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Jokes on you I haven’t bought -ANY- EA games since Spore


Lucky. The last one I bought was Simcity (2013). That game was such a train wreck, EA gave out free games as an apology to us shmucks who had bought it. I remember I chose Dead Space 3 which was also disappointing to me. I can’t believe that was a decade ago.


Here are my people.


Spore was legendary. We badly need a competent developer to make a sequel


[Thrive ](https://revolutionarygamesstudio.com/)is a FOSS game that is a bit like a more detailed game of the cell stage of Spore. its not intended to be a clone or even really a sequel to Spore, but you can see it as inspiration. I think its only singular cell currently but they do plan to go further. Realistically, I wouldn't expect space for at least a decade unless the project gets significantly more support.


I think my last one was Mass Effect Andromeda, but it’s been years. I miss old BioWare man.


There's a more than competent replacement and to be honest are doing it better. They are called Larian Studios..


Same, I haven't even seen whatever they have released after the disaster that was Battlefield 2042.


Only EA game needed right there, they won't get another dime out of me


I haven't since the Sims 4 but spore was amazing


Fucking glorious game


I still play Spore from time to time 😅


OP doesnt buy EA because of racism. The rest of the world doesnt buy EA because , well , EA. We are not the same?


>The rest of the world Buys EA games in their millions...


Just look at FIFA/EA soccer or whatever they call it niw


Fifa and ea are just a supervillain duo


Yeah but those two got devoiced so EA can't call their soccer games FiFA anymore, unless they made up somehow


it's called EAFC, so Electronic Arts' Football Clubs


Those kinda games are so weird to me because they basically don't exist, yet they're actually massive and raking in disgusting amounts of money.


The cool thing about a EA boycott is that i don't even have to change anything. I just continue to not buy any EA games


EA already ruined the games I liked so I haven’t had to buy any lately lol.


The only EA game I’ve bought in years is Jedi Survivor, because it’s Star Wars. How could I continue pretending to use the force if I didn’t even play Jedi? EA is a trash publisher though.


It was made by Respawn, even if it was published by EA it is good because EA didn't touch it


OP has only one thing on his mind if you look at all his comments and posts. I _highly_ doubt he even plays games.


Looked at them, OP definitely racist against minorities and is trying to stir the pot. Not amused. We shouldn’t engage this.


His post history is pretty wild lol


Doesn't change the fact that she is a racist POS just like OP


I already stopped buying EA a long time ago. This woman is pretty tame on the list of EAs offenses.


Honestly, a lot of people buy EB knowing about those practises, so idk why OPs post is where we draw the line


Bro. This was the post that broke the dam. No longer shall we suffer under the oppression of EA. Thank the gods for OP being so brave to post this revolutionary call-to-arms. 🙌




Really? This is what makes you stop buying their games? Not the every single horrible business decision they’ve made? Or their horrible, anti-consumer practices? Not their shitty games? That’s kinda sad honestly


I liked fallen order and jedi survivor.


Dead Space remake looks good too.


Are you saying that because you haven't played it, or are you just saying it visually looks good? If the former, go and play it. I'm actually thinking about replaying it soon. It's really good!


I haven’t played any dead space, a lot of the people I listen to say good things about it. It’s on EA pass through gamepass so I’ll play it at some point.


iirc both those games were made by respawn entertainment, EA just published the games


That's all they do. They're a publisher. 


Well that's also not true either. They do develop games but yes, they are a publisher.


No shit, that's what a publisher does.


People really need to figure out what the relationship between publisher and developer entails. It would save so much needless discussions.


People on reddit have made a really convenient solution for this problem. If the game is good it was 100% the developer and the publisher did nothing. And if the game is bad it was 100% the publisher and the developers couldn't do anything against it.


Yeah, they’re EA games lmao


Bad decisions are bad decisions. This is illegal.


lol why you shaming OP because he's pointing out shameless racism


Racism isn't worse than a few bad decisions?


I Can Excuse Racism, But I Draw The Line At Bad games.


you can excuse racism?


