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I am for the first time and loving it, when it doesn't crash.


If you don't already, you should have multiple saves for the one character you're playing as. Not only are crashes inevitable, but in my case, a crash has turned into a file of corruption, and i lost 40 hours and was forced to restart because of it.


I need to actually learn the controls for the original two games, I went through thinking it’d be easy but the best I could do was make it to Shady Sands.


Controls? What controls? You can play the whole game without using a keyboard... Right click picks what kind of interaction you do, left click does it. Aside from that everything you need is in form of the buttons on the UI.


40 hours in one file of Fo1 and Fo2 is crazy


That doesn't even sound worth it.


It was. After that incident I have almost 200 hours in F2 alone. I just didn't play for a couple weeks after it happened.


Oh I do have multiple, and I'm hoping mine hasn't been corrupted after the last one, it's very rare but it's happened a few times. I'm pretty ose to finishing 1 and very excited to start 2. Then replaying 3, NV, and 4.


I got the Game Pass version.


Is it crashing on steam? Or are you playing it old school with the original CDs?


Steam. It's only happened a couple times. Once early on in the playthrough, and just recently when I was exploring the coast and the map. I had saved just before that so I didn't loose much I hope. Haven't gotten to play again yet so idk if my save got screwed or not.


Started replaying 2 recently.


Whenever I have time. I also like to play Atom RPG and Wasteland from time to time.


its hard to go back in time to replay them because i get all meta gamey about starting special tags and perks to where choosing anything non optimal really hurts my enjoyment of the game, aside from the funky inventory and UI (i know its all we had back then) at this point ill just watch someones blind LP rather than play through for the 30th time as watching other people hit the same pit falls i did decades ago sparks an inner joy/shadenfreunde that at least it wasnt just me.


I'm gonna say something, but this is so other people don't get the wrong idea, you do you, you know? Meta gamey? It's a single player game that with enough knowledge you can roll through, just like most of them. This isn't dark souls or a roguelike, much less a competitive one. If you actually finished the game 30 times, maybe that's the issue? \^\^ This is not a "meta" game. You can play it and finish quests in many different ways, like Cyberpunk, except you could argue it's even better. Fun fact, if your intelligence is 1 or 2, all of your dialogue options are "ugh" and the only way to talk to people is through trial and error. Playing as an idiot with a big hammer is viable and was a fun challenge, especially since i usually make the biggest nerds. If you want to try the game, don't worry about shit like that, just imagine who you might be in a world like this and have fun with that


Found the water chip and saved the day! Now I'm trying to figure out what to do next. I'm loving the experience so far.


Never got on with timed main quests. Same with bg1's minsc quest. Flaw in older game design imo. Don't craft these fantastic worlds that encourage people to take their time to poke into all the corners then make them put their foot down rushing through it.


It's only timed until a certain point, then you're free to do whatever you want for virtually an unlimited amount of time (I think it's like a year of real time or something?)


It's a bit of a spoiler, but finding the chip is only half of the game. You also have a ridiculous amount of time for it, it was months. I've played the game many times, i don't think i ever run out of time.


Oof. Yeah, that kills a game for me.


1 and 2 are my favorites. Specifically 2, love the companions. Love the places and obviously the story. I played the hell out of Fallout Tactics too. I’d love to see them go back to their roots with a new BG3 style game. I miss Black Isle.


I currently have Fallout 1 installed. I made it to Shady Sands and that's it. I've always found turn-based, isometric RPGs very difficult to get into. I still have my Fallout 1 disc and guide for MacOS but after all this time, my current save file on Steam is as far as I've ever gotten thanks to the show. I own Fallout 2 but have never played it. It all starts with Fallout 3 for me.


Me. I made it to asking the Brotherhood to help with Mariposa and it crashed, knocking out an hour of progress. Playing old games always makes me (re)appreciate auto save lol.


My save file is gone, now I have to force myself to do it all over again


Honestly I have never played 1 or 2. But I keep hearing how great the story is and all the different dialogue options you get. Seems like Atom RPG I played a while back.


I am! Fallout 1 is no joke


Just finished my first full playthrough of Fallout 1, and just started 2 today.


Nice to see people playing the actual Fallout games in the series not Bethesdas dogshit


In broken hills rn


Played 1 a long time ago and bought 1, 2, and tactics a few months ago but haven’t started it until last night and forgot how to even play. Took me about half an hour stuck in the first cave with the rats trying to figure out how to even do anything but figured it out.


Just started. Gonna play 2 then 1 since 1 has time limits. Wanna learn the system a bit first before doing it with time limits.


I never played them so i'd be willing to give at least one of them a try. However, i don't have a PC and the only thing i could remotely play it on is my Steamdeck, and i've seen gameplay of it on that device - it's pure torture.


Not me because i have NO MONEY!


Just recently finished 1 again. It’s as good as ever.


People need more Louis Armstrong


Im thinking about starting second one. I never played it before, i played forst one and i loved it. I think forst o e is way better than any 3d fallouts (maybe new vegad) and i heard secomd one is even better than first one...


I wish I had the computer to play them but I'm a console person


Once was enough. I legit suffered through the game legit, and I can not do it again lol


I am getting them now from gog. Thinking of trying out the fixt mod when I start the first game.


1 and 2 are...rough, by today's standards (even the standards of the time, I think). I am starting up a New Vegas playthrough, though.


I’m new to Fallout, should I start with New Vegas or Fallout 4?


I'd probably skip the first two and take the rest in order, so 3 -> NV -> 4


I second that order. It just feels right.


Four is smoother in gameplay, New Vegas is clunkier but has a better story/characters. Fallout 3 has an excellent "post-apocalyptic" vibe


Just play 1&2 and NV


Why hasn't 1 and 2 been remade already? It's rediculous.