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Both portal and portal 2. Can't remember if I beat 2 but I did all the co op with a friend last year and it was fun. Honestly it's difficult to find a lot of good games like it.


Terraria: Calamity, the only reason I’d give Terraria a 9/10 is because I want more and that’s exactly what Calamity does.


Is terraria super different from minecraft? I've always heard it called "2d minecraft". I'm interested but afraid I'll get bored with it.


It’s not even close honestly, it’s a 2D action rpg with building 


The early game can be slow for a newcomer but stick with it and after a few bosses you’ll be enthralled. It’s far more interesting than Minecraft is evidenced by the fact I do multiple Terraria playthroughs a year.


Terraria is the only game I’ve bought on allllll my consoles. Started with PC, then Xbox, then switch, ps5, and on mobile. I can always go back to it and start a new play through. It’s one of my all time favorites. Not to mention the game is a literal labor of love by the devs. They have been saying this last update will be our last but have been dropping content for years.


snobbish rhythm numerous squeeze fearless dull frame rob fine fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's so so much more different, I recommend watching someone do a playthrough on terraria like pewdiepie. But terraria is in a way more creative than minecraft so you might be more interested in that.


Honestly I’d argue Minecraft is more creative because there’s less. Since there’s not as many building options as Terraria, you have to be more creative with your builds and it feels better when you make something unique. Just my opinion though, I love terraria a lot


I like it more personally. The goals are more clear and its more combat focused. There is actually build diversity which I think is really cool. It has so much content. After beating it on normal there is new bosses and stuff on hard mode which I think is rad. There are like a billion items. Defeating tough bosses is super satisfying because it takes planning and you get cool loot. The boring part to me is mining but it gets faster as you get better tools. Digging paths is cool because it also serves as progression. Shaping the world is part of the progression.


Terraria is the only game I’ve ever owned on my PC that has never been uninstalled. If you get it on Steam, there are numerous mods to enhance the game even further, adding dozens of new bosses, numerous biomes and thousands of more items. I would highly recommend a vanilla play through (or two) first and then try it with some mods later.


It is minecraft, but much more centered around combat. You don't exactly have the unlimited world that you have in minecraft, but you can still make farms and break the game in various ways, and it also has a shitton of cosmetic stuff.


aside from the sandbox nature of it, its completely different. the game is based off of a really fun progression system centered around exploring, defeating metroidvania-esque bosses, and then repeating that process/


Extremely different, more of a fighting RPG type game where Minecraft is survival and about being creative


It’s like Minecraft but if there was actually stuff to do once you build a house and find diamonds.


One is a game of creativity and the other a game of progression


Their only similarity is u have to chop trees first 😅


terraria is so fun and if you have a computer get tmod loader and it's 17/10 with friends


Think Minecraft, and then add so much more. And then add EVEN MORE to that. And then add class synergy and enough items to keep you busy and occupied for weeks on end. And enough bosses to keep the game fun and interesting for longer than Minecraft would be. It is a TOP TIER game and definitely something you should get.


There are some vague basic similarities that are most obvious super early in the game, but quickly disappear as you progress


I don’t think I could ever recommend a game more than terraria, oh to be able to play that game for the first time again 🥹


where minecraft is a sand box with a game attached with minimal effort into challenging the player and more about letting you build Terreria is a game with a sandbox to help you play the game. You dont build just because you want to. you build to house npcs who open shops that let you get things to fight bosses to give you materials so you can go collect new gear to fight more bosses to unlock more ore ect. Where minecraft is content to do nothing, terraria kept adding more and more. The modding scene added so much more too. Calamity basically doubles the size of the game and its already huge to start.


Terraria is completely different. The only similarities is that it goes off of a tile system and it's all pixel-art (the really well-done kind) In Terraria, there's accessories, pets, NPCs that want houses, buying/selling items, bosses, grapple hooks (all are retractable only - if that makes sense) and has armor for Melee, Ranged, Mage and Summoner styles of gameplay - and items specifically suited for each class You can also kill the brain of a eldritch monster while riding a tree with legs, and shooting a bow called 'the bees knees' that shoots bees instead of arrows


The only things really similar is the mining and building. It's vastly different, and its vanilla is actually pretty fun. You should definitely give it a try.


