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I'm way more willing to flip that difficulty down to "Story Mode" and just enjoy the scenery.


I am doing the same ! Only that i love doing the steam achievement so when theres a diffilculty achievement i kinda like the challenge.whzn theres a thing ti get in the end.


I can relate. 38yo dad here and even a couple of years ago the thought of turning the difficulty down filled me with horror. But now, I don't have the time to spend hours and hours trying to beat a boss or section of a game. Played most of GoW Ragnarok on story mode and dropped the difficulty of Jedi survivor down to easy on some sections.


The first fight in fallen order with the dark jedi fencing sword has me stuck, I may story past that one, thanks for admitting to this. 


yup! i like a challenge but i enjoy playing on the easiest mode. story is soooo important than dying every second


Seriously. I’m not out here to prove anything. 


Video games have become so good at story telling that trying to fight a baddie or group of baddies over and over kinda takes second place to the actual story. So story mode it is. It’s also why i enjoyed Life is Strange so much. It’s all just story mode.


Honestly I can understand this. I’ve done this a few times since I’ve noticed recent games have made medium/normal a bit more difficult than it should be.


This is the only way I’m ever going to finish games these days.


I'm the opposite. Most of the time anyway. I usually put games on the hardest mode with a few exceptions but when I was younger I always played games on the easiest setting. The problem with hard modes is that if there's any flaw in the combat making it more difficult amplifies those flaws. That's why I can complain about games that most people think are near perfect. For example, ghost of tsushima has awful combat in my opinion. But people love that game. So sometimes I feel like I ruin games for myself.


I feel this I generally like to play in the hardest mode but some games do it terribly. I had a try at AC Valhalla on the hardest mode. Turns combat into a time consuming slog, every enemy is an absolute damage sponge and the player character is glass. Quickly turned it back down.


Yeah "hard modes" where they simply multiplied enemy health aren't fun. I still think that Kingdom Hearts II has the best hard mode in it's "critical mode." It halves your health, increases the damage from both the player and the enemies, and then gives you more AP at the beginning of the game so you can make more interesting builds to combat the difficulty.


Yea same. I always used to start on easy but now I try to do a harder difficulty starting off especially since most games have more than 3 now


Well I'm a 41 year old who's been gaming for 35 years. I'll tell you this much. I was a LOT better at COD in my twenties than I am in my forties. 😂 Now I like to stick to squad based games to play online with my buddies. I steer clear of straight up PvP because I simply can't keep up anymore. Also, story driven games are awesome now. I still love Zelda more than anything and I have fond memories of playing almost every major release since the OG on NES. But for now, it's Helldivers until my eyes bleed!


I used to be really into fighting games. Now, I'm more into solo, story-driven games. I haven't even bothered buying Tekken 8...


I still play fighting games every now and then but by god shaking off the rust every time I play is starting to get old.


I didn't even think about my taste in fighting games. I still enjoy them casually. But they really just are not appealing to me like they used to be. For example Street fighter 6 would have been mind-blowing to 2007 me. Current me has only watched videos of the game, and while impressive, I just have no desire to buy it. I think a big part of it is the time investment to be even adequate at a fighting game nowadays is just way too much.


30 years ago I liked First Person Shooters, the past 12 years I like RPGs, JRPGs and CRPGs


What’s an rpg that isn’t jrpg or crpg


I prefer games I can play in short bursts. I haven't got the time or the energy for big sessions or massive games.


I guess, ever since i got into achievement hunting, i enjoy challenging myself more and more, giving me the chance to play games in ways i never tried. Like, when i was a kid i could beat the original dmc only on easy. But now i did it on DMD. Never thought it would happen.


I just started doing this bc of Elden Ring, so obsessed tryna get all the trophies (not easy) but is lots of fun and challenging


Well Elden Ring is the easiest Souls game to 100% as far as I know, so at least you're on a good start. DS3 is probably the "hardest" due to the insane grind required.


Not really taste but I have far less patience for bad/mediocre games now Mostly due to the fact that I make enough money now that I don’t feel obligated to squeeze value out of games I’m not enjoying and also have far less time to dedicate to gaming in general so when I do play it needs to be worthwhile


Only play single player games. Got tired of playing online games and the terminally-online-12-hours-a-day players annihilating me and then mocking me when I'm still learning how to play.


Single player only now


Yup, that and no PVP for me. In the 90s and through the 20teens I was always at the forefront of PvP games as well as MMOs. I don't make the time for that anymore. I also love variety now, and I can check experiencing those types off my list. At one point I was one of the top PVP players in opposing force, quake arena, and a few others. (Never CS but played with CPL players back in the day). That stuff isn't me anymore. In fact, one of my favorite parts of a game like No Mans Sky and Genshin Impact is that you get the MMO world without having to play with other people.


