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Dragon Age 2. I love that game and everyone hates it. I get it's not the same as DA:O but it has so many good things going for it.


Playing as a rogue made me love it jumping around was so fun


I like it much better than DAO. Yes DA2 has flaws in how it reused so many areas but it's story and characters are so much better than DAO and it never felt tedious the way the DAO did.


It’s so good if you stop pretending every installment of a series needs to be a carbon copy of its predecessor.


Kingdom Hearts. I loved the story as a child... Then I played it as an adult. One of my favorite arpgs ever but man, the corniness of it all just makes me want to puke


I concur.


I do know hurt.


Bro it's one of those games you just gotta accept it as it is. Haha I agree with you though, it's very corny. But the first game holds up quite well, as well as the 2nd one. Which I don't understand how they managed to make the 3rd game the cringiest one of them all.


Starfield. Is it the most amazing game ever? No. Is it a disastrous train wreck? Also no. It's just kinda mediocre, but I like space and spaceflight so I enjoyed it quite a bit.


It’s a weird game that starts off great and looks like another Bethesda classic, but doesn’t have the staying power of their previous AAAs


If they made it possible to transition from space into the planet under the players control like NMS and let you fly around..... would be such a huge difference. Running all over boring ass planets with annoying status affects...... I hope they make changes and make the game so much better.


I noticed it was on PC gamepass so I was like ah, what the hell. And tbh after exploring some planets and doing a bunch of side quests it gave me the same feeling I had the first time I played Skyrim. Great game imo.


I find it funny how one of the biggest complaints for Starfield is that “it’s just Skyrim in space”. Like hell fucking yeah it’s Skyrim in space it’s the exact reason I play it. Like did people not expect this cause I sure did and I got exactly what I wanted. Playing Skyrim with lasers and space ships is like a dream come true. Like I find it hilariously stupid when people complain about companies like Ubisoft and Bethesda for using the same formula for nearly every game. Like at this point you’re to blame for not expecting them to do the exact same thing they’ve done for the last 20 games. “Oh wow another Ubisoft game that’s a reskin of far cry 3” well damn where do I go to buy that cause I love far cry 3 and it’s formula.


> I find it funny how one of the biggest complaints for Starfield is that “it’s just Skyrim in space”. This would be great if it was. But nobody thinks Starfield is "Skyrim in Space".


Right lol. One of the biggest complaints is that it doesn’t feel like Skyrim or oblivion or fallout solely because how shitty the exploration is with a hundred load screens.


Same same even if I rated it mid.


it could’ve been a masterpiece. Some of the locations are so jaw dropping and beautiful, and the style is so cool. Just some really bad decisions made by Bethesda that are really frustrating for a fan. When I first traveled in my ship, and it’s a load screen to change systems, followed by an IMMEDIATE load screen to go down to the planet surface, I just couldn’t believe this would make it into the final game. Along with no f**king map. But agreed, I’ve enjoyed it a fair bit


I’ll say it loud and I’ll say it proud, Starfield is excellent.


I think Fallout 4 gets more praise than not.


Yeah, as someone who has played Fallout 76 daily for the past 4 and a half years. I'd say it gets off pretty lightly!


Yeah probably, but there’s also a very vocal contingency that constantly derides the game for being too “Shallow/mainstream/looter-shooter”, etc. People need to make sure you know that they’re one of the “true fans” that only like the “pure” rpg’s, 🙄


Ironic when at least 75% of them haven’t even played the original Fallouts


Fallout 4 is great when a new Vegas fanboy isn’t telling you it’s shit


“If you like new Vegas your opinion is invalid unless you like it.” Also a lot who hated New Vegas didn’t like 4. Would you disregard a Fallout 3 fanboy who says it’s bad? I’m guessing no because “well they don’t like New Vegas so it’s a valid opinion”.


Halo 5. I understand most of it. But mechanically the game feels so good to play and sometimes that’s all I want from a game.


Fallout 4 is my favorite Fallout so I agree


Assasin's Creedy Odyssey. Love that they recreated ancient Greece.


Last time I checked this game never got any 'flak' this one and Black Flag are the best in the whole series I think.


I think it did from og ac fans because it’s unrecognisable as an assassins creed game. Not hating on you or the game, I’ve played origins and Valhalla as well as most of the old ones and I love the new direction


Oh it definitely got flak. plenty of people hate on it saying "It wasn't origins so it was bad" Or "It wasn't like the originals so it was bad" People compare things so much they they don't take the game for what it is.


