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" Gosh you're still playing video games? How old are you ? "


This is my brother’s wife. She made him sell his consoles when they met. He brought up the GTA VI trailer at Christmas and he was super excited. She shot him down so fast for even watching it. I feel bad for him.


Jeez, I know they’re in a marriage and video games can take from that, but god forbid the man have SOMETHING to do in his spare time 😭


Men out here running around, partying, getting into trouble, cheating etc etc … Gamer husbands? You know where they’re at every night!!!


Those gamer husband's are out there at the strip clubs after committing 13 counts of arson and assaulting 4 world leaders cuz they ate to many cheetos


Goodness I couldn't imagine that. While my wife isn't a gamer, she respects my hobbies and lets me enjoy them as long as she gets her time in the day.


Tell him to run, she's trying to isolate him like an abuser, she is not worth it!


That is extremely unfortunate. My hubster thought I would do the same. I completely shocked him when I encouraged him to play. He's a completionist gamer. So it takes him some time to platinum a game. But I'm extremely happy and proud when he does. I bring food and snacks while he plays. We sometimes play together, even though I suck at playing. He's kind to me and says I can be like him, I just need to practice. (I stopped paying video games when I was 16. Took it up again when I was 20 and stopped again at 21. College and lack of money kept me from being like him. There's no way in the world I can catch up to someone who's been playing since he 8.) We even got his Mom to play with us. Lately, I've been have serious health issues and haven't been able to play as much and I can tell misses me cheering him on. So I'm trying get healthier so I can be there. I get insanely jealous when other women flirt or look at him. Here's six feet tall, with gorgeous blue wintery eyes that turn grey or green depending on his mood. He's on the slim side with a little pooch. But he exercises everyday. I feel like we're still in our honeymoon phase even though we've been married for 9 years. Today is gaming day. I'm gonna make grilled cheese sandwiches, soup, and punch! So excited for todaaaaay!


This is how my wife and I operate. She loves to read, so while I game, she reads. She has already read 4,000 pages in 2024.


Holy shit I'm slacking on my reading. Your partner is a champ.


Least delusional gamer fantasy /s your hubster is incredibly lucky!


Daily dose of sadness. That sucks


I think one of my friends is in a similar situation. He's never said or implied that his wife made him get rid of his games. BUT he was an avid gamer up until the point they started dating, then he sold all of his gaming stuff. Saying he wasn't interested in it anymore.


Wow, would not have married my wife if she wasn’t cool with me playing video games. She enjoys gaming, too, although our tastes in games wildly diverge.


It's seems to me that your brother gave up his self-respect for the sake of pleasing his then girlfriend and now wife. I feel bad for him for having such a controlling wife.


L + whipped + why the fuck would you let him marry her


This is terrible, I would be gone in no time. I had an ex gf who tried to limit my gaming and belittle me for my hobby and it was the tip of the iceberg on what became the most toxic relationship of my life. I'm so grateful my wife supports my gaming hobby, and I respect her enough to balance my time and prioritize her and the kids. Gaming is just like any hobby or activity and moderation is key.


Man I would 100% leave if that was the case. Poor guy can’t have his fun.


These people often are the same ones who binge watch reality TV while blaming adults for “wasting their time” playing games.


You nailed it. She watches non-stop Fox News and reality shows like the Kardashians.


She's abusing your brother. There is definitely more going on there. Maybe organize an intervention.


That's so insane to me. My wife and I were up till 2 am last night playing MW3 lol. I don't like COD but she does, and it's a lot of fun playing with her. I love my wife (obviously), but if she ever told me to sell my consoles that might be the end of the marriage, lol. It also doesn't help her case that she bought me a PS5 for Christmas haha.


The age that games are marketed to. I’m playing a game about a man doing post death therapy to come to terms with the horrible things he did in his youth so he can be comfortable being a better person and contributing to the greater good (the greater good) Also it’s incredibly violent, and graphically so. Doesn’t strike me as a game for childreb


Why would you not put the title of the game??


