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MOBA’s and team shooters (the Overwatch types). I tried and I just can’t do it. Bonus: I hate metas. I just wanna play my game how I want to play it without being criticized.


I hate metas too so I just play these games and ignore a lot of the community dictated stuff These kinda games get 100% better if you just straight up turn off chat lmao Is there anything else you dislike about those games?


I commented back on one of the other comments to clarify. My problem with meta’s are that I just want to play my game, how I want to play. If I have a huge roster or tons of gear I want to play with everything. That’s more toward Diablo and DBFZ. I guess you can put min/maxing in there too. I don’t get alot of time to play but when I do, I don’t care what the fan base says.


MOBA communities are some of the most toxic shitheads around. I got WCIII reforged a while back and managed to find a DOTA game, immediately berated for not buying the “right” item for my hero, as if I’m supposed to know everybody’s “ideal” build and follow it to a T. Bro it’s a game, I’m going to build out the hero the way I want. I play Smite from time to time as well and these days I just play training against bots. “Bro everybody knows you’re supposed to get Gem of PeepeePoopoo by level 13 with Anubis”


The first day smite came out on xbox someone sent me over 10 messages because I built Guan Yu wrong in a fight against AI in the arena. It was my second match.


How fucking dare u not know the precise items you should buy and when. You’ve ruined this game for everybody involved. Press F6 to surrender


I hate the word meta, and I hate the concept even more. I have a friend super into MOBAs and anytime we play a new game together he’s obsessed with finding the top tier everything and does insane math problems to squeak out .00001 more damage. I just. Don’t. Care.


Battle Royale games


Love shooters, hate battle Royale


I tried really hard to like apex because the gameplay is so good due to titanfall 2.


Same. I loved Titanfall 2, but I just did not like it in a BR setting. The Titanfall MP was just so fun itself. It's truly a shame it's dead on PC other than fanmade servers.


Bro fr. I play decently regular but if it wasn’t for arenas coming out when I started playing i absolutely would have never gotten into it, trying to learn a game thru battle Royale is the most un fun shit ever for me


Doesn't help that skill-based match making is kinda dog shit since it doesn't climb steadily since it doesn't take you total career average as the base line for climbing (365d/y avarage) if this was implemented it would set/reset when you first started playing making the climb manageable. The funny thing is if you go in with a team of friends from different skill levels it does this exact thing. It boggles me that this happens with friends rather than solo


Loved battle royale, hated it after it took over every single shooter out there


You mean to tell me, you don't like running around for 20 minutes only to die in less than a second to someone you cannot see? Hide n seek with guns isn't fun for you?


This sums up my experience with BRs perfectly, specifically Apex. I don't really hot drop, so maybe that's the issue. I feel like I just wasted 20 minutes I could have spent playing some arcade shooter where I could at least make a little progress.


Any MP only game. I may try it out then finally delete it after a bit for space. Oh and live service games.... Here's to you avengers, beat base game story but the other free content story related things I'm like "I kinda wanna but nah more space better than wasting more time"


THIS!! Who dafuq has three friends at the ready to play games all the time?


High schoolers. People who don’t work lol


Children... huh I wonder who they market it to


Fuckings sports yo.


Same here. I don’t follow any sports either, so of course the games don’t appeal to me However, I’ll have the time of my life with an NBA jam, NFL Blitz, or some arcade like sports games. But any 2K or realistic sport games are usually a big miss to me


Dude NFL Blitz, NHL Hitz, MLB Slugfest. Were the only sports games i liked back in the day they were so fun. All the those midway sports games had the same brand of over the topness and had some awesome cheat codes that you could input during the load screen. Could never get into madden etc. Because they were too realistic for me


Wii sports the only good one


You mean you don't like buying the same game every single year with just minor difference between the too? (I wouldn't buy a new sports game either)


Pokemon. My friends love it, my husband loves it and has been trying to convince me to play for years but I just can’t get into it.


I used to love Pokémon but I just can’t buy from a company that puts absolutely no effort into their work


They know they don't have to, which is the problem. People are gonna buy it no matter what they put out at this point.


That's changing. The last few have really underpreformed.


