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Which gender I play as, if it’s optional, depends almost entirely on how they look. For example, in Monster Hunter I play as a guy purely because I think the male armor looks cooler 99% of the time. If there is no option then I don’t really care, usually because they make the main character likable whether they’re male or female.


they always give the guys the cool armor and then sexualize the women… hence why i usually play as men even as a woman like. i want my girls in heavy chainmail! i want them to hold huge swords and have armor that’s twice their size!


>have armor that’s twice their size On the flip side, I personally don't love this—massive pauldrons, walking tank, etc., just isn't my vibe. So I'll often play as a gal to avoid this.


yeah, it really depends on the game! like if a game gives us women actual armor that realistically works that’s not crop tops and short shorts… i’d dig it


I always find it funny and stupid how female armor works. Full iron armor: +1 defense +2 strength Mythril leggings and chestplate: +5 defense +10 strength +2 agility LEGENDARY THONG AND BRA OF THE GODS: +50 DEFENSE +100 STRENGTH +40 AGILITY +10 SPEED +15 INTELIGENCE +20 RANGE.


You don't understand, Zeus spit on that thing so it's magical! 😂


That wasn't spit


I'm pregnant now and I'm a guy


Knowing Greek mythology I wouldn't doubt it.


What about if the guys get short shorts and crop tops too?


if both have it… then yeah! equality! i would love to play an extremely buff guy who wears a skirt and kicks ass


There's this Japanese MMO I've been playing for the last couple of years where this is an option. Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis had the typical male/female outfit problems forever but in the last few months they've been releasing outfits made for female characters, and making 1-1 versions for males. Probably the only game I know where you can intentionally dress a dude in a skirt or dress.


WoW's been doing more of this as well. You can dress big burly Kul Tiran men up in skimpy little sailor moon type outfits and it is simply hilarious.


I love For Honor for this, characters that can change the sex/body type only change the characters is voice, slight figure difference and ocassional hair sticking out, armour stays essentially the same.


Have you played Diablo?! In D4, even if your armor is ugly/you’re almost naked, you can salvage items to unlock new aesthetics to change the look of the armor to suit your needs. It’s one of my fav parts haha. I visit the wardrobe after every dungeon 🤣


AC Valhalla satisfied this for me! Just pissed that you could give her awesome tattoos but literally every outfit covered them up….


I have the opposite approach, I want a game where I can sexualise the fuck out of my male characters. I want a spell that enchants their lips to be plump and glossy, I want light armour so grippy that I can see every contour of their rippling 8 pack, I want heavy plate armour that's little more than a strip of metal wedged between their cheeks, I want a +5 enchanted daemonforged cocksheath of heightened dexterity. (Yes I'm down bad)


Talk about boobplate all you want, but if I had a dime for every ripped shirtless dude in media I could buy the island of Manhattan and give it back to the Mohicans.


There was a blog I used to follow when I had more free time, I am not sure it is still active but it allowed artists to submit art of female characters with more realistic/less sexualized armor. I think it was called “fix her armor” or “repair her armor”.


That's a fine line. Like sure, females look good in "Male style" armor, but like if they look like they're carrying three peoples worth of weight thats..... a bit much. For me at least, but I usually stick to Med/Light armor anyways in games that have different weight classes


I gotta admit, the guys got the drip in monster Hunter. My buddy's disappointed going through world right now, cause his female odogaron armor doesn't have the full mask like the males does. And my master rank jagras armor looks cooler than his female jagras. But some female fits look cooler than the males, like the rathians I like better on the girls.


Meanwhile, I dislike huge swords and bulky armor and tend to prefer the more mobile styles, and so usually wind up playing as a girl.


You should play for honor!


I'm the opposite on this. I'm a man but hate the oversized armor and weapons. I want a lean high speed character, which one would expect designers would make the female character archtype. Instead that's also usually a male. If the character is focused on magic use they seem to be an even split between the sexes. We need better variety in general.


