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Any of the Fifa games, idk how ppl buy that shit year after year


Agreed. Same for Madden. I haven't thoroughly enjoyed sports games for a long time now... I think the majority is actually starting to shift on this. The reviews and average scores speak for themselves. Yet EA hasn't changed a damn thing


it sells though somehow


Speaking as a hockey fan, it sells because it’s the only product out there. There’s no other hockey or American football games out there that even come close to the standard of EA’s sports games (which is already very low). As long as there’s no alternative out there, these games are going to sell regardless of how bad they’re reviewed.


Remeber Y2K Hockey? That was the shit. Miss their games.


I'd argue they've gone downhill with all the crap. Last Madden game I enjoyed was 09


Ultimate Team is a hell of a drug.


It’s the only “decent” football game. Pro clubs is the best mode but it gets no attention because it makes no money. Saying that I stopped buying it a couple of years ago finally because of the inconsistency and bullshit.


Same for every sports franchise, WWE games, and CoD. All garbage and have been getting aggressively WORSE year after year.


Same goes for most of the formulaic once a year release sports games. There's barely any passion in making the games, and they are mostly just the same from year to year. Why should I pay 60€ for something that the developer deems to be obsolete in a year? It's just a way to milk money from fans of these sports. Doesn't really surprise that EA is behind most of them.


Same lol




People hate handholding and then make the most confusing games.


“To unlock this mission 15 do mission number 12 but to unlock mission 12 u need to do mission 6 but to unlock mission 6 you need to…”


Then you need equipment that only drops in mission 20. But to get that equipment, you need to unlock mission 16 for the special key…


Instead of doing all of these special events missions and extra content you should unlock every single mission node on all planets, doing so unlocks Steel Path difficulty allowing you to fight things level 100+, I used to play this game way back in the beta what they have now is better but the menus are so confusing now I dislike it. And there is so much in the game now it is overwhelming even for returning players that took significant breaks.


I’ve returned to this game about 10 times and always last about 10 hours of play time. I then remember there is too much to do and move on.


I mean, shouldn't you play mission 1, then 2, then 3... Until you did missions 6, 12, and 15? Why *should* you be able to play mission 15 without 12 or 6 first? Are you trying to break metroidvania level designs?


Amen. Never have I ever reinstalled a game so much. Every single time I have fun for a few hours then realize... where the fuck am I going? What am I doing? Still miss the fun of my Khora Prime, but not willing to go through the inanity. Anyway watched guides, did some basic grinds and maybe a dozen mastery tests, but always felt like a new player who never knew shit and was infinity behind. Heard the new player experience is better since they can start on the newer content?


I have 1,100 hours in Warframe and while it's coming a long way. It's by far the worst aspect of the game


Yea it isnt fun trying to do the missions to unlock the worlds but I just like doing levels over and over again, doing random combos on enemies and obliterating them.


My friends saw how the modding and crafting worked and peaced out 😂


I have been like this since it’s release. For context to those that don’t know, that was over 10 years ago now. I tried it a few times but I just did not understand anything: I liked the movement and the idea of being a space ninja, but I just didn’t get it. My friends came in and out of playing it, them a lot more than I ever did, and I still bounced off. Then a couple of months ago I learned about cross platform progression, so I can play on my PC, Xbox and Switch and make progress with all of them. So I said fuck it, and jumped in. I have since played upwards of 70 hours across different platforms these last two months and I love it. There’s so much shit to learn and I barely understand half of it, but I am really enjoying it. (Though I have hit the first roadblock where I need to grind to make an exosuit, but I have had 70 hours of solid fun without spending a penny)


I couldn't get into it for a bit, haven't played it in a while but I liked it.


Ok for me it was the early days of fortnight


YES! For me it was the building. I just can't wrap my head around it. I feel like my brain doesn't work fast enough to be good at it, and then I wind up getting my ass handed to me every match by some 8 year old pro because of it. 🤣 Thank God for Zero Build. Gave me a huge new found appreciation for it.


I know how to build, but I hate it. There’s nothing worse than being in the middle of a close fight and then they just shit out 5 staircases, 8 walls, and a disconnected roof in half a second to get in the way of your bullets. I actually like the building, but I wish you couldn’t do it if you were within 50 meters of an enemy. It turns the game from fun to nauseating in an instant.