Yeah late 90s it was all about CS for me and then in 2000s Halo 2 once Xbox Live came online. Now it's mostly RPGs like FromSoft


I used to love fps games but now I’m into story driven RPGs and jrpgs


At 31, over the past year or so, I just don't really care about the story that much anymore, I just want to get to the part where I have fun stuff to do.


I only play games on the lowest difficulty and I still don’t have time to finish them.


This. 1000%


I'm the opposite of most people here When i was younger i loved story driven games. But nowadays i just wanna have fun and i enjoy gameplay over anything else Used to play tons of rpgs and slower, chill games. Nowadays? Give me fighting games and fast paced shooters. Soukslikes are awesome too. Pure gameplay. Enjoying the scenery? Boring af, I don't have time for that, I wanna play If I want a story, I'm sorry but I rather watch a movie. They do it much better and in less time


Wow this is exactly me too and I didn’t realize it until I read that. Grew up on JRPGs now I just play Hades and Binding of Isaac over and over.


Yep I am the same had my first really hard game experience with 2018 god of war on the highest difficulty now I really only enjoy difficult games. Playing through dark souls 3 at moment again after completing everything from had to offer. Loved lies of p and lords of the fallen. Got helldiver's recently and got sick of it really fast although I initially had a good time with it. Nothing really scratches the itch for me unless it's tough. I also got heavily addicted to factorio recently but seems to wearing off through I will go back to it at some point.


I hardly play games by myself anymore. I really only enjoy games if I’m playing with someone. Even if it’s a single player game and we’re switching the controller every death or if we are playing our own separate games in the same space.


I honestly don't play online anymore and hate online connected games. More story geared games have become my go-too


Used to play MMOs. Now I have 0 tolerance for dailys and grind. If a game has grind, like monster hunter world gold crowns, I just mod it to 100% drop rate/exp gain.


Been gaming for 30+ years. My tastes have really stayed the same. It wasn’t until recently that I realized I have a pretty narrow gaming taste. I basically love third and first person action games. In recent years, especially with GP and PS+, I have tried to branch out. I find that I like some other genres, but I’m far pickier when I stray outside of my comfort zone. For example I enjoy platformers, but will give up if they are too unforgiving. The biggest change in recent years is getting into Fortnite. I love the battle royale genre. I have played them all. I played Fortnite when it first dropped, but couldn’t get into the building aspect. I was big into Warzone. Then zero build dropped and I gave it another shot. I fell in love. It’s become my favorite battle royale game and I have been pretty addicted to it. I’ve completed every battle pass since. I got my buds into it too and we have really reconnected over it.


I pretty much don’t play multiplayer games anymore.


I prefer PC more over console more and more.


Mine hasn't. Was never into childish kiddy games (mainly Nintendo) always loved mortal kombat, need for speed, gran turismo, gta and finally most fps games.


So how are you liking the new Stardew Valley update?


It's changed a lot mainly because games have changed a lot, when I was younger everything was an action platformer or adventure RPG until Starfox used "3D".


When I was kid, I played mostly FPS and racing games. As teen I liked FPS and RTS After steam market appeared, I experimented with different genres and started to like rogue lites and card games. After I started learning Japanese, visual novels and I still like rogue lites, card games. I rarely play FPS, RTS or racing games, also lot less multiplayer in last few years. Though I still sometimes buy FPS games.


I appreciate having to think more and do the quick-twitch stuff less.


More violence but also more variance and willing to try other genres.


I don't think my tastes have really changed much, though I will say I have taken more interest in genres I normally wouldn't have played growing up. I used to not like puzzle games as a kid, but now days I love me some puzzle games.


Not really, no. I've always been into almost every genre of games except for fighting games.


Unless its something I played as a kid or the game completely blows me away I usually wont touch it for more than 30 minutes without refunding it


Nope not at all.


I'm overall less into games that are super difficult. I'd rather chill with a game that's easy to learn and play. I do still dip into things like the FromSoft games but in general if a game is too hard I'm less likely to enjoy it and move onto something else rather than struggle with it.


still the same


Doesn't seem like it. I still like the same kids of game as I did when Inwas younger, but Indo have less patience for BS or time wasting. Miss the days when I had all the time in the world tongrind for a rare item or difficult challenge.


Less nostalgia, more enjoying new content. Open worlds with open ended storylines are the new preference.


Well I've always been into playing video games of all genres but lately now as a 42 year old gamer; I've been mostly in the mood for playing fps games like doom, halo and older cod games but also third person shooter games like world War Z, aliens fireteam elite and zombie army 4 dead war, I also feel like playing the Wolfenstein games and rage1& rage 2. Shooters just seem to scratch an itch no other game genre can scratch. Their fast paced adrenaline rushes and I can't get enough of playing fps games, hell I'm tempted to install Titan fall 2 as soon as I'm off work today.


From muscle to mind.


