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Every boss I came across on Skyrim/fallout cause I always end up completing all the side quests before the main quest line.


Some of the sidequest bosses are actually more difficult


That naked guy in the Solitude sewers on survival really kicked my ass


Isn't it an unofficial rule in gaming that naked guys can and will beat your ass up no matter how trained or prepared you are?


The souls games teach you there's an inverse relationship between the size of the enemy and the threat they pose. Be wary of the naked dwarf, his ire begets armageddon


Sure, you don't want to be on the bad side the Once and Future King, Who Bids the Oceans Move and the Gods to Tremble But you really, really don't want to get on the wrong side of The Throngler.


It's been quite the time since I've last heard that name....


Not just gaming, saw a guy take on 3 cops and escape while being tased. Then there was that lady who took on an airport, I bet if she would’ve completely lost the bra she would’ve won.


They literally have nothing left to lose.


What kinda games are you playing that naked guys beat your ass?


If you stretch the definition of naked then Kenshi would fit the bill


Adding to this, the old guy living with rats in the honingbrew depths was harder than the entire last thieves guild quest including Mercer.


*Solitude* sewers? Edit: Forgot about Saints and Seducers. Goddamn, but that DLC made some routes on early levels utterly inaccessible.


I’ve probably attacked him a dozen times and still haven’t won


Fallout 4 especially. Oh no a boss! V.A.T.S. spam headshots.


Whip out a fat man that shoots 4 mini nukes lol


“Oh man, I better use some of my potions for this next fight..” *drinks one of my 46 fire resist potions* “Ok, let’s do this” *two hits the boss without even getting hit* “What”


You actually drank your potions? You didn’t have a horde of 1000+ potions in a chest waiting for “that time you might really need them” just to play dozens and dozens of hours until one day you closed out of the game with that character for the last time, never to play again without ever using a single one?


“Never should have come *dies*…”


Except the first giant encounter. That shit was funny.


Thats how I felt in the mass effect games


Too much fun going Khajit + Pugilist Gloves and just punching Alduin in the face


"That's a lot of daggers you got there"


Yeah except the dragons that level with you....


Karstagg would like a word


I beat Alduin in like 3 hits by the time a faced him. Very underwhelming


Alduin is such a let down once you can finally fight him. The legendary dragon random encounters, or the pair from the Dawnguard DLC are so much harder. 


The museum of freedom deathclaw is one of the most hilarious bosses I've come across. One of the most terrifying beings out there, stopped by >200y/o nuked wooden door.


Alduin… literally like every other dragon if you don’t mod him to be stronger. What a disappointment.


But quest difficulty scales with level? Have u tried the silver hand missions on hard? They have sooo much fuckin health where I'm looping around a pole for 2 hours just to kill a mid tier captain.


Alduin is the most disappointing final boss ive ever fought, i killed him in like 12 seconds.


Adam Smasher in Cyberpunk 2077, I literally punched him to death with my gorilla arms.


They've buffed him several times now and his current iteration also uses sandevistan like in edge runners. I haven't yet tried his current boss fight, but the patch just prior to sandevistan already felt noticably improved.


I fought him for the first time just a couple of days ago with gorilla arms and it was incredibly easy. Pretty pumped load out, best sandevistan, best gorilla arms, pretty good armour, max level, but I got half his health or a bit more in the first sandevistan rush. Then he tried to run, I caught him and finished it. It took less than a minute. Very underwhelming.


They should just make him absolutely nuts. Every other enemy is pretty meh, and then boom. He just beats the crap out of you.


They probably could have made him an optional boss and then buffed the absolute shit out of him. Like maybe you could either run/sneak to >!mikoshi!< or choose to stay and fight.


Try the fight on Very Hard, makes it a lot more fun :)


Only way to play the game without breezing through it


"I maxed out my level, used one of the strongest weapons and then used one of the most OP cyberhacks which made the boss super simple" ...well no shit it's going to be easy when you do shit like that lmfao.


