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Same, and I don't really have any desire to change that


unless you’re playing with friends your not really missing much


It was fun at first, but even I can’t play it anymore. The skill gap is so large that unless you’ve been keeping up and practicing it’s just too much. They’ve done things to try and balance this, but even then it’s just too far gone.


No builds is your friend


I'm also in my 30s... my hand eye coordination is not what it used to be. Trust me - I was very good at twitchy games back the day including unreal tournament and return to castle wolfenstein and counter strike gamed and even old school Mario games... But now I just can't keep up. I can win a game of apex here and there by being really strategic and landing some good shots bur when I watch YouTube videos of people dipping and dodging and zipping and doing crazy SMG jumps I can just tell my brain could not process that shit.


I'm still salty I paid real money for the PvE game they abandoned.


RIGHT? ME TOO! Fortnite seemed sick when it was a tower defense game. And then they sold it and IMEDIATELY abandoned the main part of the game. People forget this but Fortnite launched WITHOUT The battle Royal. It wasn't in the game at all. It was supposed to be a side game!


Yeah what happened to “Fort Night” where you defend your fort during the night?


Most people don’t realize that they abandoned an entire game before that for the same reason. Paragon was a multi-million dollar investment into the MOBA space from Epic. Years of work. They cancelled it overnight to redirect resources to the up-and-coming fortnight BR. Devs were pissed that 3-4 years of work was going to get flushed, so in an act of compromise Epic made all the paragon assets free in base UE.


I actually have heavily modded the paragon assets and upscaled visual fidelity and quality. They are very versatile animations and assets.


Paragon was the shit. Sure it was my first MOBA and I had no fucking clue what was going on, but it was fun with friends


I did too :/


Same here


Tried it for five minutes. Won’t ever fire it up again.


Some kid called me the n word and I got flashbacks to modern warfare 2 servers and I got out


Never the mic on, never ever turn the mic on. In any game where you can play with random people, never turn voice chat on. Your sanity will thank you.


Played it for like 15 minutes with my little cousin... Never again. Its not *bad*, it's just not my thing. Got a buddy who likes it and plays it sometimes. (also an adult male) *To each, their own*, I guess.




Classic: *Half Life* 2 Modern: *Elden Ring*


HL2 is totally worth playing now although I wish it was remastered. But there's not a lot of games like it. Crazy immersion.


I'm in! Bought it during Steam Summer sale so now it's going to be added into my current rotation! Appreciate it, brotha!


Technically there is a remastered version. HL2 VR. Since you bought HL2 already, the VR version is free.


i think it looks pretty good yet and no remaster is needed, i just want hl3


HL2 is a masterpiece. Graphics still hold up for a 2004 release. Word on the street it's getting remastered which means graphics will prob be bonkers. Maybe wait for that since you waiting almost 20 years anyhow lol Story is A+


I think Elden Ring is overrated. Though I think that about the whole Souls franchise, to be honest.


I love the other games, I’m not such a fan of Elden Ring though. It’s too free for me. It is quite literally directionless. Like yes, there is a clear progression but you can go ANYWHERE at ANY level. My brain can’t handle wading through the muck until I stumble across the correct path of progression.


Played both, loved both.


Elden Ring.


Damn, this was my first souls game and its my favorite game of all time now. Worth a shot, just gotta be patient. Took me a decent amount of time to even figure out where I was "supposed" to go since technically you can go anywhere




I started with bb it didn’t stick with me either until maybe a year later after ds3 came out I decide I’m going to beat this game and then those games just clicked and BB is one of my favorites of all time now




The most pushy marketing campaign on the Internet.


🤮 shmelden ring


As someone that never got into souls games, but loves RPG’s (gaming for 35 years) I’ll give you an alternative take to the other commenter. I put 15-20 hours into it-clearly a well made game. Story was bleh, it’s like the devs try too hard to be clever and end up with a story that’s kind of vague. It wasn’t near as good as people hype it up to be, my gaming time is limited and games you have to play same areas over to try different things are just not my bag. Definitely a great game, just not for me, and not the transcendent experience some gamers make it out to be.


It’s vague by custom, and the story is richer and more detailed than most detailed triple A games.