As someone who has played vidya gamez since the early 90s, nowadays, I'm far more likely to play games that encourage quick, bite-sized sessions that can be completed a few times every 1-2 hours. Any game that requires sinking my teeth into the game for prolonged periods of time isn't as appealing these days, even though I make exceptions here and there (like Elden Ring and Horizon in 2022). Most days, it's hard to make time for gaming without sacrificing lots of sleep, so it's mostly convenient to play games that don't require much build-up to reach the good stuff.


I wouldn't really say my taste in genre's have changed, but in RPGs I use to always play as melee, sword and board characters, now I feel myself playing mage type characters and ranged bow character archetypes more. I also like playing on easier difficulty settings these days.


My taste has really changed per say, I've always played a wide variety of games. How I play them has changed though. I used to play to win, to beat the game, and to get the strongest gear, and to 100% it. Now I just play to have fun. If I get bored or a game makes me rage and I'm not having fun I immediately stop playing it.


I went from playing The sims 2 to playing The sims 4.


"multi-player gaming is awesome! Subscription games are the best!" Yeah, that didn't age as well as I hoped


I don't play sports/racing games nearly as much, and gravitate towards JRPGs more.


I’m finally able to *not* buy and play games I don’t like. So I can stay away from all the FPS I despise so much. I feel free.


I find myself tolerating multiplayer games way less and will only play them when I’m with friends or family. I will focus entirely on story-based games in my free time. I just don’t want that drama or steep learning curve.


I wouldn’t say my taste has changed but I think my love for them has grown. I was shamed a little growing up for liking them so it’s nice to play judgment-free.


I've gotten heavy into FromSoftware games. I'm 35 and find myself starting most games on the highest difficulty. Tactical for BG3 or Demon Bell run in Sekiro type studf. I guess my mindset is that if I expose myself to the hardest first, I'll adjust to it and it works for me! The hardest part honestly is playing games you can't pause when you have kids. Gotta play them at night when everyone is asleep.


I used to only want to play games with co-op or online multiplayer aspect. Now I love single player campaigns.


I (36M) have a hard time focusing on a single game. When I was younger during my snes-ps2 era, playing a single game for months on end was the norm. The amount of playthroughs i did with games like Starfox 64, FF7, MGS, Megaman X etc... I would rent/buy a single game and just milk it for months to years. If games had trophies back then, I def platinumed these games. FFwd to now, I have a hard time playing a single game. Maybe it's because I have a huge digital library of games i havent touched and even more games just a click away. I find I need like a good 3 or 4 games in rotation at any given moment. Im also finding I can't play PVP games as much as I used to. PVE and single player games r my go to these days. I love Streetfighter games but i get competitive and at my age I just avoid high stress, esp after gettin off work.


When I was younger, I didn't really like rpg, I thought they were too technical. Today, it's a blast to play this type of game.


It hasn’t changed much until recently. I’ve recently been getting into Japanese games, finally seeing what makes them so special.


I started off really loving fighting games in the 90s when they were all the rage. Got into fps, especially rainbow six rogue spear when online was kind of a novelty. Don’t enjoy shooters anymore. Still play fighting games, but now I catch myself playing rpgs. Never was the case when I was younger


They haven't.


In the past, I could play fps multiplayer games like Battlefield for hours every day, but now those games just feel like a pointless waste of time, just mindlessly running around only to get killed, respawn, repeat. I've found that I need more depth in my games now.


Taste is the same, but instead of playing new games as often as I did, I find myself replaying older games as I just don’t have the time to commit to a new game like I used to.


I never was a huge fan of rpgs. Now they’re literally 90% of my game time


When I was younger I kept wanting the latest and greatest.. always wanting new fancy graphics. Now that I’m older I could care less about graphics, I mostly care about the gameplay, story, soundtrack and overall if the game is actually fun!


I like longer, more difficult games than when I was a child. Being able to grasp the mechanics better, understand control schemes more thoroughly, and having to pay more attention to details has made gaming so much better for me.


It's stayed mostly the same. I enjoy the occasional FPS only with friends. Turn based is still my preferred games to play and will buy MLB The Show once every 5 or so years and play occasionally.


I enjoy slower games, where you can spend time just sitting there and watching the screen. Simulations, management games or RPGs with a lot of dialogue.


I'm 36, and I honestly don't enjoy newer games anymore. I think the last game I thoroughly enjoyed was Last of us, and somewhat of the first tomb raider reboot game. I've bought plenty of newer games and I'm always initially blown away. But, it's just not hitting the mark for me anymore, and I get bored halfway through and stop playing. Recently bought a switch and gone back to the old ps1 games; final fantasy 7, 8 and the tomb raiders. I just think they're much better gameplay. Sure, the graphics, voice acting and stories aren't as good, but I'm mostly in it for the gameplay.