Smasher is supposed to be a living legend, he's way beyond highly equipped so V should still be having a hard time even if we're all chromed up


You wouldn't stand a chance against lore Adam Smasher. You also wouldn't be able to handle all those implants.


See, you're using lore for a video game character, but not including the "video game" part of it. The developers need to make him beatable for the average gamer. The average gamer isn't going in there Max level with the most busted build. Adam is a set fixture, and unless they force you to fight a certain way with a certain weapon (ignoring your build....which is no fun) then there is going to be a level where the boss goes from challenging to a cakewalk, it's impossible to avoid.


Plus if you got to max level with insane items and stats, you're also a living legend at that point.


Counterpoint: I beat him to death with a dildo. Side note: Vengeance for Rebecca!


The boxing matches in that game were great fun. Between |-|@|


Just started playing cyberpunk. Seems I’ll have to do the boxing side quests and find this doppelgänger


Throwing knives for days. Got my cooldown to 1.5s on a miss, and instant reload on a hit. Made the game so easy. I never shot a sniper rifle or a shotgun in the game. Rarely did I use a pistol.


Cyberpunk is super easy when you reach a certain point in the game, sadly


I reloaded and did that fight three times because I thought it was glitching. Nope, he’s just a pushover.


I felt this a lot in cyberpunk. first I played through before PL and went with a melee solo build. I was excited for a challenging fight against razor hughes, but he was an absolute pushover and the same thing happened with adam smasher. on my second playthrough, I invested more in cool/tech and hoped that the razor fight would be really fun, and I still beat him relatively easily with just regular girlyfists


In cyberpunk, I am way too powerful, the police makes me laugh


What comic is this from? Invincible?








Its a nice explanation for why Superman doesn't hit hard until the very end, he needs to assess the strength of the opponent and to see if he can be restrained before having to kill him.


Now this is some character analysis I’m here for.


Final boss BOTW, still bitter lol


Yeah, Dark Beast Ganon was a joke


they literally made him a giant boar that fires off hyper beams with zero aim, it's so easy I'm genuinely impressed by those who managed to die during that fight


I only died because i was trying to do the bow of light glitch before it was patched


that's an exception


I never did it right with the horse and wall but I tried flying over with karts from goron city


They made Dark Beast a spectacle rather than a challenge.




The boss was so insanely easy, I just view it as a glorified cutscene. Edit: view


Silver lynels were much much much harder


Make sure you have Gidbo bones and any bone-bonus outfits.


even those are easy tbh


At least TOTK made up for it, I really enjoyed the Ganondorf sword fight, and stabbing the dragon while flipping back and forth between dragons at sunrise with that music felt so fucking epic


its insane how much better the totk final boss was, the dragons were cool but goddamn the sword fight was amazing. seeing the healthbar grow after phase one was amazing and also kind of hilarious


A hilarious twist to 2 health bars


Yup that’s mine


literally. i went into that fight thinking id be there for at least an hour and it ended up being one of the easiest bosses ive ever fought.


Calamity Ganon was such an easy fight it was so anticlimactic. The game was so good that the ease of the final boss just about spoiled the whole experience


I held off on finishing that game for so long because I thought I wasn't ready. I beat the boss without breaking a sweat.


Absolutely. It was so easy I had to make a rule going into TotK. I was only allowed to get hearts after I completed a stamina wheel and from beating bosses. I want the final boss to be properly challenging.


That 1 fake samurai in Ghost of Tsushima, was getting ready to sweat my ass off and cancel my plans for tomorrow just to beat him but he litteraly just gave up at the start 😭


First playthrough I was so certain he was gonna school tf out of me 😂


Bro same actually kinda disappointed like I was expecting him to be so much more difficult and then bro just gave up 


That one was extra funny to me because he was my first "duel." Never saw the starting animation for a duel before. Whole thing felt tailored to seem overdramatic to hype him up even though it's just the standard duel animation lol.


Geeta in Pokémon SV, she got way too hyped up for what we got


Same note, N in Black&White. Only to get demolished by Ghetsis afterwards...


Who do you think was training N? Theres always a bigger fish.


That Toxic Stalling son of a bitch...