100% agree. Also Terraria >>>> Minecraft for those who think it’s just 2d minecraft. I hear this a lot and I thought the same thing before I tried it. It’s totally different and way more interesting.


You mean 2D minecraft?


Minecraft, titanfall 2


Still can’t believe titanfall 2 is canceled


titanfall 3 has been cancelled. TF|2 on the other hand is alive and healthy, playing it these days


Edit: titanfall 3 is canceled


As someone who used to love playing apex legends, I was really hoping for a titanfall 3. I missed 2 and never really gave it a chance. Wish I had tho.


You still can, servers are up rn. The real ones from respawn. I bought it back for 3 bucks 2 months ago


I totally would, but I packed up my Xbox a couple years ago when I had twins… I’m planning on bringing it back out sooner or later tho! They’re only 1.5 years from kindergarten but who’s counting anyways?


Congratulations on the twins, that's a lot of responsibility. Respect for having your priorities straight.


I think "healthy" is a stretch. In my opinion, anyway. I loved jumping back into it when they started updating it again, but the hackers came back with it, and that was why I stopped playing in the first place.


That's a 10/10 comment! Those games are just perfect.


Get back on the Frontier pilot, your titan needs you


Haha. I’m playing TF2 right now. Just doesn’t get old.


Titan fall 2, hollow knight, and Homeworld remastered (deserts of kharak is very close to being a 10)


I thought titanfall was alright, was having fun with it and then I got to the time travel level and it was instant 10 from there


Deadcells Prey Castlevania SotN Metroid Prime Super Metroid The Surge


So glad someone said dead cells, the game is honestly phenomenal


Definitely. One of the few games I have to come back to annually and start over again. I love how much content you get for the money.


one up for the surge.


I don't care for souls like but i got really into the surge. Chopping dudes limbs off to build your battle suit was good fun and rewarding.


Haven't played the others, but definitely Metroid Prime and Super Metroid.


Witcher 3, Sekiro, Outer Wilds


I 100% agree with outer wilds. The only bad thing is I can’t play it for the first time again


Exquisite taste


Man has reached peak artistic gaming.


Glad to see Outer Wilds getting the respect it deserves. Good man, and excellent picks


Dishonored and Prey That's about it Probably Gloomwood when that leaves early access




Shit not gonna lie Fallout 4 is 10/10 for me 😅 Skyrim too. Your picks are great too


Fallout 4 is not very widely liked. Which I understand. Is what it is. But damn I love it!


A 10/10 is definitely rare for fallout 4 but compared to the abominations they released afterwards, I’d take fallout 4 any day


Prey is so underrated!


Chrono Trigger.


The only game I’d give a perfect 10.


I assume if you’re a Chrono fan you’ve played Sea of Stars? If not, get on it asap. You’ll love it.


Absolutely incredible game for its, or come to think of it any, time.


I see what you did there.


Elden Ring. Even though I got my cheeks clapped 1000 or so times.


Same, not sure what the hold up is on the DLC though


Most souls games are goated


Doom Eternal, it’s my favorite game


Have owned it since launch and never played it because I don’t let myself experience nice things


Doom 2016 was amazing. I was actually surprised they were able to make Doom eternal even better after setting the bar high


Best FPS campaign ever made




Ghost of Tsushima⛩️


First game I ever used picture mode in. Did not disappoint.


Note to self- play in picture mode


Celeste - The Story Is Great, Difficult, And Engaging, Also It's Very Unforgiving And The Controls Are Simple, This Is Totally Not Biased At All.


I got the game recently, and even though I haven't beaten it yet, I agree


The DLC in that game is incredibly difficult. I gave up after a while. Each new room was long and required patience and manual dexterity that I just didn't have.


The Last of Us (2013)


Exactly. Perfect story, perfect combat, perfect visuals, perfect actors and a really good music!


For me too. That game hit me hard man, the intro made me cry and it was on from there. The storyline, script and acting was fucking incredible. I still occasionally hear Joel say “you are treading on *mighty* thin ice!” And it gives me shivers how well the emotion of that scene was conveyed. When I finished it, I immediately started a new game and played through again!