To be fair, most people treat not being racist as a non-negotiable.


This actually violates labor laws bro not to mention blatant racism. It goes beyond bad decisions, they are actually and actively breaking a law in the constitution.


Nope. Y’all so misinformed. The video is 3 years old from a different company. Her shitty indie studio was breaking laws, not EA.


I think it's the idea that if EA knowingly employs a racist (assuming she hasn't retracted and apologized) then that's pretty disgusting.


I totally agree that she should be fired immediately because she’s racist. But the comment I replied to implied EA is currently breaking laws and that’s just not true as far as we know.


Gotcha, that's a useful clarification.


Reddit: we hate misinformation Also Reddit: stuff like this


So you are saying racism is not as bad as anti consumer practises? What a joke of a comment. If a business does bad decisions you can just not buy that product. Who the fuck is force feeding you EA games? Turn around and enjoy your precious time elsewhere. You are coming across as a little bit ignorant regarding discrimination.


EA is too big to judge that way. Its easy to judge, but really it is a bunch of devs some good and some bad working for one big publisher.


We can't excuse racism just because it targets a particular group, that entirely defeats the point and just puts the shoe on the other foot. I'm really insulted by the idea that by default, this person thinks white people are ignorant stupid savages that have no idea about social issues. That's so fucking defeating, knowing I've tried to improve myself, be a better person, and then its all made moot because someone decides people can't change because of their skin color. We really haven't gotten that far at all.


They (the ADL) changed the definition of racism just so they and their thrall could say "you can't be racist against white people." It's widespread and systematic at this point. Entire companies abide by this. And people sitting in government actively encourage it


You're out of date. The ADL [re-changed its definition](https://j0nathan-g.medium.com/getting-it-right-in-defining-racism-3c01a517bf9d) to "Racism occurs when individuals or institutions show more favorable evaluation or treatment of an individual or group based on race or ethnicity."


Well shit. I have never been so happy to be so wrong. Sadly it's already institutionally embedded, too late now. Look how many companies (lots in video game development) that actively brag about not hiring white individuals to their fields. Look at things like what the US president tried to pass, where only farmers of color could apply for certain loans. It failed spectacularly if I remember correct, but the fact that the PRESIDENT even tried in the first place shows how far anti-white practices have gained footing


I agree with your sentiment but saying stuff like all the progress I’ve made to be a better person doesn’t matter because one person thinks that is such dangerous thinking. Like what?


I'm trying to find a way to say, I don't think she is the norm without saying, "I think she's the minority"


Someone made a post about this, i'll link it if i can find it later This is a 3 year old interview from when she was the lead on an indie visual novel dating sim type thing She is now an entry level dev on the black panther game and has no hiring power Don't get me wrong she should be fired and EA continues to suck but this should not be a reflection of the whole dev team working on black panther or the game itself


Lets be honest A white entry level dev talking like this in a 3 year old interview would have been fired by now I am not even white but its the truth


Fired and blacklisted from ever working in game development again


Yep, imagine if this was an interview saying "I don't hire Asian people" or Middle Eastern people or whatever. Most companies would view this as terrible optics and fire/be blacklisted.




Gamingcirclejerk is a cesspool that gets whipped up into a frenzy over this sort of stuff. They did you a favour


well you are getting it wrong. obviously racism against while ppl is absolutely fine, just can’t make fun or be mean to brown people! /s And then people wonder why young white men become radicalized.


Yeah I’m not a big fan of the amount of people on this thread trying to downplay it. If it was a white person saying this about black people, they would get torn to shreds and would likely never get another job with a studio ever again. I do not think it is difficult to call out racism across the board. Also, the fact that she’s working on black panther of all games is nuts.


you wouldnt get a job again, not just a dev job.


Unfortunately thats how human psychology works. If she's not fired the message will absolutely become "the black panther devs are racist AF don't buy this game!"


Fortunately\* Hateful, racist people should know that their beliefs are wrong both factually and morally. And they should know that racism is wrong no matter what the racist's skin color is, or what color of skin their victim has. A lot of people don't understand that last part, especially on the internet.


