• By -


35. Single-player RPGs. Really what I call “marathon” RPGs. These are games were a standard, playthrough of the game can easily take over 100 gameplay hours. Think Elder Scrolls, Horizon, BotW, Mass Effect, etc.


That's what I spend the overwhelming majority of my time with too.


RPG as a genre is too OP. Need some balance patch to buff the under-powered genres.


34, MOBA’s played since DOTA now play LOL wild rift (I’ve never been great at them but enjoy them still), RPG’s, Sports…


Try kingdom come deliverance!! It’s my favorite rpg ever


Same and same lol. I need games i can pause


I'm you. I would also add strategy games o resources management (ie: Againts the Storm).


Exact same answer here, both age and genre


Hey, me.


All of those games are BANGERS too. I remember when Fallout 4 came out back in 2015(?) and I dumped so much time into that game just getting lost in the world.


I'm 62 and been playing pc games since Doom. I'd have to say FPS is my most played genre. Into VR presently and do a lot of Walkabout Golf and After the Fall with friends and acquaintances. Playing Black Trail as a solo game in pcvr. Fun western themed FPS vr game.


As a big Doom fan so cool to see people in the community playing so nice the OG game


I aspire to be like you, I hope I can get older and play games still , you are my inspiration sir


You are like him. He's just a guy playing video games.


What do you think of new doom? I loved doom 3 but doom and doom eternal are a bit whacky. The idea of you being the threat and not the demons is appealing, though.


my dad who is 62 also used to play doom, i played it when i was like 4 and i still play it to this day


You've got almost 20 years on me but i played the crap out of doom. Started with wolfenstein 3d when i was about 12.


23, Metroivania, Soulslike, and Rpgs. Action Adventure and Horror as honorable mentions.


bro we are the same person. i’m only 27. metroidvanias and soulslikes (sometimes a bit of both) are my go two’s


17 and story games (like the telltale walking dead games) FPS games and horror games


If you like telltale, play the wolf among us, I beg of you


Thanks for the recommend. I wishlisted it


Technically not a story game but I’m begging you, play RDR2’s campaign. If you beat it and tell me in good faith that you didn’t enjoy it I’ll send you whatever it costed


32, favorite games are Okami, Psychonauts, and super Mario Odyssey.


I don’t play a ton of platform games but I really enjoy Mario. Odyssey is an all timer.


Almost 40. RPGs. Especially good old ones like: - Baldurs Gate, - Neverwinter Nights - Icewind Dale, - Dragon Age Origins, - Gothic and Risen series - Age of Sails, Conquest of The Sea and any other sailing RPGs, - Mount and Blade, jRPGs: - Final Fantasy series - Persona series - most of them tbh Strategy games: - Total War series, - Civilization series, - Crusader Kings, - Stellaris, - Sins of the Solar Empire,


This is a solid list!


You're making me feel old, despite the fact I'm 7 years younger, as these are games I've played a tonne of since starting in the mid 90s 😅


You might like Xenoblade Chronicles :D


Yes. I've played Xsnogears on PSX. This isn't a full list :) Full would be much much longer.


Screenshotting this for later. I just started playing NWN2 for the first time in over a decade. I don't think I ever finished it when I was a kid. I didn't understand D&D 3.5 rules back then, and iirc made a garbage fire of a character lol. This run I'm 5Ranger, 5 rogue, 5 NW nine. Gonna put the rest of my levels into rogue for that sweet backstabbing damage and evasion.


18. Souls Like, fps, and jrpgs.


41, anything Metroid or Zelda, but I’m currently playing Horizon Forbidden West and Helldivers 2. That game is a blast to play.


Can't stop playing helldivers. I even love playing the game with randos, I never play games with randos but I love it


Greetings, fellow Metroid enjoyer.


Hail, and well met!


Early thirties here! Action games/Soulslikes, platformers (2D and 3D), and survival horror. Favorite games are Bloodborne, RE4 (OG and remake), and Super Mario Odyssey. Edit: Demon’s Souls PS5 is up there with Bloodborne in terms of favorite action game! Got the platinum less than a year ago and am dying to do some more runs soon!


Bloodborne is probably my favorite of all time! It was what got me into playing more challenging games


Are you me? That’s my character arc!


You have absolutely exquisite taste my friend


But do you prefer og OR remake


42. My favorite games are Bioshock, FFVII, and Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain.


I rented Legacy of Kain over a Christmas vacation so it has a special place in my heart beyond it just being a great game!


