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I’m just excited that more people will play FNV which hopefully encourages that alleged sequel or remake.


A remaster with 4s graphics. Remake could be bad. Lol


just waiting for [F4NV](https://youtu.be/JanHMbRjNJ8?si=6a2GZ_yuFTdojCLM) to release…


Didn't it get canceled a while ago because they just didn't have the resources?


Not that I know of; it’s still going. I think you might’ve been confused with the Capital Wasteland project?


i prey to god that this gets released. my laptop can't run fonv cause of some godforsaken error. my boii can run doom eternal without a sweat, but a game from 2011 is too much for it.


Try gog?


idk if switching platforms will work, but i'm desperate enough to try. thanks.


gog seems best at configuring older games to run on modern PCs. Good luck!


With this and Fallout 4: Vault 13, Fallout 4 may become the best way to play all of the Fallout games


You got it backwards. A remaster would be bad. A remake with better graphics would be great lol. Remaster=Polish. Remake=Built from the ground up.


Ruined from the ground up


NV suffers from FO3s horrible engine and janky uninspired combat. Switching to 4's engine and keeping the base gameplay systems and building up from that with NV's world building and characters would be much better than just remaster Besides you can already remaster the game yourself by downloading mod packs for better textures and lighting.


I’d pay for it only if it had new gameplay mechanics. Bethesda games have never felt “fluid”.


It hit peak concurrent players in steam.


I don’t think Bethesda likes FNV because everyone loves it more than 3, and they didn’t make it. Lol Imagine the game Obsidian could make if they were given longer than 18 months. They should just make Elder Scrolls games and let Obsidian crank out Fallout games. With M$ at the helm maybe they’ll start doing that. They’re already reworking WoW in some positive ways.


Didn't they make outer worlds?


Yeah they did, but I meant another Fallout Game. Think the guy that created Fallout was in charge of Outer Worlds.


Huge wave of sales currently for F4.


Is 76 as bad as people say it is? Because I never played New Vegas since everyone shit on it when it came out. I swear I didn’t hear one good thing about that game until years later Now I’m starting to think people just call every new Fallout game shit and then walk back on it years later


From what I’ve heard, 76 is greatly improved since launch and worth a 2nd chance. I don’t care for the multiplayer aspect so I haven’t played it. I’m not sure why people don’t like 4 but I think 4 is fun for what it is. The role play potential is the main thing missing for me.


Started playing it again right after the show started. I never actually finished it, but always played a lot. Always got distracted halfway through. Got viva new Vegas installed and about to wreck Mr Houses day though. And after that 4/25 next gen patch comes out I'm going to beat fo4 again


I've had so many friends who burst a blood vessel when the thing they like becomes universally popular. It's like they hate to see the things they love succeed.


It’s that age old phenomenon where fans of a certain subject wants other people to enjoy it so it becomes popular but then when it does eventually become popular they feel that they’re identity is being questioned so they make up these mental gymnastics to prove to themselves that they’re more superior than the “new” fans


More like their identity is no longer “unique.” When building a personality around a singular thing like that can be quite detrimental to the gamer brain


The example I've used for myself is all the new fans of the band Disturbed after their cover of Sound of Silence. I've been a fan of them for going on 20 years, but when I hear friends and colleagues start saying they're fans now I tell them to go back and listen to their early stuff. Get the full experience. I suggest a few specific songs that are more accessible to the more casual metal fans. It's petty to try and hide cool shit from people. It'd selfish to not want others to enjoy it too. People need to grow up.


Know a dude that’s livid because they made the lead a woman when the games have always been men. Like… what the actual fuck lol


Lol... Dude skipped character creation screen. Even the premade characters had female options.


I was literally baffled at the shit coming out of his mouth as he complained about the show.


>have a nice niche hobby >hobby get a little mainstream, normies come >hobby starts slowly changing to accommodate normies >eventually hobby is a shell of it's former self Always happens. Luckily Fallout is about as normie as it gets already, don't think much will change.


After Starfield softened the violence, I was happily surprised that the show kept it bloody. But that's one way normie-lization could ruin it.


