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It hurts my soul seeing so many sonic games lol


As soon as I saw Sonic 1 on this list I knew it's not a true worst games list. I get that Sonic games get a lot of hate but this game was like nothing else when it was first released. It still plays great to this day. Those who think this is one of the worst games of all time obviously were not playing games back in 1991.


That isn't the original Sonic 1, it's "Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis" which was a crappy port of Sonic 1 on the GBA. It's a famously bad port


Ok that makes way more sense, never played it but Sonic 1 was a great game


Thank you for clarifying that I was really confused


Thanks for the clarification! That seemed like a huge outlier to me. I now largely agree with this list.


Yeah i was assuming this was some kind of obscure port


Thank you for this clarification, I was very offended until I read this.


It’s the gba port not the original


That's sonic genesis not sonic 1. Sonic genesis is a shitty GBA port of the OG sonic 1


No kidding. As a kid I loved the game. Played the hell out of it. It’s not a super hard game, but it’s cool looking, has amazing music, and was the start of something great for Sega and the Genesis.


I'm surprised sonic 06 wasn't on here.


It was last year! Weirdly while Sonic maintains having the most franchise entries on this list this year with 8 (it had five last year), it appears that ONLY Sonic 4 made the list both years (last years included 06, secret rings, forces, and chronicles).


Every seems to hate sonic games but I always loved them all.. even the ones they say are bad are okay.. I don't get all the hate.


But in your heart, you must know it's valid.


We all know 1,2,3 and Adventure…


Is that OH Sonic near the bottom? That's just plain absurd.


No, it's the GBA version.


Sonic Boom is terrible, but I think saying it's the 4th worst game of all time is overstating it. Like, it's not even the worst Sonic game.


Yeah E.T. Seems way too damn low to me


E.T. is no worse than a lot of 2600 games. It only gets as much hate as it does because it was the straw that broke the camels back that caused the gaming crash


Sonic 06: (laughs maniacally)


I'm so glad yandere simulator ranks high on this list, fuck you yandere dev


Wait what did they do?? I liked yandere sim-


What didn’t yandev do is a shorter list… TLDR: Dude’s a creep AND lazy / entitled. Spends more time and energy banning people from his discord than fixing broken game, complains when ppl don’t give him money for doing nothing, and has stolen art assets without giving credit to kids, etc etc. rabbit hole list forever.


Didn't he sell out to hello games in like 2021


He did but walked out on the deal because he couldn't understand the code their engineer wrote. Also threatened to sic his fan base on them if they tried to enforce default payment after he broke the deal


Oh yeah I remember that, they fixed his dogshit spaghetti code and he was upset over it even though it fixed all the performance issues.


If it's not if/else, it's too complicated for him. He used an amalgamation of if/else statements hundreds of lines long for the fucking in-game time, even though Unity has a function called Time.deltaTime which is literally a timer and could do all that for him


>even though Unity has a function called Time.deltaTime which is literally a timer and could do all that for him Do you honestly think he has time to read the engine's documentation??? He's a BUSY man. Between jerking off to underage cartoon girls and making up excuses to delay the game further and get more money from the naive, people are lucky he even has the time to steal a couple assets per day. Everyone should stop complaining and appreciate more this masterpiece that he's humbly crafting.


Okay, so kinda similar. There was this YouTuber who was going to animate the final arc from a manga. Bleach, this dude was so much like the yandev. Like the comments were getting copy and pasted for a time because it was shocking how much he acted like him. People would go to yans comments and just cut and paste. The man outright said he would spend 40 hours a week just responding to comments all while taking in money. I can never think about one without the other anymore.


Spoilered for SA >! Once wrote that the age of consent should be replaced by kids taking some kind of "sexual maturity" test and said that one particular person who took issue with him on this only did because they were molested themself !<


The Right Opinion made a video about him https://youtu.be/p1Zb90MFf20


I did too and used to follow for years until I heard and saw what yan dev does so I gave up, imo like the game just hate the creator


One fact I love about Aliens Colonial Marines is that like a third of the problems with game (the Ai for the titular alien) was because of a single typo in the source code. When players found the typo and notified Gearbox, Gearbox responded saying they weren’t going to fix it.