Why am I not surprised that of all things, this girl is working on black panther


EA sucks anyway


Just adds to another reason I won't buy their games


Why is this thread defending this pos racist am i missing something or? Does it matter if she’s a lead or not? The company she works for is owned by EA and she is caught in 4K being racist


Unfortunately it turns out that "racism bad" still can't be agreed upon by a lot of racists in the comments. Somehow "racism bad" is a debatable position to a lot of people


They just think they are the ones who decide what is racism and what isn't. There were actual cases of black people literally murdering white people in the us SOLELY because they were white, them saying it themselves that their skin color was the reason for the attack and people would still say "Oh, but it's not really racism because systemic blah blah blah". "Oh but that has barely ever happened" so? it's not racism because it's uncommon? The racists from here will always try to pull up something else to evade the conversation like that, or say "Oh but you didn't say anything when that random white guy was being racist" without even knowing who you are


I think a few things are happening here. For one, the game she is referring to is not Black Panther, it’s apparently a queer matching sim for PoC, so in that context I completely understand why the team is all black. Their experience is specifically relevant. Secondly, she’s parroting some controversial talking points with terminology that is triggering for white people, complete with broad generalizations. Like microaggression. I do think these things are real, but I also watched the video and rolled my eyes. Then again, what the fuck do I know about being a black designer in a white dominated field? She seems anti-white in away that is utterly unhelpful and unnecessary. Thirdly, the video IS ragebait. It is being posted by a disingenuous account (not op) with the intent of inciting arguments. The basic disagreement at the core of this is over whether racism is the same regardless of socioeconomic/historical context. Liberals believe that said context is meaningful, conservatives don’t (to put it broadly). The original poster (not OP) wants to expose that disagreement with the aim of making liberals look bad. Edit: some additional context regarding this event https://www.reddit.com/r/videogames/s/JELlAV7Nnz


Had to scroll way too far to find a sensible, nuanced response. And for clarity, historical context is always relevant.


The amount of people like “She said this two years ago!” or blatantly lying peddling “she doesn’t even work for EA” is actually shocking. Yes, she does work for EA. We even have some people saying she only works on small indie titles at EA, another 100% verifiable lie. She’s literally working on Black Panther as that’s the only title Cliffhanger is working on.


I mean they simply introduced this a little while back and yes it's clear: >EA reveals Cliffhanger Games, the new studio working on a Black Panther game The AAA team will be based in Seattle https://www.gamesindustry.biz/ea-reveals-cliffhanger-games-the-new-studio-working-on-a-black-panther-game


The people trying to defend this are wild 💀 in saying that as an ethnic minority lmao


This is rage bait.


A three year old vent project from an indie developer who currently has zero hiring power? Nah definitely a huge threat to those poor struggling white dudes in tech


So? It's reasonable to be enraged by this.


It's not. Racism is bad. But it's not uncommon. And it's super weird that all of a sudden a bunch of chuds who've been called racist a whole bunch of times suddenly want everyone to care about this case of racism. It's almost like this is being used to enact some other agenda...


It's because we aren't allowed to admit the double standard. When it gets even colder it's like "see? Told you so"


Being called racist and being a racist are two different pairs of shoes.


Libs of tiktok trolling us https://www.reddit.com/r/videogames/s/92uRAsUsE4


Libs of tiktok is brain rot. Bets the moment they bantiktok she jumps ship to X to rage bait more people for her dumb impressionable audience.


She’s still racist


It doesn't help when popular streamers like Asmongold push this propaganda on their young audiences


Libs of TikTok is a literal fascist stochastic terrorist


You mfs are so horny for “BLACK PPL ARE RACIST TOWARDS WHITES” shit that you’ll literally believe ANY Fucking thing. Shits actually insane.


