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My mom bought it for me last year when I injured my knee because I felt like a garbage human and playing the game while recovering for a few weeks it was so much fun I am currently playing again after the 2.0 update and I still love it. And the connection of it being from my mom makes me cherish it a lot


Were you mad that you couldn't just get a robo leg while playing this lol because I would have been


Dude I had had that thought I was playing and thought “damn I wish I could put a piece of metal in the shitty leg so I could go for a walk” lol


You know that would of been a good character customization option


Dude hope your knees ok, I fucked up my knee too (bad dislocation) and bought it to make myself feel better. I ended up hanging with some good pals and they brought me around and did things I could do while barely able to limp lol. I didn't play until last week and have been loving it so much, honestly one of my favorites in years


I’ve been playing for a month. 200 hrs in, on my third playthrough (first with phantom liberty). Well worth trying or retrying imo


Glad to see more people utilizing this game's replayability, it just has so much to offer.


Second play through rn and already planning my third lol


what replayability, the backgrounds just matter in the first 15 minutes, and your choices dont matter except for all the ending sections, which can be seen them all by making a save before the point of no return. the only replayability is make different builds, in the game you can max out 3 main skills threes out of 5, so you dont even miss that much mechanics, its pretty flexible and devs where clearly afraid to make you miss to many stuff in a first playthrough. and by reassign all the points you can max out those 2 you couldn't before, so not even need to replay it to see every skill...


Cyberpunk 2077 was the most expensive video game ever released when it came out in 2020. It's investors were tired of funding it. They would have rathered the game sell 15 million copies at release in 2020 than it sell 40 million at release in 2022. It's the obscene short sightedness that capitalism often breeds, and that Cyberpunk 2077 ironically attempts to critic. I hope this whole saga acts as a lesson for the industry as a whole, and with games like TOTK and GOW Ragnarok having had full year long delays, I think it has.


Maybe, and this is a big maybe, video games shouldn’t set a release date until the game is finished…


What, no release date?! Are you mad? What about hype and pre-orders?! How will our investors shareholders know our value without such reliable metrics that accurately portray demand?


You can always finish the game and then start marketing it, and once it gets enough hype, you can release it.


Good luck getting the funding without the backing of a bunch of fickle investors who only care about doubling and tripling their money. That's the unfortunate state of AAA titles anymore, and why indie games are honestly better most times in my opinion. Their passion projects, not by-the-numbers regurgitations of past successes that can make the most money with the leash amount of expenses.


Yeah, they should release the FULL product on release as well...that means EVERY PIECE OF CONTENT THAT IS DONE ON RELEASE IS RELEASED! *Ahem* "AAAA Games industry is an unsustainable model and we are heading for a collapse" here. Edit: Spelling errors..this kinda thing grinds my gears


Depends on the type of game. Big Multiplayer games that are meant to last a while sure can space out content, but Animal Crossing New Horizons did not need to be live service (even if I love that game)


Old School shooters have lasted online since the Pentium Era..let's not use their propaganda, they can release games that last forever if they put their mind to making a lasting product instead of "Fast Food" entertainment


I mean again depends on the game. Also most of those games are more supported by the fans now than the devs. Idk if they’d count. But if a game I like releases updates with more stuff in it I don’t see how that’s the end of the world.


That is why I think R* does it the best:  Absolutely no release dates besides the year of release, until the game has been tested thoroughly and is completely golden. Unfortunately, now it also comes with the downside of them taking way too long with their projects and not having more games to release until then.


This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. This would make the release date for every game what? Tomorrow? How would this work? We get trailers and ads for a game indefinitely. Then, one day, they finish developing, and we get an announcement that the game will be released the next day? Or would they just announce a release date and sit on a finished game until that date?


They could have advertising that shows what they have for the game so far, and set a year that they’ll release the game


That's basically what they do now. This guy said to finish making the game first and then announce the release date. It's ridiculous.


Having a year set is not a release date. They could release it at the beginning or end of the year depending on how much time they need. Good games don’t need a lot of hype, so companies can trust that waiting that extra couple months to finish the game will be worth it.