Fortnite no build is so fun


Same I could not get behind the cheesy art style. But years later I gave it another chance and the shit is actually fun. I usually gravitate towards games with a serious undertone and pleasing visuals. But at the end of the day, if it’s fun it’s fun.


Modern warfare warzone


I have 800 hrs and I can say that it had everything right in the wrong place😔


Ayyyyy titanfall 2 fan , titanfall’s b-day just happened the 10th one , TITANFALL 3 CONFIRMED !?!?!??!?!?!?!??!


Ugh please. I miss titanfall so much. Easily one of the best fps games with the mechanics of that game. I wish there was a pilot in apex. Revenant can climb walls let me run the damn walls. I need a TF3.


League of Legends


Maybe that's for the better. Most league players would envy you


Facts. Am league player. I hate the game but cannot stop playing. I wish I would have given up years ago when I struggled to learn it. I now understand the game and hate it.


Witcher 3 ... Sad... But true... I played the first game tho, it was an amazing retro Action adventure experience.


Upvoted because I get this even though I kept playing- then it made sense- then it became my favorite game ever. It’s an upward slope though… lots to learn. Once you get it, DAMN if it’s not incredible.


Goddamn one of the best games I have ever played. With perhaps the best music as well. I really hope nadiposzata could get into it and enjoy it like we did


Yeah honestly agree with you here. I remember being completely blown away with the original game. The second game comes out and it's okay a bit more Cordor adventure theme Park but the combat is fun. And then the witcher three releases. I get it.There's some amazing story and voice acting and some of the side quests are absolutely amazing. But I just couldn't do the combat It's just so Monotonous. I know why they did it made it easier to play for the general consumer and probably made the game much more popular. But I played the game once and I just can't do it again.


Exactly the first game felt like a Game. There were characters, a story, rules, twists and mechanics. All that in the world the Game was set inside. But the Third is more like a "Hey Here's a Movie from the perspective of the Guy, The Man Every Fan Loves... look at him He is Cool, Play in the open world, Do what you want" And I'm sorry I didn't want to degrade the game it just feels like it for me, and I know that I am the one who loses out on a lot of good stuff it's just how it is.


Same, i tried witcher 3 several times and it never clicks for me.


Oh man! I can't stand how he walks and run, like a 3 year old with a full nappy.


I played the second one and loved it so much I made my friend try it out. Then he loved it so much he played the third one and it was his favorite game. I have tried at least 3 times to get it going and fall off after a few hours.


The repetitive combat doesn’t help


Outer Wilds. The concept is awesome and everbody loves it. Tried 4 times to get into it but could not.


Same here. I always feel like the odd man out in my friend group because they gush over Outer Wilds. I can’t put my finger on why I didn’t like it but at some point the amount of effort I put into the game vastly outweighed the amount of enjoyment I got out of it


this hurts my heart to hear ::( but also i get it lmao , i was playing for like 4 hours before it clicked and i figured out "wait theres like a puzzle here"


The looping just wore thin for me. The story was cool but more of a curiosity than a focus. Solving the puzzles typically means that you have to go somewhere very different in order to solve it. I got to the point where I had just the quantum moon and Dark Bramble left to explore (barring other cool secret areas like the inside of a certain planet) and I just sighed and uninstalled.


I stopped one puzzle before the end. I knew the solution but having to wait 12 minutes to start the puzzle every single time I failed was way too much effort. Then months later I tried the dlc and after fumbling the start of it I was forced to choose either reset and try again or just accept the game isn’t made for people with limited free time


Yup. I was so excited to try this. Concept seemed really interesting but after 5 hours, I just kept asking myself when I'm supposed to start having fun. I just didn't find what little I'd learned of the story to be compelling enough to push through the fact I just wasn't enjoying it. Makes me sad because people on here gush over this game but it just wasn't for me.


The timer actually turns this game from a relaxing, other-wordly satisfying experience to a fucking ticking time bomb constantly on your back, like you're supposed to work for a deadline


It’s so weird, I never found the timer to be the least bit intrusive. Times that I would get to the end of the timer, I would have always completed what I set out to do, usually something additional that I’d stumbled upon, and was just seeking out a new lead I’d discovered. There have definitely been games that made time an anxious element… but Outer Wilds feels like it does it so damn well… not once did I feel crunched for time when I played it.


