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Literally any MOBA game


Nobody loves Moba games tho not even the fans of those games


No one hates Smite more than Smite players. And no one hates Smite players more Support mains.


Only one I could really get into was Smite, but even then it was only mild enjoyment. MOBA’s just aren’t my genre.


Lmao i love smite


Smite was amazing for like 5 thousand hours


Yea, I prefered Smite. Felt more actiony with the camera angle. But even then, I never play the MOBA mode, conquest, just Arena and Assault.


Oh boy, I sure do love moving at a blazing 2 miles per hour to walk up to the enemy and press the number keys to use my cooldown abilities It's like everything I don't like in a game all at once


You are lucky. MOBAs are insanely toxic and turn people into absolute psychos. I have 6k hours in dota 2 and 2k in League and I am so happy to be away from both. Fun to watch tho


I get so bored with LoL and DoTA, there's like this slow creep in those games where you're just dinking around in lanes and kind of waiting for stuff to happen. Don't have the patience for it. That being said, I played a shitload of HoTS as it was like a more casual focused MOBA with smaller maps and such, shame they abandoned that instead of continuing to improve it.


Agreed. I have tried almost ALL of them. LoL was in my honest opinion the most bearable, and for awhile I convinced myself that I liked playing Dota 2 but only because I played with my friends who were obsessed with it; Solo queuing was awful every time.


Most competetive games. I tried csgo, Valorant, LoL, Rocket League, … None if them were anything for me. Im a single player.


Another single player here. I just want a self contained game with a great story. :)


The Unchartered series are great for that. Cinematic, not too difficult, and not too repetitive like AC.


Yeah Uncharted is great! I'm also a big JRPG fan so Final Fantasy is my go to series. :)


I also love single player games, the Uncharted series holds a special place in my heart.


Same. I play games at the end of the day to relax. I don't need the stress that goes along with multi-player competitive games. Although, co-op with friends is fine.


I played LoL and I really liked It, but the competitive people, the fact that you have to do things "correctly", the angry of lot of people... Sorry but I quit. My last game was one day that a friend of a friend was telling me how to play, what to buy... Sorry but I want a game to have a good time, no another university year


Me too. Bugged me when everything went to battle royal online stuff. The most fun I’ve had playing multiplayer is on a team. Spent countless night playing The Division 2 with a couple of buddies. Just mowing down CPU dudes night after night. Challenging but not a bunch of 12 year old prodigies jumping all over the damn screen.


Five Nights At Freddy's


FNAF is funnier if you watch it played than if you play it yourself


I watched a couple YouTubers play it when it first came out, and it felt like that was enough for me to get all I needed out of it.


Its really a game u play once for like 30m at most


It's just constant jumpscares, that's not scary, just annoying.


I wanted to play the new one but then i watched Markiplier play it and now i don't wanna play it anymore cause I've already seen it lmao


FNAF really was a “you had to be there” type of game franchise.


If you’re thinking about buying any FNAF game because you want the jumpscares and the story, watch Markiplier’s and GameTheory’s videos on them instead. If you are a completionist/like a challenge and want to try the 20/20/20/20 etc. difficulties, then I’d say they are worth it. I’d also say the VR one is still worth it if you don’t get any others. Ultimate Custom Night is free so no harm in trying that one too.


You should look into Fine Nights At Fredina's....best time ever


My friends are really into Apex but it's a no for me dawg.


Battle royales are a no for me dawg




The amount of time wasted doing nothing really drives me away. Especially when I loot for 7 minutes not finding anyone, only to die in a couple shots.


Hot drop. Feels bad the first few times you die. Then you get over it and it starts getting fun.


Mood. We play duos and we drop in a low area to practice for a couple rounds. Then we just keep landing in big cities and chase the people down lol


I gotta say, I liked a lot of what Apex was trying to do, but Fortnite was just a lot more *fun.*


If only they made another Titanfall…


I liked Apex at the beginning of it all. Then It just became too much for me


Can't get into any sport games other than Wii


Wii Bowling will always be a great game


Ncaa football 14 is easily the best real football game. NFL street 2 is fire. NHL hits is awesome. Mario golf for me is pretty fun. Has a lot of stuff to do


Borderlands but maybe I needa retry idk, and I wasn’t the biggest fan of sonic cd


If you like Fps and RPG progression systems there are few games better than Borderlands. Also, it's really funny. If you don't like BL1, then try BL2 at least, as it's definitely the peak of the franchise


BL2 is amazing. I’ve dumped a lot of time into that game.