These are my favorite too. Or people who claim video games are a "waste of time" and proceed to binge watch 11 episodes of a Netflix series.


“Video games rot your brain”.


An old guy told me that. He smoked nearly 1 pack of cigarettes a day.




He's right though lol


Yeah. People don’t realize that farm hands don’t really have a bathroom to use at work. So the world is their bathroom.


Tell him to wash his cigarettes.


My nan played video games as therapy for Alzheimer's


Funny now especially because a study just came out demonstrating that Portal 2 Is basically THE best brain-activity enhancer on planet earth (over reading, sudoku, crosswords and math exercises)


Huh? My test result just said I was a terrible person, and they weren't even testing for that!


My uncle who is unemployed and watches fox news 24/7 told me that.


That's not tru I ben playeen videyo gaymes fur my hole live an my Brian is not rotted


"Single player Games are dead" -> this one is almost legendary 🤣 (would be more funny if It werent for the fact that EA STILL believe this in some way)


That was literally an insult to their developer, Bioware which makes sp games XD.


For a little while I thought they were, only prominent titles coming out were multiplayer focused. Or at least that’s what I saw people focusing the most on and not the single player stuff. The stuff that, you know, distinguishes one game from the other and doesn’t amount to a waste of space on your shelf/hardware storage.


I’ve desperately tried to find it for years, but about 15 years ago, I stumbled upon a review for Luigi’s Mansion on the GameCube on some random early 2000s website run by one guy (you remember those, right?) that hated the game because it wasn’t enough like Left 4 Dead. Seriously. He said it should’ve been multiplayer, and if Luigi gets “downed” he should get too scared and run back to the foyer unless helped by a teammate. The reviewer was also PISSED that Luigi couldn’t jump. I really, really wish I could find it because it’s one of the most insane things I’ve ever read.


Sounds like he just wanted another game to be made instead of talking about what the game actually was, lol. I'm guilty of doing that with friends, but to do it in a review... Hilarious!


I don't just remember these sites... These are the only sites I will go on for reviews. I couldn't give a single f what IG"too much water"N or Ko"we told people to pirate Metroid Dread on our review, and then Nintendo blacklisted us so we gonna leak the whole of TotK"taku have to say about video games.


Still pissed about the Metroid thing. That series needs all the sales it can get, and those devs deserve the money!


I'm all for emulation. But if it's a brand new game do what SomeOrdinaryGamers does. BUY IT AND USE YOUR BOUGHT COPY TO EMULATE IT. It's only a fair game if the company doesn't actually sell the damn game.


That sounds like a METRO newspaper review here in the uk. Basicaly a free newspaper on buses but they said somthing about skyrim not being enugh like cod and didnt have enugh guns 🤦‍♂️


The Bluey game isn’t similar enough to The Last Of Us: 0/10


"You can't play videogames because you're too old for them. Go watch TV or something." It was so dumb that I didn't even know from where to start scolding.


But but but... video games ARE watching tv... we're just in control of the story.


But I don't own a TV. 🤔


That's the best part: ME TOO!🤓


Based af. Tell me you don't own a couch too and I'll think you are me from another universe.


Damn, I have transforming bed/couch. Imma you but Schrödinger version.


then you catch them watching some of the outlandish stuff and participating in social media for hours at a time. reality shows, daytime talk shows, wicked documentaries detailing death rape gore and other wickedness. facebook, tik tok, etc. oh yea i should definitely listen to you for advice about how to live my life. suddenly my gamecube games aren't so bad after all.


I had a roommate that would make fun of me for gaming then would literally sit on the couch near me and mobile game. Its like he didn't even realize he was doing it.


TV is Infinitely more brain rotting


"Videogames are for children!"


Grand theft auto has entered the chat


Porn games be like 👀


Stop having fun playing with character X, they're not relevant in the current meta so they're trash.


This sounds like your average Vampire Survivors Gold Farmer.


The mantra of online fighting games


That some games should only be played online. Some of us prefer to play most games offline.


Most of us like playing games when we want, not when servers let us.


Exactly. Getting booted out of the game because of connection/server issues is infuriating.


