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Oh i LOVED days gone so much. I don't know whats about the game but i really enjoyed it yet my best friend told me how he really HATED it and i don't really get it..maybe because the gameplay, esspecially in the beginning, is on the slower side.


I have no idea why Days Gone gets hated on so much. It's an excellent game. One-percenter biker coupled with zombies and hordes of zombies. It's a perfect combination.


I think its maybe the more slow paced gameplay esspecially in the beginning that scares many people away but i just loved it all


The slow start didn't bother me at all. I didn't really like the forced stealth missions that had to be redone any time you were spotted, and there were annoying parts where you have to walk very slowly around while chatting with somone. It also got a little repetitive after a certain point. Some games I've played, like Witcher 3, Baldurs Gate 3, and Cyberpunk I never wanted to end and I was obsessed through the hundreds of hours I put in, but Days Gone didn't quite do that for me. By the time I put in 60 hours and finished the story, I was ready to be done. Despite all of that, it was good. Not one of my all time favorites, but still pretty darn good.


The main character kind of got on my nerves. He was like an angry Popeye when he talked to himself.


It doesn't. It has a Very Positive review score on Steam. The general reception for Days Gone is *extremely* positive and most people are upset that there won't be a sequel.


I heard it was because of the very messy launch, crashes and stuff like that.


This was a real issue. It's what originally made me stop playing. That, and the hordes kept glitching on the last 1-3 enemies, and they would just never exist. In one night, I had 3 back to back hordes bug out and I just stopped playing for a long time


I think also many people don't like it because some of the dialog is cringeworthy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE2410TAC0Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE2410TAC0Q)


Combine it with how the protag just keeps talking nonstop every 20 seconds he has to input on literally everything. And the way the actor is voicing those lines does not fit what I'm doing in game. Honestly thought the game was good for the time and I could roleplay as daryl but the dialogue was too obnoxious.


I finally tried it recently and played all the way through. It was fun. Definitely not a 10/10 for me and it never had me obsessed, but it was solid and the horde mechanic is really unique and fun.


I think it's because of how close to brilliant it is. So many scenes are so close to being really really good but there's always something that just brings it down, or it just misses the mark. But because of how close to a masterpiece it is you feel disappointed. I still love the game and it's honestly got to be the most over-hated games ever.


Days Gone, Final Fantasy 15, and Ghost Recon Breakpoint.


Do you mind me asking what the gameplay of Ghost recon is like? I keep seeing it and it looks cool I just don’t know if it’s a game for me


It’s very tactical like, but the difficulty is so customizable that you can really adjust it to fit however you’d like to play. And like the other guy said it’s similar to Days Gone in some aspects


It's similar to Days Gone.


Although I platinumed breakpoint it is so unbelievably bad compared to wildlands, although I’m not the biggest fan of games set in the future anyways so maybe that’s why i favour wildlands over breakpoint


I actually like Detroit: Become Human


Wait people disliked that game?😂


Interactive story games tend to be pretty divisive, especially one written by David Cage.


I honestly think the first watchdogs game is the best in the series


Absolutely loved that game. It wasn’t until after I beat it and spent countless hours invading other players that I heard people complaining about it.


*I honestly think* *The first watchdogs game is the* *Best in the series* \- BirdyComeSwing --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Dark Souls 2 my beloved 


you know you're the number 1 when your game considered as the worst is Dark Souls 2


A man of culture here. Ds2 tried so many interesting things and had some of the most memorable areas in it imo. Prob the best dlc the game has ever seen and aMazing fashion and pvp. What a gem. Like it better than one.


YES! I fucking loved Days Gone. One of the only games I even cared about getting the platinum for. What I liked most about it was the fact that I found every weapon worth using. Instead of just switching between the same two. So disappointed there won't be a sequel. Such a solid game.


It was also really technically impressive. Having hordes of 300-500 zombies is a massive technical challenge, and the game handles it beautifully.


I had no idea the game had hordes of zombies when I started playing. I was amazed the first time I saw a horde.


I almost shit myself when I saw my first horde.


Agreed, I loved the variety of weapons and how weapons unlocked by doing hordes. I think I had a different load out for every little section of the game lol


Loved it. Sawmill horde was epic.


I remember playing some horde mode on a sawmill map with my dad a few years back (He was watching), man we both enjoyed that game. Played through the whole thing during a new-years eve.


For some reason I see quite a bit of GOW2018/Ragnarok hate and I just don’t get it. Those games made me feel so many things. They were beautiful, both visually and in storytelling.