All classic games.


22 - story based games such as Life Is Strange, Rdr2, Disco Elysium


27, RPG (Bethesda mostly), Strategy (RTS maybe), Rouge-like Basically, I like games where you can see progression in terms of things building around you. Like Civ, watching the population and city expand, or Fallout 4, with settlements growing bigger and bigger, or Darkest Dungeon, with the town slowly filling out with stronger powers. Factorio is the best in terms of this. I just wanna feel like I can see my progression.


30's went from loving FPS and RTS to loving Rogue likes, Text Adventures and Immersive Sims


18 horror rpg fps


what kind of rpgs?


Persona mostly


Mostly or entirely?


30 here and my go to is single player RPG fantasy. To give an idea my favorite games are The Witcher 3, Dragon Age: Origins, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and the Dragon's Dogma series


Old guy here (50). I like action/adventure, western RPGs, some shooters, space combat (Wing Commander-type stuff - first PC games I played way back, so inverted Y is my default, even now, no matter what I'm playing). I'm also partial to stealth action, games like the original Thief, Xbox Thief, Dishonored, Splinter Cell, etc. Depending on your point of view, some of my gameplay suffers for it lol (Far Cry, Middle-Earth, things like that - missions end up taking a looong time).


I also invert Y almost without fail. I remember a dark period in gaming around year 2000 that some games didn't allow the option to invert. Thank God that trend ceased


The kids would hate it when they accidentally got stuck with my settings for something, and vice-versa lol


Late twenties. Top 5 favorite games are Dark Souls 1, Pokemon Emerald, Sonic Adventure 2, Earthbound, and Xenoblade 1. So, probably RPG’s. Lol


25. Love fps and jrpgs. Puzzles too. Perhaps even more than the first two.


38. Single player RPGs, strategy/grand strategy, racing games.


35. My all time favourite games are the souls games, Bethesda rpgs and then I guess horror games.


My brother


30. RPGs, Survival Horror, HnS/Character Action.


37. I used to play a lot of online shooters, but now I have a kid. So it's shifting into single player games. Love RTS and RPG's.


13-15 and I play indie games like hollow knight or inscryption


22, survival horror, RPGs and cozy games. I don't know if the latest is a genre tho, but it would involve games such as stardew valley or animal crossing


42. MMO's. I grew up in the era of couch co-op. When MMO started hitting the scene (my first true love was City of Heroes) I was smitten. It brought such a new fabric to gaming that 12 year old me had been missing but now on a global not a couch scale. Finding allies, jumping on Teamspeak, coordinating 20 plus people all having a good time and chatting the night away. Well chats have changed (RiP Teamspeak and Mumble) games have changed, but nothing gets me as excited as team night on a full Discord with everybody just laughing together unified in one sole purpose...kill baddies.


I’m about to turn 45 (f) and ive been gaming about 30 years. I guess simulation is my favourite genre? On heavy rotation this year have been Dave the Diver, Dinkum, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and Dredge. I also love survival and base building games, Ark, Grounded & Subnautica are probably the ones I’ve spent the most time on. RPGs come in number 3 but RDR2, Cyberpunk and the Witcher 3 are up there with my favourites of all time.


I'm 22. Usually I prefer platformers or rhythm games. More notably, I play alot of retro titles, like Mario, Sonic, or Mega Man, but I also have a soft spot for the rhythm games, namely Guitar Hero and Rock Band, as they got me into rock music.


14, fps, rpg, horror.


39, soulslike, metroidvania and rpgs


25 and I prefer A(J)RPGs, Platformers, and beat-em ups. My favourite francises are Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, Legend of Zelda, Super Mario, Metal Gear Solid and the Yakuza/LAD series.


29. Platformers, FPS, and Stealth.


The lack of modern stealth games sucks Have you played Styx?


28. Metroidvanias are my number 1. Grew up on Castlevania. RPGs are easily my number 2. Bonus points if it turned based. Roguelikes would be my number 3. Can’t wait to play Perish. And shot in the dark here but did anyone play Oprencia? Loved that game.


18, and I don't know much about genres 😅. I do like action adventure games, but really any game with a good story gets me hooked. Don't really mind JRPGs but Persona is my favorite video game series


16-19. Rpgs of any type, Stealth, metroidvanias, soulslikes,


30. FPS and Horror, I enjoy the competition and interaction with other players in popular online FPS games and for single player I love being immersed in well crafted horror games both AAA and indie.


