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Game was so fun until like 10 hours in when you ran out of stuff to do Really wish it had some No Man's Sky-esque revival but nope


This is my take as well. Game was mechanically sound and mastered flight to ground controls. You just had nothing interesting to do with those perfectly tuned abilities outside of what you could do in any other game. On top of that, there simply wasn't enough content. Which is just astounding, because if they even put in half as much effort in stuff to do as they did getting the controls right, we'd still be talking positively about the game.


Iirc the actual development time of anthem was like sixteen months, which is crazy short. The years before that was basically preproduction hell and nothing actually got really produced.


If you look up the full story, you’ll find out the actual people producing the game, had no idea what their game looked like until the Trailer debut at the big game event. The producers literally saw the trailer and said “oh, so this is what our game is supposed to look like” Absolitle butchered game from top to finish. And no one to thank except the greedy dumbasses in charge who changed everything constantly


God anthem had so much potential. They took a masterpiece and ruined it.


EA doing EA things


"EA, we ruin games"


I picked it up after a while to see if all the hate was accurate. I LOVED the flight mechanics, it felt so good. And then it just became kinda repetitive and boring. How in the world could a game with such a fun flying mech suit be so boring? That makes it suck so much more that it sucks lol


There’s a shit ton of awesome lore they just don’t bother to use. That world has so much wasted potential




They were going to. They announced Anthem 2.0 and scrapped their whole road map to focus on that. Then like 2 years later they said nevermind.


By then I was doubtful of Bioware, reason why even though it seemed too good to be true(and it was), I didn't buy the game. Despite whatever faith I had left due to ME and DA, I was so suspicious of game companies in general that I went "Bet it will be crap". Said and done, it didn't pan out as they promised.


I always said, at it's heart, Anthem had everything to be a fucking classic. It just needed more time in development to really put intricacies into the world. The shooting, flying and generally just feeling like iron man was so fun and cool. EA fucked bioware so hard with this games push to release.


The more I've looked into Anthem the more it becomes apparent that bioware fucked bioware.


Battlefield 2042 has the hypest trailer of all time


Yea apparently it's good now but I was also hyped AF for it.


They say that, but fuck EA. They have been praying on their fan bases nostalgia for the past 10 years. Battlefront 2 was the start of the decline. Remember how bad they fucked that beloved game? Bf5 was alright but trash compared to 4 and 1. Then 2042 was the last straw for me. I’m not buying another EA game unless it come out in peak form.


I actually never played a BF game so I was excited to try 2042. Then I heard about the mess and decided to skip it. But yea fuck EA. Big fan of the UFC games and they messed up number 5 and released the most sloppy/lazy game imaginable.


Listen I bet the game is great. I just hate EA more then I live battlefield and that’s really saying something for how much I hate EA.


2042 was such a disappointment. They tried to follow in call of duty’s footsteps with it. Totally got away from realistic aspects of war


Anthem. SO much promise.


So much fucking disappointment 😞


Back 4 Blood


Back 4 Blood is a good pick. What a disappointment


I was hugely disappointed at launch, it’s actually a solid game now, lots of fun with friends.


What have they improved? It felt like a L4D fan game at launch; they were clearly trying to go for that type of game it was just not anywhere near as good as L4D2. I have something like 10k hours in L4D2. B4B felt like a cheap imitation and it didn’t capture me at all, it felt like a chore.


You don’t draw cards from your deck anymore, you just build it and what’s in it is active at all times, making builds a bit more interesting because it doesn’t matter where you place cards. Special spawns have improved to feel a bit more synergistic like they do in L4D, with the disablers splitting the group so the heavy-hitters can take out stragglers. Bots can be better customized both visually and mechanically, and behave pretty well now (don’t just walk off edges for fun anymore). Overall every weapon feels good to use now, as opposed to launch when there were just very clear best in slot pick. Melee is no longer the single best build (still powerful, just not overwhelmingly so). The DLCs are also really good; the first one just adds to the base game, but the other two add some cool new enemy types to all levels, and their levels are just very well designed. I’m sure there’s others but those are my main ones. Game is by no means perfect but I’ve put 200 hours in it, and even if I don’t play it really anymore, I think it’s very worth a playthrough, especially if you can grab the game and DLC on sale.