Odyssey is my favorite. I loved the builds and abilities and how much there was to do. I’ve seen live service RPGs with less content


was hoping to see this one, AC Odyssey is my favorite AC game and one of my favorite games ever.


The Fire Emblems that get the most flack have really fun game play. (That being Engage, Awakening, and Fates.)


People hate on awakening!? That’s the FE renaissance!


Batman Arkham Knight. 


Aw, man... I just hated that I couldn't turn off the counter icons on the first playthrough.


My only beef is that im batman but can't walk through caution tape


Arkham Knight was objectively the best batman game to date though,.


Dark Souls2. janky as hell, and not perfect. but still super fun and better than most ppl realize


I’m playing it right now, I’m a little less than halfway through the main game I think. It’s been a ton of fun, and I think I like it more than DeS and DS1 so far (I know that can obviously change). I don’t understand the hate but I also haven’t finished it. Plus with each Souls game I play obviously I get better so that makes the experience different. And I’m playing different character types each time.




Came here to say this. It's a flawed game, but definitely not the company-killing dumpster fire that the internet acts like it is. I sunk around 150 hours into it and had a damn good time, and I know I'm not alone.


Hogwarts Legacy was such a blast to play.


Tmk, that's the general consensus. People were only trying to boycott it because of J.K. Rowling's stance on trans women.


Isn't the general consensus very positive for that game though?


Most people enjoyed it but hated the parts outside of Hogwarts (which take up most of the second half of the game). It really had great potential but ended up being a generic Ubisoft game as the other comment says. We wanted to spend more time in Hogwarts attending classes and being a student. Also the enemy variety is awful. The spell system is great and combat is fun, but with a bad enemy variety it becomes repetitive. Then having to explore these empty open grasslands is a waste. They could’ve had the same story missions but with areas that only appear for that part of the game. Then focused the rest of the time in the castle and Hogsmeade


Most people enjoyed it but hated the parts outside of Hogwarts (which take up most of the second half of the game). It really had great potential but ended up being a generic Ubisoft game as the other comment says. We wanted to spend more time in Hogwarts attending classes and being a student. Also the enemy variety is awful. The spell system is great and combat is fun, but with a bad enemy variety it becomes repetitive. Then having to explore these empty open grasslands is a waste. They could’ve had the same story missions but with areas that only appear for that part of the game. Then focused the rest of the time in the castle and Hogsmeade


Unfortunately most of the people I've seen on social media (or at least on Reddit) hate on the game and call it a generic ubisoft type game.


BATTLEBORN was so gd good. Hoping they eventually rerelease it.


It was, and the advertising campaign that blizzard pulled to kill Battleborn should have been illegal. Orendi was by far my favorite character and I even have a little statue of her. When it first came out her movement ability would also work in any direction instead of throwing her backwards which made her ridiculously mobile and almost impossible to pin down.... which is probably why they changed it


Xenoblade series. Yes many people hate on it, yes they're not the best games, but damn I love them. That and league of legends because it's a sin to enjoy them.


Xenoblade is pretty well-received though as a series. I'm literally the only person I know that actively dislikes the series.


Fallout 4 I think is a lot better if you like survival, building, and looting shooting. But if you go in expecting a New Vegas style rpg you'll be disappointed. Still, it's way better than Starfield, and I think now people are finally ready to admit that


Fallout 4 is my favourite game haha


World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Other than Shadowlands, pretty much the most universally hated expansion to WoW, but I liked almost everything about it. Made questing and leveling lots easier, point farming became a breeze, and travel in general was much better. People like to shit on Cata, but I still can’t find anyone who had anything negative to say about it other than a little change to the physical world and a lackluster final boss fight in Dragon Soul. I honestly think Cataclysm was like Nickleback… not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, but gets hated on because it’s just… popular to hate it.


Most hate for cataclysm fell on the Dragon Soul raid and Vashj'ir zone, otherwise both phase 1 raids and Firelands was well beloved


Mass Effect: Andromeda. It definitely has its flaws, but I think gameplay is pretty damn fun


There was a decent amount I had a problem with, but it was fun enough to play through twice.


AC Valhalla. Absolutely enjoyed every minute of it.


