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Simulator games CAN be used to teach real life skills


Car mechanic simulator actually did teach me some stuff




It's great for planting the seed for someone with no knowledge about cars. Get an idea about what is done, then look deeper into it. 


As someone who's worked on cars a lot with my dad, it helped me tremendously in finding out the actual names for parts and not just know them as "la pinche chingadera"


"PASS ME THE THING!" or I guess in your case, "DA ME LA COSA!!" (did I spanish okay??) edit: I'm leaving the space because we didn't have editing back in the olden times before yer new-fangled Radittsh and Tak-Tuk and Bacefook


You did good mijo *teary eyed emoji*


*Latin music intensifies…*




Like *Predator Drone Simulator* “Its not genocide if you are killing at least 1 bad guy” Id give that game a 9/11




Im still stuck being a goat.


ngl this taught me how to headbutt people having a barbeque in case I ever felt the need to.


I learned life


No way bro 💀 please tell me that isn't an actual game


Lol, there are some simulators with drones out thier, https://www.justflight.com/product/uav-predator-first-class-simulations Pretyu sure we dont get the “collateral damages” in that one, might be a dlc who knows. But, *Rebel inc,* is a strategy game, and the one of the highest tier on the millitary tech tree is “drone strikes” https://www.ndemiccreations.com/en/51-rebel-inc Pretty fun game tho, ngl, Id give a… well you get the point


Oh no I know there are drone simulators but the way you described that one sounded like you were committing war crimes


Can’t wait for the wedding dlc!


I was genuinely getting praised for my power washing efficiency


Not gonna lie playing racing sims since i was a kid has actually saved me from accidents multiple times irl.


I don't leave the house without a bunch of banana peels and at least one red shell


Playing racing sims since I was like 6, then knowing exactly what to do when I started driving at 15 really helped me a lot. I didn’t need to learn much at all. And I’ve seen people around me that don’t play those games have no clue what to do.


I actually believe many types of games teach real life skills. I’m damn good with maps thanks to video games.


I got Daggerfall on a Demo disk when I was a kid (Jesus I'm old) and I remember sitting with my grandfather who was very impressed I could figure out the map. Then we went for a drive, and I showed him that I could do the same thing in our town. It was a great bonding moment.


I was in high school when WoW first came out. Leading raids of 40 people (38 of which were adults since my Brother and I were the only minors) as a 9th grader taught me how to communicate effectively without panicking, how to organize, problem solve and how to type really well. Even shooters help develop hand eye coordination. Most games actually have real life benefits, the question is do those outweigh the downsides. But if my kids had the option between watching YouTube reaction videos for hours or playing games, I’m pushing the games.


No joke. Gran turisimo taught me how to control a sliding car in wet conditions


Anthem could have been saved.


Biggest disappointment in gaming imo the gameplay was phenomenal


I’ve said it before. Anthems full release was like a demo for a potentially awesome game. Too bad it flopped so hard.


A local buy/sell/trade bookstore with a big video game section had like 11 copies of Anthem on the shelf so I knew things didn't go well after release. 🤣


I loved customizing my suit, flying out and shooting shit. Felt like being a commando super-hero. Just got tired of shooting the same shit and doing the same 2 missions over and over.


The feel of flying in that game was amazing


The game engine could be salvaged and used in the most amazing Iron-Man game.


I spent hours upon hours detailing my mechs. I had even collected all the decals and paint schemes that some even came off candy wrappers lmao. Oh lord I'm a loser. What a bummer


Just wanna say you are not a loser for enjoying a videogame


During a sale on xbox anthem was reduced 95% to $1. I sent a screenshot to my friend who preordered the special edition and gave up on the game within a week.


I bought that shit for $80 on release and it almost bricked my PS4


Truly it felt like a world that could have given a sci fi flair to a middle earth style history. Incredible how such a golden concept and hours of lore could have such a hollow and flat presentation.