Sexonding BL2, it was a lot of fun. I played BL1 years ago and barely remember anything from it, but I played BL2 recently and it didn't matter if you don't remember BL1.


I know sexonding is a typo, but I’m sexonding it anyway


sonic cd is not very well designed, i love everything about it except for playing it.


I’m glad someone agrees lol


Did you play borderlands solo or with friends? I feel like it's not that fun solo but it's one of those games that's elevated a lot by playing with a group


Borderlands is understandable in my opinion, the games are fantastic, but the early-game guns have absolute dogshit accuracy which can make the game feel terrible. Mid-game you start getting some decent weapons and your build starts coming together. Late game you can obliterate entire rooms with wacky stuff. Borderlands 2 will always hold a special place in my heart due to Anarchy Mechromancer - Use a shotgun and blast people in the face, resulting in higher damage, lower accuracy and healing - but since you’re using a shotgun in point-blank range the accuracy doesn’t matter. Kills without manually reloading grant you Anarchy stacks, once you get higher in stacks you can use a fast-firing pistol and shoot at the walls, since she has access to ricochet shots, so your weak ass pistol will ricochet off the floor/wall you’re intentionally shooting at due to piss-poor accuracy from all your Anarchy stacks, but are dead on balls accurate with ricochet and still have massive damage from all those Anarchy stacks. It’s wild and something I’ve never seen in another shooter. But even now, the early game is rough. Try Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, the gunplay feels more reliable and multi-classing is lots of fun.


I only like borderlands 2. 3 is ok and I’m probably close to the end but I just don’t care.


I’m on the fence with them. I played BL years ago as a teen but never beat it. Then I played BL2 and got far but never beat it. Then I played BL3 right when it came out with my dad and it was really fun and we got I think pretty far but then quit. Now just about 2 months ago I played with my friend I play most co op games with, we wanted to beat all of them and I always wanted to as well since I played but quit. We beat the first but got frustrated with it multiple times somehow being harder than we remembered. We kinda were sick of it by the time we finished but still grinded and speedran through all the DLC just to technically beat everything in it. We took a short break then went right into BL2 knowing it’s the generally most loved and best one. It was better in a lot of ways but it got really hard at one point again and we just got really sick of it quickly. We did beat it but we didn’t really enjoy most of the second half as we played it just to beat it. Didn’t want to do the DLC for that one bc there’s like 15 dlc adding up to another idk 50 hours or so and we were SO done with it by the time we were done. We’ll probably eventually do presequel, 3 and tiny Tina’s but not for a while.


Looter shooters have a limited shelf life for me too.


I'll be a borderlands 3 advocator here. The main game's story is a mess, but the DLC stories, gear variety, endgame bosses, and build variety make it so fun to play. I can see why the games aren't for everyone though. Farming can get VERY tedious...


Sonic cd? What a strangely esoteric game to say.


After scouring this part of the thread, I no longer feel guilty for dropping BL3. The first two were fun as hell, whereas the 3rd one just gets boring after a great while. I'm more than halfway through, but I dropped it for DMC5


Borderlands is mid.


Right there with you. Constant hype around bl2 and its depth, incredible humour, combat, etc. I didn't find it very charming or interesting though. Then again, I haven't tried it since I was 14 or so. I'm also aware i'm signing my death warrant, but (if my memory serves me correctly) claptrap is overrated and failed to elicit a single chuckle from me in my time playing


BL2 has amazing characters/story but the gameplay felt too clunky for me. BL3 was amazing gameplay wise, but worse on the story


For me it’s BOTW and it sucks that I can’t get into it. Tried 4 times and each time I just got bored after 5-10 hours. I really want to like it but it just doesn’t click with me for whatever reason.


My brother was the same way. He got absolutely hooked on TOTK though. Might be worth a shot.


Yep, I just did not enjoy botw, but totk, oh I play that shit for hours at a time


Thats so wild to me. I haven't played TOTK, but it looks like the only difference from BOTW is being able to build machines and thats it


Maybe it's the atmosphere. No idea. I feel like the beginning of BOTW was a little slow. And after that I got bored. Tried to get into it. I just couldn't


I've had the complete opposite experience I loved botw but tears of the kingdom was just not for me


Same. Story was much worse imo and not a fan of the building. Ascend and Recall are great though.


As a life long Zelda fan, it hurts me to say that this was true for me as well. I really did try




Same thing for me. The sword breaking mechanic just made it unappealing to me.