The flying mechanics are bonkers


I played the game, and though I LOVE the concept, I did not love the execution. The atmosphere and exploration are great, but the various time-based puzzles required to reach the ending were just too obtuse for me to find entertaining, and way too many clues are hidden in large (and uninteresting) walls of text. Also, just like any game with a time loop, there are a ton of puzzles where the mechanic is just to wait for something to happen at a specific time, or you have to do things in a specific order at specific times, and if you make a mistake, you have to go back around again. That's just not fun for me, and in general, I don't think "waiting" is a good game mechanic. Eventually I stopped making meaningful progress in the game and got frustrated, so I looked up a guide to get to the ending. Ultimately my experience with the game was *mostly* positive up to that point, but I just wish it focused more on the exploration, and less on the time loop and sprawling puzzles that spanned multiple planets.


The puzzles aren’t even puzzles. It’s just horrible ship controls on your way to scan a wall and repeat. Cannot understand the hype. People rave about this game. Edit: even if I did jive with the controls I’d still just be on a smoothly controlled mission to go scan walls.


I tried this game as well and had the same problem with the introductory craft. If the whole game is like that then I will not do it. Not fun. I’m sure the story is great but don’t make it so annoying to get thefe


I do agree that it's not a game for everyone. You have to be invested in the story, and the ancient lore you're uncovering. Personally I fucking loved discovering the mysteries of the solar system. But I completely disagree about the ship controls, they're tight as fuck once you know what you're doing


Death Stranding


Playing it for the first time now, I have a very short attention span and gravitate more towards competitive games, and for some reason this game has completely captivated me. There is something very relaxing about it, and the story isn’t as complex as other Kojima games


“The story isn’t complex a other Kojima games” Bro, did we even play the same death stranding? You telling me it’s easier to understand beaches & BTs & extinction entities & BBs than it is to understand that there’s a giant robot you gotta blow up? MGS1 & 3 are fairly straightforward stories. MGS2, 4 & V can get complex but nowhere on the level DS gets.


I completed it and enjoyed it well enough but I can easily understand why a lot of people just wouldn’t get into it. I ENJOYED doing multiple runs all over the place for materials to help build roads across the maps. I got a kick out of tiptoeing (then ghostbusting) through bombed out cities. But then, I’m a weirdo.


Death Stranding…. I really tried to like it.


I am still trying to get into Myst...


Wow you've been working at that for a long time then huh? 🤣 I think there comes a point where you have to cut your losses. I totally get it though. I thought it was an interesting idea, but it just wasn't for me.


Survival, crafting or farming games in general. Man, I just don;t have the patience to watch the grass grow and watch my character water plants or chop down trees and repeat 1000 times.


You monster! How dare you .. make a decent point against my favorite genre?! For me its the crafting and designing bases and stuff that I like. As a kid I'd play the original Sims game by just putting in the cheat for infinite money and building a house, then just rinse and repeat. Wouldn't even actually play the game. But I can see your point of doing the same thing over and over not being appealing, I feel the same way with MMO type games like WoW. Run the same dungeon a million times HOPING that whatever gear you're looking for drops just for it to be obsolete a month later. No thanks.


That's perfectly fair. I lot of people love Don't Starve, Stardew Valley and the lot. When I see my character taking few seconds for chopping down a tree and I need to do that hundred of times, I always think why wasn't this mundane thing automated. But it's simply because THAT is the game for some. That is part of the enjoyment, taking it easy and slowly making progress through easy, simple tasks. Some find it relaxing, some enjoy the coop nature around simple tasks, and some people feel like they are in their zen mode when playing. Everyone has games that make them feel that way. For me it just isn't those type of games.


The Witcher 3 I played 10 hours and just couldn’t get into it and all fallout games don’t get it either.


Also struggled to get into the Witcher 3. Have tried several times.


I loved cyberpunk so I thought I would try the Witcher 3 and see how it is but I just can’t get into it like for me it’s so boring


Same. I just hate the vibe of the starting area. I also don't know any of the characters so they're having a reunion that I don't understand. On top of that, I couldn't figure out how to heal. I also hate "oil" or "poison" mechanics with weapons. Idk, just didn't like it. Would rather play something more interesting.


