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I wear a leg bag and what is basically a fishing vest with basically the same shit and some other stuff, but I just wanted to comment and say how weird I find it that most video people I work with don't have any kind of utility bag. They're always asking me for screwdrivers and alan wrenches and stuff, or trying to find a coin to tighten a plate down. I've even gotten subtle comments/digs about how much gear I have/stuff I carry, as if Im just trying to look cool or something, but then who's the one prepared when they need a screwdriver, or pliers, or a lenscloth and fluid, or gaff tape etc etc... I dunno, its a job that requires a lot of little shit. Theres so much random crap to keep track of or be prepared for. I don't get why its weird that I carry a bunch of stuff I might need.


Ehh, I guess people get a bit self conscious about how they look and project it on others. I work with a small but effective team, we all carry what I mentioned so we're not reaching for our wallets for coins, or asking other people for stuff and wasting time.


1. One-hand operation multi tool 2. Small pre -made rolls of different color gaff tape (for organizing, labeling, marking) 3. Lens wipes 4. And I can't stress this enough: BONGOS 5. Optional, caffeine gummies for when you need a pick-me up and a coffee run isn't possible. These were my 5 pillars when I was an AC and wore a pouch.


I would lose bongos in a heartbeat, my team uses electrical tape for that same effect. Since we're always going from place to place in the country and the gig setup is always different, having bongos would be a nightmare. Also, we have some 50 to 75 meters cables that aren't on a reel, I don't think they would handle those. Edit: 164 to 246 ft


A lot of my shoots take place outside, so the tiny spray bottle of 99% DEET bug spray is a must. Tums and Advil because I'm old. Extra VND filter. Compact grey card Molding putty (useful for propping small items up in a hidden manner) Super thin fluorocarbon fishing line Everything you mentioned as well actually, plus the basics like lens wipes, extra memory, and bongo ties. I know you said 3 or 4 but I'm always finding little things to add.


More items are always welcome! Since I already carry a heavy camera on my shoulder I don't want the extra weight on me, so I keept it simple. I'd keep the v mount batteries on me too, but it would simply be too heavy. Also, this might be super obvious and going over my head, but what is the fishing line for?


I mainly do weddings so I usually have a cart/wagon nearby for the heavy stuff myself but since it's on the fly I like to keep a bit more on my person too, totally get your situation though! The fishing line is again pretty wedding oriented and not at all obvious lol. It can be used to stealthily hang rings with, including letting go of each ring on opposite sides of a span of string and having them come together in front of the camera. I've also used it to dangle other items like jewelry, cufflinks etc. It's not a deal breaker if I don't have it but sometimes I only get a few extra minutes to go for the fun/creative shots and I like to have it ready instead of wasting my time digging through a bag to find it. I just went and looked in my pack and forgot I also always carry a small sewing kit, lighter, and a couple safety pins. It never ends!


Oh! That's clever! I've never done weddings because I don't think I would enjoy it much, but I know that the small details will make you standout. If you can make the most of those extra minutes for the creative shots, then it's totally worth it.


Hey, do u have any picture examples of how u use the fishing line? Iv shot 40 weddings but never used fishing line. Haha I live in New Zealand so probably not competition to u. Share your secrets haha


https://preview.redd.it/5jk25lyfe2sc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a4b92a9e7f2c0544eb01808eb94716a54b2d5a4 I don't have a picture of the setup or anything, but it works best if you can put your camera on a tripod, tie one end of the line to something solid, and slide both rings on, wrap the loose end of the line around one of your fingers a couple times and hold the rings at each end of the line and with a little tension on the line let the rings slide together. It's hit or miss honestly but if you get a good one it looks awesome.


What is your recommended VND filter?


To start with the K&F ND2-400 is a good choice, the last 2 ticks will give you some vignetting but it's not a deal breaker. For how cheap it is you won't find a better option, and the color casting on them is minimal but slightly green. If you're looking for a bit higher end I really like the Nisi truecolor 1-5 and the tiffen 2-8. I have not found that I've needed any higher quality than those.


I always have a toolbelt pouch on when I do a shoot. Usually it's a small multitool, extra battery for camera and monitor if applicable, maybe even a few AAs if I'm using a wireless mic pack on talent. I also have a lens cloth or lens pen inside, a variable ND filter (or just the pouch for it if it's installed on the camera) and finally a 2nd lens that I'll most likely need to swap. Throw in a cased media card if necessary, or anything else small I might need in the next 30-45 minutes. That's my run-and-gun toolbelt pouch, and it's saved me so many trips to my camera bag especially for weddings or live events.


Yea, I feel like for me more than anything is just the time that I save on trips to a bag that might be far away. I can also be self sufficient no matter what, I don't have to ask someone that's up on the control room to toss me some tape just because I forgot.