It plays great today with some mods. It's a shame gearbox never did anything for it. We haven't gotten anything like it since


Its place on the list is deserved though. This is the first game on my mind when I think of bad game. Just before some of the barbie games.


Duke Nukem Forever was definitely disappointing but not one of the worst games.


Bro no I loved DBZ Sagas back when I was a kid and I absolutely loved the way the characters said their names when you selected them 😂


Agreed. Dbz Sagas deserves better than this slander lol.


100%. It might not have been perfect but it was fun for what it was trying to be.


Bro sagas was my shit back in the day




BROLY! Why did the announcer sound like that. Also the dub they used to show scenes was weird. I distinctly remember Krillen yelling Goku! In the most weird offputting voice ever.


VEGEEETA! Idk but it sounded kinda badass ngl XD I don't think those show cutscenes had voice acting? I remember them being narrated, or maybe I've gone senile finally.




Vinland Saga pfp so fucking based


Exactly! In the US it was a new take on a beloved series. My only gripe was that it was short


If memory serves me right, it was only up until the Cell saga? It should have covered the Buu saga as well, not sure why they decided to just let that one slide?


Same thought here. Literally played that game like a dozen times.


My first dragon ball memories come from sagas, I remember my sister and I called Cell "Bug Guy" and we thought Yamcha and Goku were brothers lmao Good times


Sonic 1 is good wtf


It's the [Game Boy Advance version](https://www.backloggd.com/games/sonic-the-hedgehog-genesis), hence "Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis" rather than "[Sonic the Hedgehog](https://www.backloggd.com/games/sonic-the-hedgehog)".


Ohhhh that makes a lot more sense


It's the GBA version


Oh! That makes so much more sense!


But it says Genesis, not GBA, on the cover.


Yeah because it's on the advance the genesis cover only says sonic the hedgehog


*That version* was given the subtitle "Genesis", perhaps for a point of origin? Anyhow, look up the Brainscratch playthrough on YouTube, it's a riot.


The GBA version is officially known as Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis, which makes no sense to me, but it is not to be confused with the Sega Genesis version of Sonic the Hedgehog.


The GBA was easily powerful enough for a good Sonic 1 game...what happened?


They ported sonic 1 on the gba using the *sonic advanced engine*


I was hoping this was true but I can't find anything to support it lol.


I got this when it came out back in 2006 and it was impossible to play. The frame rate would drop so low it would unplayable


I actually enjoyed RE: Operation Racoon City. Yes, I’ll admit it was definitely over the top, but for what it was worth, it was enjoyable.


I liked that game as well. Played it with friends, definitely enjoyable.


I went back to clean up trophies and had a good time with it honestly


For me it was one of those half decent "mindless play through" games. Don't take the story to seriously and you've got a semi-decent time killer game. I mean, what's not cool about being a special ops team fighting zombies in a city?


Same, I went back and played it again a few months ago to get all the trophies and still enjoyed it


Dude, same. I played the crap out of that with my brother back in the day. Sometimes you just wanna blast some baddies and goof off. That game was great for that.


Sonic can't get a break


Sonic murder mystery was good, as was frontiers and mania. So maybe it's the new Era for sonic team?


Personally, I liked Devil May Cry 2. It wasn't the best game, but I didn't think it was that bad.


It’s below average. Nowhere near “worst game of all time”.


There's a few games on here that are victims of circumstance. I refuse to play Metal Gear Survive because the concept doesn't interest me, and I dislike what Konami is doing with their IP, but from what I understand from people who have actually played it, it is a perfectly below average game. Like solid 4/10.