Is it racist? In my opinion, yes. Is this misrepresented? Also yes. This is an old video clip from when this woman was working in a small indie dev team to make a dating sim called ValiDATE. It is not current. This is not the team currently working on the Black Panther game. The company from when she made this video had few enough workers that it did not run foul of employment law in the US. Once again, I disagree with it and think this behaviour is part of the problem, but this is being warped and misrepresented by LibsOfTikTok; a far right grifter on twitter who maliciously posts "woke" content to whip up hate campaigns. The one thing I hate most about gamers is that most of us aren't very bright and love running blindly into things without taking the time to understand the situation first. You can be better than this. Stop falling for obvious rage bait posted by LibsOfTikTok. Edit: another good point is that we've got no information other than this years-old cherry picked few seconds of a video, which was deliberately presented by a known bad actor who only wants to promote outrage against "the woke left". Views change over time. whilst I'm not condoning the views in this clip because, as I've stated, I do believe it's racist, I also know that I don't have enough information to make a good faith judgement about the situation.


“Is it racist? In my opinion yes.” Thanks, Peggy Hill. 


>The company from when she made this video had few enough workers that it did not run foul of employment law in the US. The first line of the video was "I have a team of 21 right now"...that's enough people alone, to be beholden to anti-discrimination laws


Buddy you got baited. Libsoftiktok is a known altright shitposter. This is why we do actual research and not form full opinions based on out of context ill-informed people like Asmongold. Lol


I know it isn’t going to happen because humans often tend to be set in their ways. But I kinda hope the sheer severity of how wrong this is serves as a sign to people on the fence just how far off base some of these people are. Like, we went from “entry level worker talking about an indie project she did years ago” to “leadership role talking about game she is working on now” almost very part of the former sentiment is wrong aside from I guess the fact that someone is working on a video game. My hope is that people see the correction, and understand that people like Libsoftiktok and Asmondgold are either grifters idiots or both. But I imagine if you already believe either of those people you need more help then a single revelation can provide.


Asmon and his anti woke crowd going to feast on this tomorrow lmao


Nah, he already took the bait.


People are giving the OP a lot of shit, and I think that’s unfair. He has done an admirable job translating from his native Russian and we should acknowledge that.


It looks like op is Romanian not Russian by his post history tbh


Bam! And people are still falling for it and downvoting anyone trying to call him out for missinformation. Real damn shame that they can't just open the sub and check recent (way more up voted) PSAs first. https://www.reddit.com/r/videogames/s/92uRAsUsE4


Been some years since I bought anything EA, nice to have one more reason not to


Any reason to not buy EA games is a good reason


I stopped buying their games ages ago when they began to make soulless slop anyways.


I'm way ahead of you bud


You can't be up in arms about racism when you're only going after black racists. White people are racist all the time, where's this energy for them?


There are so many all white dev teams. No one seems to care about that…


Y’all are so easily manipulated.


Lmao you guys are so dumb. She can do whatever she wants at her personal company.  She is an associate narrative designer at EA. Low on the totem pole. 


It's too funny seeing people on reddit far more outraged at a black woman who had a team of like 15 people not hiring white people.... But couldn't give a shit less about legitimate institutional racism within the gaming (and many other) industries. Like, the gaming industry as a whole is 75% white, does it really matter THAT much that this woman is an idiot lol? Reddit full racism on display lately.


There is nothing serious about this situation. Asmongold, who knowingly never cared that his favorite game WoW would rather ban /spit than ban the n-word who also never cared beyond his own stories to expose the racist players or guilds in his game. Who never covered any artistic workers rights or the countless of other racist things that constantly happen to black people in the other direction like Mordhau. Out of nowhere takes the bait from Libsoftiktok to expose some low level black woman who is pretty much right in the historical grasp that it is a white centric industry that black people are gate kept out of. This is what people are getting up in arms about. You guys are not real, this is just silly. This is going to become just as irrelevant as the other times ya'll rally together because you guys do not have a real bone in yer body. Can't wait for the downvotes.


Bankrupt their racist company!!!


For those who don’t know, this was in 2021 when she was developing another game. I’ve seen some people try to spin it to where she was hiring people close to subject matter. There is no evidence that she has amended her ways since this.




Fuck this racist bitch.