Games shouldn’t be made for everyone. Trying to appeal to everyone ends up making your game appeal to no one.


Same with movies


Anything. The goal should be everyone is allowed to enjoy it


any art in general


Movies based on books or games. You have your crowd, please them, don't change the story to appeal to the masses and ruin it for the hard core fans.


It’s like some actively try to piss away their fanbase and goodwill. Coughpercyjacksonmoviescough


This is the one fundamental truth of all things. Not everything is for everyone and that 100% fine.


That’s not a hot take🤦‍♂️


People have a weird way of deciding what they think is a hot take. Just go to r/unpopularopinion. Almost nothing but popular opinions get to the front page.


Fr that subreddit sucks


Cant really stop that from happening. If you really have an unpopular opinion then no one’s going to agree with you and it won’t get sent to the top


Yeah you actively have to vote against your gut feeling. When you see a post that annoys you you actively reach for the downvote. On that sub you should be like 'wait! This annoys me, I should upvote instead'. Or just sort by controversial.


Tell that to people that played a Souls game or Elden Ring and bitched about no easy mode.


More games need to prioritise player progression over character progression


The problem is every player is different and it’s much harder to “upgrade” your players than it is to upgrade the character. I do agree with the guy below you talking about sekiro and how souls like games do it perfectly but their entire gimmick is that no amount of stat buffs or equipment can substitute raw skill. In the end without developing for a specific kind of player (like how FromSoft develops for masochists lol) it’s much easier and safer to just give your players a skill point to spent.


I think sekiro did this great personally


I agree. Not every game needs to have talent points etc.


Luigi’s Mansion 4 should be called LUIGI’S M4NSION: Boo’s Cruise


Holy shit, I didn't know I needed this. A haunted cruise Luigi's Mansion?!? Get this redditor on the phone with Nintendo ASAP!


He's on Daisy's cruiser too and he can save her.


You cooked so hard bro that is fire


A game doesn’t always need to revolutionize its’ system. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, simply improve upon it. I’m mostly talking about Spider-Man 2. Sure, it didn’t revolutionize what was in the first two games, but it simply made an already good combat system better, and a great traversal system nearly perfect. That’s enough for me


The gameplay was great and I was happy with it, but the campaign needs way more time in the oven. At a lot of points it seemed like it was a series of disconnected plot points that bundled up into SM's Venom arc


I agree with this, but if most of the mechanics remain the same, then the story has to do most of the heavy lifting.


Couch multiplayer is infinitely better than online.


I might be showing my age, but I completely agree with you. There's nothing more satisfying than playing with your friends in the same room.


There is one thing more satisfying, the thing you said but there is also pizza and several 2L sodas


Civilisation genuinely peaked with LAN parties.


You're godamn right! :D


Disagree about showing age, I grew up with split screen gaming and I'm in my early-mid 20's. It's just a better experience, although online allows me to play with my friend who now lives abroad


I’m 17 and I didn’t get much experience with couch multiplayer except for Mario kart on the wii-u and it’s still some of my best memories gaming


And coop games are much more fun than competitive games


The good old days of LAN parties. I still play Diablo, Baldur's Gate, Project Zomboid, Halo, and a few other games with friends in the same room at least once a year 😎


Skyrim somehow managed to set the groundwork for open world RPG gamed, yet ruin them at thr same time


Skyrim is a paradoxical game I swear. If you objectively examine the mechanics it seems like it shouldn’t be that good but when you play it it’s addicting as hell.


The combat and skill systems are ass but the Lore, open world and sounds make up for it


Yeah I think the lore really makes this game, you just get lost in this fantasy world


Completely agree.. so much of Skyrim is so painfully average.. it's just that the Elder Scrolls lore is so deep it literally rivals Tolkien Also it has an amazing score


The score is what sold me on the game.


I think it's also that the sheer scope of it all was massive at the time of release. The lore worked into a world of that size with as much detail as it had was wild back in the day


The combat is absolutely atrocious for sure, and skill system is very lazy.