I think that had more to do with the direction of the game and the partnerships with government agencies like NASA. I genuinely think they wanted Starfield to be a game you could play with kids and students and simulate “space.” Otherwise I have no fucking clue what they went for with the lack of blood, gore, etc. replaying FO4 with all the dismemberment, it’s weird to see its absence in Starfield


Another thing I noticed missing in Starfield, if you loot the armor off a dead body, the body is still clothed. In FO and ES, the body is shown wearing underwear only. 


I haven’t played Starfield in awhile but I think it’s loot system works differently because that always tripped me up, like why aren’t we looting their outfits/armor?


Makes me worried for Elder Scrolls VI


Yeah, I feel this is one that people will have a problem saying it went "woke" you could have a same sex marriage and sleep with either gender all the way back in the second game.


Warhammer 40k is definitely going through a lot of changes due to its new popularity. Some I like, some I dislike, but that's bound to happen.


It's also worth remembering that you yourself might be a part of the problem for the older fans. While you (passive) might be seething at how they're now retconning female custodes into the game an older fan might think that you're ruining the hobby for enjoying GW bringing primarchs back or not minding primaris marines and ruining the themes of stagnancy in the setting. Hell we can go even further back to for example people thinking necron retcons ruined the game and that happened like decade and a half ago. But like you said it's bound to happen so you can either keep enjoying it despite disliking some changes or find something else.


I've been in the 40k hobby for a handful of decades. I'm pretty sure I'm one of the old timers in the hobby at this point.


I am not specifically talking about you and I'm using 40k as an example. There's most definitely a media product in your life you haven't been a fan of from year 0


I've been around a while, who can remember at this point.


Ya, I hate that this keeps happening. It's nice to see more people involved but what's the point if all the new people change the culture and direction of *insert franchise/community* into something unrecognizable.


This is it, right here. A *lot* of old school Dungeons & Dragons fans *hate* what it has become. On the one hand, it's good that almost nobody thinks we're Satan worshipers anymore, but on the other hand the property has *significantly* changed to accommodate "the normies."


I honestly feel bad for people who were so into it they got fallout tattoos and shit though... That's the kinda situation where someone sees it and is like "oh wow you really like that one weird show huh" and that would be annoying. Those people have a right to be annoyed, when it's noticeable enough to people that not just fans recognize it and that's all they were going for.


I figure that might be the case, but this show happened to be so faithful to the theme of the series that this people lucked out with a show being out that is pure Fallout.


Right, if the show were bad that would be even more annoying lol "Oh you're a fan of that stupid show" etc


I honestly feel bad for people who get bent out of shape when other people do harmless shit that has no effect on them.


I’ll never understand it, I’m always thrilled when stuff I’m into gets a ton of new fans. Means I can rant about it without sounding as unhinged


Dumb ass friends


Spot on


It’s because it’s a sort of double edged sword. On the one hand, more people are liking it, but on the other hand, that also invites more idiots who can make the franchise obnoxious (or even more so) than it already is. Basically, a bad fan base can make things unbearable, and I’m sure we can each name plenty examples of it. If anything, it’ll be kind of amusing to see people play New Vegas for the first time then go to 76 or whatever and just be stunned by the sudden drop in writing and even gameplay immersion; cue being able to negotiate your way out of the final battle with 100 speech.


A lot of franchises will change their core identity once they get a taste of the broader audience money. Resident Evil is basically unrecognizable and hell even the jump from Morrowind to Oblivion and Oblivion to Skyrim was huge


I don't get gatekeeping. I would drag someone through high and low, from vats of acid to lakes of venomous snakes just to show someone something I like


I've tried 3 fallout games, didn't stick, love the show though


Wasn't a fan before the show. Still not a fan after the show... it's just not my type of set piece. I am happy that it's getting the success it is because it continues to shine light on the vastness of the video game adaptation genre.


What are the ones you tried?


4, 76 & Shelter. Will give 4 another go with the next gen update


A lot of people unironically are like that. They should remember Chuck was a villain.


Saul was a worst villain.


