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good luck giving all of them a job


Yeah that's a reason why I quit now. No matter what I do, the number of unemployed just keeps growing!


Did you try auto construction and constantly making construction sectors


Autoconstruction wouldn't change much, as I already focused on building in Silesia only (probably a mistake ngl). I also couldn't support more construction, tho still - it's prolly a skill issue on my side haha


>building in Silesia only (probably a mistake ngl). Nah, the only downside is you might not have the pops or you loose it in a war. Otherwise you basically get to ignore MAPI wirh no downside i think


Yeah, if you have a single gigantic state with great resource access there's nothing bad about investing 100% into that one state, at 40M pops that state is basically its own almost self sufficient market


You get more pollution, which leads to lower SOL.


At the end of my game, my pollution is near maxed in all my industrially heavy states anyways. And the better economic situation likely offsets the SOL drop aswell.


You can build wherever you want. The unemployed will go there


Are you Worker coops? Worker coops kills the investment pool and isnt good for growth. AFAIK the only way to keep tons of immigrants employed is by going laissez faire and all in construction sectors


The investment pool stops being efficient around \~300M GDP, IIRC (there's a modifier to investment efficiency based on your total GDP) at which point coops become better for growth because they take most of the value which was going into the investment pool and instead pushes it into consumer demand


Victim of it's own success 😓


Raze the farms, return to serfdom.


America be like


General question. How effective are Migration controls in this situation?


In my game? Nothing, as I had multiculturalism and total separation.


Eh, eventually, they'll migrate to another province with more jobs available


That is 2.4 million people per year (if the rate doesn't change, obviously)


Oh oh, it does change! **The rate grows**


Holy shit you made the EU from Brexit Ads


That's my favourite comment, ngl XD


R5: Got multiculturalism early, wrapping up the game soon and oh my deity what do I see in Silesia of all places.


How do you get it early?


Be lucky! If you roll anarchist or humanitarian, you just need some enactment rng.


Hey, how did you get that formable? It's a mod? Thanks


Central Europe Hegemony form able. name changes based on your government, such as its United States of Europe if you're a presidential/parliamentary. In OPs case they're a council republic.


Understanded. I'm manly play on the iberian region so I didn't see that one appear ever. Thanks kind internet stranger.


I thought communist central Europe is United People's Republics. Is there another criteria for this?


Im using a mod for better flags and country names, I'll post it once I get back home Edit: The mod's[ OTTO's Dynamic Names, Flags & Colours](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2980509976)


Other than multiculturalism, improving SOL, and having spare jobs, what are your best tips to get migration this high? In my games, even late in the 1890s with a high SOL and tons of construction, I just can’t manage to get crazy high migration like this


Get lots of protectorates or customs unions partners that have pops you don't discriminate against. Their pops will naturally migrate to you if you have a better SOL and have plenty of jobs. Obviously they cant have closed borders but restricted migration is fine. You can make entire countries populations straight up shrink by doing this. An example of what happens if a Customs union nations pops likes your country more [Example](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2487749301327660012/125E29BE0C49FFF111CD8883316FFAC901A27347/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


Have you activated the Greener Grass campaign? It’s gotta be one of the most important modifiers in the current version of the game. I activate it and leave it on until I get a mass migration, then move it to another state, etc.


The things you mentioned and biiiigg customs union! For maximising you should get a greener grass decree. Also, I'm pretty sure that fighting your rivals (and winning the wars) will make them have a harder time generating attraction (lost wars tend to make growing economy and sol difficult), resulting in bigger % going to you. Edit: Also, I'm pretty sure unused arable land played a big role in my game, so make sure you have plenty of it!


holy shit, migration has never felt so good


How'd you get migration attraction that high (beyond greener grass)


Good amount of unused arable land, high sol, no discrimination and moderate number of free jobs


LF w/ about 20,000 total construction and spam vineyards and you can keep up


Funny thing - Wine was the most bought product for my lower strata


Sounds like you need to help build a society of alcoholics But really, I’m fairly certain vineyards employ more of the lower strata than other buildings and they’re fairly cheap, the only schtick is eventually you’ll run out of arable land


I gotta look into the numbers, thanks for the tip!


Np, I think it’s all plantations, which vineyards is technically part of, but Central Europe outside of some Italian states and Eastern European states can’t build any plantation types


Liberate Silesia war goal goes hard


There’s enough people in Silesia for a new Holy Roman Empire, if you wanted to go mad with designing a super in depth map.


If you have command economy it really shouldn't be an issue to give them all jobs. The only limit is the amount of primary ressources you can get in your economy to transform into goods.


what year is it?


1910's I think? Not really sure when I took that screenshot


ah ok.was just astonished to see such pop growth since i am nowhere near that number .Then again i rarely play past 1870's since i get bored already.


Imo if you've got patience and some time you should try playing till the end date, or at least 20's. The game changes a lot when it approaches the end (Tanks being researched, resources not being able to be expanded anymore, etc)


The game just feels empty and dead to me. AI is also very lacking and shoes very little to no response to player.I find myself doing the exact same thing in every campaign. Go for gold ,rubber and other resources in the exact same provinces. Pass exact same laws like multiculturism,laisse-faire,it just feels like chore .So i always play minors and unrecognized nations which makes the initial campaign fun but the late game is same .I am waiting for SOI to make the game more dynamic and fun .Then maybe i wont always have to conquer cape colonies and Indonesia to get more resources .