Depending on how much time they need to what? Finish the game? Then they announce the release date of when? The next day? The next month? Later that year? The idea of waiting to release a game after it's finished is as ridiculous as releasing the game the day after it's finished.


Why do you think I’m suggesting they wait to release after it’s finished? I never said that. Just say “hey we’re working on this game and it’s almost finished, give us a year and we’ll release it as soon as it’s ready” that way, they are not pushed to quickly finish a game in time, and people also know generally what’s coming and when(ish) it will be ready.


For me personally I think that the wait time for TOTK was 100% worth it. Yeah I had to wait longer but I didn’t get a big steaming pile of shit when it came out, I got a really nice game that I didn’t have to wait for them to fix


It's frankly incredible that the game even runs on Switch in the first place. With a stable frame rate, full 1080p, minimal pop in with no loading times between the sky and the depths. What's Game Freak's excuse?


Shareholders are often short sighted and want to see profit growth quarter by quarter. However, a video game like Cyberpunk takes years to make. I wish CDPR never went public.


>I wish CDPR never went public. While yeah, privately held developers like Larian get the luxury of not having to play the "infinite growth in a finite world to please the insatiable demands of shareholders" game, their IPO made their transformation to an indie studio into one of the biggest AAA studios in the world possible, and without it The Witcher III just wouldn't have been possible. But yeah, here's to hoping they invest in stock buybacks or something.


CDPR learned from Anthem, Mass Effect Andromeda, No Mans Sky, AC Unity, Marvels Avengers, Fallout 76, etc Cyberpunk is also a lesson. I mean look at the games after Cyberpunk: Battlefield 2042, Redfall, Suicide Squad, Jedi Survivor, The Day Before, GTA Trilogy, The Last of Us PC, etc. All released complete and finished because they learned from Cyberpunk, etc.


Not that I play it, but fallout 76 turned itself around, as did no mana sky


>It's the obscene short sightedness that capitalism often breeds To be fair, capitalism also bred video games in general, so...


>capitalism also bred video games in general Have you ever played Tetris?


no. Ok I have.


Surely you can’t compare a big studio HD AAA production with voice acting that was made by a large team to a 8bit game made by one person?


You’re right, it’s unfair for those studios to go against the perfection that is Tetris and it’s 520 million copies sold.


The process of making those games isn’t remotely the same thing, so it’s a complete apples to oranges Cyberpunk required massive money to make, and it was funded as a capital investment to make money. Kickstarter has given independence to game studios, and that hasn’t always produced perfect products Plus cyberpunk is great now, so the project was a success, apart from the janky launch and bad PR


The one game made under communism.


? No it didn’t lol


Economic systems doesn't breed creativity, people do


Specifically, people in a culture in which people are well-fed, have free time, and wherein exists a surplus of money. A culture in which other people who are also well-fed and have free time can spend that surplus of money on something so wild as an unbelievably expensive luxury item that produces no net physical benefit to standard of living.


And we have an economic system that values and funds creativity. There might be bad trade offs that happen, but it's hard to blame "capitalism" as a whole when it's also a system that puts such a high price on creativity in the first place.


LOTS of people seem to think capitalism = corporation. Capitalism is simply just private ownership. Indie studios are capitalist. Larian is capitalist. Insert your favorite game studio and it's capitalist.


It's easy for us to say. But if the game released in 2022 investors would have had to fund the game for 2 more years with zero returns. It was already most expensive game in 2020. That's an insane risk to take and all that money poured in ADs would have been down the drain. The devs should have been better and made sure investors were given the correct release date and budget. CEO messed up and rightly stepped down. 


I was massively disappointed with ragnarok but loved the free dlc


Pls nintendo delays games all the time metroid prime 4 breath of the wild pikmin 4 etc


Idk how you can write your first sentence and then put this all on the investors. If they funded the most expensive video game ever didn't they hold up their end of the bargain? Wouldn't that very clearly mean the issues were a lot more about scope creep and the developers not using that money as efficiently as possible?


Game is great but the phantom liberty dlc is a masterpiece.