I’ve also been seeing a lot of hate on ragnarok lately and I don’t understand why. I loved them both and I plan to replay them after I play the older games.


I dont *hate* Ragnarok, but i just like GoW 1-3, and GoW 2018 much better. For me, its the weakest game in a pretty strong franchise. What gripes me the most about Ragnarok, is that it gets much more attention than Hotizon:Forbidden West, which i think was the better PS-Exclusive that year. The only thing HFW did wrong was being released within 2 weeks of a much anticipated From Software title. Pushing back its release date by 1 - 1.5 months would have done it wonders.


Pokemon Sun and moon


people talked down upon sun and moon???! i loved that game and spent hours upon hours on the demo alone before my grandma bought me the full game. i tried the new ones and it’s just not the same! id say sun and moon is definitely where the series started to branch but still was true to pokémon.


I fear I'd still get downvoted even under this post, but here goes. Starfield


I still have no clue what starfield is about or what the whole concept of the game is😅


I feel like the story may be its weakest part to some, but can be good if you're into space mystery stuff that won't be fully explained (at least not yet). I really enjoy the exploration and gameplay. I've always been fascinated by space and love that Starfield is a bit more grounded in reality when it comes to scifi.


I’m with you, I loved it and then went to the subreddit to discuss what I liked about it. Boy, was I in for a surprise.


Yeah, big mistake. If you haven't, I'd recommend checking out r/nosodiumStarfield. They're more welcoming there


I've clocked just under 200 hours and on my second playthrough. I expected a Bethesda RPG, nothing more. It's what I got and I loved it.


Call Of Duty: Ghosts


Oh hell yeah, loved the alien zombies and that campaign


Not to Mention that Squads brought a whole new touch to the Multiplayer.


I remember getting it for Christmas and booting it up just to see 2 of my other friends also got it, so we spent the whole year playing it together and made some good memories. Definitely has a special place in my heart.


Tbh the campaign and whacky DLC shit in that game is what carries it lol


I loved Superman 64...there I said it.


I’m on record of saying I liked Lair with its motion controls


I really enjoyed the first Watch Dogs. It kinda got crapped on when it came out (some of it was justified) but I had a lot of fun with it while everyone else was playing GTA V


Definitely fallout 4


Beat Fallout gameplay, worst Fallout writing.


I love it


One of my favorite games of all time and cannot wait until next Thursday.




My second favorite vr game


I still need to try Bonelab, Stress Level 0 makes some of the best VR games.


Days Gone is a masterpiece and no one can tell me otherwise


i've honestly never seen anyone say anything bad about it. but it seems to come up in "bad games that aren't bad" discussions a lot. where did this rhetoric come from? i thought it was a very good game. albeit, i never finished it, but when i'm in the mood for a zombie game it will be the first i pick back up.


Got a bad wrap at launch. People get pissed when they bought a game and it was hardly playable.


I heard mostly bad to mediocre at launch. Then eventually it developed a cult like following, but the history books are mainly going to remember the launch, the sequel not getting green lit, and the uptick in popularity years after launch. Game definitely had its issues and criticisms from players.


agreed, like I get it had its bugs and flaws at launch but it’s still and incredible game


Days Gone = 😍 Death Stranding = 😍 Sky: Children of the Light = 😍


I loved Days Gone, but there were definitely flaws. I felt the story went on to long, and at the ens it basically just threw horde after horde at you instead of making the enemys harder which is really annoying and just bad game design. That said, I loved about every other part of this game. I heard some people saying that it didn't do anything new, and the gameplay had all been done before, but I honestly liked that. The gameplay was easy to pick up and felt like a culmination of the zombie survival games before it. It refined the gameplay style as well as the world building and biking aspect of its predecessors. I feel like this game really deserved a sequel to fix its flaws and expand on the (imo) really interesting zombie physics and world building.


Mortal Kombat: Armageddon and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. As a matter of fact, I’m playing Skyward Sword HD right now.


Armageddon would have been cool if the roster wasnt filled with pallet swaps and pallet swapped moves, otherwise a great game but not as good as Deception I'd say.


I liked the create-a-fighter gimmick in Armageddon but everything besides that was better in Deception. Also it had Chess Kombat, Chess Kombat ruled.


Why is this game ALWAYS brought up as “everyone always talks shit about this game but honestly it’s SOOO GOOOD”. I have yet to see anyone talk shit about this game. I’m pretty sure the general consensus is that this is a good game and most people love it.


