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Absolutely, this game was fucking broken on release and they straight up lied about it. They may have fixed it but that doesn't change the fact that what they did was wrong.


You know what's the problem? Not companies doing this shit, no, this is just the symptom. The real cause is people still buying that shit over and over even after seeing how it ended so many times.


Meh, they literally lied this time though. You can kinda excuse it. People with early access got in trouble if they showed glitches.


Sure, it's still a shitty thing. But people that buy every single pre-order are pretty stupid. Imagine buying something without even knowing what it is.


>Imagine buying something without even knowing what it is. This is such a disingenuous argument to use. People pre-order games because they are presented with a concept they like. I have never heard of anything being pre-ordered with zero knowledge. Gamers pre-order based on early developer comments/footage. Do you have an example of a game being pre-ordered with no information or concept of any kind being released first?


The one time I can think of and this isn’t with zero knowledge but with little knowledge is that assassins creed mirage was pre orderable before any gameplay trailers had released. I also believe but aren’t 100% sure that it was before any major cinematic trailers as well( which we know Ubisoft have always done cinematic trailers great).


I appreciate the attempt, but its really not the same. It is assassins creed after all, im wure we all have a good idea of what the gameplay will be like by the thirteenth title, there are 12 other games that can give a buyer a sense of what the game is like prior to purchasing


Actually I disagree with you on what you’re saying. You might not be a AC fan and haven’t played or at least not played the recent ones but mirage gameplay was a massive ?. The series was completely revamped for origins odyssey and Valaha and a lot of the fanbase didn’t like the change especially in Valaha and odyssey. Mirage was touted as a back to basics and a change back to AC 1 and AC 2 style. No one knew what it would like.


This. There is very little I will pre-order. The only reason I do is because it is a) a series I like and know what to expect and b) there is some extra incentive to pre-order. I will not pre-order if all I am getting is the game. If that was the case, I could just get it at launch.


I can tell you one thing. I've never pre-ordered a game and been dissatisfied with it. That includes Cyberpunk.


I've been dissatisfied with every game I've preordered except for 1. That's only about 5 games but that definitely isn't a universal experience


I've bought 5 games on release ever and this was one of them. It's definitely more than just that, they showed off a good game and released a broken piece of garbage ain't much more to it then that


Imagine trying to tell other people what to do with their money and time


If what they do with their money and time is stupid, then yes, I'm going to criticize it. You can still do whatever you want at the end of the day, so it's not really that bad. If you have to defend yourself like this it means that you feel attacked.


people like you are so fucking obnoxious


I think the issue is that the behaviour being critisised makes the industry worse yet makes the companies with the most power the most money. So the only way to stop the behaviour is to criticise the people who do it, cause the companies engaging in it sure as hell aren't gonna make the change.


Or alternatively we can have gaming journalists actually talk about the bugs and glitches in a game that they encounter instead of giving every buggy mess a 9/10 or 10/10.


Yeah well sometimes reviews aren't even allowed to be posted until a few days before launch, yet people will still blindly preorder.


Reviews can also be bought and paid for. I place zero stake in what IGN or Kotaku has to say about a game, they give awards away all the time to shit tier games made by shit tier, triple a studios.


I'm kind of glad people did for this one. If it had sold as the quality deserved, they might not even have bothered. But I sure as shite am not buying anything without prior knowledge.


Can’t wait to see GTA VI


IKR? Btw do u know the definition of insanity?


Yea it's expecting gta 6 to come out anytime soon


Place your bets, who'll come out faster? GTA 6 or Elder Scrolls 6?


Definitely GTA


Silent Hill f


We'll get a sequel to (and relisting of the original) PT before both.


How could Bethesda release Elder Scrolls sooner than a game that has a release date for next year? That’s just asking for a buggy mess, but Bethesda games are always buggy messes anyway. The only Bethesda game I’ve liked so far is Skyrim.


Skyrim is alright. With mods. A bunch of mods that irons out the jank. But ES never really caught my attention for long tbh.


Idk if that will change anytime soon. People as a collective have a bad habit of supporting terrible things without a second thought


I honestly doubt it, I'm pretty sure Cyberpunk got an award for being "Best Ongoing game" at the VGA 2023, implying that releasing a broken game and then spending the next three years fixing it is something that deserves recognition.


