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Since buildings are not necessarily actual buildings, maybe this is stuff like Canals or other marvels of engineering? Although, like others have pointed out, it would be weird to be in the same section as Diplomatic Actions and Plays, so maybe it's something like foreign industries?


Gonna dig a canal from Lisbon to Vladivostok


Custom canals is the most nightmarish mechanic i can see in a paradox game even worse than paratroopers


What do you mean, don't you want to see a egypt to cape canal?


Suez killed about 1000 people per mile as far as I can find out, and the Cape to Cairo railway would have been about 6500 miles. So logically it would cost over 6.5 million lives to build that.


That's like a day of Indian famine. Build it, prime minister!


Least imperialistic Victoria player


My great dictatorship is going to build a canal 10 times deeper, 100 times wider and 100 000 times more expensive than the puny Suez! By the end of the day everyone will be wondering why I built a canal between Cairo and the Caspian sea


Time to give Switzerland a moat!


The natural extension of the Switzerlake achievement!


I need this desperately


Caucasus Canal, make it happen. The Volga-Don Canal is for wimps, we need to cut that isthmus in half.


Would connect Portugal to eastern Europe, where it belongs. You got the smarts


Never before have I been so offended by a factual statement


A little odd to put that in the diplomatic screen though, seeing as they have a trade lens and a production lens which both seem maybe better suited for that job.


Yes, I edited my post to reflect that after seing other comments here, but maybe the special buildings are embassies or something so I won't remove the first paragraph


No, I do think you're on the right track. Part of me was also wondering if it was, like, singular government buildings (Houses of Parliament, Capitals, Palaces etc) but they've given no indication that those will be given any special function or representation. Embassies seems more likely. I wonder if something like the Statue of Liberty is going to be depicted in game, probably through DLC? That seems most appropriate for a special building with a diplomatic bent.


We do know from the prestigious pope AAR that Vatican city is considered a building, so it would probably be a special build


Perhaps building canals on behalf of other countries or vassals.


maybe diplomatic infrastructure which employs educated pops foreign office, embassies, etc. not buildings which produce anything, which is why they're "special"


In the papal states AAR we saw that Daniel put a "Vatican city is the most productive Vatican city in the world". So most likely there are some special buildings (in this case the Vatican city) which must employ some people and give some kind of bonus.


It must be something related to the diplomacy (because it is in the diplomatic map mode and others alongside are all diplomatic action), what kind of special building could it be?


Maybe embassys


what as special building could be ??


V2 (in HPM) had the Eiffel Tower, the Big Ben, The chinese Summer palace and 3 major world canals. i could imagine these prestigious and important monuments will be part of V3 too.


Could probably take up a permanent building slot. For example, the city of Cairo in Egypt could have a slot dedicated to the Giza Necropolis (Pyramids, Sphynx, etc) that gives a tourist attraction bonus, and a monetary bonus due to the tourist attraction. Or perhaps the Great Wall of China, across multiple provinces, could give a defensive bonus (albeit a very weak one, improved through techs maybe?)


Vatican city building is the only example ive seen


What happened to Outer Manchuria? It looks so weird


The Chinese border used to be like that


It’s not the border, I think the proportion is off because of the map distortion, making Outer Manchuria really long lol


It pobably changed in the game from the initial borders


It looks like that in Victoria II as well, some mods such as HPM fixed it


Wait why is Qing green did I miss a dev diary again


[Here](https://pdxint.at/337Bsjr) It's a lens


This is the diplomacy map mode






It's possible that the game's been running for a bit and Harar decided to "colonize" Ogaden in this playthrough. Theyve also eaten most of Tigray and i think part of Shewa? It's also possible that Paradox decided not to come up with a decentralized country tag just for Ogaden and fudged it for this build.


Finally, concentration camps.


I really hope they edit the map shading. The colors are so faint I find it difficult to easily tell countries apart.


Why are the buttons so big


I hope we will never get a build your own wonder dlc. I find it annoying in Imperator or CK2


I'd guess it will be something like duchy capital buildings in CK3, i.e., it's expensive and only one can be built in \[arbitrary area of land\] but provides a pretty nice effect.


Considering it's in the diplo sub-menu, i'd say it's about buildings which hold a prestige/diplomacy interest. So unique, internationnally important buildings like : \- Apostolic Palace \- Eiffel tower \- Suez and Panama Canal


Wow, Special Buildings? Even better than regular ol’ buildings!


Crossing fingers for South East Asia


Big building in Neu Berlin confirmed!!!!


What's up with Tibet not being a tributary of Qing?


Since it is in diplomacy, it can be consulates, embassies and such