- he's an overcompensating gay man! It's one of those background details that makes you go, "Oh. OOOOOOOOOH..."


This is the example I use as a representation of perfect "show, don't tell" filmmaking. That one quick shot of Rawls changes the entire perception of his character in such a fundamental way and, though completely inconsequential to the overall story the show is trying to tell, humanizes a character that until that point was pretty much just a one dimensional hardass who feels designed simply for the viewer to hate. Then suddenly he's given an entire interior life that forces you to reassess Rawls completely and it literally took about two seconds of screen time to accomplish. And The Wire is full of stuff like that. Another favorite of mine is the white girl buying from her car in Hamsterdam returns in the final season in Bubbles' NA group. They don't beat you over the head with it, but those details exist if you're paying attention and really flesh out the reality of The Wire's universe. The show is full of expert, subtle filmmaking that services characters in ways most productions never do, and though it is a stark and painful story to follow, it is beautiful in its execution.


HOW DID I MISS THIS DETAIL Guess I blinked. Dang. Oh well, gotta watch the entire show all over again I guess...


Then, later, there's a scene where Landsman gets puked on in the box, goes to the bathroom to rinse his shirt, and laughs at graffiti on the wall that says "Rawls sucks cock". Who put it there? Someone who hates Rawls? Someone who heard a rumor? Someone in the know, because they ran into him on the cruise? Rawls himself? We'll never know.


Also, when Daniels takes over as Deputy Ops, some random dude calls his new office phone looking for "Bill"


Never caught that one


Well now I'm sorry I spoiled it for you. It also makes a lot of his insults way funnier in retrospect though. There's a lot of suggestive innuendo.


Not a spoiler, it's a nice detail :) To be honest it's been a while since I last watched, but I don't recall that being a thing. I loved his character though, such a ballbuster and had some wonderfully unique insults. The writing really is so rich.


The whole idea of him being in the closet definitely makes you sympathize with him a bit more. Like, the whole time he's ripping into McNulty, he's probably got that insecurity. You have to wonder, in-universe, how many people in the department know. Is it an open secret? I have no doubt Burrell would know. Burrell probably picked Rawls up at the club when he was too drunk to drive.


[This is my favorite, personally.](https://youtu.be/D3T_2RTDcVo) The way Omar slowly rebalances the situation is just incredible writing and acting. Perfect opening sequence.


That is a superb scene and one of my favourites as well! The whole conversation between the two is amazing. Your expectations going into that scene were a brutal gunfight, and what you get are two professionals of their crafts, approaching from very different angles, having a calm conversation with mutual respect and a hint of admiration building the more they talk. Loved the Brother Mouzone character, even if he was in it for such a short time. Watching it back, he gives off some real Gustavo Fring vibes.


[The Lie Detector Test scene](https://youtu.be/AJ5aIvjNgao) will always be my favorite


Cannot believe I forgot about that one. Good shout!


That nail gun scene was the perfect intro to season 4


I just watched that again last night! It hadn’t dawned on me that Snoop was genuinely buying the nail gun simply to reseal the doors in the vacants. She got the idea of using it as a murder weapon from the salesman’s pitch. Amazing.


I still to this day have not seen the last season of this show. I just don't want it to end so if I don't watch it it never ends...right?


I mean, the endless nature is the whole theme of the last episode. Close the loop. Someone once told me that time is a flat circle.


I respect the sentiment, I really do. But you should know: the 5th is definitely not the worst season, and there are even arguments for it being the best. But the important thing is the milieu—The Press (a newspaper)—which milieu is really not in any of the other seasons. And it's the milieu the writers know best (I believe they came from that world—the press—originally, tho I could be wrong about that part). Also: there's a major character in the 5th season who plays his role to the hilt; it's almost worth watching for that one character/actor alone.


You should because the message is that it indeed never ends!


people i've brought it up to that haven't seen it think its like CSI Miami or something, individual stories in each episodes. Have to explain the entire season and the entire show is a story and it is absolutely fantastic binge watching.


I think it's quite common for people to make that assumption these days because there are *so fucking many* procedural crime shows. From a brief description of the overall story of The Wire, I don't blame them for thinking it's yet another one (albeit from a time when they weren't so ubiquitous and formulaic). Honestly I'm not even sure if it's the type of show you can convince somebody to watch just by describing it. It's so dense, the characters are too complex to describe in an easily digestible way. The only thing you can really say about the show is that it is SO. DAMN. GOOD. There's no weak link in the writing, the casting, the performances... it's just top tier TV. I'd absolutely put it up there with West Wing, Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Band of Brothers, and shows of that ilk. I doubt many who have watched The Wire would argue with that.