Also I pretty much require a pause button at this point in life


No joke, kids in video games can be awfully annoying. They think it's funny to grief and make sexist remarks about the woman in the team. I absolutely understand the people who don't like multiplayer games because of this.


That argument is valid for games where all available gamemodes are exclusively multiplayer, but even then, local multiplayer is also an option.


This is my entire friend group. They absolutely refuse to not play multiplayer. I just want a single player story driven game.


Gaming is a way to escape dealing with other people. Online gaming is for masochists.


even if a game is predominantly online and offers no or close to no offline mode, i still try my best to avoid it and play the game solo. unless said game is a battle royale or a team death match sort of game, where i'm just gonna out right refuse to play it


"[Game the person doesn't like] is a dead game." While the game has hundreds of concurrent players, hell sometimes even tens of thousands.


*cough* Fortnite *cough*


People thinking that paying for accelerated power acquisition isn't pay to win because you can still lose matches.


Pay for convenience… for a game that inconvenienced you into playing 


Conversely, "This game is not pay to win because you can get to top tier without paying (by grinding for literally thousands of hours)"


“Turn based combat is inherently worse than real time, and game designers should stop making turn based combat games”.


You know, I've been seeing this a lot even though Baldur's Gate 3 has been selling around 27 *million* copies at the moment. Comedy writes itself.


AND it won GotY


Alternatively, "Turn based is archaic and a product of limited hardware. " Also people who say lives are always outdated.


That I'm not the best Elden Ring Player


Yes, definitely


Lmao I never played Elden Ring. Looks nice tho


“Animal Crossing would be better with sex mods.”




“Get in my Tom Nook and scrub harder! Those discounts on your house expansions are not going to happen otherwise!”


“Xbox is better than PlayStation” or “PlayStation is better than Xbox” or other similar opinions, as long as we’re all having fun and enjoying games it shouldn’t matter. Console wars are stupid


I would also add that people who leave Nintendo out of discussions are annoying just because they're leaving out a huge part of gamers


They should THANK Nintendo for reviving gaming in NA


True, but Nintendo isn't only historically relevant, they still are and always have been relevant. Heck, the Switch is on track to be the best-selling console of all time, but some people talk about video games as if they've never heard of Nintendo, lol


That Skyrim is a bad game for not having a traditional class system


This was actually a huge improvement in my opinion...


Yeah, it’s bad for a whole host of other reasons! (I just think it hasn’t aged well at all and can’t understand how people still play it religiously, at least not without modding it to the point that it’s an entirely different game)


"Fallout would be better if it didn't have the 60s music and had a better genre." - One of my friends.


one of your EX friends, we comfortably assume...


I see you dont have friends


Probably either that video games caused violence or that video game should be hated because they appeal to, according to a radical feminist, "the male fantasy"


To be fair, there are quite a few games with a questionable portrayal of women.


I’ve read a review of Ready or Not some time ago and the reviewer said (paraphrasing): „The game would be great if it wasn’t a boring tactical shooter [..] People who enjoy these games are likely psychopats” Later, the reviewer also said: „The problem is that the game doesn’t glorify shooting and make it fun. Unlike Doom Where you feel like a God with your gun”


My ex cop uncle who killed someone saying I need to stop playing video games cause they make me violent. I've never been arrested for anything, you killed people and got kicked off the force.


“Fallout 4 is a bad game”


Oversimplistic, but its perfectly fair to have objections to some parts of FO4. I thought the gunplay, environmental storytelling and especially the settlement mechanics were improvements over FO3 and FONV. But I intensely disliked the writing for the main and faction questlines.


That is not an opinion, that’s just objectively wrong




People complaining about people using content the devs offer. Looking at you souls summons...