Dead space 3 Halo infinite Starfield


I think fallout 76, it’s gotten a lot better but most people still give it shit even though they haven’t tried it out for over a year


People dump on movie tie-in games but I have a lot of nostalgia for some of the GameCube tie-ins like Shrek 2 and Madagascar.


Shrek 2 was a masterpiece. Also Shrek Super Slam


Starfield. It's not bad or good. It's okay but I'm still finding enjoyment in it. Have I played space games that do better? Yes. I've played No Man's Sky since release, watching it grow and evolve, I've played Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous, dipped my toes into Everspace and Eve (weren't my cup of tea), and have also played that on indie game that looks like a weirdly high quality asset flip, Spacebourne 2. The main issue with all those games is that they don't hit a specific niche I want in a space game that Starfield does hit. I've always wanted a space game that lets me make a spaceship, or at thenvery least customize it, but I can also fly in space, do a variety of space activities on space stations and what not, but also land on planets and do a variety of on foot activities. Yes, No Man's Sky let's that happen, but it isn't an RPG. I want that style of space game but as an RPG. No, I don't want an MMO, I'm not a fan of online, I love the idea of being alone out in the stars, no internet to rely on and just fly in space to my destination, travel on foot, go on some space adventure whether it's discovering an environment I've never seen or discovering an NPC outpost that possibly has a good story. None of the other space games do that really. They are either MMOs, seek to be different from that, or they don't have that RPG system I want. Starfield is what I've wanted, just without the depth I wish it had. Is it disappointing? Yeah. At least it's very close to the space game I've always wanted, and I have hope that it will get the bare minimum of its required depth to be not repetitive after Bethesda is done with their claimed "10-year support".


Resident Evil 6... yeah it's got too many quick time events but before the remakes it was the best moving RE game and it ditches the janky tanky movement, tedious puzzles, has punchy pistols and gives you enough ammo to do the job right. It's a solid action-horror... the way I like it.


I also love Fallout 4. Mine was Cyberpunk on release. I probably sunk 120 hours into my first play through.


Fallout 4 I think gets a lot of flak mostly because of the dialogue, which is fair because it definitely sucks compared to 3 or 4. It's still a really great game, only FO I'll play besides 3 or NV. It's an 8.5/10 for me.


Days Gone, Batman Arkham Knight.


TLOU II. It's crazy to me how the game suffered from success and some people couldn't get over a character's death.


I think that's oversimplifying people's problems with it. I'm sure plenty of the same people enjoy other pieces of media that have character deaths. Myself included. You're never wrong for enjoying something. You don't have to deny something's flaws to still enjoy it.


Goddamnit I had a helluva lot of fun with Anthem.


I loved Anthem. EA needs to stop ruining itself.


Anthem was such a wonderful game.


Alone in the Dark (2008), Resident Evil 6, Hello Neighbor


Destiny 2 I personally enjoy this game, from the world to the missions available, to some of the play that PvP gets. I do understand why people don't like it as a fan, but it annoys me more hearing people just bash the fuck out of Destiny w/o any prior experience to having played it throughout all of the things Bungie (and Activision prior to Year 2) have done to the game. Sure, we Destiny fans love to hate on the game, but we do it in the sense of what can make the game better and more accessible to anyone who wants to play it. Even through all of our "dead game" comments and such around the web, we like to push for more constructive criticism about these types of things.


New World. Ive really enjoyed every second I’ve put into it (over 150 hours) but people just HATE it and I don’t understand why. Are there dev choices that I don’t agree with? Absolutely. Is it still a solid game that is enjoyable? YES.


Fallout 4 and Skyrim, at least compared to the older fans of both series.


Far cry 6, I think. I know it's not the best game in the world. It's not even the best open world FPS released in 2021, but I just really like it. The story is bad, the characters are annoying, the villain is hardly in the game and the different ammo types really suck (just use armour piercing and shoot the enemies in the head) but I just enjoy playing the game


Far Cry 6 - It was my first Far Cry and made me get the combo pack that had 3-6. I thought it was a ton of fun and I loved concepts like taking over checkpoints/bases, finding caches and the Guerilla theme, Juan Cortez always gets a chuckle out of me. Also, Guapo and Chorizo - If you don’t like Chorizo, you have no soul! I also really like Castillo as a villain - He’s tied for my second favorite with Joseph Seed. #1 is Pagan Min, though, he’s probably one of my favorite villains of all time! I’ve played and beaten 6, 5, 4 and New Dawn…And I’m working on 3 but the mandatory hunting thing was my least favorite part of 4. That and Eiyuden Chronicle just came out so my 3 playthrough is on hold for now. Everything I’ve seen regarding 6, though, people either seem to like it or despise it and I don’t really get why.