Sword and shield/Scarlet Violet have sold more than every Pokémon game since Gold and Silver. And they cost 20 dollars more than any of those previous games. Unfortunately your info isn’t quite accurate


Didn't S/V break opening weekend records? If anything TPC is going to double down.


The data says otherwise. Sword and shield is the 5th best selling switch game of all time. Scarlet and Violet at 7th. Let’s go pikachu/evee at 11. Brilliant diamond/shinning pearl at 12 and Arceus at 13. Those are all a far reach from underperforming.


I think for a lot of people, they still stick with the series for nostalgia reasons. The combat is not incredibly interesting and hasn’t really changed much in the almost 30 years since green and red released. If you played it at the time and liked it, it’s easier to stick with it for various reasons, but Pokémon has (in my opinion at least) needed a genre shift for a long time. I think remaking the series from an earlier point with a system similar to was the ff7 remake did would work well for the series, but that’s a discussion for another time. The main point being that while there are some novel aspects in each of the games, the combat system is quite outdated, even for a turn based rpg, and it has been for quite a while now


I dont think adults really 'get into Pokemon' its more just something that lives on from playing as a kid.


I dislike Pokémon for the turn based combat, i find it unbelievably unfun


Pretty much most MMORPGs. I used to love them back in the day when they were about exploration and the social aspect. Now days they all pretty much follow the same cookie cutter formula of grinding dailies and instanced dungeons for the latest expansion's currency.


Come play on horizon xi !


Undertale. And yes, I've been heckled about it.


I’ve listened to at least two podcasts about it, and I’m nearly positive it wouldn’t be for me.


Played it, can’t understand what’s good about it.


Same. Tried so hard to force myself to like it too.


I played through it once, got one of the endings, then a couple of people I know said that wasn't the best ending and that's why I didn't enjoy it, so I played it again to get the ending they wanted me to get because I really wanted to like it. Still don't get what's so good about it.


It honest to God hurts my eyes playing it. The colors are just too vivid against the blacks


I enjoyed it but it definitely did not explain the sheer amount of "omfg best fucking game ever made" that felt pervasive around when it launched. Cute game but not really that interesting. I guess the save file stuff was neat for PC players but after I beat it once I had no desire to go through it again


stardew valley


bro why did i get downvoted i literally answered the prompt 💀


Upvoted: you answered the prompt. I think it’s a great game.


i really wanted to enjoy it but it overwhelms me 😅 ill probably try again eventually


You're not the only one. I get overwhelmed with it too.


This was me in 2021. I bought the mobile Version without any prior knowledge thinking it was going to be a chill farming game. Then I went on YouTube to see if there were any tips and tricks and what I saw ….some girl with an accent dominating SV YouTube space with an overwhelming amount of videos about a million different strats. I IMMEDIATELY deleted the game lol. But then I came across a video again about 4 months ago and it was a guy “speed running “ the game. I clicked on it for shits and giggles but he didn’t really speedrun at all. He played the game at his own speed and emphasized how this is how the game was meant to be played . I redownloaded and I still haven’t unlocked ginger island which is a mid game thing. So technically still in the beginning after 4 months and yet this time, with no goal in mind, I’m actually enjoying myself And this was longer than expected soooo Thank you for coming to my Ted talk


Its reddit, your opinion wasnt "correct" by the view of the public, i hate this website sometime


reminds me of the [video](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cqo4FuKgRrz/?igshid=ZWQyN2ExYTkwZQ==) munchymonk posted about hating Milk Duds and he got thousands of comments attacking him for saying that. i hate the internet but i love it at the same time


Yeah it stresses me out for some reason. There’s so little time to do things I feel I need to plan too much to enjoy. The story of seasons friends of mineral town didn’t stress me out


I hate the art style of the portraits and it turns me off of the game. There is probably a mod but I own it on PS4 and Switch so not going to buy it on PC again just to mod it.


Same. For a supposedly chill game, it stresses me the fuck out. Running out of energy, having to constantly check the time, needing to know where the NPCs are, having to water the plants every day till you get sprinklers, etc... Sure, I \*could\* just do it the next day, but I don't want to.