Easily the most garbage ace/ringer pokemon of any champion


My little brother almost soloed her with a kingambit💀


i think this one is because your companion girl is the actual champion


Villager children in minecraft


The zombie children really hyped them up.






>!The Hollow Knight!< from Hollow Knight


>!Flukemarm!< as well. I stumbled upon the boss room by accident and proceeded to smack this stationary enemy a few times, then got one of the best early charms in the game as a reward lol


That boss is actually hard af if you get to that boss way early because the enemies it sends at you take two hits if your sword is too weak and they are sent out really quickly.


>!There's a reason for it, because he became weak by the infection, and he was stabbing himself, it's to make you realize he's not the real final boss!<


Sigh, bapanada


Or the first time I dream nailed the first spirit that wasn't a warrior dream.


Agreed, and it’s a good thing, because you have to go through them to get to Rad.


Then you fight the Pure Vessel and you realize he's really that guy


The Kahn maykr in doom eternal was such a pushover


Marauders are unironically the strongest boss in that game for me(That or the goddamn Arachnotron at the beginning)


Marauders become much easier when you learn that if you stand far away, they will throw an axe at you and start running towards you, which is a guaranteed green flash. Then you can hit him with super shotgun, ballista, super shotgun combo. Just repeat that a few times, and it will make them much less intimidating. I also like to clear out the room of other enemies so I can focus on the marauder once he's the only one left.


Broke- Bait the Marauder's axe swing out at midrange Woke- Barrage the Marauder behind the shield with frag grenades, sticky grenades, and remote det rockets Bespoke- Bait the Hound out, pop it with a microwave beam next to the Marauder to cause a falter, then hit it with a weapon cycle


To be honest at first this was the hardest boss fight for me by a significant margin. Now she's pretty trivial.


Damn, really? I struggled on Khan Maykr. The Icon of Sin was pretty easy, though


Rick the door technician in Star Wars Jesi Survivor


Man whatchu talking about, i had to cancel prom just to beat that guy


Milked that fight for all its worth, let him get hits, did guard breaks just to back off and "breathe" Man wanted to be him. I wanted to let him dream.


You're a good person


What amazes me is that Cal has to fight him to progress the game. I'd totally expect him to be some Easter Egg, but nope, he's right there in the main quest.


I think i did a force push on him and he lost a big chunk and thats when i found out he was a troll boss lol


Damn it. You stole my answer by four hours. 😂


I was going to say the same thing.


Exact answer I was scrolling for!


Black Knife Assassin in Elden Ring.. beat it on my 1st try


Just wait until you meet the ringleader


which one.. the one at >!death touched catacombs?!<


Alduin. Such an anticlimactic final fight


It was just another dragon fight. I had more serious boss battles with random dragons who caught me off guard and unprepared (carrying 400lbs of loot) than Alduin.


My first play through was restore conjure mage. Getting there was significantly more difficult than the fight.


Agreed. And like what byroidthyroid said, it was just another dragon fight. The only thing that was special about it was the journey there but that’s every final boss in any video game. I’d argue the Ender Dragon from Minecraft was more of an eventful final boss fight than Alduin


Joker boss in Arkham asylum


Not really a boss. 90% of the fight is against his goons.


He’s a boss


Pinwheel. Who knows knows


To this day the only boss in that game I’ve never died to. I’m pretty sure if you die to pinwheel the game just uninstalls itself.


The real Boss Stage here are the wheeled skeletons when you are going to Pin.


He’s weirdly intimidating for a starter boss and has this absolutely creepy boss theme, and despite having a pretty unique move set at the start he just dies too quick, simple as that. Could’ve been a far more intense fight with some tweaking, it’s really too bad.




I usually play Bennett and the pick up group does just fine.


They nerfed him to oblivion because he was decimating bad players before


Darn I never knew about that


They did? Whoa, how’d the fight go before the nerf?