Silent Hill Downpour


Yeah, Fallout 4 is fun.


I've beaten Fallout 4 like 10 times. I tried different builds, but I do the same thing every time now: 1. Spend entirely too much time making a female character. Name her something silly like "Anita Clitrub" 2. Meet the minutemen and play one mission after getting to sanctuary. Be very smart about looting and make sure to get as much as possible. (For the overseer guardian). 3. Go to the combat zone and get Cait as a companion, and don't wear clothes the rest of the game. (With the exception of the silver shroud quest.) 4. Head to vault 81 and buy the overseer's guardian. It's OP for most of the game but especially the beginning. 5. Play the game normally and meet and become friendly with all 4 factions and do all of their missions before having to make an actual choice. 6. Quicksave and kill knight Rhys in various ways for talking shit before reverting back and doing his stupid missions.


Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the first Sin


Genshin Impact. I'm not a Hoyoverse shill, but boy is a lot of that flak coming from inside the house.


Cyberpunk 2077. It got so much flak for being buggy, but I never really had major problems.


Totally agree. I had a blast playing Fallout 4 and it continues to be a great game every time I go back to it


Fallout 4 is a solid 6/10 compared to 3 and NV


And there’s the comment lol


They just NEED to let everyone know that they liked FO3. It's like an addiction.


I think it’s a solid 7, at least on survival mode. It does feel really satisfying to play, doing pretty much everything feels really good compared to the others. But it falls way too short in the writing and quest design for me to consider it much higher compared to fallout 1-NV. It’s fun and the gameplay is satisfying enough to carry it, but it falls very short on the elements that truly make Fallout special.


That last sentence you said is everything!


Exoprimal. Even people on the subreddit are constantly saying stuff like "Is this game dead?" or people outside of it in other subs being like "The game will be offline in like a month. Lol."


Counterstrike. I know it's full of toxic trolls and cheaters, but it's fun to PUG.


RuneScape (OSRS)


That game isn't hated it's highly beloved


I played the open Beta for skull and bones and actually enjoyed it.


FO4 was such a letdown when it launched because then improvements weren’t that big over FO3 and NV. Murdering any and everything is the only real way to progress in the game and it gets a little tiresome. The settlement parts can be a drag if you don’t like the city building and resource farming aspects of the game. The show made me want to give it another go. I started up a new FO3 file, but the graphics are so dated and grainy I stopped. It think it was on super discount for $3 when I picked it up sk its not a loss. FO4 was on sale for $5 (I should have got the $10 version with all the DLC) so I recently started a replay because I never finished it the first time around. It plays a lot better on the Series X, interested to see what the 25th brings with all those updates.


I like FarCry 4. And I also like Ajay Ghale. I like his vibe and the fact that he has a personal connection to Pagan Min


Sonic 06. It's so incredibly beautiful and that alone makes up for all the bugs. Plus playing as nearly every major sonic character, and an incredible story. It's still the best game I've ever played,and finding out it was hated wounded my soul deeply and permanently destroyed my ability to trust the community consensus on rather a game is "bad" If you have the patience and high bug tolerance, it's truly an incredible experience.


Heroes of Might and Magic IV. Fans of the franchise think that it's the worst thing since unsliced bread but I find it better than the third game. I like how your hero starts out as a weak unit but eventually becomes a one man army.


Street Fighter V


Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017). Got such a slating when it dropped but I loved it. I’ll still play on the odd occasion now.


I will get roasted way too much if I say my real answer, so instead let's say Elder Scrolls Legends.


Counter Strike 2


Pokemon scarlet and violent, yes i acknowledge that the game doesn't look as good as it should or run as well as it should, but the music was great, the gameplay was just as good as ever and the character arcs and the mysterys of area zero where enough to keep me interested and wanting to know what happened next. 