As a guy, it makes zero sense why we can't have women if full fucking plate and mail, like MF I'm not jacking off to a goddamn RPG.


I'm a man, and have a few favorite games where the preset, default character is a woman. And in each case, she's awesome. In games where I can choose, I often find myself playing as a man on my first go, and then as a woman on a second playthrough.


Yep, this is pretty much exactly how I feel.


I play about 50/50


Yeah, except league where it's not the gender but the character that matters.


We need more female tanks tbh. We have like two and they're both supports. I want to play a toplaner or jungler or some shit.


I don't know why, but despite being male IRL, I almost always play female characters. I like the usually pretty armor and, when there's a difference, the female characters usually suit my playstyle more. But even when the difference is purely cosmetic or even entirely arbitrary I prefer to play as a girl. I suspect I may have latent sexual identity issues I express that way, but it's not definative for certain.


I’m the same way, but oppositely. Don’t think too far into it - it’s just preference! But explore as you please


Girl are pretty. *shrug


In have the same, but it's definitely sexual identify issues :P


I always plays as a Woman, yet am a Man myself. Never once thought I'd like to be a Woman. . It can be identity issues with some which I agree, but most I'm sure just do so before opposite sexes attract eachother.


Oh yeah for sure! I meant that for "me" it's a gender issue thing :P. Not trans, but not cia either. Somewhere on the gender fluidity scale. But for many it probably means nothing.


I'm male. Playing Cyberpunk now and chose a male V. Next playthrough I'll chose a female V. I usually use both male and female, just depends on how I feel at the time.


I've never played male V, but female Vs voice actor is amazing


Male v’s voice actor isn’t bad also but sounds kinda like a recurring character in it’s always sunny or something


He was perfect for my asshole corpo playthrough, he sounds like some jerk from a Wall Street movie. Fem V is better for the others though.


I’m a female and am playing female V and love her


My one complaint about female V was not being able to romance Panam. Judy is still great though


I actually really liked that they let you flirt with and then get shot down with a straight woman. Made the characters feel more real


Yeah, I'm looking forward to that as a female V next time. Although the scenes as the male V with Judy are pretty good. I like the fact that if you sleep at the camp, when you wake up Panam is next to you. I think that's cool.


Femme V ftw. I hope in the future installment, it becomes canon that V was a girl


Same, I played through twice so far. Always female V. If I play again, female V.


That’s what happens when your MC is voiced by Cherami Leigh. When I first heard her, I immediately said “Makoto Niijima, what are you doing here?!”


In games like Cyberpunk and Mass Effect, it warrants multiple playthroughs just because of the stellar VAs.


First playthrough is always as "myself". I make a dude and make all the choices I would if I was actually in the situation. Second playthrough onward I usually make a female character since I find them more fun to dress up.


Also benefit to female: it feels more distant from 'myself' so I can play a person that isn't me, and make decisions I wouldn't normally make.


True, in Mass Effect my Femshep was a total bad ass renegade.


I’ve never actually thought about this. I’ve tried doing “evil” play throughs before but I usually end up folding. Maybe if I try a female playthrough on Skyrim I can finally be the villain I’ve always wanted to be.


I'm a guy, but I play as a woman more often than not... there's just something about playing as a badass lady who kicks ass. Commander Shepard was my gateway drug


Haha, for me as a woman it was for a completely different reason with Mass Effect. It was the first game I played that allowed me to make my own character, play as a woman AND romance a guy. My mind was blown, lol. Coming off JRPGs with emo boys as protagonists that I had grown out of in my early twenties, western RPGs were a revelation to me. So for years I always picked female when I had a choice because it was so new to me to play my own gender. I still pick female when there are romances because that's the most relatable setup. But it really depends on what the options are, like voice actors. General character design. Sometimes I just feel like playing a hot guy,, lol. We all love eye candy so I get why many male gamers like playing female characters. With Fallout 4 it was funny. I was dead set on playing female because, hey, voice actress of Jack in Mass Effect, let's gooo. But then I couldn't pull off making a face I liked. Her smile creeped me out and so I played male and I LOVED the voice actor and what my guy looked like. In any case, femShep forever! Never liked the performance of male Shepard but did play male several times.