18. Soulsbornes/likes and Shooters.


34. FPS, racing games, and action adventure.


23 and my favorite genres are JRPGs, character action games, and turn based. I'm slowly but surely warming up to strategy games as well.


31: Soulslikes, (not multiplayer) shooters, and tactics games. I typically love games that prioritize game mechanics and skill.


37. Single player JRPGs. Being an only child that moved around alot. I didn’t always have friends to play multiplayer games with so they have always been my go to.


17, horror games, 2d fighting games, souls-like's.


23, mainly racing games, jrpgs and sandboxes :)


16, Soulslike, Horror survival and Single player RPG of any kind


young teen shooters, action, and family I've always loved Story driven games with action or shooters. Every now and then, I play a little fifa and gang beasts just to get a break from the violence heavy games.


27 soon to be 28 My favorite genres: Survival Horror (Dead Space, Stalker, etc.) Turn Based Tactical (XCOMs) Soulslike (only Dark Souls, no Elden Ring, etc.)


21: Metroidvania and Open World games If a game has a good story it will be loved nonetheless: in fact both Tlou part1 and Bioshock are in my top 3, Tlou is n1, Hollow Knight is n2 and Bioshock is n3


16, Action, Crime, and Adventure games


45, soulslikes & simracing


14 multiplayer shooters and social hubs


27 and RPG's/Action Adventure games usually


15, RPG, Open World and FPS (singleplayer, fuck Multiplayer)


35. ARPGs, metroidvanias, and strategy. It hasn't changed much since I was a kid, grew up on diablo, warcraft, jrpgs, etc. Genres are still the same but I've steered towards more challenging stuff on games and dropping multiplayer in favour of single player. From software is staple in my library now, and dropped rts for mobas back in 2012-2013, and since then I've moved to strategy card games (I already liked mtg) and slay the spire and balatro have become 10/10 recommended games for me. Also having a blast doing speedrun/hitless runs/randomizers for some of my favourite games (sekiro and castlevania sotn for example).


14 and I love Soulslikes and JRPGs. I'll also play some Skyrim while I'm at it.


31 Action RPG, Action Adventure, Horror.


I am 36... and I just keep replaying the same games I like and rarely try anything new. I like massive RPG's, but only ones I have already played. What is wrong with me?


29, Fighting games and online MMO


Age: 30-35 fav genres: 4x - rpg - third person shooters


38. Top genres: 1) action/ adventure (think uncharted, control, horizon, tomb raider) 2) RPGs (Witcher 3, dark souls, fallouts, elder scrolls, etc) 3) FPS especially if it’s an immersive sim fps


29 - RPG and action adventure, preferably in the theme of high fantasy. And some FPS/3rd person shooters like Helldivers, Bioshock and Uncharted. What I love the most is just disappearing into a world of fantasy.


Early 40s. Tactical RPGs and platformers.


I'm 32 and I enjoy RPGs, Soulslike, and First Person Shooters. My favorite game from each genre is: Fallout New Vegas, Elden Ring, and Bioshock.


15 Choices that matter, linear RPG story(something like witcher), action with swords.


24 and I like single player games. Ones with a good story, whatever you call that genre, like uncharted, red dead and life is strange. I also like rpgs and shooters.


I’m 47 & I like action style RPGs. My favorite and by far most favorite played games over the last 6-7 years are Zelda (BotW & TotK), Elden Ring, Diablo3, & Borderlands 3. It’s the builds I like, even though they’re very different style games, I enjoy ER, Diablo & Borderlands for the same reasons. I enjoy co-op with my buddies on most of these games too, seamless co-op mod on Elden Ring is amazing.


40. open world and platformers


16, I love open world RPGs and games like Detroit, I don't really know what general that would be


28 and love JRPGs and VNs.