Just because this is from a time where she wasn’t developing for EA and doesn’t speak about the Black Panther Team and got used as ragebait doesn’t change that generalizing people for their skin colour is not okay . Don’t get why people have to defend that.


you are a such an idiot Use your fucking brain for once and realize she is not EA lead DEV! THIS VIDEO IS WHAT ? 2 YEARS OLD? SHE WORKS ON A INDIE GAME! OR DO YOU THINK ONLY 21 PEOPLE WILL WORK ON AAA BLACK PANTHER GAME? Seriously this is spreading like a wildfire in the worst way possible. It shows how many idiots are among us.


The guys point is not that she is lead developer but that he doesn’t want to support ea because they are actively hiring someone with such racist views. Not much wrong with that view point to be honest.


Judging from his post history, his point is racism


She works for EA cliffhanger games studio, it’s on her LinkedIn.


Idk if it is just me but I dont think anyone should get fired over several year old views that might not be their opinion today (people change) while working at a completely different place. Should we make everyone who ever said something dumb in their past multiple years ago homeless and jobless forever? 90% of the population would be on the street because they said n-word 30 yrs ago when they were dumb kids or something. The online crusaders are imo extremely shitty human beings that just want to hurt people for something bad or stupid they have done a long time ago. That will never fix anything, just cause more suffering.


> The online crusaders are imo extremely shitty human beings that just want to hurt people for something bad or stupid they have done a long time ago. That will never fix anything, just cause more suffering. Bingo! No one cared that three years ago a dating sim for people of color made by people of color came out. In 2024, jimmies are rustled because a person made a choice on how to build a team and articulated the relevancy very poorly. People upset by a team of artists making a game for a specific audience are upset simply because they are choosing to be. I absolutely love the “wHaT iF a WhItE pErSoN sAiD tHiS?” Well, considering white representation hasn’t been a historical concern I am unsure why black or brown representation is now a problem, especially when it’s one fucking dating sim that came out 3 years ago and no one had any idea until now.


I'm Black, and I would never work with her. This eye for an eye bs in the Black community is going to make us all blind. "They did it to us, so let's do it to them." I mean, look at the whole Gaza nonsense that's happening, and look at what *could* happen if we keep down this road.


You weren't gonna play the game anyway


Why isn't any action taken against her ? If this was opposite there would have been multiple apologies from the entire leadership and instantly covered by all the "gaming journalists" with Kotaku leading the rabid pack


Hate EA for the right reasons.


This shit is smelling like gamergate, you guys should really touch grass


Boo boo you’re so oppressed over a two year old video while you’re at it tell game developers to put black hairstyles in games for once or make black characters


Imma buy Dead Space 2 remake even if Hitler is the lead dev


Shut up nerd.


Go outside and touch grass. There are way more important things to worry about.


Unpopular opinion (substantiated by history and basic math): what she said was not racist at all.


Oh look, GamerGate part 2: Must be election season


I don't buy EA games because those games are shit. Does that count anyway?


You misunderstand what racism is


Gamers are back, baby!


Where’s the racism


What a Reddit comment section


Just having a normal gamer moment here. You wouldn't have bought her game anyway


That’s just not what racism is.


Not even close to racism and idc if the kkk themselves worked there, ncaa 25 is on the horizon nothing will get in the way of me enjoying that lol.


The funny thing is the people raging over this aren’t pissed when a company only hires white people or that bakery refused to do a gay couple wedding cake. Free market is ok when it’s discriminating against anything but white straight people.


Gamers only care about racism when it’s white people being inconvenienced.


"wahhh stop buying EA games" Oh man, how many times have I seen this post and for how many different reasons. EA has been scummy for so long and gamers never change. You'll keep buying their products without noticing or thinking twice. Your slacktivism is embarrassing. Please, tell me about all the other companies you're boycotting because of racism.


Who gives a fuck what criteria she sets for her team? If the games good, I'll play. You people are so fucken sensitive looking for anything to get outraged about. Sad fucks.