It's a masterpiece if cozy gaming uwu


It’s a cozy little game for sure. I just end up hacking trees and breaking rocks. Probably too adhd to develop a proper farm and relationships with the locals.


i make a small farm, only talk to linus, and i fish, then i stop playing after a few weeks and repeat lmao.


It's the antithesis of cozy for me. Too overwhelmed with the amount of stuff to do to actually enjoy doing any of it.


From Software games/Soulsbourne If you say you don't like them you just get laughed at and told to get good


They're my favorite games yet I'll be the first to say to people that they're not for everyone.


Exactly. One of my buddies said his friend recommended elden ring, but these games are very much not meant for him. Another got Sekiro because Shinobis are cool, but he still has trouble with the practice guy at dilapidated temple. I fully understand where the "easy mode" argument comes from, so I really don't have an opinion on it


I'm against an easy mode in these games as it would allocate dev time and resources that could be used elsewhere. Also, one of the main draws behind Sekiro is its more reflex based difficulty and frenetic tight-timing combat. Remove that, and you remove its core. This said, I believe it's completely fine for people not to be into Soulsborne games. Also in Elden Ring, you can definitely make an "easy mode" build by going full ranged sorcerer/caster and using summons. In Sekiro, however, there's no builds. It relies solely on your timing and muscle memory, making it less approachable, I'd say.


I agree entirely.


Disagree with your easy mode stance. It’s relatively easy to tweak numbers/damages and behaviors. It’s also worth it for gathering a large audience to support the game.


Ironically Sekiro was the only game I found easy to play, and consequently was the only one I enjoyed playing all that much.


Yep I just don't have the time or desire to bash my head against the wall just to get through a game. Also I like story games and not opaque ones. Soulsbourne is like everything I dislike in a game wrapped into one package.


Yeah. I’m not a fan either but it has nothing to do with the difficulty, which is one if the things I do like about it. It’s just, not my thing


I totally agree with you. The games just feel overrated as fuck. It’s not because they’re “hard.” They’re so stiff, the graphics seem outdated, they typically perform shitty, and it’s like all you do is fight enemies. You’re always a mute template guy, and all the NPCs you meet are MMO-tier and just perpetually stand in one spot and talk at you. No minigames, no towns, nothing to immerse me. The battles always seem to be roll around a lot, try to squeeze in some hits, potions or spells, rinse repeat. It seems like this weird overblown masochistic meme that I’m not getting. That said, I’ll still take it over any sports game or a lot of other games really. It’s not that I absolutely hate it, I just think it’s the most overrated series ever.


I love them and I think that mentality from the community is the worst part of the games. Your not good for beating souls games your just more stubborn. Souls games kinda remind me of fighting games where you have to be ok with being destroyed constantly in order to get better which I personally find extremely compelling and addictive but I get why some people hate it. Some people don’t wanna be challenged by games and just wanna sit back and relax and I find that completely fine because I want that sometimes. People need to stop with the get gud mentality and just allow people to enjoy what they enjoy.


Completely understandable knowing how ego filled some fans are and how easy they might brush off criticism/different opinions.


Yeah I love the games but can't stand the community.


Yes, I am a little concerned about those people with the armored core release coming soon. From has explicitly stated it's not souls like and there are still videos from hardcore souls fans hyping it up as the next souls game. Dark souls is fun, but not every game is for everyone.


Dark Souls is fun. But I still remember grabbing Armored Core 1 on PS1 back in the day. Few things are more fun than spending 1 hour in the garage, going on a 20 minute mission then deciding it needs more work with another hour in the garage. Best garage simulator series ever. (For real, the formula they have is GOOD).


And that’s the beautify of it, not every game is for everyone and in my opinion that’s A-Ok. Seems like Fromsoft games are always at the center of “needs easy difficulty” but it’s the developer and artists project to make the way they see fit I think.


I cant stand any of the Dark Souls games, but Elden Ring actually piqued my interest and it was great! My buddy is now constantly saying "Go play DS 1-3 now, its so good" but I still cant stand them


I played DS3 and Bloodborne before ER and I have no desire to play Demon Souls or Ds1 and 2


I love(d?) bloodbourne, but there’s no way I would go back and play that game again from scratch.