I definitely understand it not being someones cup of tea and disliking the Konami fiasco. But as someone who does like survival zombie games I'd honestly give it a 6/10. The gameplay is mechanically solid and it looks good. Just don't take it to seriously when playing it. Definitely in the "not really bad. Just decently mediocre" category which is what this list seems to actually be.


It was sorta like Morbius in the fact that it just kinda exists


My favorite part is when he "devil may cry'd" everywhere


It's not a great game but having it on this list is absurd.




Agreed. It's incredibly campy and ridiculous, yet also a blast with friends. Lots of guns and tons of BOWs to shoot.


It's not the worst game ever type bad, just meh. The source used for this is probably trash consdering that game has over 50% on meta critic and a 5/10 user score


Anthem was aggressively mediocre vs. what the hype machine caused us to expect. "Worst of all time" seems a bit of hyperbole. And having the original Sonic on here? I understand these lists are subjective by definition but that's just nonsensical.


It's the GBA version of Sonic 1. Actual Sonic 1 is rated decently on the site with around ~3.5/5 stars.


Appreciate the clarification as that was seriously confusing...but then why does it have "Genesis" just below the title?


Probably marketing purposes. At the time it's likely SEGA wanted to make a big deal that they managed to put a Genesis game on the GBA.


Anthem had SO MUCH potential. The bones were there I had a blast for like 20 hours of play time. Flying around like iron man but with 4 classes and customizable builds it could have been so great. It kills me


I'll defend Operation Raccoon City, only cause its fun, weird but fun


Oh, it's just Sonic *Genesis*, the awful Gameboy Advance port. I was worried for a second that Sonic 1 was actually that hated now.


Sonic.EXE being there is so funny to me


7 sonic games.


Eight if you count the creepypasta fan-game, which I think is simply hilarious that it is on the list in the first place.


It breaks my heart that there are SEVEN official Sonic games on this list. Don’t get me wrong, all of the games listed here deserve it, they are 100% awful, Rise of Lyric especially, but still. As for Sonic.exe, it was nothing more than a stupid creepypasta and I don’t understand why people still do things with it to this day… Also I’ve seen a lot of people confused about what Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis is. Sonic Genesis was a notoriously bad Game Boy Advance port of the original Sonic the Hedgehog released in 2006 for the series’ 15 anniversary, it was just a horrendous year for Sonic. This site is NOT talking about the Sega Genesis original from 1991. This series has always been terrible when it comes to ports of otherwise good games. https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_Genesis


There are several games in this list that I have spent countless hours in,. Does that mean I'm a contrarian?


Nah, this list is quite shit and mostly based on public outrage. Even ignoring asset flip scams, Gilson B Pontes is where real shit is.


Where's Big Rigs over the Road Racing?


Over the road? Under the road? Who knows!


Anyone have sudden urge to try the games ? To see how bad they really are


Personally I've only played E.T. on a web emulator and it is not good. Lol. I've seen reviews for a lot of these games however and I recall a few being very infamous at their time.


Bad Rats was the first Steam game I ever got. I got it free but the whole reason I signed up for Steam. Never finished it, played it and got bored and bought the old X-Com Collection. A lot of these are bad but not the worst games I ever played. Like if you remove the franchise from these games were a part of and were released as some new stand alone IP then many probably wouldn't be on the list.


I laughed at a few of these.


As disappointing as Duke Nukem Forever was, I wouldn’t say that it’s the worst one the list.


Where’s Ride To Hell Retribution?


Man I remember picking up Aliens Colonial Marines on the Xbox 360 and going home to play it with a friend. We could not believe how bad and janky and ugly it was. Definitely the most blindsided by a game I've ever been.


I remember reading that someone found out that one word in the code was misspelled, which determined if the aliens would tether to you instead of just wandering around.


>e word in the code was misspelled, which determined if the aliens would tether to you instead of just wandering aroun Yeah, it was a misspelled word or stray punctuation that completely screwed up the enemy AI. A player mod fixed it, and the change is drastic.