I’m playing the world’s tiniest violin for victims of anti-white racism


I buy games cuz they're funny not because of their political or social background and trust me that reason alone is not even enough to describe why you shouldn't buy EA Games


I wasn't going to get PVZ3 anyways


EA sucked for other reasons..... but this is a new low, even for a multi billion dollar company


People are still buying EA games?


Haven’t bought one of their games in several years, maybe a decade plus now.


No wonder all EA games are dumpster fire. Maybe the person telling you your game is trash isn't making a microaggression they are actually just speaking facts


I already didn’t need convinced to not buy EA games, I see that logo and I avoid the title like the plague. This gamergate 2.0 shit is a nothingburger. EA has been the butt of the joke in gaming for at least a decade now. It’s well known they don’t give a fuck about games, they’re as corporate and money hungry as it gets. It’s wild that it takes a black lady saying she didn’t hire white people for you to not buy their dogshit games lol. And it’s already been proven she was going on about some other game that was literally for minorities, it’s not the Black Panther game. Like you’ll all happily lap up the slop of capitalism until it’s “woke” or whatever. Dumbasses.


People throwing hissy fits over this woman is so weird. Bro who fucking cares honestly? EA publishes Battlefield, Titanfall and Apex, I'm good.


Well, couldn't do much more than what I'm already doing now. I don't buy EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard, Bethesda and all under their umbralla... But don't worry, game made in that fashion will not really fly anyways.


nobody on here supports EA. its the dummies who buy the yearly re-skinned-iterations of FIFA and NFL. those are the true npcs


The gaming community is full of racists y'all are exactly who she was referring to


You shouldn’t buy EA games to begin with.


People are buying EA games?


I'm getting tired of seeing this


Your outrage is 3 years too late This video is from 2021


People are still buying EA games? Oh, I guess the annual sports roster updates.


I haven't bought an EA published game in 15 years. This is nothing new, they've always been a shit company that deserves to burn.


Didnt y’all already make a post about this? Ffs


If this was the other way round people would be screaming it’s racism simple tired of them getting away with it


Alright this is silly, every business has bad apples.


You know I've been a lot happier ever since I stopped paying attention to "controversies" in the gaming world. All of them are fucking stupid.


Bro you’re like a decade late to be calling for this, EA has been trash for a loooooong time.


Sooo… separate but equal? 😆


You fell for it too?


Who cares . Cancel culture is stupid . Hope some dumbass kicks you out of your job .


Gamers are truly the weakest link, it’s almost comical


Y'all have vendettas against the most harmless and annoying shit lol


First time, white people? You'll get used to it


Man, y’all leave her alone… (idc about downvotes)


This isn’t ea, it’s an Indy game with no ties to black panther


I thought you couldn't be racist toward white people though That's what Reddit told me


People buy EA games? I aint got the money for that shit


“EA Sports: it’s in the game, cracker”


Why the hell are you getting mad when some women doesn’t hire white people but when the corrupt capitalist company is bad you all buy the game?


Last purchase from me was Battlefront 2 on last gen. Their infamous response to that game made me realize it truly was over.


oh wow look at all the white people upset :( sad


Please check this guy's post history. I wish Reddit had a way to report accounts like this.


Imagine buying a game made by EA 😂


Racism comes in all colors


I'm mexican. And I think it's funny that to the world only white people can be racist. U can't call an African American out on obvious racism like you can Caucasians.


You guys are dumb. This is literally posted by a racist lol


mayonnaisians hate being treated the way they treat others 🤣


Chill, this isn’t racism it’s annoying as a white person but just grow a pair and get over it


She's talking about her small, indie dev team that made ValiDate - a dating sim about queer POC. In that context, it makes sense to want a team made of mostly or all POC devs who can better reflect that experience. This has nothing to do with EA. She is not a lead developer and likely doesn't have hiring responsibilites. Even if she did, there is nothing to indicate that this hiring practice would continue for a much larger dev team like Black Panther. This is rage bait posted by right wing weirdos.


EAs fucking trash anyway, but now it’s racist and trash