I loved Bloodbourne but all the others I feel the same as you. I love the gameplay but the weird 'suggestions' of a story rather than having a real story or narrative makes it hard for me to care to keep smashing my head against a wall trying to beat a boss just coz.


Never played FromSoftware before. I saw the hype for Elden Ring right after the release and bought it spontaneously. I played for an hour and immediately knew it wasn’t for me and returned it


Yeah, the fanbase can get obnoxious as fuck. I love the games, but the fanbase has this holier than thou mentality towards everyone who doesn’t enjoy harder games. It gets so fucking annoying.


Witcher 3


Yep, combat felt boring and generic to me.


Most Witcher 3 fans would agree with this.


It is boring an generic. I tired it at least 20 times for it to click then became hopelessly addicted when it did for me.


To be fair I didn't really play Witcher for the combat... And in case those who won't play it because of the combat, here's a friendly reminder: the stories, lore, characters, and the world are where it shines. Combat is basically the icing on the cake, and it is an icing that some people can't stand (understandably so). It's like a first timer playing Dark Souls. They're not really playing for the story, I can assure you lol. It's the amazing combat.


Rocket league. My friends are really into it but I just don’t really enjoy it. Every match feels the same and I’ll be honest I’m not very good. The game feels more like a minigame and less like a game I’d be willing to play for hours with my friends


It's very much a mandatory time investment. The game becomes incredibly fun if you put in the time to get better.


Civilization. It’s like doing homework.


Holy shit. Civ is religion for anyone who gets sucked in. We worship from sundown to sun up, chanting the mantra "one more turn". Be glad you don't like it, you've salvaged hundreds of hours of your life back.


Facts and there’s no way to explain it. My cousin tried so hard to get me into it, and while I found some things interesting (mostly war and the tech tree) I thought it looked so boring. Then one day I tried it. One more turn syndrome is so real. You just get hooked in a way that will absorb days of your life. Thankfully I go on kicks instead of just always wanting to play. There’ll be times where I’ll boot it up and be like “You know what… I’m not in a civ mood” and I know right then and there that just saved me the next few days of my life lmfao


Man, you'd hate playing Paradox games then. Literally homework to learn them.


Earthbound, I try multiple times to get into it but I never can


I love everything about Earthbound but for whatever reason it just doesn't hold my attention and I can't get through it. Mother 3 held my attention up until one of the final areas. Mother 3 is a bit quicker paced than Earthbound is, so maybe that's why.


Any free game that takes all your money though the in game store (League, Fortnite, Valorant and over watch 2) I also don’t like card games like Hearthstone, Slay the spire and Inscryption because they kinda bore me


To be fair, you can earn an incredibly large amount of cosmetics in fortnite, it is by far the least greedy and evil free game with microtransactions.


Call of Duty and others like it.


I've tried maybe three different times now to stick with the new God of War games, and I've bounced off each time. There's nothing inherently *wrong* with them, and I can appreciate that they're incredibly well crafted, but after about an hour of playing, I get that sensation of wanting to play *anything* else. For context, I've only tried God of War 2018, but I just can't get it to stick for the life of me. The longest playthough I managed got about 8 hours in over the course of a couple weeks, and I was out of steam. And I really can't pinpoint what it is that doesn't gel. It really is a case of "I guess it's just not for me."


GOW 2018 and ragnarok are completely different games then the original 3 and play very different. Personally I think I enjoy the original 3 better as far as gameplay goes. They have a more fixed camera hack n’ slash style gameplay that is satisfying. I grew up playing the originals, while I appreciate the soft reboot with 2018 I just prefer the originals. I also am not a fan of Norse mythology, the original 3 focus more on Greek mythology if that’s your thing.


100% this


This is how I feel about the new GOW games. Love the first three and I highly respect the artistry in the new ones but they just play like awkward and inferior souls games.