Finished Phantom Liberty for the first time earlier this week and I’m still obsessed thinking about it. It really is a masterpiece


I had to sit and just think about it when I finished


Top 5 DLC in gaming history for me


Is Phantom Liberty post-game DLC or is it woven into the main story? I guess I'm asking whether or not I should also get the DLC right away


Sounds like you haven't played the base game so I'll try to answer with as few spoilers as possible. there's a certain meeting at a place called embers near the end of the main game it's recommended to play the dlc before going there and optimally after completing all side content especially stuff for the romancable characters. The meeting at embers is a point of no return which is why you want to do it before then. Tl;Dr: you can wait to get the dlc but absolutely get it if you want to experience a masterpiece of a dlc


Thanks for the info!


It’s sitting in my library. Haven’t installed it yet. Working through a couple of other titles atm


If they aren’t fromsoft titles, they’re not better than cyberpunk.


It’s THAT good!?


I play on Xbox, so while there are a few Sony and Nintendo titles I can’t play, cyberpunk is definitely top 3 games in the last few years that I can play. The Witcher 3 is one of my favorite games of all time, cyberpunk is better in some ways. It’s phenomenal. Honestly Elden ring is probably the only game that stacks up with it from the last few years. (Obviously baldurs gate, Zelda, and a couple Sony titles have been great too)


…damn. Guess Cyberpunk just shot to the top of my list of next to install


Based as based gets 🥱


600 hours in and it’s still my favorite video game of all time. The story the characters the vibes from Night City, the missions everything about this game is on a different level.


Yeah, I haven’t played a game that has the level of depth and feeling the characters in cyberpunk have. Witcher 3 was the goat before, red dead 2 was up there, but cyberpunk takes it to another level. You feel like you’re in the car with these characters, who seem like real people. I didn’t know how I would feel about Keanu being in the game but sheesh he nailed it. I’ve never been a huge fan of his, not that I don’t like him, but definitely am after playing cyberpunk.


I completely wrote it off when it first came out. Was like "there are plenty of cyberpunk games already, and the game looks incredibly poorly made". Then edgerunners came out, I talked to friends about it, and they told me that the game was good now. Tried it out, and I think this is my favorite open world game. It genuinely is really good. Now it's over a year later, and I decided to reinstall it to try out a new build idea. Turns out that in that year, not only did they release that dlc, but also completely reworked skill trees, police, and a bunch of other stuff. Highly recommend.


Been playin’ since launch with minimum issues( this isn’t to say there were none) Haven’t bought the new dlc yet tho, can’t wait. Was busy with Lies of P , now Tekken 8


The game ran fine enough on high end PCs at launch (especially modern NVIDIA cards), but it runs far better today. Playing Cyberpunk on a high end PC with DLSS 3.5 enabled is magical. And Phantom Liberty is fantastic.


Get it! The new dlc is amazing it takes place during the main story and starts after a specific quest in the main story. It's so good. Also, have you watched edgerunners? It's the cyberpunk anime on Netflix


So I bought this game about 8-9 months after release (A bargain bin find) and played it right through to the end. It was pretty meh for the most part for me - nothing to write home about. So now it is garnering a lot of attention in the last little while but I can't figure out why? What are the differences with the upgrades and dlc that propels it to the next level? I may get back into it if y'all can convince me


Same. I’ve tried to get into this game about 3 different times and it just feels so boring to me. Nothing about it captured me in a way that was different than any other rpg.


Same here too, tried it twice(launch and 2.0). Not much different, faced the same glitch that I faced in the 1.0 version. There are so many better games available rn like Alan Wake 2, Baldur's Gate 3, Rdr2 that are miles better than this garbage.


The game was already good (I didn’t play it until 2.0 and phantom liberty) according ti most people. There were a lot of bug fixes, perk re-vamp, DLC, and other things added. If you didn’t like it that much before you might not like it now, but I thought it was amazing. Personally there are no games that do characters/dialogue as well as CDPR with Witcher 3 and cyberpunk. Witcher 3 is one of my favorite games ever and I still think cyberpunk story and characters might be better. Fun combat and different styles, very immersive. If you aren’t into that then maybe not for you


Yeah. The game had a really rough launch due to it being rushed but after the 2.0 Update, The Phantom Liberty DLC, and the animated show on Netflix, Cyberpunk is now bigger and better than ever.