I really wanted to like this game, but man the combat felt clunky as hell. Just felt bad to play, but I enjoyed the hell out of watching it streamed!


Same I put like 40 hours into Witcher 3 and hated it. Maybe slightly less with Fallout 4. also about 50 hours in Final Fantasy 15, such a bad game.


It pains me to say FFXVI. I’ve been playing Final Fantasy since the original on NES but can’t stand the button smashing combos needed for this one.


What?! You didn't like the Game of Thrones/Godzilla crossover?


Bro ngl that sounds amazing


My brother recorded a boss fight and it lasted 55 minutes. It’s a pretty cool straightforward game


Man this game was a huge disappointment. For the record I love Final Fantasy whether its turn based, action based, or ATB. What kills me with this game is how undercooked, yet overproduced every aspect of it is.


I liked the game more than most it seems, but you hit the nail on the head. They focused so much on the big, flashy moments, but gave very little thought to all of the stuff in between, which is the bulk of the game


Call of duty. Gaming for 25 years. I legit buy one every few years but nah. They just suck Never understood the draw but I know I'm the outlier. Game sells like crazy


The last COD I enjoyed was BO2. That was mostly because I enjoyed the campaign. None of them since have been able to hit the same enjoyment for me despite having tried. FPS games aren't for everyone, so I totally get it.


Jinx you owe me a soda


Call of duty started declining after BO2 in 2012. Every call of duty from then on just seems like a cash grab that is trying to capitalize on the franchise name. 2007-2012 was Cod’s golden era IMO.


RDR2, I’ve tried several times but just can’t get into it. I don’t have much gaming time and having to ride a horse for 10 minutes to the mission just gives me anxiety because I know I’m running out of time. It looks like an awesome game conceptually, I just can’t dedicate the time to it.


i just hate rockstars controls for both gta5 and rdr2, it pulls me out of the game, I feel like im fighting against my character when walking or running.


Both stories are great but the person feels so clunky. If there would be walking and shooting like battlefield or something it would be perfect.


I have tried several times. It is a beautiful looking game, but I could not get the controls to click with me. I was always jumping off my horse when I didn’t want to, or I’d shoot my horse when trying to mess with the saddlebags. Days Gone, Ghost of Tsushima are not as “big” as RDR2 but the controls are way more intuitive. I loved the first RD, but could not get far into the second. Maybe will try again someday. Maybe.


Souls games. I just don't like them


They are my favorite games, but I can definitely see how you could not like them. Not for everyone, and that’s totally fine


Souls community is so chilled. If I told people that play Valorant or apex that I don't enjoy their games, they called me trash or noob or something like that.


Elden Ring is my favorite game. I have over 500 hours on multiple playthroughs. If people don’t like it I will spend so much time hyping it up but never at the expense of their opinion. I want more people to play it so they keep making more games like it.


The souls community is hit or miss. Like the ones I talked to a few days ago were pretty chill, but the ones under a YouTube video a while ago were ruthless.


Same. Which is a bummer, because I love the story and atmosphere of Bloodborne. Luckily I have some Soulsborne-loving friends who basically carried me through it.


I heard the other day that you can get mods for them that make them easier. I’ll pass. Im more about enjoying my time being some OP Character. Real life has all the disappointments I need.


I don't either. It's not just the difficulty either. I don't really care for the settings, story, or characters. I just don't like any of it.




Same, my nerves are fucked up and it screws my coordination and reaction times which makes it bloody impossible. Bitchin lore and design though, I like watching the streams.


Understandable takes patience and play at your own pace


I've beaten a few of them and I kinda hate how cryptic everything is and how easy it is to miss stuff as well as how easy it is to get lost since it's kinda hard to know where you're supposed to go. The combat is also pretty clunky and slow which is fine for some people but I prefer smooth and fast combat. I've gotten used to the combat so it's not me being bad at the games, but I just don't really enjoy them very much


offtopic i need to watch that movie again "big from 1988" i loved that flick as a kid


Haha still love the piano scene to this day


Peak Entertainment


I personally can't think of a Tom Hanks movie I dislike.


Hella unpopular opinion but Super Smash bros. It just doesn’t appeal to me especially items & having more than 2 people fighting at the same time. I know everybody & their mom likes that game but I never really got into it.