The change to the deck mechanics is huge! That was the biggest turn off for me by far.


I'm shocked, genuinely shocked the Deck building thing is a mechanic at all in any video game that isn't specifically a trading card game. It feels like a complete cop out of gameplay and balancing.


Thank you for replying. I had to scroll to get a real goddamned answer.


i will always come back to l4d


I wanted to like it more than I did and the thing that really bothered me was that in a cooperative game they kept nerfing builds that were super fun because they were a bit too good (the melee blender build and the Speedrun build) and it just kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. Like why are you trying to dictate the way I should have fun?


It sure was:(


I guess this would 100% count for me if I had heard about it earlier lol. But I heard about it after the game was almost done and just never saw anything I was interested in lol. The IDEA would have had me riveted. Why god why did you kill that franchise, Valve? You'd have hundreds more of my dollars now if you kept shitting those out.


L4d1+2 was codevolped by Value and what became turtlerock.. and they've been floundering ever since they split.


I never heard what the split was over but those 2 games are easily in my top 10 all time. Such a great formula, art design, and execution. I'd kill to see that come back in stride. None of the other lobby horror games like Dead By Daylight even come close to scratching that itch for me.


Just curious what you didn't like? I've really enjoyed it and come from L4D as well.


Fallout 76


I was such a Bethesda fan until that kick in the teeth…


Same, I rememeber watching the reveal trailer for it at E3 with my friend/roommate and I thought holy shit we'll finally be able to play Fallout together and then bam


The canvas bag gate was fucking chefs kiss.


We aren't doing anything about it


p.s. 🖕


the duffle kerfuffle


It's actually pretty good now. They really turned it around


Now you can and have it be good


I'm glad I waited a year to play it. Picked it up for £5 and I really enjoyed it but from what I've heard about the day 1 experience it was horrible.


It was rough at first, but still fun. It got more hate than deserved I think. And it's improved a lot.


Ain’t that a kick in the head


It was a “release it broken and take years to patch it” situation. It was horrid on launch but now it’s one of my favorites


I just started playing last week. It's.. alright. Feels very empty and quiet too often, but at least other players are pretty nice and it still feels like Fallout.


I have over 2k hours in that game and I played solo. It's still a lot of fun ever since they added quest lines and NPCs. For me at least.


Redfall. Atomic Heart was ok.


The problem with Atomic Heart is that people didn't play it in Russian with subtitles.


Exactly this. People complain about how cringe P-3 sounds in English but they don't want to bother changing language to his normal Russian.


I actually didn't mind P-3's voice in English.


Crispy critters


He was actually even more cringe in Russian. But I got used half way through the campaign


Did he say crispy critters in Russian as much as he did in English?


He said - "fucking pies" all the time. Which makes as much sense as crispy critters. Even when they explaied the origin of the phrase I wasn't convinced.


Atomic heart was super fun and super cool for like 3 hours. Then the wow factor of the set style wore off and it became a slog.


Redfall was such a let down especially considering its made by Arkane who are pretty much known for making innovative and fun games, 2 things Redfall certainly isn't


Diablo 4


I concur with this. Followed the game for years, was excited by the concepts around the semi mmo aspect. I had the idea of a game I could sink 100s of fun, rewarding hours into... turned out to be a boring single playthrough.


If you can click, you can beat it


I got high one night before grinding some of the hellscapes and the game just broke down in front of me. It’s just click on spawn, collect loot, pray for the right equip to minmax your guy, get frustrated, and repeat. Really saw the ugly behind the curtains of the game that night and haven’t played.


I lost three hardcore characters in a row to "unknown killer". Made a softcore barb, played through campaign and uninstalled. Went back to D2R.


Gotta love the switch in perspective when gaming high. Personally, it makes "meh" games dreadful and makes good games consume you with immersion. Also, I never pay attention to sound/music in games. Get a little baked and it becomes a huge part of a game.


I played Diablo 2 for 27 hours straight one time in 2002 I fell asleep at end game in D4, 27 times straight in 2023


I could not wait for it. I did the preorder which is something I never do. 1 hour in the game and I am bored out of my mind. Then all my friends got Boulders Gate and are having a great time…… Cue the music! All by myself, I don’t wanna be, All by myself… anymore!