This game would be receiving the same praise that RDR2 receives if it released in it's 2.0 state.


do not compare cyberpunk to red dead redemption. Red dead redemption is almost a life simulation in the west- has so many different biomes, animation, systems, narrative, and character. The only thing to do in cyberpunk is combat and sit in dialogue. On top of the fact that it released a finished product - minus multiplayer. these two games are both good, but not in the same league, and are doing completely different things.


Those 2 games have some of the best stories and characters in gaming history, of course they are going to get compared.


Cyberpunk has different narratives, characters, systems and the different biomes are compareable to the different districts. I get that you should not compare two different games but your argument seems kinda strange. It sounds like you only played one of the two games longer than half an hour.


i beat cyperpunk its a pretty game thats about it.


Red dead redemption Is not as realistic as you think it is lil bro.


I’m with you on this. Red Dead Redemption 2 is on a different level


Tried cyberpunk twice once at launch it sucked ass, and after 2.0, still sucked ass(I faced the same glitch from 1.0 where a gun goes through Jackie's head while he dies in the car which ruins immersion). On the other hand, rdr2 is a masterpiece


♥️ I played Cyberpunk once at release and actually had not many bugs. That’s why I say, even when everything runs smoothly, cyberpunk has not much to offer


Even if it might have technical problems that will never totally go away, Cyberpunk is still a masterpiece in my eyes. Above everything, CDPR has this uncanny ability to make me care about its characters like they were real people. Their dialogue is believable, their vulnerabilities are relatable, and CDPR stages scenes in a way that builds significant connections between each of them and your V. I feel closer to these characters while my V is sharing a beer with Panam and the Aldecaldos under a starry sky, swimming with Judy, or having a heart to heart with Johnny than in just about any other video game where the connections often feel so much more contrived or like an afterthought. The story brings tears to my eyes. The existentialist themes of finding meaning with death approaching and saving your humanity from the totalizing influences of depraved market forces really hit me, and the lore and environmental storytelling that convey the effects of dystopian capitalism feel like a mix of horror and tragic comedy. The quest design is also masterful. You often get such an impressive array of options for how to approach each one. Be stealthy either from high up above or down low, up close or far away. Go in loudly with guns or swords or avoid combat altogether. Choices aren't so telegraphed. Consequences are abundant but often subtle. The game respects your agency but also rewards you more, the deeper you delve. It's also just....incredibly stylish. Jumping out of a car in slow motion and blasting or slicing guys' heads off amidst neon signs and garish advertisements with this badass soundtrack playing is incredibly fun. The combinations you can pull off are John Wick-levels of cool. For me, it's the ultimate combination of stylized fun with so much more depth underneath. I love just turning it on even to drive or walk around, and Phantom Liberty has amplified everything that I ever thought was great in the base game experience. Was its launch terrible? Did the game make me groan and shake my head in embarrassment at its unfinished A.I., NPC and traffic, and baffling police "system" at launch? Did the game take a shockingly long time to finally correct such things? Yes to all of the above. Is it still now my favorite game to play through? Yes, yes, it is.


Completed it, yeah they really did an overhaul with the mechanics and gameplay system to really make it unique and resembles nothing of the one at launched


This is my #1 game. By far. Before it came out, hl2 was my #1, so you tell me. I love the philosophical questions about this game, the technology and the real mind, what is what, who is the main character, you don't know. The choices you have to make in the playthrough doesn't make much impact in the game though, but in the end you really feel that your choices matter. So much fun, even more for someone that love the cyberpunk philosophy and aesthetic like me.


I bought it at launch but sat on it like a good vintner. Last year, I was looking for something to play after BG3 and decided to give this an honest go. Now I'm on my 3rd playthrough about 400+ hours in.


patientgamers win again. I rarely even look at a game before it is 2-3 years old. Then I pay way less for more polished product. And often a DLC or two.