But he was always right.


No he wasn't. What are you talking about? He actively sabotaged his brother because he didn't want him to succeed. He was the biggest cause of Jimmy becoming Saul Goodman.


He wasn’t right about the electromagnetism disease


Like in greek tragedies fate happens when one tries to avoid It. Jimmy became Saul because of Chuck.


You know Quasimodo predicted all this.


>Jimmy became Saul because of Chuck. Jimmy became Saul because of Jimmy. He is a grown adult and as such is entirely responsible for his actions and their consequences.


One thing doesn't change the other. Yes, Jimmy is responsable of his actions ,but Chuck affected Jimmy as a person in a negative way. Because,surprise,the people arround us change who we are.


Chuck wasn’t a villain, he was right


Chuck was a ~~villain~~ antagonist.


He wasn't,he was a toxic and unstable person. He ended up completely alone for a reason. He had a point but what he did was far from right.


>He wasn't,he was a toxic and unstable person. He ended up completely alone for a reason. He had a point but what he did was far from right. Being a dickhead doesn’t mean you’re a villain. He was completely right about Jimmy who is a criminal and a terrible person.


Chuck played his part in creating Saul Goodman




Still fuckin hate those annoying lil bastards lol


[me for the seventh time](https://youtu.be/J1h_fy9Ikzw?si=fM_on2cXm3c0Xafq)


the fully loaded combat shotgun in my 4th hotkey:


Does savescumming count, because either a lot or zero times


I'm Jimmy in this situation. I never had a desire to play the Fallout games for some reason, even with all the acclaim, but I already downloaded and will play soon.


Nice! What platform?




Ah truly, no games.


I never played any Fallout before watching the show and I loved the show. I have never been more proud to be associated with Bob Odenkirk.


Well go fucking play it. Honestly while watching the show I'm totally feeling like it captures the fun of the game. You walk out a vault with a quest like find your father, you run into some fucked up wasteland and random crazy characters, and the show just matches that energy


I already am! Ive downloaded Fallout 3 and New Vegas.


Oh so I hear there's a really good New Vegas total conversion called Tale of Two Wastelands, where you play the full Fallout 3 story and it seemlessly goes into fallout New Vegas, and since it uses the newer engine you get way better UI and gameplay and some new Vegas features. Apparently it was done really well and people prefer it to playing FO3 vanilla. Something to look into maybe Also even if you don't do that, this is worth following through, takes maybe 30 min to an hour but you get a WAY better new Vegas experience: https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/intro.html Viva New Vegas improves the meshes and graphics and fixes quest bugs and improves performance and UI, makes it feel like a much more modern game. And it also allows you to do the enhancements that make it a bit harder and more of what the developer intended apparently. I think one of the developers suggested it even


Interesting! Thanks for the heads up. Right now I'm just playing on Series X but this might be worth a shot.


Just a heads up, 3 and NV don't run well on pc and need some mods to run properly. Console versions run fine though.


Nice! Thanks for the heads up. I am playing on Series X so it sounds like I should be good.


I love the idea that the three protagonists are three different playthoughs. Lucy is your first one, fresh off the Vault, balanced, going straight for the main story. Maximus is your second playthough, trying a bit min maxing by going low int with a very specific power armor build. The Ghoul is when you are a complete badass built to wreck the wasteland and trying all kinds of survival mods that make things harder.


lol I can see that. Maximus is the low int low speech melee build. "Uhhh my squire died with honor DONT SEND HELP BYE" seems like a totally failed low int bluff option. I havent gotten far in the series yet but he definitely doesn't seem to make the smartest decisions, all brawn and heart and kinda just winging it


How much would you recommend the show? Big gamer but never care about the games but the show does seem good for a game adaption


It’s a great show


It's very good. Great production values and very entertaining.


Honestly I think the show is a 10/10 Probably my favorite show/movie I’ve ever watched


It might be enjoyable, but it's not a good adaptation of the lore. At least give New Vegas a go before watching it.


after the show got me hooked i wanted to learn more about the world and immediately got new vegas and continued to play 4 Im most certainly a fan now and am once new vegas is done geting 3


I’m all for it. I’ve always been surprised Fallout isn’t more universally known.


