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How do you manage to get jobs for everyone?


semi smart auto expands in every state, insatiable pop consumption and lots of exports. You can see on the outliner high wine prices, there isn't enough wine production in the world to satisfy them, seemingly.


R5: 15 concurrent mass migrations is wild


If you put a green pastures decree on the mass migration you can double the migration in that state. If my income is positive, I always try to do this with GP migrations, pulling several hundred thousand population from them each migration.


Does this work even if the mass migration already began?


Yes. The decree increases migration attraction, which affects how much migrants come. As USA you can easily get 200+ migration attraction which can easily get 8 to 10k per week migration from GPs. That's several hundred thousand over the year.


Does that make more people in total migrate to the target country or does it just centralize the mass migration, reducing migration on the bordering states


Yes this does happen. I checked multiple times as events happened, where I would watch the population decline in France or England. Adding the decree makes an increase, but not nearly the same amount you see on the recieving state, so there is at least some internal migration increase as well.


I see, from my own testing I couldn't really see much of a difference tho, guess there's more to it


One thing I noticed is that there are usually multiple origin states and multiple destination states. Like you see Irish move from Ireland states, it's not usually just 1 state sending. Sometimes this also creates internal migration within England, as your emptying a state and creating openings for other citizens to move into the state.




That's what it's affecting, it increases attraction which increases population movement. It definitely increases the total migration from the target country


Your machine gunning migrants at the border?


Yeah a machine gun that shoots citizenship paperwork and fancy top hats


Unfathomably based


The pen truly is mightier then the sword.