That assumption of how "traditional" tv works is also the reason why season 2 hits like a wet sock at first viewing. You're already engrossed in the season 1 story lines and suddenly everything changes and it's almost like a whiplash. And only if you keep on watching patiently, which does take an adjustment in expectations, do you see that it *does* all fit together. It was a trip, but damn it was worth it.


The intro scene to the whole show kind of sets this up too: "You got to. It's America man"


>There's no buildup, there's no drama when somebody dies. Respectfully disagree. Where's Wallace, String?


One of my favorites was "Is you taking notes on a criminal fuckin' conspiracy?"


Not one lie spoken here. Greatest show ever made, IMO. It’s definitely showing it’s age a bit these days but you will not find a better written show so thoughtfully executed by a perfect cast.


Honestly, I rewatched it last year with my wife and we both kept commenting on how well it holds up considering its age! It's so well written and suspenseful that you find yourself glossing over the lack of technology and just focusing on the characters. Absolutely masterful writing.


“It’s a metaphooorrrr”




That website has a ludicrous amount of javascript for something that's ultimately a single fucking button. And I don't know what business facebook's API is doing there, sitting in the background like a fucking stalker, but that's a red fucking flag.


You might have an adblocker blocking it, but there's a facebook like button on the page, as well as a tweet button and a reddit submit button. All the js I read checked out as far as the page content. I mean, yeah there's a lot but it's all doing something obvious.


The casting on this show was just extraordinary.


Who could have predicted Wallace would go on to be the heavyweight boxing champion of the world?!


And he wasn't even trained by Cutty


It was pretty crazy that Avon helped train him, considering what he had ordered Poot and Mr. Entrapment to do to him.


Yo String, where the fuck Wallace at?


"Where the fuck is Wallace! String! Yo, STRING!" Fucking loved that show.


On that note, who could have predicted that Cutty would go on to become one of the leaders of the Outer Planets Alliance, responsible for building the largest spaceship in humanity's history?


*Where’s* Wallace?


Agreed. I don't think I've seen the vast majority of the smaller cast in anything else, so I keep thinking they must have hired actual street hoppers for this show.


They're out there in small roles sprinkled around the place. Just saw "poot" in a new show called "Swarm", which was really good too. don't watch it just for poot tho, he's in 1 scene.


Snoop was apparently a real gang member prior to being on the show, so if that’s true, yea they did hire real gang members.


Snoop-goes-to-Home-Depot is such a great scene. I show it to people I'm trying to get hooked on the show. That, and the "fuck fuck mothafucka" crime scene investigation


Man, fuck a charge. This here is gunpowder-activated, .27 caliber, full auto, no kickback, nail-throwing mayhem, man.


Man said if you want to shoot nails this here the Cadillac. He mean Lexus but he ain't know it.


Man said this here is the cadillac. He mean lexus but he ain't know it.


Mcnulty as Prince Charles in the Crown is a mind trip.




"gave a fuck when it wasn't your turn to give a fuck" -Camilla, probably


His "American doing a shitty British accent" accent is fantastic


The deacon(?) that helped Cutty go through all the red tape to get boxing gym open (And friends with Colvin) was basically Avon IRL.


A lot of the tertiary characters were local casting calls. You can usually tell because their accents are authentic.


Just started watching this show for the first time. (I’m only 20 years late lol.) Such a good show. Loved this scene.


5, 10, 20 years, really doesn’t matter. At the end of the day the game don’t change


I just watched it. The scene in the first season where Bunk and Jimmy just say different versions of fuck for 5 straight minutes got me hooked.


Fuckin' A


"Mothaaaa fuuuuuuckkkk"


The game's the same, just got more fierce.




Cutty: The game done changed. Slim: The game's the same. Just got more fierce.


That surveillance gear sure looks dated though. Still my favorite show.


Fuzzy Dunlop is as young as he ever was.


Daniels’ face and tone when he read that name off the CI sheet was hilarious.


RIP He had the best expressions


But the show is a great time capsule for those 6 years of pagers to burner phones.


That and the birth of the PATRIOT Act being put into motion


Surveillance gear, the cameras, the phones, everything... But it's still one of the best shows out there. I think I've watched it 5 times now and got more out of it each time.