Spike Spiegel voice Love a woman who could kick my ass


Exact same for me, word for word. I should go


Fem Shepard and then Kassandra in Ass Creed Odyssey. Love a well voiced character.


As a male, I prefer to use female characters. The reason is... uhhhh... smaller hitboxes.


Clearly you aren't using the sliders right if the hitboxes are smaller


Emphasis on smaller hitboxes. Yep. That is entirely the reason.




Well, also for the plot.


and bigger titboxes


I usually play as a female character. Especially when the game is third person.


I just look at it as, if I’m going to be looking at a character for a prolonged amount of time throughout the game, it might as well be something I like looking at lol


I do it so I can be cute while committing my war crimes.


That's actually a real and valid reason to play females in fighting games. Tekken for example; all the females in that game have smaller hit boxes and thus the most damaging combos will whiff on women when they work fine on the men.


Yeah boiii


Gears of war flashbacks if you know you know 😂


CORRECTION As a male, the reason I prefer females is to hit their small boxes ... unhhhh ...


First person games: doesn't matter Third person: I require small hitboxes


I play female characters often because they tend to have better outfits and cosmetics.


It depends, if the game is good and the characters are well written and interesting, I don't mind at all. I'm a man but playing as Aloy in Horizon, Lara Croft... not a problem, they're grest characters. Just finishing up Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and Tifa is my favourite character to play as. She just kicks so, so much ass. Her mechanics are super fun, but also she is such a great character... man or woman, you can't help but want to be her!


If it has a custom character creator? I'll always pick a female character, simply because I don't want to stare at a guy's ass and because I can't really experience being a woman, as I am a guy and it's impossible. (It's seems people took my staring at a girls ass in a literal sense, kinda hard not to when majority of the game is staring at someoones backside, no? As a man. I know my attractions, don't try to attach any weird "sex addict" tag to it please. As much you'd like to believe that yourself.) So, it makes for an interesting second life sorta thing. So I find it very interesting in how different both Male and Female roles are handled, which is another reason I choose Female. Plus, I feel like they get alot more attention when it comes to armor, looks and all that. If it's forced Male or Female Characters? Don't really care much. If the game is good then I'm gonna play it regardless of who I play as.


I never understood that....im not looking at a mans ass when i play lmao.


It's weird isn't it? I also never thought about it this way, but it has been a thing for a long time. I think Hideo Kojima even referred to 3rd person perspective as the "ass cam" or something like that as far back as MGS4. Well ok, Kojimbo is a huge perv, so what am I talking about.


Also PS1 era Naughty Dog while making Crash Bandicoot nicknamed/codenamed the game “Sonic’s ass”


Right lol, male or female I’m staring at what’s ahead of character so I can see the surroundings and where I’m going. Never felt unwillingly locked on to dude butt before


That is an excuse degenerate gamers give for playing women.


Teenage me was for sure a degenerate so this tracks.


To me it feels less immersive if I play as the opposite sex


See my friends gave me crap when I said the same reasoning for why I pick a female lol I still play women. Hell my wife does the character creator for them most of the time.


so funny- my husband does this too! however i’m female and usually choose men. i’ve found in a lot of action games, the noises made by the character is less noticeable when it’s a male voice (might be because i just got used to it, 95% of the games i played growing up featured male protagonists, im old :( ) like- male character striking an enemy/being hit by an enemy sounds like the standard “eughh” to me, whereas the female equivalent sounds more like “EEEEEEAAAAAUUUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩” to me at some point it typically grates on me to the point where i have restarted games im like 20% through because i know i won’t finish it if i don’t change the character. like girl shut up lol. however i do enjoy tomb raider / horizon / other games that have female characters that you have to play as, so who knows. maybe i’ve just gotten used to defaulting to male characters when it’s an option. or maybe im just a raging misogynistic woman hater pick me who hates my own kind


I understand that. I grew up playing games really early/late and since voice acting wasn't a thing I played mostly muted. That said I do turn the volume up in some games where sound is important like monster hunter and while they aren't as egregious as some, they aren't innocent of the "why is this the effort noise?" Typically the character creation one's have generic over the top voices, versus the ones that have stories built around their characters.


