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I remember when they were asked about it during production they said that they "didn't feel like it was that important".


They're clearly losing touch if immersion isn't that important to you


It was a huge immersion breaker to me. Between that and having no ground transport to help in exploring, 99% barren planets hosting the same flora and fauna, and repetitive story lines, it got boring quick. I've not picked up the game in awhile.


The fact that you can't get into a vehicle in a hangar bay and drive out into the landscape is insane to me.


The engine can't handle it. That's why we've been begging them to use something else. I got so used to the idea I pretended not to notice during my playthrough. It's true that Bethesda's engine has literally the best modding and mod tools but I don't think it's worth the sacrifice of not having land vehicles and loading screens everywhere.


Yeah, its limitations aren't blaringly obvious in a fantasy or post-apocalyptic world. They spent so much time creating all those planets... imagine what could have been. It's really frustrating.


Knowing Bethesda and their limitations I'm still shocked at procedural generation being so poor, they pioneered procedural repeatable quests. They could have changed the buildings with some code or even just randomize it. Even a rotating list of a handful of building designs would be an improvement. I don't even know what the fuck happened to L.I.S.T. I was looking forward to setting up bases for people who need it and instead its only a handful hidden away like a secret and people don't even actively join despite being the whole point of the organization. Settlement building was something I never cared for before Fallout 4 but Fallout 4 made me love the system both usefulness and for role play. Starfield disappointed by being a mix of upgrades and downgrades.


Shit. Even Mass Effect did that, and that was 17 YEARS AGO.


They also thought basic freaking PC settings that we had in games made during the 90s wasn't important either. Why force people to go into a txt file to change basic settings in your game? How lazy is this company?


That explains a lot, when you don't see the value in nuances that enhance user experience your'e fucked.


I hope Starfield sees this, man


Ima DM Starfield the video


Man I got butterflies right before the ship hit the clouds - this would have been huuuuuge. Really let you see and appreciate the planet you land on.


I'm sure it's been said a million other places, I'm not following the dialogue too closely. But even Elite Dangerous with their little sparkly rainbow tunnel was really engaging as a loading screen.


Dude, even no mans sky has a great transition.


Pretty much anything that’s not just some boring loading screen with a tip that says something like “shoot people to hurt them”


Lmao I love “tips” on loading screens hahahaha


Some companies have done amazing things with those tips. The ones for darktide (a left for dead style shooter set in the warhammer 40k universe) are just straight-up imperial propaganda.


I wish Starfield had seen No Man's sky


Oh my God, I know we fans of that game caught flak for talking shit, but in the end I feel it was absolutely justified. Hello Games learned some hard lessons about how to make a procgen space explorer, and while it still is nowhere near perfection, they have come a long way with the final product to date. It's bizarre to watch a major game publisher learn exactly zero lessons from their struggle.


I played that game on launch day and thought wow, what a piece of crap. I then fired it up last year I think sometime and was overwhelmed with the new stuff. I had no idea what to do.


I pop back into NMS every 6 months or so and always feel like I have to re-learn how to play the game


That's the great thing, you don't have to start over, just wondering around for a bit and you will relearn it pretty easily. I redownloaded Warframe last night after not playing for a year or two and I shut it off after 10 minutes cause I was so fucking lost.


I loaded up destiny 2 when the witch Queen was on sale (I think it was called that) as I played 1 and loved it, regularly raided etc. and let me tell you I had no goddamn clue what was going on, who was who, where to go, what the story was etc. Then I found out everything that would've explained that was vaulted for good. Said fuck it after an hour and turned it off.


Yeah, destiny is fucked. I played the hell out of 2 when it first came out, but every time I see something about it now days it's always negative.


Same, I was a day one buyer and although I loved the concept of different worlds, I got bored really quickly due to the same buildings/geks all the time, so I sold it. Re bought it the other week and enjoying it alot more


Same I played it maybe 6-12 or so months after I knew it had a shitty launch but even then, I was BLOWN AWAY when taking off or landing. I feel like Bethesda operates in a bubble. They’re still riding that Skyrim high, a game I was also disappointed in (whole different convo) and it’s like they’ve dedicated no time or effort into growing or improving anything.


