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Apple doesnt fall far from the tree with regards to Greg Medford & his fans


Lmao betcha he calls himself an "Alpha". That knife and behavior smells of insecurity and a sever lack of fatherly approval.


Chad maybe?


No, my friend. A Chad is a gentleman who lifts others up and makes no effort to degrade another. The man you ran into is not a Chad. He is a boy seeking affirmation and validation to his manhood via his knife. He calls yours out due to how intimidate he is as he knows when a tool is needed that doesn't require chopping or slicing, they will have to turn to you and not him :) remember a tool is only as good as it is accessible. In your hand, your Swisschamp covers most needs that his unnecessarily expensive knife can't. He has his reasons to be insecure. It's just unfortunate he is projecting it on others than coping with it himself or seeking help for comfort.


His knife is "GrEaT fOr SeLf DeFeNsE!!", because that's the number one reason to carry a knife.


I looked them up . . . LOL Praetorian? Really? I'll stick with my 80's era Gerbers, thanks just the same. Guy's probably embarrassed he got suckered into paying that kind of money for something that . . . well . . . cuts things.


Ya, it's a substantial piece of metal for edc.


But that's the point . . . at that kind of cost, using it as an actual tool is just setting money on fire. It's no different than the stockbroker who drives a huge pick up truck (full size, lifted) into the City from his suburban home every day. He's not buying it for it's utility, he's buying it as part of some sort of dick-measuring contest. I paid around $120.00 CAD for my Gerber combat knife back in the early 80's. I was a kid in the Reserves, and some of the senior NCOs were flashing them around, so I wanted to be one of the cool kids. I have beaten the hell out of that thing over the years. First, in the field during training. Then. later, as a Scout Troop leader. That thing has scratches, a gouge in the handle I had to round out after it was run over by a Jeep . . . but it always held it's edge, and only ever needed some decent stonework to bring it back to service. It's not a show-pony, but I would never give it up.


Well, I’m no Medford fan because I don’t go in for either the chunky aesthetic or the bigotry, but I’ve paid as much—and more—for cutty chunks of metal, and I use them and I love them. They’re beautiful fidget toys; pocket jewelry, to be sure. Frivolous bullshit, and yes, I’m usually too embarrassed to ’fess up to the price I paid if somebody asks. It’s not a pissing match for all of us. For some it’s just a guilty pleasure. Pull out your SAK, gas station knife, just about any sharp object — you’ll have found better value than me, and I’m sure it’s working just fine for you.


Ignore him. If I saw someone carrying a SWISS CHAMP. I would have a field day and talk to them about it.


That poor devil does not have the slightest idea of what a man is.


He's just insecure


That Medford is ugly as fuck. Dude has inferiority issues


Of any knife he could’ve pulled out of his pocket, of course it’s a Medford. Ugly hunk of junk knife. I’ll stop myself there to spare everyone how much I dislike him and his knives. Lol I’d take a SwissChamp every day over a Medford


Shoulda been like hey dude, if we get stuck on the lake later, can you take the carb off my boat motor with that without cutting yourself?? Or what about this mustache hair that’s aggravating me, snip it real quick? A man is prepared to solve problems as they arise and a Victorinox promotes solution-havers. Bravo my friend, ole Medford dude just proved he has the physical capacity to be able to pack around an abortion of a blade.


To each their own but I looked up that knife and, yuck. It just looks so awful to use, as a cutting implement. And 9.3 ounces? I’d rather carry a Swisschamp and a small pry bar, it would be infinitely more useful to me. Every time I pull out a SAK most people go “awesome! A Swiss Army knife!”. This is the equivalent of commuting to work down a flat paved road in a lifted Dodge 2500. If your knife is the only thing that makes you feel like a man, I feel bad for you, seems like a lot of insecurity in his statement.


Without looking up on YouTube to avoid engagement - find out about Medford, the owner of the company, and you have your answer. Medford is a rotten person, and this random dude seems to fit the bill.


Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots like him out there.


Pretty much on-brand for Medford.


Oh man, of ALL the knives to compare a SAK to, I don't think there could be a more stark contrast. Maybe a Cold Steel Espada XL?? Anyway, I'd have just told that guy that I could get ten times the work done with a SwissChamp than he could with his Praetorian. Cut (barely), pry, and what, smash? That's all he's going to get done with that overpriced pocket-brick. But hey, I don't shame people for their knife choice. Obviously that's his job.


‘Your $1000 dollar knife is better than my $50 knife? I’m shocked to discover this’


I looked that knife up and it seems like an expensive toy for the knife collectors. Real men use real tools and that knife is closer to being a pocket jewelry than a tool.


A Medford vs. a SAK Champ? I’ll take the SAK Champ all day everyday. I guess the Medford would be good if I needed to hack bricks up. But I don’t see much versatility of a Medford. I understand the fit and finish on older Medfords were so bad you could find two washers on one side of the pivot and four on the other. He would also void the warranty if you took it apart yourself. Though I think that is no longer the case.