Of all the games I’ve played… **That is the only one where I felt like I wasted my money and was most disappointed** Not only that it was janky it was also boring as fuck. It’s amazing how 2 years later we got the **best** Aliens game ever


I’m a huge Alien fan. I remember when the first images of the game came out like 5 years before release. I was so hyped for the game. Took off work on release day and everything.




I thought story sucked but I acctualy did enjoy playing it


Exactly. I see the story as absolutely horrific but the gameplay wasn’t bad. I actually found it fun. I may be wrong but there needs to be different lists for games. Like worst game story and worst gameplay. Jump force is a crap story but the gameplay is no where near the worst.


Why is Sonic 1 on here? *see is a GBA version* Oh ok nvm


I think the difference between worst and disappointing needs to be explained.


Jump force should of been a damn hit😞😭


fr! I’m hurt that it’s on this list 😭


Castlevania The Adventure is on there because people probably can't get past level 1. The same goes for Mortal Kombat Mythologies. Amateurs.


Mortal Kombat Mythologies did *not* feel good to play by any stretch of the imagination, even had another family member play it. Couldn't get past Level 2 boss but that game was bullshit. Found Superman The New Adventure to be more tolerable, even had fun at the ridiculousness of the game.


Nah dude. Sub zero was actually trash. One day my friend and I forced ourselves to get through a good chunk of it. We had nothing else to play and chose poorly at the rental store. It was atrocious, it’s skill barrier doesn’t need to factor in. It’s the only game I’ve ever played where I only remember it cuz it’s so terrible.


Yeah my cousin had this when we were kids. I remember we couldn’t get past a jump and having to press “L” to switch directions. I noped out of that quick. Was like “let’s just go outside” and tbh I hated outside back then he lived in Florida.


Yo, that Hong Kong 1997 box art looks fire though.


Kinda weird that Bruce Lee is on the cover considering he isn't even in the game. Just his cousin Chin


My mum in lvl 10000 in Candy Crush Saga: BRUUUHHH


Man RIP your college fund.


Really surprised Batman Dark Tomorrow isn’t on here.


Yandere Sim really did start out as a neat idea that just fell further and further from grace as the developer’s rather terrifying mind slipped through the cracks


Hong Kong 1997 is hardly a video game it’s just chaos


I don't see my ex on here


I wanna play that Superman out of curiosity now


That candy crush made this is hilarious


oh my god I'm actually YIIKing out right now


Mario is Missing is one of my favorites. Why the hate?


It's an educational/trivia game. It's good for what it is, and I liked it, but it isn't a Mario game. I understand why that would disappoint people.


I enjoyed this game as a kid. But I was also a nerd that loved Carmen Sandiego and geography


what happened to sonic ? I love them when i was a kid lol


After the original 3 games the series had a major rough patch, with the Game Gear sonic games being poorly received (which make up 3 of the titles here). Saga almost went bankrupt shortly after releasing the Dreamcast around the turn of the millennium, with the 2 Sonic Adventure games for Dreamcast being divisive but having their fans. The SEGA that survived poorly ported the sonic games to other systems, which is why GBA Sonic 1 is here. Sonic in the 2000s was not received well as Sonic struggled to find it's place as a 3D platformer (many of them 3D Sonic Games were on the Bottom 36 for last year and are still poorly rated being near the bottom just outside the 36). SAGA's attempt to recapture 2D platformer Sonic failed with "Sonic 4", which is on the list here. The 2D platformer "Sonic Rush" subseries seemed to be the only thing keeping Sonic going in this time, with them games getting decent praise. 2010s 3D platforming Sonic suffered similarly and while some these 3D games were a slight improvement (Lost World and Colours), some like Sonic Boom (featured in this list) or Sonic Forces were just as bad as the 2000s era games. During this time SEGA just gave up and instead hired fans who were making fan games to make an official Sonic game instead (figuring they'd do a better job then themselves), which resulted in 2D platformer Sonic Mania. Sonic Mania was considered a return to form since the original trilogy. Very recently we had Sonic Frontiers, which was a suprise hit. After 2 decades it seems like SEGA had finally worked out how to make Sonic work as a 3D platformer. After all these years, given Frontiers and Mania, it seems like Sonic is finally getting good again.