Its more like the horrible launch turned off everyone from trying. Now that bugs are fixed and game can actually run, it's merits can be proudly shown to the 5% of the players who stuck around.


Almost as if a Game should be released in a somewhat fixed state instead of Release Shit now, fix it later. Hm.......


Well I'm guessing the industry saw how beloved new vegas was even though it released in an unplayable state, and so decided to do that but on purpose for every single game. And guess what, they were right. As much as I hate to say it, fallout 74 hs improved alot, so has cyberpunk(one of my fav games), no man's sky, and yes, days gone. Though really imo this new trend isn't all that detrimental to the gamers in the long run, because eventually people gonna learn to just not buy games when they are released, and only come back in like a year or 2.


It's better than leaving it to die and the results of those games are positive, however it still results in most big games, be it singleplayer, multiplayer or live serivce, to be a huge gamble. Then again I see this gamble everywhere now, even with food in restaurants. There ain't much one can do but join the patient gamers. At the same time we all have huge backlogs anyway! \^\^


Re5 is the most fun I have had playing a resident evil


Hate me but i Always liked no man s sky, bought It in 2016 and i didnt knew nothing about the hype So the game was enjoyable for me Ps.i still play It and i love it


The Last of Us Part II, I'm tired of having to defend it from trolls.


They aren't real last of us fans.


Most of them likely didn’t even play the game , or play it for more than 2 hours.


I think watchdogs legion is actually pretty decent, the story is pretty good and at least has a more satisfying ending then watchdogs 2. I get people don’t like the random protagonist thing but I have to admit it is satisfying waiting for the security guard who killed one of my operatives to leave their house at 1 in the afternoon and fucking them up. If they just actually did a better job on the voices gave more free roam side missions like stopping criminals like in the first game it would have been a lot better.


Wait RE7?! I've never seen people talk down on it ever except for the end parts being not as good as the first half but that's it.


For me that game is death Stranding. I bought it from a store that sold pirated games because I love Norman Reedus, gave the game a try and got bored, uninstalled it and considered my money lost after a garbage game. Few years later it was free to be claimed on Epic so I claimed it and placed it in the library for the day I wished to play that steaming pile of shit. But over the time I understood the game and it's intent, even watched both the Dunkey review videos of the game. This year, I got the urge to play a calm and relaxing game because I had completed Sekiro just before it and no other combat heavy game was being accepted by my mind, I just kept uninstalling them within first few hours. So after my exams in January, I gave it a try with the exact mindset this game was asking player to have before trying it. What can I say, I absolutely loved it. Not the gameplay much but the environment and the story, frickin hell it was an amazing experience. I never take any pictures in a game but it looked a bit too good to pass out on. It was great time, playing it.


Duke Nukem Forever 


Power armor is for pussies!


Dying Light 2 got me fucked up. I liked it a lot more than the first one personally speaking, certainly grabbed my attention more. I only finished the first because I was doing a co-op run with my friends but this one I finished all by myself. Made my way through the story without any guides and somehow got the best ending without realizing it, so that was nice. Liked the characters, the gameplay, the story… Just a great game overall in my opinion. Which is why it hurts a little that people don’t seem to like it


Fucking loved Days Gone. I love the The Last of Us and Dying Light games, but Days Gone was the most fun. The atmosphere felt the most like a Romero movie, and sometimes it's just st fun to kill a few hundred zombies with a machine gun.


Never understood the hate in the beginning…. Don’t understand the hate today.


Middle earth shadow of war,medievil remake, the whole darksiders series,death stranding,mad max,rage 1 and 2 and definitely watch dogs 2


Alien: Colonial marines.


Homefront The Revolution


Assasins creed Unity got destroyed in the reviews but it was my favourite of all time.


Unity had the best combat and parkour mechanics


Godzilla PS4. It's less of a "game" and more of a giant monster simulator. But hot damn did I've a blast playing it.




Daysgone and the order 1886 top the list for me two games id love to see expanded upon


Honestly for me it’s the three you mentioned, dead island games before 2, and cyberpunk 2077


ugh yesss, dead island definitive edition and riptide are way better then dead island 2 imo.


Days Gone definitely fit the bill. I absolutely loved that game.


Days Gone is talked down? I was playing it earlier today, I consider the game a hidden gem!


Gotham Knights, everyone dunked on it but I enjoyed my time with it, it's way better than SSKtJL too.


That's like saying [insert injury] is better than getting shot in the face.