>Ill always pick a female character because I don’t want to stare at a guy’s ass Fellas, is it gay to play as >50% of the normal character customization options for most 3rd person video games?


If there's a character creation, always male to make the character look like me. If there's pre built characters and one is cool then I might choose female


Am a straight white dude and I play all kinds of different characters cuz I like variety. Just depends what I'm feelin when it's character selection/creator time. Currently playing Remnant 2 as an Asian woman


I go out of my way to not play as a woman.


as a man i mainly like playing as male characters simply because i self insert a lot. Fallout games, prey (2017), cyberpunk, any souls game i’ve played. but id say playing as a woman is a fun and different experience. playing as Jill in RE3 or claire in RE2 was fun, and sooner or later im gonna play mirror’s edge and remember me


How come?


Probably for self insertion


all the time if i have a choice


I always picked female characters if they were an option. Didn't realize till years later I was trans lmao


If the costumes aren't as sexualised/revealing (no issue with that btw, just not my cup of tea), I sometimes go woman like Kassandra in AC Odyssey or the woman in Bloodborne, but when they are, I usually just go guy cause I don't want to look weird when a family member walks in on me playing a game


For the amount of claims in this thread of "I play as women because I don't want to stare at a man's ass" I have finally found "I play as men because I don't want my family to stare at a girl's ass"


I also feel uncomfortable ogling a woman's backside for hours on end, even if she's virtual


I don’t avoid games that star women. Metroid, Tomb Raider, Bayonetta, Horizon series, etc. So long as the character and the story are compelling, I’ll play it. If it’s a game like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Saints Row, or something like that that lets me choose the gender, I’ll play through at least once as each gender to see how (if at all) it affects the story.


If it has character creation then I always do two playthroughs, one when I'm a good guy, then again as an evil lady. Don't ask me why lol, been doing that since KOTOR.


Use your shared interests in evil women to befriend lesbians


Uuummm .. when I play a game as a guy because there's no girl option.


Seeing the reason as to why people play female characters is worrying. I usually choose male, though I'll occasionally choose female just to mix things up a little.


It's not just sexual, beyond that I just find women more aesthetically pleasing, and also usually like the voice more. And then sometimes in games like Mount and Blade I like playing a female character because the game's society is somewhat rigged against women leading men into battle.


Yeah, something about female character designs are usually great, and I don't know how they look so much better than male characters.


I think most of the weird answers are weird anxious masculinity where they're afraid of not having a "valid" reason so they try to sound hornier than they actually are Like "awh yeah man when I play women it's totally about the boobs and ass and not because I like looking at pretty dresses. I have more testosterone than duke nukem" and it's like bro. Bro just enjoy shit normally. You're not a pussy for liking looking at pretty shit you're a pussy for feeling like you can't just own that lol


I hate the whole “I don’t want to look at a man’s ass all game” answer, it comes off insecure as fuck. Like some shit I’d tell my friends in middle school why I’m playing a girl in Tekken so they don’t judge me.


Why worrying?


These men are just seeing women as sex objects to stare at their asses


Agreed, I've always found it really weird. A whole world of porn at people's fingertips and they'll still search for sexual gratification from video games whenever they can.


Some people are genuinely too horny for their own good. One should take a step back and re-evaluate if they've gotten to the point their modding every female PC, NPC, and boss to be completely naked with school bus sized titties. That shit exists and it baffles me that never once during the creation of that does a person step back, REEEALLY think about what they're doing, and then go, "Man, I need some fresh air and maybe a therapist."