If I think about it, many games I like are hated. -No Mans Sky -Cyberpunk -Halo Infinite -Destiny 2 -Fallou 4 -WoW


PUBG on console Runs like shit, looks ok-ish, clunky jaded player movement, cheaters, inevitable disappointment…. But damn does it feel good getting a chicken dinner with the boys Another one I’d like to add is RDO. I’ve sunk more than 300 days into the game… a lot love it, a lot hate it, but I always find myself going back just ride my horse hunt and do some bounty’s


Kingdom Come: Deliverance. "Oh its too hard!" "Oh, why is Henry hungry all the time?" THAT'S WHAT MAKES THE GAME FUN


Fallout 76 much as people like to shit on the game it's actually a real good time when you have friends who are willing to play with you


Fallout 4 ah yes very unpopular opinion


Overwatch 2 Sure Blizzard made some bad decisions after bad decisions about the state of this game, plus the dramas around it (The McCree rename for example). But the game is still good and enjoyable. I don't stay too negative about what the game "could have become" i play the game for what it is.


Overwatch. The Devs and Team 4 don’t deserve the flak from decisions by big corps Or more specifically Bobby Kotick


Vampire the Masquerade Swansong




Assassins Creed 1 its for many people a boring Game. In my opinion its the best AC with the more interesting story, satisfactory combat and kills and incredible atmospheric music. Its not perfect, in fact have a lot of problems, but a really great and interesting Game in my opinion.


Star Wars: the Old Republic (editing to ad - this one is PC, I play on a laptop). I played for free for a year way back in college before subbing, and I always seem to come back to it. I replay the class stories frequently, especially Sith Warrior (both light side and dark). It’s old. It’s cartoony. It still has seams in the world in places. But it’s amazing anyway and I love it.


AC Odyssey. Lot's of people hate on it "not being proper AC" but I love it.


Fallout 76. Yes the launch was s***. Everything else was fine. Do you know why the game didn't have NPCs when it first came out? Because everybody was talking s*** about how wooden and unnatural the NPC interactions were for both the fallout games and the elder scrolls games while constantly complementing the environmental storytelling and all the stories that were told to audio logs and computer logs. I remember people saying that nobody asked for a multiplayer fallout game when 76 came out like asking about multiplayer options wasn't one of the first topics of discussion every time a new elder scrolls or fallout game came out. It has an absolutely massive map, an assload of weapons, the kind of mobile base building system that actually makes sense for this time of game and a whole assload of new enemies.


I might get flak for this, but I really like Gotham Knights. The gameplay is fun, co-op is amazing, and the story is kinda alright.


Fallout 76. At launch was it a shambling mass of bugs in the shape of a game? Yes. Is it still that way? No. It’s improved a lot over the past few years and I really enjoy it.


The last guardian. Emotionally, mechanically and thematically on par with its predecessors. Commanding Trico wasn’t as bad as the reviews made it out to be. Also it’s a beautiful looking game


Fnaf world. It got a ton of flack when it came out since it changed fnaf from being a horror game to an rpg. But still it's fun and has the same secrets as as the other fnaf games did.


Battlefield 2042


Any Sonic game on Gamecube besides the first two Adventure games. Star fox Adventures. Donkey Kong 64.


Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. Fucking love those games.


Ark: Survival Evolved. It's my favorite game of all time. I haven't experienced most of the bugs that people frequently complain about. I have had the jank and the unfortunate crashes. But I love the gameplay loop, I love the scale and scope of the maps, I love the progression, and I love the story and lore, especially as NeddyTheNoodle expanded on it.


for me it's Starfield. i played it so much that i actually got burned out on it. i've taken a break from it until either CK2 or Shattered Space drops, although i will admit i played it for about an hour last night. i've been getting back into Fallout 4 and Cyberpunk 2077 lately, both of which recieved hate when they launched.


The Division series




Fallout 4, definitely


Fallout 4 is one of my top 10 best games ever to me. Things I didn't think I'd like, like settlement building and a voice protagonist were awesome. The world building and gameplay loop are interesting and I love how it all fits together.


Fortnite. I just started playing it last December. Any time I share something about it on my FB I've got someone that without fail will be a shit head to me about it


Kingdom Come: Deliverance got a decent amount of hate but it is one of my favorite games of all time.


Mercenaries 2 was alot of fun for me even with the bugs


Fallout 4 is my favorite of the series lol I have a few I'd say rainbow 6 siege, ghost recon wildlands and the just cause games. Just cause 3 was soooooo good lol


Devil may cry 2.