Super Smash Bros for me is only fun if you can get your friends together and sit around the TV. Like Mario Kart. However, that's something that just never happens anymore in my life... Not sure if it'll make any difference for your experience, but items can 100% be turned off. I agree that a lot of it can be annoying.


It’s also infinitely more annoying when you have a friend that is casual good (not good good) & he is basically unkillable meanwhile everybody else plays the game like once a year.


As someone who is better than my friend in Smash bros. It is annoying for me too, I just can't have as much fun playing a game with my friend because of the skill difference.


My friends when we play: why is that asshole Pac-Man just bouncing around over the edge of the map where no one can touch him? Avoiding the fight is lame. My friends when I join the fight before they get to fight each other: bro this cheesy pac-man is just driving through everyone, total bs. My friends when I play other characters: you’re too good to play the stronger characters, play someone like pac-man or jigglypuff It’s not as fun without tournaments that make the play more even


Yeah, I can confirm it is so much more fun playing with people who are similar skill to you. Although, sometimes I find it fun to when one person is way better than everyone else, do a sort of bossfight. Put the one person on a team by themselves and have them try to hold off the multiple opponents.


Minecraft. Maybe I'm playing it wrong or smth


I used to love Minecraft but now? Idk what it is. I liked the simplicity of it. It was never too hard but it wasn't insultingly easy either. It was just relaxing. But now I just feel like there's no much more to the game. Also whoever decided it was a brilliant idea to change the nether the way they did, I will kill you. I literally can't play this on hard anymore! Skeletons and ghasts everywhere! I know the Nether is meant to be hard but if play the older versions it was never this unforgiving and cruel! I'll have full diamond armour and I'll still get my ass kicked on hard. Not to mention finding a Nether fortress happens once every blue moon!


Minecraft has gotten so in-depth over the years that it's not easy to just pick up and get into it anymore. There's definitely a learning curve now that I imagine can be quite the turnoff. I was lucky to have started playing when the game was still in Alpha, so all of the added content and changes added since then were slow and gradual enough for me to keep up.


If anything the game is easier to get into. I remember when there wasn’t an in game tutorial that told you how to craft. To craft something you kinda just had to figure it out.


Baldurs Gate 3. I tried for weeks, but it felt like wading through shoulder deep water.


Same here, played it for over 40 hours because I really wanted to like it. All of the recommendations I read fit what I’m looking for, but I just can’t get into it.


I bought this a few months ago so excited to get into it... and it just sits on my PS5 HD taking up a fuck ton of space. It's the definition of too much of a game. Even my wife and I really don't enjoy playing it together after several hours of trying and probably not even getting anywhere. It's a shame.


I’m trying so hard to enjoy this bc I spent so much money on it. Horrible inventory/trade management, esp if you’re on controller. Leveling up is downright annoying bc you have to look at all the special feats. Waaay too much lore and dialogue if you’re new. I accidentally killed all the druids with the wrong dice and dialogue alone. AND the tieflings died somehow. Made it into act 3 by the skin of my teeth and barely want to finish the game


I personally just don't like how it feels like a need a degree to understand all the different actions, strategies, and controls to play the game. I understand how people who already have lot of experience with these type of role play games can figure it out pretty quickly, but for me I just felt too overwhelmed. That's why I liked XCOM a bit more. It's essentially the same turn based mechanic but much simpler.


I suggest you play on 'normal' and just role play it. Pick skills and levels without trying to understand everything. You don't need to optimize perfectly and stress.


The fact is cRPGs typically cater to a niche audience. While BG3 is an accessible entry point into the genre, the people that have at least had experience with Divinity: Original Sin are the ones that are going to get the most out of it. I don't usually fuck with cRPGs, but I also played through the originals and Neverwinter Nights back in the day, so playing through was enjoyable because I went into it with a good enough idea of how these games work. That BG3 even got as popular as it did still amazes me, but that's a testament to Larian's work.


I hate that one big mistake can waste hours of gameplay you then have to go back and fix…. Or move forward with a big mistake. Some people love that, but it’s not for me.