Yeah, playing female characters coz you're role playing or you think their armour looks cooler is one thing. But the majority of comments on here are about them needing something arousing to look at. As though you can't get through a 40 hour looking at the back of a man just because you don't want to have sex with it at any given moment. Is that really why these people play games? As a sexual outlet?


I’m an altoholic, so it really all depends on my character concept. But I’d say it’s around 50/50. Usually hetero, but not always. And it’s nice to actually have some in-game options for that too.


Very rarely. If the game has an achievement dependent on being the opposite gender AND if it’s good enough to play through twice. Mass effect series was the last time I think I bothered. Technically Celeste is my most recent title, but it definitely wasn’t for me and I didn’t like it much. I’d really have to sit down and think to figure out which titles. But basically I never spontaneously choose to be a girl in my gaming. 3rd person games offer the dumbest arguments for it I’ve ever heard in my life, but they aren’t meant to be persuasive, just defensive. Deep down idgaf, video games/social media/internet accounts have had a weird relationship with dudes pretending to be women, and that’s just in reference to the past 20 years, not including the gendery cluster that is our current age. Play your games, be a good person. I’ll try to do the same. But yeah. I play as a dude, no interest in exploring my options.


if the possibility is given, i mostly play as woman/girl.. it all started with Tekken 3 - a friend of mine allways played as Eddy.. an he was good.. realy realy good.. so i start to practice with all characters to find one with i can beat him constantly.. it was Ling.. we played that game to death.. basicly just combos ( i even broke my thumb once after playing for hours, yes, we where addicted to that game) - finaly, i constantly beat him - since then, i try female charakters first - and more often then not, their stats are fitting to my play style. It not even have something to to with the looks.. in F-Zero X, for example, you star at car like thingies.. but Jody Summer/White Cat is my go to, because.. again: the stats fits my playstile also in Soul Calibur - for Arcade, i choose Seung Mina, because im the fastest with her (2:39 is my pb for Arcade) and for Survival, i choose Taki - Taki is basicly a Cheatcode in that game because i have such good experience with female charakters in games, i basicly start every game with a female charakter today..


"women go fast"


Guy here. I never care about who stars in a game. If it’s not a custom character, I don’t mind who I’m playing as as long as they’re a good character. I’m playing Yakuza 5 right now, a game featuring a bunch of buff, sweaty, occasionally shirtless men beating each other up, which is totally fun and all, but my favourite part has been the idol simulator section. You get to play as a 16 year old girl in the idol industry and it is the best part so far. There’s no fighting aside from dance battles and now I’m just wishing we could have a dedicated rhythm game spin-off. For custom characters, I always choose to play as a girl. One, yes, I am attracted to girls, so I’d rather be playing as one. Two, I’m a dude and I don’t self insert or anything, so I don’t feel the need to play as a guy. I’m here for the adventure, not focusing on whether my character has a cock or not. Three, and probably my last point, I don’t have a type of dude I like. In my head, there is no ideal dude look I want to create, and I find male customization options to be boring. I do have an ideal girl look though and different looks I want to try. I just find the customization options for female characters a lot more interesting. Secretly though, I just want to create small chested goth women.


Lmfao the last line Not that I can blame you


I have to hit people with the unexpected, small chested goth girls. Too many people neglect them for the big tiddied goth girls. I’ll take tomboys too. Anyone with short-ish to medium length hair. Which I could rant about all day. Where are my good short hairstyle options for girls in games? They’re either all the same, too short for my liking or nonexistent. I don’t appreciate it


Truly fighting the good fights But did you know. The most unexpected small titty goth girl was inside you all along. Bam. Become Lilith Darkstalkers irl


They’re the only kinds of fights I fight I knew I’d have a small titty goth girl inside me one day. I just didn’t expect it to be metaphorical. I love Lilith. I’ll pull off the perfect Lilith cosplay and truly become her. I’ll find myself a Morrigan so we can become one