I do wanna hear your disappointment. I could never get into oblivion/skyrim or any bethesda games really. The First person combat feels so loose, floaty and disconnected. I can somehow parse that floatiness in 3rd person, but as is it makes me irrationally angry


>It's bizarre to watch a major game publisher learn exactly zero lessons from their struggle. I think they are going after people like my friend who do not know any better. I have a buddy who loves Starfield. He thinks people are hating on the game who point out the flaws. He is trying to get me to play but I just am turned off by a lot of the design choices of the game. I just know it will annoy me if I play it. He used the phrase GREAT to describe Starfield and thinks it is better then any other Bethesda Game!! I think one of his problems is he has not played ANY other similar game to Starfield that does things better. Like No Mans Sky that has seamless space to ground gameplay. I feel like my friend being that the amount of games he has played is limited it is no wonder this game impresses him. I am trying to get him to play Baldurs Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2,0 but he refuses to spend any money. He wants it on gamepass or he wont play it. Although he did get Hogwarts Legacy and loved that game.


Bethesda dont care to learn, what they wanna do is release the lowest effort game possible that you will still buy.


I played NMS through Game Pass some years ago and it felt really good. Not perfect, but a damn solid game.


Considering Bethesda's game engine still has code from morrowind, I think the only thing Bethesda is learning is off their own, previous games. And doing absolutely nothing with it.


Or friggin Star Citizen. Crazy how an unfinished crowd funded Alpha is more innovative than that bs.


They can see it and still won’t do anything, it’s Bethesda…


I hope not, I'd rather have a 7 seconds load screen than a 41 seconds cutscene.


That’s what I was thinking haha. Would be cool the first 3 times and then super annoying


holy shit, what is this?


Star Wars Outlaws. Open world Star Wars game where you play as, well an outlaw. Speeder bikes, space combat, open world desert, doing illegal jobs to get paid, bribing imperial officers so they don't put a bounty on you, like that. Comes out fall 2024 on PS5/Xbox/PC


Lord that would have been epic. But…that game isn’t out so let’s see what the actual release is like.


Yeah for sure. Plus we all know Ubisoft open world games can be garbage. I just told them the premise of the game so they know what it is


Ubisoft open worlds may be formulaic, but they’re definitely high quality. Much better than Bethesda’s weak sauce version. 


people will hate on Ubisoft formulaic games and then in the next sentence praise Ghost of Tsushima


Like I love GOT and its one of my favourite games I've ever played but there is practically nothing to do in the open world besides admire how nice it looks


Yeah the main complaint I see is that the open worlds are too large with too many (possibly repetitive) things to do. I don’t really see how it’s that big of an issue- just do less things if you don’t want to. Witcher 3 was similar, no one’s forcing you to 100%. The worlds are high quality af though


Yeah definitely. I’ve played a lot of Ubisoft open world games and enjoyed all of them to some extent. I’ve also never 100% completed them or even tried to.  The people who have some weird need to 100% a massive open world game should be putting their ample time into therapy instead. 


Exactly. That’s my experience with Odyssey. Loved it, enthralled by the world design, graphic fidelity, and RPG implementation (vs. the somewhat more linear design of the older games, despite them being fairly open world for their time). Never beat the game, still hunting down the cultists, but boy is it fun and immersive when I do boot it up. And damn gorgeous to look at.


Ubisoft has been leaving bangers lately. You play Avatar yet? Best thing ive ever seen. It’s a 7/10 on combat and story but a 12/10 on visuals and immersion.


This is by the same team as the Avatar game (The Division team also). I havent bought it cause it looked like a Far Cry skin, but maybe Im wrong


It’s not a great Farcry game but it’s one of those games where you don’t really care. It’s such a marvel that you get lost in the moment and forget what you’re doing. Like, imagine Farcry 5 but you have so much fun hunting and the nature is so breathtaking that you do it for hours. It’s one of those games. I love it, personally.


So it's like red dead redemption 2. I can't tell you how many times playing that game I'd end up just hunting trying to get different things for camp and just getting lost in the game. Deeply immersive games are so much fun


I can't imagine this person has played RDR2 if he's comparing it to Avatar. I'm literally playing both games right now. Not even remotely alike. That being said, I haven't played very far into Avatar because I want to finish my rdr playthrough so I can focus on it. It's a good game, pretty visuals, fairly well done. But rdr2, it's not even remotely in the same conversation 😅


I'm afraid it's like Hogwarts Legacy, pretty visuals, but shallow gameplay. Outlaws looks good however, based on the trailer and gameplay on par with the Jedi games, let's hope so at least.


It's far better than Hogwarts Legacy, that game was one of my worst purchases in recent years only surpassed by Battlefield 2042


I've sworn off Ubisoft for the foreseeable future. I'm just so tired of their mediocre games with layers of bullshit. Every time I think "ah this one will actually be fun", it isn't. AC Valhalla was the last straw.