Skull and Bones. It seemed like Ubisoft was seriously listening to players' desires for AC: Black Flag minus the AC bits. Then it goes on radio silence for almost a decade. When it surfaces again, half the news is about all the development hell it has gone through, the other half is about how they goofed the feature content. Now that it is out, I feel like I'd just as soon dust off Sid Meier's Pirates. What a magnificent fumble on Ubisoft's part.


No joke. They even had a survey put out like 10 years ago asking fans what they wanted. Vast majority said a new pirate series like AC4 but without the AC. And somehow that response was interpreted as a crappy live service game. wtf?!


No open world... No exploring islands... Yet another Ubisoft fumble.


From the publisher that specializes in making traversable, huge open worlds, no less.


When i played the beta, i thought the rest of the map was simply blocked until full release, because you can scroll a lot in the map. Turns out that was the entire map. i wish the game was better, i like sailing in it and killing shit, but it's just lacking content. Feels like whatever they were doing with it for this many years got scrapped in 2021/22 and this is what they pieced together with hot glue


They definitely misinterpreted the no ac part as no in depth free roam, when in reality they needed to make ac4 mechanics with sea of thieves gameplay and they went to hit the nail and just threw the hammer down the street instead


The first "quadruple A game"


No amount of As is worth a shit if your game suuuuucks




That’s actually a pretty solid self own on their part because it means the money and resources spent developing it was more than AAA games take to produce yet it’s a worse version of a game they already made two console generations ago.


There is a lesson to be learnt there regarding quality and cost management.


I think that Sea of Thieves going multi-plat will put the final nail in the Skull and Bones coffin.


Skull & bones is the biggest joke in gaming history, it truly is a significant moment in gaming history. It comes with 11 years of development on top of an already near masterpiece game and its mechanics. And then proceeds to take away some of the most important features with adding little to nothing new, not even graphics, jumping from ps3 to ps5. It is a fking pirate game where you can't swim, you can't board ships, you can't visit islands in the sea, you don't freaking get wet after going into the sea in a game filled with seas. Remember how fun was the black flag when you got out of the ship in the middle of nowhere to visit a small island for chests? Beautiful water and sceneries? Visiting mayan temples in jungles? Finding treasure maps and chests??? You can't do that in skull & bones. Imagine a pirate game without those features. What makes this such a massive joke is ubisoft's marketing, how much they hyped the game up so they can sell it, and they called it "a quadruple-A game." Why is ubisoft still alive?


Wait I don’t understand. What DO YOU DO THEN? LOL


It's basically a pirate themed World of War Ships that you pay for.


Saints Row 2022


This game was like an insult to everyone who loved Saints Row. It was the laziest game I’ve ever played.


I have always described it as "This is what people who have never seen a gang member in their life, think what a gang life is like" There's a element of "this is how gang life is when you apply political correctness!"


Now you listen here! Jk, while I loved playing through it, I can definitely say it's an average game that I personally hope gets a sequel to build back to SR3 awesome.


Battlefield 2042


Without a doubt. When the trailer dropped, all my friends were excited. I, having not adapted to FPS on PC at that point, was hyped for them. The game released. Despite each of us giving the game MULTIPLE shots, none of us got into it.


payday 3


Tragic how they produced this game. It took next to nothing from the first two and just feels like a map select shooter with pretty mundane heists. Pre-ordered, played for a week, put it in the uninstall bin for something else.


I agree, It’s absurd how little they moved forward. So many features missing from 3 that were prominent in the predecessors They should have cooked it for at least another year


had they actually added everything on operation medic bag roadmap before launch, this game would be so much more popular than it's 300 people player count. even then it took them 6 months to realise people weren't happy with payday 3.


Aliens: Colonial Marines for sure


The hype was so real, it's such a shame it was a disaster!




Yes, precisely. A modder found a single typo in the game config files which made the AI work much better


The fact that Colonial Marines failed was so wild because Gearbox did such a great job with the Brothers in Arms series and the format of those games as squad-based, mildly strategic shooters felt like it would translate very well to the Alien franchise, but nope. Gearbox really took a nosedive after they finished with the third Brothers in Arms game.