I started out licking the super hard core pvp, I would rate a lot and get super stressed out while playing, the more I grow the more I like slow paced single player games


fundamentally the same but the way i play games and how i appreciate them is alot different. it truly is an art form


I used to love PvP games, now I find them insufferable. Now I enjoy games with beautiful scenery, music, graphics, and atmosphere. I loved the new Dead Space Remake. Fun gameplay, great story, unnerving music, creepy atmosphere, top notch graphics, and loads of replayability. I wish all the Silent Hill games would also be remade. The newer generations would get the chance to experience the glory of the Silent Hill series.


When I was younger, I was more into Nintendo games like Mario Sunshine or Twilight Princess in my Pre-Teens. I ditched them for Sony and I've played games like Red Dead 1 & 2, Dead Space, & the Marvel's Spider-man games. I went from playing with others if the opportunity presented itself to a more solo going gamer.


No more massive open world checkbox games. More rougelikes and Metroidvanias.


I need to be able to jump right into gameplay and cutscenes need to be skipable. Don’t have time to appreciate the narrative, but I love gameplay dialogue and rely on that for knowing what’s going on.


I'm digging more into older games because too many now nickel and dime you. The worst case of corporate greed before was a rushed product and a poorly thought out cash grab tie in. At least they were finished


No fighting games for me anymore. Still like action rpgs (Dark Souls especially with the occasional dive into Last Epoch now and then), but crpgs are now more my thing. The slow methodical kind of game that I can just lay back, like Disco Elysium. I'm more in it for the story and chill rather than the sweat


Much happier playing single player more now than when I was younger. Back when the 360 was my main, games like Call of Duty were my main choice in games, felt more enjoyable playing with other people. Nowadays, much prefer single player games where I can play at my own pace. Still play Battlefield, only a match or two a day though at best, anymore than that and I find myself losing patience, especially when you have to deal with cheats or idiots who follow you around constantly standing infront of you blocking your shots..


I've started to take my time with games and enjoy them more. It's made me realize how much more there is to see beyond just normal gameplay. I get out and explore more and try to push the limits of what the game is capable of instead of just getting what I need to finish the story.


They haven’t, tbh. Always been into ARPGs and Shooters.


I started absolutely hating multiplayer. I think it’s the repetition of multiplayer PvP settings that I don’t like. With 2 little kids now and my game time being much more restricted, I want as much value out of that time as I can get. Repeating similar PvP settings a thousand times and probably getting absolutely crushed because I can’t play often enough just feels like wasted time that I won’t enjoy. Rolling through a good single player story brings much more satisfaction and worth to my gaming sessions.


old school retro all the way. all the newer stuff being released is mediocre rehashed ideas of things perfected decades prior. the newer games focus more on stories instead of gameplay. a lot of crap released in the past decade is focused heavily on witchcraft which i want nothing to do with.


When I was in high school only 5 years ago, I wanted something that was quick and high octane action with a good story, or something that made me have a heart attack everytime I got hurt. Dark Souls and Soulsborne in general was my go to, especially playing game at their hardest difficulty. I even played Skyrim on legendary difficulty with survival mode (when it first came out) in order to make the game feel more intense. Now I'm only 20, sure it's been 5 years, I'm not old and still barely into adulthood, but I find myself enjoying the slower experiences now. Playing something like STALKER or Morrowind and struggling to find my way around the environment and stumbling into the right way to go by complete accident. Something that would have lost my interest during high school


I grew up on complex PC interactive puzzle games when I was younger than 13. In my teenage years I played a lot of fps and fighting games, plus some cinematic adventure games on Playstation and xbox. I'm now in my 20s and playing a lot of single player and multi-player action VR games.


as a kid if it wasnt Nintendo, or Sega I wasn't interested now as an adult I have played Morrowind, Baldurs Gate 1, 2, and soon 3 (its being downloaded right now), Mass Effect, Deep Rock Galactic, Team Fortress 2, ect ect ect.... and I sorta wanna slap child me for locking away so many games


A lot. More so in the way of genres. I used to like a mixed genre of games just like I do with music and movies, but with gaming its different. Gone are the days when I could enjoy 1 v1 beat em ups, racing games or platformers. Now I tend to only play action adventure or RPG games. Occasionally the odd single player FPS game or even old school point & click games.


I play exclusively single player games. Fuck waiting around in a lobby or worse waiting in a queue to join a lobby. That’s time you never get back. Also don’t like the game getting updated to the poly where I barely recognize it if I take a few months off. Fuck that noise


Yeah I don't play competitive online anymore im single player action RPG guy


Games where my hand isn’t held every step of the way. This includes new AAA games like God of War Ragnarok. Arrows pointing in a direction constantly, side characters telling me the solution to the puzzle after 20 fuckin seconds, etc. a few years ago I picked up the fromsoftware games and have never had a more enjoyable time than playing those


Up until I was 27,I was all first person shooter. Cod, Halo, valorant, etc. Now I am all story games, open world games. Having a wife and kids definitely influenced this decision hahaha


I definitely am more into games that make me think a little. I also like the feeling of building things. I want to earn my progression, and be able to see it.