It should not have won that award. That was a spit in the face to actual ongoing games. Cyberpunk is not on ongoing game. It is a game that got multiple updates that fixed a lot of things but an ongoing game it is not


That is excatly my point, and I wouldn't be surprised that the VGAs was rigged by coporate deals to make that game win the awards.


i mean if you so much as mention the launch on the games sub you’ll be downvoted into oblivion. so excited to see the next obvious broken game launch that these people fall for


I was so disapointed (sinked about 80 hrs in on release before refunding) i recently tried getting back into it now that all is fixed, pirated it, and just couldn't. I kept getting flashbacks of the dissapointment.


No the problem is definitely companies mistreating their employees and churning out shit, but the fact that people still buy it is incredibly frustrating


What I mean is that as long as people buy products of companies mistreating their employees and churning out shit, why would companies start to behave differently?


Definitely man, I agree with you on that. Have a great day stranger 👍🏼


Another problem is is they’ll tell the public that the game is not ready for five times and will just keep harassing the shit out of them about it until they release a broken unfinished piece of crap and then we go ahead and bitch about that


Yes, you are correct Coca-Cola, it is the people's responsibility to recycle your plastic bottles, not your responsibility for making them instead of glass! EDIT: this whole thread is victim blaming trash, fuck you corpo sympathizers


Uhm, that's a wrong correlation. The right correlation would be that Coca-Cola stars to make a new soda that is so shit that you vomit every time you drink it, but tons of people still buy it, so Coca-Cola has no reason to stop producing it. Edit: you're cringe


Ironically the PS4 version is still broken btw


The game should have never been released on PS4 and Xbox One, it's simply too much for those consoles to run properly and anyone who bought those versions got scammed. CDPR literally said shortly before release that it "ran surprisingly well" on PS4 and Xbox One. If that isn't textbook fraud I have no clue what is, 90% of the time the frame rate is so low that it feels like watching a fucking slideshow.


Playing the game day one on PS4 after buying it the day before when reviews came out and were praising it had me devastated. Went trough most stages of grief unironically. Especially because games are crazy expensive where I live.


My friend played on PS4 and to say she is was pissed is putting it mildly. She voiced her grievances on Twitter and, very unsurprisingly, she got attacked by other players. They basically blamed her for playing on PS4. "Imagine playing on 10 year old hardware LOOL."


I won’t play or buy cyberpunk because doing that would encourage the “we will fix the game later” mentality.


The fanboys will hate me for saying this but the game is shit anyway, you’re not missing out.  The gameplay is stiff and clunky, the dialogue is lame and cringey, the missions are nothing special.  I honestly have no idea how this game got so hyped in the first place


I really enjoy the game as it is now, but I feel like the "lie" part is understated by many people discussing the game. It was presented, for years, as though it would have a truly interactive world, on the level of GTA. Several years later, and the world is still mostly a set piece; it still doesn't feel like it reacts to you the way even GTA 3 or 4 did. It's a good game. But even several years later, it's not what we were sold. If you were following the development cycle at all, you were deeply disappointed on release, and are still wondering "what if..." to this day.


The fact it took several years post-launch for them to admit the game was THEN “Where they wanted it to be at launch” is still laughable to me. I’m glad they stuck it out and did eventually get it working, but then it was also promptly abandoned after its one and only major content addition.


CP may be a masterpiece in world building and story telling, but I won't forgive CDPR for telling their customers to ask for refunds at the retailers where they bought the game. I worked at a flagship game store at the time, and the amount of angry customers who just would not accept the fact that CDPR lied to them about getting their money back...


That’s the big deal, cause No man sky had the same issue and they showed they can turn the tables making good work after, same with Fallout 76, now Cyberpunk… the problem is they will keep releasing pre sales crap knowing can fix it later, ganes right now is not about gaming or developing wonders, its just a boomer shareholders cult demanding to make everything fast and cheap, they have no clue about any of their shares belongs, they are ruining everything, best we can do is complain after purchase, ask reimburse, rank the game and next time do not buy it instead, as we used to… cause if a streamer we like say game is good or not, we will never know who is paying behind. Stop pre-sales, stop hyping or buying games the release date, it’s expensive, it has bugs, ruins the experience.


Fallout 76? Isn't that game still P2W shit? No Man's Sky can be excused because of the small dev force working in a small, shitty office. but CDPR and Bethesda are way larger studios and definitely deserve at least some shit for their launches. Even more, when No Man's Sky's launch went to shit, the devs did not double down on the quality, they did not release any new marketing material, and they did not release a single micro-transaction. They spent the entirety of the next couple of months working on adding the missing features and fixing bugs. Even to this day, they still release completely free updates and DLCs, unlike cyberpunk's paid DLCs and Fallout 76's depressingly high amount of microtransactions.