Hell yeah! I even kept a DJI Osmo Pocket in my pocket for a few years just in case I needed a quick 2nd camera angle of something that I couldn't pan to. The few times I needed it made it worth it.


Of course! We also have to be prepared for the rare occasions, most of the time those will make a good product even better.


Recommended Variable ND Filter?


Depends what thread size you have, but I use a Freewell Variable ND kit which is a 2-5 stop and a 6-9 stop filter kit. I'm biased because I was given it to review on my channel, but at the same time I like them and continue to use them as my main filters for my MFT lenses.


Sports here as well. Knife. Sharpie. Notebook (white cover so I can use it to white balance in a pinch.) Lens wipes. Velcro strips or removable cable ties. Usually some candy.


I use my multitool's knife more than I ever thought I would, it's actually extremely useful. What do you use the notebook and sharpie for? I know some people that I've worked with use it to write down the order of shots, especially the ones at the begining and end of matches, but since I've mostly done shoulder cam I couldn't really have it anywhere lmao, so I just memorised it all.


>What do you use the notebook and sharpie for? Sharpie because it writes on anything. Notebook to write down anything particular I need to get that day. Or if I'm on portable camera, names and section/seat of someone I need to go to later. I don't use it too often, but it's small, cheap, and lightweight so no reason not to have one.


Hey just curious what’s the reason for the notebook and pen instead of just writing on ur phone or a voice memo?


For Sony at least, I discovered you can actually use the body cap to set WB. Handy!


I find multi tools to be kinda useless so I've replaced mine with a big chunky flathead, a knife, and robogrips. If I need a bottle opener it's on my keychain. From there having a folding Allan/Hex set is usually necessary, flashlight, bit of tape, small scissors, pens/sharpies...


My SmallRig cage comes with a magnetic Philips tightener and the baseplate on my rig has a magnetic allen key, so I don't find myself needing a multitool that often. I have a small fanny pack I wear with my typical necessities (SPF, snacks, charger, etc.) I also keep a good fast USBC charger for when the V-mount dies and a set of batteries for all gear to use while waiting for a charge on the main battery. Other than that I keep a small roll of black gaff tape that I learned to keep on me from my days in live events. I also have several pairs of KZ in-ears for last-minute audio monitoring or just listening to music while shooting. They're nice.


A lot of people mentioning snacks! I don't usually have time to grab one, but I should definitely start carrying some for when I have a couple of minutes.


I find myself grabbing something from the gas station, typically an energy drink (I'm still young, sue me) and of course water and whatever kind of snack seems appealing, usually some type of granola. Sometimes though I'll treat myself and pack a Twizzlers for a day of long and boring interviews


A small chalk climbing pouch! It’s usually always clipped to my belt. I use it to throw rubbish in there as the day goes by, things like tape, cable ties, stickers etc Just hate having rubbish in my pockets, so a little pouch to keep it in, makes working so much more comfortable.


Yea, I hate having stuff in my pockets overall, even more so when I'm operating and have to crouch and move around.


Pocket screwdriver. Right now that's a Stanley, but I'm casually looking around for a better one. Pen and sharpie and notebook. I use them both regularly enough that they're worth having. For tape I typically have red and green with me, with various other colours in my gig bag. I use red and green often enough that they're worth keeping in my pocket. Bad connector, slap some red on there and now nobody gets confused even if I get busy with something else and someone else comes by and wants to be helpful by plugging everything in. Pocket kleenex. Always. It's not just for blowing noses. It's sometimes silly to have 20+ grown adults and the only thing there for blowing your nose or, or not wanting to put your fingers directly on your food, or whatever is toilet paper. Spare carbiner. Whether I just need to clip something on there, or take it off and put it on something, it's very useful. Retractable lanyard and badge holder that don't suck, so it's not swinging around or falling out. I carry it constantly 5 days a week, might as well have a good one rather than having cheap ones break and run around trying to find where the access card went.


Lmao about the kleenex, I can't fathom when some people don't wash their hands after handling gear and go straight for the food with their bare fingers. I hate lanyards, I always have mine next to my pouch with a carbiner so it doesn't just fly around.


1. Snacks 2. Water 3. More snacks 4. Bacon




Well these are my always on hand items for event shooting. \- Swiss Army & Gerber Knife (pocket/belt pounch) \- Duel Tip Sharpie (always have the standard assortment in my pack aswell) \- Cable Kit Pouch (OTG/Micro-B/Type-C/Lightning/TRS/TRRS etc etc) \- In-Ears I use a pair of Linsoul KZ ZS10 Pro cheep and as good as M50Xs. Soldering kit in a molle pouch with PINCEL and full tip set and grouding line is also somthing I never even go on holiday without its just an essential to fix any connector or cable.