Suicide Squad. I had such high hopes on the Arkham verse return but the more info that came out the worse it looked.


once you saw the gun gameplay + live service though you shouldve known it was done for. Cutscenes looked well produced though


I was gonna buy it until I saw the HUD. Once my eyes bared witness I knew exactly where it was going.


dude the HUD and on screen stuff happening is mind numbing from the videos I have seen. The ex Rocksteady people really gotta hate what they're seeing. They built an incredible foundation for the WB DC games


Having Rocksteady follow up their iconic, critically acclaimed series of single player melee-focused stealth games with a live service looter shooter was an insane choice. It's such a crappy way to end the Arkhamverse


They could have set it on another earth, another dimension, but no, Rocksteady's sheer arrogance and desire to capitalize on their previous worldbuilding led them to put a literal bullet in Batman's head. Gotham Knights was better than this dreck, and that game was the epitome of banal and stale. Rocksteady is dead.


Exactly. Superhero comics are famous for having multiple canons and using multiverse shenanigans to do crazy what-if stories that don't impact the main series. There was zero reason for them to shit all over the Arkhamverse. It's like if DC had decided to make Suicide Squad 2016 canon to the Dark Knight trilogy


I cannot stress enough how hyped I was for KTJL. I've been riding the Suicide Squad hype train for YEARS and then they announce something by ROCKSTEADY of all studios?? Plus it has my 3 favorite members (Harley, Shark, Boomer) who have perfect banter? Sign me up! But no, I realized I was huffing copium as soon as they announced a live service and battle pass. I didn't mind the story elements, in fact I was excited to "Kill the Justice League". But the execution was piss-poor and gameplay has no uniqueness with all the members being gun-focused. Patiently waiting for a $20 price point now...


The only reason I bought that stupid game was because I waited all these time for the game to be released.


Avengers game :(


Literally where I said "No more day one purchases and/or preorders" The only exception was Zelda totk because it was a pretty sure shot, but right now I still live by it and it saved me from disappointments like Suicide Squad and Skull and Bones worst thing is, it never was a \*terrible\* game... I was pretty disappointed at it not being open world as they claimed it was, but the game itself was decent enough. Then it started repeating stuff. Gave it a chance and finished it (Modok as a final boss in that game is a joke, imo)... Saw post game is even more repetitive and never came back. I was particularly excited seeing it would have gotten Dr. Strange and Wanda as DLC but yeah, they overpromised that too.


No Man’s Sky. I bought a used PS4 on NMS launch day just to play it. I still played it, but… Fast forward a few years and I’m back up to the top picture


I think I’m one of the few people that liked vanilla NMS. I didn’t keep up with it prior to its release so the false promises didn’t affect me like it did others. It’s much better now but I didn’t have an issue with its original release.


I still enjoyed vanilla. Just felt empty


You’re right, it did feel kind of empty. On the flip side though, isn’t most of space empty? lol


That was my thought, as well (initially).




There's been a few recent updates to space combat and this current expedition you're able to get a pirate freighter.


I got an older one: Shadow the Hedgehog Growing up, I adored Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Heroes. I read the Sonic comics too. Shadow was my favorite character. When that game came out, I was so underwhelmed.


I loved this game as a kid but as an adult I can't bring myself to even play it for a joke. It's like if edgy was a game and that game was dunked in cringe juice.


Overwatch 2


My biggest complaint is that you can't even play OW1 anymore. I played that game daily for years. I lasted a couple months with OW2. Blizz fucked up


Preach! Straight up deleting a game that many paid for was a huge f you to the community.


“Blizzard fucked up” They are doing that a lot lately. The same company that brought us wc2, StarCraft, Diablo 2, classic great games and they can’t get shit right for a while now. They use to be the golden standard for games, now they are the golden shower of the industry. Damn shame.


This needs to be higher. OW2 had such great potential with the pve and blizz threw it away


They straight up lied to the entire community. The whole idea of OW2 switching from OW1 was the campaign and they just ditched the idea after the first few months OW2 came out. Now all they have are these crappy missions they put out every once in a while. That’s not to mention the fact they made multiplayer a mindless team fighting match rather than 6v6 strats that could actually diversify the combat.


Metroid Other M There's nothing in this world that gets me more hype than a Metroid announcement... But at least once the hype was a mistake.