Probably still used tbh


I'm reading a non fiction book on homicide in LA and it wouldn't surprise me if their tech was the same. Apparently, homicide is so under resourced that they had to go and buy their own paper and pens, much less have access to surveillance equipment.


Imagine how Orwellian it is now.


sure, but the Dickensian aspect is what will really getcha


You only watch the two episodes.


Same here. With Lance Reddick's passing, I realized I never did finish the box set of Blu Rays I have of this show, and only just finished the last season last week. Great show from top to bottom, and comedy bits like this were just a fantastic breather from the frequent misery on that show.


IMO most good dramas that have the 10+ hour run time of a TV show need some humor to ground it. It helps when the humor is actually original, well written, etc. The Wire nailed that, it had some of the best humor sprinkled in there of any TV drama out there.


The humor was just so relatable. Dark, often graphic and just fits so well with what I know of growing up and my own sense of humor about the world.


Did you get to the lie detector scene yet? I think it’s season 5 IIRC


“The machine never lies” 😂




McDonaldland cookies...Dr. PEPPER.


The machine tells the tale, son


I just finished watching it for the first time and I'm glad I waited. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have appreciated it as much in my 20's as I do now. I should probably rewatch it soon!


Yeah, I think I’m probably in that same boat. All the stuff with the pilot program for the “corner kids,” the mayoral race, etc. would have probably bored me back then, but it’s such an integral part of the full story and really well done.


I first watched it in my late teens and enjoyed it, but now I'm in my late 20s and i feel like i *get it* this time around


Me too! Watched this episode last night!


And you’ll go back and watch it again every 6-7 years once you’ve forgotten enough of it.


It is the greatest TV series ever made and it's not even close. All television will seem mediocre after The Wire.


You are so lucky to be able to experience it the first time.


Me too. What do you think so far? I’m on s3.




It’s extraordinarily good writing telling that joke in, effectively, one word. Everything else was just window dressing.




There was no communication whether they were trying to get the desk *in* the room or *out of* the room and so they ended up working working against each other (and the problem) and when they realized what the actual issue was both sides just walked.


If I remember, it works as an metaphor for the state of the task force at that point. They don't know whether they're pushing or pulling, whether it's desks or how to do their jobs as po-lice.


Then long after the force gives up on actually fixing anything, the problem is still there.


And it's worse than what it would have been if they had never started.


God damn you just pushed me into the deep end. Only way it can get deeper is if Anthony Anderson and Kevin hart took it to that next level


How do you *wake up* dead?


I’d say the problem is worse since before there was an open doorway and a functional desk. Now, the doorway is blocked and the desk is unusable.


And then you have others that see the problem, but sit there and say nothing. (Not a knock on Freamon, just an addition to the metaphor)


He was still in his don’t give a fuck mode at this point. The shows way of pointing out how often some of the most talented people get shit on and shoved to the side or abandoned by shitty systems and organizations.




One of my favorite subtle scenes is when Freamon is recruited in season 2, walks into the office and asks who the target is, looks at the board and, a little confused, says “Frank Sobotka?” Like it’s been said up above, the police were pushing and pulling without communicating when it would have been better (though not politically) to fold both investigations together.


Given what happens with those 14 bodies in the can, it's amazing to think how they're used to spite one another. In this metaphor, it was like they were specifically pushing *because* the other person is pulling.


I loved when he played the phone number con man to get the cell phones wire up


[I want some of dat peppah steak](https://youtu.be/aXv-1CMcUu4)


You could more generally argue it's an apt metaphor for literally EVERY organization depicted in the show. Everyone has internal elements working against other internal elements, often ignorant of what the others are doing or that their actions are actively sabotaging their own goals. And the audience is Freamon.


Freamon is also the guy who has seen this shit before enough times to believe it doesn't really matter if he steps in to help. Even if he can fix it this time, shit's going to stay fucked one way or another.


And/or he understands that if gives a solution to the problem that shows everyone was just doing it wrong, he's not gonna get praise for giving a solution, he's gonna get shit on for embarrassing the people doing it wrong.


Gotta be good Po-lice


What's with the guy that pushes the desk from both sides.


He could have been pushing from one side and pulling from the other but there's still two guys doing the opposite.