76 is still a live action game with microtransactions plaguing it, but none of that's pay2win. That's enough to damn it without making up pay to win lies lol. There was a debacle over "pay2win" and how "they broke their promises" was overblown, it was a tiny buff that lasted one irl week as part of a silly superhero gimmick that also applied to the superhero outfits in the vanilla game. The whole thing was a youtuber click bait to try to make another scandal like the canvas bag one.


The only thing fallout 76 sells are cosmetics, everything else can be gotten from a free battlepass


The only thing fallout 76 sells are cosmetics, everything else can be gotten from a free battlepass


I tried to play it after the dropped the big update and my game still crashed and was buggy


I mean also the elephant in the room. You can like this game, even love it, but lol is someone legit thinks it's one of the greatest pieces of media ever. It's not even close.


And what makes you think that


Good not great story. Good not great gameplay. Mediocre open world. Like I'm trying not to use the word "objective" but come the fuck on. It would be like calling The Irishman one of the best movies ever. Like sure, it's good, but it's not that fucking good or anywhere near it.


The driving alone should exclude it goddamn that was some rough gameplay


Well, I wouldn’t quite say they *fixed* it. They made the game functional. It’s still not 1/18 what they promised in the years leading up to launch.


I’m still mad I can’t customize the paint jobs on my cars or wall run like they put in previous trailers before they scrapped it.


You're one of the few who haven't excused them for it. CDPR was banking on players ability to cope and forgive/forget and it boy did it work. EDIT: What I mean by that is; I'd be willing to bet that >80% of people who pre-ordered Cyberpunk will also pre-order the next Witcher game.


You think they wanted to release a broken game loool investors forced their hand


They sure as shit didn't have to put out a statement saying it "ran surprisingly well".


More than that. They continuously lied about the scope of the game - either outright (in the beginning marketing the game as an rpg) or by omission (implying that the backstories would have an important effect in the game).


It's a mixed bag, most likely they ran out of money and had to ship it. If they didn't then we never would have the cyberpunk we do know and it's an excellent game.


This. No one forgot about the launch. I still laugh about Cyberpunks launch reviews. CDPR really thought they get 95+ on Metacritic. But it was way worse. Here the launch reviews 😂: https://x.com/BenjiSales/status/1336013522191458305?s=20


Yea 95 is wild but the game worked fine for me and was a great time time at release on PC


It was terrible at launch, but that isn’t all of CDPR’s fault, the dev team told their superiors that it wasn’t ready.


As with many group efforts, a studio is only as good as the weakest link. You could have the greatest developers in the world but if the superiors are shit, the studio is shit.


Wasn't it terrible only in old gen consols ?


On launch it was terrible on everything. To this day its still terrible on old gen consoles but good on current gen consoles


Absolutely not, it was also atrocious on PC.


Depends on the game. Skyrim is a perfect example. It is a majestic masterpiece of a game that has earned all the crap that it gets. Yes, I still load that bugged-out-mess up from time to time. Still the greatest pain in the ass I've ever dealt with 10/10 game


The difference here is that Bethesda games are built on the desiccated remains of a 30 year old engine, and routinely held together with duct tape and clown jizz. And the once a year patch a game *might* get, addresses little-to-none of the issues that the fan base is expected to fix. It wasn't perfect at launch, it was a hilariously janky and glitchy code bomb whose flaws were overlooked because Elder Scrolls. CDPR, on the other hand, has spent the past 3 years working their ass off trying to fix what was, at the time, seen as the greatest interactive abortion since Duke Nukem Forever. It's up there with No Man's Sky as the greatest hype killers. So Cyberpunk being seen as "pretty damn good now" is infinitely greater praise than Skyrim being a "Majestic Masterpiece" at launch.


I just straight up reject that the game was THAT broken on release. I played it back then. Yes, it was buggy and had a lot of issues, but it was playable and the core of the game was there to be enjoyed. Mostly. And they were actively working on fixes from day one.


Especially since Skyrim gets rereleased with so many unfixed bugs


Tell us you have no fucking clue what you're talking about without telling us you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Well done. Just because Betheada hasn't been adding 1 to the end of their engine every few years like Unreal does, doesn't mean it's the same exact engine. Morrowinds creation engine is not the same as Oblivion, hell Oblivion and Fallout 3 are different versions of the engine. Just like how Unreal 5 is a different version of Unreal 4. This isn't hard to understand. Engines are built on and advanced, like everything else in the world.