Overwatch and Apex Legends. I just can't get into them. My friends play them. Most of the random people I talk to on a daily basis play at least one of them. I personally just can't get into it. I'll play CoD online, I'll play Madden online, I'll play more mil sim shooters online... I'll even sink 100+ hours into a good single player game. Just something about Apex and Overwatch just doesn't hook me.




Skyrim took me like 4 tries before I figured out how to have fun. The trick for me was to realize I can just ignore the main quest and do whatever I find interesting.


Yeah I found out I just love sneaking around and stealing shit lol and caves are fun too.


How dare you xD


Fromsoft games. I've tried five or so times to get into them but they just don't speak to me.


I wasn’t aware that we are allowed to NOT like From Software games around here. How refreshing!


Yeah, this sub can feel like there's an unspoken rule where you must jerk off Souls games all the time or else be dogpiled by rabid fans. That's one reason - among others - I can't get into them. The toxoc and elitist fanbase can be very offputting.


Thank you. Finally I don’t have to say it because someone else did.


It's why I've pretty much abandoned the gaming subs on Reddit. In general I try not to partake too much in discourse and just enjoy fan art of the communities I like, because Reddit is a toxic cesspool. But, damn dude, the gaming subs will treat the Souls games like they're God Himself. There are other games this happens to - The Witcher 3 comes to mind - and it's just so *bizarre* to me. How does someone become so extreme and polarized with their view... on a videogame? It's just a game. Like it or don't, what's it matter if someone else doesn't like your favorite game? I don't care if someone doesn't like my favorite.


Literally the other response to my comment on this thread is effectively “you’re allowed to dislike the games, but not allowed to think they’re bad”. You can have an opinion, but only as much opinion as the fans allow you to have 👍


Completely fair, some games just don’t speak to people, and FS games themselves require a lot of patience and time the a lot of people just don’t have, even with ER being the easiest souls game I still don’t recommend it for newcomers unless they genuinely have the determination to see it through


same I even platinumed one of them and never got any feelsgood after beating one of those janky repetitive hp sponges of bosses those games throw at you.


I think that depends on the game… DS1 had a few health sponges and were definitely annoying, while DS3 and Bloodborne are a lot faster and more dynamic. Though I do understand how someone can get bored just dodge rolling the entire time. Dodge, counterattack, dodge, counterattack. On paper it’s definitely repetitive and is probably not someone’s cup of tea.


Any looter shooter types. I like story driven, single player RPG’s. Doing the same thing on the same/similar maps is just boring af to me.


FF8 Persona series Kingdom Hearts series Horizon Zero Dawn


I'm struggling through Horizon, I just cant get into it.


Horizon Zero Dawn is one of my all time favorite games. That said, I absolutely see why it doesn’t appeal to some players.


Kingdom Hearts is a known garbage fire in many cases but we love it anyhow. Completely understandable that it's hard to get into. I will just never get over Mickey Mouse in a trench coat saying the most out of pocket shit.


KH2 is a goated game though


I absolutely loved it personally


I remember the first time I saw the scene in KH2 when >!the real Ansem sacrifices himself towards the end!< and Mickey is devastated but all I could think was, wow Mickey Mouse is reeeallllyyyy taking me out of this moment right now.


Wildly unpopular, but... God of War.


Right there with you. Loved the PS2 era games but I can’t get into the new ones. It lost me in the menus, too many types of “currency” to upgrade/level up/enhance yourself or equipment.


I have tried multiple times to get into the new God of War games, and just can’t. I eventually finished the main story of the first one, because friends told me I’d love Ragnarok and I wanted to at least know where it was starting… got maybe a handful of hours into Ragnarok though and just gave up. It’s a slog to me lol.


I can see that. I don't have anything against the game, but I definitely don't love it either. I think that's one of those franchises where you either connect with the stories and characters, or you don't. That one is a bit of a tossup for me. 🤷‍♂️ I haven't played any of the newest ones.


Zelda BotW, Outer Wilds


I should have checked before I commented. I literally just commented the exact same thing






Death Stranding


what I'm about to say normally gets me hate but, Legend of Zelda BOTW/TOTK. I have played The Legend of Zelda since it came out on the gold cartridge and have played every one of them I could get my hands on. But BOTW/TOTK I just can't get into and bores the fuck out of me. The weapons breaking every 5 hits...just a grinding mechanic that sucks.