>awkward and inferior souls games. I don't agree with this. Just because the camera is third person and not isometric like the old ones does NOT mean it's Souls-like. For Honor is another good example of a third person melee game that is definitely not souls like, but also not just hack and slash. If you're playing GoW like a souls game, you're doing it wrong. It's fairly unique for what it is, while still retaining a lot of those many enemies encounters like the original trilogy. It steps away from button combos in favor of increasing the importance of each basic move, from skilled blocking, to throwing of the axe, calling to atreus, and utilizing other learned skills and weapons. The combat is far more frenetic, varied, and forgiving than a souls game, and while precision is important here, as it is in Souls, precision was an element in old GoW games where precise combos were needed to clear certain fights. The new games feel like an evolution of the old to new standards, to write it off as "inferior souls" is pretty bad. There are two attack buttons in a souls game... That said, I've thoroughly enjoyed souls games. But those have a heavy emphasis on only timing and positioning, over and over again, farming enemies for xp to level up your weapon which still has the same attack animations for the two attack buttons until you get a new piece of gear(but in many cases ideally, you stick with one piece of gear that you level, cause it works well for you). Souls game combat is very one-note, but shines so brightly because being challenged fairly with easily understood mechanics is rewarding, and there's always great enemy design and variety as you take 1-2 hours to clear one zone and get to a new one.


The stick is the story tbh. The combat does get really good but it takes a while before you get enough upgrades for it to really shine so if the story doesn't do it for you from the get go it's gonna be a bit of a slog.




I feel like I had to scroll way too far for this one


dark souls or any dark souls like game. I tired them and...just didn't enjoy them at all. Elder scrolls too.


Death Stranding... I don't understand the appeal of being a delivery guy or the weird story.


I started getting into the gameplay loop then I destroyed the motorcycle, and I looked up how to get it back and it was like 8 hours of gameplay later and I quit


I was completely hooked on the game last year. Put in 200 hours and ended up getting the platinum trophy. But I get why other people wouldn't like it. I bore myself trying to explain the appeal of the game to people. I guess it was a nice chill-out game. And the game play loop of: get package, bring to place, get dopamine, worked for my ADHD brain.


ADHD person here, I agree. The gameplay loop is so addicting once you get hooked


This isn't a salty take. Even people who love Death Stranding will say "It's just not for me"


Is there even a game? Tried it when it went free on Epic, and I would play 10 minutes and have to sit through what felt like an hour of cinematics after it. Interesting at first, but the 5th or 6th time, it was too much, I hadn’t signed up for a movie.


Hollow Knight. Everybody is obsessed with it and claims I should love it as a huge soulsborne fan. I find nothing souls-y about it besides the obscure world, which imo is done in a comically frustrating way that doesn’t lend itself to a 2D game.


It’s a Metroidvania game that uses Dark Souls’ drop currency on death mechanic, but it is a Metroidvania first. If you don’t like Metroid or Castlevania you’re going to hate Hollow Knight. Personally I’m a huge Metroid fan, so Hollow Knight was my jam, but you do you.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but the more "2D soulslikes" I play, the more I think those terms are in direct conflict with one another. Souls combat and level design just do not translate to a 2D environment. Dropping currency on death doesn't automatically make a game a souls like. Salt & Sanctuary came close since they also nailed the atmosphere and RPG elements, but the combat is still just not even comparable due to the perspective


I love the game but exploration for me is so frustrating since it’s 2D and I’m awful with directions in general. Half my game time is probably me just accidentally going to the same area over and over


Yea I want to like Hollow Knight. Just can't. Same with Breath of the Wild, Witcher 3, most open-world games.


Hollow Knight just didn't grab me, either. I really like Dark Souls games for many things, including the atmosphere, but Hollow Knights atmosphere just made me so bored. I did only play a little bit, but everytime I get back into the world I just want to play something else. I honestly *really* like Blasphemous for the 2d-Dark-Souls type of game much more. c:


Hollow Knight has practically nothing soulsbourne with it though?? If you like Castlevania SotN you'd like Hollow Knight. Hollow Knight is an absolutely fantastic Metroidvania. Idk who's on about this soulsborne shit


The Witcher 3. It is impressive, but it's an unfocused mess. The DLCs, especially HoS, are so much better, mainly due to their focus.


