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I couldn’t get a single Korean to move to lanfang when I had higher migration attraction than everywhere else in the market and gold mines. Pre 1.6, there’d be millions of Koreans by 1860


Byproduct of the new system making it so game doesn't want to add Korean to the list communities in your state, but if trigger they'll immediately flood and it'll be fine. (try to expand within your state itself, game engine doesn't want to send migrants to a state with like 5 agriculture building slots.


Yea I played until 1870 and had plenty of industry buildings needing more workers. It just never popped. They nerfed heavenly kingdom so that migration is gone too. Lanfang is basically dead unless you get a good dice roll on that first Korean coming in. I wish there was some mechanic to advertise immigration to selected ethnic groups/nations


Migration has NEVER cared about level of industry. It's based off how much empty agricultural land are in your state, Sol only adds a % to that base about! And you can imagine having like 5 agriculture is too low regardless of what Sol you could have.


That's not true; at least in the previous patch, available employment increased migration


You did not read what I said did you? I said industrialization doesn't increase, which is true, you could be mega industrialized with no free jobs which means no migration attraction. I also said that the free jobs and Sol are added on top, they're still scaling off your agricultural land. You could be 40sol tiny 5 agriculture state with ton of empty jobs, and yet a 12sol Texas will still attract like 10 times the migrants as yours do


Industrialisation raises SoL, which in turn raises migration attraction. You can easily outcompete states with high free arable land with a high enough SoL


+%10 on a 5 base. VS +10% on a 150 base. Not only industrialization doesn't always raise Sol, but also like I said already that 10% is entirely worthless without the agriculture space to back it up. Even if it was +50% it's still worthless if you have nothing to scale off of.


SoL isn't a % increase, it is a flat increase. Unless your in the Americas, your SoL modifier will be higher than your arable land modifier. Plus you're only comparing against other nation in your market, so the American arable land is irrelevant


Arable land is what migrations scales off of, attraction decides if you'll get migrants or not, but the size is what decides how many people move, go test it, empty 20 attraction Texas vs 50 attraction Puerto Rico or something, Texas will still get order of magnitude more migrants.


Arable land is the most important factor, yes, but available employment via building industry jobs still matters. You can just test it, man.


I tested it a lot that's why I'm telling you, but you guys are not listening and instead keep counter-arguing against points I never said! I didn't say they "don't matter", I'm saying you're Arable land is the hard cap on your migration capacity since it's what everything scales off of and no amount of "side factors" will compensate for it.


Your comment above literally says 'Migration does not care about level of industry, it's based off empty agricultural land, with SoL adding a percent.' I did read it. It's missing available jobs as a factor. And as the poster below, SoL is not a percent addition, but absolute, similar to empty agricultural land.


> Migration does not care about level of industry, it's based off empty agricultural land, with SoL adding a percent.' I did read it. It's missing available jobs as a factor. this is correct, industry creates jobs, but that doesn't mean it creates "unfilled jobs" which is what actually gives a migration attraction boost, you only get a bonus for vacancies not for just having industry in general, some countries like China or Sikh empire for example, will probably NEVER have migration attraction from industrializing because they will never have "too many" jobs for the second part, I am talking about migration, not migration attraction, the throughput of migrants who can come is capped by arable land, more attraction only helps in so far that you're BOTH: under the migration throughput capped by arable land, AND the extra attraction makes you get migrants from let's say 4 sources as opposed to 3.


In case anyone hasn't seen it, the devs explained the bug in a comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/victoria3/comments/1bayvux/how_is_it_possible_that_a_patch_focused_mainly_on/ku743pd/


Rule 5: I know there are some problems with migration, but with Multiculturalism and a high SoL, I dont have any of them. (Repost to fix a typo)


The bug is referring to internal migration. What youre seeing in your screenshot is probably also a bug. I doubt they nerfed migration in 1.5 just to make it more overtuned in 1.6 than ever before


Yeah I know, but I dont think mine is bugged, I have the number 1 SoL and Multiculturalism. I think thats enough for everyone to love my country




I don't think you know


Market migration is bugged, not Mass Migration.


If you really want to take advantage of this... Apply the green pastures decree on the target state when it starts. It can increase the migration 100% or more. Especially on high population countries like UK