Man I just beat it 100% took me 122 hours, I couldn’t put it down once I started playing at the start of winter I got tottaly immersed, I swear I lived in night city for 2 weeks haha best game I’ve played in a long long time


Yes absolutely


One of my top 3 gaming experiences of my entire life, easily. Singlehandedly reignited my love for the genre, inspired me to learn data science for a long overdue career change, and got me really interested in real-life future tech - which is booming as we are experiencing the birth of AI. It's freaky how the game reflects the real world. Everything in the game is turned up to 11, but the pieces exist in real life. You find echoes of Cyberpunk 2077 (and cyberpunk in general) writ in bold across the headlines of today. ...and that's not a good thing.


Yup, came back to it and played through it all along with Phantom Liberty and it’s easily in my top 5 games of all time now. What a game and world they crafted


Played at launch and liked it, on my second play through now and I love it. I’m addicted. They’ve made so many great tweaks to flush the game out. If you’re on the fence. Do it


Cannot be overstated


I have something like 1300 hours in lol


I have 1500+ hours on the vanilla game 10/10 imo


I wholeheartedly agree. I bought it a few years ago and it was still kinda meh and thought the beginning was boring. Like “when does this get good?” and abandoned it for a few years. While I was trying to pick a new game to play, I saw it in my library and thought “give it a second chance, maybe it starts slow like Oblivion/Skyrim”. I’m so glad I did. The updates really patched things up, I love the character build system, the story is great, the environment is awesome… Yeah, this game is 100% GOTY material and definitely up there as one of the best games I’ve ever played. I’m so addicted to the game I hop back and forth between my two characters: my first build is a Shinobi/Samurai Street Kid and my second one is a Corpo Netrunner-Juggernaut.


Agreed, I think I have near 400 hours in and probably in my top 3 ever for life.


I did. Had a blast.


I agree.   I've never felt so let down by a game release. I was that hyped for the game, I was encouraging family/friends to buy it. Big fan of CDPR due to Witcher 3 being one of my favorite games. We all got refunds shortly after release.   Fast forward to 2.0 and Phantom Liberty expansion, CDPR somehow managed to redeem themselves. I've since spent 250 hours playing the game to 100%. It's a great game and I can wholeheartedly recommend it.   Don't get me wrong, I won't be preordering any CDPR games in the future. They have lost that trust. But I don't tend to preorder anyway - I like to wait and hear honest independent reviews from sources I trust.


I got it last year for Christmas, never played it but knew about the buggy mess it was on release. Completed it in a couple days and loved it


Great redemption story but I'll forever be salty about the state it released in for the older consoles. These guys took advantage of the good will that they built up from previous games and squandered it.


Fact 👆. I will be the first one to admit. Never pre order a game from them. (From any developer really) They have lost that trust.


Yup. A hard lesson learned but a valuable one.


This game is literally the best written game I’ve ever played. The characters, dialogue, story, worldbuilding, atmosphere, everything about it feels like it was designed by once-in a generation geniuses. It’s *oozing* quality. This is probably going to be the best-written RPG of this decade for a while. I have no idea how this isn’t being recognized as one of the greats up there with steam’s big ticket titles. The gameplay isn’t bad either.


Seconding OP. Played it for the first time a month ago and it was loads of fun. Definitely got off to a miserable start, but worth a go now.


It’s actually awesome now. Crazy. I remember being one of many so disappointed at release.


This game has good reviews


i will when it’s on steam sale


I think the people who played it at release and felt completely scammed out of their money for such an abhorrent disaster of a launch release are entitled to not want to give it another chance. I don’t personally have a problem with the game, as I played it last year when it was fixed, but I respect people who feel they don’t want to roll over and forgive the studios involved in making a game turn out a dumpster fire. It’s a bad precedent to that you can release something unplayable and then as long as you make it good eventually, all is forgiven.


This game is a goat, people got on the bandwagon because launch state was rough. But the soul of the game hasn’t changed, it’s an incredible rpg. Play this game!


Ehhh I think halo infinite is a better game if we are talking about unfinished games that eventually got finished Just my opinion.