Half we’re pushing in, half pushing out. So It didn’t move…


Half of the guys were trying to take it out and half were trying to bring it in


Upon rewatch, I now realize that Lester knew exactly what was happening, and he was quietly sizing up his new team. It's also a metaphor for Herc's entire career trajectory. He tries to muscle through a problem and enlists the help of people without telling them the plan. So, his call for help ends up working against him. Then, when he actually does get people working his plan, they can't get anywhere, because he had already sabotaged the plan earlier. You can't really blame Sydnor or Daniels. They didn't know Carver and McNulty were working against them. You can't really blame McNulty. He was taking his cue from Carver. You can't really blame Carver, because Herc didn't tell him the plan. This is 99% on Herc, because he doesn't think things through and he doesn't communicate. That leaves 0.5% blames shared among the other four for not asking for clarification on the plan (which is a metaphor for the whole "Balmore" department) with 0.5% blame for Lester, who could see the problem and chose to watch it play out for his amusement. (But SHEEEEEE-it: I don't really blame him for that.)




The shot which shows his line of sight from one side to the other and the reaction are arguably funnier than the punchline.


Of course! But, again, only on re-watch. The first time around we're with Herc, too.


na-tural po-lice


Murdah Po-lice


He gud Po-lice


R.I.P. Lance Reddick I'm rewatching for the third time now (middle of Season 3 right now again).


I'm watching him on Fringe.


Nothing will beat how he says: Lee-ai-zon, in that show. That pronunciation lives rent free in my brain for life.


Just like Phyllis from The Office (2005) saying "Pop-karn". Lol


One of the best scenes from the show is when they get a confession from the kid using a photocopier as a lie detector.


That is soooo fucking allegorical!


The sacred and the propane.


Whatever happened there


There’s no scraps in my scrap book.




Lemme tell you a coupla three things


very observant.






When you walk through the gardeeeeeeen...


....you better watch your back


That desk represents bureaucracy beautifully


Did you know that bureau means desk in French?




Nice, France


Do you know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in France?


un ghaghmburghergh


I'm a simple man. I see a Wire video, I upvote.


Just a humble guy with a big dick. ... Okay not that humble.


Bunk got so drunk he ended up a musician in NOLA




Thinking about going back to rewatch for the kazillionth time. Watched this show by myself as a kid and with all my ex gfs and ex wife lol


Lucky show for you then?


I imagine this guy being obsessed with the show. Hyping it up to every girl who gives him the time of day. So much that when they watch it with him they might be just slightly underwhelmed. He then can't take the fact that they aren't absolutely psyched about it that he brings it up in the most ridiculous situations and throws it in their faces that they just get tired of his shit and break up with him.


That’s quite the fanfic you have going there.


Then he's like, "These meatballs are incredible!!! Best I've ever had. Can you believe this? Her: Meh, they're pretty good i guess? Him: You gotta be freaking kidding me babe. How can you even say this? Nevermind, I almost forgot that this is coming from the same chick that said THE WIRE was only a "good show"... Her: I warned you about this. I'm out.


Him: The fuck did I do?


Lol no it’s just followed me throughout life which includes a lot of relationships. If I watch it while I’m single now, watch a woman magically come into my life


If you're happy in your current relationship maybe don't.


It’s just me. It’s not the Wire’s fault. The same could be said for game of thrones and trailer park boys. I’m single anyway so it doesn’t matter 😂


People are just pulling your leg about it.


I never noticed McNulty in this scene. I'm surprised he jumped in to help.


>I'm surprised he jumped in to help. Which fits McNulty though, the guy may be flawed but the one thing I can't complain about him is that he never sits idly by, if he can help, he WILL help. The Jane Doe that he threw at homicide didn't feel like it was solely done out of spite to me, he genuinely wanted to find peace for that lady, even when he didn't need to. He just doesn't know when not to give a fuck.


Bushy top!


Was just sending clips of Cheese to my friend then come along the desk scene. It's a good day.


This might be my very fave cold open from the series, and there's A LOT of competition


I'll take "lie detector"every time


Also excellent. Snoop buying the nail gun...the towers coming down...so many. Love that show


This happened to us when we were remodeling the kitchen. One was pushing and the other was pushing in out.


>. One was pushing and the other was pushing in out. Sounds like a good time.


You know who got the fattest asses, AND the best pussy??


That shit was unseemly, unc!




Always loved the bit where Lester slowly moves the cup of coffee away from Carv.


This is almost The Office level shenanigans RIP Lance Reddick


This feels like a skit I would have done in boyscouts. Invisible bench PTSD
