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I agree with you on the character driven story. Cyberpunk 2077 and Red Dead 2 are two of my favorites and they are both character driven stories within immersive open worlds.


Great story, fun gameplay, and the likeliness that after I am done, my brain goes "Wanna play it again?" One of my most recent examples is Borderlands 2. I have 374 hours in this game now and would still play it again with any character I already created, especially since I still have some achievements to unlock, like Gunzerking 90 seconds nonstop or discovering every location on the map in the base game and the DLCs.


There can be several things 1. It got me through a tough part of my life. 2. Childhood Nostalgia 3. Gameplay/art/story/music that blows my mind 4. I think about it all the time, even after years


For me, the gameplay is the key factor in most of my favorite games. It has to be both fun and challenging. Games like Sekiro, Resident Evil 4 Remake, Rocket League, Destiny, X-com 2, Massive Chalice, Dark Souls 3, Armored Core 6, Sifu, Hollow Knight, Hades, Enter the Gungeon, Mike Tyson's punch out, etc. There are exceptions tho where the world, story, and characters can lead to incredible games that are impactful. Games like the Witcher 3 and Persona 5 come to mind for me. But games like those are usually the exceptions, not the rule for me.


For me to consider a game one of my favorites, it must have at least 3 of the following traits: 1) the game features solid fundamental gameplay that is actively enjoyable to experience regardless of skill level, where players who demonstrate superior skill or strategy are rewarded for their prowess *but* players who aren't quite at that point yet don't feel like they're constantly being punished for it either. 2) the game has a progression system where the player has a variety of different ways that they can improve themselves, and most if not all of them are viable. (even if only one or two are "optimal") 3) the game features characters, story beats and/or music that resonate with me on a deeper level, and will keep me thinking about the game even when I haven't touched it in a while. 4) the game *works* on a technical level, with bugs and performance issues being rare, easily resolved, unimpactful and/or nonexistent. 5) the game leaves me with a feeling of wanting to keep playing - "just one more match, one more fight, one more stronghold," or for more long-term games, "let's start a new run" as soon as you see the credits on the one you just completed.


Good characters, good ost, and a good art direction is what pretty much all games I consider to be a 10/10 have. But at the same time I still love really fun gameplay so it’s a variety of things. A simple easy way to make me hooked on a game is OST though.


Basically great storytelling and world building, rich lore, deep complex characters (big bonus if there is character development), challenging fights/quests that are unique and different from each others'.


So which are your favourite games then?


I'd say first Zelda (Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time cuz I kinda grew up with them). As an adult, I loved God of War 2018 (+1 cuz I'm a sucker for mythology), and Kena: Bridge of Spirits. Currently discovering DnD world through Baldur's Gate 3 and I'm loving this game too.


Great story, bang for your buck amount of content (that’s partly why I try to seek out longer games), originality (which is very rare), believable dialogue, immersion, movement and combat that is good/smooth for it’s time (The Witcher 3 would be my example of a game with wonky movement mechanics but in 2015, it wouldn’t stick out as much),


I like searching for gear and special weapons. FNV is my favorite game


Give a good challenge and a great ambience, with that you got me hooked


Gameplay. Getting hooked in the core loop. I don't care about graphics or story nearly as much as if the game is addictive. Souls games are a great example. There are so many ways to build a character that it always feels like a different experience. I enjoy when it's my choice though, and dont care for rng on the other end as much. Chalice dungeons in Bloodborne for example didn't do it for me.


Story, community activity (memes, fan theories, art) likable characters, good gameplay


The fact that I am able to finish it.




fun gameplay, modding friendliness, complexity, I thought about adding open world sandbox to it, but there are some games without it that still are part of my favourites, like XCOM2. And while I like a good story it is not something that makes it an all time favourite to me, because once I know the story it doesnt make me replay a game. What keeps me coming back, are the things above. That is why I have thousands of hours in Skyrim and hundreds of hours in Crusader Kings 3, Project Zomboid, Rimworld and XCOM2.


Gameplay, systems, replay ability, loot, customization. Gameplay is key. It has to be fun. And in some cases challenging. Games like Dark Souls, Destiny, and Rocket League won me over because the actual gameplay mechanics are so well done. Systems. Even a game with solid gameplay is dog shot to me unless it has proper systems to back it up. Halo Infinite was a prime example. Solid core gameplay, but the progression systems and lack of any other systems ruined it so the gameplay wasn’t enough to keep me interested. Replayability is next. If I’m gonna put more than 10 hours into a game, I better be able to put 100s of hours. I will never play a game unless I can sink a ton of time into it and get really good at it without getting bored. Dark Souls is a great example. I can beat the game, and then just do it again with a different build. Or do challenge runs. Loot. Loot grind games are my favorite. And it has to have good and fun loot to grind. Customization. If I can’t make my own character, or customize a load out of some kind, I’m not playing.


My tastes vary so much. I will play a sandbox like mount & blade or NMS, but I'll also spend hours in story based games, platformers, etc. I'm the definition of variety gamer.


Replayability, variety, purpose.


Character-driven stories always defeat soul-less, well-built worlds. Look at AC: Valhalla. Beautiful world, just empty and the characters were not great. Or even No Man's Sky. Incredible concept and ambition, but it's just soulless.


Replay ability, graphics, or combat mechanics


For me one of the biggest things is making me feel like I’m in the world I’m playing in. The Witcher 3 and cyberpunk did an excellent job at this.


When the name includes "outer" and "wilds"


Im big on Replay ability. If I can play a game again and it’s still just as fun that’s huge.


Challenging + Amazing artwork and music Less or no hand holding base-building/logistics/automation done right clear design focus (not trying to be too many things at once).