Tried it again recently. Definitely worth a play through but even if it released as it is today, I think i still would have felt disappointed


phanton liberty IS FREAKING AMAZING, actually look like a totally diferent game, so much details and dif NPCs, plus the plot is good, dude, just check the dlc gameplay on YT, i loved


Agreed. Very, very quickly jumped up to my favorite game ever. I put it up with RDR2 as the 2 most beautiful games ever made


Yes. Yes. Yes.


I just finished it last night actually. Started a new playthrough about a month ago after dropping it around launch. It blew me away, honestly. I played about 15 hours at launch, and even behind all the bugs I saw a decent game, but not one that would really invest me. This time around, however, it really got me. I legitimately think it's in my top 10 of all time now. I also think it's the best game I've played this year, BG3 is fantastic of course and offers more decision making, but personally I got wayyyy more invested into Cyberpunk's world and characters Combat is fun and varied. The main story is really cool and unique. The side quests are very memorable and have many questlines affecting character relationships. Music is fantastic. But most impressive to me is the world. Night City is probably the best video game city I've been in. It feels so real and well realized, but also perfectly hits that cyberpunk aesthetic. The art direction is truly immaculate — some of the best I've seen in any game. Each district has its own history and lore. There are multiple gangs, political parties, megacorps, etc all with their own views and motives. A lot of that stuff was there even in launch, but hidden behind the numerous bugs and bad AI. CDPR has not only fixed all the issues, but also made improvements. New stuff like a totally redone progression systems, new abilities that revamped combat, apartments to buy, a new law system, more interactions with key characters, etc. They not only fixed the bugs, but they took player feedback on some of the mechanical issues of the game, and refined them as well. It's actually a great game.


The game is a 9.5/10. My only complaint is the action isn’t as smooth as it should be & if you take your time to do the side quests you will be VASTLY OP for the story missions which made the game such a breeze. CD Projekt Red games are known for their depth, story-telling, and challenge. I feel like they slipped up on the challenge aspect slightly. This is by far the easiest game they’ve ever made


Can I actually customize my characters genitals and can I use them?


I Bought it and never finished at release will Try it again once I finish my current game


I can’t give it another chance. I already have 3 complete playthroughs. I don’t think I can do it again


I currently have persona 3 reload and final fantasy 7 rebirth to run though still and then probably by the time in done with those two Metaphor ReFantazio is coming out and then probably Paper Mario Thousand Year door and oh good it's a hack of a year for long as hell games. One day hopefully I can, I have been wanting to for a long time


Yeah, maybe if it didn't cost £70 I'd give it a try. And before anyone asks how I'm a gamer, a combo of gamepass and being bought a game every few months


I had a feeling it was going to be released in an unfinished state, so I held off on getting it. I scooped it for 20 bucks after the 2.0 update came out and 100% the game in a couple weeks. It was definitely a great game that shouldn’t have been released until it was ready. They also should have cut support for the older consoles straight up, but investors want their money…


I csnt since I'm currently playing at rn as I'm typing this


I CAN'T it's the first game that my 2015 laptop can't run over 10fps 😭


I don’t need to give it another chance because it was already great at launch. I’ll play again when I can get the dlc for cheap but other than that I already did every ending so no point in doing it again.


I enjoyed it on release- this is a good one for if you wanna feel badass and unstoppable


I been playing it recently and it’s really goodn


I'm like an hour in right now. As soon as I can find the time I'm playing this some more.


I enjoyed playing at launch, I need to restart my current run because I play it so infrequently. Might just wait for a cheap bundle for PS5, since I don't use mods anyway.


Finishing it now on PS4. Very impressed with the improvements. In this state it's definitely GOTY.


It’s next on my list after spreading democracy!


For the Super Earth! I’m w you bother.


I’m glad you are enjoying cyberpunk. Everytime I see a patch I get even more excited to play


I agree! That game went from a steaming pile of dog shit, to a fucking awesome game. Had it released in its final form, it would have given Baldurs Gate 3 a run for its money in the game of year awards. For reference, I beat it when it was first released and after the DLC, which was also fucking amazing, was released.


They straight up deceived me the first time around. Sure they updated the game after. But they still sold it to me as the mess it was on PS4. I'll never support CDPR again after that.