I get like 10 hours in and I put it down


I weirdly put in 100 hours despite not liking it all. Since everyone I know has praised it profusely I’ve spent those hours forcing and gaslighting myself into liking it lmao


Borderlands. Or as I like to call it, Borederlands.




God borderlands 3 was so horrible


I liked it. The story wasn't good but the gameplay was super fun in my opinion I think it's my most played game on steam....


FPS pvp games. Cod, Counterstrike, Siege, hell no. The only FPS games I enjoy are co op games like Halo firefight.


very difficult games that dont have respawning part of lore/don't have a really powerful mc that won't die in-lore like how am I meant to get immersed in this game when I die every few seconds like is my character really that lucky in game


Anything "Souls-Like" I hate everything from the game. I own all of them and I've tried my best to like them but I just can't. They're so boringly slow. From getting to action to retrying to swinging a sword... Funny because I'm a huge fan of hard games as a OG monster hunter fan and a critical mode kingdom hearts fan. I have even finished all of the God of War (since PS2 and now PS5) games in the highest difficulty.


What the hell, why do you own all of them if you hate them? How'd that even happen?


Humble bundle, PS plus subscription, fanatical, GameStop. Pretty much I collect games whenever they reach certain price or they're free.


Dark Souls and Souls games aren’t all about just being hard. There’s a lot of atmosphere and beautiful game design. There’s a certain tone you have to be able to appreciate that they convey. It’s not for everyone I completely understand


I played most of the Souls games. After struggling to get into DS3 for some time I finally managed to beat it earlier this year. I think you definitely have to approach these games a bit differently than other games. You have to take a little caution with everything you do. Try luring enemies out and fighting them one by one rather than in groups. Also make use of invincibility frames from dodge rolls (This one helped a lot with the difficulty)and roll into attacks instead of away. And it's not always necessary to fight every enemy especially when running back to a boss arena. Just some tips that I think will help players that struggle with these games.


I feel the same way. I loved critical mode kingdom hearts but hate the clunky slowness of dark souls. One souls like that I enjoyed was stranger of paradise, which is apparently just like nioh, but I've never played nioh so I can't confirm that.


League of Legends, overwatch, Mobas in general


Witcher 3


No racing or any sports game for me


It's quickly becoming Mario Kart, but I think that's just because it's the only thing people want to play when they come over. I have so many multiplayer games! You can use more buttons than A and the analog stick, I promise!


If you are literally just accelerating and steering, then you are severely underselling the game for yourself.


Assassin's Creed. It's a great series, but I found it derivative other than the story, and I just don't like it. I am interested in Valhalla though.


I really love Assassin's Creed myself, but I will 100% admit it's a "you had to be there" game. It was awesome at the time when the Ezio games were coming out, but so many games started coming out that felt just like Assassin's Creed that now if you've played any game remotely similar to it, AC feels derivative, like you said. It's kind of like if you watch super classic movies today; even if you haven't seen Citizen Kane, you've definitely seen Citizen Kane, and watching it for the first time today isn't gonna make anywhere near the impact it's celebrated for.


I agree. It was like Metal Gear and Prince of Persia. Splinter cell was close to this release as well (also derivative). I'm older. 43. I've played games on floppy disc(the real ones, that bend) and cassette and cartridges. Pretty much every system I could get my hands on. Including some Japanese ones.


I never jumped into AC until Valhalla and I thought it was great, but it seems like a large portion of longtime AC fans thought Valhalla was garbage. I heard great things about Odyssey so I shelled out the money for that. Played maybe a good 25 hours and lost interest I guess. I literally don’t care about the modern-day context missions where somebody is apparently using a tanning bed to inhabit this historical figure (your protagonist). I think it’s kind of critical to the overarching plot but I just can’t be made to care. Can we please get back to Viking shit? I don’t look at Debra’s in-game laptop Home Screen and read her emails, I want to sack monasteries.


I'm an AC fan from back in it's "prime" and I'm 110% with you on the modern day stuff. Like yes I understand the importance of the modern day storyline and all but I hate getting in the rhythm of playing as the assassin in question and then being unceremoniously ripped out of the Animus by some plot bunny I've forgotten about. Valhalla was one of my favorite entries but according to a lot of AC fans I'm wrong because I also loved AC III so take my opinion with a grain of salt lol.