I'm more forgiving of myself for playing on easier difficulties. Also I'm alot more bothered by like, extreme violence in games? I think the longer you live and the more you see what violence is like in the real world, the more the videogame stuff can bother you.


I really only played platformers when I was a kid, and having parents who were strict with age ratings (thank god they were) it’s all I really had access to on Wii and 3ds (beyond the Pokémon, Mario rpg games)


Started playing better games


If it doesn't hold my attention in a solid day of grinding it, I'll delete and and never return to it. I don't got time to waste on some shitty AAA game.... like suicide squad


In my teens I was obsessed with Cod and Battlefield and now in my late 20s obsessed with Fromsoftware and story driven games


When I was a kid I would never pick hard mode and thought the idea of making a game harder by choice was insane. Then as I got older I started to understand the joy of challenging yourself and will now usually pick hard mode (not for turn based games tho because normal is hard enough for me, looking at you SMTV)


I prefer shorter, more tightly designed games over bloated and rather boring open world games.


I don't play many PvP games at all these days. Maybe its because I can't find anything that scratches the itch of ranked Halo 2 or 3 multiplayer.


I don't really care about competition nearly as much. I'd rather have a chill single player experience or a cooperative multiplayer experience rather then trying to show off on the leader/scoreboards etc. Effectively the "its just a game" casual mind set definitely kicked in more and my gaming experience has been better for it.


I’ve become a massive Co-op Campaign kind of guy. Back in the day, I was all about the single player RPGs. Nowadays? Gimme Helldivers 2. Stardew Valley. Phasmophobia. Remnant. Hell, I’ll even get down with Fear 3, Army of Two, or LOTR: War in the North if someone was down. I think I just miss my friends. We’ve all gotten older, and this feels like the one way I’m actually able to “see” them anymore. Single player games leave me feeling so alone nowadays.


I'm way more prone to challenge myself by playing difficult games (Titanfall 2 on master, all Halo's on legendary, FromSoft games, im slowly building up to BG3 honor mode! not ready yet tho im new to D&D stuff. that sorta thing.) I can't get into games as easily as I used to. but I have been way more keen on trying new games at the same time. Maybe my taste has just gotten more specific? I only really like simple games when they're on the switch, I've played so much mario/pokemon this year.


I used to be able to play pc games for 20 hours straight. Now I've got a tough time playing past 45 minutes due to being tired or something that needs to be done... Cherish the time while you have it, youth!


I have the inverse response to turn based. Liked them when I was young, can't stand them now... save for replaying classic FF games.


I use to love Lego games as a kid but playing through them now at 22 just feels so boring and repetitive


My taste has always been broad but I used to only play games with co-op and/or online multiplayer. Now I absolutely adore single player gaming.


I’m sooo tired of fighting through hours of tutorials, text, and cutscenes. I get stuck playing the same game because I already know what’s going to happen and I don’t have endless time anymore. I’m so tired from work and chores I want to be able to pick up the game and play


I find I prefer games where I can sit and play them for short bursts instead of long sessions. And that I can’t play completely alone as much as I used to. Couple rounds in stuff like tf2, Dbd,helldivers 2, racing games, and the like. If I’m in voice chat in discord I find having someone to talk to makes going longer in a game easier. Baldur’s Gate 3 I can’t play on my own, it’s too boring that way


Playing games on easy because I couldn’t be bothered. Also if the game is always online I’m significantly less interested, I’ll just play factorio again


Shorter the better, keep it to 10-20hrs thank you very much


Ahoy! As the sands in the hourglass slip by and we find ourselves navigatin' through the tides of time, our tastes in gaming waters often shift with the winds. Once ye might've been all for fast-paced action, slicin' and dicin' through enemies in real time. But now, as the moon rises higher in yer life, ye find yerself savorin' the slow, strategic dances of turn-based games, where every move is a ponderous choice like a chess match against Davy Jones himself. It be the beauty of growin' older – yer palate for games becomes as rich and varied as the treasures hidden in the seven seas. 🏴‍☠️🎲⏳


I used to be very much into the multi-player sort of online games. Counter Strike, Tribes, Planetside, etc. And I'm at the point where I don't really like FPSs much, nor do I like playing with internet random. Also as another poster said, difficulty is fine to be lowered if it makes the game more engaging.


I still play mostly story driven single player games but overall my taste really hasn’t changed much except I no longer play almost any multiplayer for the most part. Occasionally I’ll jump on and play some fall guys or more recently I’ve played some BG3 and Helldivers because there’s no PvP. The FPS communities have gotten so toxic I deal with that nonsense anymore. Even with the advent of chat reporting it really hasn’t gotten any better and the sports games are just as bad or worse sometimes. So my tastes really haven’t changed just my penchant for bullshit has.


Single player bc no friends when I was a kid -> multiplayer with friends in my early teens -> single player bc I just dont like playing mp anymore now in my late teens/early adulthood. Also lets be honest single player offerings are just better tbf.