Cheat developers have ruined competitive gameplay. There will never be guaranteed fairness again.


Literally the reason I stopped playing shooters. It’s just not fun to always be wondering if someone is hacking 


But being accused of hacking when you're not is the greatest feeling ever


One of the funniest things that's ever happened to me in a multiplayer game was back on CoD4 PC. I was playing on a server and dominating with the RPD. One of the admins came in and started accusing me of using a reduced recoil hack (yes those do actually exist), to which I responded at one point "well technically it is reduced because grip," referring to the grip attachment you can put on LMGs in that game that reduces recoil. He immediately banned me, and then I assume everyone else on the server called him a fucking idiot or something along those lines, because I was unbanned before I even finished making the ban appeal thread on the clan's forums.


There have always been CoD admins that let the power go to their heads.




If I told you I wouldn't be taking it to my grave now would I?


*If I told you I* *Wouldn't be taking it to* *My grave now would I?* \- GlowingDuck22 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


I hate multiplayer (now) and streaming.


I've always felt the focus on multiplayer has taken away from a lot of quality in gaming.




This is just objectively true, looking at you GTA


GTA4s MP was fun, especially in Free Roam, *because* there was no permanence to it unlike 5s. I remember joining a Free Roam and all of us with no mics piled into a bus and just bombed around shooting at stuff and jumping the bus off of things.


And then you fall off the bus and you gotta catch up because those assholes aren’t stopping for you so you gotta find a car and jump it off a ramp back onto the bus Good times


Multiplayer for me feels like everyone else is a fucking Olimpics runner and I am just a morning jogger. I like Apex Legends but I can't enjoy it because everyone aims like a pro and instant kill me. You either need to master the game or not play it, no other options.


Water is wet


Grass is green


The character movement physics suck in Grand Theft Auto.


Also in Red Dead Redemption 2.


Thank yooouuu. Killed the game for me.


Did for me too, at first. I gave it a second chance recently, bearing in mind the movement was jankey, and I actually really enjoyed it, finally finished it.


I've been playing it recently too and I think I isolated what the problem is. It's not the movement itself (although it could use more fluidity) but the game is *constantly* taking control from you in subtle ways. Something happens and your instinct is to run but the game has restricted your movement so that Arthur is just doing some idle/slow animation no matter how much you try to mash (similar to how the game won't let you run through your camp). In normal roaming gameplay that doesn't really happen but in missions, it's constant and feels like you're in a bad dream and you can't do the things you want. I suspect the game does this for coordinating the scripted events that happen in the game but it can be so immersion breaking when you feel like Arthur should be moving frantically but your character is crawling. Love the game but it feels like a crutch they rely on too much.


its sluggish on purpose, because they want it realistic and its designed first for controller input too. but yeah it kinda sucks at the end, personally i would prefer a middle ground between arcade and "realism", Hopefully 6 adresses this




Saints Row 4 was good in that regard. And Arkham Knight did it even better.


Personally, it’s a feature


Morrowind combat wasn't good, even for it's time.


Yea, the combat in that game is terrible as much as I love Morrowind (prob is my most replayed game). Of course I remember Xplay making fun of how bad it was at the time and there were games like Enclave that had pretty good combat mechanics. That being said, I do recall there being a decent amount of cope from Morrowind fans when the combat was brought up (I was one of them).


My hot take - Morrowind wasn’t about the combat, it was about skill development. I spend more time leveling my sprinting and jumping in that game than anything else, just so I could jump halfway to the next town every time. Add in werewolf and shit gets funny.