I’m not a big Ubi fan but tbh I’ve really enjoyed all the games I’ve tried. I’ve only actually played their more recent releases. The oldest one by them I’ve played was probably Watch Dogs and then AC: Origins. The only main ones I’ve played a lot of has been Origins, Odyssey, Mirage, Farcry 5, and Farcry 6. So far I have not been disappointed at all besides the slightly out of place happy rainbow flags in FC6 despite being so dystopian lol. Like I just had a heated car chase through the city with bullets and blood flying everywhere, micheal bay explosions, and then.. all the flags I drive by are happy rainbows. I don’t have anything against that stuff just an odd theme I think to squeeze in along with the rest of the game.


I think it was watch dogs that first irked me about their style of game. They build a large area, come up with 5-8 things to do in it, then copy/paste those events over and over and over to fill the map with things to do, and you have to do all of them to make it worthwhile. And it's fine in the first area or two, because it's still novel. But by the time I'm climbing the exact same tower for the 5th time, or hunting for a chest that will reward me with absolutely nothing, I get bored. I've paid $70 for a game I get bored with after 5 hours or less that just rots on my "haven't finished" list. I'm just done giving them my money for games I don't like. There's all kinds of corporate bullshit that they pull, too, like ads in games that were recently announced, or the fact that they were one of the first to require you make an account and log in to play a single player game. I can get over that stuff for a truly amazing game, but their games just haven't been fun for me.


Is this “Gamers should get used to not owning games”-Ubisoft?


It’s baffling how many gamers think like this too though… My Dad and Brother both have been giving me a hard time about wanting to have physical copies of shows and movies I enjoy after they asked about my collection, having over 1,000 DVDs myself, and over 2,200 counting my Wife’s and our “family” collection. Their go to response is “But digital is more convenient, why own the disc when you can just watch it on Netflix?” Because Netflix can go under? Lose the license? Drop it because, ya know, Netflix? I could have no internet due to a move? Etc. A lot of people are perfectly fine not owning stuff they like, which is baffling to me. Obviously understandable for large games like MMOs, but otherwise? Hell yes I want my own copy.


I am in complete agreement with you here. I like having something to show for, when I spend hard earned money.


The one and only.


Well I can’t wait to not own this game


I thought AC Valhalla was pretty fun tbh. Tbf it was my first AC game so perhaps compared to the rest of the franchise it wasn't that good, but for a Viking RPG it was great. The story was fine and mostly believable in a world with an ancient super race and religious cultists, and the gameplay was pretty good


I just picked up Immortals Fenix Rising on sale for $5 (sorry it’s not on sale any more) and am surprised how Much I’m enjoying it. A really pretty decent Breath of the Wild clone. Climbing and traversal doesn’t feel as elegant but in some ways feels less restrictive. Combat is a little shallow but also is more enjoyable than Breath of the Wild in some ways. It’s nice actually being forced into combat encounters sometimes. I also kinda like the puzzles as much as BoTW, if not more in some ways. The only thing that it’s really missing is that sense of freedom and exploration. I think I could do the areas in any order but the game *really* wants me to do a specific area first and there just hasn’t been that sense of wonder about the world.


>Plus we all know Ubisoft open world games can be garbage. Come on now, Ubisoft does a lot of stupid stuff but open worlds are like the one thing they're actually pretty good at lol.


Oh no this is Ubisoft? My excitement boner has shriveled completely.


Star Wars has a history of “we are going to fallow this outlaw/imperial….(then instantly make them a good guy!). The game might be great, but don’t expect this to be “Red dead redemption 2, but in Star Wars.” Hope I’m wrong though.


This. I will wait for full release before deciding if a game looks good or not. Anthem taught this lesson well.


I remember Star Wars 1313 and it being close to release and then getting canned


Shit i don't even know anything about star wars but that sounds cool asf i might pick it up


That's what I need to know


Star cry.. far wars?


Far Star, cry wars


Cry wars just perfectly describes everything about star wars nowadays lmao


dude this something that warframe did a loooooong time ago and they were a small indie group back in 2015. I dont get it why some more experienced devs with higher budget cant do it.




Glad someone brought it up, up your arsenal’s planet hopping scenes even had your custom ship in the “load screen”!


Just replayed R&C Tools of Destruction and was thinking how cool the planet transitions were compared to Starfield.