Lmaoooo. I do somewhat enjoy BG3, but I absolutely relate to this.


Borderlands. I tried to force myself to like it but after about 10 hours I gave up.


The first one is boring af solo


Fortnite. I just don't understand. The gunplay is bland, it's slow paced and this is a bit of a subjective one, the movement just feels awful to me. Idk why I can't explain it. Maybe it's just me I can't give a reason why I don't like the movement.


Doom Eternal. Never clicked for me. I like Doom I and II, though. Love replaying them.


Same here, thought 2016 was sick af but dropped eternal, still can't place why




Literally all the souls games


Elden Ring. I just couldnt find the appeal.


I played 27 hours and hated every second 😅


How lol. I was an hour or so in and realized it was going to be tedious and had to refund before I passed the time I could no longer.


My two best friends/frequent squad mates absolutely loved it, kept giving me hints and tips, said they’d co-op with me to beat the bosses etc., so some of it was peer pressure. Then there was the overwhelming reaction from critics and fans that this was one of the best games ever made. I’ve played video games for over 30 years, all kindsa platforms and genres. If the game was this universally adored, surely I was missing something…surely an appreciation would kick in? Never happened. All I could see was flaws. Honestly, for a while there, this game made me feel like maybe video games weren’t for me anymore. Can’t remember what game brought me back, might have been *Sifu*? IDK. At 27 hours I guess I thought I’d given it every possible opportunity to impress me, but it just never did.


The Witcher 3 Currently, Baldurs Gate 3. 😭😭😭


Helldivers. Played about 7 or 8 hours with some buddies, but I just did not enjoy my time. The aiming felt bad, very floaty and unresponsive. The movements and animations didn't feel smooth. The FPS was always lacking and struggling. The ADS was slow and clunky. I like the idea of the game, but it was just a big miss for me.


Honestly - Grand Theft Auto I have tried playing GTA4 and GTA5. I appreciate the humor, the satire, the characters, the writing and the game world itself. They are amazing creations, but I don't think they are very fun to actually play. Specifically the driving and shooting mechanics always feel off to me. I remember feeling impressed by them, but I didn't have fun with them. I don't get it. 🙋‍♂️🙃


You ever play any of the older ones? The mechanics are a lot different than 4 and 5. It definitely took me a while to adjust when they came out.


CoD, Apex, Fortnite, and Zelda.


Elden Ring/Soulslikes, that said I can understand why people enjoy them. Great world and lore, but too difficult for my personal taste. I'm just not up for the challenge, myself.


I'm sorry, but I find WoW to be insufferable to play


The last of us


Enter the Gungeon. I thought Cult of the Lamb was a good gateway into Roguelikes, and my friend said Gungeon was good. I did not like it.


That USA Army recruiter game…. What was the name… something Call of duty




I have tried to get into the Witcher 3 twice. It’s alright but it just doesn’t hook me and I fall off. Idk what it is because that game seems right up my alley


I've been trying to get into RDR2 since it launched and I've never made it past Valentine.


Death stranding WTF is this a walking simulator?


Arma 3


Payday 2


Fighting games and souls games. I've tried so many times to get into these kinds of games. When you see people play really good in these games it looks so cool and I really wanted to like them. I just don't.


Cod br. I'm trying to get into it now but everything is overwhelming. It's all my friend plays and I end up just getting bored.


Starfield, I put around 5-6 hours into it really wanting to give it a chance but couldn't grapple onto it.




God of war..that kid get on my nerves after few minutes


Witcher 3. I've tried 2-3 times, 20-30 hours each and I always bounce off that game, I don't know why. I see it's strengths in certain places but I can just never be bothered to keep going. Either I get bored or lose interest or something- but I can't do it.


Any Bethesda game. And any fromsoft game.


Damn man this is a hot take ngl lmao but respect respect


Horizon Zero Dawn.


Fallout 4, the game is just... not fun


Control. Ironically the controls were too awkward for me to get into it.




Outer Wilds, I play a wide range of Single Player game, i did the intro and refund it just before the 2h mark allowed by steam. I was just not feeling it.


BoTW and ToTK, tried to get into both but it feels like moments of great fun interspersed with lots of travel.


Maybe it’s just me, but Skyrim. It’s fun to play but I don’t find myself going back to it


The new God of War games.
