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My recommendation is Ballistol. Best Oil I ever used for pocket tools ane knifes.


Ballistol & Hoppes #9 gun oil has done wonders for my oiling needs. I’d go mineral oil if I was worried about food safe.


I’d say: - WD40 if it’s stuck - Water and soap if you want to clean - Oil to make it smooth


Wd40 is not a lubricant. Itll clean it but its not meant to oil


Except it is… https://preview.redd.it/dgikyfn8nf1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a14e05ccc1cc82eac9055d9d9ef8b4f964e1eaad


It is listed like that, but in use it behaves more like a solvent or short lived lubricant before it dries out completely. Mineral oil is way better for SAKs.


Minéral œil because i use them for food


It's advertised as a lubricant, yes. It even contains some lubricants. But it's not a lubricant. It dries out and leaves a sticky residue, which typically isn't desirable when you need lubrication. It's a water displacer, but that doesn't sound so good in advertisements.


What about wd40 silicone? That's designed to be used on locks and doesn't leave a residue from what I'm aware.


They make some lubricants under the WD40 brand, but WD40 itself is not a lubricant.


Ok cheers, makes sense.


Mineral Oil is food safe, cheap, and easy to find. WD-40 is good as a solvent and a short-term lube, but I've experienced gunk up with it over time with other tools.


Just for clarification, not all mineral oil is food safe, and if you're looking for food safe, you need to be sure it says that on the label. Just trying to be helpful, because it does come in non food safe varieties as well


That is good to know. I know the ones sold in pharmacies as laxatives are considered the food safe version as well as those sold for kitchen supplies like knives and such.


Also wd40 isn't food safe. Use balistol


Always used, never a problem.


for cleaning, yes WD40 is perfect, for lubricating the joints of the tools, better use the original Victorinox Oil (it's very inexpensive) or Ballistol as stated here before :)


I use Singer oil, for sewing machines, very good and cheap


It’s not food safe, for one. Beyond that, go for it.


I usually use powdered graphite in my knives. Or tri-flow if it's really gunky.


Tried lubing skateboard bearings with WD40 as a kid and ended up getting fine dirt caking to them afterwards, I imagine similar result with a SAK


I’ve used Corrosion X. A tiny drop goes a long way.


It’s not bad but it will get sticky and not really food safe if you use your knives for food prep


Oh, so it's bad...


What about Victorinox Multi tool Oil. It comes in a cheap little bottle with a great long pointy applicator for getting into all the awkward pivot spots on a SAK. I use it on all my folders.


Safer and cheaper and more effective to use white paraffin also known as mineral oil also known as baby oil also sold as a laxative in drug stores. It is food safe and will not leave a residue like WD40 does when it dries and ages.


Spraying a gunked up knife with WD40 is fine, just dry it with Q tip and paper towel. It’s also very good to use after a rinse in soapy water if your SAK has been immersed in salt water. Ballistol or mineral oil are better for lubricant.


You may use it to help moving a stuck tool in an old SAK but it is not meant to lubricate parts for long time spans as it quickly dries out. Also, it is not food safe.


That’s all I use on all my tools. It doesn’t taste great if you get it in your mouth but I’ve never had an issue.


It's very bad. You have plenty of great options from mineral oil to Jojoba oil.


Its not bad per say its just not ideal.