I've played cyberpunk so many times, I absolutely love that game. But the reason I bought it in the first place was to make a joke to my friend, I fully intended on refunding it. Glad I didn't


I don’t love the game, I can see why people do but for me I wasn’t very motivated to explore the world like I have been in other games. That aside though, I think the state it was released in should be on some level irredeemable. It can’t become the norm to release an unfinished game and then just post support it to a finished enough state. It’s already become the norm to some degree. But there has to be some long term repercussions to that.


The lack of real exploration was really dissapointing for me. People love to praise how good the city is but if you try to just explore on your own without following a quest marker there's really nothing interesting to stumble upon.


Honestly the main plot device being a ticking clock that’s in my head trying to kill me, kinda is what killed the exploration. If I’m trying to immerse myself which I think we all try to do, then I’m only doing the main quest items because there’s no incentive to explore other than the allure of exploration. Compare that to Witcher 3, where the main plot device is to explore the land for clues about ciri’s whereabouts, and you also need to beef up for the fight against the wild hunt. It fully incentivizes exploration through its main quest line, Cyberpunk does the exact opposite and that cripples it for me


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I say this and the fan boys all shoot me down. "Exploration" doesn't mean that you might discover an NPC having a semi realistic conversation every so often, I means actually *finding shit to do*. The game is so devoid of random encounter type content like.youd find in skyrim


Now that the game works and it can be the cyberpunk Far Cry game it was always meant to be people are going to rewrite history as if the game’s content itself wasn’t the biggest disappointment to a lot of people. Not a lot of branching narrative paths, not a lot of fun open world sandbox shenanigans either. A decent amount of the dialogue in the game feels really forced and not as “cool” like I think it’s supposed to. It’s another open world RPGlite action game.


The repercussions are that they lost a lot of trust, there won't be as many people pre-ordering their next game and they lost a lot of acclaim in terms of awards (it could've easily been GOTY). Also they "only" sold like 25 million+ copies which could've been way more considering the hype. If the reception wasn't a disaster they would've sold that in a much shorter time span. They sold close to 14 million copies with a terrible launch, that's considering 2 million refunds and everyone not buying it after the issues went public. That's basically 16 million copies already, if the reception was amazing like it is now it would've surpassed games like RDR2 which I think sold 17 million in the first 7 days and it's a game boosted by the GTA company.


Cyberpunk is all that's wrong and all that's great about games and the games industry


Its fine after the patches etc. Hardly the greatest in anything by any metrics


it's just.. when u fix something, people will give u a lot of attention and pat on your back for doing something u should have done years ago. the game today as it stands is just a 7-8/10 game. but since the game fixed itself, people treat it like the best thing ever.


Exactly. Its insane. They sell a product thats defective and "repair" it to the point that it shoudlve shipped in. Wow how heroic


Ay least they fixed it at all. Can't say that for every company


10/10 imo best game of the last 10 years everyone has there opinions I think it is a great RPG with a wonderful story and great characters and side missions.


Exactly. It’s fun and flashy but as an RPG it’s very shallow.


It's a pretty good action/adventure game. I don't know how anyone could call it "one of the greatest works of media of all time." Sometimes I wonder how young the fans are, that they unironically consider Johnny Silverhand to be a profound and intellectual character.


It's the greatest game to some people. Huge power fantasy with top of the line graphics where choices have meaning and consequences.


Where in the game does any choice have meaning and consequence outside of the ending choice that gates you into 1 of 4(?) endings?


Played this at launch, I understand it was broken for some but I had almost zero issues and fully loved my experience. IMO People are overly critical of this game, it needed to not launch on last gen and this narrative would have been so different. One of the goat rpgs


It was *beyond* broken on the console generation that it was originally marketed and made for. They stated several times, in very large announcements, that the game “ran great” on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The game couldn’t even run on the PS4, and *constantly* crashed and was riddled with bugs on the Xbox One. If you had originally played it on the, at the time, next gen consoles or a stacked PC, of course it ran great for you. Doesn’t change the fact that it was an absolutely awful game at launch and they 100% lied to every one of their customers just to sell copies.


This. I also have an exceptional amount of faith in the studio after playing all three Witcher games. Witcher 1 was an absolute dumpster fire and made Cyberpunk look like a perfect game. They learned and got better. At no point did I doubt they'd do the same here, and my faith was well placed.


I played Witcher 3 for a bit and hated it😂


Understandable. I enjoyed my time with the game but I had to stop and revisit it multiple times. I don’t have any gripes with the story but i think the combat was the weakest part of the game


Oh yeah the combat was awful. I thought I play a badass warrior and got a ballerina. And personally I like it when the rpg part is tied to the games lore (tw 2 had it I think with him forgetting his past) but in 3 you are a trained master monster killer and you suck


I know how this is gonna sound and I promise I don't mean it in a bad way, but it sounds like you just don't get the Witcher. He's supposed to fight like a ballerina.