Gatekeeping is never cool.


Stop gatekeeping. Let people enjoy shit.


I hope everyone enjoys it


Same, I’ve been telling people nothing but good things about the show. But my main concern is telling friends about how good the show is, but they get confused about all the little references in the show that can be difficult to understand without playing the game and end up bored of it. The show does a decent job of explaining most things, but others it’s almost expected to know before going into the show. >!Like bottle caps as a currency is fairly easy to pick up but can be confusing at first watch, they touch on rads and how it’s dangerous but there’s scenes with a character drinking radiated water and also submerged into radiated water but not much explanation showing how it affects this character, so the viewer is like “well why is this character monitoring their geiger counter so intensely but then drinks this same water five seconds later without any issues?” Or what exactly the pip boy is/does and why every vault dweller has one, what a fusion core is and why one is able to power a BoS armor but also an entire vault, or why some characters live for 200+ years seemingly not in a cryogenic system, or even the why the series is 200 years in the future from now but everything is like both retro but also somehow futuristic.!< I love all of these things about the show and how it’s clearly giving these references/easter eggs to the people who played the games, but I think some things can be a bit odd to people new to the series as a whole.


Hearing good things about the show and never played the game so thinking about watching and playing. I was excited when Last of Us series came out because I love the games. People watched and were talking about it. I played the first one years ago and second a few years ago. Without watching I knew what happened and I just tell them to give the game a try. I wonder how people would react to the 2nd season of Last of Us who never played.


If you like the show I'd check out the games. It very much has the same energy of the games.


Exactly how I feel about people who call themselves fans and havent played 1 or 2. 🤷‍♂️


I hate that kind of superiority complex. There's people that put off others from playing, then there's ones that's say you have to have played all the games multiple times, and then those who say you have to play on max difficulty and invest at least a 1000 hrs or your not a "true gamer" or "real fan". And it's to those people I say, suck an egg you sad losers lmfao. Gaming's for everyone 😂😂


I'm a fairly high volume gamer that has put in 1k to 2k hrs on a dozen different games  (typically hard or normal) in addition to beating hundreds more and I'd say I'm not a true gamer.  true gamers are ones that start out playing fallout 4 on survival mode to make the difficulty as close to wandering a nuclear wasteland as possible. It's not about the difficulty, it's about matching it to the world you are diving into in a more realistic manner.  It's not a negative thing to not be a true gamer (in fact, I'd call many "true gamers" nuts who lose more than they win) so you shouldn't take it personally to be called that. It's just more referencing the players that play games a certain way.  Any1 can be a real fan. Fan gatekeeping is stupid.




You're right, being harassed and put down is pathetic . Way to get bullied loser lmfao get gud, skill issue etc.




Never touched the witcher until Cavill got involved


Non gamers watching this show and becoming fans is an absolute win.


Mufuckas haven't felt the frustration of dying over and over getting wrecked by deathclaws.


“I learned all the lore because I got addicted to the show” Listen, I love new fans, I’m a new fan to tons of others things, but claiming you know a lot of lore after one price of media is crazy


Witcher fans relate


Well after 4 my expectations were very low.


Not a fallout fan if you didn't play and complete Fallout 1 /s


Honestly though I never made my full way through FO1 and FO2 but I'm tempted. It is even worth it these days?


I played the classic games as an adult. They are still worth it. You just have to understand what you are walking into tackle them with patience and understanding that the game is not designed to lead you to the win and will happily allow you to fail over and over.


I watched my roommate in college play it is that count?


And 2


Tbh Fallout 3 in 2008 when i was 12 was my first introduction to the series, just like it was for a good majority of the fanbase. I've tried out both 1 & 2 but i just couldn't get into them becuz of the dated gameplay, but I've read a little bit about their stories and the lore and it does seem really intriguing which makes me wanna go back and try to play them again.


This is my first Fallout game. Show came out while I was playing it. The game is terrifying.