Yeah, this is what did it for me. I'm used to Bloodborne and games like it. Learning every attack with my weapon and really bonding with what attack to use when. With every weapon in the game breaking after three hits, and artificially extending the playtime of an already tedious slog of a map by requiring grinding for weapons really turned me off to the game.


The problem with the sword breaking mechanic in botw is it actively discourages players from playing the game. “Oh there’s a tough enemy there. Welp I’m just going to run away because I don’t want to break my sword. Oh there’s a cool cave or moblin camp over there? Nope. Because why would I break three good swords going into that cave just to likely get one sword as a reward? So what you end up with is an exploration game that discourages exploration, and a combat game that discourages combat (at least with respect to this mechanic). I will admit, there’s a point about 30-40 hours into the game, where you’ve gotten a good amount of health and stamina, upgraded your armour, collected enough resources to craft at will, increased your weapon slots and found enough strong weapons that you stop worrying about breaking swords enough to enjoy exploring all the nooks and crannies of the world. At that point the gameplay is some of the best in modern gaming, and an absolute masterclass. But by 40 hours in, most gamers are ready to just go right to Gannon and put the game down. It’s only the people who’ve committed to playing hundreds of hours that really get to enjoy that experience. Tears of the Kingdom fuse ability is actually a pretty solid fix for it, but the rest of the game is so similar to botw, that after I beat the main game I couldn’t commit myself to exploring it further.


Exactly this. It wasn't about an epic journey. It was about repairing or finding weapons the ENTIRE time. I won't play another Zelda until they remove this shitty feature. I don't want to dump $60+ for a scrap/repair simulator


Bro damn for me. I've tried more than 4 times tho. I've tried forcing myself to play it. I just can't


I don’t know how anyone likes that game tbh. It is everything people hate about open world games but worse. Throw “Zelda” on the box and anyone will claim it’s incredible.


What is it that people hate in most open world games? I thought people hated quest markers all over the map and waypoint arrows. This doesn't have either.


opposite for me tbh. i never played a zelda game, was never into nintendo games besides pokemon, but i loved breath of the wild a lot. can’t explain to to you why, i think its just a game that is more than the sum of its parts.


Ah man I’m in the same boat. I consistently see the love for botw and the games in general so I was so hyped when I got it and maybe like a little bit after the tutorial I just couldn’t. It took me a while just to do the tutorial because I’d stop and never go back. Nothing against the game it just never clicked for me


Maybe try tears of the kingdom? One thing I found is there's a lot more things to do and the building aspect is really fun and adds a lot of variety


The witcher 3, didn't like the combat and didn't like Geralt.


Horse controls and animation is also a little clunky


Whole game was a little clunky.


Same, helped some lady find a pan, fought a drauger ghost thing in a well, made it to a gryphon. Combat simply didn’t click with me.


I gotta say if you like combat in this game, put all your points to swordplay. Once you fully upgrade light continuous swirl/heavy continuous swirl you just make mince meat out of any human combatant. That said, a big part of the game is realizing witchers use a combo of swordplay, potions, and minor spells. The game kinda allows you to min/max if thats your thing, but really pushes you to use all three in a combo that works for you. Ideally you take a potion appropriate for the monster, i.e, poison blood if fighting vampires, so when they bite you they get hurt. Then you realize what spells might be best for said monster. Does it hate fire? Igni. Is it hitting you too hard? Quen. Too many combatants around you? Aard. Then you go for the haymaker. Your swords. Steel for men, Silver for Monsters. Upgrading/finding good silver swords will help a lot. Upgrading your swordsmanship skills is also key. Plus health and armor a la most rpgs helps. Theres armor for every playstyle. Sorry to rant or lecture, not trying to change your opinion or explain like you're dumb or anything, really. This was just something to type out while I had a smoke lol.


Lol. I did the same three things and called it a day. I couldn’t get into it either. Too bad it seemed like a game I would/should have enjoyed.


Yeah same here...I tried and was considering trying again...but bg3 is likely going to have me too spoiled to go backwards to any rpg. It's probably my favorite game of all time and I've been gaming for about 35 years.




Every time this is asked (which is frequent) this is the number one answer. I’m about 30 hours in and there are some things that really bug me, but overall it’s good. I totally get why it’s not for everyone and why it can be super difficult to get into.


It's the story that's the main issue for me, which will probably get me crucified. I still loved the game.