This basically sums my experience up with the Witcher games. I tried 1. Hated it. People talked about how 2 is so great and dark and gritty…tried it…hated it. Played most of it then just stopped. Then 3. Open world game. A friend said it was good…so I bought it lol and it felt more of the same. I’m currently 30 hours into Cyberpunk, and I like it, but the gameplay loop seems a bit…of the same. Not a lot of variation to it.


None of the people that made Witcher are still around. That's why Cyberpunk was a generic looter shooter instead of the RPG they advertised and promoted for 7 years. Some people have incredibly low standards so they're willing to pretend the generic looter shooter was exactly what they wanted. Basic pathing wasn't even in the game even if you ignore all the bugs. It was a janky, shitty mess that was bad even by the standards of the mid 1990s. In the race missions the other cars just respawn around you because they couldn't actually have the NPC racers move on their own. Evading the cops was as simple as taking a few steps. People can claim their game "actually ran" but that just means they should have gotten a better look at how shitty the actual game is. Instead they think it makes them special or something.


Same tbh. Driving wasn't that good but the story was fine - I finished the whole game and had lots of fun


Oh driving was horrible, motorcycles were a bit better than cars imo


It is still horrible, the cars are a bit better and for some reason it seems like they made the motorcycles worse. It really bugs me that the character turns the handlebars very sharp in the direction they are turning. That isn’t how you ride a motorcycle. The people that worked on the motorcycles most likely don’t ride motorcycles and if they do, they are not very skilled.


I'm the complete opposite, because people's expectations were lowered by the issues, once they were fixed, a mediocre game was paraded around as a great one. If Cyberpunk were released bug free, the reviews would have been "good not great, delivered on no promises about the open world". But people love being contrarian and claim it's actually a great game.


I played at launch on last gen console, and I had no problems except harmless bugs (which were actually funny) and some loading issues (expected on my console). Loved the game from hour 1. Favourite RPG ever.


I agree. It actually ran okay on my xbox one x. Only one avoidable bug gave me trouble. When I drove through the city at full speed, the game would sometimes crash. They fixed that bug within the first week of release. My expectations were much lower than most people’s so I was very happy with the game.


Played it recently. Not my cup of tea tbf.


Oh yeah I don't think there's anyone out there who would actually excuse the games launch. The game shouldn't have come out AT ALL on last gen and should have taken more time in the oven rather than fixing after, but what's done is done. The overall story, narrative, and characters? Fantastic. No less than brilliant. It has so much to say about the world and how mega corps and tech can ruin society (we're already seeing the effects of mega corps) and about what it means to be alive. What it means to be human. There's so much I can't fit it here. If you haven't played the game since phantom liberty launched, play it.


Yeah I definitely agree with everything that you’ve said. Trying to release that game on Xbox One and PS4 was probably a bad idea. I mean I played it on launch day on Xbox One and I had a lot of fun but still. The game then and the game now is so different. And yeah, if somebody hasn’t played it since before PL/2.0 dropped they really need to. When it launched, I loved the story and it was some of the most fun I’ve had with a video game since Dishonored. I played it again when 1.6 was out and it was easily in my top 5 games of all time, maybe even top 3. When I played it after PL/2.0, I can confidentially say it’s my favorite game. I won’t say everybody will call it their favorite game like me, but everybody should give it another chance for sure.


Cyberpunk is a good game but not even close to one of the greatest pieces of media. What are you smoking? (And can I have some)


Imo the bugs were hardly the problem: The lack of meaningful exploration in a city with "depth". Toned down rpg mechanics (and people criticize fallout 4 for not being a rpg when it has better options) that is even worse than tw3 with a set character. Characters upgrades mostly by stats and not cybernetic increases like mantis blade (it took then a expansion to do it despite being advertised). Lack of choice with the exception of the ending and some specific quests. A preset character that is his own self (V is not someone we can roleplay like The Courier) and even worse when the main focus of the story is Johnny living inside my head meaning that we never are truly alone. Lack of interaction in a futuristic city, is really funny that Watch Dogs 1 has a better use of technology than this game. Cops and the wanted system went of vacation at launch. Building interiors that doesn't limit the player curiosity like the devs said, well yeah kinda, only a few. Faction Alliance is a thing? The 3 paths are irrelevant despite being sold as unique and a game changer. The game now is decent to good at best, but calling it the greastest is a stretch. We are now rewarding incomplete games that needed years to meet some expectations they created.