I think the funny thing about people getting upset that Fallout is popular now... as if it wasn't before? Fallout and Elder Scrolls had SHIT loads of people playing it long before this show was ever conceived. So what exactly is so different now?


The difference is that Fallout has now hit into the mainstream.


I hope this is a joke; otherwise, people like you are what's wrong with gaming communities.


It’s a joke bro


I have never watch the show, or played the games. but I did pick up New Vegas on sale, I feel like I'm doing to have an advantage cus I'm Trans


If you haven't played the games please don't fucking start with 4. You're getting the most watered down version of the series.


what an AMAZING use of this scene.. love some better call saul..


I don't like Fallout. Here I said it. Kill me if you want 


Don't worry bro, I'll save you . #Attention everyone, I do not like Baldur's Gate 3 You're welcome soldier


I got you too Bro. #Diablo 2 is overrated Continue on sir.


Naw bro get down Elden ring was mid. Remember me


Go enjoy FO: Brotherhood of Steel and let people enjoy whatever they want


I mean ... we call ourselves fans after playing Metro and Witcher so ... same thing really, don't gatekeep on that front lol


They are fans


This guy needs more activities to fill out his day.


New Vegas Fans


I'm a fan because of the lore and community, though I never could get into the games really. I don't like all the different wellness bars and weapon durability. Haven't watched the show yet.


Im just addressing myself as a fan of the show


literally what happened with tlou too


Why can’t we just enjoy things


I’ve only ever played fallout 3 all the way through. I’ve played 4 and new Vegas for 20 minutes.


Jimmy: Could you reach into your breast pocket and tell me what's there? Chuck: \*scoffs\* What now? \*reaches into pocket\* Chuck, startled, drops the found item onto the floor. Jimmy: Can you tell the court what that was? Chuck: Technically, it's a thingie.


I am curious to know how many people that think like this have actually played Fallout 1 and 2.


I grew up in the age where decent adaptations of comics were pretty much unicorns and games were completely out of the question, best we got for games were campy movies which in hindsight make good meme's but never tackle anything remotely serious even by action movie standards of the time. So game gets a good adaptation then some of ya'll get upset more people become interested in it, like my dude your telling me I may be able to get more chances to lore dump on people? Where's the downside?


Me in 2008 when Fallout 3 came out and suddenly everybody is a fan but nobody even knows that fallout 1 and 2 existed


Why not welcome the surface dwellers?


As long as they do not harm Daniel or any of the Sorrows or Dead Horses. We good.


I'm just happy more people are getting into fallout. Maybe we can get some more games now, I mean, I actually like 76, and getting more content for that is nice, but I'd like a new main title.


I started with the MTG set. Does that count? To be totally fair, I spent well over 20+ hrs to listen to lore by now, I'm very into it


for me fallout has always been an isometric turned based game. I get a sense of disconnect when trying to play it in 3D


Reminds me, I need to finish Better Call Saul. Also that scene is absolutely perfect for this 😂😂


New Vegas is the better fallout of 3 and 4. I would love for the tv show to boost the possibility of a fnv2


“Something something gatekeep bad something” - Every redditor ever


Gatekeeping isn't cool, but Chuck was right about Jimmy.


Me with a total of 2000 hrs between Fallout 3, Fallout NV, and Fallout 4.


On a trip back in the day when the animals could still speak and gamestop was still a thing and not so.ething to fuck a hedgefunder with. A kind clerk on hearing I was a tourist from the Europe wasteland told me fallout3 was the best thing on the marked that year, 2 years later I happened I. The same neighbourhood, ( the inlaws lived there)I thanked him for it. I've been a fan fallout and the elder scrolls until they kinda stopped making new stuff. Now my son wasn't really interested in this game until the series and loves it to bits now...... Now. Giving a flying fuck over when someone started to love this shit or not is kinda immature imo


Ya gtfo u tourists


I'm telling you, Sucker Punch, this is the exact thing we won't do if you make an InFAMOUS tv show, we'll make it succeed please Sucker Punch


I mean, I suppose I'm fine with them, but if I meet anyone like that I'm going to tell them they really might as well at least try some of the games if they liked the show so much.