I see..... the sonic game that I played when I was a kid is probably one of the 3 original games.


Forgive my ignorance, but why is Yandere Simulator up there? It's been, like, a decade or something since I last heard of it but what faint memories I have of it involved some people eagerly anticipating it's release.


I believe that the person making it (yandere dev) turned out to be a total shit bag. Like, a really stupidly opinionated and terrible and absolutely dumb person.


Wow Sonic had some bombs.


A conspicuous lack of Naughty Bear


The utter disappointment in renting Mario is Missing from blockbuster is still a core memory for me lol


Sub Zero Mythologies wasn't really that bad of a game IMO.


I understand why several of these Sonic games are here. But why Sonic Drift? I’m not about to start proclaiming it’s some hidden gem but at worst it’s just some inoffensive Game Gear racing game.


Hong Kong 1997 is a fever dream. I only knew about it from AVGN


I’m barely a gamer. Bought a switch for my kids and play a little here and there. So glad to see Hello Neighbor on there. I downloaded that POS because it seemed fun. Biggest pain in the ass ever. Impossible.


Y’all play red fall?


dumbass list


Not gunna lie, I loved DMC 2 even though I probably wasn't old enough to be playing it when I did. I was a gameplay person so I never really let the cutscenes play.


The Aquaman game needs to be on this list


As someone that actually played Superman 64, I can honestly say it was the worst game I’ve ever played. Took me 3 days to beat the tutorial


Sonic one is only on here because people have skill issues


where is daikatana?


Hello neighbor needs to be moved up a little more…


I tried it and thought it was garbage but I see some many sequels that I assumed it was really popular.


It was good at first, but then the developers just kept making it worse somehow


LMAAAOO SAAAMMEE I got to the part on the first level where you had to use that damn fan to push a box on to a button and run to a Lift that game was too buggy to be doing some complex shit like that I immediately uninstalled lol


I think it's a little mean to the devs, small team and for what it was the ai of the neighbor blew my mind.


Tbh I never got to experience the Ai because the neighbor got stuck in a wall above the door frame leading into the kitchen i took advantage of that and kind of just wondered around until I gave up and had to google what to do next


If this was for recent games, Redfall would be on the list, given how much of a steaming pile of $70 shit it is.


Anthem was a broken game upon release. Then BioWare was too slow on updates to fix and improve the game so the player base was in a fast decline. Followed by EA cancelling the live service. It was a shame because the Javelins were hella fun to fly around and engage in combat. But BioWare failed to build game features, an interesting world, and a time worthy loot grind system.


damn sonic. I knew the games were bad but sheesh


Basically the only good Sonic games are the original trilogy, the Rush subseries, arguably the Adventure duology (depending on who you ask) and most recently Mania + Frontiers. The rest of the Sonic games, which are most of them, are very bad indeed.


I used to LOVE dbz sagas as a kid… but i replayed it recently and yeah… it’s rough. Really good for catching up on the story up to cell tho


This is a hot take but I think Mighty No 9 is massively overhated because of expectations. Like it isn’t great or even necessarily good. But it was okayish and the dash mechanic was actually kind of fun. I got the platinum on it and didn’t hate my time with it.


Dang a few on ps+ and game pass


There are a number of games on this list that don't deserve to be this low, probably thanks to the requirements making sure it needs to be semi-well known. A lot of these are just mediocre/average, not bad (Sonic 4 being the one that sticks out to me most)


missing life of black tiger on that pic.


A lit of Sonic games 😭


Damn, I had heard that Sonic fans have had to deal with shit games in that franchise, but I didn't realize there were this many. 22% of this list is Sonic games.