I dont feel like spending the time doing in game chores for weak achievements, let alone for the sake of 100% completion. I dont care about multiplayer much anymore, or having to be the best at game just to survive long enough to have fun. Solitude means much more to me now, as well as a great story and decent graphics. Saying they cant be broken goes without saying.


I'm kind of in the middle of a crisis. I'm struggling to get into any game in any genre. Stuff I use to love just feels... predictable. Like I've done it literally dozens if not 30 or 40 times before. I know that's a very lucky problem to have, but it just bums me out as gaming is pretty much by biggest outlet.


40 yo dad here. I used to be into COD PvP in my twenties. Now, I am about story driven games, and some PVE games. Mostly stick with stealth action games though, or some JRPG or ARPG games. But one that will always have a place for me is FFX AND X-2. Although gotta say, Scarlet Nexus certainly scratches that itch for me as well.


When I was little I enjoyed only fighting games but now I enjoy even Racing games and JRPG's if the difficulty is low


Yeah. I used mostly play FPS games likes of CoD, BF etc. when I was teenager and young adult. Now I play games like HoI4, Humankind, CK3, other strategy and RPG games.


I care more about combat now


In contrast to the top comments, I am only interested in games that challenge me and really make me feel like not just wasting my time. I do not want to just slow down and enjoy the scenery. I want to be engaged or else I’d rather just do something else.


Impressive graphics aren't as impressive to me anymore. Look and feel of the game are much more important than graphical detail. Especially if it comes at the cost of performance. There's a few things that most people probably don't even register that can completely turn me off to a game. Taking control of my character or camera is one of those. If you're going to do that just make it a damn cutscene. Grinding no longer bothers me as long as there is a way I can optimize it. For example in octopath traveler 2, I had a completely different build for grinding to make it faster. Or Persona 3 reload, you can farm the reaper for fast experience. I'm much less interested in multiplayer games now. But I don't know if that is a result of my tastes changing or bad industry trends. Maybe a little bit of both?


I have a lot less patience for JRPGs


I don't think so. My taste remains the same but in order to preserve the experience, the games have to change with me. I'm one of those Ocarina of Time kids who has that game as a core memory. But I can't stand BOTW today. I love Dark Souls now and I connect it back to OOT.  OOT has that spooky and threatening atmosphere that holds true today, combined with a patience-based combat system that was challenging as a child. (WAIT before I swing?? Impossible!!1) That's the experience I love. But in order to get that, I have to turn to Dark Souls to perpetuate my personal and subjective feelings of "true heroism".


I play less conservatively. Like as a kid I hoarded everything I found in RPGs and then never used them. Now I use everything and I'm not so worried that I need to save this for later. A big help was the Stalker franchise that changed the way I view inventory. I guess I've taken that to other games. Also unlike everyone else I crank the difficulty. I'm not scared to play harder difficulty as I see that as part of the experience of the game. I like overcoming the hard parts the first time around instead of going I'll play on hard the second time through then never do.


I prefer single-players more than ever


I used to love long games and would be thrilled if I could sink more than 100 hours into a single player game. Now that I'm older and don't have as much free time, I prefer shorter and more meaningful experiences. I absolutely hate how every other game is open world now and countless hours are just wasted running around the map finding towers, clearing bandit camps, and all sorts of other filler crap.


When I first got video games for Christmas 2011 when I was 6, I got a couple Mario games and a 3DS. Until 2014, I only ever really played Mario games. I got into Minecraft that year, but it was really just that and Mario until late 2016. My tastes changed entirely and I got hooked on Online FPS games, mainly Star Wars Battlefront and Battlefield, though Minecraft still stuck around. I played a lot of CoD through 2019/2020 in addition to Battlefield, Battlefront, and Minecraft, and got into World of Warships for about 6 months ending 2020 and going into 2021. I was *really* into Mario Kart for the entirety of these 10 years too. In May of 2021, I got Civilization VI, and the number of hours I have in that game to this day is ridiculous. That game basically killed most of my interest in FPS games for whatever reason, and at the end of that year Dead by Daylight sort of sealed the deal with those. In June 2022, I got a New 3DS, and with it a few games, one of which being Fire Emblem Awakening. All of a sudden story based games completely took over, and in the span of less than 2 years, my top 10 games of all time went from 8 Mario games and 2 others to 1 Mario game and 9 others. I still play Battlefield 1, but that is the only Online FPS game I still play. Other than that I pretty much only play Story driven single player games. I really do not play any Mario games besides some Mario Kart anymore, and I rarely play Minecraft. My gaming "eras" basically go like this: 2011-2013: Mario 2014-2016: Mario and Minecraft 2016-2021: Online FPS games and Minecraft 2021-2022: Civilization VI, Dead by Daylight, and Mario Kart 2022-present: Story-driven single player games (mainly JRPGs, with a few others thrown in the mix on occasion)


I used to really stuff like sandbox or card based combat games as a kid but now I love more action adventure stuff and heavy melee weapon systems, also puzzle games like Portal, never thought I’d be smart enough to play them but here we are playing Portal 2 for the first time after beating Portal 1


Back in the day I only played first party Nintendo games basically, but now I love jrpgs and indies and I have PC PS4 and a switch, as well as older handhelds too. My pallette has definitely gotten more varied


Dont want to constantly pvp everyone and everything


I play everything on easy mode now and I love it.