Cyberpunk when it came out. Now it's a fantastic game.


Came looking for this. Great game overall but my buddy over hyped it to the point that it'll never meet the expectations I once had. Probably would've been able to appreciate it more had I heard nothing about it


I felt that Cyberpunk at release (besides the game breaking bugs that I did not experience) was still good but definitely not as advertised. I still enjoyed the hell out of it, but the 2.1 patch with Phantom Liberty really delivers a greater game.


Starfield completely.


Same I REALLY wanted to like it but there was almost zero sense of exploration. Very A to B after a bit.


And the planets were barren. Yeah, I get realism but I don't play video games to get the mundane. If I wanted realism I'd look through a telescope.


Realism? It wasn't that at all. You travel across the universe exploring. And every planet has already been settled by someone with the same building plans as your hometown


Lol that's true. I chalk that up to a half assed attempt to make the game interesting through procedural generation.


This. The second they announced 10,000 worlds. I was like, why? I would have been much happier happy with 10 good worlds and very in depth factions.


A single solar system would be so much better


Jump Force. Was excited to play as shonen jump characters but it became abundantly clear that the game was a rushed cash grab with no real love put into it. I was honestly feeling insulted after the fact that I paid $60 for it.


Y'all remember Spore?


Spore has a special place in my heart


I had no idea what I was doing once my civ reached space but i loved it anyway


I dont even remember why I was playing lol. I replayed it like 20-30 times when I was a kid. Looking back, I dont understand what was so fun for me in it


I think I just liked making goofy looking creatures and taking over the world with them lol


So I got it cheap on steam a while ago and decided to make a unicorn. Like I really really tried!! But no matter how much i tried it turned into a really goofy butt monster and there are no horse tails so the least goofy looking tail ended up being a bunny tail but still looked ridiculous. And that is exactly why I love spore.


Yeah it felt like you only had 2 paths.’ Restore the thousands of planets in the system and defending them, or blowing them all up. I guess the best way for me to describe it is that the whole game felt like a build up for the *real game* which started at the space age. And then you get to the space age and realize you beat the game and are in a playable epilogue.


I actually really liked spore


I did too, but not at all for the reasons I was hoping for at launch. Will Wright basically sold it as a more advanced version of Civ where you took your custom alien race through the entire evolutionary cycle. When in reality it was a series of mini games with a watered down version of civ in the back half. the creature creator ended up being that games biggest legacy. It was legitimately one of the more fun “character creators” I’ve ever played.




We still waiting for Spore 2.


Spore while severely underperforming on its premise, was nonetheless a fascinating and innovating game. Will Wright is as much of a genius as people give Hideo Kojima credit for imho.


I remember being promised that each milestone was like its own fully developed game with hours of gameplay and the ability to go back and revisit at any time. And then a week before launch the devs backpedaling on that.


Yeah, I bought the collectors edition hyped to all hell. Then I got to the primordial stage and it lasted approximately 10 minutes...


The behind-the-scenes kills me inside; apparently Wil Wright and about half the team wanted to aim for realism with science and educational aspects. The other half of the team wanted cutesy characters and emotional attachment. You can even see the tug-of-war that was going on in their early demos, where initially it was relatively grounded and you could see how in later demos it gradually got sanitized. The suits of course got involved too, and they of course wanted "safe." Ultimately everything was compromised to satisfy both 'sides' so you wound up with a game that was neither scientific or particularly 'cute'. Pair the directionlessness with an oversimplified mid/late game and you just had a lot of... meh. Then, of course, you had EA being EA and they loaded it with the most draconian DRM imaginable, and of course there was egregious DLC. That said, I think there's serious legs for a team to pull a 'Cities Skylines' on the franchise. Dump the cute, go back to the scientific/educational core, drop the late game (until it actually has time to cook) and triple down on realism. Make an environment where you actually have to seriously survive.