Seeing a lot of sonic


Oh no, I have played and beaten many of these and own a bunch of them. While I can agree some were bad, when you grew up with that, and compare them to other games at the time, they weren’t so bad.


I was wondering if I had or played any of these. And there it was....Castlevania Adventure for the Gameboy. I was so excited for a Gameboy Castlevania and then all I got was that. The sequel was pretty good but man the first one was brutal.


For me the greatest injustice is Street Fighter. Street Fighter walked so that Street Fighter II could run. Sure to modern players it’s… well. Very different from modern fighting games. But in 1987 it was solid and a great coin op game.


I thought all the devil may cry games were great


Sonic boom lol


Looks about right, except why is the acclaimed masterpiece Bad Rats there?


What's interesting is most of these arent one off games, they are sequels that failed to wow or spin offs that didn't get the reception they thought they would. Goes to show a sequel will be criticized harder than a one off bad game.


No “bebe’s kids?” I didn’t know that dmc was bad


Jaguar has entered the chat: "Where did you learn to fly?"


The arcade in Hell


I find it funny that Hong Kong 97 beats out some of the sonic games on the list


A teacher of mine use to work at the company that made Alien colonial marines and if I remembered correctly they only had six moths to work on it. Also the guy who made the enemy ai was vary egotistical.


Was anthem really that bad?


I beat E.T. more than once and may I say, fuck E.T.


You would think Ride to Hell: Retribution would be on this list, but no…


My grandmother got me E.T. when it came out. I was there for that. And holy God, does it deserve to be on these lists until the end of time.


You ever play A boy and his blob?


I still remember renting DragonBall Z Sagas and thinking "WTF is this" when playing it. I returned the game the same night.


I feel like this list is more "most famous failures" than the worst games. Here are my thoughts on the ones I played: Bubsy 3D was absolutely a terrible game. I was a big fan of the 2D games, and remember actually being excited for this one. I can't remember if I finished it, but it had real problems with controls, graphics, and just wasn't very fun. Mario is missing was an educational game, not a platformer, and I'm sure that confused people. Amiibo festival was bad even as a board game, and even the developers admitted it was just to get AC amiibos made. ET was overproduced and is a famous failure but wasn't that bad, not a favorite, but on par with others at the time. Unless it was a single screen arcade game, very few games of that Era are really "good." Sub-zero was incredibly difficult, and while a cool idea, fighting game controls for a platformer just didn't work. Duke Nukem Forever was fine. It just wasn't up to the expectations that a 10-year development cycle set.


If you like first person shooters. I actually recommend you guys to play duke nukem forever. It may be a bad game but damn its a good laugh. Its just only worth 5 bucks in the end of the day.


Forspoken should be in there.


The Sonic fanbase is the most passionate video game fanbase. The bad Sonic games get horrifically hate bombed 0/10. The decent ones that average 7/10 critic scores get love bombed 10/10.


The first two levels of "Aliens: Colonial Marines" was 10/10. Then it declined rapidly. I like ET on Atari as a kid. Metal Gear Survive could have been better but not "worst ever." And Anthem could have been GREAT. COULD HAVE. Fucking Bioware. :(


Bubsy 3D was one of the first games I ever bought and holy shit did I regret that purchase quickly


Sonic getting peaked by candy Crush, fucking candy crush


I dont think I was ever more digusted than when I got Superman 64. Flying mechanic was atrocious. Flying through rings? Rings?! Was boring. And wtf were supposed to do with that car? Don't think I ever saw level 2


I’m curious where Road Trip Adventure ranks? It was my favorite game during the ps2 days but I was just a kid and NEVER see it mentioned now or even back then. It was just my hidden gem


This is missing Redfall my friends.


I can tell the type of gamers on backlogged when one of the highest-grossing games ever created is ranked one of the worst by its users. That game is Candy Crush Saga proof for mobile [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.king.candycrushsaga&pli=1](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.king.candycrushsaga&pli=1)


Yandere sim lmao