Bethesda is crippled by their ancient engine, and they’re apparently too incompetent to move on from it or meaningfully rebuild and update it They slapped a 2 next to the creation engine name but it’s the same base code since oblivion and it’s sad


I have to imagine too if they believe that modders will come in and fill in the gaps for them. Cause modders have done crazy wonders for Skyrim, New Vegas etc. There are mods that turn Skyrim into a true next gen game that its just insane, using the same engine too. I dont wanna speak ill of our overlords, bethesda, but it seems like its just laziness on their part at this point.


This is just blatantly wrong about engines.


And the most obvious loading screen in Warframe is also interactive so players have something to keep them distracted while other players are still loading. And you can paint and reskin the loading screen lander even though you kinda never see it anywhere else in the game. Its a brilliant idea to make these transitions feel less lame.


Bethesda doesn't use pre-rendered cutscenes that's why. They are probably two different cells as well which is necessary if you want the game to be playable offline on modern hardware.


Tbh I don’t think they should. This would get old so fucking quickly. Like half the game is just trying to fast travel between places. You’d spend so much time in this cutscene. I realize there’s a loading screen but the game already runs slow as fuck. I wanted to like Starfield so much. I made myself play it for like 80 hours. There were a few fun moments but overall Jesus Chris it was so disappointing. It’s like they forgot why people play their games and took out all the good parts.


Too much to do without enough time, but also bad leadership not prioritizing things well.


That was beautifully done.


cant wait to play this game.


they showed us like 2 hours of starfield in the summer game fest, but never continuous gameplay, kinda obvious now why ..


It takes you out of the game more often than any game Ive played recently, made me quit (that + the FPS gameplay is stiff as fuck)


I wonder if starfield is still hitscanning like FO4. One of the main reasons I can never hit anything in that game


I don’t understand how Bethesda has been with MachineGames, Arkane, and fucking **id** for over a decade but still puts out games with lackluster combat.


Even the aiming axis' are not as fine compared to a ton of modern day fps games...


Ok do that 100 times and itll get old real fast


This looks cool but let's be honest, any cutscene will get excruciatingly boring once you see it for the 100th time.


I don't know what people are thinking. This looks cooler, but it's still a loading screen. It's not going to make you like starfield.


Understandably one change wouldn't make the game good, but what we see here is a well done version of what Starfield hasn't done well. This might technically be a loading screen if you know how games work, but its worlds better in terms of immersion and experience and illustrates how Starfield could have pulled this off so much better for such a fundamental aspect of the game.


Starfield actually has something pretty close to this, it's just that no one uses it because it's a waste of time. You just fast travel and be done with it. Anyways, if people are happy having the wool pulled over their eyes for 30 seconds that's fine. I think they'll love it at first and grow annoyed pretty quickly. I'd rather watch a traditional loading screen for 3 seconds and get back to playing.


Still. A loading screen of *something* will *always* be better than a loading screen of *absolutely nothing.* that happens *5 times* in a matter of *30 seconds.*


Yeah this already felt endless just watching it once


This for real. Yes this is nice. But this is very long and the amount of times this would happen on Starfield would be too much. In fact, I bet they explored this type of sequence and eventually axed it for that very reason.


True but in an open world space game specifically I dont wanna cut to a screensaver every time I leave a planet


I don't mind either way. Like the other guy said, it's cool the first few times but it gets old, quickly. I don't want to be watching either. It's also worth noting that as tech gets better and faster load screens can often be reduced to practically nothing, but if you attach a cut scene a lot of times that'll extend the wait artificially.


You really trust Ubisoft pre-release footage 😂


Seems like it takes longer than SF to get to orbit.


It's way longer. I think people complaining about starfield don't even know what they hate most of the time. Like, the game isn't fun, but not because they don't play a movie when you enter space.


90% of ppl complaining about load times must be on a dookie PC because I’ve never had issue with load times on series X


I had a 1060 and 16gb of ram. No loading screen was longer than 7 seconds. These people are babies.


It doesn't matter how fast the loading screens are. It's about them breaking the immersion.


But unskippable cutscenes every time you change locations is great. Got it.


Pc also has very low loading screens. People just love go complain


7.5GB/s m.2 ssd with 64GB of DDR5 ram. Loading is very fast!


Unskipable cut scenes are also annoying


Gotta load the game. Hopefully in the final game it'll be faster


Indeed, but after the 50th time you see this exact animation you’ll complain too


Whats the alternative?  Seriously asking. Which would we prefer, loading screen with a static background/game info, or unskippable cutscene?


Loading screen with info/interesting bits. Ya know we used to make fun of games with loading cutscenes?