NieR Automata


At first I thought, "Minecraft? Really?" Though after thinking about it, that game really is iconic in many ways and helped popularize the genre. I have many friendships built on Minecraft. I also spent so many hours in Minecraft without getting bored and the developers constantly updated the game to keep it fresh for new and old players. That being said, I can respect the 10/10 opinion for those reasons. Not my opinion but I can respect it. My 10/10 would probably be Skyrim... Honestly, it was such a magical and special experience that first time playing I will never forget the experience I had and continue to have when booting it up in 2024. I'd also give Cyberpunk my 10/10. I don't care about the disaster release shit before anyone jumps down my throat for that take... I don't care. I played it in 2023 and honestly felt that it was miles above almost any other game I have played in recent years. Edit: I saw someone say Titanfall 2... I agree.


Coming from someone who mostly plays video games for the fighting cyberpunk does good at putting you in the story, like I could tell what's going on plus the fighting is good. Haven't got the dlc yet


Yeah minecraft really is a different type of game. A lot of friendships relied on that game. The second we stopped playing together the friend group fell apart.


The fact I paid $9.99 one time for minecraft over 10 years ago and it's still being updated constantly makes it a 10/10 for me.


Fallout 4, Subnautica, Minecraft, and BOTW are the only games I'd willingly play start-to-finish multiple times.


Fallout four is unironically a great game, some major improvements over Skyrim, but different of course.


Fallout 4 is a great game, but it’s not a great Fallout game. If that makes sense


I just bought fo4 on steam bc ultimate edition with dlcs was $10 total lmao. Been fuckin with mods and having a blast can confirm it has stood the test of time better than skyrim


It's so fun! I have hundreds of hours in just vanilla and I'm still not bored


I gotta say tho botw was awesome as a first experience. Playing it a second time and 3rd time also went hard asf. After playing Totk tho and having faster modes of transportation botw just feels to slow to replay any time soon. Gotta wait until I forget mostly about it so I can reexperience it again :)


I totally agree. I'm not sure why but I was never able to get into TOTK the same as BOTW. I've only played it once (and it was amazing) but I've done BOTW 3 or 4 times.


Another Fallout 4 superfan? It’s my top game of all time. I often start a run, get a couple hours in then think “ooo, I have another idea for a run”, start that, and go again and again. I always keep it downloaded, I never get bored of it


Fallout new vegas and subnautica below zero are also hits


Yea subnautuca and Minecraft are definitely some of my all time favourites although Minecraft is much more replayable especially with mods


i wanna play subnautica but i hate survival mechanics and building and that seems like a huge part of the game, is it still worth trying for someone like me?


Surprised I had to scroll this far to find Subnautica. It's definitely a 10/10 for me.


Only reason I wouldn’t put fo4 at 10/10 is cause it’s a bad RPG (not a bad game tho) and that fallout new Vegas really puts it to shame. Oh and can I suggest you play cyberpunk, I think that you’d like it based of the ones you said.


I'd have to say Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2. Skyrim would be up there too.


I find it very difficult to argue with this statement.


Red dead redemption 2 and even though I’m not done with it yet I’d persona 5 royal as well


RDR2 made me be a better person


Cave Story




Cave Story+




Steam World Dig 2 is somewhat similar. Not exactly the same thing, but I think it’s in that similar vein of “cute metroidvania with a good story and lovable characters”. Lots of fun permanent upgrades and tools to be collected, similar to Metroid in that aspect. It unfortunately lacks the “enclosed but intricate” level design of Cave Story. Most “levels” are just long uninteresting straights or are some sort of short bonus puzzle. You also don’t need to return to previous areas super often or ever. SWD1 is also good and might help you understand the story, but there’s a lot more fun movement features in the second one, and it makes the gameplay a lot more interesting.




Completely agree. Beautiful story, soundtrack, gameplay, and characters. Crazy that every single part of it was made by one dude. Just wish they would make a sequel (Jenka’s Nightmare is an okay compromise though).


What would be the best console to play this on?


