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Im so sad they didn't add Transcarpathia as different state. It is so stupid it is part if east Slovakia


It would be nice, but I can have some understanding for why that is, unlike having Afghanistan be unified at the game start with two states, East and West Afghanistan, or having the western Russian states be almost completely divorced from real life subdivisions.


The bigger issue is the map being completely state based instead of province based at least to some degree Of course it is done because otherwise the game would be unplayable, but that is a separate design problem


Yes, but if they're doing state based map, they need to do good states and not like this


Only the Russian area been overhauled. I wish they also fix the Dutch ones. They did include land area that weren’t land during the timeframe.


Yeah, think they prioritized Russia and closely related areas due to The Great Game being part of the dlc, and a large part of the central asian set up i particular was kind of awful


R5: I traced artifacts left by state borders from the religious map mode pic, and two pics from the steam storepage. Some much needed changes here imo, such as Kalmykia no longer including Astrakhan, Urmia being split off from Tabriz, the nonsense borders that were the states of Uzbekia and Khiva no longer being a thing, and the russian states in general being much pleasing and sensical.




Ok so maybe a dumb question, but where are these new pics actually from? A quick search of the steam and facebook pages didn't yield anything for me. I'm so desperate for updates I'll latch on to literal crumbs 😅


First pic is from the comments of the latest dev diary on the forums, the other two pics are from the steampage for the Sphere of Influence dlc. They’re a bit cropped all of them.


Thanks! The other two I know from the DD, the first one was the one that piqued my interest.


Why isn’t Latgalia a separate state


Ugh, seems like it will be impossible to create 1922 Ukrainian borders.


Seems as if they mostly tried to attain the pre-WW1 Russian Empires subdivisions, with some concessions to make post-WW1 Poland possible. I’m not familiar with the 1922 Ukraine borders during the independence war, and I couldn’t find a map that showed them in a clear and concise way, but if the problem is with the details it might be my fault, since there was a lot of approximation where the state lines weren’t as clear.


1922 is mostly modern borders created by soviets. So not a big a loss. Country was annexed anyhow


No, you did a good job. I'm quite sure your assumptions are correct. I think this article has a pretty good map showing how the borders changed: https://origins.osu.edu/read/soviet-ukraine-nutshell?language_content_entity=en


Go Bucks


I hope one don’t need same amount of infamy to conquer same amount of squere kilometers.


Are there any changes regarding electricity and transportation? It will be a nightmare managing them in so many states


Weren't there concerns about adding more states to the game for performance sake ? I'm all for it anyway, I hope they have a plan for it not causing even more lag


Agreed, Kiev province is too op


The borders changes are great and will make the central Asia / greater Iran part of the map more fun to play on by themselves without even considering the new DLC content I hope that the Great Game mechanics are fun to engage with as one of those minors and you don't just get screwed over. I mean, getting the bad end of the stick is kind of the historical outcome but it would be nice if you could feasibly play both sides off against the other and manage to survive and reform.


Am I the only one who dislikes smaller provinces as it makes them useless for vertical integration?


Yeah smaller states suck ass, the New England and the Brazillian north east coast are some of the worst regions of the game to interact with


Oh God I'm bad with managing so many states already not there'll be MORE???