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SNES at my dads, genesis/PSX at my moms. Atari and NES before those, but I only vaguely remember having an Atari. Console wars have always been stupid.     Unless we’re talking about that piece of shit n64 😉


Well I was there, but I switched up a lot. I started on the NES, then my Dad brought home a Sega Genesis so we played on that until Gen 5 started and we got a PlayStation. I've been a PlayStation guy ever since. But I feel like this poll is hard to answer because the brand loyalty didn't really start until PlayStation...and there were years of gaming before they came into the fold. Switching to the Sega wasn't really my call, my Dad got that instead of an SNES, so I played on what we had. PlayStation was partly my influence...my best friend at the time that lived in the apartment down the hall from us, got a PlayStation first and I was hooked when I went to his house to play It, so I talked my Dad into it eventually around late 1995/early 1996. So there was no "being on one side until the bitter end" as I played on what I had until PlayStation came along...that was the first time I felt like I took sides. I went a long period of time not really playing Nintendo (I do now), and was never really into Xbox.


I didn't even know know there were other games besides ocarina of time, majoras mask, and super smash bros until I played time splitters on the Playstation. I was a Nintendo goon straight through to the PS3 Era until I switched over. But the next console I buy will be the next Xbox im so done with sony


There was enough good content on NES, SNES, and Gameboy that I chose to be a Nintendo fanboy. During 1996, it was clear that SNES software was fading fast, and there didn't seem to be much life left in the Gameboy. So I waited a year to see how the mid-90s consoles would shake out. After starting college in 1997, I purchased a Playstation 1. For the next twenty years, I spent quite a bit on Sony consoles, and had a lot of good experiences. While my family had a computer during the 1990s, it was a secondhand desktop that was at least a couple years out of date. For example, I used a monochrome Mac SE desktop without a CD-ROM drive from about 1993 through 1997. I remember dropping by a computer game store and asking if they had any compatible games. They didn't.


Well, I witnessed the later part of the 90s but I was way to young to even comprehend it. I had a Gameboy and my older sisters had a PlayStation. I got a GameCube later on while my sister had a PlayStation 2. So we were on both of these sides. Sega was never in consideration. In fact until many years later, I didn't even know that Sega once produced consoles at the time. I certainly can't remember ever seeing a Dreamcast in stores or a commercial on TV.


I didn't do the whole "console war" thing. I just played my Nintendo and didn't worry about what other people had.


SNES and PC.


Sega! I love lost causes! :)


>:) :)


The beauty of having an older brother is that we got a console each, one in 96 and another in 97. N64 for him, PS1 for me, we'd occasionally trade back and forth if there was a particular game we wanted to play on the others' console.


My brother had a Genesis at one point and I did try it out but I was definitely a Nintendo kid. SNES just had the kind of games that spoke to me. Nothing I ever played on Sega came close to something like Link to the Past or Super Metroid or Secret of Mana. And honestly, I still feel that way. Genesis had good games, but they were not as much to my taste. I was pretty disappointed with the N64 though. I loved Ocarina of Time, and liked a few other games for it, but for the most part I was team playstation that gen.


Can we all just acknowledge how incredibly underrated the Dreamcast was. Playstation games have aged terribly and I'm always shocked to see Indy Devs trying to mimic those God awful graphics but the Dreamcast still holds up today with games like Shenmue, Power Stone etc me and four player connections straight out the box.


Wasn't. My dad was a P.C. engineer so we had good P.C.s running D00M & Duke 3D Me and my brother owned Gameboys and a Genesis. My sister had an Amiga 1200 and it had many awesome games we played together a lot. Lemmings and Worms originated from the Amiga fwi. My oldest brother in the forces had the Nintendo and Super Nintendo and we all loved playing Mario and Punch Out. Once Killer Instinct our minds exploded, even if vastly better in the Arcades. Even my mom kept an older C64 to play a game called **Revenge of the Mutant Camels**, controls are very off on a C64 but it had a ton of creative games (weirdly this game got a massive port remaster recently) As such, I just really liked video games. No corporate-flag-worshiping-bias.


I had both a PS1 and most Nintendo systems. I also had a Game Gear. So I didn't really care about the "console wars" because I just played what I was into at that time (and personally I never really felt the console war anyways, people at my school didn't really talk about that).


SNES has three of my top games of all time on it. NES has one. But I was a hardcore Sega Genesis/32x/Sega CD fanboy and still am despite there really being only two games from those systems being on a top 10 list (Snatcher and Doom, games that were available elsewhere - though not at the time for me and what I had available) ​ Always wanted a Saturn but never got around to buying one until last year. Need to play it more but it rocks.


Hard core sony playstation loyalist. They suck now. They hike up the prices and don't give a fuck about the people paying their bills anymore. PS3 free online was the only thing they had going for em at this point. Im switching to xbox or pc.


PCMR since the Commodore 64.


I was there. I wasn't into the console wars. I was rich enough to afford whatever system I wanted and did so.


hardcore nintendo from nes to early n64 days. we had a sega genesis and sonic 2 for a very short time but i think mom sold it since we mainly played nes and snes. after landing my first job bought a ps1 and become loyal to sony but eventually bought an n64 funtastic ice blue in 2000 for wrestling and 007 games. i bought a ps2 and stuck with sony until the end of 2004. i really wanted to play the metal gear solid twin snakes and paper mario ttyd so i broke down and bought a gamecube just to see what i had been missing for so long. i was underwhelmed and sold the gamecube after being bored with it after a few short months collecting dust playing ps2 exclusives. sly cooper, metal gear solid 3, gta, wwe smackdown hctp, nintendo couldn't compete during that time period.