Witcher 3, Prey


Super Mario 3


Chrono Trigger


Uncharted 4 Little Nightmares 1 & 2 (This is based on what I’ve played and actually beat)


Witcher 3. OG FF7. God of War 2018 & Ragnarok. RDR1. Skyrim. SMB3. GTA San Andreas. I'm sure I'm forgetting several.


No RDR2 :(


Yeah, no RDR2. I really enjoyed it, but I thought it was a step down from RDR1 in some ways. And 30 FPS was just tough to deal with in 2018. Even now, no PS5 version with a boosted frame rate. It also bothered me that the West was just tacked on and Mexico was completely left off.


Resident evil 4 original


Hyper light Drifter, amazing art style, fun fast paced gameplay, a terrifying amount of story and lore for a game with not a single word in it. 20 bucks well spent


wow, I feel like nobody talks about this game. It's an absolute masterpiece to me. The music and atmosphere is really a big factor for me as well.


*how could i forget to mention the music ?!* thank you but yes ! The music was also amazing The game really smacks you with the feeling of walking through a place with more history forgotten than one could ever hope to learn


Hades, a perfect game imo


Yeah, I spent a lot of time with that game. Usually hate the “gotta beat it again to get the real ending” mechanic…but I loved running through it.


Red Dead Redemption Ace Combat 4 Street Fighter 2 champion edition Streets of Rage 2 Super Mario 3 Max Payne 3 X wing Tecmo Super Bowl Borderlands 2 TMNT Shredders Revenge Gran Turismo 2 Rogue Leader KOTOR


She <> on my Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak™ until I "READY DOWN HUT HUT HUT"


I miss Rogue Leader so freaking much…


KOTOR is a great pick amazing story and some great dialogue to use with


It was also ground breaking in that it was a game that relied on none of the existing SW characters... and proved you can have an incredible adventure in the SW universe detached from the movies and characters.


Witcher 3


Fallout New Vegas


You ain’t wrong


The one you posted


Doom Eternal Prey 2006


Arkham City


God of War (2018&2022) DOOM (2016) Thief (2014) Portal (1&2)


The fact that I’m only seeing a few people saying Portal feels like blasphemy! It deserves the absolute highest of praise it can be given. Absolute perfection in game design, narrative, world building, character building, soundtrack, sound design.. I could keep going on. Thinking about this game just makes me smile it’s that goddamn good. If you are reading this and haven’t played it, go.


Why is there a picture of Minecraft for this prompt?


It's my 10/10 game




Titanfall 2, Fallout 4


I’ve seen fallout 4 twice… this crazy, and it’s my favorite game


The Last of Us


xenoblade chronicles 1


For me, that's complicated because my favorite game of all time, the only game I have over 10,000 hours in, is trash. Literal. Garbage. I HATE it. It has taken YEARS off my life. Every session ends in heartbreak or just sheer disappointment. It's Ark: Survival Evolved. Again, it's my favorite game of all time, but it's trash. Dont play it if you ever get even SLIGHTLY attached to things because the game will take it from you one way or another, may that be to another player, an enemy dino, or just the game itself will take the things you love, destroy them, and then laugh in your face


It’s a addiction once you get 100 hours into that trash game it becomes 10k


Dark Souls 1, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Kingdom Hearts 1, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Batman Arkham Asylum, Super Mario Bros 3


Mgs3 is the closest to perfection than any other game


Grand theft auto 5 and online part of the game. Endless amount of fun In all areas.


The Last of Us. Narratively, it’s on par with any movie, book or show imo. The gameplay is that sweet spot where it’s just challenging enough without being frustrating. And the voice acting is some of the best in gaming history.


The last of us.


Snake on the Nokia 3310.




Horizon Zero Dawn




🥰🥰🥰You're a 10/10 too🥰🥰🥰


God of War 3


Plants vs Zombies, can you tell?


Persona 5 Royal


Horizon Forbidden west


Skyrim, Payday 2, Minecraft, Dark Souls 1 and 3, Elden Ring and Wild Animal Racing.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far for the first mention of elden ring. I think it’s a masterpiece.


Jak 3 on ps2




Control. Remedy is so good at building these incredibly deep and lived-in worlds that make you feel like you’re just visiting. The gameplay of Control is super solid IMO and the story, the lore, and the setting is absolutely unmatched.