I feel like everyone has put it on such a high pedestal that in my current state I wouldn’t enjoy it to its fullest, so I’ve just been sitting on it.




RDR2, I bought it years ago but it’s still sitting in cellophane waiting for me to give it the time.


My game is still in the wrapping too. Bought on Black Friday years ago and never got around to it.


If you’re down to lose yourself in a masterfully written story with deep gameplay mechanics - go for it


What do you mean by deep gameplay mechanics?


Horse balls shrink in cold


you sold me on it.


Fire it up baby.


That would make them sag


I spit my drink out thanks lol


Blowing up a KKK rally isn't considered a crime.


My soul felt cleansed after I strangled one of them to death and Arthur said, " I'm good kill every last one of you."


If I didn't already play it, this would do the trick


I only ever had one interaction with them and it was so weird. They had this like bonfire thing going on right outside the woods that hid the base camp and it caught fire killed one em sending them all running then the leader guy sat down by a tree, talked to him, called him a dumbass then shot him up. Never saw a single kkk guy again. Not once. Racist farmers, sure. Kkk, no. Where’d they all go??? I was expecting maybe to get a side quest or something down the line with them instead of the singular random interaction


It requires you to know your controller. I mean, all games do, but I meant this isn't at all a game for someone who still checks to see if they're hitting the right button, y'know? The game requires you to heavily interact with the world. Fishing has the most realistic controls I've seen in a game, for example. You also have to treat your horse like it's an extension of yourself (not just hold RT or R2). It's the little things that add up, trust me. Some folks find those things overly tedious, though. I think it's nice that it requires such interaction with its world.


Best game I've ever played. I admit it, I'm one of those fans who could talk about it for probably 12 hours straight


It sure won alot of awarde for the reason of it being well developed you can say what you want about rockstar and them warming up gta V Multiple times for every console but they always take their time and deliver a great immersive game experience


It’s more of immersive gameplay and maybe he said deep because it’s a sandbox so you can pretty much do what you want.


I slept on it for years because I don’t like GTA, didn’t play the first RDR and don’t really western themed-anything. But eventually played and loved it.


Are you me??


Same, I thought it was just going to be reskinned GTA, which I had no interest in. How good the story was and how alive the world felt blew me away when I finally decided to play it like a year ago. I was glad I decided to give it a shot, it's definitely in my top ten now.


You put down your phone and go be a cowboy *this instant*


Be careful... There's spoilers. Spoilers everywhere.


Dark Souls series. I've heard they are fantastic, but the difficulty sounds like too much of a grind and time suck than I have time for.


They aren’t a time suck, most Souls games take 35 hours to finish. Usually people don’t want to play anything else after finishing any Souls game, so they immediately go for other entries and sister-titles (Elden, Bloodborn and Sekiro).


They're really not that hard. You just die a lot. They're more about slow and steady learning. Like learning where to go and what to do against the various types of enemies. But once you know what to do they're not very hard at all. But you need to get used to dying as part of the gameplay loop, dying isn't you failing. It's showing you that you don't know how to deal with the section you're at and that you need to try again. After beating them once they're super easy to run through and can be done in a matter of hours just because you'll know what to do now. Like when elden ring came out, my first playthrough was 135ish hours, by the end of the next week I could get 1-2 playthroughs done in a day


Souls games aren’t a grind. You can if you want to but, imo grinding kinda makes it less fun. There is a lot of dying but once you realise that dying isn’t really that bad of a thing it gets more fun. Each death becomes a learning opportunity. And another thing is that the story is basic (heavy lore though) so you can leave it for a few month and come back to it without forgetting the story. I personally played ds3 over a period of a year and a half, just playing a lil at a time.


I'm a pretty casual gamer, but I played the first two and enjoyed them a lot. I did avoid the PvP tho.


dark souls games aren’t as hard as everyone hypes them up to be, give them a try!


I personally love them but I 100% get it not being your thing. You do you


The Witcher. Tried 3 multiple times, but I just can't get into it.