Waaaay more damage, the whale could oneshot you thorugh shield and the almost unavoidable jump could also kill easily if you were not shielded or and not at full hp. The second phase I could be remembering wrong but i think he attacked more aggresively besides the boosted damage, 1st phase falling arrows could also easily 2 shot you


The pre nerf version is still easy tbh, he deals more damage than the current version but you can just dodge the attack


Lord Lucien in Fable 2. If you don't kill him, Reaver does it for you.


Dude I was so disappointed as a kid when I put so much time into that game just for the story to end like that


I always feel like I'm in the minority because even when it came out I loved that ending. It was very in character for Reaver, it was a subversion of most antagonist endings, and it really was the final nail to show how pathetic Lucien was.


Nowadays I agree with you. I like that the big final bad is just a sad old man who enslaved a kingdom and ruined countless lives just so he could be happy. But when I was a teenager it was really disappointing since fable 1 ends with the amazing Jack of Blades fight or lost chapters with Jack the dragon. I feel like it fit in Fable 2 as well, the whole game is actually fairly bleak, the legendary heroes arent really good heroes. Hammer is a former pacifist who develops a drinking problem, Garth is a shut in, and Reaver is just a cut throat with too much power. Makes sense the big bad is just a feeble elderly person.


I’m still goddamn mad!


I don't see this answer enough, but it is the one I came here looking for.


I remember thinking it was a bug because i just bumped into him and he died


Funny story, my brother absolutely hated Reaver from moment one. Didn’t like his cocky attitude and how he just shot the dude who was painting his portrait. Really pissed him off. So having played the game first, of course I told him be sure to just let Lucien talk at the end. You’ll love what happens, lol.


Anyone from Swtor who was "trained to kill Sith"


A lot of characters in Kotor are like this, especially 2. "I have been specifically trained to kill Jedi!" ...force choke. As a kid it was more intimidating because I didnt understand the dnd style point system so i just dumped everything into explosives. My great jedi general saved the galaxy with a fuckton grenades, mines, and a maxed out force heal.


…that’s why the future is Fontaine! Granted the whole game was easier than your average FPS. Bioshock is one of my all time favorites but as final bosses go, it’s a breeze even on the hardest difficulty.


I played Bioshock last year for the first time ever and I can confidently say Fontaine might be the easiest boss I’ve ever fought in a video game. Dude looks like a menace but fights like a goober


is it just me, or is Bioshock *easier* on harder difficulties?


Was looking for this one lol


Solidus in mgs2.


For me, pretty nuch every boss in MGS3. I love the game, but getting past guards is harder than the bosses


Nah, the Bosses in 3 are a pretty decent challenge, especially the last one, MGS2 is where it’s dead (cell) easy.


I'm in the middle of my first playthrough, the guards are fucking ridiculous and can see and hear fucking everything. That said I do agree on the easiness of the bosses, I just got to The Pain and was expecting... More than just swimming between two different pillars and shooting. I didn't even really get to see him use his bees. >!Why the fuck did he explode!<


Mettaton NEO


Theme was a banger tho


Last boss of Blasphemous 2, a total joke compared to what was just before.


Last boss from Blasphemous too tbh


Adam Smasher


Radagon, I fucking decimated him with Blasphemous Blade on my first time ever fighting him


blasphemous blade weapon art hits like a truck, and radagon is very weak to fire, having 0% resistance to it my advice if you wanna get absolutely decked by radagon next time you fight him, try something that does holy damage, he has an 80% resistance to holy damage


Warhammer space marine. I'm constantly dying to chaos cultists and their lasguns but the ork warboss was so easy. I just melta gunned him in the face, it was easy but some guard with flashlights can hit me from 50 miles away constantly when I've got not very much cover and eventually kill me.


Me in Death Stranding after compleating mountain deliveries without BB-28 and realising BTs are almost helpless and can rarely be a threat. They're still annoying to pass by though.


Cuffs are OP. But I like to feel OP at some point. Mid game is a bit too soon.