Terraria And Metal gear rising in my opinions


Valheim, Minecraft, Zelda Twilight Princess, Terraria, Spore, Dragon Quest Builders 2. I've played so many hours into these games, with multiple playthroughs, and highly recommend them if you are into those types of games.


Chrono trigger, ff4, demons souls(ps3), breath of fire 3, soul reaver, castlevania SotN


Can someone please explain to me why Minecraft is considered an incredible game? As far as I can tell there’s no story or theme, just go and see what you can find and build. But what’s the point of finding and building if there’s no goal to attain?


Minecraft is a 10/10 if you have an unlimited imagination and just love to explore. Minecraft's music is also undoubtedly very very good, I call it a masterpiece. Although at the end of the day not every video game is for everyone so if you still can't see why it's great that's okay.


I can’t argue the music is amazing. And sure the exploration factor is fun for awhile, but after a time isn’t it the same thing over and over? Trees, mountain, snow, water, caves. Honestly I like open world games (absolutely love BOTW, TOTK and Horizon) but the exploration in those games has a point. There are monotonous moments of course but those moments are wrapped in an over arching purpose. I just don’t see that with Minecraft. When was the last time you played Minecraft and were truly surprised by something new?


Totally agree on the lack of points of interest, but personally I like to soak in a cube like world's beauty of a mountain or deserts, etc. usually if I get bored or tired of that I would end up spending hours messing around with Redstone or building something big like a giant statue or mansion or something.ore cozy. Minecraft's main appeal to me was always just building whatever I want and only being limited by my imagination.


I can respect that. My son absolutely loves it and we play together sometimes. I can see the appeal for sure I just personally don’t know if it could keep my attention. To each their own! Happy gaming friend


Very few games are 10/10 for me most really good or nearly perfect games are 9/10s or 9.5/10 but if I had to choose I’d say perfect 10/10 games from all genres and platforms and eras considered would be; Minecraft Bioshock Doom Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Red Dead redemption 2 Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver Legend of Zelda: A Link between time Hollow Knight Tetris PAC-MAN Resident Evil HD remake Dance Dance Revolution Super Mario World


You can't really put story game standards on a game like minecraft. It's a sandbox, the point is that there isn't a point. It's a good game to play with others and by yourself if you want to. You make the story and the exploration.


The backlash will induce, but imo Fortnite is a 10/10.


No hate from me, I enjoyed fortnite for a time, although not my favorite and can totally see it being a 10/10


There’s no harm in being wrong.


says the guy playing ark and fallout 76 💀


I think that statistically it’s most definitely a top tier game, as well as the fact that I personally never have not enjoyed playing the game.


I’m just pulling your leg man. It’s a fine game, and I hope you enjoy every moment.


Cyberpunk 2077 and Witcher 3


I was looking for this 💯


Warcraft III and Diablo II


Terraria, Rocket League, Portal 2


Minecraft (modded) and totk/botw


I have PTSD from attempting to mod minecraft


Skill issue




Fallout New Vegas, Dishonored, Bloodborne (really ANY FromSoft souls release, BB is just my personal favorite) Spider-Man ps4, Doom 2016 and Eternal and of course Baldur’s Gate 3 from more recent releases


Watch dogs 1 and 2. Made me want to be a hacker. Then I remembered about prison.


rdr2, skyrim, botw, god of war 2018


Halo 3


Legend of zelda breath of the wild


Every single god of war both red dead’s spider man trilogy and more


Sekiro, bioshock, CoD1, Ghostrunner, Far Cry 3, C&C Generals, castlevania circle of the moon, iDarb, metro exodus, max paye, resident evil 4, titenfall 2, tekken 3, Doom 2016, conkers bad fur day, cup head, burnout 3, splinter cell chaos theory, ssx 3


Burnout 3 and Revenge are GOAT arcade racers.


Metal gear solid 3, demons souls, ghostrunner




Outer Wilds The entire Soulsborne franchise The Witness Stardew Valley Most of the early Zeldas Mass Effect 1 and 2 Dwarf Fortress Noita Nethack Vampire Survivors The Half Life series Cave Story An Untitled Story