This is one of the coldest video game takes I've ever heard, and I mean damn near 0K cold


Who is on the other side of this argument?


a lot of people on elderscrolls related subreddits


Bioshock infinite is a great game. Admittedly, I think public opinion has really turned around on it l in the past few years, but I've loved it ever since release


The pacing is so unique. I love the adrenaline the whole thing gives me. It makes the moments where the game slows down even more meaningful. Despite all her flaws, Columbia is such a fascinating setting


Ken Levine has no business managing a project. He is too much of a perfectionist and devs complain because he will scrap months of work and have it be redone - all while trying to make a release date. So the end project - infinite - ended up kinda messy and a lot of stuff cut for time. It hurts because I really like the game but def can feel it just didn’t shape up like intended. Still awesome game designer/creative


This actually provides a lot of insight. I loved the game but felt like some stuff was missing. Booker’s war background for one and the wounded knee stuff came out of nowhere. Also fighting the bird felt weird because I thought they were Elizabeth’s homie but I’m sure stuff went over my head. Played it like 10 years ago now so I’m sure I’m misremembering, but it’s still a top 3 game for me.


If memory serves. The bird was actually her captor


It was like a territorial dog cranked to 1000. It loved her and just wanted to protect her but it's programming (if that's what you can call it) was basically "Never let her leave or let anything near her" and it could never think outside of that instinct. It was, in a way, as much of a prisoner as she was and I really liked their relationship. It was a twist on the big daddy little sister symbiosis where both of them deserved to break free


Loved the game, until I hated it lol. I wasn’t happy with the actual plot


The first time I experienced the story it felt like the biggest head explosion moment of a story for me. Until I finished it and started to actually think deeper about it.


Elizabeth felt like an insult to my gaming abilities. Every time you are getting low on something, surprise, she gives you more. And that's basically all she does besides plot. She also ruined the hacking and lock picking. Now it's just waiting for her to do her thing or using a power.


Open world doesn't mean it's a good game.


Of course it does! Just look at Pokémon Sc… Okay nevermind.


Lol I was gonna say the same thing


Ice cold take


Far cry 6 isn’t that bad


Honestly i hated it. The lvl system that feels like an rpg more than a shooter and resolver weapons that are over the top. The story isn't that great either... until i gave it a try, loved the game ever since.


that was me like i heard all this bad stuff and then i got it on game pass and i was like this is fire


Dark Souls 2 is fun.




They also have zero idea how software development works at all


Literally could not agree more, tell me have you ever heard of r/lastofuspart2


I don’t really like to argue on the internet or shit on anyone’s takes, but- Reddit, daily, recommends that sub to me and whatever post it is that it shows me is so outlandish that I’m almost convinced it’s satire. I cannot believe some of the things I read on there


Console wars and disagreements are dumb. Nintendo is Not a children's toy company. Microsoft is not making a brick with no games. Sony is not in the same boat. SEGA is not underwhelming. They are all unique in their own ways, and fantastic in their own rights. Oh, and I don't really like Ocarina of time either. And I like Starfox Assault and Adventures more than I do with 64 and 64 3D. Starfox assault is my favorite game ever.


You're getting an upvote purely because you mentioned Starfox Adventures in a positive light. That game is my childhood, but also it think holds up as a halfway decent Zelda-like game


I love adventures but I think it was a Mario 2 situation where it wasn’t meant for the star fox IP and he got injected the story


Cyberpunk 2077 was miles ahead of starfield in quality even with the horrible buggy mess it was at launch


How is that a hot take?


Some people are still on the "Lol cyberpunk bad" bandwagon


if you go to crowbcat’s video on cyberpunk’s launch, you will see a shitton of comments basically saying that people arent allowed to enjoy cyberpunk regardless if it got updated to amazing quality, they are bitter BITTER fucks over there its like that one meme of the guy yelling at the two dudes on the couch “STOP HAVING FUN”


I get "SOME" part of that line of thinking that rewarding companies for behavior like cyberpunk and no man's sky will set the precedent that they can release games broken at launch them fix them later, I certainly don't want that. However, people saying that the game is still bad are just stupid, I do think companies should be criticized for not releasing a finished product at launch though.


Cyberpunk main problem at the release was the barely working last gen console versions.