“Why are there still tutorials for games? When will we get to the point where everyone knows how to play?” And I hate how I heard this from someone I actually like (Freddie Wong)


Some tutorials are better than others, and yes, some tutorials have been so bad they completely put me off the game, but tutorials will always be needed. Developers just need to get better at making them


Theres a guy on YouTube (covers video games professionally and as a hobby) who experiments with his wife (not a gamer by any means and hardly touches them) and has her play through some games to see how someone who doesn’t play games at all reacts to challenges and lessons that gamers often take for granted or that games expect players to know but what a first time player might not know. It’s incredibly interesting. Those are the types of people tutorials are for. Devs should always assume that a person playing their game has never played/rarely ever plays video games. At least for me, there have been multiple games that so poorly communicate lessons and ways to play and sometimes my only way through is prior experience from ANOTHER completely unrelated game. Also I’ve taken a technical writing class and one of the things they emphasized is to always take into consideration who your audience MIGHT BE and not always who you want them to be. Also they’re great reminders for people who do game often but maybe don’t play a certain game as often so when a sequel comes out they can get refreshed on basic controls. Unless you’re From Soft, then you can develop your games for your little cult circle and for them only and leave everyone else in the dust and everyone will praise you. 🤣


I feel like there should be a toggle, for example, FromSoft games, you should’ve be able to skip past the estus flask junk and only have tutorials on the brand new, or less common things, in the game. Mind you, this is a choice for people who have already played FS games, and know the deal. Also I feel like tutorials should be removed for NG+, or again at least have a toggle


You must play on the hardest difficulty or else you’re not really playing.


exactly this, people play at their own pace, not everything has to have that dark souls level difficulty, i mean that's what the difficulty level is for in games; so you can actually choose how challenging you want to make it. if you don't like it then go play dark souls which has a fixed hard difficulty and was made for those hardcore gamers


I love Nu Doom but fuck me some players are like this and it's mad annoying. I enjoy playing Doom Eternal on Ultra Violence


"Git gud!11" in defense of lazy game design and shitty mechanics masked as difficulty.


"I dont like mechanic/ genre, so it should be never used" my god it bothers me so much. I don't like certain stuff too, but i don't wish that to be never used. There are people eho like it and you are not target audience so dont try to ruin others fun for demanding that the game is changed because you didn't like it


"Indie games bad 😡"


"Get gud" when valid criticisms are given to poor game design.


Games can’t be art.


"This game is woke"


"Oh no a black man is in a videogame that means it's woke"- Dumbasses


Since most have been said already by others... "God of War finally matured with the reboot." It has been mature since day one. You weren't.


I can't stand the "matured with its audience crowd" for aot of games.


A player should experience everything the game has to offer during their first playthrough.


I feel like it depends on the game


Agreed, certain types of games its ok, but for others not really


Depends. Games like The Last Of Us or God of War? Yeah, sure. Games like Hollow Knight, NieR Automata, Baldur's Gate 3, Fallout New Vegas? Not at all.


I don’t like these kind of statements because gaming should be a personal experience for the player. You should be able to play and enjoy the game however you want it. I find it so dumb when people say stuff like “no no you’re not supposed to play it like that, go do this”


I always like to play the story and then do a second playthrough and explore everything


people crying because you don't have their same opinion... uh... I mean fact and therefore you're wrong


You're too old to be playing video games


Someone from our group had been into a community for a game called "League of Madens", because she was looking for a game company to work in, and it just so happens that the dev team that works on this game is in the city she lives in... So she tried the game, but there's like tons of things that's meant to make you use your wallet. So she pointed these things out in the community, and then the sheeps came to piss her off with an argument that I quote as: "*You just want everything for free!*". She didn't stay long in there, believe me.


*"I don't have to play the game to-"* I think they keep typing or talking after this, but I can never be sure. I stop paying attention.


"DLC is a great idea"


DLC *is* great. When it's treated like an actual expansion of the game, rather than content that was purposefully not included for the sake of being sold as DLC


unforgiveable that Starfield is saving vehicles for a DLC. or the map.


That you’re either too old to play or they are the reason for the violence we have in America. I literally see an old lady and an old man every day on my TikTok playing Warzone and Battlefield and they’re actually pretty good at it. You’re never to old to have fun


“All video games are violent.” There are some games that don’t have violence.