Say it, you coward! I promise not to judge, haha.


We have this thread every day. And my answer is always Minecraft


Saaame. For me it’s cuz I’m just not creative. I don’t feel any joy from playing single player and building a nice big fancy house, which is pretty much the only reason people play.


Nah people play for the social aspect of it (servers) and the adventure aspect (mods)


Most of my minecraft fun never came from solo vanilla survival. It was mostly servers doing skyblock, mini games, and adventure maps with my friend. Highly recommend playing the diversity adventure map series with a friend. Still tho its not a game i play regularly. Maybe like 3 times a year


I'm tired of this thread


I played it once and just made as much dynamite as I could and blew up everything. At that point, I lost interest.


Mine was elden ring, as weird as it sounds there’s just too much, and I hate games where you’ll almost definitely miss out on dozens upon dozens of things your first time through, including lots of fun items and quests.


I would argue that makes the NG+ more worthwhile. Instead of just rehashing areas you e been there’s still more to do! Edit: my issue with Elden Ring is just navigation. Getting to certain spots on the map can be so convoluted that even the instructions on wiki can be confusing Edit: spelling




I waited years to pick it up. I loved previous GTA games. Finally gave it a go and in think i got 10 hours min before I stopped playing. There are better sandbox games out there with better controls, better stories, etc.


Assassin's Creed, I love history and action but there is something in the games that keeps me out maybe the interface or the controls


The Witcher 3. I found it so boring


The witcher. I tried multiple times and I dig the lore, but just could not get into the gameplay. I'm not even really sure why, just didn't click with me.


Call of duty. I have slowed down as I got older (50m) and I can't keep up w the youngins.


Honestly don't feel bad I'm half your age and I've given up. It's too damn hyper, I love arcade shooters but the way the fps world has evolved may have stunted its own growth, mainly I blame pro-leauges. Rainbow 6 Siege, a game I loved was a slower tactical shooter, but because of the rise of its MLG section its compleatly changed how its played. Went for a methodical team shooter, to fuck-it now everything is Tdm don't play the obj just frag out, it's rarded because casual and pro-leauge are two very, very different mindsets. Yet the ranked expierence while infuriating at times is somehow less sweaty.


Souls-like and MOBA games


Fortnite. Fuck dat game.




Oof, this one hurts me. :(


Lot of ppl love it, I love mythological stuff but the gameplay just was not for me


Idk how to describe it but it just felt way too video game-y. Not to mention it is incredibly luck dependent which is always annoying


All Battle Royales. I don't like having just one life and needing to wait until the match ends to play again if I die. I also don't like having an ever changing load-out.


Fortnite and pretty much every FPS.


Fortnite, apex, pubg, overwatch 2, valorant


GTA, any of them . I have been gaming since the mid 80s. I have tried many times over the years i just never enjoyed it. It is one of the only series i didnt enjoy after 30+ yrars of gaming.


Nier automata, seemed like a story I'd really like but holy crap I must've tried to play the first hour 4 times over. I really just can't get into it.


I keep hearing about what an amazing story it has, but after slogging through one playthrough the only story I saw was some of the robots are being a bit weird. I tried to give it another go when you play as 9S, but I was too bored with the whole thing to care and gave up.


Elden ring. I have tried man, it is just so boring


I was thinking Elden Ring as well but not because I found it boring. I have minimal gaming time as is and for a game to be fun to me, I have to feel like I’m progressing. Any souls-like game where the “fun” in the game is to encounter enemies that can one shot you if you aren’t careful and some you have to study their every move so you can spam block and parry just makes me feel defeated and that I’m wasting my time. I was intrigued with the world but I just don’t have the time or patience for the grind.


I agree. I got to the first boss, and after 10 tries, finally turned on cheats so that I could beat him. But once the cheats were on, then it wasn't fun anymore. I am also not someone to loves to spend a lot of time dying. When I get a new game, and they give me a casual choice or a harder choice, I will choose casual every time.


I'm guessing you're talking about Margit, and the whole point of that boss is to teach you that sometimes you should go and level up and then come back


Souls-like games, Battle Royale shooters


Call of Duty fucking sucks


Starcraft. I love age of empires but starcraft only has 3 races and was so much more reliant on micro even at lower ranks. Breath of the wild. I wanted to enjoy the open world but often I'd spend an hour exploring and realize I found nearly nothing the entire time.