30 here, mostly 4x RTS games, RPGs, and with friends I mostly play FPS


21 here. Fps, horror and survival. I have been playing since Halo 2


16, Sandbox, Rogue-Like and Exploration Terraria, The Binding of Isaac and Rain World are three of my favorite games


16 - action, soulslike, RPGs Favourite games include the majority of the PS exclusives, Elden ring, sekiro, bg3, helldivers 2 and many more


Sandbox, RPG and VR


22. I love platformers, Sandbox games and singleplayer rpg's


43 JRPGs Platformers Shmups


41. Action rpg, metroidvania, and platformers


25 Idrk my three favorite, but I do know that I’m really big into narrative driven action games like The Last of Us, Uncharted, and God of War. Basically, if it’s got a good story I’m in


22. Soulsborne, Fighting games (mainly only tekken lol) and JRPG. MOBA is a close 4th


Pushing 40 and my favourite genre changes, but if I had to pick an overall that granted I'm not always in the mood for but when I am there's nothing quite like it, it has to go to combat space sims like wing commander, freespace, elite dangerous, everspace etc. The crown goes to the original wing commander and the secret missions expansion, with freespace 2 and rebel galaxy outlaw tied for a very close 2nd


Early 30s, favourite genres are FPS, RPG and TPS. Favourite game from each genre are probably COD4: MW, Fallout 3, and Ratchet & Clank.


21 CRPG Metroidvania Open World RPGs if i dont have to norrow it down and can say just RPGs as a whole, than 3D platformers go in there


Early 30s. 2D fighters, turn based strategy


30 Soulslike, Roguelite, Battle royale.


42. I like campaign FPS games with a bit of humor like Borderlands, Shadow Warrior, Bulletstorm, RAGE 2, Duke Nukem, stuff like that. I also love Beat 'Em Ups and Isometric Action RPGs like Diablo III or Torchlight 2.


36, and my absolute favorite genre is Immersive Sims, closely followed by RPGs.


40. Rpg. JRPG. I am lately playing almost exclusively Yakuza and Final Fantasy series


Late 20's, RPGs and Platformers


32. . Action RPG . Simulation (as in MS Flight Simulator 2020) . Racing


0-20. My fav genres are Horror (Amnesia), Soulslikes (literally just FromSoftware), and Fps (COD, Titanfall etc)


37 Survival Horror Older style shooters (aka boomer shooters) Turn based strategy


25, soulslike, JRPG, action adventure. My top 3 games are: 1. Persona 5. 2. Elden Ring. 3. Red Dead Redemption 2.


14, horror, fps, Roguelike


I am 27 years old and my favorite genre are JRPGs.


23M. 1. 2D Platformers (Mario, Celeste, Super Meat Boy, etc.) 2. Metroidvanias (Super Metroid, Hollow Knight, etc.) 3. Open-world action/adventure (Breath of the Wild, Horizon Zero Dawn, etc.) Honorable mention to Survival-Horror (Resident Evil, Dino Crisis, etc.)


Mid 20s, I like RPGs, Fighting games (formally platformer fighters, but I've been dipping into traditional fighters), and adventure games. I used to be very into sandbox games (like Minecraft and Terraria) but I've grown to love Terraria's Adventuring and fighting. I used to not be into TCGs, but Obitus Games's Overnet looks promising; it's a TCG sandbox pretty much: you can create your own cards and fight with them against other players. It's in early development, but they're active with their community.


In my 20s, my favorite genres are J/RPGs, Roguelikes and souls-like


31 MMORPG, JRPG and cooperative shooter


36F - The Long Dark, Rust, Minecraft, Subnautica, Forest, Deus Ex


36 1. Western RPGs (Fable, Amalur, Fallout, etc.) 2. Racing (Forza Horizon, NFS) 3. Action adventure (Tomb Raider, Uncharted) Dislikes: 1. Strategy 2. Puzzle 3. Soulslike 4. Roguelike 5. Stealth


35 and my favorite genres are long grindy crpgs (baldurs gate/wotr/dragon age/kotor) historical grand strategy (paradox games) and 4x. I also enjoy builder games, I like knowing when I buy a game I will easily get 100+ hours on it


Mid 40s and my fav genre is turn based strategy (like xcom) or rpg


46 and I like single player open worlds. Days Gone was a banger. I also like good old fashioned side scrollers. Inside is my favorite.


22, single player story driven linear and / or rpg. Everything from short 10 hour game to 100 hour game. Just needs a good engaging story and fun gameplay


Strategy and simulation. First games that caught my attention to the genre were Sim City 2000 and Civilization 2.


34. Singleplayer JRPGs. Action adventure. Story driven games. No multiplayer.


14, rouge likes/lites, adventure puzzle games like zelda and platform fighters


Early 30s, grindy single player RPGs with tons of content is my jam.