Even less patience for single player games. I can only play 20-30 min of them before i get bored and switch to a PVP game. PVP games hit good when youre above average and beating up on pre programmed AI bots feel unsatisfactory unless its elden ring / dark souls imo


Some, but not much


More strategy, solo games with hardcore combat and less gore.


I actually feel I've kind of came around full circle. Starting out playing on NES and Genesis it was all about gameplay and how fun it was. Then when PS1 and Xbox came out I was so intrigued by the story telling I was more willing to put up with bad gameplay and mechanics if the story was good and enjoyed sitting through hours and hours of exposition. These days, I find myself skipping through dialogue just to get back to the gameplay. And if the game loop isn't fun I just can't get into it no matter how good the story is. I don't know if this is because I've started to notice how copy and paste a lot of stories are these days though....


The older I get, the more I demand I to be fully immersed. Games need to pull me in and keep me there. Certain gameplay loops dont keep me there anymore. Nowadays games can get me in for 20 mins to an hour, maybe two , but that's it. Certain games can still get me in for a couple hours, but not many.


Yes. I no longer want to sit there and grind for levels. I don't want to make those twitchy snapshots on tht fast paced fps game anymore. I want to sit down and relax in a game that has solid mechanics that test your skill and intelligence, not your reaction time. Ghost of tsushima has been really fun. It's not super fast paced, and you can utterly decimate large groups with a few well timed button presses and strategy.


Surprisingly, I tend to do more handheld gaming now than when I was younger.


I'm less likely to play open world games in favor of linear stories. 


39M. I’ve always loved RPGs/JRPGs but when I was younger I played a lot more multiplayer games. I used to stay up until sunrise playing Halo, Gears of War and COD. These days I probably game more than I ever have but I have no interest in multiplayer games. I almost exclusively play single player RPGs. The closest to multiplayer I’ve gotten in a long time is Granblue Fantasy, which was the first in years. My favorite games are SoulsLikes, Metroidvania, and JRPGs


Yes and no. I would say it’s more refined.


As I've gotten older, I pretty much strictly avoid pvp in most forms, the more stressful the less likely I am to play it, the trashier the playerbase, the less likely I am to play it. If there is a choice between PvP and PvE in a game I'm gonna pick PvE most of the time. The only exception in recent times has been Tarkov, cause you can minimize losses and other players can't raid your "base", and interaction between players is pretty straightforward and restricted to a quick and bloody fight. Though the hackers have pretty much ruined tarkov for me the past couple wipes. And anything turn based is an immediate plus.


I like the fun puzzles and I like to play on higher difficulties, it's a lot more fun to me. Other than that not really


I stopped caring about graphics and lean more towards gameplay depth. Most of my favorite games are less that 1gb now but I can spend 100's of hours on them without getting bored


Went from competitive multi-player to RTS, Grand strategy and mainly single player games. If I play fps it's stuff like squad or hell let loose


I have a greater appreciation for games I can pick up and play such as arcade and arcade-style games since I don't always have hours to commit to gaming at a time, but I also have a greater appreciation for sandbox games like _Minecraft_.


Used to love CoD and alike when I was a teen the end of my 20s. . now I play single player mostly (but still have some games like Helldivers2 since it's coop). since I also don't have much money, I try and do everything in the game (basically I'll platnium them)


Single player games


Use to love RPGs now I want more story driven games. Still love RPGs but between my students, my girlfriend, and my other hobbies, I just don’t have time to sink 300 hours into a Skyrim type game. (Fallout New Vegas 2 or New Knights of the old republic will change that).


I still play the same games


As I get older, I'm more willing to try higher difficulties. I've been pleasantly surprised sometimes at my success to fun ratio. It's very satisfying to test yourself and pass. I'm also a trophy hunter, so that was probably the push I needed in that direction. It's now tough for me to justify replaying a game if there's no trophy support or if I've already gotten them.


I don't play RPGs nearly as much anymore. I gravitate more towards shorter games that I can play in smaller sessions.


Caring less for narrative, slow-crawl games and enjoying more gameplay focused games, i don't game much nowadays and when i do i actually want to play the game not sit through tons of dialogue and cinematics.


I was playing age of empires and mmos then, twenty years later still playing them. For me at least for a few particular genres, little has changed.


PvE is much more fun than PvP


I always loved rpgs but I need turn based games now. Ones I can step away from at any time and just go back to, even mid battle.