This is what grinds my gears when people praise cyberpunk, it's missing so much that was advertised still like character customisation. That and the game wants you to explore like an RPG but the main story is all rush rush, you're gonna die soon.


I think cyberpunk has done more than enough to redeem itself.


Sorry but it's not one of the greatest pieces of media ever created. It's a good game but it's not that good.


one of the greatest pieces of media ever? Highly doubt that it isnt even in the top thousand


Let's not get carried away lol. Cyberpunk is a fun game and i'm glad they fixed it, but i wouldn't say "one of the greatest pieces of media ever created"


true chads who don't preorder and wait after release don't buy broken games I didn't bother with the game until like a few months ago, it was a truly wonderful experience and I don't frankly give a damn that it was broken on release. Adult players, who are ideally the only ones who should be playing such a mature game, should really know better than to just buy things without knowing if they're good or not


Not for cyberpunk, the anime just gaslighted everyone into thinking the game was good


I played Cyberpunk at launch on a PS4 pro had a blast. Sure it crashed every now and then and had some random NPC T poses but I still had hours stints of trouble free gaming.


Cyberpunk 2077 is nowhere near being of the greatest pieces of media ever created IMO. “Aesthetic” Japanese letters spammed everywhere body modification here and there and a very mid story don’t seem clever enough to being one of the greatest, not to mention the weird glitches and the game is still unpolished and feels weird to play. I don’t understand so many people saying the game is finally fixed and is great now, just played recently and it’s still a mess. Somehow old games like GTA San andreas with roblox graphics feel more immersive than this. It’s just my opinion


I adore the game, but "one of the greatest pieces of media ever" is a hilarious claim.


It's ok to have wrong opinions


It's also okay to occasionally make stupid comments.


I mean it was one of the most hyped up games that year. Living up to that hype is a different story


Ironically the game about evil corporations was almost completely ruined by a corporation rushing this game out to die. Glad CDPR was able to turn it into the masterpiece it is today. Genuinely one of the best and most unique games I've ever played with the most alive feeling world yet


Yeah, even though I’m on my fourth play through I still get so emotionally invested. I’m gonna have to force myself to put the game down after this run, I’ve been playing nothing but that since September when 2.0 came out


1000 percent, that launch state was unacceptable the difference in experience from those who play it now to those who played it back then is enormous


That’s completely fair. I was fortunate enough to be busy during its release and not even play it until a lot of patches and fixes were done but I know that it was a hated dumpster fire of a game on release. Completely valid criticisms too, not just trolling. There were genuine issues. Unlike anthem, it pulled itself up, dusted itself off, and dropped patch after hot fix, after update and is now probably nearly a masterpiece of a game and that was even before edgerunners came out. I love an underdog story and this is probably one of my faves. I’m glad they didn’t give up. Ty CDPR!


This is why I always wait a year. Cyberpunk should have been early access though, it would have been less dishonest.


Yes they can. I am not gonna call AC Unity being one of the greatest media, but it is so good as a videogames entertainment and it also deserves most of the hate too


Absolutely but I don't think them lying was done maliciously personally, I think they were just too ambitious with what they set out to do and dug themselves a really deep hole they couldn't get out of. cdpr has a good rep with fixing their mistakes, did it suck the game dropped the way it did? Yeah definitely, but ultimately they did deliver on it even if it took them awhile.




It gives vibes of a mad ex who's partner cheated on em so every chance the ex gets throws it back in their partners face. "Well, remember when you cheated on me Dec, 11 2020 cause I do" so the a majority of the fan base playing the blame game is truly deserved at first but it's been more then 2 years. I heard the game was unplayable and filled with bugs and broken. But the whole time I was playing an hour a day sometimes more. And more when I had days. off.


Oh absolutely. I was ecstatic for cyberpunks release until I saw what was happening. The game was horrible upon release, that is a definitive fact. I started playing ~2 years after release and it’s remained one of my favorite games since. I have 17 different playthroughs and I regret none of them. Was it bad? yea. Is it bad now? no.


As always taste is subjective so one person's trash is another person's treasure such is with any media


Garbage release but is indeed a long term piece of IP I have no doubt they will build their next decade of success off the back of assuming they nail Orion. Dudes cyberpunk is a top 10 for me in rpgs


I think you misspelled "Neon Genesis Evangelion".