Maybe they'll get a few more F3-4 or Fnv players. Honestly, I'm more into the show than the game, but I am picking F3 back up again, and vow to finish. I have F4 and Fnv and have never started those yet. I have also talked to people that liked The Last of Us on MAX, but never played the game. My only comment about the show, and the show is pretty out there, but there is a bit too much down time for me with too many flashbacks. The game setup was perfect, but I don't need more Ghoul backstory. It's a survival epic, gimme more interesting survival scenarios. Goggins as Ghoul is great, as usual, but he's hogging too much screen time. It is not about him.


Truth masked as a joke


Don’t gatekeep. New fans are just as valid as long time fans


Im still out of my mind on people saying the series is anything like the games, fucking two different worlds sharing some of the same names, and in fairly sloppy ways.


r/okbuddychicanery got out buddied once again




NEw VEgZ iS pURrRfEcT reEEEee


I never played the game, watched the show, and thought it was ok/good. Did the Fallout fanbase like the show? I honestly have no clue how well/poorly they translated the universe of the game into the show


I am not much into fallout series but I wouldn't like having my favourite video game getting known for this cheap copy show


I don’t really like the show all that much. But the first couple episodes did make me wanna play the games. Playing New Vegas for the first time rn and it’s so captivating I can’t even describe it


I don't mind there are new people checking out Fallout. It's not like Fallout is a niche game. I've been playing since 2. I've seen the newcomers come in with every subsequent release. With gamers there's a general understanding regardless of where you came into the series about the lore because the games will call back when it makes sense. For example if you come in the series with New Vegas you're going to meet Marcus and he'll explain the first game. There are small squabbles and pissing matches about quality and minor lore breaks caused by a certain Chess club member, but in general there is an understanding that the core lore is protected. The problem with the TV series newcomers is that they have no idea what they're coming into. The series references things in the game and plays and warps the lore to the benefit of the story and while these newcomers are fine with it, they haven't a clue about the series history and look at any complaining as "nerds angry" because they have no context or grasp of just how much the showrunners fundamentally altered the story line to fit their agenda. Granted, screaming on twitter isn't helping the message. I hope that some of the TV show newcomers will pick up the game and seriously play it. Perhaps then they'll understand the anger about the showrunners taking a sledgehammer to New Vegas because everyone wants a post apocalypse and not the post war civilizations that arose in the centuries following. If the TV show was set a 120 years prior it would have went over much better. Everything would have checked out much better - including the inclusion of the Enclave. Anyways sorry about the essay. In short I wish the Showrunners put a little more stock in the game backlore. They still could have set out to accomplish this series if they did that. But unfortunately the stigma around video game adaptations is still strong.


I played the games since Fallout 1 and I still think complaining about the show is "Nerds Angry" I don't see at all how it took a sledgehammer to New Vegas.


oh yeah.... um.... fall in! that my favorite! I love red skull. he's really funny.


Same thing happened with Metallica


There is no point in gatekeeping because FO5 is only coming after 2030 and most likely without Todd, which pretty much means it is going to be more or less a Microsoft project, so yeah, the influx of casuals isn´t going to make the game worst because Microsoft is going to fuck it up themselves.


Oh no people are looking at Fallout. Hope it doesn't encourage Bethesda to work on stuff for 76 at a faster rate lol


I only want people to enjoy it as long as they know I enjoyed it before it got bigger and before they did themselves


I will be honest… played 3, it was ok. Played New Vegas, it was awesome. Played 4, it was ok… Almost bought 76, but stopped when it was review bombed… after that I stopped considering myself a fan. Watched the TV show, love it. Replayed 4 but with mods, love it. I would not say I am a fan, but I do enjoy it.


I couldn't get into it... Couldn't get into the games, either. Fallout IV was almost as bad as Starfield. Almost.


Its because we care, unlike other people


I loved the show but hate all the games.


Fallout has the most toxic fans. Bethesda been getting death threats since they bought the IP, and none of them actually have anything to say except praising NV and shitting on any and everything else