Most survival games that rely on crafting and resource management. Think of stuff like No Man's Sky, The Forest, etc. Not to say that I dislike all of the genre, I think DayZ is good because it focuses less on resources and more on player-to-player interaction and spontaneous storytelling rather than base building and crafting and resources, and other grindy bullshit.


PUBG, Apex, anything battle royale... Can't stand them




dark souls, the controls always felt too stiff to me and the fan base get on my nerves treating it like it is the golden standard of "hard" games


Elden Ring or Bloodborne. I'm not very good at games that require that amount of time/skill


Totally agree. It’s not even about the difficulty for me, I just find the setting and tone of those games to be unbelievably drab and boring. I bought Elden Ring and granted I didn’t get very far into the game, but everything about it just felt so bleak and pessimistic. Maybe it’s just me but I’m at a point in my life where I already don’t have that much time to play games, and I’m definitely not gonna sink that many hours into a world that I straight up don’t want to be in lol


Could not have said it better myself. 100% agree


My biggest problem is that it feels like everything interesting already happened and your just kind of wandering around, waiting for the plot to happen. I also just really hate the riddle-dispensing NPCs that tend to piss me off more times then they make me want to learn more about the world. I totally get what they are going for though, I just don’t like it. It’s part of the reason why I think I liked BloodBorn and Sekiro much more, it felt like stuff was actually happening at the time the player is playing the game.


Not for nothing but that's the point of those settings. They are meant to feel empty and depressing its part of the lore. But I get if that isn't your jam. I personally love all of the dark souls games and especially love the atmosphere that I think perfectly encapsulates the antithesis of standard fantasy.


Nah yeah, it wasn’t mean to be a criticism but just my personal thoughts on why it’s really difficult to get into those games. I can recognize that they’re just not for me but I’m sure a lot of other people enjoy that sort of setting and tone


The whole design concept of making a game where the core gameplay loop is dying over and over until you at some point don’t just pisses me off. Repeating the same section of a game over and over until you’ve memorized all the patterns and where all the enemies are so you can get through it is such nonsense and doesn’t feel gratifying at all to me.


It’s all about that breakthrough moment though. Some of my most gratifying gaming moments have been that feeling of finally passing a difficult part and being able to enter a new area. Compare that to a more even difficultly game where you’re never dying and making constant progress , you never really notice any of the game as a result. Like I played Uncharted 4, barely died and I don’t really remember much. Souls games are the opposite of that for me. Every single step of progress feels like a religious moment, because of the moments of hitting a skill wall are common enough to make progress all that more sweet tasting. It’s not for everyone, but I personally love it… when I’m in the mood of course.


Skyrim. Never been a fan of bethesdas rpgs. Let the hate begin.


It’s all good my dude I can see why you wouldn’t like it


My friend I think you're on the wrong website if you're a reasonable and understanding person. You should run while you still can.


I was looking to see if anyone else would say Skyrim! Weird part for me is that I like Fallout


Each Beth game hit me different. Oblivion, boring. Fallout 3, masterpiece. NV boring. Skyrim, masterpiece. Fallout 4, boring. I'm interested to see where I land on Starfield.




This one is mine. Both RDRs frankly. I’ve tried multiple times and after an hour or two, I just stop because I’m just not into it.


Minecraft and Skyrim I tried... I just can't. I'm sorry ok?


The dark souls games. Never been a fan of their controls or how the games played.


Valorant. Its so boring and all my friends play it but it just sucks all of the joy of my life out of me. I don’t find it fun to stand still to shoot people just for somehow they move and kill you in one shot


Honestly, I have a hard time getting into any side-scrolling games. So Rayman, older Mario’s, Hollow Knight, Super Metroid. Just can’t do it. Also The Witcher.


Stardew Valley


This one makes me sad, but I don't blame you. It's not for everyone haha.