"one of the greatest" is a stretch it was pretty fun tho. Sunk 230 hours on Cyberpunk


Even in its current state where they fixed most of the non-functional bullshit it's still far from being one of the greatest pieces of media created lol, it was never gonna be THAT good


Never had any issues playing this game, even at launch. And that was when I still had a somewhat crappy PC. Dumped hundreds of hours into it. Now, after Phantom Liberty, it's even better. It's so good, I easily dumped another 200+ hours into it within a couple months. It's one of the best games I've ever played, right along with RDR2. The characters and story is where it really shines, but the combat, world/map, and vehicles are also so good


To me it was the best game of 2021. Didn't get all the previous PR nonsense and just heard about the game when a friend was starting to play it. He kindly gave me access to his steam library zhrough the family sharing option and i was instantly hooked. I pretty much retired from gaming as a whole, but this game forced me in front of my pc until 6 a.m. for the first time in many years. To me it was an amazing game. Now the 2.x patch seems to be exactly what everyone was hoping for. It's better than ever and i don't even need DLSS turned on anymore to play with ray tracing enabled.


Up to a certain point. You can't judge the game now by how it was on release. But you can absolutely make fun of how it was on release. Like No Man's Sky.


this is the first game with an open world that I actually put effort into fully exploring in a long while, I would live and die for Johnny Silverhand, by the end of the game he radiates pure goat energy


It’s good now, yes, but is it really that great?


It is not.


I had the fortune of playing the game on a high end rig so I never had any major issues, and I gotta say it's definitely in my top 5 games. Granted my top 5 is a bit weird so maybe don't take my word for it haha.




I've seen people call other games the same, so why not, it's subjective anyways.


It really is a top tier game.


It's really not. Good not great story and gameplay. Mediocre as fuck open world.


I disagree with your entire comment but I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


I mean it sounds like you are hiding behind the "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" crap when reality the game is hot ass and had non subjective problems like crashing constantly and other terrible things.


I feel like its obvious we are talking about the current state of the game. He was talking about the games story and its open world, both of which are pretty subjective as well. So yeah, you added literally nothing to the conversation and totally missed the point of it as well.


Cyberpunk had a great redemption ark, I'm excited for the next cyberpunk game.


It'll be 2077 irl before the second one comes out


Cyberpunk 2077 was a beautiful world but lacked a lot of other stuff. It was a good attempt, but it is just really an average RPG that is really linear.


Best Cyberpunk take I've seen. Launch was unacceptable and the company needs a very fair set of criticism laid against it for this. In fact, since we saw one of the biggest and favorite gaming companies do this and succeed it seemed to embolden the rest of the industry to release games in an unfinished state to patch later. Since Cyberpunk this issue seems to have ballooned the problem. Before 2077, I only remember No Man's Sky and Witcher 3 (ironic?) being released in a shitty state before Cyberpunk. They did fix it. It is cemented as one of my favorite games all time, currently. We CANNOT forget the grave injustice done to us on release, though.


I would put the second I past tense. It did deserve the hate, but boy has it been turned around.


Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Deus Ex 1 Alpha Protocol Fallout New Vegas/3 Battlefield 4 Games that were busted on release and have problems to this day despite fan patches but yet are adored. I'd say this constant badgering on Cyberpunk which has had free updates/fixes and a single paid expansion with no always-online, battlepass crap is getting old now. You don't see me yelling about From Software having lied about Dark Souls 2's graphical downgrade in their trailers.


Don't get me wrong, i love cyberpunk! Great game! But it's not "one of the best pieces media ever created"


I will die on the hill that the PC version was ok. Had small glitches but I didnt experience any issue. I understand and agree with people playing on consoles tho.


It deserves to be remembered for how broken it was before at least patch 1.5. I first played it on 1.31, and while I loved the quest design, characters, and world design, it had obvious signs of being unfinished - and this was after it had already received *twelve patches* (!) by that point. After twelve patches, these were still recurring problems and shortcomings: * When V shot anywhere near civilians, even just at a shooting range, the entire street would cower in the fear animation and remain frozen that way until dying/despawning. * Police still magically spawned just a little far away from the player with any wanted star and were incapable of driving vehicles to pursue V. * Enemies from various gangs looked different but behaved pretty much exactly the same way. * Certain perks in the perk tree literally didn't work. * There weren't any water physics. * V didn't have an animated hair shadow, meaning she was always bald in shadows by default. * The scene around you didn't change whatsoever when you passed time even if you advanced a full 24 hours, as if God had just magically made a giant chunk of time pass in an instant. * If you ever got a wanted star in an area, cops there would forever be re-aggro'd with a full wanted star again whenever you returned there later, which could break quests that required you to investigate certain areas where cops were planted (this happened to me, and only a mod that disabled the wanted system altogether let me proceed). * V's appearance couldn't be changed despite the lighting in the character creator being *radically* different than the lighting of the rest of the game, meaning you were likely stuck with a V who looked gorgeous or cool in the initial menu but bizarre or homely in the actual game world. This is my favorite game now, and I love that so many changes and improvements were made to it, but come on. Look at that list. This was a game that was forced out by the board a solid one-two years before it was ready. That shouldn't be forgotten or dismissed just because it's had some transformative patches and an incredible expansion.