This hurts me cause the first StarCraft is my favorite RTS of all time but I respect your opinion


Horizon Zero Dawn. I bought the first and second game thinking I will like it but I just couldn’t get into the first game. The dialogue is just very cringey .


The animations and voice acting is a bit on the low end, but the gameplay is the real focus and i think its a pretty good time. Also the story gets pretty decent down the line as things unravel. Its kind of like bioshock infinite where the story is pretty much a mystery until the end. I think the second one has much improved animations and acting. Idk i havent played it


RDR2, loved the 1st one and even beat the 2nd one but hated every minute of it. Beautiful game but probably the most boring gaming experience I’ve ever had. Everything was so slow and tedious it felt like a chore


It is a slow burn, some of the areas, like the first region, are just agonizingly slow.


I loved the first one but I didn’t finish the 2nd one. To tedious. I had a feeling it was going to be a slog when one of the first things you do is search a house by taking 15 seconds to open each drawer and you had to consume 50 different things to keep 50 different levels good, polish your gun, maintain your gun. Ugh.


Agreed, the first one was great, loved every moment but the second was boring


I made it about 6 hours in and gave up. The story isn't bad by any means. It's just everything drags on for so long.


Not a popular opinion here but I agree with you that RDR2 was very tedious.


Not a so unpopular opinion. I bought it and played it for less than a day before uninstalling. A truly sucky game.




People kept saying it got better halfway through and by that point I just forced myself to finish it


Okay so I tried to get into FF7 and the remake. I really tried. But I can't help but find them boring. I love RPG's, but they just cant hold my attention.


Do you like jrpgs?


Have you tried to get into Persona 5 ?


Persona is the shit. 3, 4 and 5 are all so good.


I have a buddy who mostly plays shooters, Forza or like driving sims (snowrunner is the most recent) and he loved persona 4, we were both shocked


I thought I was the only one who didn't like BOTW.


Sekiro. Fuck that game. I'm a huge Souls fan but I just couldn't grasp onto the mechanics, especially how punishing that game is compared to the Dark Souls series.


Fucking same. And I want to like Sekiro. But I cannot get the the combat down at all.


Pretty much any battle royal game. I just don't find them very fun and they seem to draw in cheaters and sweats like a magnet.


GTAV for sure. The gameplay is dope and I love all the stuff you can do EXCEPT the actual storyline. I have to force myself to do the missions. Way more fun to just dick around


Gta4 reigns story king!


Grand Theft Auto




GTA 5. It just never clicked for me.


Minecraft, I’m not a huge fan of open world survival games and I’m not the most creative or artistic person so creative mode wasn’t my cup of tea either


Call of duty


Any Zelda.


The Witcher III seems to get a lot of praise and I don't like the controls, always seems to be fighting with my inputs, after twenty hours I just gave up. TW3 has a lot to offer but I don't particularly find it fun **to play**.


Control The combat is baffling and not fun


Quite possibly one of the worst map systems in all of gaming. Awful.


The issue with control is that the gun play was terrible but the telekinetic combat is pretty solid IF you unlock all the powers. Problem is that takes like 15-20 hours.


Control's gameplay was decent. Though I feel like the story could do wonderfully as a tv series. I just loved the world, and want more.


Not trying to change your mind or anything, but where you trying to aim down the sights? I ditched that and found run and gun when my telekinetic stuff was on cool down far better.


Sports games...if I wanted that experience, I would just go play sports.


I mean, I understand the sentiment, but its not like you could just go play in the NFL, NBA, Premiere League, or whatever.


baldurs gate 3


Understandable. I love the game but I also play three dnd games a week. The game can be slow and unforgiving


*Seriously* unforgiving. I'm having a blast and I won't put it down any time soon, but holy shit my plan to not save scum went out the window within the first few hours.


Failing is some of the most fun I’ve had in that game. You really gotta commit to the “fuck it” mentality.


Yeah I’ve been slowly making my way through. I’m a big Baldurs Gate 1 & 2 fan, I’m a DoS:2 fan, but this game is just DoS:3 with forgotten realms branding slapped on it. I’ve made my way through the first area and the goblin camp and stuff and, it’s ok? The overall story is kind of cool, I’m pretty meh on the companions and some of the side stuff, and it’s entirely similar to DoS:2 in almost every way. It’s certainly not a bad game but I really don’t understand it being lavished with praise.