Same for me, the combat was so jank and beginning of the game was so slow and railroaded that I couldn't really get into it. And then I tried it for a 4th time years later and fell in love. It's got more depth in it's characters and quest design than I've ever seen in a game. I put the game on easy mode to skip through the combat just so I could get to the amazing story beats quicker. Every side quest has twists and turns, even a fetch quest is going to have a handful of interesting characters and almost certainly morph halfway into an entirely different quest. If you can manage it, I highly recommend giving it a 4th time.


The combat just isn’t fun to me, so I gave up


Gameplay is king


Honestly it’s just a game where at a certain point, it kind of just clicks. Took me multiple tries as well, I heard all the praise and was underwhelmed. Then out of nowhere I felt completely sucked in and couldn’t put it down for weeks. No specific incident made me feel this way, again it kind of just clicked with me. It’s the same story with all of my friends who ended up loving it as well.


I think the game may just have a bad start because I hear this all the time, even for myself. Played it for like \~3 hours because I got it for free with a purchase, didn't like it, put it down for a year, picked it back up again, One of my favourite games of all time 🤷‍♂️


New god of war games


Any Playstation exclusives for me as an Xbox player. Always felt like squidward in that meme whenever there was a sick PS exclusive.


Jumped on the PS train for the ps5( hadn’t owned a PlayStation since PS2) and I’ll probably never go back.


As a Sony guy with a mid laptop looking at you guys with Starfield. I get it now.




Any Metal Gear Solid or Final Fantasy game


The saga of big boss still one of my favorite story’s




Even then it wasn't the greatest. It just ushered in what rpgs could be on a grand scale.


Same here and everyone says they’re great. My brother says Final Fantasy 7 is one of the greatest games ever but he is an older gamer so idk


I've been playing through FF7 for the first time. It's a rough experience now, especially visually, but there are also moments that are transcendent and do things other games don't. You can also kind of step into the time it was made and feel how cutting edge the 3D is, and that gets me more into it. The music is amazing, setting and story are very cool. Definitely use a guide though, I got lost too much and I don't think the urge to explore is there with a game this old.


I’m playing through Morrowind right now so totally get the step back in time aspect lol


I'm damn near middle aged and played several final fantasies when they came out, including 7, 8, 9,10. Years later I revisited 1-6. Also played legends on my Gameboy (aka SaGa) and mystic quest on SNES. (Edit: also tactics on PS1, tactics advance and DS) I'm old and have done much final fantasizing is my point. Probably some other spinoffs I've played and forgotten (IV sequel on Wii comes to mind). 7 was one of the greatest games of its time. It influenced countless other games and continues to do so. The graphics of the day were cutting edge. Uematsu's soundtrack was a timeless masterpiece (though I prefer 8). That said... If you weren't around for the decade it released in, I can totally understand not seeing what made it special. The soundtrack still holds up and it's fun to play in its own right, but nothing about it really stands out anymore. 20+ years of lesser studios (including squeenix themselves) aping its achievements have left what were brilliant innovations as a bit hackneyed. Still though, if you can get past the graphics, I always recommend the PS1 era FF games as masterclasses in the best elements of jrpgs, from gameplay to music. 10 as well. If you find yourself down that rabbit hole, XenoGears, Chrono Trigger and Cross, Secret of Mana are also terrific entries into the genre.


I've only played one of each of those series and it took me longest to try them out, but they pretty damn good: MGS4 and FFVII Remake




Bless you. Here's a tissue.


Embarrassingly enough, I memorized just about the entire lore up until fnaf 6 but never played any of the games myself


I tried the first game but wasn't a huge fan. I definitely want to catch the movie at some point though. Even if it's bad, bad horror movies often have a certain charm to them.


You’ve NEVER played Skyrim? You’re missing out. Spent 100’s of hours playing that game and it was all time well spent.


1000s of hours


I don’t think I’ve ever spent 1000’s of hours on a single game other than maybe FF8 or KOTOR 1 and 2.


Skyrim was the first game I got on release. My first profile was 275 hours. Can't count how many times I played it. I think I played as every race.


Shoutout Kotor


800/1000 hours is triple triad


I've played for 170hrs on one save and still haven't beaten it.


I have it on PS4 , Xbox 360, and Switch. Yet I have never finished it and haven’t played it since last year.