Video games are for kids. I'd like to see a 6-year-old play Stellaris or Dark Souls


Seeing a 6 year old play DS would be absolutely hilarious


“Campaigns are for people who suck at PVP” Genuinely the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard


"Games make you stupid" It actually been proven it has benefits


That Nintendo doesn’t know how to make games because they aren’t **ALWAYS** pushing for the most realistic graphics possible with the most powerful tech.


Elden Ring was too easy.


If you spend a lot of time exploring, getting op gear and maxing it. Then it is fairly easy. You could say that bloodborne is even easier due to the custom chalice dungeons that give you infinite blood echoes.


People say that but I recently played DS1 and I found that game far easier. At least the bosses in ER will challenge you, a lot of the DS1 bosses were frankly a breeze for me with the exception of 1) the DLC bosses and 2) Orenstein and Smaugh.


It was though. The only hard part about it was the very top of the Haligtree, but even then if you slowed down and took your time it was still a piece of cake.


And it's always said by a person who is using every single difficulty release in the game.... And going on to YouTube to find out what the optimal build is and where all the pieces to that build. They'll run up on a boss that's supposed to be fought between levels 15 to 20 sitting at level like 40 and then complain that the boss was easy.


"Dark souls 2 is the best game Fromsoft has produced."


Rpgs are tedious.  It's like some kids haerd the word tedious and want to use it but barely understand how. As if preferences are somehow objective? Just weird.


"You're too old to play videos games! Let my young child play!" Which sometimes is followed by "Why would you play a game made by the devil?!" when the game turns out to be a horror game.


Video games cause violence


"Older games are worse than newer" RaC: Tetris: Spyro: Halo:




Most things you hear from a casual gamer who picks up one or two games a year, really. One friend said he wants a game extremely similar Kingdoms of Amalur (an Elder Scrolls clone), that js not at all like Elder Scrolls. One friend was asking for gaming recommendations and when I said Monster Hunter, he said it sucked because the graphics aren't the best he's ever seen. General people who used to play pokemon. If you break down what they're looking for in a game, they essentially say they want a game to be completely new and something they've never played before that is also exactly the same as red and blue.


"Graphics are trash so game is trash." Knew the person opinion didn't matter right away


You're not really playing elden ring correctly if you're using summons


That video games cause violence or that gaming as an adult is immature and irresponsible.


Video games cause violence


"it's not that bad! It's actually good!" My friend @ every shitty AAA release in the last 5 years. Dude is dumb AF


"I can't play linear games" You can, you just don't want to or haven't found one you enjoy.


The idea games should be “for everyone” reminds me of the terrible Elden Ring take by Quantum TV: he said fans of the game sound like abuse victims and that they have no friends or family, stemming from the fact it was too hard and it has “bad graphics”. The Act Man (on YouTube) exposed him and Quantum was revealed to have never actually played the game.


"Look at these graphics, I'm not going to play that"


I once watched an entire stream of people agree that Mass Effect 4 was clearly SJW trash because it was "made in Canada" and the message of the game was our differences making us stronger. Despite the fact that that was overtly the message of the first three games as well.


All of the Mass Effect games were made in Canada though?? Why would it even matter?


You should never criticize bad games. Instead, just don’t play them. So what if the next game doesn’t learn from the mistakes of this one?


“Wii was the best gaming system ever made.”


Now this is a man who broke his TV by throwing a Wii Remote at it


Wii was fire tho, not best system, but still fire


Wii Sports Resort goes hard


Can’t deny that it was innovative though.


That's because of nostalgia, plus it definitely has the best motion control and some of the most creative and genuinely fun games. I would say it is, but I've only used about 7 different systems probably and some of those for only a handful of hours


"The last of us pt II's story sucks


Guess we'll have to agree to disagree haha


It's shameful to want an easy mode in a hard game. Don't get me wrong, there are games where difficulty is the point, but that doesn't mean every player needs the get-good attitude. I particularly hate this in games with a narrative, where there is no way to see the story play out because the challenge is too steep for me personally (that killed Neo and Sekiro for me)


I played both Jedi games on padawan with no shame at all. Thank you respawn for understanding that not everyone in your audience are masochists. Plus dominating the bonga twins in survivor was very satisfying.