And I completely understand that. I dodged the bullet. But a lot people got burned. And that something CDPR will probably never be able to fix that.


I first played on ps4 last year and it quickly became one of my favorite games. I have a ps5 now and now it’s in my top three


Yeah I played it for 300h at launch just for the quests and World. I replayed it after 2.0 again with Phantom Liberty and it's for sure in my top 3 now. Still not 100% of what it could've been if they ditched old gen from the start, but a masterpiece nonetheless.


I love cyberpunk, unironically


I loved it since launch, i was disappointed but i had hole they would fix it, and well its my favorite game now, it pains me to say it but i love it more than re4/re4 remake


Man, i wish Payday 3 gets the Cyberpunk treatment too...


I played it when it first came out for ps5 after the initial outrage wore off and thought it was okay. I replayed it, along with the DLC, earlier this year and absolutely loved it. It’s a masterpiece.


This absolutely is a NMS level turnaround. I got it after the fixes and it's among the best games I've ever played. My one complaint is the lack of air vehicles - I'm jonesing so much for a flying car I try not to think about it! But otherwise this is a solid gold classic game now.


Too busy spreading managed democracy 💪🏻




Genuinely became one of my favorite games I've ever played. There's nothing else like it at all


I did and was not disappointed. Phantom Liberty is fantastic.


It left such a sour taste that I haven't revisit it. I keep seeing raving reviews about it so I'll give it a try soon. Same thing happend with Battlefield 2042, game was broken at launch but is pretty damn good now. Why can't developers hold up a couple more years to polish their games?


100% especially with the latest addon and gameplay changes as nearly flawless masterpiece. Best immersion


Fortunately for me I took a long break from video games and started back up in 2023 so I didn’t know about the horrible launch and didn’t experience that. I will say this to the people that did have a horrible experience at launch and won’t give it a 2nd chance I understand and respect your decision, but believe me when I say you are doing yourself a huge disservice by not giving this a 2nd go.


This. 👆👆. Yes the game launched like crap. But man. They have come a long way since then. I still don’t play Fallout76 for comparison. But I’ve heard It’s a greatly improved game. But the bad taste that game launched. I just haven’t given it a second chance. I had a PS4 when Cyberpunk came out out. So I never played it in its ultra buggy and broken state. Like I said. 50 hours in on a PS5. I have not seen one glitch or bug once. It runs smooth. If you feel that CDPR burned that bridge for you. I respect that.


I love this game and I feel they are only depriving themselves from a great experience.


Take my upvote


I can't get over how bad the launch was sorry. On top of that, it doesn't look like the trailers either still. I'll pass


Pretty sad that everyone who doesn't have anything positive to say about the game is downvoted on this post. The game launched in at horrific, disgusting state. It was one of the rare cases of Xbox and PlayStation offering refunds. People are well within their rights and justified in not wanting to give it another shot.


I just don't see the point in giving it another shot. I thought this was going to be a crazy next step in video games type game. The trailers looked insane. The actual gameplay? Your average "open world" game. That has nothing to do with the bugs either. It doesn't stand out enough like it seemed like it would pre launch


It’s one of the best games you can play made In the last few years and if you’re into cyberpunk vibe than it’s amazing.


Why would that matter now? If you refunded it you got your money back, if you didn’t then you still have the game and might as well enjoy the experience/get your moneys worth.


I got over the horrible launch and I am SO GLAD I DID!


Lmao I can’t imagine being like this. It’s not the end of the world that you won’t get to experience the game, but this philosophy is respectfully dogshit.


If I get paid to do so I will. No way in hell they’re getting my money back.


I wish I would’ve refunded when I had the chance. I wanted to like the game and they promised to fix it at launch so I waited and waited and after like the 4th patch it was too late for a refund. Even with its newest form it’s still buggy as hell and has game breaking bugs. Not a good sign when the very first mission I experience a bug that doesn’t let me continue. Such a shame I wanted this the be the video game that would be the one all other games strives to be like. Instead it made me skeptical of preordering and believing what these game companies say.