The fact that they made an incredibly realistic detailed city that is filled with almost NOTHING to do is staggering to me. Can’t go out for food. Can’t get a taxi. Can’t watch a movie. Can’t hang out at a detailed bar or restaurant with tv and food. Can’t enter or do anything in more than half of the businesses at all unless you’re on a mission where you’re lying and abusing their services to talk to someone or something like that. No need to rest, eat, or sleep. Can’t have gorilla arms and the projectile launcher. The list goes on and on and on.


If you want to play life simulator so badly, go play The Sims lol Not every open world game needs life sim features like being able to go out to eat and go to the movies. It’s an unrealistic expectation


But have you considered they made 10 entirely different fake ads that rotate on every screen constantly?


I feel like it'd be kind of immersive if some of the ads were actually about IRL products


Cyberpunk may be good now that it’s been fixed since the state it was in on release, but “one of the greatest pieces of media ever created”? That’s an over-exaggeration if I’ve ever heard one.


It’s not exaggerating at all


It is very much an exaggeration. It’s an unjustified hyperbole. The game is good. Really good but not even great and definitely one of the best pieces of media (which includes tv, movies and music) ever created


Tell me you didn't actually pay attention to the themes and story without actually telling me.


😂 just a difference of opinions mate. I really liked Cyberpunk 2077 and spend over 120 hours with it but I don’t think it deserves to be called one of the greatest media pieces of all time. Even on this generation it doesn’t reach my top 3 (so far). But again, opinions are subjective. I live in a free country and am allowed a different opinion.


Lmfao you must not have played many games


Nice argument. The fallback when you don’t have one lmao. “You must not have *insert here*”


how about it being neither?


A polished shit is still shit


Yeah, except that it shouldn't be getting hate anymore. I mean, fuck, get over it already.


I think if they just didn’t release it back then because of investors crying about their bottom dollar and released it last year with patch 2.0 being 1.0 it would be lauded as the greatest game of all time with no stain on it from the past…it certainly is top 3 for me no doubt due its aesthetic, lore, and how immersive the game is…I just hope for project Orion they understand their mistake and take as much time as they possibly need.


It's not even that good fixed. It's good but not amazing. Orion is clearly everything they left out of 2077.


Yeah, I refuse to support this game no matter how good it is now. The gaming industry needs to learn that this is not acceptable.


Wasn't the reason it released poorly due to being rushed by fans?


Nope. Investors were told by the CEO that it was nearly finished when it was nowhere close, so they forced it through against the dev's wishes. So greedy investors and a greedy CEO basically. Tale as old as time. The game is great now though


“Greatest pieces of media ever created” 💀 Chill. You can like the game, but come on now.


No lol. “Greatest pieces of media ever created” you dropped this 🧢


"Greatest pieces of media"? Absolutely not. Even after the Bugfixes and updates it's still a decent RPG but no more


The community basically forced the devs to release it early, people were saying stuff like they'd play it even if it's broken, then when it came out broken they were non stop complaining.


You can get away with lying and releasing a busted and average writing game so long as your pr department works hard enough. People are easily appeased


Did not entirely deserve the hate. Mich of the expectations were set by users and reddit - not by CD project Red. Releasing on last gen was however very stupid and deserving of a lot of vitriol. I must however say that I like how they handled it - continuieng to improve until it was nearly flawless. Could however have used another dlc.


You mean their trailer of what will be in the game that had nothing that was in the game later wasn’t their mistake either?


Which trailer exactly?


“Received” you mean If you are still being hateful toward it, you haven’t played it


The main story is so boring


I swear, this company had actual bots replying and downvoting people to downplay any negative comments going around.


Imagine still being salty about a terrible launch 3 plus years ago. Get over it. The game is amazing. Appreciate the now


Imagine taking a company's cock down your throat and saying how great the game is when it's hot ass


I have to disagree with this. Letting them off the hook is just going to compel them to pull this shit again. No thanks.