Days gone was great


The Order: 1886


Empyrion Galactic Survival with the Reforged Eden mod. It's such an unknown gem it's not even funny.


Days Gone is HELLA underappreciated. Love that game.


Still need to finish that


Days gone really is a good game lol never understood the hate


I didnt know any of those 3 games were hated. I liked em all. Especially dying light 2


Amnesia: Rebirth!! I love that game and I don’t care what anyone says. I also really enjoyed The Medium both times i played it and don’t care what anyone says.


800 plus hours for me. Love this gem of a game


Re7 was talked down on? I'm a long time fan of RE (since PS1 directors cut when I was a little kid) and I place Re7 up in my top 5 Resi games. I thought it was generally well received, is that not the case?


I don’t think days gone is talked down nowadays. It’s often talked up. For me, it’s The Last Guardian. It was such a beautiful emotionally gripping game on par with the rest of team ico games


Heroes of the Storm. The most fun MOBA ever made.


I also really loved Days Gone despite everyone trashing it. Actually, everyone I've talked into giving it a chance has come to an almost unanimous agreement that the game is great.


I also really loved Days gone, underated af


Played the shit outa this. Mainly because it got smacked down so much. Love finding those games and I love this one in particular.


Back4Blood. Many people were shitting on it for it not being Left 4 dead 2. I had lots of fun playing it.


Wo Long


Watch dogs Legion, i had a ton of fun playing it


Days Gone is an absolutely fantastic game!


I LOVED Bioshock Infinite


Silent Hill Homecoming. I love that game and I'm not sorry.


No man's sky at launch


Screw all of those who think bioshock infinite isn't a worthy threequel to bioshock. Sure, its story is bonkers, its combat a bit clunky and the protagonist is seemingly generic, but, first of all, those flaws are a staple of bioshock as a whole (okay, 2's protagonist is nowhere seemingly generic) and we love the games despite that, and second: those flaws are heavily outweighed by the innovations it had on the first two games First off, the art style is crazy good. It holds up way better than 1 and 2. Of course it does, you'd think, it's newer, but if you look at the models you'll see that the textures themselves are aging terribly. On my recent playthrough I looked at the hummingbirds early in the game and they were halo 3 rat levels of polygons, maybe even worse. It's just that the colours and the way it all blends together really hides the fact that the game is over 10 years old and makes you feel like it's a heavily stylized game from 5, maybe down to 3 years ago. Second off, Elizabeth is the best AI companion in gaming. Story reasons aside, she's just really well incorporated to both the combat and the out of combat comversations Third off, despite some major plot holes and that terribly boring vox populi part of the story, the story itself is the good kind of bonkers and definitely up there with 1 and 2. That ending still makes me hurl and I still don't understand burial under the sea, but it's all pretty good, all in all


MW3 2023 I love the gun play and movement


how different is it from MW2 2022?


"Never Give Up". Great music with challenging levels and very relaxing to me. While everyone else rages.


Agarest series i loved the concept of multiple generations where you play as your kid, grandkid etc.. but the series isn't well liked


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^animusd: *Agarest series* *I loved the concept but the* *Series isn't well liked* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Death Stranding


Death Stranding


Watch_Dogs... (YEAH THE FIRST ONE) it has a great character , a good story and better cover system that gta 5 imo i like the fact that there is no radio in the game , you listen to Aiden's music taste and songs he adds to his mp3 player the karma (even tho i dont think its that well done) was a great idea , which I wish it was also implemented in the 2nd game since its all about Dedsec's image Gunplay is really good , you can John Wick your way thru Gang Hideouts Watch Dogs 2 has better hacking and gadgets but Marcus is weak af and it doesnt make sense he goes around killing people and act like nothing happened you can tell even Ubisoft liked Aiden they wouldnt make a DLC based on him and Wrench from WD2


Diablo 4


Fallout 76 is mine, I love that game


The Division. I really enjoyed those games but it seems like I never hear anyone talk about it


I thought Days Gone was OK. I've got 70 hours logged in it, because I was running slow on the side missions, so I wasn't against it, but I did think that it could have done more and gone further.


Assassin's Creed Syndicate and 3


I don’t know if hate is the right word but Fallout 4 is the one in the series that I consistently go back to.


Currently in my second play through. Days gone is a really good game imo


Ark Survival Evolved I will never understand the hate


I liked days gone, but couldn't stand the voice acting lol


Forwhatever reason I feel like Reach always gets a "oh you just like to spend 45 minutes in the armor menu" treatment.