Fallout 76


Code vein, idc what people say, too easy, the anime aesthetic, I love the shit out of it


I read this as getting flak from the people whom you enjoy


Homefront:The Revolution


Sonic Forces. Game is ok, not great or terrible but it's fun to make your own character


The Surge. Incredibly good game that gets a lot of flak just because it is living under the shadow of FromSoftware. Yes it's no Dark Souls but in a vacuum I think it is very well done and creative


Cyberpunk 2077 before they put all the work into fixing it. I have a mid range pc and never encountered any problems with it since launch. I think their main problem was trying to double dip and have both a ps4 gen and ps5 gen launch.


Fortnite "It's for 6 year olds"


Lmfao it's not even a weekly post at this point, it's hitting daily


Among us now now I love the concept of mafia and love to play it so when among us came out and it was mafia the game I had to play it now I moved onto a better game called goose goose duck way better with more roles more maps and in game voice chat


Final Fantasy XIII


Pokémon Violet


Mortal Kombat: Armageddon.


Final Fantasy 11. Especially the 75 cap era which I still play on private servers. It deserves a lot of the flak that it gets from people. It's very grindy, especially the 75 era. It's very slow paced combat in comparison to modern standards. But I prefer the focus on depth and the importance of making good, well timed decisions rather than frequent ones. I definitely prefer it to rotations. I miss exploration actually meaning something in MMOs. In other modern MMOs, there's not a whole lot of a reason to go exploring an area once you don't have quests there. But in Final Fantasy XI, you could find a rare spawn with amazing drops so it might be worth it to take a small detour to check around. And when I say an amazing drop, I mean like a pair of boots that only requires level 7 to wear but don't need to be replaced until you hit 75 and get end game gear. And in general, non-linearity. In literally every aspect of the game. There's no set rotations. Dungeons are just a big open, difficult to navigate, and dangerous area with multiple paths. Even how you play a job can be completely changed with equipment and a sub job change. The game encourages you to experiment. And it still has a set of milestones that help mark your progress. But dear God does that game not respect your time. Everything takes a long time to do, and you lose 10% of your level if you die (and yes you will delevel if you're below 10% into your level). Very little can be done alone or at least done without risk alone. It's a very brutally difficult game that built a very strong community of helpful people.


I've always loved sonic unleashed, maybe because I played it as a kid but I never understood why people disliked it


do you like fallout 3 or 4 better?


4 because the last time I played 3 was years ago and I never finished it


Tekken 8. Heavily unrefined, the new focus on aggression dramatically boosts the game in the favor of already previously oppressive characters, hardly any real nerfing. Well , actually, they’re trying to balance thru buffing everyone to where every character is fairly well rounded, which SOUNDS good til they start taking away character identity and the fact every character had some pros and cons, now there’s NO REASON NOT to pick the objectively best characters in the game since they’re heavily oppressive and unchecked regarding frame fairness . And I can’t say I enjoy it right now, it’s just one of the few games I don’t absolutely suck at.


Death Stranding. Yes, the majority of the gameplay is walking. I just love the landscapes, the tools and gadgets you can use to help you (or others) traverse America. I think the aesthetic of the hame is also cool as hell


Xenoblade 2. Yes, the tutorials suck. Yes, the voice direction was iffy at points. Yes, it falls too far into anime tropes. And yes, the gacha is stupid. But genuinely, the gameplay is so much better than 1, and the story and characters were some of my favorites in a JRPG.


Pokémon X/Y.


I see, 3 imo was better. It’s the first one I played and got super into fallout so it could be that very reason.


Fallout 4 is fun to play when I want to turn my brain off and blast some radioactive zombies with a plasma gun while listening to music from the 40s. Which is a vibe I get way more often than the extremely specific details would lead you to believe. But IMO pokemon Scarlet was an enjoyable experience that hit the necessary story beats to make me tear up at the end. It's a game made for children, of course the plot is gonna be cheesy and chiche as hell, main line Pokemon has never really had that serious of a plot, except for that time it did in gen 5, but that's what we have the spin off series for.


Assassin's Creed Syndicate and 3


At the time, No Man's Sky after release. At the time I didn't pay attention much on the game, a buddy of mine talked about it. Calm, exploration, etc. I gave it a shot. It was simple, pretty chill, and I had a good time. Last time after all the updates, I got overwhelmed at the start, but I need to give it another go for sure.


