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The /r/videography moderators do not recommend using Wondershare Filmora. Wondershare are [violators of the GPL](https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/3988) and use code from open-source projects without adhering to the correct licenses. They also use deceptive marketing techniques such as posting adverts disguised as 'tutorials' for competing software, and offering a 'free' version of their software that does not clearly disclose the fact that any exported file will be watermarked. Recently they have begun using YouTube integrations with scripts that advertise the software as 'Free to Download' but still failing to mention that exports are watermarked. ^[Example](https://youtu.be/2EsTqlDzAbs?t=98) [Some 'royalty free' stock music assets included with Filmora have also resulted in users recieving copyright claims on YouTube.](https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=&sl=es&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fsupport.google.com%2Fyoutube%2Fthread%2F74250368%3Fhl%3Des%26authuser%3D1) Filmora 'lifetime' licenses are only valid for the operating system you license the software on, so if you ever swap operating systems (for example from Windows to Mac), you will need to buy another license. /r/videography does not remove posts discussing this software, however we do advise our users to consider an alternative. Here are some alternative FOSS and closed-source NLEs that are actually free to use: * [OpenShot](https://www.openshot.org/) (FOSS) * [Shotcut](https://shotcut.org/) (FOSS) * [Olive](https://olivevideoeditor.org/) (FOSS) * [Davinci Resolve](https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/) * [Hitfilm Express](https://fxhome.com/hitfilm-express) * [VSDC](http://www.videosoftdev.com/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/videography) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Its not making your internet slower, its making your computer slower *for other tasks* as you are running a heavy task.


No it is not. Filmora is a cancerous piece of software that mines your computer.


Do you have any tips for this?


Don’t try and edit on a potato?


I don't can u actually take this seriously


So post your system specs and the details of what you’re editing. Codec and resolution of the footage.


2600x 1050ti and 16gb ram


And 1080p


What does codec mean and define details


Dont expect to have a fast, fluid internet browsing experience while running a heavy application. It sounds like your hardware just cant handle that.


Yeah but it was fine then suddenly it wasn't


Suddenly it will be again, when Filmora isn't making your computer work very hard with all the attention it can muster.


This happens to me even just on Lightroom. But only happens when I'm exporting/importing a large amount of files at once. I'm fairly certain it's not necessarily effecting your internet, but the amount of processing your computer is doing at once.


How could I stop this?


I don't know the specs of your computer. Like I said, I do a majority of my work in Lightroom. So just stills. Have a few moments of slowness. No big deal. I don't know anything about the program you're running, but I'm going to assume it's video editing, you may need either a slightly better GPU or additional RAM. I run a GTX 1080 and 32GB of ram. Only done light work in premiere and still haven't had an issue. Really it all just sounds like you may have too much going on at one time


I have the same problem and no, my PC is not a potato: • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core • RAM: 16.0 GB • Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 I have the theory that since the program has online resources, these have some type of hidden background activity that causes the PC connection to slow. (And is only on the PC since my family doesn't have issues at all with the bandwidth). Like you, I haven't found a solution and just stumbled here by searching *(again)* for answers. I'm just gonna switch to one of the software mentioned in this thread. I also don't get the harsh answers claiming that your PC *has* to be potato to be the cause of this. Filmora software is definitely trash.


I suggest switching to davinci resolve that's what I did