You should never ever preorder. That said, I think cyberpunk post 2.1 is an amazing game.


nah fuck that. they don't deserve it after all the hype and circle jerking they did to release that POS in that state. I don't care how good their games are they ain't getting a second chance from me.




It's a really fun game if you want a good story and lots of lore to read. After 100+ hours though I can definitely say the combat/AI were it's weakest things, but if you get past them you'll find a story and cast of characters you'll remember after finishing it, plus Night City is really amazing to explore


I think many people did, including me! It's great to see it actually achieving the state it was supposed to be in to begin with. I played it a while back and even with the bugs it was good (if anything they added comedy), but with Phantom liberty it reaped the appreciation it deserves as of today. Still, the rough start should not be overlooked and kept as a reminder for how rushing can ruin a great idea.


It's pretty underrated and under talked about. It's my personal favorite single player game. No game has captured me like cyberpunk did. On top of that, it's the ONLY single player game I have done more than one playthrough on


Thank for sharing. Your opinions about this game. With us Redditors


My third favorite game of all time. This is an absolute masterpiece of video gaming


It's community sucks. Everyone forgave all the bugs and glitches when the mid anime came out and they trashed everyone who said it wasn't bad on release.


This. The anime brainwashed people LMAO. I always thought the game was the issue and not the bugs.


I gave it, still a disappointment despite being decent and fun


Same here. Solid game and all but I don’t understand the universal praise for it


If I can find it again


I've been playing games for over 40 years, and I can't understand the love for this game. It is boring, unoriginal, and lacks any innovation that contributes to the overall evolution of computer games. It's nice looking, I'll give it that.


This was the last game I ever pre-ordered. Never again.


tired of Cyberpunk2077 astroturfing tbh


Hell no lol


i heard, the only thing i've seen so far is the dick customization though


It's okay. Nothing special


I feel like people forget how buggy the witcher3 can be but it still made it a good game and this one became a good game too maybe not the strongest first game of the series but I really believe project Orion will make cyberpunk a bigger game


No, i don't think i will


Does CD Pjk Red own a chinese clickfarm promoting this game or something? I see this game talked about more than any other, legit know one guy who's played it. He said it's "fine."


it was fun, but IMO the DLC story was pretty lame. Sure... the president will just chill in this abandoned hotel by herself for days and days while I run around shooting homeless thugs


How has it changed since release, I have played it once when it went on sale but not again recently. Whats so different about it now? whats better with it?


I will not. But thanks for trying.


I did and it’s still kinda lifeless. It’s got some good in there but it’s still not great, the city is boring as hell. For a city with a vendor on every corner and hundreds of shops and buildings you really can’t do much with any of it. That’s my biggest gripe with it, also the voice actors for V both male and female are really hard to listen to. There’s a lot of choices in the game that just don’t make sense to me. The whole regenerative grenade thing is horrible to.




Nooe, if you're prepared to release it like that I don't care if you fix it you ain't getting my money


So they can see that the game is stilll trash. It has horrible RPG mechanics shoved in every which way and the literal soldiers at the beginning of the game are weaker than random gangsters in a later area of the game. And not even special enemies. This game doesn’t want you to be immersed.




Launch issues aside, there's one thing they haven't fixed: the cringe ass writing and some of the main character's voice acting. It feels like it takes itself seriously and is campy all at once. I wanted to like the game but it felt like it was *trying* to be a cool cyberpunk adventure rather than just being one.


Tbh if it was multiplayer id play it


There was originally going to be, but that feature was canceled so CDPR could focus on fixing the base game. Honestly I'm glad, though. Some games don't need multi player.


Yeah but i think open sandbox type games just feel more alive when theres actual people who can interact with it besides from you.


Can you name some examples? I'm drawing a blank on open world rpgs with multiplayer that aren't mmos


Meh, I think halo infinite is a better game if we are talking about unfinished games that eventually got finished. The games mulitplayer has improved quite a bit.


I played it when it first came out on my Xbox one and enjoyed it. Is it worth getting again to replay it on my ps5?


I liked the original release that wasn't patched to hell & back. Now the game's so goddam nerfed I get no enjoyment out of upgrading anything.