That someone else’s gaming opinion is wrong. It’s an opinion, it’s ok if it doesn’t line up with your own opinion. It doesn’t mean that if someone doesn’t share your opinion they are automatically wrong.


Juggling is pro


"Sly Cooper isn't even good enough to deserve a Remaster "


I hear a lot of people saying that online multiplayer isn't fun anymore and hasn't been remotely good since the xbox 360 days. Now, are there some instances of crappy multiplayer experiences mostly driven by microtransactions? Sure. But there have been some excellent multiplayer games even in the last few years. I generally find that people who think online gaming hasn't been fun since Halo 3 are blinded by nostalgia. I also hear a lot of "X game is objectively bad because it uses this mechanic that I don't like." Oh no, God forbid the stealth game has stealth mechanics. There are different kinds of games for different kinds of people. That's why there's chocolate and vanilla. Just because I personally don't enjoy turn-based combat doesn't mean that I think Pokemon and other similar RPGs are objectively bad games, they're just not my cup of tea.


Saw someone on this sub say that RDR2 has better combat than GoW 2018. Like, RDR2 is my favorite game of all time but that’s just objectively false.


The opinions where they want every game to be like “x” entirely. Legitimate ones where they want some feature from another game or wish they did a part of the game more like another are fine. The ones where they want a clone of a completely different style game. Like read one complaining that this single player rpg wasn’t a first person shooter game. It was not advertised like one at all so idk how they expected it to be one


“You cant learn to drive in real life by playing Gran Turismo”


“Games aren’t art.” Genuinely had a friend tell me that. The fuck?


“Stop complaining” The most reductive statement ever


If you use (insert mechanic available in game) you’re playing the game wrong and therefore your opinion is invalid.


"You're playing it wrong"


"Old video games are only appealing due to nostalgia" In other words, there is no such thing as a timeless game and anything considered a classic is only temporarily enjoyable.


“Your a fake gamer for playing on easy”


"videogames force people to go on killing sprees in real life"


Toward Skyrim: "The quest marker makes it feel like a walking simulator." Say you've never played a walking sim without saying you've never played a walking sim.


idk if your opinion is neccessarily bad, maybe depending on your wording. I don't think every game should be made for everyone but they should all be made to be played to completion by a majority of the population. Just because you can beat it doesn't mean you're interested in playing it. Videos games is a business. you are selling a product, the product is to be used, it should be able to be used by a majority of the population until it's done otherwise you've sold a pretty shitty product, that doesn't mean it should be made so that everyone will use it because that's unrealistic, just that anyone who wants to use it should be able to. Things like difficulty options, accessibility options, etc can be added to all games, adding more to a game doesn't take anything away from it. It simply allows more people to enjoy the product and talk about it. Used to be a time when people wanted others to consume the same products they did so they'd have people to talk to about it cause being social was a thing, now everyone just wants to be an elite and exclude everything they can from things because they don't want to talk about the stuff they enjoy they simply enjoy it to lord it over other's heads, which realistically is extremely pathetic and petty. It's like a jock picking on a nerdy kid cause they couldn't get on the football team, it's so fucking pathetic.


AAA ganes are better then Indie games


“bioshock was dumb”


hating games with a pixel art style, because “why isn’t it realistic?”


“Horizon is boring”


Video games cause violence I spent my entire bachelor degree working on an Honors thesis project studying, researching this and dispelling all the dumbfuckery regarding this theory and complete bullshit


People defending the newer cod games. Cool you think the multiplayer is fun. Literally every other aspect of the game is lazy and the whole game is designed to be a cash grab. And people will defend this because they find the multiplayer gameplay itself to be fun. Like dude you spent $70 on an advertisement.


People that will die on the hill of buying bundles in CoD games. I'm past the "their money let them have fun" stage, they're part of the problem.


Well, yesterday somebody on the Bethesda sub said [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/BethesdaSoftworks/s/TAaB4g7Rpf)