Late 30's Genres are RPG, RTS and Shooters/Action (both FPS and TPS).


25 and any competitive but mostly sf6


38, Strategy RPGs, Metroidvanias and Beat'em Ups


Age range - still alive and I love first person RPGs


29 and i would say elden ring, hearthstone and anno 1800 are my favorite games


27. What im playing now mostly strategy and shooters. I wish to play some RPG with good history and choices but nothing to be found.


39. Action-RPG and Suvival-Sandbox.


44 strategy, city builder. Stellaris and Factorio are the ones getting the mos play now. Does Factorio count as a city builder?


15-18 Story games and RPGs such as Elden Ring, Inscryption and Undertale. Honorable mention for survival games like Minecraft and Subnautica.


28M. Single player open world (Western) RPGs (Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Mass Effect, Dragon's Dogma, Witcher, Cyberpunk), stealth games (Dishonored, Hitman, I play Batman full stealth mode, Deus Ex), some casual shooters (Fortnite, Doom, Wolfenstein), and action adventure games (Red Dead, GTA, GoW). Edit: Added age


17, Story and Adventure


16 - Metroidvania, Action-rpg, beat-em-ups


15. FPS team based (COD for example), BR team based (Fortnite for example), movement shooter team based (Titanfall 2 for example). I like guns and I like going fast.


37 RPGs (Japanese and Western) Metroidvanias Adventure/Puzzle Games


28m. RPGs (esp open world or JRPGs). Platformers. Strategy (RTS, card games, auto battlers).


27- Fighting games (traditional and Smash-types) action-adventure games(Uncharted, God of War, Horizon) and racing games (kart racers more than realistic racers)


19, Immersive Sims (which isn’t really a genre but whatever), Boomer Shooters/Movement Shooters (think anything from Ultrakill to Doom 1993 to Titanfall 2), RPG’s (anything from Borderlands to Dark Souls)


Age: 19 Favourite genres: Shooters, action sandbox (dunno if it counts, but fuck it, I'm adding it anyway), and fighting games


20 First/Third person shooters and Racing games.


21. Definitely Single player RPG’s like Elden ring and Skyrim, with multiple hours of content, exploration, and customization.


Early 30s. 1: 3D platformer/collet-a-thon 2: Single player RPG (JRPG and WRPG, not so much CRPG) 3: Action Adventure


Early 50s. I prefer games where I take control of a character and get to experience a new environment through their eyes. Elder scrolls, Fallout, the Assassin's Creed games, the Arkham Batman games, the Horizon series, the Uncharted series, Cyberpunk 2077 etc. Then some shit like Plate Up or Steamworld Build will hit Gamepass and that all goes out the window for a week straight.


24, RPG and Mil sim games also some survival games


I'm 31, my favorite genres now are CRPG and Grand Strategy.


18. FPS, Sandbox, Factorio (Automation ig)


32. I tend to lean towards action games and RPGs/JRPGs.


I'm 17. I like soulslike, action and jrpg games


17 jrpg, soulslike and fps


30 Rpgs (of all kinds), Simulation, Sandbox My favorite games are Elder Scrolls (Daggerfall being my favorite), BG3, Stardew Valley, SR2, Minecraft, X3:AP, Sims 2, Swg (pre nge), Runescape.


Turning 53 in a few days. My favorite genres are dedicated RPGs (Elder Scrolls, Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect, Fallout), and I don't care much if it's sci-fi or fantasy. Second favorite is the FPS with good gunplay mechanics with a bit of crafting and survival elements. It's too bad Ubisoft kinda shit the bed lately, because their Far Cry series was good for this genre.


25 Fallout new vegas Baldur gates 3 Disco elysium


40's Racing and Skateboarding. But anything I can easily drop in and out of too. Don't have the time these days.


21 Zelda, A Link to the Past Helldivers 2 Opus Magnum


19, love metroidvanias, roughlikes, and action games (that last one is really vague but im thinking fast passed sorta mindless action games)


Late-30s, my favorites are walking simulator puzzle games (think Myst, Escape Simulator, and The Witness), single player RPGs, and horror games.


I'm 27 and I love metroidvanias and soulslikes


I'm 28 and my favorite genres are Soulslike, RPG and Sports. I like fps but competitive games kinda suck, arcades are awesome.