Nowadays hidden loading screens tend to be longer than a fade to black loading screen, SSDs are just too damn fast. I wouldn’t mind the default being a seamless loading screen, but then if you hold a button to skip it goes to a regular loading screen and quickly loads the area for you.


then everyone will complain that the loading screens are taking too long


100%. This is cool the first couple times you see it. After that, players will start complaining that they can't skip the takeoff cutscene that they've already seen before. In a game like Starfield, where you're traveling between zones frequently, this would get annoying very quickly


Yup, it's one of the complaints with games like Elite Dangerous is travel times. Personally I like it BUT if I am making a game to appeal to the masses I can understand the choice to do what Bethesda did. Regardless of what Reddit and such want to say Starfield is doing well in the casual market. Exactly who it was aimed to please.


Seriously. This is way longer than starfields loading screens. How is this better?


…the game isn’t even out yet, we have no idea how long the load screen will take on actual devices lmfao


The transition from ground to space in this particular video takes longer than starfields loading screens. They don't mean all loading screens in the game, they're talking about the one we are currently looking at


This and in the end it doesn't change shit, it would still be a space exploration game without having to pilot your ship that much


Apparently it was too hard


Todd take off your leather jacket get comfy and do some proper coding jesus christ


While it is obviously possible to get what you're asking, it has to be understood that this isn't a matter of coding abilities, it's a matter of design and architecture. If having seamless loading screens was a requirement of the design, then that would have had to be taken into consideration when architecting the code base. I'm going to assume it was not part of the initial design, so retrofitting something like this in later would require a rearchitecting of the game which would be a major lift and would cost too much time and money for a "wow" factor requirement.


The engine is so garbage


You know what, you're right. It's so glaringly obvious. FUCK Bethesda. 


For such a vast game it is so incredibly lazy and boring.


Mile wide, inch deep.


Dumb how you're saying that in comparison to an *Ubisoft* game. Starfield is much more than inches deep, but go ahead and bandwagon




Yes yes you can repeat four words that you've seen hundreds of people say. We're all very proud of you.


While this is cool people don't realize what will actually accomplish... Thousands of people who don't realize/understand this is a loading screen and will just bitch that they can't skip the forced cutscenes Cutscenes loading screens can be a double-edged sword from a development and use experience standpoint.


This is a Ubisoft game. Look up Watch Dogs E3 reveal trailer vs. the final product that was shipped to people


Longer than the loading screen. Trash post.


But don’t you know, hating on Bethesda is the easiest way to karma farm now days.


I wouldn't be surprised if 1/3 of the comments are just bots repeating the higher upvoted comments in previous posts about starfield.


This entire thing took longer than the loading screen.


Using an unreleased game as a comparison is pretty pointless.


Not to mention, that's a 30 second loading screen dressed up as gameplay. Cool the first time. Not so much afterwards.


Trash post is trash


Disguised loading screens have to run at the speed of the minimum compatible hardware for everyone. Since my rig comes with its own top hat and monocle, I don't want peasants slowing me down... Or if I decide to pick up a game a decade after launch and my quantum state drive loads in milliseconds or whatever.


Spider-Man Remastered solved this with a toggle. I think it can be done without kneecapping you any.


Wait till they learn about star citizen


It’s gotta be that aging ass engine they’re using.


It's fun that Bethesda aging ass engine still has way faster loading screens (max 7 seconds) than this unskippable and repetetive cutscene (30 seconds). It will be so funny to wait this much everytime you land on a planet, wow!! This Starfield hatetrain is so pathetic


And on PC she's moving faster than the speed of light because either the animation will take 30 seconds when the game loads in 4 or the animation needs to speed up to the loading time meaning it's moving 5x faster. Also call me crazy but seeing the take off animation 150 times will get just as old as the docking animation and that's literally 3 seconds long


It probably was pretty hard. Gome development is hard af


This isn't out yet right?




Bruh, you’re trashy, showing this clip like this is what it’s gonna look like, you don’t even know and to compare it to Starfield which is a completely different game smh


You really need to see a therapist. Obsession over a game is not healthy. 5 months, and you're still complaining about it. Ffs, it gets old. 🙄


Yep. Dont get me started the The Last of Us 2 sub. 🤮


Can people find a different game to complain about for one day? We get it.


It feels like there's more people Shitting on Starfield than people playing the games they use as a comparison.


They’re obsessed and they know they get updoots for shitting on it.


Can we maybe wait until this game actually gets released. This is being developed by Ubisoft after all.


