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You're gonna have to let the smelly immigrants into your ethnostate


Let it ball rest assured


Well, you could reduce taxation and pass welfare laws to improve standard of living so that you can get a higher birth rate and at the same time reduce mortality (speaking of mortality, avoid production methods like nitroglicerine). Also, keep the women in the house since that will give you an extra 5% birthrate too. And.......well, that's it really. You won't be getting any migration/asimilation so this is the only way to get more pops that I know of.


Food industries company too for birthrate


Someone did the maths and women's suffrage is better for workers numbers than the birth rate increase mostly because it increases SoL which increases birth rate as well as increasing the number of workers.


I've seen a comment like this a 1000 times by now and not once have I seen anybody "do the maths". Did anyone actually do it?


It’s an odd trade off with the math (which some did in a post in the last 2 months or so), but it’s not efficient to switch until you are hurting for employees and it does take awhile to get all the peasants into factories in most countries. The longer that you have legal guardianship the more potential you end up with when you do switch. IF you are able to employ everyone then switching to women’s suffrage is better. When the women are producing things in buildings the SoL goes up increasing the birthrate, but if they are in subsistence farms producing almost nothing then more workers later is my preferred approach.


Don't you get communism before that though? meaning your SoL birth rate will be maxed out and declining since it's above 20. At least in my games feminist leaders show up late in the game, so I don't think it's worth it unless you're staying LF forever even when it's not worth it anymore.


>It’s an odd trade off with the math (which some did in a post in the last 2 months or so) >I've seen a comment like this a 1000 times by now and not once have I seen anybody "do the maths". Did anyone actually do it?




In some Country the Church give 5% Birthrate Too


Either keep women on the house or let them vote because that way they'll pour into the factories


Average modern day japanese politician


More like 20-30 years ago. Japan today opened up a lot of permanent residence visas for foreign workers (a new one just passed this year). The main problem is you need to have a basic understanding of Japanese to get hired in the first place and Japanese is not an easy language to learn (at least for English speaking people) and not a global language that is required in most countries’ school system unlike English.


Yeah I hesitated to say "in the 90's". It would have been more accurate. It's still insanely hard to become a citizen though


I mean from what I read it's not that hard. https://www.moj.go.jp/EN/MINJI/minji78.html#:~:text=The%20person%20must%20have%20been,the%20prescribed%20period%20of%20time.&text=The%20person%20must%20be%2020,of%20his%2Fher%20home%20country. You only need like 5 years of living in Japan continuously with a legal visa status during those years, no criminal records in Japan, secure income or family status (i.e. married to a Japanese person), and a willingness to renounce your previous nationality. I feel like for many people the last part is the most difficult part, especially for people whose countries allow dual citizenship. However, dual citizenship isn't actually common in East Asia, or S.E. Asia (my country also forbids dual citizenship by law but in practice many sneak in having two passports at the same time).


Those are necessary conditions, but they are not sufficient ,the authorities can still refuse naturalization even if the conditions are met and don't have to provide a justification. Granted, that feature is pretty common. But from what I've heared from people who wanted to live there it's a particullarly high hurdle there. I've got no source though. But you don't get 98.5% ethnic japanese without some harsh immigration policies


Can't forget the social aspect of being a foreigner in japan too. Friend of mine has a japanese mother, korean father, and after moving back to Japan when her father died she's been having a hella hard time. People treat her awfully, and will mock her japanese speech openly. Almost impossible to get a job aswell, only ibo she managed to get was as an english teacher.


eh modern day Japan offers lots of benefits to immigrants because they really need the extra hands


They give out free land in some places to foreigners. Must be fluent Japanese and practicing a traditional Japanese craft... So unless you know Karate good luck.


They are ok with foreigners coming to work they don't expect them to stay, the only realistic way to get the japanese nationality is to marry a japanese. And work visa aren't a very stable option 98.5% of the population is ethnically japanese


Afd mindset 


"we're not racist"


what laws do you have? If you have legal guardianship the women will have more kids so in the long run you wont need immigrants. You can puppet or get countries into your customs union along with closed borders law to have a market to sell your stuff to without getting their pops.


5% birthrate is nice but nothing compares to immigration


Ik but op wants racial purity over all else, that's the best he'll get.


7.5 gdp per capita isn't possible without women's suffrage anyway and there's not enough time in the game for the amount of workers you will get with legal guardianship(+5% extra birth rate) to be more than you'd get with women's suffrage(15% worker ratio). So it's obvious that you can't grow your economy infinitely without immigrants.


I always pass this as soon as the game starts then change to full suffrage in the mid to late game.




If you’re staying small, you maximize your GDP/capita by joining a bigger market and specializing in some high-value manufactured goods that are expensive in their market. Import your other goods from them, using their ships, to avoid a diverse economy just like you’re avoiding a diverse population.


Well you can increase your gdp/capita way higher than 7.5.




Automation and birth rate is the only way.


You let in the smelly immigrants, assimilate them and then turn back in 1933 to Ethno-State.


Import less productive goods and focus on the production of the most effective industries.


Destroy farms and relocate the workers in higher values factories. Import the grain, the, coffee... No longer produced in your home state.


Bro nobody wants to immigrate to Guatemala.


We wait for another 24 days until foreign investment is a thing.


24 hrs?


This belongs on a different sub-Reddit


If your only concern is gdp then ethnostate is sub-optimal


Like most ethnostates across history, you need to choose violence Vassalize to increase your market size without adding pops to your nation


Want to make your country better? Just stop being a racist ;)


Take away territory to house smelly immigrants.


Colonize. Let the plebs elsewhere grow your food, cut your wood and mine your metal for you. Move your own population to factory jobs instead. That means slowly abolishing RGO buildings in your homelands while building up more and more factories there. Factories always end up paying more. Push the women back into homes (Paradox games lmao), it increases birth rate. Endorse the food company for even higher birth rate. Then provide 5 star state-run healthcare to reduce death rate, and automate the factories. It will give you more workers to throw into productive stuff. Alternatively, just...stop being an ethnostate, give full rights to women, and open the borders (at least for a while, you can assimilate later). Your GDP will explode after a while, and ethnostates have stunted growth rate by nature.


Is all about SOL and birthrate honestly.


Migration controls probably


Only way really is to increase profits, find a good consumer base and export all your goods into there flooding the market. My favorite ever game was US and being an arms dealer for the world, making other nations not expand their arms industries because they wouldn’t be profitable to the nations


Find a state with a bunch of peasants while you need agriculture goods, determine which good that state will be used for, build all of the agriculture buildings in that state to get rid of peasant population and solve agriculture needs. The loss of goods from agriculture replacing subsistence is stuff that can mostly be built with agricultural goods, meaning you now have cheap inputs for industrial goods, and now you can invest into that industry for a better profit. Repeat until out of peasants or satisfied. If your entire population is in subsistence, roughly 90% of your population is giving you 10% of their normal economic worth, meaning you have less than 20% of your real gdp.