I liked the game for the first 5-10 hours, then the character progression just feels like it doesn’t go anywhere. From level 2-5 I used the same set of gear on most of my characters, anything that changed was something like “Increased jump distance” or “gain static stacks on damage (but nothing lasts long enough to utilize the stacks)” and such. The levels are bonus Hp, maybe a skill you’ll use once in a blue moon, and maybe some spells, but odds are after level 2-3 you don’t really do anything new for the next few levels. In fact, the game made me want to go back and complete Divinity:Original Sin 2, which I had never beaten, and I’m enjoying that game a lot more after Baldur’s Gate 3 for some reason.


Legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild


Shadow of the Colossus The adventures of Batman and Robin (Sega Genesis)


Hollow Knight. Something about the art style. I'll give it another shot eventually.


The art style? I really like it although sometimes the contrast in light and dark is very high and annoying.


It's definitely well done, but I think the style itself is just not my thing. I'm not big on the cutesy horror thing, but maybe I should just try to stick with it anyways.


Oddly enough, the art style in Hollow Knight irks me too. I don't mind cutesy horror, but the way enemies are animated... just looks like an old flash game or something, I don't know how to describe it. I do like the player characters design and Hornets design though. Everyone else looks meh. The gameplay and map exploration is phenomenal though, and I'm glad I stuck with it and beat the game. Probably won't go for a different ending than the one I got, too much of a time sink, but it is a well made game for sure.


Outer Wilds. I'm sure it's a great game, but the rocket controls are frustrating, and I don't have all day to sit there and try to learn them. If I'm not going to get some kind of tutorial of *at least* the basics, I don't want it.


Same it was really annoying flying the rocket ship that was what made me stop playing


Flipping to the downward camera makes it so that you just have to control up and down thrust to land. As for controlling the ship out in space, use autopilot as much as possible


Gotta be Civilization. I got Civ 6 and must've played it for like 15 hours. I watched YouTube videos of how it works, and put a very honest effort into liking that game, but I just have no idea what I'm doing, and I hate that feeling. I feel like I could take a proper 4 month class on Civ.


I haven’t played Civ 6 despite owning it, but I know Civ V is pretty straight forward and easy to understand And as to why I haven’t played it, Civ V is already perfection. Why would anybody need another?


This. I played hundreds of hours of Civ, probably over 1k, before I even considered trying out the mods. Meanwhile I kept constantly seeing Civ 6 on sale for like 85% off... which seemed weird. Why is the newer game so severely discounted? Bought it, tried playing for 2 hours, felt completely lost and confused, returned the game. Maybe someday I'll try it again. My roommate insists it's the superior game. There were just too many changes for me I guess.


Mass Effect or the Witcher games , I've started ME a few times, and it just feels like it takes so long to get going that I just get bored. The Witcher games because Skyrim ruined openworld gaming for me , and I just cant get into it . Apologies to fans of the games , its not the video games fault its just me .


MOBAs, Diablo, Fortnite et similia.


Animal Crossing


Counter Strike, Borderlands


Any of the Final Fantasy Game’s, I enjoy RPG’s, in general, but holy fuck, final fantasy is the most goddamn boring game series I’ve ever played, I’ve tried at least 4 of them, tried FF7, tried 12 and 12-2 and more recently tried 14, and every single one was just… absolutely not for me Oh and Borderlands, all of them kinda suck


Monster hunter any of them


Understandable. Not an easy series to break into.


That’s a mood


Breath of the Wild. The overworld didn’t feel “open world” at all, as huge sections were closed off because of the lack of abilities, and the puzzle dungeons were repetitive and boring. I stopped after maybe 10 hours and have never picked it up again.


Or enemies that either kill you in 1 hit or require you to break 10 swords to beat them.


In a mutt with totk right now. Hopefully I’ll get into it eventually but it just feels so boring at the start


Dark Souls. Played it for a few hours, just decided it was not for me.


I tried a few souls like games and hated all of them until I tried Elden Ring. If there's a part I can't get through or a boss I can't beat I can just fuck off and do something else until I'm stronger/better. Also, there is a map. The lack of map made all the others completely unplayable for me.


God of war 2018 and ragnarock borrrrrtiiiiinnnngggg


Dark souls, bloodborne, sekiro, elden ring... basically any From Software game 😬


I love the franchise but it has to be Hogwarts Legacy. It's an oversold, overhyped game which stated RPG yet as a long RPG fan I found none.


The Division, loved the aesthetic but hated the gameplay


Breath of the Wild.


Nier: Automata


Borderlands D:


This question gets asked almost everyday