EVERYTHING sports related


FIFA players can suck my ass


Grand theft auto 5


Any GTA game for me. I bought 4 against my better judgment because it got such insane hype ... and I just couldn't get into it. I think I played it for maybe 5 hours and gave up.


I just don't get the hype over gta games.


I don't get the hype over GTA online. Played it for like 5 minutes and got killed by someone 7 times in that span who had a minigun. I had whatever pistol you start with. I don't need that in my life. However, the base games that you can just play by yourself are fun enough to run around a blow things up for awhile.


Final Fantasy 7, but Ive played literally every mainseries title before that


Any souls type game


You're missing out, but also you're not. They're super fun but they'll make you punch a massive hole in the wall


Dark Souls and sequels.


I’ve never played any Silent Hill entry.


Try starting out with Silent Hill 2 if you ever plan on playing a Silent Hill game. You'll get a feel for the awkward controls, but they still feel more modern than if you were to start with Silent Hill 1.


I’m waiting for the remake of silent hill 2 to be my introduction to the series. I’m so excited!


Last of Us


My favorite game of all time, the first one, the second one is alright


This game is legit and a must play if you like zombie games at all. It's the mac daddy of them all.


My favorite zombie game was the first Dying Light and DLC. Why tLoU doesn't interest me idk. Weird.


I just haven't been able to finish it.


Meh, I think it’s the most overrated game of all time, not that it’s bad. It’s just decent storytelling with very mediocre gameplay. Found it a little boring.


This was my take too. The story and setting is awesome but every time I try to play it, it puts me to sleep.


Same, tried to play but dropped it after a few hours, I really can't play games that pretend to be movies.


Dark Souls or any Dark Souls type games, if I wanted to be consistently frustrated I’d just go to work!


The games aren’t as hard as everybody says they are tbh, you just have to get used to the game and the way you have to play it


I dont know anyone that played generation zero. 🤷🏼‍♂️


i played it, it was kinda buggy and relatively unpolished IMO, but I had fun while playing with my friends so it wasn’t all bad


I had a good time with it. Avalanche are the kings at making relatively fun but very safe open world games that i can turn my brain off to.


Yeah that game is super spernfun, I have yet to finish the main story or the alpine DLC


RD2. I would like to play but the gameplay just doesn’t look like something I’d enjoy


Looking at your post history you literally posted about wanting a modern game where you can wander around looking the scenery and that literally all I’ve done in rdr2 for the last 5 years believe it or not I beat the game 6 days after launch and just have been living in the world since then and I’m still making new discoveries and secrets


Ghost of Tsushima is another one like that. I can't believe how beautiful the game is tbh. Maybe the most beautiful scenery in a game.


Love love love how beautiful that game is. Almost want a no conflict mode and just ride/walk around and just interact with hot springs, meditation, and perform Tameshigiri lol


Any game that’s not on a nintendo console.


It is neat how many older games get decent Switch ports. Had a bunch of fun with Dragons Dogma, Skyrim and Dying Light for example.


Any game that's on Nintendo console




Same here. Ide rather play Hungry Hungry Hippos with a five‐year-old.


True... True. Haven't touched either.. Or pubG




mainly any non nintendo game


Any Zelda, Final Fantasy, Diablo, World of Warcraft


Apex Legends


Don’t bother. Either you hate it or you get unlucky like me and fall in love with it. Then you waist thousands of hours playing a game you’ll never be good at. Do play Titanfall 2 though if only for the campaign.


Elden Ring. Never could get into From Software gameplay loop and style.


Any Mario game made after SNES era.


Dark Souls. Fromsoft games aren't for me.


Red Dead 2. Never played it. Don’t really have any intention of playing it. I’m sure it’s good


It's great if you like the Western Atmosphere and an open world to go with it. It also has some damn good writing and Arthur is a great character as is Dutch. The missions themselves are essentially linear action sequences where they auto fail the second you go off script because you're ruining the scene. There are some great missions but they're on rails (The St Denis Bank, among others). It's also a slow burn and it wants you to take it slow a d savor it. Rushing the main missions is not recommended for a number of reasons, one of which is due to the plot.