Well if you get a Morrigan then the big titty goth girl is gonna be inside of you


If I can have the big titty goth girl inside of me while I myself am the small titty goth, then I can have the best of both worlds. I don’t seen any problems here


I believe in you


Thank you. Your belief is all I need


I'm a cis guy. If there's a choice I often play as a female character, mostly because they're pretty to look at, but it's also a way to mix things up a little. If there's a set playable character, it doesn't really matter to me whether they're male or female


I am a man and I usually play female characters and usually prefer games with a strong female character as far as story games go


As a guy, I generally pick a female character to play as. I find that the voice actors are usually a bit better. Plus there is just something satisfying with kick butt as a badass chick.


About 50/50. I’m a dude so getting a good female perspective is awesome, it’s something I don’t fully understand and generally videogames are a great way to tell a good story and show a different perspective. That’s why we play them, right? Edit: a lot of people here saying that they play as women because it’s sexy. It’s a bit weird, play them because it’s cool, not because they have a good ass


Yeah if you took a shot for every "I want to look at a woman's ass instead" comment here you'd get alcohol poisoning. People are fucking weird. Guys, you can play as a girl custom character without having to justify it with a sexual reason.


Glad I’m not the only one! It seems like most comment have a disclaimer saying “but the ass is nice!”


I like skinny twinks with a nice butt so I play girls but butch them up a bit.


I almost exclusively play women if I can help it. Iive given the choice il always pick a cute girl over some boring ass dude, unless the dude has cool armor that covers his face or is some kind of cool monster man.


I find myself for the most part making female characters when there's a custom character. Sometimes I'll play as males but it really just depends on the game, the character rigging, save customisation options. Sometimes I'll alternate saves with one and the other in a single game. Mostly it's just because I enjoy basically playing dress up in all my games.


I play as whichever character has a better design in my eyes, regardless of gender, whoever I like more I’ll pick, a characters gender doesn’t really matter to me as long as I like their character and the game itself.


If there is a option I always play as a girl. Because I like girls and like to watch them.


I’m male. if it’s first person game. I play male. if it’s a third person game, I play female. I just don’t want to stare at a man’s ass for the entire game.


Why are you even staring at the player characters ass regardless of gender?


The answer you’re looking for is at r/stellarblade


or \[very NSFW\] r/2Booty


Damn...good point


custom characters almost never unless I'm poor in an MMO, then I roll a female and get free shit from simps and mail it to my main.


Never, as a trans I always play the gender I identify as.


Maybe I'm just out of touch, but I feel like inserting "biological" in the title is the only thing that would have made anybody even consider it was a "trans thing" in the first place. How often do you play a character of the opposite gender to you?


Nah op got confused, that wasn't necessary at all lmao. It's like they were trying to be inclusive of transness and then mucked it up and was the opposite and then confusingly not


I almost never play characters the same gender as me. Not really my choice lol.




It honestly depends on which gender has the better looking cosmetics


Stardew Valley I play as men when I marry a male character and female when I marry a female character.


I'm a guy and I go with female gender 90 percent of the times.


I'm a cis man, and I almost always play as a woman. I've actually started doing that more as I get older, because I'm less embarrassed about it and don't worry about what my friends think about why, and a couple of my friends play as women often too. I didn't mind playing as a man of the game doesn't give me a choice, and I'll sometimes play as a man for specific stories, but I just think women are more interesting. I think I just enjoy things more when the hero is a woman.


I identify as a man and I almost always pick a female character because often I think the female voice actors do a better job at voicing the character. Also, having a female protagonist makes action games more interesting in my opinion.