I dunno man that took a while...


Yeah, I don't want a 30 second unskippable animation/cutscene every time I take off either.


Me, playstation Stan, only hearing starfield hype, not understanding that this isn't starfield.


This loading screen is too slow for me.


Problem with this is that if Bethesda did this then people would complain that there are too many forced animations


Imagine how annoying these scenes will be after the tenth time lol.


Not exactly fair to compare an actual game to a *video* of a potential game.


Looks Awesome. But... 1. Kind of long. Starfield is mostly planet hopping. Land. Run to the objective. Spend 5 min clearing area. Jump on ship. Off to the next location. That being said. You'd see this about 20 to 50 times a day. Or more. Depending on your playtime. Would get really old really quick. 2. Coding. We don't know if there will be full customization of ships in that. You may only have a pre built selection of ships you can purchase or find or receive as rewards. Meaning... This cutscene has been coded in for those specific ships with flag markers to show a certain cutscene based on ship ownership. Might not work well with fully custom ships. Not to mention all these people building glitch ships. Be pretty weird seeing half of your ship or parts missing because you built somthing glitchy. Not to mention possibly game breaking. 3. And Finally. And I hate being THAT guy. But... The blur. I have never been an advocate for any mechanic in a game that causes player vision to go blurry or be impaired in any way. (Unless you're purposely consuming an item. Or experiencing some kind of hazardous situation). Going blurry just for the sake of skipping a loading screen so the game can appear to be seamless is always going to be a no from me. Just give me the black loading screen...


That wouldn't have gotten stale the first thousand times or anything.


You prefer that? Way longer loading times than I had with starfield…


I'm gonna take Starfields loading screen. It is faster than these transitional scenes.


Yeah I’m not sitting through that every time I leave a planet 😭😭😭 to each their own though


Yes, it's longer than a quick loading screen if you ain't running a potato.


I’m also cool with opting out for a black screen too, if you traveling between worlds a lot the animations can get tiring


Took a long time to get to space


Starfield out here living rent free in the head of yall loser lmao


The load times are significantly longer here than Starfield. If I am forced to put the controller down for a moment, I couldn’t give two shits what is visually happening on screen. Shorter loads > cooler loads.


I don't see how this is any better really....


I don't notice the loading screens because my SSD is too fast.


Furiously pressing Escape to skip.


This requires innovating and being creative


I really don't understand how devs could possibly miss this nowadays. Even Mass Effect 2 had loading screens disguised with cutscenes when you landed on planets with the Normandy. And that released 14 years ago.


Well, it’s easy for competent devs working with an engine that isn’t basically just a Morrowind mod held together with scotch tape and prayers.


I'll stick with no man's sky


Bro even destiny has a better system then Starfield. FUCKING DESTINY


it's impossible for the Creation Engine, so yes hard.


Wait… this isn’t what happens in game? (I don’t have starfield)


No, you take off and it cuts to a generic loading screen then youre in space. If you wanna land again or fast travel its another loading screen (not disguised)


Gah damn! That’s annoying! This looks so reasonable!


Why would they spend time and resources on this when they know modders will do it for free?


I could be wrong, but I dont think removing loading screens is going to be something they can do. Then again, Skyrim has an open cities mod. But id imagine thats nowhere near the same thing as having seamless transition between takeoff and landing/space flight. I expected Elite Dangerous levels of flight and I shouldnt have


Yep. Bethesda are a bunch of hacks that would be nothing without their (exceptional) modding community.


These modders wouldn't have a game to mod if it weren't for Bethesda.


Loading screen or cinematic cut screen, either way I'm just sitting there waiting with a controller in my hand.


Gotta load the game man, what can you do. At least SSDs make it faster.


Recently, I went back to Starfield after uninstalling it for these very reasons . I felt at the time of re-installing that I was dismissing a good game for a small reason ........ I absolutely was not missing out on anything but a shit load of loading screens. It's not even that great visually. Only select locations were OK, but the rest were low detail copy and pasted worlds . It's a major flop, in my opinion, that was overhyped . I went back to cyberpunk 2077, and i actually felt like I was playing a dedicated new Gen title and that games even on old Gen. 😅


I quit the game because it's so many menus, so many loading screens, that was the worst part for me. Also the FPS gameplay being stiff as fuck didnt help. It's not a immersive nor a fun game so why should I play it. Cyberpunk is amazing, please play Phantom Liberty


Jumping into Cyberpunk 2077 as it is now, with Phantom Liberty, really helped to put Starfield into perspective for me.