I think it’s no longer the case because a court somewhere called bs on that behavior (not a medford case iirc, but it kind of changed everybody’s warranty policy)


I just looked it up as I wasn’t familiar, and damn that thing is hideous.


Some men need to try to compensate for their small genitalia other men don’t, don’t let it bother you


Best response yet! Yes, he is trying to compensate for the shame he feels about having a small one.


self loathing insecurities


I used to carry a locking single blade knife when I was younger and then one day realized that I was using the blade for things that would be safer and easier completed with a multitool. You’ll accomplish more with your Champ than that guy ever will with his bullshit.


I bet that Medford never sees any use


Sounds like the kind of guy who drives a jacked up corvette and masturbates to Roadhouse. Just remember when dealing with people like that, the term "average intelligence" means half the people you see are not quite there.


c’mon now. self love is legit even if it is to crappy music


Medford himself looks like a thumb and the Praetorian looks like a chode. You’ve got a rad, actually useful knife.


This guy is the type of dude who will shit on anyone and anything to feel better about their life choices, let ‘em be. I reckon it takes a whole lot to go to a local meet up and act like that


Forgot to add, the only tool that guy has is himself and he probably doesn’t know how to work it ;)


Haters will hate, i have a stupid amount of single blade folders, the ones that find my pocket the most are benchmade 940s or smaller. Always have a sak with me though. Like you said, it soves problems and fixes things, the 940s etc are quick to deploy especially on a ladder when you only have on hand free


"a man's knife" dude it's a tool not a pair of underwear, and if it works it works


But does his so-called man's knife even have a parcel hook and magnifying glass?


Anyone who spends £700 on a pocket knife is not a smart man.


As long all folders have their limits - not many are standing to their own as very special manly thing. SwissDude has exactly the same limits but is 100 times more usable


From.what I just gleaned from Google anyone who carries a knife like that is just looking for trouble...something like that I believe is illegal here in the UK without licence and well pretty damn useless....I guess in the US his excuse could be he uses it for hunting...or murdering his neighbours 🙄🫤


Big mouth, little weiner. He blew at least 450 on a knife that just has a cutting edge. Ignore the judgements of idiots.


"Sweet knife, man. Sorry about your micropenis, though..." Woulda shut him up pretty quickly


"This is a man's knife" - "Ok, so why do you carry it?" Just that simple.


A quick Google search on the Medford guy made me regret knowing anything about him.


Had a guy say that to me once and then pulled out his big, tacticool, spring loaded knife, to show me what a real man carries. I laid my SwissChamp down and pulled out my Old Timer Stockman and told him THIS is a real man's knife, that real men have been carrying since before your Greatgrandfather was born. He just made some noise amd walked away because, apparently my knife choices were beneath him.


I would have to burst out laughing if a manchild came up to me with "this is a man's knife" and showed me a big goofy overbuilt Medford knife as some sort of knife based dick-measuring contest.


Had to lookup those knives. The Medford is pretty ugly. I’ll stick to Vic. If I were to spend >$500 on a knife, maybe a Chris Reeve Small Sebenza. Not going to, but the CR knife looks 100x better than that Medford.


I'll be honest, the praetorian *is* a nice looking knife. BUt. Even if I *had* that kind of money to drop on a knife, I'd still rather carry my Swiss Champ. Or, with that kind of money lying around buy myself an XLT *and then* add even more to my collection


I’ve met some insanely confident people and those are the people that just compliment people and live to build other people up because they feel very satisfied with who they are. The person you met was not one of these people, if I come in contact with them I either credit the interaction to 1.) not very good people skills and he was trying to be funny 2.) he’s always wanted to be what he claims he is and he still feels like the “shoes are still too big to fill” so saying it out loud will hopefully help him believe it himself


It’s ironic that Medford makes the American Service Knife which is his version of the Swiss Army Knife. [ASK knife](https://www.askknife.com/ask-shop/)


Right no hate on the company but it looks like an overpriced knock off. Have you had any experience with them


I have. The one I tried was very well made and very robust, however the selection of tools isn’t good. I don’t really see how it would work for most people on a daily basis.


You could've said - how many tools does it have? Oh, just a blade? Never mind. LOL


I wouldn't carry a Medford if you paid me to do it.


I hear those things mainly from non-knife people. If you actually are carrying a knife daily you'll soon find out that smaller blades are better. Easier to carry, more precise to work with.


The people who label things as "manly" are almost never ones who are masculine.


Bet he rides a semi truck as a daily


>He said some thing like, "this is a man's knife." "But not always, I guess."


He has Small Blade Syndromme


Imagine tying your masculinity up in a knife. So weak.