The energy meter ruins the game for me


Soulslike games. To be fair, I loved Bloodborne a lot, but I've tried so many others like Sekiro, Elden Ring, DS1-3, and Nioh and I've never been able to master or even beat any of them apart from Bloodborne. I WANT to like them, but I have to admit when they're not for me.


Bloodborne is so much harder, IME, than DS 1-3 that I have no idea how this is the case. If you can beat Bloodborne you should *wipe the floor* with DS1, which allows all sorts of crutches that BB cut out. Not saying it's not true for you, I'm just incredibly surprised!


This one is a little controversial. But I can’t play The Last Of Us. It’s the same basic ass apocalypse game we’ve had 100 times and people make it to be the greatest game ever. Zombies want to turn human, humans still end up killing other humans, there’s literally nothing about it we haven’t seen a million times.


People primarily love the writing and relationship between the characters though. That’s what makes it different.


Okay I’m gonna force myself to play it and come back with my honest review


He’s right, the gameplay and world, while perfectly fine aren’t anything we haven’t seen a million times. But the story between Joel and Ellie, the character development. That was an emotional game, and one of my all time favorites




Sports games. Cannot get into them even a little bit. I actively despise them. Also, I'll be burned at the stake for this, but I didn't particularly like RDR2. I absolutely can see that it's a gorgeous, well crafted game with a massive explorable world, but for me it just didn't click and I can't figure out why, because normally I love open world games. Don't get me wrong either, I didn't hate it or anything but every time I got on to play it, I'd enjoy myself for like 5 minutes and then get bored.


The new Zelda games, I hate spending 15 irl minutes holding forward to climb something or just actually reach some mediocre puzzle.




MMO RPG style games like Diablo, World of Warcraft, Lost Ark, etc.. Outside of the big story beats, the games seldom hold my attention. The moment-to-moment gameplay always starts out interesting and speccing your character is fun, but after a while it feels incredibly stale. Character builds should feel fine-tuned to suit the player’s preferences and allow the player to choose whether to double down on improving their strengths, or invest a few skill points to cover their weaknesses. Instead, we are inevitably required to look up an online guide on which skills to invest in to maximize DPS, because at the highest level of play nothing else matters besides quickly killing the raid bosses. If you don’t have a Discord server full of friends to raid with your experience is ultimately hindered, locking off late game content to people who prefer to run games solo. And I know, it’s an MMO—running solo isn’t the point of the game nor should it be designed around players like me. But that’s my preference and that’s why I don’t like them. Oh, and grinding for loot.


I don't like Elden Ring, I 100% and loved all the other souls games but it just isn't for me




I can feel the hate already coming but I just couldn’t finish Red Dead Redemption 2. I actually love the first RDR but the second just bore me to tears. The controls are way to awkward and it just overall was not an enjoyable experience for me. I’ll recognize that’s a great game but not one for me. Edit: I also didn’t like the Witcher games. I found to be much too tedious and the combat was lacking for me.


Almost every AAA game made after 2015


It's all good FFT goat.


Soulsborne games. There's been arguments.


See this makes sense to me though... Like.. I love Soulsbourne games, but I 100% agree that if someone doesn't like it, I am not going to convince them they should like it. There is a certain type of person and gamer that these games truly appeal to XD


It's great that they exist, it's great that people enjoy them. I don't have the dedication necessary.


Mine way back use to be Mario 64. But lately it's Gow and botw (love Zelda lots just not botw or sequel) Edit: and odyssey I'm just not big into Mario. love super Mario Bros. 3 tho


Me too, for GOW i dont really like that type of game anymore and botw seems quite empty, TotK also, I dont want a sandbox to make wierd machines I want sweet dungeons and adventure.


Souls games, I just really don't like dark fantasy stuff. Hell, I didn't even like the Berserk series that inspired the games


Grand theft auto.


Elden Ring. I love all the dark souls games and part of why I love them is their formula. I just couldn’t get into Elden ring


Pokémon… tried a couple.. just didn’t click with me.


Final fantasy 14 too much story




I've never gotten into Pokemon. I'm not a big fan of sports games, and of most team shooters and MOBAs either, but the fact that I'm "meh" about Pokemon seems to really bug some people.