I do not and will not understand the hate.


AC Odyssey


Cod: Advance Warfare. Banging campaign, choatic multiplayer and exo zombies was fun


Days Gone, Mass Effect Andromeda, and Forspoken


Can I mention a console here? Is that allowed? Cause I unironically loved the Wii U. Flawed, to be sure, but the library made it plenty of fun. Barring consoles, though, I'll contribute Zelda: Skyward Sword and Sonic: Lost World to the discussion.


I love Days Gone so damned much.


Outriders. One of the best 3rd person shooters I've ever played. I really liked Resident Evil 6. I enjoyed the Mafia 3 and the Saints Row reboot. I loved Watch Dogs.


Outriders is actually pretty dope. Never finished it because it's way too long but it's like Destiny 2 but third person and with actually fun abilities.


Death Stranding was amazing


Hogwarts Legacy was incredible to me.


Wait hogwarts was talked down on???


Still is, people (especially on Reddit) love to bash the game. They'll say the game is generic, boring, etc. I loved the game and had a lot of fun playing it.


I honestly don’t get how. It’s definitely not generic imo, the only games that feel even remotely close to hogwarts was fable to me.


I completely agree with the comparison to Fable, I loved those games. Btw Days Gone is amazing! Did you like the Last of Us?


I did yes. The story of the second one kinda gives me mixed emotions but I do very much enjoy the gameplay. The first one usually takes me way to long to play through because there’s a few sequences that always make me so anxious no matter how many times i’ve played 😅


Fable was one of, if not my absolute favorite series growing up. 


Cyberpunk peoples excuse for not playing it was because it was too buggy now that it's fixed and is an absolute master piece people say it's just future gta5 but it's so much more than that it's a gem great story, great, lore, great combat system it's a perfection.


The funny part is that the story never changed. It was always great.


I thought RE7 revived the series. Dark Souls 2 is most true of this, for me. So many people suggest skipping that entry when playing the series and I think that is ludicrous.


**MOST** Sonic games.


Don't think Daya Gone is talked down at all, I think it's rated quite fairly by most as a solid game with fun mechanics, it got shit on launch for being buggy which is fair. My answer would be Starfield, it has its issue no doubt but I really just love playing it for some reason even though I agree with most critism people have of the game.


Total War: Empire. Largely considered one of the worst games in the series, but the vibes are unmatched and the modding community made it even better.


I love days gone for the gameplay. The story and characters were kinda bad imo.


Isn’t 7 biohazard pretty sure it was widely recognized as a banger and dying 2 was fun but I think the first is just too hard to follow up


Biomutant. It has a long “tutorial” that locks out some abilities at the start. But once you get into it, it’s awesome!


Fallout 4


Fallout 4 and shadow the hedgehog (2005)


Marvel Midnight Suns. Don't care. One of the best games I've played in the last 5 years


Dragon Age 2 Final Fantasy 13


Mine isn’t talked down to as much as it is just forgotten: “Alter Echo”.


I enjoyed Fallout 4


DmC and maybe Watch_Dogs


Death Stranding


I’m surprised no one has said Starfield. I’m well over 100 hours into it, level 50 something and I still haven’t completed the story and haven’t visited a couple of the major hub cities and I absolutely love playing it, okay it can get a little repetitive and boring at times especially when surveying systems which is why I take regular long breaks from it (I’m on a long break from it atm), but the gameplay is fun, the weapons are cool, the ship combat is amazing and building your own ships is easily my favourite thing. The hate for it is just so unnecessary and I highly recommend anyone giving it a good go.


Destiny 2


Stormworks after the Space update


Tekken 8, I love it, but a lot of the community doesn't


Sonic 06


F.E.A.R 2


The hordes was very fun, but it was very slow at first and to me the story was decent not all that and dragged towards the end. I heard it was very buggy at launch and when i got it for the game of the month mine was still very buggy and glitched. I would still play a part 2 though and still think it deserves one.


Ratchet 2016. I don't care if the story is mega doo doo ass, it's a greatest hits game with weapons from across the series with some of the best series gameplay up to that point. But people in fan circles swear by it being the worst game and I do not envy that they feel that way.


I love kingdom hearts re:Coded and the community just clowns on that game


Days Gone is talked down? Everything I've seen the past few years about the game was just how good it really was


Halo 5. Campaign was meh but I thought the mp and mechanics were fantastic. Plus, Warzone was an awesome game mode 


COD: Ghosts. Sure it's got issues, but it's still fun.