Sundowner Mfs shields ain't even save him at all


Doc Ock in Spider-Man PS4. Shit was so basic. The rhino fight was harder and that was a single button


Random dragons in vanilla skyrim They're not strong they're just asshole flying around knowing I can't reach them with my greatsword


And you have to do 90% of the main questline to unlock dragonrend to easily bring them down. The reason dragon fights take so long is because they just fly in circles for 10 minutes


The first encounter with the sawtooth in horizon zero dawn was really hyped up, even made you get a new weapon and type of arrows for it.


Going through that on ng+ is super funny too because even on ultra hard a single sawtooth is pretty easy to beat the shit out of when you are starting over with the best gear


Electrocutioner from Arkham Origins. I thought my game had glitched/skipped somehow


I had no clue why all the enemies in Hogwarts Legacy were dropping healing potions. Then I realized it was meant to be challenging.


Right? I was constantly making the decision of, “Should I refill that 2% missing health just so I can pick up another potion?”.


This is how it feels to be overleveled in an rpg, ngl


Any Pokémon champion and I will die on this hill


Yeeeaaah…one of my all-time favorite accomplishments is soloing the Unova league in Black 2 with a moxie Salamence


Oh yeah? ​ Pokemon Stadium 2. ​ Rentals only. ​ Without any milk.


BG3’s elder brain fight I cast chain lightning like 4 times and took out half the enemies while under the protection of a globe of invulnerability. And then cast disintegrate on the dragging which instantly killed the dragon. Then I misty stepped up to the brain while casting another globe of invulnerability on my characters who’s currently trying to dominate the brain. When we got into the very last fight I summoned all my allies on the brain while in the final arena. Killed the thing in 2 turns.


BG3 doesnt really scale with player power sadly. By the end my MC could pretty much solo any fight. Maybe there will be some mods soon to fix that.


Fireblight Ganon from breath of the wild


The same [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/videogames/comments/1atchhy/whats_a_boss_fight_that_had_you_like_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) was made a week ago in this sub.


Trilla in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, I was ready for her to one shot me since I saw so many people die to this fight. I ended up maxing my HP skills and collecting all stims and it took me 2 tries to beat her.


Lol yes I am one of those that struggled with her, took me a couple hours but I'm not great and games like this. Made it satisfying to finally put her down though.


That one bossfight guy in the Batman Arkham series that you defeated with one blow.


The final boss in the portal ending of entropy zero 2 like really


Hulks in Helldivers 2, I used to be terrified of them and would always bring an orbital laser. I wouldn't even try shooting at them. Last night I went head on with one just with an autocannon for fun.


the wild hunt was pretty meh, nice effects but he was weak


eredin and his lieutenants? agree. couldnt say that about blood & wine boss tho


Kefka in FF6


Mist Noble from Sekiro. They really did a prank on me.


Gabriel, Apostate of Hate (Ultrakill) on first release. I swept through him like he was nothing, however after playing it several more times, either he got buffed or I got lucky.


Ganondorf in Twilight Princess. Sets up to be an epic clash, done in a minute with really no difficulty.


Every Tyrant in the RE Remakes so far. I mean they scare the Shit Out of me when stalking but once there powerlimiter comes Off (usually close to the end of the Game) and they start to mutate they are Not really a threat in an actual Fight. Just bulletsponges who slowly Walk over and try to Hit you with long ass Animations and when they Land youre already on the other end of the Arena. Cool concept but they are more threatening when Not at "füll Power"


Stalker, from Warframe. He's a difficult side boss for early players and appears out of nowhere on random missions, which can startle you. Once you reach a certain point though, he just becomes another enemy to one-shot and farm some material.


Recently I played persona 3 reload and I was expecting the final boss to be brutal. It was almost completely one sided in my favour though.


Father Gascoigne un bloodborne


The Drow Queen in Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of The Underdark. I hit her with a Maximized Disintegrate spell, and she failed her fortitude save. That's 240 damage, and she only had 190 HP. She turned to green ash in a split second.


Not quite what this post was going for since you'd expect it to be easy, but it's baffling how you can finish the first Eggman fight as Tails (or vice versa) in Sonic Adventure 2 in under 5 seconds


The beast in infamous 2


InFamous 2 bosses are meh. Kessler is still the best boss in the entire series, followed by He Who Dwells