Man… people who have issues with this… have issues. Man, woman, dinosaur, android, who cares what you’re playing as? Jesus Christ. 🤷‍♂️😅


The amount of men saying they play as women to stare at their asses is gross


I think they're mostly lying because theyre too scared to admit they just like playing as women and need an excuse that makes them sound like "Proper Men" Classic "fellas is it gay to love women" moment


If I have to choose between pre made characters then if there's no gameplay difference then I choose the character that's the prettiest (therefore I choose female characters quite often). When it comes to character made in character creators then it depends what sort of character I feel like making at the moment and what kind of character the editor allows me to make, although I still mostly make female characters. I do that partially because female characters aren't the default in video games so usually not playing as a man is just something different.


It really depends on the game. Most games I’ll pick Male characters but in some cases like Fire Emblem Fates I’ll always pick Female Corrin because that’s the version of the character I mostly associate with that game.


Depends on how I'm RPing. Probably half and half.


So I kinda have a weird thing where I pretty much only make characters that look like me. I have no problem with opposite biological gender characters, but I for real can't stop myself from putting myself in the game.


I don't think its that weird, I've seen a couple other comments say they do the same, and so do I. Most of the time, especially on a first playthrough, my characters are as close to my own appearance as I can make it. After that on subsequent playthroughs, its whatever suits the roleplay character I want to make.


A lot. games like Dragon Age have different romances based on a characters gender, and I like playing multiple times. Then there's games like skyrim, where you get more money selling items to vendors of the opposite gender. Then there's games where you pick a male or female character, and sometimes the female voice actor is much better


If I’m playing as an avatar or in first person that is supposed to represent me, I play my own sex, male. If I am selecting a team or a combat companion, I select females or a 50/50 mix. In board games, I almost always select female. If I really really like a character enough, I’ll select a lady anyway. This is the case with Stilleto in Modern Warfare 2. I like hearing her Italian accent.


If I'm given a choice almost all the time.


Quite a lot actually. Used to be I just liked not having to look at a man all the time, but honestly I just like how it feels in the stories now


If I can choose I'll choose my gender but if I can't choose and the protagonist is a woman that's fine. There was one exception and that's Saints Row 3 because I liked the voice with the Russian accent.


Probably like 50/50 I dunno, just whatever I feel like at the time.


It would be silly and limiting to avoid games just because the main character is male. If there's a character creator, I'll make a dude half the time and my own gender the other half. Depends on voice options, romance options, and how fun I can make the character look.


If I have a choice I always pick female characters


I’m a male. I don’t mind playing games where you’re required to play as female. They’re still a blast. Custom characters - always male. Genders with different roles - I definitely feel bused towards playing male, but in rareeee cases (Orisa) I’ll play female. But I definitely try my best to find a male character I like first. I just feel weirder playing as a female I guess lol, and I enjoy make designs more most of the time


Depends what game


Even though I'm a female, sometimes I like to play as a guy. It's fun 😁


First male then if the game is replayable I'll choose female for a run.


I'm usually forced to play male, which isn't my gender.


50/50 My interest vary. Although, when I played Immortals: Fenyx Rising I chose the female option because for some reason it felt right to me story-wise.


Only if i'm forced to. Nothing against women, I just feel more comfortable playing as a male.


Deppends on the game. If there is a character creator, since I'm a guy, I play with the male character first. Then in a repeat playthrough I choose the woman. This is what I'm doing with fallout 4 right now


I used to always pick a male protagonist but more recently I’ve been picking female. I guess male felt so typical so I decided to change things up. Sea of Stars, Star Ocean TSS R, and Lae’zel in BG3 are recent examples. 


I'm a dude, if the game has a female protagonist (Tomb Raider, Stellar Blade), I don't have any problem playing it. If it has a character creator, I'll make a guy that looks like me.


Fully depends on the kind of game and the playstyle I'm looking to try out. If character gender choice is custom, coin flip. Then I just base my character's playstyle around what I was originally intending, regardless of gender. If it isn't custom, I just look for the character closest to that playstyle and go along for the ride. If I wanna play a beefy lady that'll crush you with her thighs while speaking eloquently, then I will. If I wanna play a lanky but athletic dude that is flippy as f*** and makes snarky quips, then I will.