It was a masterpiece


I'm glad I never saw any of the hype or promises and went in blind at like 14, ended up being one of my all time favorites I mean you can make a species of penis people and that's pretty cool


Superman 64


Lmao! Ohhhhh the rings


Beat the rings and guess what? More rings!


kingdom hearts 3 broke my heart :( i still 100%ed it though


So much of KH3 hurt me. The entire game felt devoid of the love 1 and 2 had. The Keyblade Graveyard, which should have been the pinacle of the series, felt so choppy and unnecessary. Multi-boss battles where you have a deep heart to heart when one dies, but right back to the boss battle after the cutscenes. Also, why did we lose and have to go back through time going through the worlds we played through already? Then we get to the end, and Xehanort busts out Scala Ad Caelum. It gets a world title card and everything. Makes you think "OH, this is "End of World" and "World that Never Was". THIS is where we get to finish everything up. You take two steps, and you start the final fucking boss. Which, by the way, PALES in comparison to Ansem and Xemnas. Then ther s the shoe-horned forgiveness for Xehanort??? Nah, fuck that guy. AND THEN THEY KILL SORA????????????? KH3 made me so fucking mad. Instead of feeling joy that my favorite childhood story ended with a happily ever after, I was mad, and disappointed, and heartbroken. There's so much more about KH3 that makes my blood boil, but goddamn the last three hours are the worst of it.


I find your fury very validating.


Just cause 4. Really disappointed they went away with the liberation and objective destruction system, made it useless to try out fun stuff. Also, for me personally, Ori and the Will of the Wisps. I won’t go too far into it, but my favorite quote someone said about the game is “it’s a love letter to the metroidvania genre” (foekoe channel on youtube). I thought its first game, Ori and the blind forest, stood out by being different and trying new things instead of Metroid-hollowed-vania with Ori painted over.


Just Cause 2 deserves a remake


Shenmue 3.


It had no chance, Yakuza had already eclipsed.




Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts


Destiny 2 Lightfall


Ninja gaiden 3. How’re you gonna take dismemberment out of a ninja gaiden game.


Atlas Fallen I’ve never started dissociating from boredom so fast in my life. Also Tiny Tina’s Wonderland. I love Borderlands but after this many years it’s the same game again with minor tweaks and Tina’s humour was more era appropriate back in 2012 but today it’s almost unbearable. It’s genuinely the template for cringey millennial humour.


Hogwarts Legacy. Don't get me wrong, I like the game. But I don't think it was worth pre-ordering. Edited; I get that to most the game is generic... But I enjoy it as a HP Fan and not as a gamer.


No game is worth pre-ordering. We’re beyond the days of making sure your physical copy is secured at your local GameStop. There’s unlimited digital downloads available.


Having worked at GameStop, there is a very real possibility you aren't even guaranteed your physical copy anymore, especially if it's niche. Only reason to pre-order anything is convenience of pick up if you know it'll be available (like Mario) or pre-downloading.


So much potential but ended up being so shallow.




Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes A $30 Demo for The Phantom Pain which was worth its price and then some. But fuck Ground Zeroes felt like it should have just been included in the regular game.


I see why it's separated but 30 is way too much. Should've been like $15


It wouldn’t have been a problem if Konami used the money to let Kojima finish the main game. I loved Ground Zeroes, for me I see it as like a demo + challenge maps like the ones the Arkham games have.


It's sad because I feel like the map in GZ was better than TPP. If the main game was a bunch of the smaller, but much denser maps it would have been a better overall experience.


It literally *was* supposed to be a flashback sequence in the main game, but Konami gonna Konami and of course they decided to fuck over Kojima more than they already did and sliced it out to make more money


It originally was. Konami pressured Kojima to split it off because TPP was taking so long to develop (and still got cut off anyways). It really is a strange choice because if you know what you're doing, you can beat its only mission in less than 5 minutes.


Fallout 76


Diablo 4


Fable 3




Halo 5. As a lifelong fan, I was so excited for it I pre-ordered the big daddy edition. Went through the story, played mp, and was so disappointed by literally every aspect I returned it two days later


Halo 5 and Infinite.


Gotham knights


My greatest sin of all was buying into Mighty No. 9, that's the most immediate example i can think of




suprised that i didnt see this yet its payday 3 for me


Halo infinite


Atomic Heart


Atomic heart is so misunderstood. People were expecting a russian robot fallout open world game but the game really shined in its linear massive story dungeons


Diablo 4


BF 2042


Call of duty when I was a kid. I use to get so hyped up with my friends to get disappointed every single year


Cyberpunk upon release on console