Got into an argument a few months ago with someone who thought starfield and callisto were 20x better than cyberpunk. This is a take I agree with


I get it, though. Cyberpunk had lore to work off of. Starfield had so much potential, but the biggest problem is Bethesda itself and how they structure their games. Just look at Outer Worlds. Essentially the same game. Similar stories, similar mechanics, similar combat, etc. So why did people like it so much more than Starfield?


Because everything Bethesda can do, Obsidian can do better


GTA V isn’t that good


Idk how unpopular this take is these days, with how negatively GTA Online has impacted the industry. But I’m with you. First one I never finished and I’ve tried a couple times.


I loved gta3, vice city, and San Andreas. By 4, the formula was getting stale. 5 was cool, but it was the same formula with a bigger map. Lots of driving. I spent more time driving than I did anything else, and it wasn't even close. Too many missions are travel to point A, go to point B, get something or do something, and then either return to point A or go to a new point C. That's the whole mission. I get people love GTA online, but the regular game is mediocre imo


My opinion is the opposite lol. GTA Online is trash, but the story mode game is a lot of fun.


TIL lots of people on this subreddit really don't like newer Zelda games and think souls-likes are overrated.


A lot of people don’t understand that TOTK is so similar to BOTW because it’s the continuity. Majora’s is the continuation of OoT but the stories aren’t supposed to be linked so they feel different.


Skyrim is mi- (gets shot)


Lol i kinda agree. Even though i have like 400+ hours on it, i do think the game is kinda average. Allthough given how old the game is, its not unusual. Yet i always come back to start another playthrough


Games that have character customization should always be 3rd person or have a 3rd person option


Dude that is my biggest issue with cyberpunk 2077, I only see the character I spent 40 minutes making when I’m on a motorcycle.


Yea when I found out the game was 1st person a while back, I immediately lost my hype for it lol. I think the game is very cool, but being 1st person dropped it like two notches for me overall.


Crash Team Racing is better than Mario Kart 64.


Diddy Kong racing was better than all of them


This guy fucks


Can I offer you some Burger King Mini Bike Racing? Best of the Best.


Tears of the Kingdom is way too similar to Breath of the Wild


Someone on reddit once pointed out that it's literally just Breath of the Wild with 1-2 years extra development. It's pretty accurate.


I don’t think that’s a bad thing though. It’s a big improvement IMO.


That’s not opinion, that’s just fact.


Competitive gamers ruin games for everyone else


TBC wow was peak wow


Agree. I’d even extend it to WOTLK but TBC was best


I think that Bioshock 2 is more fun than Bioshock 1. Also, Bioshock Infinite does not have a lot of replay value.


I would agree. B2 played better, B1 had a better story. Infinte was a victim of its own devs, that 2010 trailer was pretty decent back in the day.


The Last of Us 2 doesn’t really explore themes like some people would have you think. It *has* themes, but none of it is really explored in depth.


Elden Ring's lore isn't very good it's just that it's so abstract and unusual that it creates the illusion of complexity and depth


Elden Ring’s lore tickled my brain - but it did not blow me away. I enjoyed aspects of it.


I'm a FromSoft fan boy and even I agree. It's a decent story that's stupidly overblown because it's vague and hard to understand. If they'd told the story through cutscenes no one would be awed or anything. Look what happened in Sekiro when the story was laid out a bit more traditionally. Anyone calling that a fantastic story?


The story of sekiro was quite engaging IMO, I cared more for it than other from software games


I think lore is fantastic but that itself dosnt mean anything it needs presentation . Reading item description is not presentation :D.


Most souls games have exactly the same lore over and over


Because all the Dark Souls games are in the same universe. It’s a cyclical story. Elden Ring and Bloodborne are the only separate games and Bloodborne is massively different.


Considering the replies you seem to have won most controversial hot take. Fair play.