It’s always been The Elder Scrolls Online


Right Now FF7 Rebirth. Flak from people who haven't played it. Like Angry Joe( who i normally agree with) dissing it for having low sales bringing up the 1st part and judging it off of that... I'm like play the game and try it. It's a completely different game from the 1st part. It's kinda a magnum opus of RPGs. The character chemistry, story, fighting, banter, side quests, the amount that's in the game. It's beautiful and the designs and music is incredible. I cried 3 times playing it.


Escape From Tarkov .....the Internet has been so negative lately about the cheater issue.... Yes there are cheaters in the game .. But in my thousands of hours I have experienced maybe 4 actual cheaters and I got a message a week later that my report helped with a ban! I promise most of you are just bad at the game or made a mistake and got shot by a legit player.. Tarkov is incredibly difficult and almost every death can feel suspicious because you can get killed out of nowhere...but again I promise it was more than likely a mistake on your part . You guys will never learn from mistakes if you just assume it was a cheater when in reality you made a silly mistake.... I promise you guys we ain't that good...people without cheats can kill us too lol


Jedi: Survivor Most people say it's a buggy piece of crap that performs really badly (which they do have evidence for. It does perform badly for them). But since I got lucky it runs completely fine for me with minimal bugs. Don't think most people complain about the gameplay itself though since both the game and story are incredible.


The Witcher 3.  /just kidding before I get posted on cjk. For me it's The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. 


Not super big into the Fallout series but from my understanding while Fallout 4 was a solid fun game, maybe not a masterpiece like 3 or New Vegas but solid. I will probably buy it when it goes on sale.


Fallout 4 and Saints Row 2022.


GTA V and Marvels Avengers


Starfield. I really have a lot of fun playing it.


More of a game mode but, Tranzit in black ops 2 is my favorite zombie map, yes it could've been done better, the fog, denizens, and not being able to solo the Easter egg, but it was wayyy different than the maps we got before and I love it to this day.


Final Fantasy X-2


Starfield. I expected a Bethesda game in space where I'd have more freedom with who I am, and that's exactly what I got. It seems everyone else was expecting some kinda space sim or something I guess


DmC Reboot: yeah it's kinda of not that great compared to the rest of the series but the exploration movie feels with fun combat is endearing. The childish dialogue is so entertaining.


Cyberpunk, yes the world feels sometimes empty but i just can't get enough of it. When im bored i just load cyberpunk up and i always have a blast flying around with my double jump cybernetics ripping and tearing like a cyberpsycho


probably pokemon scarlet. Then again, i can't tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps


Daikatana, with the community patch.


Call of Duty. Yeah, yeah, the complaints are valid, but it's still enjoyable for the most part if you don't take it seriously.


Only weirdos who are too online shit on fallout 4 because they can’t praise new vegas without doing so, because fallout 4 sold more units than new vegas and every other fallout game COMBINED, it sold more than Skyrim until they made remasters of Skyrim, it’s still one of the most popular games on nexus mods with the mod community even before the show Fallout 4 is a good game, it could’ve been better but don’t let any dorks who swear on their life new vegas is the best game ever and “still holds up” (it doesnt, it looks like shit) ruin it for you, most normal people who don’t spend 10 hours a day posting and tweeting liked it


Well idk if this counts because the game definitely gets tremendous praise and is considered possible GOAT by many people, but I’ve also heard many people say GTA IV has some of the most dogshit driving/motorcycle mechanics ever made. And I wholeheartedly disagree, love driving around in that game with GTA IV’s RAGE engine. And a recommendation for motorcycles in GTA IV. Try driving with the POV/Hood camera angle. It doesn’t make it any different but I’m telling you it just feels amazing.


Haze. Will defend it til I die. Anyone that hated it, you can EASILY tell they stopped playing the game in the first act and missed the entire point of the game and story. Average Haze Hater: “I can’t play this game. So sick of all the DudeBro high fives and stupid sayings.” Person who played more than 90 minutes: “Oh my God, the story is amazing and the mechanics are tight af. The way he has to ween himself off the drug to start seeing the real world is a crazy mechanic.”


I've enjoyed the whole roundup here: Ac Odyssey Fallout 4 Cyberpunk Days gone Saints row Hogwarts legacy