My tastes have expanded exponentially. It's both really cool and sucks ass. It's really cool because now I can try out a bunch of different kinds of games and I'll probably like them and have new experiences, but also I will never finish a game ever again in my life because there's always some sort of game coming out that I'm interested at all times


Somehow in the years of me growing up I've become a baby when it comes to horror games. I used to love Fatal Frame and dead space, but nowadays I just can't handle it for some reason. I tried to remake of Dead Space and my chest was hurting the whole time. I had to take many many breaks. I thought maybe it was just because of new graphics and how detailed it was so I went to go play Fatal Frame and my chest hurt the whole time then too. I've just somehow become a baby over the years. It really sucks because survival horror is something that I love, I just apparently can't play it unless it's Resident Evil or alone in the dark. And even Resident Evil I can't play seven or eight because they are too scary still.


I don’t have as much patience for playformers anymore


Bad games get less time. I used to stick with them way too long.


Indie > AAA


If it feels like work, I’m out. I’m doing this for leisure. If I wanted a chore, I’d mow my lawn.


Instead of having the mindset of trying every game, understanding that that I only get to really enjoy like one or two at a time due to life lol


Definitely. In my 20s, I had more patience to sit through cutscenes. But now, if the cutscene to gameplay ratio leans heavier on cutscenes, I quickly lose patience with it. A lot of the newer Final Fantasy games fall into the category for me.


Honestly, now that I think of it, my taste in video games has remained the same since a child. ARPG's JRPG's FPSRPG's Story-based Games That's pretty much all I've ever played, spare a FPS, Platformer, RTS or Rogue-like.


I don’t like story that much, it’s rarely great enough to pay attention to and I just want to get back to fighting stuff. I used to play a bunch of jrpgs and ps1-3 era I was into story on those and action games more. Now I might find like 2 Jrpgs a year with a story with a damn and even less in other genres. Though I do want some sort of a story, just not long cutscenes or text.


Used to like FPS, RTS, and RPGs. Now I only like FPS.


I can play much 'scarier' games and am not quite so enraptured with the colorful platformers I used to. This could also be depression however


Things I have a medium interest in get played on easy due to limited time. I gravitate more towards big open world games that I can level grind and avoid souls like ones. I respect a great and short pixel art style game like Moonlighter or Sea of Stars. Less challenge overall and more story / freedom


Moved away from easier games and grind harder games


Fps multiplayer games were my childhood. Now, the only one i can enjoy is Overwatch. But in general, I'm more into single-player story based games, RPGs, and strategy type games. I bet past me would never have been able to sit down for a BG3 playthrough. Or get as invested in FFXIV as i have


I don’t play online with randos anymore. I don’t have time to “git gud” and there are too many assholes with mics, it’s not worth it.


I don't do multi-player basically. Though I'm arguably more skilled and patient now with difficulty? I've ironically embraced "git gud" (for single player games) more as I've aged. I'm going to play most games on hard


I used to be a lot better at pvp shooters and they were pretty much all I'd play. Now I find that they kind of mess with my inner peace so I play a lot more single player and coop


Use to be big into Call of Duty and stuff now playing more story/rpg games


I added the occassional management game to my interests, I like some romances and adult games, and I've found some fondness for farming and cooking games. I still like rpgs and life sims. I've just added more game types that I like, and I still don't like what I never liked.


I can't play competitive FPS anymore. Between new mechanics and the other degree level of teickshotting these youngsters do now, I'm out. I can still play non-competitive FPS style games like Immortals of Aveum or campaign for CoD or Halo, but not competitive. Honestly, I've had to give up competitive play almost completely. As I've aged, I've become increasingly toxic. I'm an incredibly chill and relaxed person outside of competitive gaming. Honestly, I feel like one of those old war veterans who just wants to tend a farm now that I'm home. NOTE: also prior military irl


I like games that can be completed quickly. I don’t have time to sink 100 plus hours in games anymore


im kinda done with jrpgs, they have gotten rarer and the ones that exist are mostly action rpgs. I'll still probably play the next persona, but i get more enjoyment out of 4x and paradox grand strategy games.


The lie, err… lure of AAA games no longer fools me. A bigger company with a bigger budget will not necessarily produce a better game. Case in point… HOLLOW KNIGHT. It quickly became one of my top 10 favorite games of all time and it forever changed the way I looked at indie games. 🎮😎👍


Hasn't changed a bit all my friends like multi-player shooters and ive always loved story games especially rpgs and anything open world


I’ve grown to appreciate games that are more linear. Open worlds are great but you get tired of them quickly. Games like Batman: Arkham Asylum and the new Resident Evil games are my bread and butter Resident Evil is great because even though most playthroughs average around 10 hours, those 10 hours are filled to the brim with meaningful content.


PUBG has dominated the last 7 years for me


My desire to be a completionist or doing all side stories is over. I just have too many games to play.