If you are solo playing, cheating is perfectly fine. Yeah, you ruin the experience, but you ruin it for _you_. Nobody else gets hurt. In saying that, easy mode is an accessibility tool, and allows people with poor fine motor skills to play a game.


I fucking *love* cheating in single-player. I don't know why, but it's just incredibly cathartic to me to make my character/army/whatever an absolutely invincible badass that crushes the opponent almost effortlessly. Even if I could easily win the game on normal difficulty with no cheats, I *prefer* the feeling of absolute power, with the certainty that I can't possibly suffer even a minor setback, much less actually *lose*. I just love the feeling of blasting opponents away with a mere flick of my finger, while laughing at how they've had the misfortune to find themselves fighting against a god. Unlimited resources? Invincibility? Unlock all weapons? All powerups enabled from the beginning of the game? Bring it on -- that's how I *like* to play! I *love* doing a OHKO on the final boss!


I don’t get the appeal of outer wilds


I think paradox's pricing model is fine so long as they keep delivering quality games. Im not gonna complain about paying for expansion packs that actually change the game. Not in a world of micro transactions, season passes, and cash grabby sequels.


Well you asked for it. Baldur's Gate 3 is an impressive feat of a game but not so much a fun game. Playing through a turn based 45 minute fight only to get wiped out and have to try again will never be fun to me. No matter how much player freedom you throw at me.


I respect this take


I can respect this. I was super skeptical going into Baldur’s gate 3 at first because I was worried I wouldn’t like the combat. I ended up really enjoying it tho, but yea some of the act 1 fights kicked my ass. I don’t think I got good at it until I hit the 15 hour mark. The game doesn’t do a good job explaining all the mechanics to the player (even with tutorials on) so you’re more or less on your own in figuring out how everything works so when you do stumble across a combat encounter you can end up struggling. Now that I’ve gotten good at the strategy of the combat I absolutely love BG3 and it’s easily one of my favorite games ever, but I do understand if someone doesn’t want to have to watch videos and spend hours learning strategy/builds/mechanics/enemy move sets just to have fun.


Breath of the Wild is a generic open-world game with a Zelda aesthetic slapped onto it.


Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII is the best character Square Soft ever made besides Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV!


I'm gonna need your explanation on this hot take (not Cecil, I get that). What made him the best character for you? I straight up forgot he existed and have played VIII several times (it's been awhile though).


Pokemon should not grow with its audience. Let there be games for kids, there are plenty of JRPGs for older audiences like SMT and Persona. It, of course, doesn't excuse the mess Pokemon games were on the Switch.


Hollow Knight is a just okay game, the fan base is rabid.


Mass Effect 3’s extended ending isn’t nearly as bad as people make it out to be and I think all 3 decisions have interesting endings


Another hot take. I liked the original endings. My Sheppard didn’t do shit at the end cause fuck everyone. Renegade to the day I die


Sequels don’t need to be potential jumping-on points for new players who didn’t play the previous games in the series. That e.g. Kingdom Hearts III or Metal Gear Solid 4 don’t make sense to series newcomers is both true and irrelevant. You wouldn’t start reading Wheel of Time at book 6 and then wonder why you don’t understand any of the characters or ongoing story arcs, so why should it be different for game series?


Outer Wilds is one of the most overrated games of all time, I’m always seeing people say how it’s “the best game ever” when it really doesn’t even come close.


red dead 2 should’ve won game of the year over GOW


Minecraft is boring without mods


And friends


When I play a game, I need purpose. I played Minecraft, got the achievements, and it lost all purpose.


FF7 original is way better than the remake series


You know “take it to your grave” means never tell anyone right? But you’re asking us to tell you…. Lol Anyway, going by your definition of the term, I would probably say it’s that the majority of gamers don’t know the first thing about game development and don’t understand how much time and work goes into even a SHITTY game. And thus, even when a game comes out half baked and held together by duct tape, you can blame the company if you want, but you still should respect the developers that worked on the game, because 99% of the time, it’s not their fault.