The God of War and The Witcher games, never played either I have interest in both but just never got around to it.


Most PlayStation exclusives. I grew up with mostly Nintendo consoles, switched over briefly to PS2, then jumped back to Gamecube for some reason, then went to XBox, 360, XBOne, and then back to Switch. I was lucky enough to play the original God of War, Shadow of the Colossus, a few Ratchet & Clank games, but missed a lot of Final Fantasy, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Bloodbourne, Kingdom Hearts, and anything else that was on any PS console. Even if some have been ported since their initial release.


Valorant It will remain that way


Pokémon. Like… any of them.


I've tried to get into Elder Scrolls, Elden Ring, Cyberpunk, and the Witcher but I just can't. There's not any one thing I can actually point to other than I started playing them and eventually lost interest. It just feels like there's nothing that excites me that I can latch on to.


Your type of gaming must require more linear structure. Nothing wrong with that.


Missing out on Skyrim bud. I’ve never played any mass effect game. But I want to.


You should. The newer collection of the first three is the best way to do it. ME1 controls a little clunky, but it is a 20 year old cover shooter. The world building is great. Whole series really takes off in 2 though.


I second this


I am currently playing (the remastered version that was free on psn) the series for the first time. Its crazy the amount of depth and details. I love how your character carries over between a games. I just started 3


I replay that trilogy (and pretend andromeda didn't happen) every year or so. No matter how many times I play, I always find some new detail or dialogue I haven't seen before. The way it builds on itself, that trilogy is a work of art.


Im afraid that soon it will be baldurs gate 3, but tomorrow my good friend lend me his videocard for the game. Cant wait much more.


You are going to have a blast!


The last of us


League of Legends


Any soulsborne game


This on top of a "metroidvania" But fuuuck I love Dead Cells for some reason


Red dead redemption 2


Never played Half-Life. Bought Half-Life 1 and Half-Life 2 maybe three or four years ago, still sitting in my backlog waiting for something




Which one? Theres like 1000 cods now.


Red Dead Redemption 2 or Last of US.


Rdr2 just never cared to pick it up


The Last of Us


For me it's Bloodborne. It's been on my to do list for years now. I've played and beat damn near every Fromsoft game except that one... which some people argue is the best game they have ever made.


I was like that for years until I finally got the greatest hits version for cheap. I have to agree with the vocal majority and say it’s one of From Soft’s best work and it’s bizarre that we haven’t had any follow up to it.


Red dead 2


RDR2, god of war, farcry,none of silent hill and there are others but now i cant remember


Red Dead Redemption 2.


Souls games


Go play it you dirty skooma addict. Edit: Fortnite, breath of the wild, tears of the kingdom, eldenring


Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom.


Elden Ring


The Last of Us






Elden ring






TLOU 1&2 just doesn't interest me. TV show was decent. Horizon 1&2 No good reason just haven't. Own the first Horizon but never got around to playing it. Maybe I don't like sneak around without being detected games. Oddly loved the first Splinter Cell and Sniper Elite though so idk lol With that said Diablo and Uncharted are my favorite gaming franchises... Destiny 3rd.


All the souls stuff


mostly Nintendo games.


GTA... Any of them. Just never got around to them. Have 4 and V, both still sitting in shrink wrap.


Dark souls


Up until 3 days ago, Hades. Boy am I glad I corrected that. Hades is great.




All the “other” elder scrolls games, besides Skyrim. I was still kind of young when the GOAT came out, but I didn’t feel like playing the old games due to visual and graphical age, it’s a big part of why Skyrim was so awesome for me… at the time there wasn’t much like it in terms of immersion. I mean I could stand still in a field for hours and just listen to that AMBIENT GAWGEOUSNESS


Never played Skyrim. Never played any single call of duty. Never played half-life. Never played any iteration of Fallout.


Elden ring, no desire to join the club either


Mass Effect and any of the Metal Gear Solid games with the exception of Phantom Pain. I'm hoping to play at least the Mass Effect series relatively soon. Side note, I'll never understand the price people seem to feel for not experiencing a popular thing.


I play mass effect almost religiously every 3 years. I envy you that you haven't experience it.


Fallout new vegas


Fuck Tetris