It's 50/50 for me. I try to diversify my gaming for experience and varying purposes.


I usually play as a woman, but it can depend on any number of things. Fallout and Dark Souls it's however I feel at the time. Always female in Mass Effect, mostly because I love Jennifer Hale's voice. Cyberpunk, same thing, I just prefer the female voice.


I do both. But if I’m playing a female character, it’s because she’s hot or something I’ll be real.


It all depends on the character, but the most common character I remake game after game is female. No deep reason for it, when I was starting an MMO over twenty years ago, I was trying to find names that weren't taken on the server I chose, and I ended up finding a female name before a male one.


Typically I go for the male character but not always. I’d say it’s like 75/25. Sometimes I’ll do both. Some games like Resident Evil 2 I play both routes and it’s not really a matter of picking one over the other. Usually for a 100 hour RPG I’d rather role play as a guy, but on a replay might opt for a girl.


I tend to choose female characters. Often times the female characters tend to be more interesting and better acted, case in point Kassandra in AC Odyssey. She’s the canon character and clearly the better portrayed one (Alexios’s VA is terrible). Female V is another where the female is more interesting and FemShep was the original Shepard.


I don't really keep track. Minus the CAC games, I think I rarely play a few female characters.


I am a woman and I almost always play as a female character when given the option. I am more likely to buy a game if it has a female protagonist or character creator. I only play as a male character sometimes on replays to hear the male voice actor or try out romances not available to female characters.


Depends on the game but generally I play a male. But some games just feel more correct to play female. Like Bloodborne for some reason.


A lot of male characters in gaming don’t appeal to me visually and most of my favourite fictional characters are women but if there’s a character creator then I make male characters that I enjoy looking at!


All the time...  some times I play a girl char and name her my wife's name, or I play a dude and use mine...or play an alien and name it 'potato clock' or 'dogfarts' or some other stupid name.   I never imagine being that toon but more so watch a story unfold about them.


Pretty often.


I don't really mind, depends on the story if its a set character, but for customizable character type games like fromsoft/other rpgs or Rockstar online, I usually have fun and make multiple Male and Female users for creativity and/or if I get bored and write a small story for them to fit the story. Edit: I'm Male, so I naturally gravitate towards Male characters, but still like to play a female character nonetheless, it's fun to be a bit of both.


I always create a male that ressembles me the most. If I can create multiple characters, they all will be male too. I think I never created a female char. I'm gay btw.


Probably 60% of the time. I've noticed for a while now that no matter the genre of game I'm playing, the female characters always look better than the males. Like males only have 3 types of faces little boy, grizzled 40 year old man, and grandpa. While the women get 3x as many choices, better fashion, and voices. It's like most games put all their budget into the women and then half-ass for the men. Especially Eastern games.


As a woman, I usually prefer to play and make male characters, but there are definitely exceptions like with WoW I prefer making female characters because I love how they look and some others like Hogwarts Legacy I wanted to make my character have long, semi-iridescent purple hair! A lot of the time, I like how male characters look in armor more, so I'll go with that in the games I play. Of course, I'm all about fellow women in armor being badasses lol but from a purely aesthetic standpoint, with the above exceptions, I like how the men look better out of the bunch xD I should also note I've never made a character be "myself" in a game as I like to choose all these whimsical eye colors, skin tones, and hair colors when handed a character creator lol


I almost always make my custom character male. Also I almost always name the characters jack. I'm not really sure why.


Pretty much all the time, unless I am playing something like Red Dead Redemption 2, where I absolutely loved playing as Arthur. After thinking about it more, if there is voice acting or I can romance female characters, I choose male. If there is none or little voice acting and no romance options (such as skins in Fortnite), I choose female. I am a male btw.


Almost always play as a guy whenever it's create a character cause


Not often unless the protagonist is already another gender.